Social Psych Exam 2

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The ABC's of social psychology are affect, behavior, and cognition. Put the three major concepts of chapter 5 in this ABC order by considering whether they correspond to affect, behavior, or cognition

Prejudice, discrimination, stereotype

Discuss three alternatives to cognitive dissonance theory

Self- perception theory, impression management theory, self-affirmation theory

Identify and explain the process whereby the source of a message gradually loses its impact over time

The sleeper effect states that a message will lose its impact over time if it was delivered by a credible source, this is because the message and source become disassociated over time. The person remembers the message but not the source, so source credibility wears off.

The tendency to perceive individuals who differ from expectations as even more different that they really are is called

a contrast effect

The physical attractiveness of a spokes model will have greater effect if the product is endorsed is

a hair care product

Impression management theory suggest that people change their attitudes to match their behaviors in an effort to

appear consistent

An unpleasant psychological state often aroused when people hold two conflicting cognition is called

cognitive dissonance

Social categorization is advantageous because it

frees up cognitive resources

Describe three mechanisms that help explain why stereotypes persists even when people are presented with stereotype-inconsistent information

illusory correlation theory, subtyping, conformation bias

realistic conflict theory proposes that

inter-group hostility arises from competition among groups for scarce but valued resources

People tend to perceive their in-group as relatively homogeneous when the in-group

is being threatened by by an out-group

According to the theory of planned behavior, one reason that a person's behavior might not be consistent with that person's attitudes is that the behavior

is determined by norms that are counter to the persons attitudes

The more products a celebrity endorses the

less trustworthy she becomes in the eyes of consumers

The mirrors in shopping malls may reduce shoplifting because

mirrors increase self-awareness, which makes negative attitudes towards shoplifting accessible

People high in cognition are

more likely to process a message along the central route

Stereotypes differ from prejudice and discrimination in that stereotypes concern

positive or negative beliefs about a social group

Negative feelings directed at others strictly because of their membership in a particular social category is called


Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are

problematic world-wide

One potential problem with self-report measure is that

respondents might not respond truthfully

The idea that we infer our own attitudes by coolly observing ourselves and the circumstances of our behavior is most consistent with

self-perception theory

The most direct and straightforward way to assess an attitude is through the use of

self-report measures

The theory planned behavior posits that behavior is a function of attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral intentions and

the amount of control we perceive to have over our behavior

Sociocultural factors that influence stereotyping include all of the following except

the effects of priming

All of the following are mechanisms that perpetuate stereotypes except

the jigsaw classroom

The process by which a person is persuaded by cues in the persuasion context rather than thinking critically about the content of a persuasive message is called

the peripheral route to persuasion

Describe two ways in which gender stereotypes are strengthened and maintained

through institutions and social roles, division of labor. discriminate against women and aging

Attitudes are best understood as

varying in strength along both positive and negative dimensions

An attitude is implicit if

you are not aware of it

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