Social psycho final exam part 2

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As predictors of long-term relational success go

Closeness is more important than positive feelings

Sam is feeling some psychological tension because he has always claimed to hate reality shows, but he can't help but binge episodes of the reality show Mob Wives. The tension Sam is feeling can be described as ________________.

Cognitive dissonance

Julia and John have been married for 40 years. The initial excitement they felt during the early years of their relationship has faded, but they tell each other everything and think of each other as best friends. The feelings that Julia and John have for one another would be described as _____________ love


___________ occurs when negative emotions caused by one person trigger aggression toward a different person.

Displaced aggression

Altruism could best be defined as:

Helping someone with no expectation of reward.

One solution to various social dilemmas is the tit-for-tat strategy. This means:

Initially choosing the cooperative option, then doing whatever the opponent does.

After watching a scary movie, you scold your children out of proportion to their behavior. This is likely because of:

Misattribution of emotion

Because it is easier to remember information that confirms what we know than information that disconfirms what we know, stereotypes:

Tend to be persistent.

According to research by Rhodes, Simmons, & Peters (2005), attractiveness in women is related to ________

the number of long-term, but not short-term, partners she has

According to research by Rhodes, Simmons, & Peters (2005), attractiveness in men is positively related to ________

the number of short-term, but not long-term, partners he has

Which of the following has not been a focus of research into when people help others?

the physical distance between the bystander and the emergency

Which of the following emotional prejudices might a person be most likely to experience in response to another person who is high in warmth but low in competence?


Bettie and Verona used to be best friends, but Bettie got angry when Verona didn't come to her birthday party. Since then, Bettie has been spreading rumors about Verona. Bettie is engaging in ________ aggression.


If you want someone's help, which tactic will improve your odds of success?

Catch them feeling guilty.

Which of the following is NOT true about social categorization?

Categorizing people into groups uses up more cognitive resources than considering them as individuals.

Education reduces prejudice, at least partly by:

Changing social norms.

Which of the following sources of a message would be MOST likely to be perceived as trustworthy?

A senator arguing that senators should receive lower salaries

According to research on cognitive dissonance, which of the following fraternity initiations would be most likely to increase new members' enthusiasm for the fraternity?

A severe initiation that involved considerable time and effort for the new members

We all have free access to grazing commons. But if we all graze our cattle there, the land cannot support us. This presents us with:

A social dilemma.

Which of the following is associated with higher levels of aggressive behavior?

Abnormalities in the frontal lobe of the brain

For a person of any minority group, discrimination:

Affects potentially everything from mild inconveniences to increased risk of mortality.

According to the theory of planned behavior, which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the link between attitudes and behavior?

All of these affect the attitude-behavior link

Which of the following research findings, if true, would support an evolutionary explanation for aggression?

All of these support an evolutionary explanation

If evolutionary explanations for altruism are correct, we would expect:

Altruism increases in likelihood the more the helper and the helped are related.

Children who are frequently spanked most likely

Become more aggressive.

Differences in physical violence between genders is best explained by:

Biology, psychology, and sociology.

Open, positive communication:

Can be used to coordinate effective cooperation.

Testosterone levels in humans correlate with levels of aggression. However:

Correlation does not infer causation.

____________ refers to an emotional response in which someone understands, and even feels, another person's emotions and experiences events the same way as the other person.


People who feel good about themselves:

Express less prejudice.

If female preference for high-status rather than attractive men has more to do with sociological factors than evolutionary ones, which finding would be expected?

In more egalitarian, less sexist societies, women would focus less on social status than women in less egalitarian, more sexist societies.

In addition to evolutionary psychology explanations for aggression, one ought to consider:

Individual differences, culture, and circumstances

A person grew up in Denver and likes the local football team. At an airport, they see one person wearing their team colors and another person wearing an opposing teams colors. When they have positive feelings about the first person and negative feelings about the second, the Denver native has shown:

Ingroup favoritism.

_____________ occurs when the social situation actually causes our behavior, but we don't realize that the situation was the cause.

Insufficient justification

The strength of our liking or loving of another person is

Interpersonal attraction.

A public good:

Is accessible to everyone regardless of their contributions.

A person who keeps a gun in the home

Is more likely than average to be killed with a gun.

Person one has a choice to behave cooperatively or competitively. Person two encourages cooperative cooperation. Person one:

Is more likely to behave cooperatively.

Jacob sees a motorist stranded on the side of the road. Which of the following factors will make Jacob MORE likely to help the motorist?

It's a deserted road and other cars are unlikely to pass by and see the stranded motorist.

The "Dark Triad of Personality," a clustering of personality traits that are associated with aggression, include narcissism, psychopathy, and ________.


Which of the following decisions is likely to result in the MOST post-decisional dissonance?

Kate really wants to purchase a blue dress and a yellow dress, but can only afford to purchase one of those dresses

Keiko is three years old. She has a habit of shoving other children and taking their toys. Which is the likeliest explanation of this behavior?

Keiko has not yet developed self-control

Aggressive children seem to be:

Less lonely than their nonaggressive peers

In terms of aggression and gender:

Males tend to be more violent, while females tend to use more relational aggression such as rumors

Each of the people below has behaved in an aggressive manner and was punished for that behavior. For which person would the punishment be most likely to reduce that person's aggression in the future?

Maria, who was punished right after she engaged in the aggressive behavior.

According to research on attributions for responsibility and helping, in which of the following situations is help MOST likely to be provided?

Marisol is sick with the flu and too exhausted to get out of beShe asks her roommate to take care of cleaning and other chores around the apartment.

When it comes to gender differences in attraction

Men prioritize the attractiveness of women more than women do men.

A child sees an adult mistreating a doll. When given the doll to play with, the child mistreats it the same way. This demonstrates:


Three ways to solve conflicts:

Negotiate, mediate, arbitrate.

Stereotyping usually occurs:

Outside our consciousness, making it hard to change.

According to research on attributions for responsibility and helping, in which of the following situations is help LEAST likely to be provided?

Over the past week, Nicole has spent a large amount of time at work browsing Facebook. At the end of the week, she realizes she doesn't have enough time to finish a project that is due Friday. She asks a co-worker for help with the project.

Genetics theories:

Partly explain aggression.

Which of the following is the BEST example of emotional or spontaneous aggression?

Patricia viciously insults a friend she believes has betrayed her.

Which group is most likely to show ingroup favoritism?

Political conservatives.

Which of the following is TRUE about the effect of mood on helping behavior?

Positive and negative moods both make people more likely to help others.

Physically attractive people tend to be seen as

Possessing a range of positive qualities

The feeling of regret that may occur after we make an important decision that has us choosing between two very desirable alternatives is referred to as _______________.

Post-decisional dissonance

The more we help other people, the more other people help us. The word for this theory is:

Reciprocal altruism.

The biblical verse "do unto others as you would have them do to you" invokes the _______ norm.


What is the difference between Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and Right-Wing Authoritarianism?

SDO concentrates on economic conflicts while Right-wing Authoritarianism concentrates on value conflicts.

_______________ is when we use our own behavior as a guide to help us determine our thoughts and feelings.

Self perception

Mike just met Maria. He's not sure how much he likes her, but he notices that he has gone out of his way to help her on a few occasions. He concludes that he probably does like Maria. Mike's attribution for his feelings about Maria is due to _____________.

Self-perception theory

In terms of factors leading to long-term relationship satisfaction, same sex marriages are

Similar to opposite-sex marriages

Small groups manage resources better than large groups. Individuals manage resources better than small groups. This is probably because of:

Social loafing or free riding.

Which of the following is the BEST example of instrumental or cognitive aggression?

Someone tries to steal Yasmine's purse and she uses the purse to hit her mugger in the head.

The fear that one will confirm or be reduced to a stereotype about one's group is referred to as ________.

Stereotype threat

One barrier to cooperative behavior is:

The tendency to interpret the behavior of others as competitive.

If you want someone's help, which tactic will improve your odds of success?

Subtly mimic their behavior.

When we have spent a lot of resources such as time and sacrifice on a relationship, we might be reluctant to leave it even though the relationship is not optimal. This is called

Sunk-cost bias.

In a classic study demonstrating cognitive dissonance, Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) asked participants to engage in an extremely boring task. Participants in one condition were paid $20 to lie to the next participant and tell them the study was enjoyable. Another group of participants was paid $1 to tell this lie. A control group was not asked to lie. Afterwards, which group privately reported that they enjoyed the boring task the MOST?

The $1 group

Mrs. Bartholomew, a kindergarten teacher, notices that her class of 12 students has divided itself into two rival groups of 6 children each. In order to reduce hostility between the two groups of children, she tells all 12 that they are part of a team that will work together on a project to compete with other classes. Mrs. Bartholomew's method of reducing tension between the children in her class is MOST consistent with _________.

The common ingroup identity model

In a negotiation:

The conflicting parties formally work together to resolve the conflict.

A waiter spills milk on two customers. One perceives the spill as accidental, the other as purposeful. Which is more likely to become aggressive:

The customer who thinks the waiter acted aggressively.

In a study by Lepper and colleagues (1973), preschool children were given an opportunity to play with markers. The "expected reward" group was told they would receive a good player award for playing with the markers and received the awarThe "unexpected reward" group received the good player award, but were not told ahead of time that they would receive it. The "no reward" group neither expected nor received any reward for playing with the markers. Two weeks later the researchers returned and measured how long the children chose to play with the markers. Which group of children showed the LEAST interest in the markers two weeks later?

The expected reward group

An audience is more likely to use thoughtful processing of a persuasive message when

The topic of the message has personal relevance to the audience

The payoff matrix is part of:

The prisoners' dilemma.

Two groups who dislike each other have a problem neither group can solve alone. After working together on their problem, the interdependence theory suggests:

They will like each other more.

Older people probably prefer the music of their own generation because

They've heard it more than newer music

We get our stereotypes:

Through many sources, making it difficult to prevent the process.

If you feel guilty and wish to diminish the feeling, you should:

Wash your hands.

Which of the following is true about ingroup favoritism?

We tend to make trait attributions in a way that favors ingroups over outgroups.

We probably help because:

We want to help, and we want to feel good.

Mr. Roper, the landlord of a building needs to convince the tenants at his properties that he must raise the rent by 30%. He is hiring someone to promote the idea and to develop arguments for it. Would he need to use a different strategy if the audience consisted of tenants living in the building that will see the rent increase than if the audience consisted of tenants living in a building unaffected by the rent increase?

Yes. If the audience consists of tenants whose rent will increase, the quality of the arguments will matter more than the expertise of the person promoting the idea.

You are more likely to fall in love with someone in your class if

You work with them in multiple classes

Three determinates of beauty are

Youth, symmetry and familiarity

What is a heuristic?

a mental shortcut that enables a person to make decisions and solve problems quickly and efficiently

A belief that characterizes people based merely on group membership is __________.

a stereotype

Jason believes that all Asian people are good at math. What is this belief an example of?

a stereotype

Which of the Big Five personality dimensions, which is defined by being sympathetic, generous, forgiving, and helpful, has received in-depth research regarding its relationship to prosocial behavior?


The desire to help a partner without an expectation of reward, even if such actions bring potential cost to the helper, is called ________.


In a moment of despair, Azucena swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills to try to kill herself. Thankfully her father found her, took her to the hospital, and she was rescued. Why wouldn't this action be considered an act of aggression?

because she actively sought to harm herself

Which term, when applied to aggression, refers to the idea that acting aggressively or viewing such behaviors can purge angry feelings and impulses into harmless channels?


The ________ route to persuasion employs direct, relevant, and logical messages to convince a listener to make a specific change


While reading a magazine Juan notices an advertisement for tennis shoes. Juan is very interested in reading about the materials the shoes are made out of and logically concludes the tennis shoes would be a good purchase. Juan was likely in which persuasion route?


One beach in Malibu, California has been available to beachgoers for years without restriction, but lately so many people have visited it that it has become dirty and littered. As a result nobody wants to go anymore. This beach is an example of a _________.

common-pool resource

What are the possible actions that a person can take when involved in the prisoner's dilemma?

cooperate or defect

The coordination of multiple partners toward a common goal that will benefit everyone involved is a working definition of _________.


After hours of playing violent video games, Josh reacts less to a real life fight that breaks out on the street, as compared to his friend Jarrod who has been playing a nonviolent puzzle game. Josh's response to the real life violence is likely due to ________________.


Oscar would like to go to a movie without supervision. To try and get what he wants, he starts by asking his mom if he can go on a trip to the Rollercoaster Park with just his friends. When his mom says no, like he predicted, he goes on to ask if he can at least go to the movies by himself. Oscar's strategy in asking to go to the movies is an example of what persuasion trick?


"In order to want to help other people, you must first imagine yourself in their situation and feel their pain." This statement summarizes the ________ model of prosocial behavior.


The hostile ________ bias occurs when a person assumes that other people will react to potential conflicts with aggressive responses.


Which of the following is not a part of the proposed "triad of trustworthiness?"


The peripheral route to persuasion takes advantage "trigger features" that activate sequential behavior in animals and humans. What is this sequence of behavior called?

fixed action patterns (FAPs)

Latroya, Gary, and Katelyn are assigned to work together in their psychology class. Latroya and Gary are very organized, and start working right away. Katelyn decides that she doesn't have to put forth any effort because the other two will do the job well-enough. If she gets a high grade without contributing to the project, she has demonstrated the ________ problem.


When Vincent attends a job interview dresses in a suit and tie. He is very attractive in appearance. The interviewer has an immediate impression that Vincent is intelligent and competent. This is an example of the attractiveness ________ effect


Annette has provided assistance to others in the past and believes she can be useful to other people. As a result, she is more likely to than others to provide assistance to others in the future. Annette would rate high on a measure of _______.


When it comes to attraction, physicality

is very important

A traditional tribe in Myanmar has a cultural preference for people with long necks. What explains this preference?

long necks are thought to resemble a mythical dragon that spawned them

Amir asks a friend if he can help him move some boxes into his new apartment. After the friend agrees, Amir reveals that the boxes contain heavy books and the apartment is a 5th floor walk-up. Amir is using the _____ technique


A child sees an adult mistreating a doll. When given the doll to play with, the child mistreats it the same way. This demonstrates


Dr. Milan is conducting research on attractiveness. She uses a computer program to design a face that is a combination of many different facial features. The resulting face is called a(n) ________ and can be changed in small ways by the researcher


When he was in elementary school, Joachim loved to reaHowever, when he got to middle school, he was rewarded by his teachers every time he finished a book. Eventually, Joachim came to attribute his prolific reading habits to his desire to get the reward, and not to his interest in reading for its own sake. This is an example of __________.


Those with an avoidant attachment style have _____ feelings about the self, but ______ feelings about connecting with others

positive; negative

Diana and Paul decide to rob a fast food restaurant together but both are caught by the police. They are questioned in separate rooms and each is given the choice to reveal their participation or to stay quiet. If they are promised a lighter sentence for being cooperative and a harsher sentence for refusing to confess, they are engaged in the ________.

prisoner's dilemma

Engaging in actions that benefit another person is called ________behavior.


According to ________ theory, people tend to categorize each other into groups and then show favoritism to their own group.

social identity

The ____________ norm is that we should try to help others who need assistance, even without any expectation of future paybacks.

social responsibility

Which of the following would be good advice for treating aggressive tendencies

start the treatment young, when people are still malleable and open to change

According to _____________, prejudice can be reduced if members of hostile groups interact with one another.

the contact hypothesis

Sherrie saw a comment posted by an acquaintance on Twitter, claiming that citrus fruit causes acne. She didn't have much faith in this particular claim, given the source. A few weeks later, Sherrie remembered that she had heard somewhere that citrus fruit causes acne, but couldn't remember the source. She decided that maybe it would be a good idea for her skin to avoid citrus fruit. Sherrie's attitude toward the information changed due to _____________.

the sleeper effect

Which of the following is a true statement regarding aggressive behaviors?

they may have been adaptive in our ancient past

Which of the following techniques is used to test a person's social value orientation in a laboratory?

using a decomposed game.

In perhaps the most famous study ever conducted in social psychology, approximately ______ of men studied were willing to administer a lethal shock of electricity to a helpless victim when they were ordered to do so by a person who appeared to be in a position of authority.


Jabon is given $50 to do with as he sees fit. He can decide how much to give to Alisa. Alisa can accept Jabon's money offer, or she can reject it. If she accepts it they both keep those amounts, but if she rejects it neither gets to keep any money. This situation is an example of the ________.

ultimatum game

Which word would be the best synonym for "empathy?"


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