Social Psychology test 1

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The "ABC's of the self" refer to affect, behavior, and cognition. Which of these three concepts is the most relevant to the idea of self-esteem?


The normative pressure to conform to a majority is reduced by

An ally

Impression management theory suggests that people change their attitudes to match their behaviors in an effort to

Appear consistent

An attitude is implicit if you

Are not aware of it

Many participants in the social influence study conducted by ______ gave public responses that they privately knew to be inaccurate.


A group of theories that describe how people explain the causes of behavior is known as

Attribution theory

The tendency to think that most victims of Hurricane Sandy were irresponsible and naive for not evacuating their homes before the storm hit is most likely to result from which of the following tendencies?

Belief in a just world

Bella is a teacher who suspects that a student is trying to deceive her. Under which of the following conditions does Bella have the best chance of being accurate in her attempts to detect whether or not the student is lying?

Bella asks the student to recount her story in reverse chronological order.

Mara pays close attention to the quality of the speaker's arguments in making up her mind on an issue. She is demonstrating

Central route to persuasion

An unpleasant psychological state often aroused when people hold two conflicting cognitions is called

Cognitive dissonance

The tendency to alter thoughts, feelings, and behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms is called


Which of the following reflects the primary question underlying the correspondent inference theory?

Does an observer infer that an actor's behavior corresponds with the actor's personality?

Ellen is at the mall doing some shopping when she runs into one of her closest friends, Vicki. Vicki is with a friend visiting from out of town and introduces that friend to Ellen. Research on impression formation suggests that

Ellen's affection for Vicki will make her tend to like Vicki's friend

Vito finished first in the school spelling bee, Fabrizio finished second, and Luigi finished third. The first-place winner gets a cash prize and the opportunity to compete at the regional spelling bee, but the others get nothing. Which of the following is most likely to occur?

Fabrizio will engage in more counterfactual thinking than Luigi.

Based on research on counterfactual thinking, in which of the following scenarios is Jamal most likely to wonder what life might have been like had he been richer?

Financially, Jamal is in the upper-middle class. His parents were slightly wealthier.

Which of the following experimental procedures would a researcher investigating stereotype threat be least likely to use?

Having women complete a math test

LeBron is eating at a restaurant on a first date when his date spills spaghetti all over his lap. Which of the following conclusions would LeBron be most likely to draw if he commits the fundamental attribution error?

His date is a slob

Fritz is a social psychologist who specializes in studying the processes of social perception. Given this interest, Fritz is least likely to specialize in which of the following research questions?

How are consumers influenced in their choices by the packaging and positioning of different products?

Which of the following is a risk for stigmatized targets?

Increased risk for long-term physical and mental health problems

Measuring attitudes by assessing physiological arousal tends to identify the _____ but not the _____ of the attitude.

Intensity; direction

In comparison to obedience and compliance, conformity

Involves less direct pressure from others

Kira hates her calculus class. As a social psychologist, which of these tactics would you recommend to help improve her mood during class?

Kira should force herself to smile throughout class

Cialdini et al. (1991) observed participants in a clean or cluttered parking garage and found that participants were most likely to litter when they observed a confederate

Litter in a cluttered garage

The unspoken rule dictating that we should treat others as they have treated us is called the

Norm of reciprocity

In terms of autobiographical memory, to what does the phrase "reminiscence peak" refer?

Older adults tend to retrieve a large number of memories from adolescence and early adulthood than other periods of life.

One factor that did not seem related to the amount of obedience exhibited in the Milgram obedience study was the

Participant's sex

In the Jones and Harris (1967) study, participants read essays presumably written by another student that had either been assigned or chose to write in support of a particular position. Which of the following statements is consistent with the findings of this study?

Participants were more likely to infer the student's attitude from the essay if they believed it was a chosen topic rather than assigned.

Which of the following is supported by research on deception?

People are more accurate at detecting deception if they focus on body movements rather than facial expressions

Which of the following statements best describes our current state of knowledge regarding social perception?

People frequently exhibit bias in their perceptions of others. However, their biases do not necessarily result in inaccurate impression formation.

A stereotype exists in many cultures that men are better than women at math. Ramya is about to take a diagnostic achievement test in math. According to research on stereotype threat, under which of the following conditions is Ramya most likely to preform poorly on the test?

Ramya is asked to indicate her gender at the beginning of the test

Which of the following is an embodiment effect in social perception?

Rating a target as having a warm personality while holding a cup of hot tea.

The idea that we infer our own attitudes by coolly observing ourselves and the circumstances of our behavior is most consistent with

Self-perception theory

The most direct and straightforward way to assess an attitude is through the use of

Self-report measures

The ways in which people are affected by the real or imagined presence of others is called

Social Influence

Sociologists vs social psychologists

Sociologists tend to study societal level variables, whereas social psychologists focus on more specific and immediate variables Social psychology studies human behavior at the level of the individual, whereas sociology studies human behavior at the group level Social psychologists and sociologists often study the same issues and publish in the same journals

According to correspondent inference theory, in which of the following situations would a personal attribution be most appropriate?

Steve, a world-renowned playboy, joins a monastery and takes a vow of celibacy.

The tendency to unconsciously mimic the nonverbal behavior of others is called

The chameleon effect

What do psychologists mean when they describe a judgment of another person as based on "thin slices?"

The judgment was based on a very limited behavior sample.

Based on the research of Todorov and others (2008), which facial expression will be perceived as most trustworthy?

U shaped mouth with raised eyebrows

Which of the following is the best example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

When minority candidates perform more poorly in interviews because interviewers act on their expectations that these candidates are unprepared

Research on stereotype threat suggests that under-performance by African-Americans in academic settings may be due to

a fear of confirming negative stereotypes of African-Americans.

Research on stereotype threat suggests that underperformance by Blacks in academic settings may be due to

a fear of confirming negative stereotypes of Blacks.

Herman remembers exactly what he was doing and where he was when he first heard about the terrorist attacks. Brown and Kulik (1977) would refer to this vivid image as

a flashbulb memory

Saniqua plans to use a self report measure in which people indicate their agreement or disagreement with a list of statements. She is suing

a likert scale

Jerry makes frequent eye contact with the person to whom he is talking. This is most likely to elicit

a positive impression if the person to whom Jerry is talking is a friend, and a negative impression if this person is an enemy.

According to research by Crocker and colleagues (1991), African-American students who positive interpersonal feedback from Caucasian student experienced

a reduction in self-esteem

Vernell is being interviewed for a job. Though it isn't really true, the interviewer suspects that Vernell is incompetent. Because the interviewer doesn't expect much from Vernell, he sits far away from her during the interview, interrupts her frequently, and seems distracted when she speaks. As a result, Vernell becomes nervous, starts to stutter, and loses her train of thought several times. The interviewer's final impression is that Vernell is, as he suspected, incompetent. This impression is most likely the result of

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

All of the following could be categorized as sources of "raw data" for social perception except

accounts given by others about a person.

The research of Lee Jussim (2012) suggests that teachers' impressions of their students are

accurate and predict student performance without influencing it.

Which of the following has been demonstrated by research examining the role of culture attribution process?

adults in western cultures are more likely to make the fundamental attribution error than those in eastern cultures

The process of predicting how one will feel in response to future events is called

affective forecasting

Research by Gray and colleagues (2007) has indicated two dimensions on which people "perceive minds." These dimensions are referred to as

agency and experience

Social psychologists use the scientific method when they study human behavior in order to

allow other social psychologists to attempt to replicate the findings

Attitudes are useful because they

allow us to judge whether something we encounter is good or bad

Attitudes are useful because they

allow us to judge whether something we encounter is good or bad.

Characteristics of research in social psychology between the 1930s and 1950s?

an emphasis on the application of social psychology to practical concerns attention to the topics of conformity and prejudice the use of experimentation in research

Because of his research on practical issues, such as the research he conducted in the 1940's concerning promotion of more economical and nutritous eating habits, Kurt Lewin could be considered one of the founders of

applied social psychology

A study that examines existing records or databases is referred to as an

archival study

Research has shown that the strength of first impressions is even greater for individuals who

are high in need for closure

The importance of nonverbal behavior when it comes to social perception can be seen by the fact that email messages

are often misinterpreted especially when the writer is trying to be funny or sarcastic

The importance of nonverbal behavior when it comes to social perception can be seen by the fact that e-mail messages

are often misinterpreted, especially when the writer is trying to be funny or sarcastic.

According to social identity theory, people display ingroup favoritism

as a means of increasing self-esteem.

Implicit personality theories suggest that if we know Yael is an extrovert, we would

assume she also possesses other traits related to extroversion

What distinguishes social psychology from other specialties in psychology is its

attention to the influence of situational context on behavior

Social psychology differs from history and philosophy in its

attention to the scientific method

The theory of how poeple explain others behavior is known as

attribution theory

According to the two-step model of the attribution process, people make an

automatic first step of making a personal attribution, and then an effortful second step of considering situational factors.

Estimates of the probability that an event will happen based on the ease with which one can recall previous instances of this event reflect the

availability heuristic

You are asked what percentage of psychology majors at your school are female. If you answer this question by thinking of how many female psychology majors come to mind quickly, you are relying on the

availability heuristic

The finding that moderately positive traits can dilute the impact of extremely positive traits on impressions is most consistent with the

averaging model of impression formation.

Justin falls asleep during a movie that he has been waiting all week to see. if he relies on self-perception to determine his feelings about the movie, he will most likely decide that

b. he found the movie to be quite boring

Causation cannot be inferred from correlatonal studies because

b. they do not involve the manipulation of variables

In preparation for an interview, Martin Seligman described the state of psychology today in all of the following ways EXCEPT


Todd considered to have a baby face, and Martin, viewed as having more mature features, are both being interviewed for the same position in a bank. which og the following is the most probable outcome?

because of his more mature features, Martin will be recommended for the position

Kelley's theory of attribution suggests that, in trying to discern personal characteristics from behavioral evidence, people

behave like scientists and engage in informal experiments.

Which of the following psychological processes best explains why it is that people sometimes react to news of a natural disaster or violent crime with something less than full sympathy on behalf of the victims?

belief in a just world

A football coach who clings to old strategies that are ineffective a lawyer who selects juries according to false stereotypes, and a political leader who does not withdraw support for a failing program are all exhibiting

belief perseverance

A baseball manager who clings to old strategies that are ineffective, a lawyer who selects juries according to false stereotypes, and a political leader who does not withdraw support for a failing program are all exhibiting

belief perseverance.

Affectionate feelings towards women based on the belief that women need protection are referred to as

benevolent sexism

Denrell's (2005) explanation for the persistence of negative first impressions is that when we meet someone and do not like them, we tend to reduce the opportunity for future interaction, which allows the first impression to remain stable and relatively crystallized. This notion is called

biased experience sampling.

Self-report measures and observational measures are similar in that both

can be influenced by desirability concerns.

Cross-cultural studies by Carl Faulk, and colleagues (2009), in which self-rating by canadian and japanese participants were compared, indicated that

canadian participants endorsed more positive traits about the self that did japanese participants

Negative information about a target

causes electrical activity in different areas of the brain than positive or neutral information.

While watching the presidential debate on television, Matilda critically evaluated the arguments made by each candidate and was persuaded to support a particular candidate because of the quality of her arguments. Matilda exhibited

central route persuasion

People's spontaneous self-descriptions are most likely to include

characteristics that set them apart from others in the immediate vicinity

Psychologists tend to refer to a culture that values the virtues of interdependence and social harmony as


The tendency to alter perceptions, opinions, and behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms is called


A factor other than the independent variable that varies between conditions of an experiment is a


When _____ is low, it is difficult for the perceiver to attribute behavior to either the person or the stimulus; instead, the best that can be said is that the behavior was caused by transient circumstances.


In principle, the purpose of random sampling is to make sure that research participants

constitute a representative sample from the population of interest

"If only i hadn't called brian when i was in a bad mood" whines jenny, "maybe we wouldnt have had that fight and broken up" jennys statement most clearly reflects

counter-factual thinking

Britney wonders if she would have been happier had she married Justin instead of Kevin. This illustrates

counterfactual thinking.

Which of the following traits would produce the most extreme impression of a target?


Operational definitions:

define concepts in terms of how they will be measured.

According to self-discrepancy theory, experiencing negative emotions. such as anxiety or depression, is often caused by the

degree of incongruity among the actual, ought, and ideal selves.

The primary goal of using correlational research is to

determine the nature and strength of the association between two measured variables.

One way of defending our belief in a just world when we observe a victim suffering is to

disparage the victim

According to kellys discounting principle when trying to understand the behavior of others, we should discount____ explanation for their behavior when ____ explanations are available or known

dispositional; situational

According to Gilbert's two-step model of social perception, distraction should make the fundamental attribution error more likely to happen because it

does not interfere with the automatic process of making personal attributions, but does interfere with the more difficult process of making adjustments for situational factors.

The "hot" perspective in social psychology emphasizes ___, whereas the "cold: perspective emphasizes ___.

emotion, cognition

Floyd Allport's social psychology text, published in 1924, is credited with

establishing the field's emphasis on the scientific method.

Cross-cultural differences in the perception of nonverbal behavior are least prevalent in which of the following types of judgments?

evaluation of emotions and facial features

The process by which we form an attitude toward a neutral stimulus because of its association with a positive or negative person, place, or thing is called

evaluative conditioning

Research suggests that people seem to commit the fundamental attribution error

even when they are aware of the situational constraints of the behavior.

A hypothesis is a(n)

explicit testable prediction about the conditions under which an event will occur.

Social perceivers are most likely to agree in their judgments of which of the following traits?


Sam Gosling (2008) found that social perceivers often form impressions of people based on all of the following

facebook pages pitch of their voice objects found in their office

Hassin and Trope's (2000) study of physiognomy found that participants assigned traits to others based on their

facial features

The concepts of ostracism and conformity are related in that

failure to conform can lead to ostracism.

According to gilberts cognitive busyness explanation for errors in attribution, dispositional attributions result from

failure to correct our initial attribution for behavior

The base-rate fallacy reflects

failure to use consensus information

When comparing social psychology to sociology, a major difference is the

focus on the individual or the group

Priming refers to the tendency

for recently used concepts to come to mind easily and influence the interpretation of new information

Priming refers to the tendency

for recently used concepts to come to mind easily and influence the interpretation of new information.

A target's "gaze disengagement" tends to lead perceivers to

form a negative impression of a target.

Social categorization is advantageous because it

frees up cognitive resources

Social categorization is advantageous because it

frees up cognitive resources.

Tendency to underestimate situational influences on others behaviors and to overestimate dispositional influences in known as the

fundamental attribution error

You hear Tiger Woods doing a radio commercial for Buick. Even though you know that Woods did not write the commercial himself, was paid to provide the voice-over for the commercial, and probably does not drive a Buick in real life, you still think that at some level, at least, Woods must think highly of Buicks. This is an example of

fundamental attribution theory

Social psychologists use descriptive research in order to describe

general patterns and trends in the variables of interest

According to Warneken and Tomasello (2008), how can moms best encourage their young toddlers to help them out?

give no reward at all

According to the dual-process approach to understanding minority influence

group majorities and minorities exert their influence in very different ways.

Sociologists tend to study behavior at the ________ level, whereas social psychologists study behavior at the _______ level.

group, individual

The original Milgram obedience study

has been followed up by a number of additional studies that have varied specific aspects of the research situations

According to both video clips shown in class, the happiest people are people who

have more social connections

Given behavior that is high in consistency which of these patterns of information leads to a situational attribution

high distinctiveness, high consensus

According to the covariation principle, a situational attribution is most likely to result when consistency is _____, consensus is _____, and distinctiveness is _____.

high, high, high

Gender stereotypes are prescriptive. This means that gender stereotypes

identify what men and women should be like.

Interpersonal credits a person earns by following group norms are called

idiosyncrasy credits

The tendency to overestimate the extent to which members of stereotyped groups posess

illusory correlations

A network of assumptions that people make about the relationships among traits and behaviors is called

implicit personality theory

The process of integrating information about a person to form a coherent impression is called

impression formation

Which of the following statements concerning correlational research is true?

in correlational research, variables are measured, but not manipulated

All of the following result from social categorization expect

increased tendency to notice behaviors inconsistent with group stereotype

Social psychology is primarily concerned with the ways in which

individuals think, feel, and behave with regard to others

As social perceivers, people's impressions of others are

influenced by the physical appearance of a person

_______ __________ theory combines the personal dispositions of the perceiver with a weighted average of the target person's characteristics.

information integration

The idea that impressions are based on a perceiver's disposition to form certain impressions and a weighted average of the target person's characteristics is most consistent with

information integration theory

Groups to which the self belongs are called _____, and groups to which the self does not belong are called the

ingroups, outgroups

Realistic conflict theory proposes that

intergroup hostility arises from competition among groups for scarce but valued resources

Realistic conflict theory proposes that

intergroup hostility arises from competition among groups for scarce but valued resources.

A confound is a threat to _________ validity


While on an airplane, John completes a crossword puzzle in which interrupt, rude, and blunt are all answers. After landing, John gets in line to speak to someone at the ticket counter, but the ticket agent does not notice him because he is too busy talking with another employee. Research on priming suggests that John will be likely to

interrupt the ticket agent to ask his question.

Dara loves to paint in her spare time. Painting is an enjoyable activity for her. Her desire is explained by

intrinsic motivation

The process of reflecting on your own inner thoughts and feelings in order to gain self-knowledge is called


The two factor theory of emotion proposes that emotional experience

is based on physiological arousal and a cognitive label for that arousal

According to the theory of planned behavior, one reason that a person's behavior might not be consistent with that person's attitudes in that the behavior

is determined by norms that are counter to the person's attitudes.

All of the following have been shown in research on priming except that priming

is more likely when people are aware of the exposure.

One of the many advantages of correlational research is that

it allows researchers to study variables that cannot be manipulated in the lab

What is the adaptive significance of being able to identify the emotion of disgust in others?

it helps us to avoid food poisoning.

All of the following could be categorized as sources of "raw data" for social perception

knowledge of what situation a person is in. a person's behavior. a person's physical appearance.

Modern racism can be distinguished from what has been termed "old-fashioned" racism in that modern racism is

less obvious than "old-fashioned" racism.

Given behavior that is high in consistency which of these patterns of information leads to a dispositional attribution

low distinctiveness, low consensus

Everyone you know seems to love the TV show The Apprentice. You're a huge fan of reality TV as well, as you never miss an episode of The Amazing Race, American Idol, or Project Runway. But every time you watch The Apprentice, you have the same reaction: you hate it with a passion. According to Kelley's (1967) covariation theory of attribution, your dislike of this show would be

low in consensus, high in distinctiveness, and high in consistency.

In an experiment, the independent variable is _____ while the dependent variable is _______

manipulated, measured

Imagine that you are grading the exams of two students, Michael and Fredo. They both get only half the questions correct. However, Michael gets most of his questions right on the first half of the test, whereas Fredo gets most of his questions right on the last half of the test. According to Asch's work on primacy effects in impression formation, you would be likely to conclude that

michael is smarter than fredo

The process by which people attribute humanlike mental states to various animate and inanimate objects is called

mind perception

He desire to reduce cognitive uncertainty, which heightens the importance of first impressions, is called

need for closure

The desire to reduce cognitive uncertainty, which heightens the importance of first impressions, is called

need for closure

The trait negativity bias refers to the tendency for

negative trait information to have a greater impact on impression

Jorge watches his friend nina interacting with others and makes a situational attribution for her behavior. Jorge believes that

ninas behavior is best explained by the circumstances surrounding the encounter

Miller (1984) examined the attributions of American and Indian participants and found that

no cultural differences emerged with young children, but among adults, Americans were more likely to make personal attributions, and Indians were more likely to make situational attributions.

Behavior that communicates a person's feelings without words is called

nonverbal behavior

The "Quiz Show" study by Ross and colleagues found that in judging the general knowledge of the contestant and questioner,

observers and even contestants fell victim to the fundamental attribution error.

Marion is a sprinter on her high school track team. According to the social comparison theory, Marion is most likely to look to which of the following groups to assess how fast a sprinter she is?

other female high school track athletes

The tendency to perceive members of an outgroup as less variable, or more similar to one another, then members of the ingroup is called

outgroup homogeneity effect

Social categorization leads people to

overestimate differences between groups

Research by David Dunnings suggests that one problem concerning self-assessment is that people tend to

overestimate their own skills, prospects for success, and opinion accuracy

Social psychologists do not generally

pay more attention to group behavior than the behavior of individuals within groups

Cross-cultural research on perception of emotion, such as that conducted by Elfenbein and Ambady (2002), indicates that

people are fairly successful at perceiving the emotional states of individuals from other cultures, but we are better at judging emotions of individuals from our own culture.

According to research by Nisbett and Wilson (1977)

people are often unable to give accurate explanations for the causes of their own behavior`

Research on detecting deception has consistently shown that

people are only slightly better than chance when it comes to distinguishing between truth and lies

Different attributes are ascribed to people who have baby-faced features than to those who have mature facial features. which of the following has not been offered as an explanation for this phenomenon ?

people are positively reinforced by others to perceive baby-faced adults the way they do

The "anger superiority effect" in social perception refers to the finding that

people are quicker to spot an angry face in a crowd than a neutral or happy face.

When forming impressions of others,

people differ in the particular traits they are likely to notice.

Participants in one study rated fictional food additives that were more difficult to pronounce as more hazardous to health. These results demonstrate that

people tend to fear things that sound unfamiliar.

Impact bias in affective forecasting refers to the phenomenon in which

people tend to overestimate the strenght and duration of their emotional reactions to events.

The study by Balcetis and Dunning (2006) in which participants thought that they were taking a taste-testing experiment showed that?

people tend to see what they want to see

The "minority slowness effect" refers to the finding that

people with minority opinions are slower to respond to questions about the topic than people with the majority opinions

The primacy effect refers to the tendency for

people's impressions of others to be more affected by information that is learned early rather than late in a sequence.

Cross-cultural research indicates that Americans are more likely than Asains to

perceive themselves as unique

While traveling around the world, Teun shows various people pictures of men and women from his hometown who are smiling and frowning, and he asks these people to infer what emotions the individuals in the pictures are experiencing. According to the research on perceptions of primary emotions, Teun should find that

perceptions of the emotions are relatively consistent across most cultures.

When students think about why a given course is enjoyable or boring they often attribute the nature of the class to the professor rather than to the course content, the room or the time of day. this kind of attribution is most likely the result of

perceptual salience

Charice's boyfriend is late for their date. Charice believes this is because he is thoughtless and self-centered. Charice is making a(n)

personal attribution

By stressing both internal differences around individuals and differences among external situations, the interactionist perspective is an approach combining

personality psychology with social psychology

The process by which attitudes are changed is called


A sleeper effect occurs when a

persuasive message from a non-credible source becomes more persuasive over time

A major difference between cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory involves the extent to which __________ ___________ is necessary to lead to self-persuasion and attitude change.

physiological arousal

Rosenthal and Jacobson's (1968) study, Pygmalion in the Classroom, found that

positive teacher expectations influenced student performance.

The false-consensus effect is less likely to occur when

predicting the behavior of individuals in different cultures

Negative feelings directed at others strictly because of their membership in a particular social category is called


The Robbers Cave experiment demonstrated that

prejudice can result from intergroup competition.

The purpose of an emoticon is to

provide nonverbal cues in written media forms.

A negative reaction to the feeling that one's freedom is being threatened is called

psychological reactance

According to lecture when we are uncertain, an anchor will

pull our judgments toward it

Prejudice and discrimination based on a person's racial background, or institutional and cultural practices that promote the domination of one racial group over another, is known as


Andrew tends to view the behavior of others in gross units, whereas Angela tends to break others' behavior down into fine units. Andrew is more likely than Angela to

remember fewer details about the behavior

One potential problem with self-report measure is that

respondents might not respond truthfully

One potential problem with self-report measures is that

respondents might not respond truthfully.

Higher levels of self-awareness often

result in a temporary reduction in self-esteem

Which of the following is NOT a way in which scripts influence social perception?

scripts allow people to discount their expectations

A confirmation bias refers to people's tendency to

seek, interpret, and create information in ways that support existing beliefs.

Which of the following statements is not consistent with Muraven and Baumeister's (2000) theory of self-control?

self-control is a limited inner resource that can be temporarily depleted

Alex changes his behavior in response to self-presentation concerns and various situations, exhibiting a high of


The basic prediction of ________ theory is that attitude change occurs when people infer how they feel by observing their own behavior.


The process by which we seek to control or alter our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and urges is called


The most direct and straightforward way to assess an attitude is through the use of

self-report measures

Beliefs about the self that guide the processing of self-relevant information are called


The desire for others to perceive us in the same way that we see ourselves is called


Prejudice and discrimination based on a persons gender, or institutional and cultural practices that promote the domination of one gender over another, are known as


Aronson's jigsaw classroom work is similar to Sherif's Robbers Cave experiment because both illustrated how

shared goals can reduce prejudice.

The main factor influencing sources likability are

similarity and physical attractiveness

Colin and Erin are waiting to meet with their caterer so that they can discuss the menu for their wedding. the caterer is 30 min late and still hasn't arrived. Colin suggests that the caterer is probably delayed because of traffic. Erin suggests that the caterer is prob disorganized and unreliable. Colin is making a(n) ___attribution, whereas Erin is making a(n) ___ attribution.

situational, personal

The ways in which people are affected by the real or imagined presence of others is called ____________

social influence

Social psychology differs from common sense in that

social psychologists relies on the scientific method to test its theories

Bridgette thinks short people are lazy and Barbara refuses to let short people join her book club. Bridgette is exhibiting _____, whereas Barbara is exhibiting _____.

stereotyping; discrimination

Being persistently stereotyped. perceived as deviant, or devalued in society because of a membership in a particular social group or because of a particular characteristic is the definition of being


The feeling of ambivalence can be described as an attitude that is both _____ and

strong, mixed in terms of positive versus negative valence

The theory that humans cope with the fear of their own deaths by constructing worldviews that help preserve their self-esteem is called

terror management theory

A hypothesis provides a means to ________ a theory


Which historical event sparked the great interest in and gave shape to the field of social psychology?

the Nazi holocaust during WWII

The actor-observer bias is reduced when

the actor and observer switch perspectives with each other

When the saleswoman doesnt reply to his "hello" mario concludes that she is simply a cold person. yet the next day when mario doesnt reply to the saleswoman who greets him, he realizes that he is just having a bad day. these differing attributional tendencies illustrate

the actor-observer effect

Carol is asked to rate her husband in terms of how helpful he is with the household chores. Because she cannot think of a single instance of helpful behavior, she gives him a very low rating. Carol relied on _____ to make her judgment.

the availability heuristic

Reasoning based on the ease with which we can bring something to mind clearly illustrates the use of:

the availability heuristic

Which simple rule or cognitive shortcut contributes to counterfactual thought

the availability heuristic

Stephon knows someone whose brother received a very lucrative contract to play professional basketball for the National Basketball Association (NBA). With this success story in mind, he ignores the statistics that indicate a very low probability that anyone will make it to the NBA and overestimates his own chances of making it. This scenario best illustrates

the base rate fallacy

The tendency to unconsciously mimic the nonverbal behavior of others is called

the chameleon effect

According to the two factor theory of emotion, social context MOST directly affects

the cognitive interpretation of emotion

Abigail loves her social psych class and thinks that most of the other students in the class love it as in the same class and absolutely hates it. Lily is thoroughly convinced that most of the other students also dislike it. these distorted perceptions are an example of

the false-concensus effect

Ringelmann and Triplett are best labeled as

the founders of social psychology

During a discussion with some friends just prior to a school election, Sandra states that she is cer... devastated for months if she isn't elected class president. this is an example of

the impact bias

"founders of social psych" Norman Triplett and Max Ringleman both did research examining

the impact of the presenxe of others on performance

Which of the following is an essential requirement for stereotype threat to occur?

the individual in question must be aware of negative stereotypes about his or her group

Social neuroscience is best described as the study of

the interaction of social and neural processes

One explanation for the primacy effect is that

the meaning of information obtained later is often altered to fit with earlier impressions.

Which of the following is an example of negative correlation?

the more alcohol you consume, the lower your GPA tends to be

A good operational definition of aggression might be

the number of times someone hits, kicks, or yells at a person or an object within a 1-hour period

Construct validity is best defined as the extent to which

the operational definitions reflect the conceptual variables of interest

The tendency for extrinsic rewards to undermine intrinsic motivations is called

the overjustification effect

Perceivers judge accident victims as more responsible for their fate if

the perceiver is worried about threats to the self.

The process by which a person is persuaded by cues is the persuasion context rather than thinking critically about the content of a persuasive message is called

the peripheral route to persuasion

Once during a hospital visit you observed a man and a woman both earing green surgical scrubs, talking about a patiend. you assumed the man was a physician and the woman was a nurse. later, you found out the opposite was true. what type of error most likely contributed to your initial impression of the two individuals

the representativeness heuristic

Scripts are often culture-specific. This means that

the same behaviors may be perceived very differently in different cultures

Implicit Association Tests (IATs) can detect implicit attitudes by measuring

the speed at which participants associate stimuli with a positive or negative word.

Which of the following is NOT identified by your textbook as an influencial factor in today's social psychology?

the split between "red" and "blue" states in the U.S.

The study of social perception addresses all of the following EXCEPT

the strategies people used to create a positive self-image

The term self-concept refers to

the sum total of a person's beliefs concerning his or her own personal characteristics.

Reena meets Rachael for the first time. Rachael is perceived as smart, funny, sociable, but rude. Although Reena perceived Rachael to have many positive qualities, her rudeness outweighed them, and Reena forms a negative impression of Rachael. This illustrates

the trait negativity bias

Much of the debate in social psychology during the period of "confidence and crisis" occurred in reaction to

the use of laboratory experiments

An organized set of principles used to explain observed phenomena is called a


On his first day of class, professor Saccamano thinks he is nervous because is bp is up and his hands are shaking. he continues to feel this way, however, before every class meeting of the semester, and eventually realized that his arousal is due to the five flights of stairs he must climb up to the classroom. which theory best explains his misattribution?

two-factor theory of emotion

According to Markus and Kitayama (1991) people from a collevtivist cultures are more likely than individualist cultures to

underestimate their contribution to a team effort.

Although related to other fields, social psychology is distinct in that its emphasis is on

understanding the immediate situational factors that influence human behavior.

Automatic thinking is

unintentional and involuntary

Research on motivational biases suggests that if you are a people person, you will

value social skills more in leaders than if you are task-oriented

Attitudes are best understood as

varying in strength along both positive and negative dimensions.

April was born and raised in an eastern culture. she is more likely than people raised in Western cultures to

view relationships as an important part of her self-concept.

Deception is most likely to be detected by attending to which channel of communication?

voice pitch

Research by zebrowitz and her colleagues on facial appearance has shown that people who have baby-faced features tend to be perceived as


People most often and easily differentiate each other based on which of the following two dimensions

warm vs cold

In research by Pryor and Merluzzi (1985), the script for a first date

was more easily recalled and organized by participants with extensive dating experience.

One of the reasons that we are not very successful at detecting deception is because

we fail to attend to the nonverbal cues that actually signal deception.

Lindy is trying to decide whether or not Marisa's behavior is dispositional. If Lindy relies on correspondent inference theory, she would consider all of the following factors except

whether Marisa knew she was being observed during the behavior.

Vera thinks that having pets increases psychological functioning and well-being. to test this, one group of randomly selected nursing home residents is each given a pet while the second group is not. over two months their overall level of psychological functioning is evaluated on a daily basis, what is the independent variable in this study?

whether or not the residents received a pet

Physical appearance is extremely important to Adirana. when enters a beauty contest, she beats all but one of the other contestents and finishes in second place. however, the one contestant that beats her is her neighbor and arch-rival, Lisa. Research by Tesler (1988) suggests that adriana

will avoid future contact with Lisa in order to avoid further threats to her self-esteem

Schachter (1959) examined the preferences of participants who were expecting to receive a series of painful electric shocks. he found that these participants preferred to wait in a room

with participants who were also expecting shocks

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