Social Studies Chapter 7 Lesson 4

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In a _____________________ citizens meet to vote and debate on government matters.

Direct Democracy.

Pericles was not a king, emperor, or a president, yet he was able to lead Athens to the greatest glories the city would ever know. How do you think he was able to accomplish what he did?

I think Pericles was able to accomplish what he did because he was a persuasive orator, a fair ruler, and he was smart. His excellent leadership skills guided Athens for over 30 years.

Do you think the United States should change to a direct democracy? Why or why not?

I think the United States should not change to a direct democracy because there are too many citizens and if everybody had a direct say and voted individually, there would be too many votes to count and elections would take a long time. Also, there would be lots of violence because

In Athens, did women have the responsibility to vote?

In Athens, women did not have the responsibility to vote.

Direct Democracy

A form of democracy in which all citizens meet to debate and vote on government matters.

Representative Democracy

A form of democracy in which citizens elect a smaller group of people. This group represents them, makes laws, and governs on their behalf.


A person who searches for wisdom or enlightenment or reflects on the meaning of life.

Who was Aspasia?

Aspasia was a was a female foreigner in Greece who originally came from the Greek-speaking city of Miletus in Asia Minor. She was well known for her intelligence and charm an she taught public speaking. She was one of the first women to encourage other females to participate in government and she influenced Plato and Pericles.

What was the role of Athenian women?

Athenian women focused on their homes and families. Girls married at a young age, often in their mid-teens. Their duties centered on having children and taking care of their households. Women of poor families helped with farm work or sold foods in the local marketplace.

How was Athens able to become a direct democracy?

Athens was able to become a direct democracy because of its relatively small number of citizens and Pericles's fair rule. Pericles allowed all people to participate in government, which also made Athens more of a direct democracy.

True of false: Athenians did not support slavery.

False; Athenians did support slavery.

True of false: Sparta had a stronger navy than Athens at the start of the war.

False; Sparta had a weaker navy than Athens at the start of the war.

Summarize the Peloponnesian War.

First, Athens took over the Delian League and its economic and political power grew, which caused other city-states, especially Sparta, to become alarmed. Sparta then formed an alliance of city-states opposing Athens and Athens began interfering with Sparta's allies; and these allies pressured Sparta to attack Athens, which caused war to break out. During the war's first winter, Pericles gave a famous speech called the "Funeral Oration" in which he reminded people of their civic duty and motivated them to fight for Athens. Soon after, Sparta surrounded the walled city of Athens, and Pericles decided to keep his troops inside the walls, for he knew that the Athenian army would be easily defeated on an open battlefield. Athens's powerful navy brought supplies to the city, and Sparta didn't attack the navy because it was too strong and because Sparta lacked a navy. But, after two years, a disease broke out in the enclosed space of Athens and more than a third of the city's population died, including Pericles. During the next 25 years, each side won some battles, but neither side could defeat its opponent. Finally, Sparta made a deal with Persia in which Persia received some territory in Anatolia, and in return, Sparta would receive gold from Persia. With this gold, Sparta built a navy and crushed the Athenian fleet. Then, Sparta put a blockade around Athens, and after they surrounded, Sparta broke down the city's walls and the Athenian empire collapsed.

How did Pericles choose people for positions in the government in Athens?

Pericles chose people for positions in the government in Athens based on their skills and abilities, and not because they were in a certain social class.

How did Pericles influence government and culture in Athens?

Pericles influenced government and culture in Athens by making Athens a more democratic city-state, by rebuilding Athens, and by making Athens a center of learning and the arts. Pericles made Athens a more democratic city-state by appointing people to positions in government based on their ability, and not their social class. When Pericles rebuilt Athens, he erected new monuments, temples, and statues throughout the city. Finally, Pericles made Athens a center of learning and the arts, and he did so by supporting writers, artists, teachers, sculptors, and architects.

Who was Pericles and what did he do?

Pericles was the general of Athens after the Persian Wars. Pericles made Athens a more democratic city-state, he made Athens a center of learning and the arts, he rebuilt Athens and erected new monuments, temples, and statues, and he supported writers, artists, teachers, sculptors, and architects. He made Athens more democratic by appointing people to positions because of their skill or ability, and not because of their social class.

What was Pericles's most important accomplishment? Why?

Pericles's most important accomplishment was making Athens a more democratic city-state by appointing people to positions based on their skill and abilities instead of their social class. By doing this, Pericles allowed lower-class citizens to participate in government with upper-class citizens, and this made Athens a more fair and more democratic city-state.

What was the role of slavery in Athens?

Slavery was common in Athens, and most Athenian households had at least one enslaved person. Wealthy Athenian families often had several. Enslaved men worked on farms, in the shops of artisans, or at hard labor. Enslaved women were cooks and ad servants in wealthy homes and sometimes taught upper-class children . Slaves who worked in mines often died very young and slaves who worked as craftspeople had easier lives. Sometimes, enslaved people could earn money, and in rare cases, buy their freedom. Slavery might have helped Athens helped Athens develop its prosperous economy.

Who did Sparta make a deal with to pay for a navy?

Sparta made a deal with the Persians to pay for a navy.

What was the Delian League? How did Athens take control of the Delian league?

The Delian League was a defensive league made up of city-states and controlled by Athens that defended each other against Persia. During the next several decades, the league drove persia out of Anatolia and Greece grew richer through increased overseas trade.

What were the causes and the effects of the Peloponnesian War?

The Peloponnesian War began as a result of Athens taking control of the Delian League. When Athens did this, their economic and political power grew, and other city-states, especially Sparta, became alarmed. To protect themselves, Sparta formed an alliance with other city-states, but Athens interfered with Sparta's allies. When this happened, Sparta's allies pressured Sparta to attack Athens, and war broke out. Some effects of the Peloponnesian War were no future cooperation among the Greek city-states, the collapse of the Athenian empire, the death of many people from battle or disease, and the division and weakening of Greek city-states. Also, farms were destroyed and many people had no way to make a living, thousands of young Greeks left Greece to join the Persian army, and finally, after 30 years of fighting rebellions against Persia, Sparta collapsed under the city-state of Thebes.

What was the name of the defensive league Athens formed with other city-states?

The name of the defensive league Athens formed with other city-states was called the Delian League.

What was the role of Athenian men?

The role of Athenian men were to work as farmers, artisans, and merchants. The often finished their daily work in the morning and they spent their afternoons exercising at the gymnasium, In the evening upper-class mean enjoyed all-male gatherings where they ate, drank, and discussed philosophy or politics. Husbands were responsible for their wives and unmarried daughters, and sons looked after their widowed mothers. Males also accompanied their female relatives when they went outside of the house. Men who were citizens also voted and held office.

How did the roles of Athenian men and women differ?

The roles of Athenian men and women differed in several ways. For example, men were usually working outside the house and women were usually inside the house, taking care of their children. Also, Athenian women couldn't attend school and they couldn't participate in political activities or own property; but men could. Males always looked after their female relatives.

What was Sparta's deal with Persia in the Peloponnesian War?

Toward the end of the Peloponnesian War, Sparta agreed to give the Persians some Greek territory in Anatolia. In return, Sparta received enough Persian gold to build its own navy. Sparta's newly built navy destroyed the Athenian fleet.

What did the Athens make the other city-states in the Delian League do?

When Athens took over the Delian League, Pericles treated the other city-states like subjects and he demanded strict loyalty and regular payments from them. Pericles also insisted that the other city-states used Athenian coins and measures, and Athens sent troops to other city-states to help them rebel against their nobles.

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