Social Studies Foundations Practice Questions

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Which of the following is an example of a primary source used in the social sciences? Select all that apply. A. The movie Selma (2014) used by a historian studying changing views of the Civil Rights movement since the 1950s. B. Field notes taken and interviews done by an anthropologist studying a Polynesian island community. C. A U.S. Labor Department report on labor force characteristics and earning patterns by race used by an economist studying American labor force participation. D. A letter from George Washington to Alexander Hamilton for a political scientist interested in the history of the American presidency.

A, B, C and D

Social science research methods include which of the following? Select all that apply. A. Surveys B. Diagnostic analysis C. Case studies D. Interviews

A, C, and D

Which of the following most depends upon the utilization of critical thinking skills? A. Memorizing the Gettysburg Address for a re-enactment B. Researching the role of Congressional committees in the legislative process C. Recalling the names and locations of European capital cities for a map test D. Listening to a presentation by a local politician


A history teacher is teaching his students about President Abraham Lincoln. The class is reading a text that uses words like before, first, so, and today. What text structure is most likely being used? A Cause/effect B Problem/solution C Order/sequence D Argumentative


A glossary differs from a dictionary in that A. it does not typically include the etymology or history of the word. B. it usually is included in a text or manual to specifically assist readers with unfamiliar terms. C. it is more complete and expansive than a dictionary. D. it provides a pronunciation guide for the included words.


"Just as we sought to eliminate discrimination in our land through the Civil Rights Act, today we seek by phasing out the national origins quota system to eliminate discrimination in immigration to this nation composed of the descendants of immigrants." - Rep. Philip Burton (D-CA), 1965 Quotes like that above could be used by a social studies teacher to help students understand the history of which of the following? A Welfare policy and reform movements B Civil rights in the United States C Immigration policy in America D Constitutional reform


Mr. Everett is having his students research a historical figure and present their research to the class in a ten-minute oral presentation. Which of the following resources would be the best primary resources to begin with? A a textbook B a biography C an autobiography D a current newspaper


A norm-referenced assessment differs from a criterion-referenced assessment in that A. norm-referenced tests compare student performance to determine levels of attainment. B. norm-referenced tests measure students according to their mastery of predetermined curriculum standards. C. results of norm-referenced tests more clearly serve as diagnostic tools to identify areas of student weakness. D. results of norm-referenced tests are less valuable in evaluating how students compare across time with previous generations of test-takers.


A sixth-grade teacher is planning a lesson on the Constitution. Which of the following would be the most appropriate primary source to use when presenting the lesson? A a copy of the Constitution B Thomas Paine's Common Sense C a copy of the Declaration of Independence D a painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787


A teacher wants to model for students how to determine the meaning of words within a nonfiction text. Which activity below would be the most effective way to demonstrate this for the students? A While reading aloud to the class, the teacher pauses to define vocabulary terms using context clues. B Read a text that's projected for the class and take notes in the margins while reading. C While reading a text projected for the class, the teacher highlights transition words and phrases used in each paragraph. D Provide student with a teacher-written summary of a text after the class has read it together.


How does identifying transition words help readers construct meaning? A Transition words clarify how ideas relate to one another. B Transition words improve the flow of the text. C Transition words connect a dependent clause to an independent clause. D Transition words establish a hierarchy of ideas


Mr. Anders asks students to draw a map of their school. Billy turns in his map, but Mr. Anders is unable to identify how to orient the map to read it. Which of the following features should Billy add to his map? A a compass rose B a legend C latitude markers D a scale


Mr. Parretto wants to encourage his students to identify bias in the media. He presents the class with the following excerpt from the school newspaper: The school board made the decision on Thursday night to cut the library's media budget. The budget cuts will affect the library's ability to purchase new audio/visual equipment and could result in a reduction of hours for student workers. One student worker was quoted saying, "The budget cut will hurt students trying to make money after school. I don't know where else I can find a job." The judgment was pronounced Thursday night in a vote of 7-2. The budget cuts to the library are expected to prevent further cuts to athletic departments. Which of the following best identifies the form of bias in the newspaper article? A negativity bias B no bias is presented C framing bias D confirmation bias


Mr. Stevens has just completed a unit on analyzing native Florida cultures with his sixth-grade class. Which activity should he use as a final assessment to gauge the students' understanding of how cultures are created? A a project where students "create" their own new culture B an exit ticket where students define "culture" C a multiple choice test about the cultures D an essay where students compare and contrast two of the cultures


Ms. Michaels wants to ensure that her sixth-grade social studies assessments are written in a way to best show true student mastery of the content. Which of the following should Ms. Michaels do to make her assessments as fair and representative of true learning as possible? A Evaluate included examples to ensure that they are culturally accessible to all students. B Attempt to use below grade-level vocabulary to make the questions more clear. C Repeat the same testing format for each assessment to minimize confusion. D Occasionally include unexpected written instructions like, "only answer the odd question," to train students to carefully read the instructions every time.


Ms. Wilson's eighth-grade social studies class has access to a class set of laptops. Which of the following is the least beneficial way to incorporate this technology into their classroom routines? A Digitally provide copies of class notes. B Incorporate visual elements into frequent, short, student presentations. C Use Google Maps, including street view in some cases, to provide context for locations being discussed. D Schedule class time for students to find, summarize, and share relevant current events.


Social scientists who see their disciplines as akin to the natural sciences would most likely agree with which of the following statements? A. Human behavior can be effectively described using empirical observation and experimental observation. B. Because social realities are so complex, social scientists' primary responsibility is to interpret rather than simply describe their subject matter. C. The most important focus of the social sciences must be on the ways in which human social groupings construct meaning using language, beliefs, and culture. D. Social scientists, despite their efforts to the contrary, are unable to separate themselves from their own cultural and class biases in order to study social relations objectively.


The use of annual statistics on the origin of immigrants to the United States would be most helpful in answering which of the following? A how the demographics of the United States is likely to change in the next decade B where job creation is likely to occur C which political party is likely to come into power in the next presidential election D which cities are likely to experience growth in the next decade


When reading a text, a teacher encourages his students to use their prior knowledge and text clues to make inferences about the content of the text. What is the purpose of making inferences? A It helps students to better comprehend the text. B It helps students activate the creative portion of their brain. C It helps students to develop their reading fluency. D It helps students to develop their lower-order thinking skills.


Which of the following approaches to research in the social sciences contends that the purpose of social science research is to create social meaning? A. Constructivism B. Positivism C. Structuralism D. Functionalism


Which of the following assignments most clearly reflects Bloom's taxonomy's skill of analysis? A. Students are asked to develop a chart that compares different psychological disorders for a psychology class. B. An assignment requiring students to summarize the arguments made in a presidential debate for a government class. C. An assignment requiring students to evaluate the accuracy of Ralph Nader's criticism of auto safety in the 1960s for a history class. D. An assignment requiring students to develop a supply schedule for a commodity in an economics class.


Which of the following does NOT rely on qualitative research methods? A. Surveys B. Ethnography C. Case studies D. Personal interviews


Which of the following is the most important question to ask of students when using a website as a research resource? A Is the author of the material reliable? B Does the website have a professional sounding name? C Does it have a high search engine ranking? D Is the website professional looking and easy to use?


Which of the following scales would show the most amount of detail but the smallest area on a map? A 1 : 12,000 B 1 : 24,000 C 1 : 60,000 D 1 : 100,000


Which of the following would be a primary source for an economist studying contemporary economic conditions? Select all that apply. A. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' reports on employment and prices B. The Federal Reserve's Survey of Economic Expectations that measures consumer expectations C. Circular flow models of the market economy D. John Maynard Keynes's General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, (1936)


Why is it important to expose students to new vocabulary words in multiple contexts? A Using varied contexts with instruction will best support student memory of new words. B Using multiple contexts ensures students are not being exposed to too many new words at once C Using multiple contexts will automatically scaffold student learning. D Dictionaries may not contain all definitions and usages of the word.


A teacher wants to assess his or her students' ability to compare contemporary political systems and to evaluate their ability to visualize these comparisons. Which of the following classroom exercises would best illustrate those comparisons? A. Constructing a timeline B. Drawing a Venn diagram C. Developing a concept map D. Drawing a flowchart


A teacher who gave students an assignment to analyze the rhetoric used by political leaders to support their election is asking students to carry out which of the following kinds of research? A. Case studies B. Content analysis C. Survey research D. Computer simulation or modeling


Content knowledge in which of the following social science disciplines would prove most helpful to an economist interested in theorizing about the relationship between technological change and economic growth in 1750? A. Geography B. History C. Anthropology D. Sociology


Which of the following would NOT be an effective use of technology in social science instruction on the suffrage movement? A requiring students to use the internet to research opposition to suffrage B allowing students to make and post a video reciting a famous historical speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton C allowing students to play history-based games online after they have completed their written work D having students collaborate on a paper over the digital cloud


A seventh-grade social studies teacher is beginning the year by allocating time every day of the first week for team-building activities with the students. Which of the following best describes the most important reason for this in the social studies classroom? A to provide a brain break to improve their ability to understand the lesson B to increase trust between the students and their confidence to participate C to give students something to look forward to when coming to their class D to provide the teacher with a chance to see how students act in a more relaxed setting


A sixth-grade student is researching the Civil War and has read two conflicting secondary sources about the motivations of Abraham Lincoln in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. He asks the teacher how he can find which secondary source is most accurate in the matter. Which of the following responses by the teacher would be most appropriate? A Identifying which book has a larger bibliography as a means of deciding which book is more accurate B Suggesting to the student to read the primary sources quoted by the secondary sources so the student can draw an independent conclusion C Urging the student to look at online reviews of the book to find which one is more accurate D The teacher should tell the student which book is more accurate


A social studies teacher is teaching a unit on different governmental systems. His students are having trouble differentiating between socialism and communism, so he decides to lead them in the construction of a Venn diagram. The teacher's use of a Venn diagram demonstrates his understanding of which important concept related to vocabulary acquisition? A Teaching words that are orthographically related promotes retention of vocabulary. B There is a cognitive benefit in examining the similarities and differences among concepts. C Teaching concepts that are similar in meaning enhances student ability to formulate opinions. D Comparing concepts promotes students' skill in using structural analysis.


A social studies teacher wants to address the social studies theme of time, continuity, and change. Which of the following questions for a sixth-grade elementary class would be most appropriate to address this theme? A Why is oil expensive? B Why did the demand for oil increase with the mass production of the automobile? C What two states have the largest production of oil? D What are the geographic characteristics of the majority of oil fields within the United States?


A student in a social studies class has selected the Korean War as a topic for his research paper. What should his first step be? A Review the literature B Formulate questions to focus his research C Locate as many primary sources of data possible D Analyze the data for relevant information


A teacher asks the students to pick an object in the classroom and then describe how far away three other objects are from the first object. The teacher then invites students to present their descriptions to the class. Which of the following learning objectives is this most likely to promote? A students' understanding of data interpretation B students' understanding of relative location C students' understanding of geographic terminology D students' understanding of absolute location


During social studies instructions, students will often encounter new, unfamiliar words. There are many ways the teacher can support student vocabulary development. Which of the following is the LEAST effective way to support student understanding of new vocabulary? A provide direct instruction on the use of context clues to infer word meaning B provide dictionaries for student use during class C preview new words before beginning an assigned reading D asking students to sketch a visual representation of the definition of new words


For a warm-up activity each morning, a teacher will post a word in front of the class. In response to the word, the students must write a synonym and an antonym, provide a student-created definition, and use the word in a sentence. Which of the following skills is the teacher most likely trying to promote using this warm-up activity? A decoding B vocabulary C contextual analysis D phoneme breakdown


Mr. Johnson's eighth-grade social studies research project requires students to use both primary and secondary sources. Which of the following demonstrates a reason why he would not want the class to depend only on primary sources? A Primary sources tend to focus only on the causes of events. B Primary sources may lack context. C Primary sources may not provide a realistic perspective on the event. D Primary sources tend to only focus on the big picture.


Mr. Mathers is teaching his class about the Louisiana Purchase. What social science should Mr. Mathers connect to this history lesson in order to best explain the importance of the Louisiana Purchase to the United States? A Sociology B Geography C Economics D Anthropology


To ensure that students understand the vocabulary in the text, a teacher leads his students in a contextual analysis, in which the goal is to infer the meaning of words by looking closely at the surrounding text. What words are students most likely to highlight in this activity? A Tier II words B Tier III words C Tier IV words D Tier I words


What skill is covered at all levels of social studies instruction, according to the TEKS? A individual responsibility B critical thinking C how geography impacts life D the concept of chronology


When a student has formed an initial question for a research topic, which of the following would be the most appropriate next step? A Present any conclusions drawn in a presentation or paper B Research what others have found and written about the initial question C Draw conclusions about the best answer to the initial question D Begin writing a paper or creating a presentation


When students are asked to demonstrate mastery of a set of skills by producing a product or carrying out a task, this is known as which of the following? A. Critical thinking B. Performance-based learning C. Deductive reasoning D. Metacognition


Which of the following best describes the importance of a primary source? A They help students read about the event in common, everyday language B They help researchers gain first-hand accounts and insights into a situation and allow researchers to draw conclusions based on the account C They provide students with concrete facts from which to draw logical conclusions D They provide objective views of events after the date under study.


Which of the following is NOT a historical example of syncretism? A. The decorated evergreen tree as a symbol of Christmas B. The menorah as a Jewish religious symbol. C. Tex-Mex cuisine. D. Fried chicken, okra, and turnip greens in Southern cooking.


Which of the following is not one of the 8 essential knowledge and skills identified in the TEKS for social studies instruction? A economics B anthropology C citizenship D culture


Which of the following signal words are incorrectly linked with the kind of argument being developed? A. Chronological reasoning: first, following, then, when, before B. Comparative reasoning: additionally, but also, often, generally, if ...then, therefore C. Cause-effect reasoning: as a result of, consequently, leads to, may be due to D. Concept or definition: in other words, refers to, usually, put another way


Which of the following would be an appropriate instructional differentiation for a student with a reading disability in a U.S. History classroom? A. Fewer choices on a multiple-choice test B. Paired partner reading where the students read and retell the text C. Provide the student with a copy of the teacher's lecture notes to follow along during lesson D. Extended time to complete an assignment


A teacher is working to increase engagement and communicate the value of the social sciences. Which TWO of the following are strategies that would further progress toward these goals? Select all answers that apply. A increase contextual knowledge for student by assigning additional at home reading B use simulations when appropriate C incorporate current events into class instruction D hang a poster with the saying, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

B and C

Which of the following are differences between the equator and the prime meridian? Select all answers that apply. A The equator runs north-south while the Prime Meridian runs east-west. B The equator is a latitude line while the Prime Meridian is a longitude line. C The equator is a half-circle while the Prime Meridian is a complete circle. D The equator divides the earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres while the Prime Meridian divides the earth into the Western and Eastern hemispheres.

B and D

Which two of the following would be considered secondary sources about the Civil War? Select all answers that apply. A A song written by a Buffalo Soldier about the Wounded Knee Massacre B A magazine article investigating the effects of Reconstruction fifty years later C A diary written by a Civil War widow D An oral history recording of a former slave E A 20th-century play about the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation

B and E

A history teacher is preparing a unit on the Civil War. Which of the following activities would work best for a formative assessment? Select all answers that apply. A a test on identifying the major political and military figures of the Union and Confederacy B group presentations on the cause and effect of various Civil War battles C a think-pair-share on the outcomes of the Civil War D a class-wide word cloud exercise on the causes of the Civil War

B, C, and D

A social studies teacher asks her students to research the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Their initial question was "What happened on the Lewis and Clark Expedition?" After doing background research their question is now "What new things might Lewis and Clark have encountered when they first explored the terrain?" Of the following, which would be the best next step in the research process? A Go online and checkout the web B Checkout the Encyclopedia Americana C Locate the journals of Lewis and Clark D Read about it in the textbook


A social studies teacher assigns students to one of two groups representing Federalists and Anti-Federalists in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and hosts a series of debates between the two sides. Reenacting historical debates as a teaching strategy accomplishes which of the following? A It allows the teacher to measure each student's individual understanding of the curriculum. B It allows students to explore the evolution of public opinion over time. C It allows students to explore both sides of a conflicting issue. D It allows students of all abilities to participate.


A teacher wants to model for students how to pull the main idea(s) from a nonfiction text. Which activity below would be the most effective way to demonstrate this for the students? A Provide student with a teacher-written summary of a text after the class has read it together. B While reading a text projected for the class, the teacher highlights transition words and phrases used in each paragraph. C Read a text that's projected for the class and take notes in the margins while reading. D While reading aloud to the class, the teacher pauses to define vocabulary terms using context clues.


In a social studies class, the teacher is discussing the cultures of different Native American tribes with students. He provides a text about the Iroquois tribe, with the following sentence, "Europeans, coming from a patriarchal society, did not understand the matrilineal system of Iroquois society and the related power of women." A student immediately raises his hand to ask the meaning of the word "matrilineal." In this situation, what would be the best response by the teacher in order to reinforce the development of the student's reading comprehension skills? A He should encourage him to look up the word in the glossary. B He should tell him the definition of the word immediately. C He should encourage him to use the context clues in the text to figure out the meaning. D He should encourage him to ask a classmate for the meaning.


It's the first day of a new unit, and a teacher introduces a text to students with some words that he expects to be unfamiliar. To promote student comprehension of the new vocabulary, he should do all of the following except: A Define the word prior to reading the text or at the moment it is encountered in the text. B After explaining the meaning, ask students to use the word in a sentence of their own. C Ask students to copy the definition word for word from the glossary in the back of the book. D After explaining the meaning, ask students to draw a picture to remember the word.


Mrs. Mathers wants to create the best learning environment for her students. Currently, she has organized her classroom in evenly spaced rows. She has clear, specific classroom rules posted in her board regarding things like when ask questions, bathroom policies, etc. She is working to limit distractions during her lectures. When she asks for questions at the end of class, she struggles to get students to participate. Which of the following is the best way she could improve her classroom environment to make it more inviting and engaging? A Place student desks in pairs and allow students to choose their seats. B Require each student to write a question on paper at the end of class to turn in as an exit ticket. C Vary teaching strategies and work to build a sense of community for students in her classroom. D Choose names from a cup at random to solicit questions throughout lecture.


Mrs. Sims wants to demonstrate to her students how the price of gasoline has increased over time. Which of the following graphs would best help Mrs. Sims visually demonstrate this concept? A population pyramid B pie chart C line graph D bar graph


Ms. Palmer's eighth-grade social studies class is studying the separation of powers in the federal government. She takes the class to the computer lab and asks each student to find a news story from recent history or present day that demonstrates the importance of the division of powers among the three main branches of government. Ms. Palmer's main focus for this lesson is most likely which of the following? A providing an opportunity to practice technology skills B teaching proper documentation of sources C demonstrating the relevance of their current unit D teaching research skills


Of the following, which learning objective will most encourage students to develop a critical understanding of the causes of the Civil War and recognize the varied perspectives of individuals on both sides of the conflict? A Students will be able to list the years of key battles in the Civil War and explain how each affected the course of the war. B Students will be able to map the key routes of the Underground Railroad and explain how the loss of slaves affected the regional economies of the South. C Students will be able to identify the major military, social and political leaders in both the Union and the Confederacy and explain why each allied themselves with their respective governments. D Students will be able to identify the major military leaders in both the Northern and Southern armies.


Once a student has thoroughly researched a subject topic, which of the following would be the most appropriate next step? A Re-start the research process to ensure all sources are valid and accurate B Move onto the next research project C To form a conclusion and present the conclusion in a written paper or formal presentation D Re-examine the initial question to identify if the question is aligned to the research assignment


Read the paragraph and answer the question: 1 George Washington was the first president of the United States and the only president ever to run unopposed. 2 This is because George Washington was popular among all Americans due to his leadership during the American Revolution. 3 Washington, respected and trusted by almost every American, was the unanimous choice to lead the nation as the first president under the Constitution of 1787. 4 Washington is also the only president to not affiliate with a political party. Which of the following research topics would be most appropriate in response to the above passage? A How successful was the president elected after Washington? B Why was George Washington elected unanimously? C How successful was the presidency of George Washington? D Was any other president elected unanimously?


Students are reading a nonfiction article about the events leading up to WWII. Which of the following graphic organizers would most likely help them comprehend the article? A a plot diagram B a Venn diagram C a timeline D a KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned) Chart


Teachers are encouraged to use text frames throughout a text to prompt students to think about relationships between key ideas, concepts, and events in a text. This is likely to promote their comprehension of assigned texts. Which of the following statements about text frames is inaccurate? A A compare/contrast text frame includes questions about similarities and differences expressed in a text. B A problem/solution text frame includes questions about the problem and effectiveness of possible solutions. C A descriptive text frame includes questions about the order of events. D A cause/effect text frame includes questions about why something happened.


What type of location is determined when you locate your position on a global coordinate grid system? A relative B distance C absolute D basic


Which could be used as a secondary source when teaching students about the American Revolution? A the diary of George Washington B a letter written by Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Paine C a section about the Taxation Act from a history textbook D the first American flag sewn by Betsy Ross


Which of the following assessment tools provides a more "authentic assessment" of student abilities? A. National or state-designed criterion-based multiple-choice tests B. I-learned statements that capture student self-awareness C. Portfolios that document student performance on a variety of learning tasks D. Teacher-designed tests that evaluate student understanding of in-class learning


Which of the following assignments would be most likely to engage students in higher-level thinking, as defined by Bloom's taxonomy? A. A map assignment where students must identify the locations of key Civil War battles and properly locate them B. An assignment requiring students to write a summary of a historical documentary seen in class C. An assignment requiring students to evaluate the accuracy of Ralph Nader's criticism of auto safety in the 1960s D. An assignment requiring students to develop a timeline of the important events leading up to the American Civil War


Which of the following exercises would most clearly fulfill the objectives of the TEKS for "Freedom Week" commemorations? A. Watching the World War II propaganda film Why We Fight to introduce students to the reasons why the United States entered World War II. B. Comparing the role of slavery in the Texas Constitution of 1836 and the Texas Constitution of 1876. C. Analyzing the similarities and differences between the Declaration of Independence and the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments. D. Evaluating to what degree the United States has lived up to the sentiments expressed by Emma Lazarus's poem "The New Colossus" engraved on the Statue of Liberty.


Which of the following graphic organizers would best enable students to develop an understanding of key social studies terminology? A. Venn diagram B. Timeline C. Concept map D. Story map


Which of the following is an example of a causative relationship? A. Levels of educational attainment and income levels B. Low rates of unemployment and high rates of inflation C. Development of settled agriculture and increases in population density D. Rates of voter participation and protections of individual freedoms


Which of the following social studies lessons most clearly reflects the inquiry-based learning approach encouraged by constructivist educational theory? A. A lecture on the differences between communism and capitalism B. A shared reading exercise using the Texas Declaration of Independence to guide students to the causes of the Texas Revolution C. A small-group exercise where students speculate about the consequences of current population growth trends and develop a chart of likely effects D. A vocabulary square exercise in which students dissect a word, its etymology, definition, and use in order to master course-relevant terminology


Which of the following texts would be the most likely to contain a bar graph? A the manual for a vacuum B a text chronicling the process of inventing the lightbulb C an article discussing graduation rates in local school districts D historical fiction set in the 1930s


Which of the following would be classified as a secondary source? A a photograph of Abraham Lincoln B a campaign speech given by Lyndon Johnson in 1960 C an encyclopedia article on the Battle of the Coral Sea D a diary written by Martha Washington


Which of the following would be the most effective assignment to assess a student's ability to analyze the digging of the Erie Canal on the development of the Midwest and New York? A Prepare a report on the first European exploration of New York and the Great Lakes B Participate in a play about the life on a ship in the 19th century C Create a cause-and-effect flow chart about the Erie Canal D Trace a map and label the waterways that the Erie Canal joined


Which of the following are lines of longitude? Select all answers that apply. A tropic of capricorn B equator C 180th meridian D prime meridian

C and D

A government teacher has assigned students to write a research paper about contemporary politics. Each student must turn in a research question. What advice should a teacher give to the student who submitted the following research question: "What factors contribute to political party realignment?" A. Encourage the student to expand the research question to compare U.S. political realignment with political realignment in other developed democracies. B. Encourage the student to narrow the question by concentrating on a specific episode of party realignment in American history. C. Encourage the student to focus on key political thinkers that influenced the writing of the United States Constitution. D. Encourage the student to narrow the question by focusing on reasons people give for changing their political allegiance.


A sixth-grade social studies class is beginning a unit on foundational documents of the United States. Which would be an appropriate primary source to use during the unit? A a recording of "The Star Spangled Banner" B a short story recounting the signing of the Declaration of Independence C a letter from George Washington to John Adams D a reprint of the Bill of Rights


Which of the following assignments has a normative purpose? A. Students are asked to research the effects of classroom seating arrangements on bullying behavior. B. Students are asked to develop a Venn diagram comparing totalitarian states under communism and under fascism. C. Students are asked to develop a poll that surveys their classmates' attitude toward different climate change claims. D. Students are asked to write a report explaining what tax system would prove most beneficial to the majority of American citizens.


A sixth-grade social studies teacher is preparing a lesson plan to help students identify the names and locations of mountain ranges and major rivers in India. He plans to project a picture of the country with mountain ranges and rivers labeled, and has prepared a short lecture explaining the impact of these land formations on life in India. Which of the following additional activities should the teacher add in order to reach all types of learners? A Require students to read the chapter in the textbook and take notes for homework to reinforce ideas. B Distribute copies of the map in addition to the projected copy; ask students to follow along during the lecture with their own map. C Show a short clip of a film about Indian culture; ask students to watch attentively. D Provide outlines of India and two colors of playdough to each student; ask them to form and place the rivers and mountains into their correct locations.


Before students begin reading a text about the Supreme Court in their history textbook, the teacher leads a class discussion in which the students generate a list of questions about the Supreme Court that they would like to have answered. This discussion is most likely to promote the students' comprehension of the text by: A increasing student interest in the text. B introducing unfamiliar content-area vocabulary. C encouraging the use of critical thinking skills. D providing a purpose for reading.


Content knowledge in which of the following social science disciplines would prove most helpful to a historian interested in explaining differences between the civilizations that developed in Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley? A. Demography B. Sociology C. Economics D. Geography


During a presentation on the branches of government, a group of students state that "the executive branch is responsible for interpreting the laws created by the legislative branch." Based on this statement, which of the following feedback would be most appropriate for the teacher to provide? A Explain the checks and balances of the judicial branch B Explain the functions of the legislative branch C Commend the students for a quality presentation D Clarify the powers of the executive and judicial branches


Mr. Johnson, a middle school teacher, is planning a unit on WWII for the spring. He has curated a list of useful websites for students to use in the research portion of the unit. What would be the most reasonable approach to students wanting to use other sources in their research? A Only allow additional sources that are published by universities. B Expect students to use ONLY the provided websites. C Allow students to use other websites with parent permission. D Teach students how to determine the validity of a source and give them the opportunity to have their source approved by explaining to the teacher how they know it is a trustworthy source.


Mr. Thompson is assigning his class a research project and is able to provide computer access to students throughout the process. Which of the following is the LEAST effective way to incorporate technology into the research project? A Require the use of varied source types. B Incorporate the expectation for a multimedia element in the culminating presentation. C Plan time for students to use the computers for the first draft of the written portion of their project, then facilitate the use of word processing applications to prioritize the revision process. D Teach a lesson on using research databases and require that all sources come from the one database provided by the librarian.


Mrs. Adams is beginning instruction on WWII in her history class. How could the English teacher best support this instruction by connecting their two disciplines? A Ask Mrs. Adams for a lesson that she may not have time to fit into her class schedule. B It is unreasonable for Mrs. Adams to expect the English teacher to accommodate the social studies learning goals. C Ask Mrs. Adams to create grammar lessons, embedding WWII facts, for use in the English class. D Use Night, a Holocaust memoir, as the text for their upcoming genre study of memoirs.


Ms. Crawley's seventh-grade social studies class is studying the battle of the Alamo. During the unit, she assigns each student a relevant historical figure and plans to work through the research process with this focus. Before visiting the computer lab, the students spend time in class, developing a research question. What will be their next step in the research process? A Improve the research question by refining its focus. B Determine what information is most important to their question. C Develop a thesis. D Do background research.


Ms. Fullmore intends to use a primary source document to introduce a new unit to her sixth-grade class. The text contains some challenging vocabulary. Which of the following would be the best approach to ensure her sixth-graders are able to comprehend the text? A Verbally summarize the text in its entirety before providing time to read. B Plan a lesson focused on using context clues to determine word meaning, prior to reading the text. C Provide each student with a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words as they read. D Introduce and define unfamiliar vocabulary with the students before beginning the text.


Technology is best utilized in the classroom when it can accomplish which of the following? A allows students to complete their homework more quickly B decreases the cost to the school district C decreases the time the teacher must spend on instruction D enhances the learning objective


When a student is beginning a research project, which of the following is the most appropriate first step? A Perform an initial background check on the research subject B Write an introduction to the research project to guide the research process C Identify potential websites to use during the research process D Form an initial question about a research topic


When reading and analyzing a new nonfiction passage, students could use all of the following strategies except: A Use a graphic organizer to chart ideas and supporting details. B Discuss questions related to the topic of the passage with the teacher or classmates. C Search the text for unfamiliar vocabulary terms and define before reading. D Make a list of character traits for any people or characters present.


When teaching the students about the three branches of the government and checks and balances, which of the following would be the best way to make this information relatable to the students? A Assign the corresponding chapter in the government textbook. B Provide news articles on current partisan conflict in government. C Have student write biographical research papers on the lives of their local congressmen. D Organize a simulation with students playing roles within the different branches, and passing legislation.


Which of the following best illustrates how a lesson about the Constitutional Convention could be designed to reflect inquiry-based learning? A. Students write a journal describing the convention from the perspective of one of the participants. B. Students draw a cartoon that reflects the opinion of Federalists or anti-Federalists during the ratification process. C. Students reenact the Constitutional Convention's debates in class. D. Students use Madison's notes from the convention, the Federalist Papers, and transcripts from the ratification debates to develop a thesis about the factors leading to the calling of the Convention.


Which of the following classroom assignments would best encourage an understanding of the ways in which social science disciplines interact? A. Developing a Venn diagram showing the differences between the French and Russian revolutions B. Developing a Production Possibilities Curve to illustrate the role of scarcity in making economic choices C. Writing a report that explains the process for passing legislation D. Researching the factors that contribute to different land use and development decisions


Which of the following does NOT correctly match primary source data with the subject of study? A. History: Texas's oil industry from 1901 to 1930 - Collections of land sales contracts from the period. B. Sociology: Gang culture in contemporary urban areas - Ethnographic interviews with convicted gang members. C. Political Science: 2016 presidential election results - Voter survey data from the 2016 election. D. Psychology: Role of gender in determining career choices - Academic articles on gender bias in hiring.


Which of the following is an example of applied knowledge? A. Paraphrasing a speech or a written text by putting its ideas into your own words B. Evaluating two proposals for reducing teenage smoking C. Using both a written text and an image to build an argument D. Using a mathematical formula to build a spreadsheet for calculating grades


Which of the following lessons on the women's suffrage movement could best be used to develop critical thinking skills in students? A charting the progression of states that allowed women to vote before passage of the 19th Amendment B identifying three prominent figures for and against women's suffrage C writing a timeline of the life of Susan B. Anthony D analyzing speeches by lawmakers on both sides of the debate and summarizing their arguments


Which of the following social science disciplines would best help children match their individual abilities and career prospects? A. Political science B. Economics C. Geography D. Psychology


Which of the following would NOT be an effective use of technology in social science instruction on the progressive era movements? A Allowing students to make and post a video reciting a famous historical speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton B Requiring students to use the internet to research opposition to labor unions C Having students collaborate on a paper over the digital cloud D Allowing students to play historical-based games online after they have completed their written work


Which of the following would be the best graphic to demonstrate the relationship between temperature and elevation? A a flow chart B a timeline C a circular diagram D a scatterplot


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