Social work

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According to the author, which of the following statements is true? E

A. A number of climate scholars mention that the history of global environmental governance has been far too ethnocentric. B. Barnett and Campbell point out that the current picture of what climate change is, as well as the strategies to tackle climate change are, mostly, the projection of Western knowledge. C. There is a predisposition that scholars from the Global North undervalue knowledge of Global South scholars. D. The importance of traditional knowledge shared by affected communities are often misinterpreted in research projects carried out by the Western scholars. E. All of the above. F. None of the above.

Various models have been introduced regarding the practice of culture humility, which of these statements is false? A

A. Across models, developing self-awareness is not an essential first step. B. The aspect of self-awareness addressed in the early models regarded the practitioner's own cultural identity, including personal values and beliefs and the associated biases and comfort level in cross[1]cultural situations; and the primary aim beyond self-awareness was appreciating another person's identity. C. These models posit that as a result of understanding one's own beliefs and identity, one is better able to differentiate between self and other; and, thus, better able to minimize assumptions and biases that might interfere with the understanding of the other. D. The 'cultural humility model' focuses on the development of critical awareness of the self in relation to others, including the role of power, inequality and history of marginalization and privilege in one's own history.

Which of the following statement is false? A

A. Chaos theory, another new systems theory, suggests that systems constantly renew themselves; are nonlinear, complex, and unstable; and can be predictable. B. Examples of chaos theory in social systems can be stock market, the weather, electroencephalogram (more widely known as EEG) patterns, and many social systems. C. Chaos theory challenges simple cause-effect explanations of human behavior. D. Chaos theory can be used in the profession of social work to understand human behavior.

Which of the following statement is false? D

A. Client participation, consultation, community or civic engagement, and stakeholder involvement, among other terms, have been used to describe population engagement in macro change. B. One of the tasks a social worker can do in macro practice is to create opportunities for participation for the population group, an organization, or a community. C. There are many ways in which to engage others in change opportunities yet increasingly, social media is being used to engage large numbers of people in cyberactivism. D. Tuckman's model of stages of group development are in the following order: forming, norming, storming, performing, and adjourning.

Which of the following statement is true? C

A. Discrimination are based on preconceived stereotypes, rather than on experiences. B. Stereotypes refers to detrimental action or an absence of action because of individuals and groups differences. C. Oppression occurs when an individual, group, or society unjustly uses authority or power over others, and it includes everything from institutional discrimination to personal bigotry. D. Prejudices are generalizations about a group that suggest that all members of that group are the same and will exhibit the same behavior.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? E

A. Disparities between rich and poor do not stem from scarcity of materials in the world, for example, research shows that there is enough food available for the entire population on this planet at present. B. At present moment, approximately one-third of the available food tends to be wasted/uneaten globally, and this is estimated as more than enough to feed the poorest people on the planet four times. C. Malnourishment and starvation in some areas occur due to power inequality and unfair distribution of materials. D. Power inequality and unfair distribution are present in climate discourses and strategies as well however, the presentation is not as apparent as expected. E. All of the above. F. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is true? D

A. Ecological systems theory, which emerged out of general systems theory focuses our attention on the place at which the person meets our environment. B. The web of life, one new systems theory, see the world as interconnected web of stationary patterns, which rejects the older Cartesian view of the world as a more static structure or machine. C. The web of life calls for four shifts in thinking about natural and social systems: (1) from part to whole, (2) from structure to process, (3) from building blocks to networks, and (4) from objective science to epistemic science. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

According to the authors, which of these statements is true? D

A. Even in social work, though progress has been made to include topics such as environmental justice in the curriculum of our training programs, there is little evidence of the acknowledgement of or action to address the magnitude of transformation needed in the profession. B. One evident barrier to making these needed transformations is the dogged presence of worldviews that separate humans from nature, usually placing humans in a dominant role over nature. C. If change begins at the individual level, then examination of our personal worldviews (ways of thinking about how the world exists and operates) is a necessary initial step to transformation. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is true regarding structural differentiation? D

A. Functionalists theorists' seek explanations for the dysfunction in the social system and the adjustments needed to correct them. B. Conflict theorists' emphasize the conscious, purposeful actions of dominant groups to maintain systems of inequality. C. Perhaps the importance of a job as a source of economic security and status, occupational mobility- the ability of individuals to improve their job position- seems to be a key factor in affecting the level of prejudice. D. All of the above.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? D

A. Historically, many societies, especially those with anthropocentric worldviews such as many in the Western nations, began to view the environment as a commodity after the Industrial Revolution in which the land, then became used merely as a tool to produce profit through production, for example, agriculture, forestry and mining. B. As a result, environmental management developed into a profession, which ultimately became just a money-making system, furthermore, the severity of climate change did not get adequate attention until the quality of life in the affluent populations became threatened. C. Progression of climate strategies through environmental management has had little or no emphasis on justice and human rights, rather an emphasis on economic gain. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is false? A

A. If we want to examine global poverty, we can separate it from global economics, environmental pressures, international and national politics, or culture. B. The goals of combatting global poverty involve framing the examination within the interconnectedness of natural and sociopolitical systems. C. The principles of new systems thinking (web of life and chaos theory) can also be applied to problem definition and solution at the community level in such cases as community development. D. For community development project to be sustainable, the approach of using holistic, interconnected, cross-disciplinary, with various interest-group are recommended.

Which of the following statement is false? A

A. In the exploration of the web-of-life worldview, religion, spirit, and the environment are not closely connected. B. The implications for social work practice with individual and families requires a need to bridge the gap between the materials and the spiritual. C. One challenge for social work, especially with respect to its code of ethics, is to try to acknowledge relative cultural and religious world views with some understanding of universal human values. D. Eco-theories, feminist practice, and Afrocentrism offer approaches to social work that can bridge the gaps among environment, spirit, and science.

Which one of these statement is true? E

A. It is consistent with social work principles to assist clients to their democratic right to self-determination and one way to do so is to help them register to vote as long as it is nonpartisan. B. The Hatch Act was enacted out of concern that governmental employees were participating in political activities and might cause problems in institutions- therefore the act limits government employees' partisan political activities. C. In the past, social work administrators have been stereotype as conservative and part of the status quo, however there has been some changes in the increase of political involvement from the administrations due the growing decentralization of decision making and funding to states and localities to ensure that the organization can survive. D. None of the above E. All of the above

Which of the following statement is true? E

A. Ken Wilber's was seen as one of the main contributor in bridging the understanding of the material-spiritual and mind-body-spirit connections. B. Science and spirituality are bridged via the construct of consciousness. C. Postmodern thinking can help social workers bridge science and spirituality by acknowledging multiple world views. D. The bridging of science and religion or spirituality has implications for social work research approaches, values, and practice at micro and macro levels. E. All of the above. F. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is false? D

A. More recently, the Indigenous peoples of Chile, including the Aymara, have experienced the negative effects of neoliberalism—the application of market theory to governance, including the privatization of public services, thus such policies have led to the loss of cultural ways and environmental degradation, including the loss of territorial lands. B. Under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), Chile instituted a set of "one culture" policies that recognized only the majority culture in Chile, called mestizo (meaning "mixed blood" of Spanish and Indigenous), while failing to recognize the existence and rights of Indigenous tribes. C. One culture policies were in opposition to multiculturalism, and resulted in the loss of Indigenous culture, overt discrimination, increased poverty, the marginalization of political processes, and the loss of rights among the Aymara (and other Indigenous) people. D. Fortunately, in recent years, the Aymara have also experienced a regrowth of the population, as the youngest members of the community have decided to stay home.

According to the authors, which of these statements is false? D

A. One effect of colonization was, in many parts of the world, a suppression of cultures that were more in concert with sustainability, including many Indigenous cultures. B. Indigenization refers to the need for social work to transform practices to suit the local context of practice. C. Decolonizing social work relates directly to sustainability as it lifts up and values the Indigenous understanding that the source of all life is connection to land, an essential aspect needed in our worldview if we are to create meaningful transformation in the face of the global ecological crisis. D. There is not a need to indigenize social work.

Which of the following statement is false? B

A. One of the challenge a social worker can face at macro practice is to know where to begin. The authors' recommended begin by prioritizing the population's perspectives on the problems and the opportunities they face. B. There a four tasks in the framework for engaging population groups. They are in this chronological order; task 1) begin where the population is, task 2) search professional knowledge, task 3) assess impact, and task 4) develop strategies. C. Problems can be understood in a number of ways, including (1) experiencing the problem firsthand, (2) working closely with people who have experience the problem or (3) exploring the professional knowledge base about the problem. D. The dual perspective, double consciousness, and intersectionality provide guidance when working with different population groups, particularly group that are marginalized.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? D

A. One of the most concerning types of climate injustice is that the negative effects will be most severe on the communities which produce the least amount of carbon footprint. B. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change1 (IPCC, 2007) asserted in its 4th report that the causality of climate change has a strong notion of anthropocentrism, meaning humans significantly contribute to climate change. C. In many cases, environmental deterioration is a direct result of capitalist economy and its consumer culture. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is true? A

A. Religion can be a polarizing force in our society if it foster dualistic thinking such as patriotism or nationalism and conflictual, violent solutions to problems. B. Religion have not done much good in the world. C. "Dualistic thinking" is a concept that is well suited for long term survival for human kind. D. Objectivism, positivism, and reductionism of modern science can adequately reflect reality, giving our new understanding of interconnectedness of self and our physical world.

Which of the following statement is not true? A

A. Social stratification is the hierarchical classification of the members of society based on the equal distribution of resources, power, and prestige. B. The word resources refer to such factors as income, property, and borrowing capacity. C. Power is the ability to influence or control others. D. Prestige relates to status, either ascribed (based on age, sex, race, or family background) or achieved (based on individual accomplishments). E. Structural differentiation is not the same as cultural differentiation.

Which of the following statement is false? A

A. Social work involves making change with individuals and families with larger social systems such as organization and communities only at the mezzo level. B. Systems theory originated in the 1940s and 1950s, and social workers embraced it in 1960s and 1970s, in part as a reaction to psychodynamic theory, which, in its narrow focus, failed to consider the social world in dealing with human problems. C. In the generalist theory, whether you work with a small family system or a larger neighborhood, you need to place the target system within a larger context to understand how forces in the environment affect human behavior. D. Generalist theory does not negate theories of individual development.

Which of the following statement is true? E

A. Social workers are unique among helping professionals in that they have the additional responsibility of advocating for social justice and human rights on a macro level, particularly on behalf of more vulnerable populations. B. Additionally, since the social work profession operates on both a community and global level, social workers must develop a level of competence in global dynamics so they can better understand historic patterns of oppression and discrimination and confront them appropriately and effectively. C. It is important that social workers (who are not themselves Indigenous) engaging in community and environmental sustainability work with Indigenous populations understand the populations' unique history of human rights violations, including the range of marginalizing factors used to rationalize oppression by colonizing forces, particularly those embedded in social and political systems (such as legislative codes) often relied upon to justify the illegal seizure of Indigenous lands. D. Rather than approaching Indigenous populations from a privileged perspective, social workers can adopt an intercultural approach that acknowledges the differences of privileges and historical injustices between the dominant culture and Indigenous peoples and this approach implies generating deliberate spaces of communication and egalitarian dialogue, which suppose a critical reflection of a range of cultural forms, remaining open to change, while valuing and incorporating the knowledge and positions of "the other," in a deconstructive and transforming process. D. None of the above. E. All of the above.

Which of the following statement is true? D

A. Social workers can be the catalyst to bring people to the table around community issue that pertains to economic and social development. B. Social workers can be researchers of more comprehensive social indicators of the health of the community or a country. C. Social workers can help establish an interdisciplinary center at their university that unites social work, economics, political science, geography, and other departments to identify community needs and develop service learning partnerships in response to them. D. All of the above E. None of the above.

Which one of these following statement is false? B

A. Social workers can have tremendous impact on legislative, administrative, and fiscal decision making simply by using their current practice knowledge and clinical data: i.e. these actions consist primarily of information dissemination and client empowerment strategies. B. There is a tendency that social workers treating problems such as marital conflict, poor family communication, or parenting difficulties likes to address these issues at the macro level- such as changing a policy or program, establishing a new program or agency, or advocate for new policy. C. No matter what form of intervention a social worker may undertake-community organization, casework, administration, or political activity- the resources most needed and used is information. D. Social worker's knowledge and expertise about client's challenges tend to stay at the case level and what's needed is to aggregate individual practitioner's diagnoses and data into the kind of information that is necessary in order to function in the political sphere.

Which of the following statement is not true? C

A. Social- class becomes important in intergroup relations because it provide a basis for expectations and also serves as a point of reference in others' responses and in one's self-perception. B. Social- class can help shape an individual's world of reality and influences group interactions. C. Attitudes and behaviors formed within social - class framework are permanent. D. Social- class status also plays an important role in determining a minority group;s adjustment to, and acceptance by, society.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? D

A. Sustainable tourism (sometimes also called responsible tourism) allows for community and environmental sustainability as it embraces values such as generating greater economic benefits for local people, improving working conditions and preserving natural resources. B. Community based tourism additionally embraces the element of empowering local residents to decide about their own touristic preferences and strategies. C. Sustainability is a multi-dimensional concept, increasingly used in social work to express our evolving understanding of the importance of consideration of well-being of both the natural and social environments. It is also a concept in responsible tourism. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is true? E

A. The Lakota and Dakota people (along with all Indigenous populations in the United States) have been subject to numerous human rights violations dating back to their first exposure to European colonizers, often called "the white man." B. U.S. policy toward native populations in the late 1800s shifted from one of forced removal to one of forced assimilation based on the belief that the only way for Native Americans to co-exist with whites was to become both "civilized" and Christianized. C. Essentially, the prevailing belief back then of the colonizers was that the only way to "save" Indians, was to force them to abandon their culture and their ancestral lands. D. None of the above. E. All of the above.

Which of the following statement is true? E

A. The Lakota and Dakota traditionally practiced a nomadic lifestyle centered around hunting for buffalo, which provided food, clothing and shelter. B. The Lakota and Dakota people view the world holistically, meaning that they believe everything in the world is related and this concept of interconnectedness is the core of their spiritual beliefs and cultural practices, and is based on the belief that everything that moves, has a spirit and is thus related. C. Since they believe that everything is interrelated, they show deference and respect for all things—people, animals and the environment. D. None of the above. E. All of the above.

According to the author, which of the following statements is true? D

A. The UN-Organization for Education, Science and Culture, UNESCO, defines sustainable tourism as "tourism that respects both local people and the traveler, cultural heritage and the environment". B. As for sustainable tourism, there are several subgroups like Eco-tourism (focus on environmental responsibility), Geo-tourism (focus on "place") or Voluntourism (volunteering to support communities or organizations). C. Community based tourism is often implemented in rural, poor, and economically marginalized communities and aims at promoting participative work, while providing local residents with the opportunity to decide their own preferences and strategies for inviting tourists into their community (e.g. Uluru, Australia). D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

Which of the following statement is false? C

A. The author defined religion as "a religion; that is, a complex systems, organized or unorganized, by which people relate to deity and to their own existence with spiritual and moral values concerning personal life, work, and other people." B. Religions provide a communal organization or institutions offering an organized set of beliefs and values, rituals and worship, a moral code by which to gauge one's behavior, and support and mutual aid to individuals and families and the raising of children. C. Social work historically is not closely connected to the values of religious traditions. D. According to the text, spirituality can be viewed as the "dynamic way that a person creates purpose and meaning in life."

Which of these statements is true? D

A. There has been some critique of the use of self-awareness in these models as being directed toward comfort with other cultures rather than developing awareness of the power differentials that are brought to relationships (e.g., the social worker-client relationship) via culture. B. The addition of the word 'critical' is directed at attaining a deeper understanding of power and privilege in the shaping of one's own identity, creating space for exploring how power and privilege can shape a client's or community's identity, and how those differences and similarities affect the relationship between social worker and client/community. C. The argument for a cultural humility model is that it is directed more at transforming the systems that perpetuate oppression and inequality in our society and developing appreciation and respect for, even if one does not find 'comfort with' a different culture. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.

According to the author, which of the following statements is false? E

A. Tourism has the potential to contribute to all the 17 SDGs and is an important driver of development when it comes to employment opportunities and infrastructure and the SDG 9 aims to "build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation". B. One essential factor contributing to community sustainability and well-being is a solid economic base, an income allowing people to organize their lives independent of social support interventions. C. Sustainability is a multi-dimensional concept, increasingly used in social work to express our evolving understanding of the importance of consideration of well-being of both the natural and social environments. It is also a concept in responsible tourism. D. All of the above.

According to the author, which of the following statements is false? C

A. Tourism, one of the largest industry sectors, has been used, at times, as a way to build economies and communities with little attention to inclusivity, innovation, and sustainability. B. When the focus of tourism is simply on development, without attention to inclusivity, innovation, and sustainability, tourism can be a force that strips communities of resources, increasing inequalities. C. Tourism cannot be a catalyst for community and environmental sustainability for a region and their people. D. The tourist sector is growing rapidly, especially in emerging economies, and tourism has become the most important source of income for many people.

Which of the following statement is false regarding cultural humility? A

A. Unlike cultural competence, culture humility does suggest that one can master everything about a culture. B. Practicing cultural humility is an ongoing process that includes a continual commitment to learning and self-reflection. C. Practicing cultural humility is also developing mutually beneficial and nonpaternalistic partnerships with communities. D. As practitioners continuously cultivate self-awareness and cultural humility within the context of social work values, the imperative to seek population perspective is clear.

According to the author, which of the following statements is false? C

A. Worldwide, one out of ten people are involved in tourist activities, which represents the enormous economic weight, but also dependence on this sector. B. The increasing mobility of a growing middle-income class in emerging countries and the ongoing investment of tourist destinations led to serious consequences for some famous tourist sites: too many tourists are challenging the social, cultural and environmental situation and forcing municipalities to restrict access for tourists. C. Tourism in fragile ecological environments are particularly challenging it is not necessary to be extremely sensitive and concerned about the ecological and social impacts of such development. D. Political upheaval can impact the economy, tourist guides losing their jobs, hotel laying off workers, local vendors can no longer sell their goods, and requiring security for tourists.

According to the authors, which of these statements is false? E

A. Your worldview is your philosophy of life and the world; it is shaped by culture and is dynamic in that it changes based on knowledge and experiences developed over time. B. Sustainability is a way of thinking or an aspect of worldview that focuses attention on creating a world that encourages the mutual flourishing of the human and natural world, both now and into the future. C. It is a transformational way of thinking that, once embraced, requires changes in behavior, decision-making, policy development, economic systems, and other social structures. D. To embrace sustainability is to transform the very structures that define and support society. E. These transformations will look the same for each community/culture.

Having clients take matters into their own hands such as providing personal testimony to affect a policy solutions, is not a recommended part of the helping process, because of the client's potential loss of confidentiality.


Investigative studies have supported the culture of poverty hypothesis of family disintegration and a self-perpetuating poverty value orientation.


Relationship between dominant group and minority group is not influenced as much by structural conditions as by differences in culture.


The main features of capitalism are based on common ownership of productive wealth, with varying degrees of state ownership; economic organization is based on planning, which is often centralized; a system of production is based on use, geared, in theory, to meet human needs; and work is cooperative effort from a desire for the general well-being.


The main features of socialism are that productive wealth is held in private hands, economic life is ordered around market principle (e.g. supply and demand), commodities have a monetary market value of exchange, and self-interest and profit drive enterprise and work.


The state economy is not an important structural factor influencing the opportunities for upward mobility.


Which of the following statement is true? E

The Aymara conceptualize the environment vertically, with three levels: the Alajpacha (the sun), the Akapacha (the earth), and the Manqhapacha (water). Water is considered the symbolic and actual life source in the Aymara culture, and is considered primary among the three key natural elements of the Aymara's Akapacha (earth or world): the Mallkus, the Pachamama, and the Amaru. The Aymara worldview (more commonly referred to as cosmoview) reflects their strong relationship with the environment, which they perceive as the sustainer of life. Most Aymara cultural traditions are focused on their relationship with nature, with much of Aymara folklore centering on environmental elements and their territorial lands. D. None of the above. E. All of the above.

A broader definition of economy can includes the environment, social equity, and public and private economics activities which can broaden our goals for a healthy economy, with new indicators of social and environmental welfare.


A lack of access to potable water in developing countries can be attributed to: global warming, multinational corporation's purchasing of the local water supply distribution, deforestation, pollution, discrimination against rural indigenous communities, and lack of community organizing.


According to Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition, the study of economics is the "description and analysis of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services."


According to the author; one can argue that a healthy society relies on four things: (1) a clean, sustainable natural environment, (2) a physically well populace, (3) educated citizens, and (4) meaningful activity. In this definition, economy has to be congruent with the resources and institutions that support a healthy society.


An ally is a person of privilege who actively works to eliminate stigma and discrimination that occur based on that stigma while an advocates are persons who argue for a cause or on another's behalf.


Eco-socialist theorize that both capitalism and socialism serve industrialization, which exploit both labor and the natural world, thus the primary concern is not who owns the means of production but the destructive relationship between humankind and the natural world.


For decades now, the Clean Development Mechanism has been a tool that disempowers the Global South from their own agendas and fails to mitigate the main causes of climate change, namely the amount of greenhouse gases produced by the developed nations. As a result, the Clean Development Mechanism has been critiqued as a tool to promote capitalist economies of affluent nations and neglect the primary aim of protecting the environment. Some scholars call this phenomenon "carbon colonialism". **********


Highly processed foods require large amounts of water. For example, compare the water needed to produce an ear of corn compared to a bag of microwave popcorn (transportation, processing, cleaning the machinery, packaging, fuel for transportation).


In developing countries, women and girls run the home, administer the household economy, care for the children, take care of the sick, purchase and prepare the food, clean the house, and spend more time in the home and the community. Engagement of women and girls is necessary for sustainable community development.


Lieberson's suggested a power- differential theory in which intergroup relations depend on the relative power of the migrant group and the indigenous group; and which group becomes dominant and which become subordinate does not governs subsequent relations.


Once policies have been passed or service have been introduced or redesigned, the practitioner delivering those services is presumed to be the person best placed and qualified to act as an evaluator and consultant to determine whether new policies or services follow the intent of the legislation.


One can define sustainable development as an approach to the development of economic enterprises that ensures that "natural resources are replenished, and that future generation continue to have the resources they need to meet their own needs.


One major breakthrough in organizational management theory occurred when we began to shift our focus from the maintenance of cogs in a well-organized machine, or scientific management, to a concern for human relationship and people as invested actors in complex work environment.


Politics influences the decision regarding who produces, distributes, and consumes; thus, the policies of economic institutions such as banks, corporations, and businesses that determine how jobs, money, and resources are made available to people are political ones.


The author suggested that there are two proposals at the global level that are especially relevant to social work values and practice: (1) the promotion of the protection of the global common, (2) peacekeeping and the adoption of alternative methods of greater citizen involvement to maintain peace.


The four models that religion and science have interacted historically are: 1) the warfare model, 2) the separate realm model, 3) the accommodation model, and 4) the engagement model.


The internal-colonialism theory is based on past European subjugation and exploitation on non-Western peoples in their own land.


The nature of the social structure influences not only the distribution of power resources (economic, political, and social) but also accessibility of those resources to groups who seek upward mobility.


The role of expert witness usually is undertaken at the invitation of a legislative or administrative group, social work practitioners should make themselves more ready to undertake this role and better prepare themselves to serve as expert witness if asked.


The term social capitol refers to actual or virtual resources available to an individual or a group through social relationships, networks, and institutions that "facilitate cooperation and collective actions for mutual benefits."


Water is a fundamental human right, recognized by the United Nations Resolution of July 2010 and this includes access to potable water and basic sanitation.


You "eat" water every day, indirectly, via your food consumption. It takes enormous amounts of water to raise cattle, pigs, and chickens. It takes less water to grow grains, vegetables and fruit.


Which of the following competencies falls under the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)? K

a. Demonstrating Ethical and Professional Behavior b. Engaging in Diversity and Difference in Practice c. Advancing Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice d. Engaging in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice e. Engaging in Policy Practice f. Engaging with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities g. Assessing Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities h. Intervening with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities i. Evaluating Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities j. None of the above k. All of the above

Which of the following sentences define the generalist practice? F

a. Generalist practice is the application of an eclectic knowledge base, professional values and ethics, and a wide range of skills to target systems of any size for change. b. Knowledge includes a range of conceptual frameworks and information about understanding and practicing social work, while values are based on professional ethics and the ability to distinguish between personal and professional values, and skills include those for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. c. Three primary principles involving values characterize generalist practice: the first of these principles involving values entails an emphasis on client empowerment, strengths, and resiliency; the second principle involving values that is emphasized in generalist practice is the importance of "understand[ing] how [human] diversity and difference characterize and shape the human experience and are critical to the formation of identity," and the third principle involving values that is accentuated in generalist practice concerns advocacy for human rights and the advancement of social, economic, and environmental justice. d. Four processes characterize generalist practice: (1) generalist practice requires the assumption of a wide range of professional roles, (2) it requires the application of critical thinking skills throughout the course of intervention, (3) generalist practice incorporates research-informed practice to determine the most effective ways to help people and serve clients, and (4) practitioners follow a seven-step planned change process to achieve intervention goals. e. None of the above f. All of the above

Which of the following is part of an eclectic knowledge base for a generalist practitioner to practice their skills in? H

a. Human behavior and the social environment b. Social welfare policy and policy practice c. Social work practice e. Research-informed practice and practice-informed research f. Values and principles that guide practice g. None of the above h. All of the above

Which of the following sentences is false? C

a. Human diversity refers to the vast range of differences among people. b. The concept of intersectionality involves the idea that people are complex and can belong to multiple, over-lapping, diverse groups. c. Oppression is the act of treating people differently based on the fact that they belong to some group instead of judging them on their own merits. Discrimination involves putting extreme limitations and constraints on the members of some identified group. Discrimination and oppression often result from stereotypes, fixed mental images of members belonging to a group based on assumed attributes that portray an overly simplified opinion about that group. d. Cultural competency for practitioners, strongly supported by the NASW Code of Ethics, involves at least the following six dimensions: (1) development of an awareness of personal values, assumptions, and biases, (2) recognition that cultural values and differences directly shape life experiences, (3) understanding that stereotypes, discrimination, and oppression may have direct negative effects on various diverse groups, (4) commitment to ongoing learning about clients' cultures on a career-long basis, (5) establishment of an appreciation of other cultures, recognition of their strengths, and nurturance of attitudes that respect difference, and (6) acquisition of effective skill. e. Advocacy is the act of representing, championing, or defending the rights of others. f. Human rights involve the premise that all people, regardless of race, culture, or national origin, are entitled to basic rights and treatment. g. Social justice is the idea that in a perfect world all citizens would have identical "rights, protection, opportunities, obligations, and social benefits." h. Economic justice involves the distribution of resources in a fair and equitable manner. i. Environmental justice is "the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies."

Which of the following sentences is false A

a. Micro skills are those used in working with individuals, macro skills are those used to work with small groups, and mezzo skills are those used to work with large systems, including organizations and communities. b. An emphasis on empowerment, strengths, and resiliency for the client are primary values inherent in the social work practice. c. Empowerment means emphasizing, developing, and nurturing strengths and positive attributes. It aims at enhancing individuals', groups', families', and communities' power and control over their destinies. d. The strengths perspective is an orientation focusing on client resources, capabilities, knowledge, abilities, motivations, experience, intelligence, and other positive qualities that can be put to use to solve problems and pursue positive changes. e. Resiliency is the ability of an individual, family, group, community, or organization to recover from adversity and resume functioning even when suffering serious trouble, confusion, or hardship.

Which of the following sentences is true? F

a. Planned change is a process whereby social workers engage a client; assess issues, strengths, and problems; and establish a plan of action, implement the plan, evaluate its effects, terminate the process, and do subsequent follow-up to monitor the client's ongoing status. b. Generalist Intervention Model (GIM). GIM is a practice model providing step-by-step direction concerning how to undertake the planned change process, which is generally directed at addressing problems. c. Three major features characterize GIM. First, GIM assumes that workers acquire an eclectic knowledge base, a wide range of skills to target systems of any size, and a professional values base, all emphasized in our definition of generalist practice. GIM's second major feature is its core seven-step planned change process, which emphasizes the assessment and use of client strengths. The third key feature is its generalist approach, which means virtually any problem may be analyzed and addressed from multiple levels of intervention. d. Regardless of what kind of problem is addressed, the planned change process involves seven major steps, they are; Step 1. Engagement: Engage the Client System, Step 2. Assessment: Assess the Client and Situation, Step 3. Planning: Formulate a Plan for the Intervention Process, Step 4. Implementation: Put the Plan into Action, Step 5. Evaluation: Evaluate Results and Effectiveness, Step 6. Termination: Conclude the Planned Change Intervention Process, and Step 7. Follow-Up: Reexamine the Situation and Progress Made. e. None of the above f. All of the above

Which of the following sentences is true? F

a. Social worker assume a wide range of professional roles, they are: A. Counselor B. Educator C. Broker D. Case manager E. Mobilizer F. Mediator G. Facilitator H. Integrator/Coordinator I. Manager J. Initiator K. Negotiator L. Spokesperson M. Organizer N. Consultant O. Advocate b. Not only does the process of generalist practice involve working within an organizational structure and assuming a wide range of roles, but also using critical thinking skills. c. Two facets included in the definition of critical thinking are significant. First, critical thinking focuses on the questioning of beliefs, statements, assumptions, lines of reasoning, actions, and experiences, and the second facet of the definition of critical thinking is the creative formulation of an opinion or conclusion when presented with a question, problem, or issue. d. One basic method for critical thinking involves the following Triple A approach (Kirst-Ashman, 2017): 1. Ask questions. 2. Assess the established facts and issues involved. 3. Assert a concluding opinion. e. None of the above f. All of the above

Which of the following sentences is false? D

a. Systems theory provides social workers with a conceptual framework that can guide how they view the world and a system is a set of orderly, interrelated elements that forms a functional whole. b. In order to understand how a systems model can provide the framework for intervention, one must understand some of the major terms involved. These terms include system, subsystem, boundaries, dynamic, interaction, input, output, homeostasis, and equifinality. c. The ecological approach assumes a person-in-environment focus and in order to better understand how it works, the following terms needs to be included: social environment, person-in-environment, transactions, energy, input, output, interface, adaptation, coping, and interdependence. d. In the simplest sense, there are two major differences between systems theory and the ecological perspective. First, the system approach refers to living, dynamic interactions and the second difference between the ecological perspective and systems theory is based on the emphasizing of different term

Which of the following sentences is false E

a. The first unique aspect of social work involves how practitioners may focus attention on any problem or cluster of problems, even those that are very complex and difficult b. The second aspect that makes social work unique involves targeting the environment for change. The system that social workers need "to change or influence in order to accomplish (their) goals" is called the target system or target of change c. The third aspect that makes social work unique is related to targeting the environment. Namely, social workers often find the need to advocate for their clients d. The fourth aspect that makes social work unique is its emphasis on and adherence to a core of professional values. The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). e. The fifth aspect making social work unique is related to the core of social work values and how important it is for the social worker to make the decisions for the clients f. The sixth aspect that makes social work unique involves how social work education is held account-able regarding specifically what makes social workers competent in their practice

Which of the following sentences is false C

a. The purpose of social work is "to (1) enhance the problem solving and coping capacities of people, (2) link people with systems that provide them with resources, services, and opportunities, (3) promote the effective and humane operation of these systems, and (4) contribute to the development and improvement of social policy" (Pincus & Minahan, 1973, p. 8) b. In other words, the purpose of social work is to help people in need by using any ethical means possible c. Specifying a cookbook recipe for social work practice is possible due to the variety of problems encountered and the methods employed d. Flexibility and creativity are key qualities for generalist social work practitioners

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