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Bob's football coach is a very important role model in his life. Many of Bob's actions are attempts to win the approval of his coach. Based on Merton's theory of development, which concept applies most to the relationship between Bob and his coach?

Bob's coach is one of his significant others.

What sociologist developed the concept of looking-glass self?

Charles Horton Cooley

What conclusions did Harry and Margaret Harlow reach following their research efforts with monkeys?

Infant-mother bonding is the result of intimate physical contact.

What was the effect of intensive language training on isabelle, a feral child discovered in Ohio in 1938?

Isabelle reached an intellectual level normal for her age.

Who was the Swiss psychologist who developed a four-stage model of the development of reasoning skills?

Jean Piaget

Who was the sociologist who conducted the classic case study of the abandoned child named Isabelle?

Kingsley Davis

Psychologists Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis observed the interactions of mothers and children to determine if the children were socialized differently depending on the child's sex. What were the conclusions the reached following their research?

Mothers unconsciously rewarded their daughters for being dependent.

What conclusions can be drawn from the case study of Oskar and Jack, the identical twins who ere born in 1932 and raised in very different cultures?

One's orientation to life is largely the result of environment.

According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do we develop our self concept?

Our self concept develops from interaction with others.

What was the result of the study conducted by H. M. Skeels and H. B. Dye where they placed an experimental group of mentally challenged babies in an institution to be cared for by mentally challenged adults?

The intelligence scores of the babies significantly increased when retested two and a half years later.

What was the result of intensified remedial training given to Genie, a 13-year-old feral child discovered in California in 1970?

The training had little effect, and Genie's language remained primitive.

According to anthropologist Paul Ekman, what is the driving force behind the six basic emotions that appear to be universal (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise)?

These emotions are built into our biology and are a product of our genes.

Leo, Matthew, Ryan, Liz, isabelle, and Francois grew up together, attended the same schools, and share many of the same interests. Sociologically which concept best describes their relationship?

They comprise a peer group.

Early interaction with other human beings is necessary to establish intelligence and the ability to experience close bonds with others.


Without language there can be no culture and culture is the key to what people become.


Which of the following media least qualifies as a form of mass media?

academic journals

What is the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors called?


According to George Herbert Mead's theory of human development, what term describes the active, spontaneous, creative part of the self?

the "I"

Who was the first feral child studied by social scientists in 1798?

the "wild boy of Aveyron."

What is another term for Freud's concept of the superego?

the conscience

In Sigmund Freud's theory on the origin of personality, what is the balancing force between the id and the demands on society called?

the ego

In Piaget's model, in which stage do children become "young philosophers" who are capable of abstract thinking?

the formal operational stage.

Toy is five years old. He loves to dress up like Batman and pretend to help people in need. According to Mead' theory, what stage best describes Tony's behavior?

the play stage

In what stage of development would George Herbert Mead indicate a child must learn to take multiple roles?

the team games stage.

According to George Herbert Mead, how does a child learn to take the role of others?

through play and imitation

In the "nature vs. nurture" controversy, which of the following terms least applies to nurture?


Corrine is a six-year-old who can count to 100 but is not actually sure what the numbers mean. According to Piaget, what stage is she in?


The primary difference in the case studies of Isabelle and Genie was that:

Because she did receive intensive training until later in life, Genie failed to benefit significantly.

The concept of feral children is a folk myth.


Mattie is a new sociology professor at a local college. During her first lecture, she noticed that some students are yawning. Based on her interpretation of the students yawning, Mattie has decided she is a boring teacher. This is an example of the process referred to as ________________________.

"looking-glass self"

Dr. Hoohlihan dresses quite professionally when she is teaching at the local college. In private, she enjoys wearing jeans and t-shirts. In view of this, how would Mead describe Dr. Hoohlihan's behavior?

Dr. Hoohlihan is responding to her generalized others at college and is concerned about how her students and colleagues view her.

Jimmy has just joined a fraternity. As part of his initiation he has been forced to strip naked and roll around in a tub of mud. After the "mud bath" the fraternity brothers greeted Jimmy as a full brother and equal. What is another name for this aspect of resocialization that Jimmy has just experienced?

a degradation ceremony

Which of the following would be the best example of a total institution?

a mental hospital

Becky and Frank are designing a study of certain human behavior to determine whether the source of the behavior is rooted in "nature or nurture." Which of the following research methods would be likely to yield the most significant results?

a study of identical twins separated at birth

As children, boys usually receive trucks, sporting equipment, and action toys while girls receive dolls and games that are more passive. Overall what do sociologists call this sex-based criteria for the gifts children receive?

gender socialization

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