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According to George Herbert Mead, the socialization process occurs in three stages: the "I" stage, the __________ stage, and the generalized other stage.


Who influenced the development of the social conflict paradigm?

Karl Marx

A focus on broad social structures that shape society as a whole reflects the ____ orientation.


What are the two components of the structural-functional paradigm?

Social structure and social function

What are the main assumptions of positivism?

Society is like a natural system. Research methods used in the natural sciences could be applied to the the social sciences. Human behavior can be tested.

Mario is researching how genetic factors influence human behaviors. His research would best be described as:


. All of these beliefs are part of the symbolic-interaction paradigm

Sociologist should focus on social interactions in specific situations. Society" is actually the shared reality that people construct through their interactions. . Human beings live in a world of symbols.

__________ does not refer only to people from different cultural backgrounds or those who speak different languages within a larger society. It can also refer to any segment of the population that is distinguishable from the rest of society by its cultural patterns.


Which of these would you refer to as a primary group?

a family gathering for the holidays

Which of these would you refer to as a secondary group?

a meeting of the Rotary club

According to George Herbert Mead's theory of socialization, when children learn what it is like to be in the shoes of another person, they have developed:

a social self

According to structural-functional analysis, culture is

a strategy to meet human needs

Symbolic interaction paradigm is:

a type of sociological theory at the micro-level

. For the patients who are involuntarily committed, what type of formal organization are mental hospitals?

a coercive organization

A social position that is assumed voluntarily and that reflects a significant measure of personal ability and effort is a(n):

achieved status

The status of being a nurse is a/an:

achieved status

Exchange theory regards human behavior as:

an exchange between costs and benefits

A very loosely formed group is referred to as a:


Sapphire studies differences between nations that are largely Islamic and those that are largely Christian. She takes great care in her research to examine the differences she finds neutrally and without value judgments. Sapphire's position might be called:

cultural relativism

. According to Karl Marx, what is the part of superstructure in a society?


A social group with two members is


According to Karl Marx, what should be considered superstructure?

government agencies

. Members of secondary groups are likely to:

have a goal orientation and be polite to each other

Cultural patterns that distinguish a society's elite are referred to as:

high culture

Social scientists today feel that:

human behavior is guided primarily by culture

According to Erving Goffman, reality is not fixed or static but created through:

human interactions

The style of music is affected by economic development. What sociological paradigm would be most likely to make the claim?


Primary groups and secondary groups differ in all of these characteristics except one:

members interact with each other

Different ideas among human beings around the world about what is polite and rude, beautiful and ugly, right and wrong, are expressions of:

morals and values

Taoism is an example of:

nonmaterial culture

Women who join the League of Women Voters are joining a:

normative organization

A society guides the behavior of its members in a concrete manner through rules and expectations called:


. Social-conflict analysis holds that America's competitive and individualistic values reflect:

our capitalist economy

According to George Herbert Mead, children develop as social beings by imitating those around them, and one of the most important ways that this part of socialization happens is through:


You have been invited to a concert in Broadway in New York. You will be experiencing:

popular culture

Humans cannot be socialized without:

regular social interaction with others

Humans stand out among all forms of life as the only species that:

relies on culture to ensure survival

. Patterns of expected behavior attached to a particular status are referred to as a(n):


The incompatibility among roles corresponding to two or more statuses is called:

role conflict

A supervisor would like to be friendly with her employees, but at the same time she must monitor their behavior and make sure they reach their production goals. This situation creates:

role strain

Performing the various roles attached to one status can create:

role strain

. Ideal bureaucratic organization depends upon _____, which controls an organization's functioning to ensure predictability and control the larger environment.

rules and regulations

. The theory which is rooted in the philosophical doctrine of historical materialism is:

social conflict

Arrive to class on time, raise your hand before speaking, turn in assignments on time—these expectations are part of the __________ of students.

social role

The paradigm referred to as the "framework that envisions society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change" is the:

social-conflict paradigm

At Sally's birthday party, her mother reminded her to say "thank you" every time she opened a present from a friend. Sally's mom was engaging in the process of:


The lifelong process of social experience by which individuals develop human potential and learn the patterns of their culture is called:


In addition to the family, one of the most important socializing agents for school-age children in modern societies is:

their peer groups

. All of these are characteristics of formal organizations except one:

they are designed to meet personal individual needs

All of these statements are true about secondary groups:

they are impersonal and large, they purse common goals together, and members have weak emotional ties or personal knowledge of each other

. Sociologists define a social group as:

two or more people who identify and interact with each other

T or F. The sociology of Comte and Marx are quite similar.


T or F. Feminism is ONLY a macro theory

F; Feminism is both a micro and macro theory.

. According to the text, the sociological study of culture began with which theorist?

Emile Durkheim

According to __________, to become a science, sociology must study social facts, aspects of social life that shape our actions as individuals.

Emile Durkheim

The sociologist who developed the field of microsociology and emphasized the importance of understanding the "seemingly trivial" was:

Erving Goffman

The term "sociology" was coined in 1838 by:

Auguste Comte

Which individual did not contribute to the social-structural paradigm?

Auguste Comte

Why are sociologists unable to develop "laws of society" that would allow them to predict all human behavior?

Because human behavior is both complex and spontaneous

The ideas of Karl Marx might be criticized for what?

His focus on class conflict risked minimizing or ignoring other social divisions like those around race and gender.

Émile Durkheim believed that for a society to function and persist over time, its specialized institutions must work in harmony with each other and function as an integrated whole. He referred to this as:

Organic Solidarity

____ is an approach to understanding the world based on science.


According to historical materialism

Values determine economic development

. __________ coined the term double consciousness to refer to the African American experience.

WEB Du Bois

At the University of California, the Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity always made fun of its rival fraternity, Alpha Sigma Sigma, during rush week when the brothers were recruiting new members. This increased the bonding and sense of loyalty among the members of Alpha Gamma Gamma and therefore we could consider these members:

an in-group

A symbol is:

anything that carries a particular meaning which is recognized by people who share a culture

According to Georg Simmel, an important aspect of groups is:

as group size increases: intensity decreases exclusivity and stability increases

Robert Merton noted that bureaucrats are trained to:

ask for input from others in the organization on the application of written rules and procedures

. Max Weber argued that __________ is necessary in modern societies.


The values in a given culture:

can be contradictory and inconsistent

. Your criminology class is touring a maximum security prison. You are visiting a:

coercive organization

Hector is doing research on a tribe called the Malagasians. This group organizes itself in highly participatory ways, moves around a lot, and affords older people a lot of respect within the group. This group could be described as:


According to George Herbert Mead, children develop a sense of self by:

imitating other people

. At the micro level, social structure consists of

individuals with different statuses and roles

Max Weber believed the more an organization approaches the ideal type of bureaucracy, the more effective it will be in pursuing the objectives for which it was established. However, he also recognized that bureaucracies can create some negatives such as:

inefficiency due to the strict adherence to rules and regulations when met with new circumstances

. A social group commanding a member's esteem and loyalty is a(n):


What has research shown about ingroups and outgroups?

ingroup-outgroup distinctions lead to unfair judgement and treatment of the outgroup

Increases in group size improve the stability in a group because

it reduces personal interaction

Adopt a sociological perspective on the life course. What is your position?

life courses are linked to biology but are mostly a social construction

. All the followings define values:

standards of desirability, beliefs of goodness, and guidelines for living.

At a given time you occupy a number of statuses. These are your:

status set

The theoretical paradigm in sociology that assumes society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability is the:

structural-functional paradigm

Teenagers, elderly Polish-Americans, jazz musicians and "southerners" are all examples of:


A framework that sees society as the product of everyday interactions of individuals" is the definition of the:

symbolic interaction paradigm

, George Herbert Mead reasoned that language allows us to become self-conscious beings—aware of our own individuality. This idea forms the basis of the theoretical perspective known as:

symbolic interactionism

The symbolic-interaction paradigm views society as the product of:

the day-to-day interactions of individuals

Mainstream culture could be best illustrated as:

the ethnic culture of the majority group or dominating class in a country

The socialization agent which is considered to be the most important for children is:

the family

There are many agents of socialization, but the most significant agent of childhood socialization is:

the family

. George Herbert Mead defined the generalized other as:

the general values and morals of the culture in which a child is raised

All of these are characteristics of "primary groups" except one:

the groups are impersonal and pursue a specific activity together

Bureaucracies arrange personnel in a vertical ranking. This is referred to as:

the hierarchy of offices

All social science theories of child socialization emphasize:

the importance of human contact

The discipline of sociology is best defined as:

the scientific study of human social activity

The term culture is best defined as:

the values, beliefs, societal institutions, and material objects that constitute a people's way of life.

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