Sociology Chapter 11 - The Family

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family violence

A serious problem that causes major disruptions to family life.

one parent families

One parent families are usually female lead. One parent families result from disruptions to the family system. Single parents experience task overload and emotional overload.

kinship groups

Primary, secondary, and tertiary relationships.

functions of the family

Regulation of sexual activity, reproduction, socialization, economic security, and emotional security.

women and childbearing

Research has not shown that women working has any negative impact on children verses women staying at home.

family patterns

Residential, descent, and authority.


Second and third marriages that result in the creation of step-families. These marriages often end in divorce.


Seeing someone with the explicit purpose of pursuing marriage.

sandwich generation

Situation that occurs when adults are forced to provide care for aging parents at the same time they are still raising children.

dual-earner families

Situation where both the spouses have jobs. This is now the norm in American society.

extended family

two or more adult generations of the same family whose members share economic resources and a common household; may also contain close relatives such as grandchildren, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins

division of responsibilities

When families must share work and home responsibilities to successfully meet the needs of the family.

economic security

Which important function of the family in traditional societies that is often taken over by the government in industrial societies?

Most Americans marry at least once in their lives.

Which is currently true regarding marriage in the United States?


a legal union based on mutual rights and obligations


a marriage consisting of one man and one woman

boomerang kids

adult children who return to the home of origin or who continue to live with parents

egalitarian authority

family structure in which authority is evenly shared between the husband and wife


youths from the ages of twelve to seventeen

voluntary childlesssness

Men and women deciding not to have children. These couples tend to have high levels of education and income.


marriage between people with differing social characteristics


marriage within one's own group as required by social norm's


refers to the pattern in which married couples live with or near the husband's parents


refers to the pattern in which married couples live with or near the mother's parents


refers to the pattern in which newly married couples set up their own households


the marriage of a male or female to more than one person at a time


the pattern in which the oldest man living in the household has authority over the rest of his family members


the tendency to marry someone similar to oneself

society is more tolerant of divorce.

Divorce is so common in the United States because _______

delayed childbearing

The result of women pursuing careers and having children later in life after the age of thirty.


the pattern in which the oldest woman living in the household has authority over all other family members


The legal ending of a marriage that causes several disruptions to a family.

descent patterns

Determines how kinship is traced and how property is passed down through the family.

disruptions in later life

Children leaving home and the death of a spouse are the main disruptions in later life. Women suffer economically with the loss of a male spouse. Children may move back home.

divorce disruptions

Children must live in two homes without support of a mother or father. Women suffer economic hardships. Men experience more anxiety and depression than women.

regulation of sexual activity

Family function that enforces incest taboos and rules for marriage.


Family function that ensures children learn the values, morals, and expectations of society.


Family function that ensures the family has children to carry on family heritage.

emotional security

Family function that guides psychological development and provide a loving and caring environment.

economic security

Family function where the family is the basic economic unit and ensures a division of labor.


In general, this practice is limited t the wealthy few in a preindustrial society and serves to increase their status and prestige.

duel career families, one parent families and childless families.

In recent decades, the traditional family has been replaced by _________

Family and Medical Leave Act

Law that requires employers to provide leave for up to 12 weeks. Employees are allowed to have their job back after that leave.

family of procreation

The new nuclear family which consists of his or her spouse and their children.

family of orientation

The nuclear family into which the person is born or adopted.


This refers to a network of people related by marriage, birth, or adoption.

dual-earner marriages

Two income families. 63% of married women are working outside of the home.

a woman in 1950

Who would have been more likely to have married young?

blended family

a family formed when at least one of the partners in a marriage has been married before and has a child or children from a previous marriage


a group of people related by marriage, blood, or adoption and who often live together and share economic resources


a marriage like living arrangement without the legal obligations and responsibilities of formal marriage

incest taboo

a norm forbidding marriage between close relatives

bilateral descent

descent and inheritance are passed equally through both parents

matrilinial descent

descent and inheritance is passed through the female line

patrilineal descent

descent and inheritance is passed through the male line

nuclear family

family structure composed of one or both parents and their children

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