Sociology chapter 16

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Efforts to promote support for war or military action can be seen in which of the following strategies?

"Support our troops" car magnets honoring soldiers with monuments

Government analysis found that with loopholes and tax deductions, large companies paid ______ percent in taxes, which is significantly less than the corporate tax on the books.


In which of the following wars is the U.S. still involved today?

Afghanistan War

Which of the following described war as "the continuation of politics by other means?"

Carl von Clausewitz

Which of the following became U.S. colonies after the 1898 war with Spain?

Cuba Puerto Rico

Which of the following former United States presidents warned the country of the "military-industrial complex"?

Dwight Eisenhower

Which of the following sociologists argued that social cohesion is necessary for the maintenance of a well-functioning society including economic life?

Emile Durkheim

Which of the following suggests that direct physical violence is related to the underlying social conditions of inequality and injustice?

Johan Galtung

Who is considered to be the best-known founder of peace studies?

Johan Galtung

The Cold War was an ongoing state of military tension between which countries?

Soviet Union United States

Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of concentrated power on political systems?

The poor do not see political participation as a wise investment.

The 2001 ______ was established after the attacks of 9/11.

USA Patriot Act

Which of the following were identified by the Economist's Economic Intelligence Unit as part of the five key components of a democratic government?

a government that can implement democratically based decisions free and fair competitive elections freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to due judicial process

There is ______ correlation between military spending to promote security and a deep sense of fear and insecurity among citizens of the United States.

a positive

Research suggests that the U.S. government is most responsive to the

affluent classes

Which of the following statements support the conclusion that the U.S. political system is more complicated than our celebrations suggest?

allegations of voter fraud, inaccurate counting, and interference with registration lead to periodic election controversies many Americans are very skeptical of the political process and political figures for most of U.S. history, the majority of citizens were denied the right to vote

A type of government that typically features self-appointed leaders who exert great control over the lives of the citizens is called ______ government.


The three basic types of government structures are which of the following?

authoritarian governments monarchies democracies

______ societies allow little opportunity for dissent, while ______ societies allow a range of political participation.

authoritarian; democracy

Training for soldiers typically begins at which of the following levels?

boot camp

The theory that suggests that political power is concentrated in the hands of the rich who own or control a large share of the nation's economic resources is ______ theory.

class domination

Before there were terrorists, the United States perceived the ______ as the main threat to security.


Most contemporary monarchies are


When industrialization expanded in the nineteenth century, home became associated with ______, and work became associated with ______.

consumption; production

A business that is treated legally as an entity separate from its owners is specifically referred to as a


High income earners get the biggest piece of common tax breaks, which include

deductions for mortgage payments lower tax rates on capital gains income tax-free pension contributions

Which of the following government structures always contain within them the possibility for reform?


A ________ is a political system in which the right to vote is widespread and government leaders are selected through multi-party elections


The widespread embrace of ______ is relatively recent in human history.


Which of the following are the types of government that predominate modern society?

democratic authoritarian

The legitimacy of government in a democratic system is rooted in the idea that

democratic systems have public support

According to the class domination theory, the _______ system is the ultimate source of power.


Military recruitment is much easier during periods of

economic recession

Campaign donations give donors and lobbyists unique access to

elected officials

The benefits that campaign donors and lobbyists receive fall into which of the following categories?

eliminating regulations lucrative government contracts

At the end of the nineteenth century the United States began to enlarge the military out of the desire to

expand U.S. influence abroad

True or false: Actions only matter in democratic societies.


True or false: Despite Americans' skepticism towards political figures, the United States still has the highest voter turnout in Western democracies.


True or false: There are only a couple of actors who seek to influence government decision making.


The system by which authority is exercised over a specific territory is referred to as


Which of the following is supported substantially more by those with modest incomes than those with higher incomes?

inheritance tax

Which of the following actions are now regarded as inconsistent with democratic principles?

internment camps during World War II wiretapping phone lines of peaceful political activists without a warrant requirements of "loyalty oaths" as a condition for employment

The reliance on a small "soldier class" of all volunteers has resulted in which of the following?

it may reduce civilian opposition to war it makes troops less likely to oppose war

Which of the following are among the wars and major military actions in which the United States has been involved between 1941 and 2011?

korean war Iraq war vietnam war

In the United States, working-class and poor people are ______ to vote than middle-class people.

less likely

Which of the following were identified as the common political ideologies in the United States?

libertarianism progressivism conservatism liberalism

Wealthy corporations and individuals lobby for which of the following?

lower tax rates tax loopholes

Which of the following statements best describes what issues count as politics?

mixture of culture and power

A system of government headed by a single person who typically inherits the position as a member of a ruling family is called a


If children of the ______ are not a major component of the military, government officials may be less hesitant to put troops in harm's way.

more affluent and powerful

A business that is treated legally as an entity separate from its owners whose facilities spread across the globe is called a(n)

multinational corporation

Johan Galtung referred to the absence of overt conflict as ______ and the existence of social justice as ______.

negative peace; positive peace

Which of the following are part of the five key dynamics of the spiral of silence theory identified by Scheufele?

people monitor the environment for common and opinion trends people who believe their values are unpopular will be guarder and silent

Which of the following are true about hunting and gathering economies?

people obtained food through hunting and gathering foodstuffs the entire community served as single economic unit they represent the first known economy

The ______ theory argues that political power is fragmented among many different competing groups.


Which of the following theories suggests that politics is a constant negotiation among various interests and that policies change as one or another group gains more influence?


Which of the following statements regarding political ideologies are true?

political ideologies embody the values of political culture political ideologies vary by society politics do not line up neatly with basic ideologies

Citizens learn basic norms and expectations about political life and attitudes toward involvement in politics through a process called

political socialization

According to German sociologist Max Weber, politics is about


In his farewell speech, President Dwight D. Eisenhower emphasized the rise of misplaced


The term that suggests that political power is concentrated in the hands of a small dominant group of business, government, and military leaders is

power elite

According to Feminist activists, "the personal is political" because

power pervades all aspects of our personal lives

In a ______ system, voters elect the head of government, while in a(n) ______ system, the legislature elects the prime minister.

presidential; parliamentary

Much of the United States' military spending is devoted to

projecting power worldwide

A system of government in which parties are awarded seats in government based on the percentage of votes they receive in an election is called

proportional representation

Countries that have a more diverse multiparty system often do so because of the ______ system they utilize.

proportional representation

At its best, politics can produce which of the following benefits?

protecting the quality of people's lives through regulations defending our civil liberties providing social services

Which of the following was identified as a source of legitimacy in democratic political systems?

public support

A political system in which citizens elect delegates to carry out the policymaking processes of government is called a(n) ______ democracy.


Which of the following social problems remain major concerns in the military to this day?

sexism sexual violence

Which of the following is likely to be a major source of change in a two-party system?

social movements

All economies are ______ constructed.


Governments around the world differ because the political process in each country is ______ constructed.


Which of the following theories explains how people keep quiet about controversial issues when they think their opinions are not widely shared in order to avoid social isolation?

spiral of silence

Which of the following are often engaged in the process of teaching or promoting civic engagement?

sports media schools

Political violence directed at civilians by governments is called

state terrorism

Honoring soldiers who have fought in war, museums with exhibits on past wars, and slogans such as "Support our troops" are all designed to encourage citizens to do which of the following?

support military engagement

Basic training teaches soldiers how to

suppress their emotions kill obey their commanding officers

Today, the most widely discussed threat facing the United States military is


Which of the following are some of the insights on terrorism provided by sociologists?

terrorism is rooted in perceived injustice terrorists are not crazy terrorism is an act of relative powerlessness

We typically apply the label ______ to groups we oppose but not our allies who may engage in similar activities.


The key moment in the development of the National Security State was the passage of

the National Security Act of 1947

Which of the following statements about the U.S. military since the middle of the twentieth century are true?

the U.S. has maintained the most powerful military in the world the U.S. spends more on its military than any other country

Which of the following enabled the military to introduce and enforce new ideas and behaviors?

the authority structure

The social institution that is responsible for a society's production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services is

the economy

According to the text, ______ has changed terrorism.

the internet

Which of the following groups benefits when the less affluent opt out of the political process?

the more affluent

Which of the following statements are true about the power elite theory?

the power elite theory is a form of conflict theory power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of elites

The Trump-era tax cut in 2017 favored

the richest households

Which of the following factors are essential for citizens to promote change through the electoral process?

the right to vote freedom of speech freedom of assembly

Which of the following best defines politics?

the struggle over power

Which of the following classes are underrepresented in the all-volunteer United States army?

the wealthy upper-middle class

Which of the following statements about political participation in the United States are true?

there is no string labor or socialist party to speak on behalf of the working class voters it is stratified by class working-class and poor people are less likely to vote than are middle-class people

According to Weber, what is the defining characteristic of governments, or "the state"?

they hold the monopoly on the legitimate use of force

Which of the following are reasons for peace studies programs?

to find alternatives to violence to promote human rights and social justice to promote non-violent conflict resolution

The authority within the military social structure is enforced

top down

True or false: Both non-state actors and legitimate national governments engage in terrorism.


True or false: Factors that affect economic life include both politics and culture.


Organized armed conflict among two or more trained military groups is called


Which of the following groups have had more mixed experience on matters of social justice in the military?

women gays and lesbians

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