Sociology Chapter 5: Separate and Together: Life in Groups

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Identify the statements that correctly describe "the strength of weak ties."

Correct Statements: - Weak ties provide benefits that strong ties do not. - Weak ties provide access to valuable information. Incorrect Statements: - People tend to have more weak ties than strong ones - Weak ties reinforce strong ties -Weak ties eventually turn into strong ones

Identify the organizations that Robert Putnam's research might argue would keep anomie at bay.

Correct: - Boy Scouts of America - Habitat for Humanity - Boys and Girls Clubs of America Incorrect: - Craigslist

Identify the aspects of group dynamics.

Correct: - how groups disintegrate - how groups achieve goals - how groups form - how groups change

Quinn is on a high-school volleyball team and has chemistry during first period. If she wanted to assess her team's performance, which of the following could serve as a reference group and which could not?

Correct: - the men's volleyball team at Quinn's school - another school's volleyball team Incorrect: - Quinn's first-period chemistry class - the chess club at school

Melissa is a student studying biology at the University of Michigan. She grew up in Michigan, in a nearby town. Identify each person as either being a member of an in-group or out-group for Melissa.

In-Group - a history major at the University of Michigan - her sister who is a student at Michigan State - a current community college student with whom Melissa went to high school Out-Group: - an Ohio State student who went to Melissa's rival high school in Michigan

Match each researcher to the correct description of their experiment on conformity.

Philip Zimbardo - assigned research subjects to play either a prisoner or a guard for a two-week mock-prison simulation Solomon Asch - examined how research subjects responded when multiple other individuals clearly answered a question incorrectly Stanley Milgram - led research subjects to believe they were shocking another individual in a different room when the person got a question incorrect

The differences between a group and a _________ is whether the members identify with one another and whether interaction is temporary or permanent. A primary group consists of people such as _________, whereas a secondary group might consist of people such as _______

1) Crowd 2)family members 3) Students taking this course

1) authority based in laws, rules, and procedures 2) authority based in custom, birthright, or divine right 3) authority based in the perception of remarkable personal qualities in a leader

1) legal-rational authority 2) traditional authority 3) charismatic authority

After watching a commercial that claimed that wearing Nike brand clothing makes amateur athletes perform better, Alfonso followed the __________ by purchasing Nike sneakers. By expecting this behavior to produce a positive reward, Alfonso is demonstrating ___________.

1) prescription 2) compliance

Power is the ability to _________ the actions of others and if legitimated, provides _________. Power can be _________ when it is backed by the threat of force, or _________ when it is supported by persuasion.

1. control 2. authority 3. coercive 4. influential

Katie, Tara, and Shanice are three African American women who just started college. The three of them make up a(n) ____________. Katie and Tara often have friction in their friendship, so Shanice must referee between the two of them and adds ___________ in the group. These three friends are also members of a sorority and compete with a neighboring sorority over who throws the best parties. They see the neighboring sorority as a(n) ____________.

1. triad 2. stability 3. out-group

Jennifer's soccer league is quite large. It includes twelve teams, and each team has approximately fifteen members. Jennifer is very popular and has the most ties with individuals throughout the league. Which social network concept best describes Jennifer's situation?


Results from the Twenty Statements Test (TST) over the past sixty years suggest that Americans' self-images have changed very little over time.


In the context of Charles Horton Cooley's theory of groups, identify each attribute as belonging to either primary or secondary groups.

Primary Groups: - ends in themselves - enduring membership Secondary Groups: - contingent membership - instrumental in purpose - impersonal

Identify whether or not the following are kinds of conformity produced by social influence.

Produced by Social Influence: - identification - compliance - internalization Not Produced by Social Influence: - obedience

The phrase "keeping up with the Joneses," which means to display wealth more than one's neighbors, is an example of what group concept?

Reference group

An employee at the local Department of Motor Vehicles puts in an eight-hour shift and then goes to a local bar and grill to celebrate a coworker's birthday. What aspect of bureaucracy does this situation highlight?

interpersonal interactions help humanize bureaucracies

Match each scenario with the form of authority it illustrates.

legal-rational authority: - After an election, a person says, "I didn't vote for her, but I'll support her because she was elected mayor." traditional authority: - A volatile, immature young boy is crowned king. Because of his lineage, being king is his birthright. charismatic authority: - The high school class president isn't particularly politically skilled, but their classmates find them winsome and likeable.

Match each scholar to one of his or her main ideas discussed in the textbook.

Émile Durkheim: Group membership prevents a state of normlessness. Robert Putnam: Americans have drastically reduced their levels of civic engagement over time. Sherry Turkle: Societies value technology over relationships.

Identify each example as either instrumental or expressive leadership.

Instrumental Leadership: - Your boss does not care that forcing employees to work through the weekend may hurt morale. The project must be done by Monday. - The CEO of McDonald's knows that laying off 500 workers will bring discord among other employees but knows they must do so to meet quarterly goals. Expressive Leadership: - The owner of your local coffee shop considers requiring workers to open the store at 4:30 a.m. but after considering the undue stress it may add to employees, decides not to implement the change.

Match each example to one of the three kinds of conformity.

Internalization: attending class because you think that the material in the class is worth learning Identification: attending class because you think your professor and classmates are smart and have interesting ideas Compliance: attending class so that you can pass and get a degree

People who play games such as World of Warcraft or Fortnite make up virtual communities.


Match each collection of people to the proper concept.

An aggregate: the audience at a taping of Saturday Night Live A category: all of the people watching Saturday Night Live on television last Saturday A primary group: a group of close friends and family members who get together to watch Saturday Night Live on television each week A secondary group: the cast members of Saturday Night Live

Match each quality to the correct group category based on Robert Merton's theory of group classification.

Out-Group: - lazy - snobbish In-Group - laid back - classy

Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a rule that if a team cannot be fed by two pizzas, the team is too large. The "two pizza" rule exemplifies the concept of ____________.

Social loafing

In light of George Ritzer's McDonaldization theory, identify whether or not each prediction about American society is fairly realistic.

Fairly Realistic Prediction: - Workers' movements will be monitored in order to maximize predictability and efficiency. - Individuals with unique personal traits and needs may feel depersonalized by systems that treat all persons the same. Not a Fairly Realistic Prediction: - Highly rationalized systems will lead to a society that runs smoothly, logically, and with fairness. - Society will become more bureaucratic in the economy and in politics, but more warm and personalistic in education and religion.

How did Stanley Milgram test participants' obedience to authority?

He had "experimenters" coax "teachers" into shocking "learners."

Identify the following as either a primary or secondary group.

Primary: - a married couple - a close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school Secondary: - a professional football team - a tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men

Identify the true and false statements about social media engagement and our social connections.

True Statements: - Eric Klinenberg and Claude Fischer make the case that despite a rise in social media use, Americans are no more or less lonely or detached from one another than they have ever been. - According to the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, users of social media are more connected than nonusers. False Statements - According to researchers at the University of Chicago, when social media is used as an escape mechanism to avoid the social world, it can help people cope with feelings of loneliness. - According to the Pew Research Center, Facebook users have fewer close relationships and higher levels of social support than both users of other social media and nonusers.

Identify the true and false statements about tech-induced anxieties.

True Statements: - In vulnerable times of life, such as adolescence, the internet and especially social media may lead to more loneliness. - Users of social media may actually be more connected with others than nonusers. False Statements: - Virtual communities are useful for playing games, but not for support for personal issues or medical conditions. - Due to a rise in social media use, Americans are more lonely and detached from one another than they ever have been.

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