Sociology Exam 2

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What is the rate of child poverty in the US?

1 in 5 (20%)

Physician prestige has been on the decline since the 1980s. Why?

1. market forces infiltrated medicine with the rising cost of health care 2. external regulation that had decreased income for the field. 3. newfound exploration of alternative medicines such as biofeedback or acupuncture 4. rise of technology and internet

Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than ____________ people worldwide.

25 million

Compared with 11% of the U.S. population as a whole, around 33% of Native Americans die before age:


Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than ____________ Americans.


____________ children have the highest rate of child poverty at _________ percent.

African American; 38%

Which act formalized the exclusive definition of whiteness by imposing immigration restrictions based on a national origins quota system that limited the yearly number of immigrants from each country?

Immigration Act 1924

Which U.S. president was responsible for the "War on Poverty" and programs like Head Start and Job Corps?

Lyndon Johnson

What population was Oscar Lewis studying when he coined the term "culture of poverty"?

Mexican population

The majority of the Latinos in the United States come from:


Which program shifted more of the responsibility of running welfare programs onto individual states and mandated time limits for the number of months a person can receive aid?

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWOR)

The Supreme Court's landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education struck down what doctrine?

Plessy V. Fergurson: separate but equal

The explanation for the relationship between socioeconomic status and health that focuses on an individual's social class, and the relative stressors inherent in a lower-class lifestyle, is called:

Social determinants theory

Which nation has one of the highest poverty rates in the advanced world?

The United States

A lot of people who are eligible for food stamps in the United States don't apply for them. Why?

They can't get to the dept. of social services due to lack of transportation

Until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association listed homosexuality as:

a mental disorder

The one-drop rule asserts that just "one drop" of black blood makes:

a person black

Some policy experts believe that welfare creates more problems than it solves because it discourages people from finding work. This is also known as:

a perverse incentive

Race is not a fixed biological or natural reality; rather, it is:

a social construction

According to Judith Lorber, differences between the sexes are not easy to explain because gender isn't natural, but rather is:

a social institution

Which term describes the measurement of poverty where a household's income falls below the necessary level to purchase food to physically sustain its members?

absolute poverty

______________ have the highest rate of infant mortality rate of _______ in the US.

african american; infants

What is one reason men have higher mortality rates than women in the US?

because men have higher rates of depression?

What you do in the social world should be a direct result of who you are in the natural world. This statement refers to:

biological determinism

Patricia Hill Collins claims that gender intersects with race, class, nationality, and religion. Which group has made the case that early liberal feminism was largely by, about, and for white middle-class women?

black feminists

After mental illness became "medicalized," what was one major change that occurred?

brought out of social context and focused on biomedical model

Most Arabs in the United States are not Muslim but ____________, and about 20 percent of U.S. Muslims are ____________.

christian; african american

According to the underclass thesis, the poor are:

deviant and dangerous to mainstream society

Acting on negative thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial groups is called


Which profession has the least number of practitioners in the United States?


The General Social Survey asked respondents why, on average, African Americans have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Nearly half of the respondents believed that blacks:

don't have the motivation to pull themselves out of poverty

Your text defines poverty as a condition of deprivation due to:

economic circumstances

Feminist psychoanalyst Nancy Chodorow believes that if men share mothering with women, then:

egalitarian relationships will be possible.

Which of the following terms hinges on the belief that-- social and psychological traits can be traced through bloodlines and selectively bred out of or into populations?


William Julius Wilson believed that there were factors other than welfare that led to a lack of inner- city job opportunities. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors?

factors that are associated: the industrialization, globalization, suburbanization, discrimination and gentrification.

All of the following terms characterize existentialist thinking EXCEPT:

fluid and ambiguous

Bob and Sue paint their baby's room pink as soon as they find out that they are having a girl. They are beginning to provide the baby with what?

gendered identity

Herrnstein and Murray questioned whether poverty was a side effect of ____________ conditions, or whether it actually caused limited opportunities for children.


The basic idea behind feminism is that women and men should be:

given equal opportunities and respect

Which term refers to the invisible barriers women face when they enter more prestigious corporate worlds?

glass ceiling

When token men enter feminized jobs, they enjoy a quicker rise to leadership positions. This isreferred to as:

glass escalator

Although race has no deterministic, biological basis, it still:

has important social influence

What did Bogin find was different in the Mayans' lifestyle that allowed them to grow 4 inches taller in the United States than in Guatemala?

healthier diet and better lifestyle

Morbidity means____________; mortality means ____________.

how often a disease occurs; death

Ethnocentrism classified nonwhites as abnormal and inferior to help justify:


According to your text, what drives American poverty rates?

inequality and segregations

Miscegenation refers to:

interracial marriage

Which type of family has higher child mortality rates?

larger families

The genetic variation that corresponds with geographic origins is much ____________ than people commonly believe.


The definition of relative poverty takes into account which important factor when determining poverty based on a percentage of median income?


Which group argues that sexuality in America is an expression of the unequal power balance between men and women?

marxist feminists

Although women now outnumber men in college enrollment, men still dominate which fields?

math and physics

According to Moynihan, what is the root cause of African Americans' economic problems?

matrifocal family

A government program that provides health insurance for the poor is:


Which government program provides health insurance for the elderly and the young with disabilities?


Which theoretical perspective argues that gender is a product of social interactions, and that by "doing gender" men and women create and contribute to the gendered patterns we see?

micro interactionism

Although we now know all humans are the same species, there is still an underlying belief that we can trace specific traits through:

our lineage

Jobs that have been feminized, such as teaching or secretarial work, are also referred to as:

pink collar jobs

American Medical Association (AMA) enjoys significant ____________ power.


Mollie Orshansky used the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommendations for the minimum amount of healthy food, estimated the cost for a variety of family types, and multiplied this figure by a factor of three to measure:

poverty threshold

Thoughts and feelings (usually negative) about an ethnic or racial group are referred to as:


Nativists believed that restricting the immigration of certain groups would:

protect the nation

One strategy that might allow more women to join the workforce, as suggested by Al Gore and other leftists, would be:

provide universal day care

In 1942, 120,000 Japanese Americans were sent by federal order to internment camps. Afterward, all Asian Americans (regardless of their country of origin and/or U.S. citizenship status) went from being a relatively unnoticed group to being singled out for discrimination. This is known as:


Muslims in America have undergone what scholars refer to as the formation of a new racial identity in which new ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people, known as:


Which term refers to the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits?


in the nineteenth century, theories of race moved from religious-based racism to:


What term best describes a behavior or attitude where a person's sex is the basis for prejudicial discrimination and where sex may matter more than a person's performance or merit?


Inappropriate jokes on the job and sexual bartering are both examples of

sexual harrasment

While the notion of sex refers to biological characteristics, the concept of gender refers to:

sociological characteristics

Social Darwinism was the evolutionary theory of

survival of the fittest

Historically, physicians did not have particularly high prestige, but their power did peak, according to some sociologists, around:

the 1980s

Hegemonic masculinity can best be described as:

the dominant, privileged, and often invisible category of men at any point in history.

Asians have been applauded for their smooth assimilation and are referred to as:

the model minority

Medicalization can be defined as:

the process by which human conditions and problems come to be defined and treated as medical conditions, and thus become the subject of medical study, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.

Married people tend to live longer than unmarried people. It could be that they take better care of themselves when they have the responsibility of a family. It could also be that:

the pursuit of health

In his book The History of Sexuality (1978), Michel Foucault contends that the change in the view of homosexuality to one of deviance was a result of all of the following EXCEPT:

the rise in gay pride and the institution of gay marriage legislation

Your text lists several explanations for why the United States has the highest inequality of all English- speaking nations. Which of the following is NOT an explanation your text cites?

the system of inequality in the US originated in Europe

Asians tend to have lower infant mortality rates than others in the United States. This is most likely attributable to:

they do better economically on average

Why is it difficult for almost half of Americans to save for retirement?

they don't have pension or retirement saving plans

According to the culture of poverty theory, what happens once survival adaptations are in place?

they hold poor people back??

While HMOs might decrease the prestige of physicians, they could also be detrimental to patients because a patient could be:

underrated by doctors b/c the amount of money they get when a patient comes in remains the same.

Income-based measurements are deceptive because they hide the real influence of:


the differences between race and ethnicity underscore the privileged positions of ____________ in America, who have the freedom to pick and choose their identities and freely show their ethnic


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