Sociology Exam 3

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What is sexuality?

The desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior

What is the parenting stress hypothesis?

a paradigm in which low income, unstable unemployment , a lack of cultural resources, and a feeling of inferiority from social class comparisons exacerbate household stress, in turn, leads to detrimental parenting practices, such as yelling and hitting, which are not conductive to healthy child development

What is the "individual fixed effects" ?

a statistical technique that compares outcome across time as some factor changes

What is subaltern?

a subordinate;oppressed group of people;the "oppressed group"

What is the elite-mass dichotomy system?

a system of stratification that has a select few governing elite, a few leaders who broadly hold power in society

Sex-based discrimination is not just about preferential hiring. _____________, it includes sexual harassment. This can take various forms, ranging from inappropriate humor all the way up to _________. The phrase____________ is used to describe sex-based discrimination that is sometimes difficult to prove in court.

according to the law,sexual assault, "hostile environment",

What is the status-attainment model?

an approach that ranks individuals by socioeconomic status, including income and educational attainment, and seeks to specify the attributes characteristic of people who end up in more desirable occupations

what is socioeconomic status?

an individual's position in a stratified social order

What is the observed effect of race-based affirmative action?

choice increased stratification within racial groups

What is scientific racism?

nineteenth century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race

Match each form of social stratification to the nature of its basis. Ex. status hierarchy system

social prestige

Define equality of opportunity.

the idea that everyone has an equal chance to achieve wealth, social prestige, and power because the rules of the game are the same for everyone. Monopoly example--everyone has the same chance at becoming wealthy

What is genocide?

the mass killing of a group of people based on racial,ethnic, or religious traits

What is ontological equality?

the philosophical and religious notion that all people are created equally

What is equality of condition?

the more progressive idea that everyone should have an equal starting point.

What is prejudice?

thoughts and feelings about an ethnic and racial group

Which factors are sometimes included in the definition of class?

wealth income education occupation

In Lorber's book, "Paradoxes of Gender" what does he claim about gender?

He claims that gender is a social institution that "establishes patterns of expectations for individuals, orders the social processes of everyday life, is built into the major social organizations of society, such as the family

What was Mills views towards the elite mass dichotomy.

He had a much more negative view, arguing its neither natural nor beneficial for society. He believed as the interactions among the big three powers increase, so does the interchange of personnel among them

What is the paradox of the Stratification chapter?

Inequality is a result of surplus.When individuals or groups in a society become more efficient and productive, they can gather more than what they need, hence the conservation of that surplus

What institutional racism?

Institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually disadvantage minority groups

According to Ferguson and Miller, what can social inequality do for society?

It results in a huge improvement for society because it leads to higher degrees of social organization and efficiency: if an individual can preserve and accumulate resources and become more powerful by storing assets (private property)he/she will have more of an incentive to work and thus better society

The Woman Question: What was Sherry Ortner's proposal?

She claimed that women are furthermore identified with nature

How does social constructionism, championed by Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman, differ from structural functionalism, psychoanalytic theory, and conflict theory when it comes to gender roles?

Social constructionism is less deterministic.

Why, according to economic historian Gregory Clark, does one's last name correlate with the likelihood that one is a doctor or lawyer?

Social privilege tends to be passed from parents to their children.

What effects did Bianchi and Robinson (1997), Kimmel (2000) and Conley (2004) observe in the children of mothers who worked outside the home at least part-time, compared to children whose mothers did not?

The children with working mothers may watch less television. The children with working mothers had more egalitarian attitudes. Brothers and sisters with working mothers were more likely to end up economically equal.

How did George Hegel view inequality?

he viewed it in terms of the master-slave dialectic. mutual Interdependency. The slave depends on the master because the master gives food, shelter, and protection. But the master is also dependent on the slave to grow his food, drive his car, prepare meals, and even get dressed

Define dialectic.

a two-directional relationship(one that goes both ways) (like a conversation between two people), following a pattern in which an original statement or thesis is countered with an antithesis leading to a conclusion that unites the strengths of the original position and the counterarguments

What are the 4 main forms a minority-majority group can take?

assimilation, pluralism, segregation, and conflict

The process of forming a gendered identity starts ______ a person is even born, as soon as the fetus is identified


Robert Park developed the straight-line model of assimilation, later refined by Milton Gordon. Following Gordon, place the steps in order to describe how a newly arrived immigrant population becomes fully assimilated.

cultural assimilation structural assimilation marital assimilation identification assimilation attitude reception assimilation behavior reception assimilation civic assimilation

Although few sons of lower nonmanual workers end up in that same class, the overall size of the class is roughly the same in both generations.

exchange mobility

T/F Brown vs. Board of Education did not overturn of Plessy vs. Ferguson

false, it did overturn that case

What obstacles did Deirdre McCloskey face in her "crossing the boundary" from man to woman? family opposition medical expenses self-doubt

family opposition medical expenses self-doubt

What are the 4 hallmarks of essentialism?

fixity, absolutism, lack of history, and biological determinism

What is the "Aspen effect?"

forces families too move far away from their jobs in order to live in a good neighbore=s

In Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (1992), pop psychologist John Gray claims men and women are innately different when it comes to certain aspects of human behavior. How do men and women differ, according to Gray?

in style of communication in relational styles

The son of a lower nonmanual worker becomes an upper manual worker.

individual descending mobility

Match each form of social stratification to the nature of its basis. Ex. elite-mass dichotomy system

individual merit

A painted portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Which kinds of inequality, according to Rousseau, must be eliminated to achieve social equality?

inequality based on wealth inequality based on social status

What is miscegenation?

interracial marriage

Gender a social institution. Why?

it establishes patterns of expectations for people, orders our daily lives, and is one of the fundamental building blocks of society--law, family, education, the economy etc.

Which factors were responsible for changing the character of the middle class, as defined by income, in the second half of the twentieth century?

greater demand for higher-skilled jobs rising incomes for blue-collar workers the emergence of the low-wage service sector

What is discrimination?

harmful or negative acts (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category

What is social mobility?

the movement between different positions within a system of social stratification in any given soiety

What is nativism?

the movement to protect and preserve indigenous land or culture from the allegedly dangerous and polluting effects of new immigrants

What is the free rider problem?

the notion that when more than one person is responsible for getting something done. The incentive is for each individual to shirk responsibility and hope others will pull the extra weight

What is the underclass?

the notion, building on the culture of poverty argument, that the poor not only are different from mainstream society in their ability to take advantage of what society has to offer, but also are increasingly deviant and even dangerous to the rest of us

What is acceptance?

the oppressed group feigns compliance and hides its true feelings of resentment

What is absolute poverty?

the point at which a household's income falls below the necessary level to purchase food to physically sustain its members

What is pluralism?

the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups in one society; also means a low degree of assimilation exists

The Woman Question: What is Parson's sex role theory?

the theory that men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives/mothers respectively, because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies, fulfilling the function of reproducing workers.Gender roles are voluntary(flawed idea). Women choose to to be housekeepers

What is proletariat?

the working class

The Woman Question: Who were social/radical feminists)())(?

they claimed that the roots of all social relations, including the relations of production, stemmed from unequal gender relations

The Woman Question: Who were conflict theorists?

they mixed old-school Marxism with feminism to claim that gender, not class, was the driving force of history

What are perverse incentives?

things that reward structures that lead suboptimal outcomes by stimulating counterproductive behavior; for example, welfare -to the extent that it discourages work efforts -is argued to have perverse incentives

What are the fundamental goals of mainstream modern feminism?

to gain for women the same level of opportunity and respect that men get to make people aware that gender structures relationships

What are the aims of class-based affirmative action?

to provide young people at all economic levels comparable access to higher education to address problems of racial inequality while avoiding the downsides of race-based affirmative action

T/F Plessy vs. Ferguson ruled in favor of the "separate but equal" doctrine


Identify each trait as being characteristic of either the proletariat or the capitalists in Marx's economic theory. Capitalists

want to see wages go down earn money by taking a share of profits control the assets used for production

What is sanskritization?

when an entire caste can leapfrog over another and obtain a higher position in the hierarchy. Sometimes this attempt works, and sometimes it doesn't

What is ascending vertical mobility?

when one rises from a lower stratum to a higher one and creates an entirely new group that exists at a higher stratum

What are the 4 forms of social domination?

withdrawal, passing, acceptance, and resistance

Why is the modeling industry characterized as inverse?

women outearn men by two to one, and sometimes much more

Rousseau accepts that a certain amount of natural inequality is unavoidable. But he believes social inequality can and should be eliminated. This kind of inequality is the result of differences in privilege and unequal access to resources. He believes the main root of the problem is private property, an institution that leads not only to injustice but also to social conflict.

natural inequality, social inequality should be eliminated, private propert

Men and women are______differently, so they ________different.

naturally; behave

What is "Doing gender?"

the idea that gender is not a fixed identity that we take with us into our interactions. Rather, it is a product of those interactions. Gender is a matter of active doing, and not of natural being

What are contradictory class locations?

the idea that people can occupy locations in the class structure that fall between the two "pure" classes

What is segregation?

the legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity

What is Max Weber's definition of social status based on?

the lifestyle one is seen as leading

The Woman Question: What was Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

"Anatomy is Destiny" Girls and boys develop masculine and feminine personality structures through early interactions with their parents. Girls identify with their mothers(penis envy with father)--and boys with their fathers . (pregnancy envy

What is withdrawal?

an oppressed group might withdraw, or retreat

What is MTO?

"Moving to Opportunity" the sample of families was randomly assigned to move to a low poverty area or, for the control group , to wherever they wanted. The results of MTO appear to suggest that uprooting families from high poverty, high risk neighborhoods produces greater peace

In terms of annual income for a family of four, what is the poverty line in the United States, as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services?


Why does the ideology of equal opportunity resonate with most Americans?

-Americans tend to believe that inequality of opportunity stifles meritocracy. -We live in a bourgeois society, in which the maximization of profit is the primary business incentive.

What factors contribute to this growing discrepancy between the value of college and the supply of college graduates?

-Low-income high-schoolers tend to have examples around them of people for whom college did not work out, rather than ones for whom it did. -The cost burden of college has increasingly shifted to students and families.

Place the items in order to illustrate Hegel's concept of a master-slave dialectic.

-Tomato-growing companies rely on pickers who are paid sub-minimum wages and otherwise exploited. -Workers organize to protest their working conditions and win the support of major tomato purchasers. -A negotiated set of reforms improves conditions for workers while allowing the growers to remain profitable.

Which items, according to Jeffrey Sachs, are most necessary for rapidly lowering birthrates in a developing nation?

-free contraception and other health services -girls' education

Which factors are included in the means by which the Indian caste system has historically maintained itself?

-social closure -endogamy

What is it about Africa's climate and geography that made it hard for Africa to benefit from the Green Revolution in twentieth-century agriculture?

-some crops not suited to Africa's climate -the non-feasibility of large irrigation networks

What are the 3 key beliefs of racism?

1. humans are divided into distinct bloodlines and /or physical types 2. that these bloodlines or physical traits are linked to distinct cultures, behaviors, personalities, and intellectual abilities 3. certain groups are superior to others

According to Rousseau what two forms of social inequality exists?

1. physical(or natural)"consists in a difference in age ,health,bodily strength , and the qualities of the mind 2. social (or political)which focuses on the privileges of others such as being more powerful, or in a position of to act to obedience

What is social equality?

A condition in which no differences in wealth, power, prestige, or status is based on nonnatural conventions exist

Who was McCloskey?

A trans woman who recounted her experience transitioning at the age of 52 from male to female in a book 'Crossing'

What is "bio-logic"?

A western cultural logic that indicates a system of distinct categories-such as gender being male and female

T/F 2/3 of American Teens are having sex.


How is conflict theory similar to Talcott Parsons's structural functionalism in terms of the way they explain gender roles?

Both theories explain men's and women's gender roles in economic terms. Both theories are open to the charge of relying too much on a fixed, binary male/female distinction.

What is a main problem with basing affirmative action on class rather than race?

Class can be more easily faked than race.

What is premordialism?

Clifford Geertz's term to explain the strength of ethnic ties because they are fixed deeply felt or primordial ties to one's homeland culture. Ethnicity is fixed

What racist view did Blumenbach have?

He categorized people's races by looking at the bumps on skulls, and said the European skull was the best

T/F Birth Order is a basis of inequality.


What case did Black Feminists make?

Early liberal feminism was about, and for white middle class women often ignoring the experiences of thousands of nonwhite working women. Black women face unique oppressions that white men don't

Who proposed we view the relationship between the natural and the social exists on the Mobius Strip.What is the Mobius Strip? And

Elizabeth Grosz. and an old math puzzle that looks like a twisted loop. It says biological sex, like plumbing, makes up the inside of the strip, whereas the social world-culture, experience,and gender make up the outside

T/F Gender boundaries are subject to change.


What was Max Weber's views on class?

He argues that class is a group that has its basis, the common life chances or opportunities available to it in the marketplace. Property and lack of property are the basic categories for all class situations

What did Rousseau believe about the emergence of private property?

He believes the idea that someone has the right to own something as the primary source of social ills. A certain amount of social inequality is always going to exist between people--someone is always going to better than someone else

Why are college completion rates not keeping up with the job market's demand for college graduates?

Higher numbers of college students are dropping out before graduation

What is HOLC?

Home Owners' Loan Corporation in the early 1930s that granted loans to homeowners who were in financial trouble;also used "red-lining" which declared inner city black areas too risky and ineligible for aid

In her research on hook-up culture among students, what did Paula England learn?

Hook-ups tend to serve male interests more than female ones. A hook-up is a sexual encounter.

Who are hijiras?

In India, a group that are phenotypically male who wear female clothing and ideally renounce sexual desire and practice by undergoing a sacrificial emasculation

According to Malthus,. what is his positive view on inequality?

Malthus believed inequality was necessary for avoiding the problem with overpopulation and starvation. He said poverty was okay because it would lessen the condition of the masses

How much social mobility is there in the United States, compared to most other industrialized nations?

Mobility is about the same in the United States as elsewhere.

Which mid-eighteenth-century French essayist explained the different social conditions north and south of the equator in terms of the differences between the calm, rational character of people in cool, dry climates and the passionate, undisciplined character of people in hot, humid climates?


What is meritocracy?

Pareto also believed in this; a society where status and mobility are based on individual attributes, ability, and achievement

Thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment such as Adam Ferguson and John Millar believed that private property was a beneficial institution. What was their reasoning?

People are more productive when they are able to keep what they produce.

What is gender ultimately about?

Power struggles between men and women by referring to their biological differences

What president wanted to combat poverty?

President Lyndon B. Johnson, and the "War on Poverty"

T/F Gender roles are from place to place, fluid, changing and context-specific


What is straight line assimilation?

Robert Park's 1920s universal and linear model for how immigrants assimilate: they first arrive, then settle in and achieve full assimilation in a newly homogeneous society

Psychologists Carol Gilligan and Mary Pipher argued, in the 1980s and 1990s, that the social deck is stacked against girls from infancy through adolescence, putting their physical and mental health at risk. What is Christina Hoff Sommers's position on this topic?

Sommers believes that because boys are inadvertently penalized for the shortchanging of girls, boys suffer more than girls in education and adolescent health.

What was Dr. John Money's model on sex bodies in the pre-modern world?

The 2 sex model.

What is the PRWORA?

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. often referred to the end of welfare as we know it. This program shifted more of the responsibilities of running welfare programs onto individual states, limited the number of months that a person can recieve aid

What is paradox?

The biological categories of sex strongly influence the social dynamics of gender: however, the social categories of gender can sometimes determine the biology of sex

Place in order the events that, according to Freud, take place during a boy's development into adulthood.

The boy is sexually attracted to his mother. The boy fears being emasculated by his father. For self-preservation, the boy separates from his mother. The boy grows into an emotionally reserved man.

How might a proponent of biological determinism react to examples of same-sex attraction?

The determinist would insist that being born with male parts means you are only a male and preordained to be sexually attracted to women. The determinist might propose that social influences had somehow interfered with normal, biologically based behavior patterns. The determinist could suggest that something had gone wrong at the biological level.

Which items correctly describe trends in global inequality?

The gap between rich and poor within nations has grown over the past few decades. The gap between rich and poor across the globe has grown over the past few centuries.

What is equality of outcome?

The idea that each player must end up with the same amount regardless of the fairness of the "game";like a Marxist or communist ideology). Nobody earns more power, prestige, and wealth by working harder. there would be no bill gates. everybody would have the same amount of work

What was the 1-sex model?

The model that dominated Western thought stating there was only one body (male) and the female body was inverted

Which items are among the reasons Mears considers modeling a "bad job" for structural reasons—an occupation rather than a profession?

The pay is poor. Modeling has no organizing body. The work is unpredictable.

What is structural functionalism?

The theoretical tradition claiming that every society has certain structures (the family. the division of labor, or gender) that exist to fulfill some set of necessary functions(reproduction of the species, production of goods, etc.)

Who were the nadle people in Navajo Native American tribes?

The third gender that may have been born with obscure genitalia at birth or later declare the nadle identity. They can marry people of any gender without loss of status

Who heavily influences the notions of class in sociological analysis?

The two theorists: Karl Marx and Max Weber

What is social closure within the Indian caste system mean?

There is little to no social mobility within the caste ranks--meaning if you are born an untouchable, you remain an untouchable, you marry an untouchable, your children are untouchables and you die untouchable

Toward the end of this interview, Dalton Conley asks Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University's Earth Institute how he would address worries about unintended consequences of social policy actions like famine relief and interventionist health policies. Which items are part of Sachs's answer?

There will always be unintended consequences, no matter what we do. We must try to spot unintended consequences as soon as possible.

What did Adam Ferguson, John Millar, and Thomas Malthus believe about social inequality?

They believed it was good, or at least necessary. These three agreed that social inequality comes when private property emerges and that private property itself emerges from when resources can be preserved

The Woman Question: What was the problem with Chodorow, Giligan, Klein, and Stevens theories ?

They were all based on the binary sex/ gender system, whereas today there increased varieties

What are stratified societies?

Those where human groups within them are ranked hierarchically into strata, along one or more social dimensions

T/F Economists, Hartmann and MacKinnon analyzed how capitalism combines with patriarchy to make women economically dependent on men's incomes

True, Capitalist men reap all the benefits of a woman's subordination

T/F People exist on a status ladder where there's a lot of social mobility .

True, often people seek to assert their status not just through their occupation but also through their consumption, driving a fancy car, living in a gated community,wearing stylish clothes

Which theorist sees nothing wrong with elite-mass dichotomy, believing that those most fit to govern society should be tasked with doing so?

Vilfredo Pareto

What is biological determinism?

a line of thought that explains the social behavior in terms of who you are in the natural world

A sequence of events, starting around 1700, led to today's highly globalized economy and unequal global wealth distribution. Place the events in chronological order.

Virtually the entire world lives at a subsistence level. In Europe, technological advances in farming lead to dramatically increased food production. Factory production replaces European cottage industries. Western colonialism at its peak transfers wealth from the colonies to Europe. Post-independence, former colonies of Europe struggle economically.

Does the virginity pledge help ease the onset of sexual activity in teens?


define the estate system

[a politically based system of stratification characterized by limited social mobility. ]Laws are written in a language in which rights and duties separate individuals and distribute power unequally. Used a lot in the antebellum American South and old Europe where you could have the right to vote only if you owned land. If you were from a poor family, you are what your parents are, and what your children will be

Which of the following would be included in C. Wright Mills's "power elite"?

a U.S. senator the CEO of a major corporation a Navy admiral

Define poverty

a condition of deprivation due to economic circumstances

What is the definition of hegemonic masculinity?

a condition of masculinity where men are dominant and privileged, both of which are largely invisible

What is feminism?

a consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. The underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect

What is wealth?

a family's or individual's net worth(total assets minus total debts)

What is race?

a group of people who share a set of characteristics-typically, but not all always, physical ones-and are said to share a common bloodline

Define essentialism.

a line of thought that explains social phenomena in terms of natural ones. EX. They believe If you are born with male parts, you are essentially and absolutely a man and you will be attracted to women only, as preordained by nature

What is relative poverty?

a measurement of poverty based on a percentage of the median income in a given location

what is symbolic ethnicity?

a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but of identifying with a past or future nationality

Define patriarchy.

a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity

Who was John Gray?

a psychologist that argued that men and women differ fundamentally in their values , attitudes, thought processes, preferences, and that they might as well be from different planets "Men are from Mars" and "Women from Venus"

define caste system

a religion based stratification characterized by no social mobility. These societies are stratified on the basis of hereditary notions of religious and theological purity. (ex. varna system in South Asia-India)

Identify each item as an example of either income or wealth. income

a retired worker's pension Social Security checks

What is gender?

a social position/construction; the set of social arrangements that are built around normative sex categories

What is a bourgeois society?

a society of commerce (Ex.modern capitalist society) in which the maximization of profit is the primary business incentive

Define status hierarchy system

a system of stratification based on social prestige. status is determined by what society as a whole thinks of the particular style of the community you belong to. hierarchy is stable over a period of time

What is middle class?

a term commonly used to describe individuals with nonmanual jobs that pay significantly more than the poverty line --though there is no consensus on what this term really means

What is upper class?

a term for the economic elite;the individuals at the top of the socioeconomic food chain

What is a class system?

an economically based hierarchical system characterized by cohesive, somewhat oppositional groups and somewhat loose social mobility. Class is related to position in the economic market

What is sexual harassment?

an illegal form of discrimination, involved everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual "barter"-all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, particularly on the job

What is the glass ceiling?

an invisible limit on women's climb up the social ladder. Hard for a woman to become the president; more likely for her to occupy the secretary position

What is collective resistance?

an organized effort to change a power hierarchy on the part of a less powerful group in a society

What is passing ?

blending with the dominant group

What is descending vertical mobility?

can be expressed in 2 forms:individual or group

label each person according to her position in a class-based economy. Ex.the owner of a large franchised restaurant


What does Max Weber consider the ultimate basis of class divisions?

choice one's ownership of capital that can generate income

label each person according to her position in a class-based economy. Ex. the head of printing press operations at a major newspaper


label each person according to her position in a class-based economy.Ex.a freelance graphic artist


Match each form of social stratification to the nature of its basis. Ex. class system


Two students with similar grades and test scores but different family backgrounds apply for admission to the same college. The student from a wealthy family is admitted with no financial aid, while the student from a working-class family is awarded a generous financial aid package. Which form of equality is this difference in financial assistance meant to achieve?

equality of condition

Rank the three forms of equality by how radical (or, more precisely, antibourgeois and anticapitalist) each one is, starting with the least radical.

equality of opportunity equality of condition equality of outcome

What are the 4 ideal types of social stratification? What's the fifth ideal type?

estate system, caste system, class system, status hierarchy system 5.elite-mass dichotomy

What was the theory of Marxist sociological analysis?

every mode of production--from subsistence farming to small scale cottage industries to modern factory production to the open source information economy -has its own unique social relations of production

Match each form of social stratification to the nature of its basis. Ex. estate system

law and politics

What is eugenics?

literally meaning "well born " a pseudoscience that postulates controlling the fertility of populations could influence inheritable traits passed on from generation to generation. Galton claimed that each race had a separate package of social and psychological traits transmitted through bloodlines

What is exchange mobility?

mobility in which, if we hold fixed the changing distribution of jobs, not one-to one but in a way that ultimately balances out

What is structural mobility?

mobility that is inevitable from changes in the economy.

Identify each item as an example of either income or wealth. Wealth

money in a 401k account equity in an owner-occupied home stocks and bonds

What is income?

money received by a person for work, from transfers of (gifts , inheritances, or government assistance )or from returns on investments

What is sexism?

occurs when a person's sex or gender is the basis for judgement, discrimination, and or hatred against him or her

What is ethnicity?

one's ethnic quality or affiliation. It is voluntary, self-defined,nonhierarchal, fluid, and based on cultural differences, not physical ones per se

What does Max Weber consider the ultimate basis of class divisions?

one's ownership of capital that can generate income

Which two variables in a parent population best predict children's educational outcomes?

parents' wealth, parents' level of education

in ________, the distinction between the working and the nonworking poor is not just about those who have jobs and those who do not, but about those who _____ help versus those who don't. Supposedly, the nonworking could work but ______. ________ however, the line between the working and nonworking poor does not mean a great deal, since families cross it often, as breadwinners gain or lose employment.

politics, deserve, choose not to, Sociologically,

What is affirmative action?

preferential selection to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, business, from which they have historically been excluded.

label each person according to her position in a class-based economy. Ex. a salaried paralegal assistant at a law firm


What are the two antagonistic classes in a fully mature capitalist society?

proletariat and bourgeoisie

The Woman Question: Carol Gilligan. Who was she?

psychologist that agreed with Freud that women and men have different ways of thinking. Women view the world is composed of human connections and relationships. Men make decisions adhering to a system of rule. Men believe the world is governed by impersonal, abstract rules and notions of justice

What is laissez faire racism?

racism replaces biology with culture and presumes it to be inferior, fixed, innate

what is vertical mobility?What are the 2 types of vertical mobility?

refers to the rise and fall of an individual (or group)from one social stratum to another. Ascending and Descending

Match each form of social stratification to the nature of its basis. Ex.caste system


What was the Bell Curve Thesis?

said that the same traits that make adults economically successful make them good parents. Low IQ is a risk factor for child neglect.

What is "normalization" regarding homosexuality?

self surveilance and coercion that would restrain people from deviating and being homosexual

Define gender roles:

sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as a male or female

The Woman Question:What was Rubin's Sex/Gender system proposal?

she proposed that every society participates in some form of gender system or the other. In this system, the raw materials of biological sex are transformed through kinship into asymmetrical gender statuses. Women are treated like commodities whose trade patterns strengthen the relationship between families and men. Feminists agreed with her proposal

The sociological view of ____ is that it is not fixed by biological ____ but rather is a social institution. It is a set of _____ that orders our lives and defines a person's place in society.

sociological, gender, sex, scripts

Who was Vilfredo Pareto?

someone who took a positive view of elite-mass dichotomies

Farm occupations are a smaller percentage of the total in the sons' generation than the fathers'.

structural mobility

What is stratification?

systemic social inequalities between groups of people, arise as consequences of social processes and relationships

What was the negative income tax experiment?

the US govt wrote checks to low-earning households in order to ensure that they had a certain minimum amount of income available. Once the households crossed the predetermined earning threshold,, they were expected to start paying "positive taxes"

What is the glass elevator?

the accelerated promotion of men to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs. When men enter into feminized jobs its easier for them to get leadership positions

According to Columbia University's Jeffrey Sachs, which kinds of factors explain Africa's lag behind the rest of the world in social and economic development?

the aftereffects of colonialism geographic and climatological factors disease-related factors

What is Social Darwinism?

the application of ideas onto society-namely, the evolutionary "survival of the fittest

What is the culture of poverty?

the argument that poor people adopt certain practices that differ from those of middle class "mainstream" society in order to adapt and survive in difficult economic circumstances. Ex. illegal work,multi-generational living arrangements, multifamily households, informal social safety(swapping)

define the one drop rule.

the belief that 'one drop' of black blood makes a person black, that evolved from U.S laws forbidding miscegenation

What is racism?

the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits

What is ethnocentrism?

the belief/ judgement that one's own culture or group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of one's own

What is sex?

the biological differences that distinguish males from females

How is America Stratified Today? What factors are responsible for recent increases in income inequality, as reflected in an ever-larger ratio between CEO pay and worker pay?

the changing mix of available jobs the changing requirements for existing jobs

What is hegemonic masculinity?

the condition in which men are dominant and privileged, and this dominance and privilege is invisible. Masculine ideal is a white, married, heterosexual, Protestant father...

What is racialization?

the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formally unnoticed group of people

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