Sociology Final

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What two factors must migrations involve?

-A permanent or semi-permanent change in one's residence -Crossing an administrative boundary

According to Coale, what are the three preconditions for a fertility decline?

-Acceptance of calculated choice as a valid factor in marital fertility -Perception of advantages of reduced fertility -Knowledge and mastery of effective birth control techniques

Two factors applied for projecting life expectancy

-Apply current mortality rate to newborns -Assume health will improve and life expectancy will lengthen

7 social determinants of health

-Health is more than health care. -Our social, economic and built environments shape health. -Health is tied to class position. -Racism, stigmatization, and discrimination impact health. -The choices that individuals make that affect their health are shaped by the choices that they have. -Chronic stress stemming from a lack of control causes health problems. -Health inequalities are not natural nor inevitable.

What are most deaths world-wide caused by? What is the second greatest cause? What causes the fewest deaths?

-Non-communicable diseases (heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc) -Communicable diseases, maternal conditions, & nutritional deficiencies -Injuries

What are four conditions for skewed sex ratios?

-Preference for one gender -low fertility -technology to detect gender in utero -availability of abortion

What are two problems with limiting immigration?

-Stops immigrants from coming in but also keeps them staying in their home country, furthering the bad conditions there -End up deterring migrants and visitors that the country wants, who will spend money and contribute to human capital

Name one social or cultural factor that explains why human fertility is lower than what is biologically possible.

-Time spent unpartnered -Postpartum amenorrhea (breastfeeding) -High levels of "intrauterine death" -Wait for conception (coital frequency) -Pregnancy

What are 4 effects of a high male population on women?

-Treated better in marriage because men must woo the women in short supply -women have better choice of partners -increased trafficking of women -women forced to marry against their will

What are 2 reasons some immigrants have better health than US citizens?

-immigrants must be healthy in order to make the trek -they come from countries with healthier practices such as less smoking and better diets

4 reasons HIV/AIDS is so prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa

-multiple partners common -no male circumcision, which reduces transmission -people with poor health or STIs at greater risk -condom use is not common

How is migration measured? (5)

-population registers -registers of foreigners -applications for visas and work permits -border crossing data -census or survey questions

Three consequences of Russian men dying young

-scarce marriage market -many widowed women -decreased family income

What does current emigration from Mexico to the US look like?

As education and labor market opportunities have increased in Mexico, there isn't as much of an incentive to migrate to the U.S.

What is a limit of life tables?

Assume the death rates stay constant over time, which isn't true

How does child mortality affect life expectancy?

Averaging 2 years with 80 years greatly decreases life expectancy in countries like in Sub-Saharan Africa

Why does the US government conduct a census every ten years? What is the legal basis for the census and what are the results used for?

Constitutional mandate. To determine political representation in the House of Representatives and allocation of federal funds.

Country that receives 98% US remittances


Why are remittances important?

Reduce poverty countries, invest in banks and economies in sending countries (likely to reduce unwanted migration flows)

What are two issues with a high male population?

Shortage of wives for men, unmarried men live shorter, less healthy lives

Why do people collect data on stunted children in Africa and Asia?

Shows malnutrition that could lead to mortality

Why do people in poorer areas with diabetes end up in the hospital more frequently at the end of the month?

They run out of their allotted money/food stamps

He discovers that the crude birth rate for his county and his state are exactly the same, but he finds that the TFR differs. He asks you if this could be correct and what explains it. What do you tell him?

This could be correct if the areas have different age structures.

What is the greatest cause of death in older ages?

cardio and circulatory diseases, cancer, and respiratory diseases

What is the greatest cause of death in younger ages?

diarrheal infections and neonatal disorders

Relationship between health and education


Describe push-factor in places like sub-Saharan Africa

large young population, who will look to move to countries with open jobs who need workers

HIV Incidence =

new infections

Prevalence =

number of people with condition, including new and old infections

How does life expectancy and the gap in life expectancy change between the top half of income distribution and bottom half by cohort?

Life expectancy increases by cohort and gap increases.

5 reasons for health disparities by race

-socioeconomic status differences -Historical legacies (1954: de facto segregation in Chicago. Just 2 hospitals (out of 76 in the city) accounted for 60% of black births and 77% of black deaths) -Residential segregation: substandard infrastructure, pollution, social networks (poor whites tend to live in neighborhoods with middle income whites who can gain informal knowledge of what to do, not same for poor blacks) -Ongoing discrimination and unequal treatment in medicine & health care -Ongoing discrimination in other domains (Hiring and firing based on racial discrimination affects income and access to insurance)

Why do married men live longer and healthier lives than unmarried men?

-women marry healthier men -unmarried men get HIV from riskier sexual behavior -married men stay healthy for their wives -married men are more economically stable and can afford good healthcare -married men have family to care for them when old

How do you view low fertility after reading the Morgan article in Demography?


Some scholars think that there is a natural limit to life expectancy whereas others believe there is no such limit. What is Oeppen and Vaupel's position on this issue? What is their evidence? What does Wilmoth and colleagues' analysis of maximum lifespan in Sweden tell us that is relevant to this debate?


What is one critique of sex selection (reproductive) practices in the United States as described by the Bhatia article?


What is the relationship between average life expectancy and maximum lifespan?


What is the relationship between women's employment and fertility levels?


What kinds of policies are being discussed to address the low fertility situation?


Why do Olshansky and colleagues believe that rising levels of obesity in the population might undermine gains in life expectancy?


Why does Wilmoth predict that life expectancy will continue to rise? What does he say about the best methods for predicting life expectancy in the future?


Why is it important for our estimates of future life expectancy to be accurate?


Why is low fertility considered by some to be a problem or a crisis?


Describe immigration to US in 2005

1.3 million immigrated to US in 2005, but it's not much of a change compared to the 130 billion population

Describe gender ratio of 3rd child in Asian families in U.S. in 2000

1.5 male/female ratio

Natural sex ratio

105 boys/100 girls

When and where did life expectancy start to increase?

1800 in Scandinavian countries first.

For most of human history, what was life expectancy?

20 - 30 years

Describe the pattern of refugee migration currently

45 million displaced from homes because of persecution, war, civil unrest, etc. Most from Middle East and Africa migrating to neighboring countries

What greatly prolonged life expectancy? What did not?


Life expectancy

AVERAGE number of years a group or person is expected to live

How to calculate mortality

Add ages of all deaths and divide by population size

Which gender has the greatest population with HIV in Africa? In the world?

Africa: women World: men

Role of rights in migration

After WWII, most MDCs strengthened rights of both citizens and migrants within their countries; generally, countries with highest % of migrants in labor force extend fewest rights to migrant workers

What prolongs life expectancy in countries with already high life expectancies?

Better management of chronic and degenerative diseases

Describe world immigration today

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have high immigration. Europe has migration within EU. Many Asians and Latin Americans emigrate to US. Many refugees go to Africa

What is one major theory about why fertility declined in the first demographic transition?

Class discussion on 2/10 & Mason reading from 2/3 ("Explaining Fertility Transitions")

What is the largest cause of death in Africa?

Communicable diseases (HIV, etc)

What is the affect of income on child mortality?

Countries with the greatest average income have the lowest child mortality rates.

Describe son targeting fertility behavior

Couples continue to have more children until they have a son

Role of transportation on migration

Declining cost of travel (you can get anywhere for less than $2500 legally)

What did animal studies show about dominance's affect on health?

Dominant animals have clearer, larger arteries than nondominant animals

Why does Europe have greater NCD deaths overall but has low NCD death rates?

Europe has larger old age structure and fewer deaths than in other countries in the world

What is the sibling effect of son-targeting behavior?

Families that have a boy first will be smaller on average than those that have a girl first.

John Snow

Founder of Public Health; discovered Cholera was killing people in England through water pumps

What majorly decreased life expectancy at birth in Africa?


Top 3 causes of death worldwide currently

HIV, diabetes, and lung cancer

Where do migrants from less developed countries typically migrate to?

Half migrate to other less developed countries; half migrate to more developed countries

Role of communication on migration

Helps migrants learn about jobs, get advice; TV/movies depict better lives elsewhere

Age-adjusted or age-standardized death rates

Highest total deaths does not mean the health in country is bad b/c can have lower death rates below 65 than the other countries

Which countries have highest and lowest life expectancies?

Highest: Japan Lowest: Sub-Saharan Africa

How does race affect health disparities?

In each income category, white children have the lowest % of children with asthma, Puerto Rican children have the most, and black are in the middle. The poor still have a higher % of asthma than the non-poor for all racial groups

Describe the sex of higher order births in China.

Increased male/female ratio births with increased order birth and decade.

How have remittances changed over time?

Increased substantially over time.

What are remittances?

Money sent by migrants in receiving countries back to countries of origin

Why is Italy shrinking in size?

More deaths than births, number of immigrants to Italy stays the same, so ratio of migrants to native population

Which has a higher percentage of foreign born residents? MDRs or LDRs

More developed regions

Why is maternal mortality is higher in US (21) than in Greece (2)?

More people in US are less healthy e.g. obese, and people without health insurance will not receive prenatal care

Are rates affected by population size?


Do crude birth rates account for the age and sex composition of a population?


Describe the age pattern in mortality

Nike swoosh; More deaths for kids under 1, then decrease in mortality until 15 (when start engaging in risky behavior or dangerous jobs)

What caused hospitals to desegregate in 1966?

No segregated hospitals could receive Medicare funds

What is the relationship between parents and pension program interest in China?

Parents who have more girls want better pension program because don't have boys to support them in old age

Describe the pattern of US immigration throughout history

Percentage of U.S. population foreign born increased until 1920, when started to decrease and hit all-time low in 1970 . Then shot up to 13% today.

Why do poorer people have more health problems regardless of medical care?

Poorer people have less security and confidence and more chronic stress, which increases cortisol and leads to greater health problems

Explain why population will continue to grow even if global fertility levels were to drop tomorrow to below replacement fertility levels

Population momentum (because of high concentration of people in the childbearing years)

What affect does poverty have on life expectancy?

Poverty decreases life expectancy

Why will TFR probably continue to decrease in China?

Social norm will be that fewer children are better

What was the main cause of death through most of human history?

Starvation among hunter-gather societies and infectious disease among agricultural societies

What was the impact of the one child policy on China's TFR?

TFR had decreased 6 to 3 before the policy. And only decreased slightly afterwards in 1980. Dropped below 2 in the 1990s

How does race affect insurance coverage?

Takes Latinas and Blacks longer to receive breast cancer diagnosis than whites

Migration Stock =

The characteristics of people according to their migration status

Migration Flow =

The movement of people

Countries with same TFR may have different crude birth rates. Why?

They have different age structures.

Which country takes in the most immigrants? Which country has the most emigrants?


Why does low fertility produce skewed sex ratio?

With higher fertility, always going to get a gender mix

Describe the affect of health care on health

Without health care, it will be difficult to recover from cancer, but cancer is not caused by lack of health care

A morning talk show picks up the story and speculates that women who are currently ages 25-29 are going to have fewer kids than women born ten years earlier or later because the recession hit these women in their prime childbearing years. Why should we be skeptical of this assertion?

Women in their late 20s still have reproductive years left. They may just delay births until after the recession. Thus, we'd see lower period fertility for 25-29 year-olds during the recession years (say, 2009), but no fewer births to women in these birth cohorts (born in 1980-84).

Life table

an actuarial table showing the number of people who die at any given age, from which life expectancy is calculated.

Hypotheses for health disparities

o Geographic differences, how close they are to good health care facilities o Socioeconomic differences, who can afford health care, how easy it is to take off work to go to the doctor o How comfortable people are with going to health care professionals (language barriers, elderly having poor experiences with health professionals as kids) o Health education, sanitation practices, the urgency to see a doctor when something's wrong o Quality of doctors and hospitals in area, how long the wait to get services like a mammogram is o Documentation to medical history based on ancestor's access to health care, affects treatment and conditions to watch for

Characteristics of counties with low life expectancies:

o Young age structure o Mainly Native American o 50% live below poverty level

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