Sociology Midterm True or False

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Examples of nonmaterial culture include clothing, architecture, inventions, food, artwork, and music. True or False?


An individualist culture is one in which personal identity is less important than group identity, while a collectivist culture is characterized by personal traits and accomplishments as key parts of one's self-concept. True or False?


Analyzing social interaction as a series of theatrical performances - what sociologists call dramaturgy - has been a staple of the structural-functionalist perspective for decades. True or False?


Cultural relativism is the belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures. True or False?


Ethnocentrism is the principle that people's beliefs and activities should be interpreted in terms of their own culture. In other words, beliefs and actions should not be judged according to the standards of another culture, but rather deemed appropriate and valid, reflecting the values of that particular culture. True or False?


Examples of material culture include knowledge, beliefs, customs, values, and morals. True or False?


One of the earliest symbolic interactionists, George Herbert Mead, argued that we use the reactions of others toward us as a way to see ourselves and to determine our self-worth. Mead called this process the looking-glass self. True or False?


Operating from the symbolic interactionist perspective, sociologist Charles Horton Cooley identified two major stages in the development of role-taking ability and, ultimately, in the socialization of the self. Cooley referred to these stages as the play stage and the game stage. True or False?


Sociologists, particularly those working from the structural-functionalist and symbolic interactionist perspectives, strive to explain the social construction of reality in terms of both its causes and its consequences. True or False?


The following "commonsense facts" have been supported by evidence provided by social research: 1.Violent crimes, like rape and assault, occur most often between total strangers. 2.Because of the high divorce rate in the U.S., people are reluctant to get married. 3.American children today are more likely to live in a single-parent household than they were 100 years ago. True or False?


The main assumption of the Conflict Perspective is that society is structured and maintained through everyday interaction and people's subjective definitions of their worlds. True or False?


The main assumption of the Structural-Functionalist Perspective is that various institutions in society promote inequality and conflict among groups of people. True or False?


The main assumption of the Symbolic Interactionist Perspective is that social institutions are structured to maintain stability and order in society. True or False?


The process of socialization effectively ends when childhood ends. True or False?


A self-fulfilling prophecy is an assumption that, purely as a result of having been made, causes the expected event to occur and thus confirms the prophecy's own "accuracy." For example, if a teacher believes a student is especially intelligent, they may spend more time with them with them or unintentionally show more enthusiasm when working with them. As a result, the student may come to feel more capable and intelligent and actually perform better. True or False?


According to Goffman's dramaturgical analysis, back stagebehavior in social interaction is where people can knowingly violate their impression management performances. For example, a server in a restaurant who was previously courteous and polite with their customers in the dining room, may complain about and mock those customers when they are in the kitchen. This would be considered back stage behavior. True or False?


According to Goffman's dramaturgical analysis, front stagebehavior in social interaction is where people maintain the appropriate appearance and behaviors as they interact with others. For example, a server in a restaurant will present themselves as happy, polite, and courteous as they interact with their customers in the dining room. This would be considered front stage behavior. True or False?


Explaining the ordinary, everyday thoughts and actions of individual people requires an examination of the social forces that influence them. The fundamental theme in sociology is that everyday social life is the product of a complex interplay between societal forces and personal characteristics. True or False?


Impression formation is the process by which we define others based on observable cues. True or False?


Impression management is the process by which we attempt to present a favorable public image of ourselves. True or False?


In order to fully understand experiences in our personal lives, we must move past focusing solely on individualistic explanations, and examine broader societal characteristics, issues, and trends. In other words, we cannot we can't begin to explain an individual's employability without examining current and past economic trends that affect the number of jobs available and the number of people who are looking for work. True or False?


Institutions are strongly supported by cultural norms. When a pattern of behavior becomes widely accepted within a particular social institution and is taken for granted in society, sociologists call it an institutionalized norm. True or False?


Not all of us have the same ability to define reality. Individuals and groups in positions of power have the ability to control information, define values, create myths, manipulate events, and ultimately influence what others take for granted. True or False?


Socialization is the process by which we internalize cultural information and is carried out through various agents of socialization. Examples of agents of socialization include family, friends, peers, schools, religious institutions, and the media. True or False?


Sociologist, C. Wright Mills coined the term, sociological imagination, to describe the impact of societal forces on our personal troubles and private issues. True or False?


The ability to see the impact of social forces on our private lives is called the sociological imagination. True or False?


The concept of the sociological imagination implies that structural forces beyond our direct control shape our personal lives, but also encourages us to see that each individual has a role in forming a society and influencing the course of its history. True or False?


The process through which facts, knowledge, and truth are discovered, made known, reaffirmed, and altered by members of a society is called the social construction of reality. True or False?


The sociological imagination allows us to recognize that the solutions to many of our most serious problems lie not in changing the personal situations and characteristics of individual people but in changing the social institutions and roles available to them. In other words, drug addiction, homelessness, sexual violence, hate crimes, and other situations will not go away simply by treating or punishing a person who is suffering from or engaging in the behavior. These issues are social problems, and therefore cannot be addressed by focusing on changing personal characteristics of individual people, but must be addressed by focusing on changing the societal forces that are contributing to them. True or False?


To fully understand society, we must see it as a human creation made up of people interacting with one another. True or False?


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