Southern Europe
Are small countries
Balkan, Greece
At the southern tip of the __________ penincula lies ________. A country that is made up of many peninsulas, islands and rugged mountains.
civil war
Conflict between groups inside a country
Cristian rulers in Iberia fought to push the Moors off the Iberian peninsula in a 500 year struggle called the
Italy is separated from the rest of Europe by the
Francisco Franco (nationalist)
The democratic forces lost the war and a dictator named ____ ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975
roman empire
The expansion of the _________ helped spread culture, language, laws, architecture and christianity troughout Europe
1896, international peace
The modern olympic games began in _____ as an efffort to promote ________
italian automobiles, designer clothes and fine foods
The most famous of these products are
arts, government, philosophy, science, sports
The people of ancient Greece made many great contributions to ______
The south has high poverty and ________ rates
the north is rich and industrial the south is poorer and more agricultural
There are 2 main economic regions in Italy.
San Marino
There are a number of microstates located throughout Europe. __________ in west central Italy may be Europe's oldest country
southwestern united states
They explored much of South and Central America and ruled what is now the _
olives, citrus fruits, grapes
This region produces foods such as
football or soccer as it is called in the usa
This sport began in Europe and has now become the world's biggest sport
Apennine mnts
What mountain range is found in Italy?
What mountain range is found in Spain?
What mountain range is the highest in Europe?
What the name of the area controlled by the invaders from North Africa
a natural boundary / geographical boundary
What type of boundary would the alps be
more developed: Spain, Italy less developed: Greece (natural resources are limited/ slow to develop) The global economic downturn at the beginning of the 21st century had a major impact on the subregion
Which countries of Southern Europe have more developed economies and which have the least developed. Why?
Glacial movement in the last ice age did not reach Southern Europe's peninsulas. As a result the landforms of these countries lack the natural lakes or reservoirs. Another factor is that the climate is drier there.
Why are there not many lakes or reservoirs in Southern Europe?
you make more money mass producing technology
Why is the north wealthier?
Greece is becoming an ______ country
Humans have occupied the Iberian Peninsula for at least ___ years
Tiber river
Italy's second largest river that has great historical significance. It is the primary water source for the capital Rome
Greek Orthodox Christian
Language and Religion of Greek
architecture sculpture (realism and perspective) <-- renaissance
List and describe 2 types of art work from Southern Europe
copper (Portugal) coal, tin, and tungsten (Spain) hydroelectricity (Spain/Italy/Greece)
Major natural resources in Southern Europe
More than ____ million people speak spanish today
Most of Italy's population growth is from
roman catholic, italian
Most people in Italy are _____ and speak _____
seafaring country
Much of Spain is surrounded by water which at one time made Spain a _____
1943, allied forces
Mussolini was overthrown in _____ and Italy was later controlled by _________
Italy, Mediterranean
Occupies the boot shaped peninsula that stretches southward from the middle of Europe into the ____ Sea.
pollution, smog, traffic. Threatens the health
Problems facing this city include
Rebirth, the period in European civilization characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values
Relationship b/w 2 places in which 1 produces something the other needs, resulting in an exchange
Iberian peninsula or Iberia
Spain and Portugal share the ____
Iberian peninsula Italian peninsula Balkan peninsula
3 major peninsulas that make up Southern Europe
A body of mountain ranges formed by fault-line activity
ancient Syria
A common turkish dish, such as baklava, a honey based pastry and gyros are believed to have originated in ____
pollution hot spot
A location where pollution and other human activities have led to the degradation or even death of an ecosystem
A period of rebirth in art, and learning that occurred from the 14th to the 17th centuries in Europe
A port city famous for its car racing and gambling
A square surrounded by public buildings. In spanish cities, these places serve as social gathering places.
After Franco's death, Spain transitioned to a ____ system of gov
Coastal plains
Agriculture mainly takes place in
An extremely rare heavy metal element essential in high tech industry
An independently governed community consisting of a city and the surrounding lands, notably present in ancient Greece
marine west coast to the north and the warm mediterranean climate of Italy and the Balcans to the south. Warm, dry summers and rainy winters. The coastal areas are covered in chaparral or shrubs and shrub trees drought resistance.
Describe the climate and biomes (plants/animals) or Southern Europe
Costa Del Sol
Formerly made up only of a series of small fishing settlements, today the region is a world renowned tourist destination in the south of Spain
Greece's long history of foreign rule influenced in ___
Growing 1 crop over vast areas of land
Gypsies were an ethnic group that wandered into Europe long ago from India. Most live in poverty making their lives through beging on the streets
Has one of the lowest bithrates in the world
His form of gov was similar to the rule of Hitler and Mussolini in Italy. What is that type of gov called?
Its located as a geographic crossroad for the cultures surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The second is the historic events that occurred as a place where civil societies first formed rep gov elected by the people. As a result of empires and territorial control, the countries share roots in language, religion and arts
How Southern Europe is culturally dominated by 2 legacies
It can use up dissolved oxygen in the water killing fish and other marine life. Toxins produced by some algae blooms can kill marine life and humans who consume the affected marine life
How are algae blooms affecting Southern Europe's waterways?
Mediterranean action plan / European environmental agency world wildlife fund / earth watch/ nature conservancy work to solve problems including industrial pollution, algae blooms and soil erosion. The forest stewardship council protects forest biomes
How are the governments and other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) addressing the environmental issues in Southern Europe?
money / revenue
How do sports bring countries and cultures together?
increase in quality of life demands for necessary labor are being met by immigrants raising a child is expensive, many choose not to have kids aging population is straining the social welfare of countries
How has the quality of life changed in Southern Europe? list 4 ways
its usualy = long, dry summers and wet, mild winters. Changes in global climate have made summers unpredictable (droughts and others produce unseasonable rain) resulting in excessive soil erosion. The Alps and Pyrenees normally experience sufficient snowfall sinking and forests of coniferous trees are being attacked by insects that flourish in warmer temperature
How is climate change affecting Southern Europe in terms of soil and ecosystems?
cultural diffusion, migration
How might soccer have spread to other cultures from Europe?
monarchy, democratic
However by the 1800s Spain lost almost all of its overseas empires by wars fought over which type of gov Spain should have. Some wanted a ____ and others wanted a ____ gov
Granada, christianity
In 1492 the Moors surrendered in _____ in the south of spain and _______ has dominated the peninsula ever since
moors, islamic, irrigation, crops
In the A.D. 700'x Arabic people called the ______ invaded Iberia from North Africa bringing with them the _____ religion, new ______ techniques and new _____
Benito Mussolini, Germany
In the early 1920's, a dictator named ________ took control of Italy's government and formed an alliance with _________ during WWII
Is strategically important because there is a british military base there that protects Europe
Vatican city
Is the administrative center of the Catholic church about the size of a large US high school
Sicily and Sardina
Italy also includes the islands of
Italy didn't become the country that we know today until ____
Italy fought on the side of the _____ in the WWI.
France, United Kingdom
Italy has a D=GDP similar to that of ____ and the _______ because of the agricultural and manufactured products that are sold around the world.
Mussolini's form of gov was ___, which is a totalitarian government ruled by a dictator who advocates violence and exercises full control over its citizens
2, with winter and summer games alternating.
Olympic games are held every _______ years
Don Quixote
One of the most famous novels of Spanish history, that is about a farmer who believed he was a knight
celts, greeks, phoenicians, romans
Other groups such the _____, ____, _____ and the _____ all once ruled parts of Spain
Vatican city, Monaco, Andorra in the Pyrenees and Liechenstein located between Austria and Switzerland.
Other microstates are
Renewed interest in arts, politics, science and philosophy. There was wealth and stability. Life was like that during the ____
Significant port and naval harbor for Rome that is on the lower part of the Tiber river
Since WWII, Italy's economy and industries have grown and today Italy is a member of ____ and the ____
Southern Europe's largest country in area, that covers 85 pervent of Iberia
worldwide empire
Spain had a strong navy and used that navy to build a _______
olive oil, wine
Spain is the leading producer of ______ and ____ in Southern Europe.
The Olympic games began over ______ years ago as a communal greek festival and competition.
The capital,largest city of Greece and birthplace of democracy
Rome, 1 million
The city of ______ was the center of the Roman Empire and had more than ______ people.
moderate climate. Mediterranean climate (warm suny summers, cold mild winters)
Type of climate in Greece
Was the site of one of Europe's earliest and most advanced civilizations which can be traced back more than 2,500 years.
Ancient Greece, 400 B.C. (democracy, city states and Sparta) Roman Republic, 27 B.C. (largest empire, resurgence 200 years later)
What 2 ancient civilizations come from Southern Europe and when did they reach their peak
development associated with tourism causes major damage to coastal ecosystems, loss of natural habitat, overuse of freshwater resources, as well as pollution and waste. Waste magagement issues, cruise ships (oil spills, oil pullutants) pollution hot spots (don't support marine life/water is warmer and more vulnerable to the development of algae)
What are the environmental concerns in terms of tourism in Southern Europe?
if they can afford all the infrastructure, have transportation, restaurants and places for everyone to come
What criteria might the international olympic committee look for in a city
traffic pollution, overbuilding in the scenic areas
What has tourism done to the environment there
Italian women have achieved a high level of gender equality. They enjoy access to higher education and success in business. But integration of women into italian politics suffers from a long period of male dominance and poor attitudes toward the contributions of qualified women. They have a family centered culture
What is life like for women in Southern Europe?
What is the term for multiple groups occupying the same area over time? hint: think UK
too much national debt too high unemployment too much gov spending Tensions have grown as the EU has provided special assitance to the Southern Europe members through loans and subsides
What issues are the Southern Europe countries facing in therms of the EU?
The population of Italy, Spain and Greece are aging and birthrates are not high enough to replace the current generation. There will be more older people than younger and as the older people die, the population will decline
Why is Southern Europe's population predicted to decline soon?
Why would a city want to host the games?