Spanish Competition

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You found a calculator on your desk and you want to find out whose it is. What do you ask?

¿De quien es esta calculadora?

At a restaurant you want to ask for the bill, how would you ask?

¿Me trae la cuenta por favor?

Say in spanish 12:37pm

La una menos veintitrés de la tarde

Say in Spanish 5:45am

Las seis menos cuarto/quince de la mañana

Translate to spanish; "We help them to do it"

Les/Los ayudamos a hacerlo

Your mother has to go out and leaves a list of instructions for you to do some cleaning. Give one instruction which says " clean your room", what is the instruction in Spanish?

Limpia tu cuarto

form an adjective from "la lluvia"


Pluralize this backpack item: Lápiz


Complete the proverb "mas vale pájaro en mano que"

MAs vale pájaro en mano que viendo volando

Cual es la capital de España?


Complete the spanish proverb "Cuando hay hambre, no hay ..."

Mal pan

¿Quien es el presidente de Argentina?

Mauricio Maeri Alberto Fernandez

Correct the following sentence: "Me gusta verduras porque es sano"

Me gustan las verduras porque son sanas

Susan's math class starts at 9:30am. Her mother asks her "At what time does her math class begin", what does Susan say in Spanish?

Mi clase de matemáticas empieza/comienza a las nueve y media de la mañana

Correct the error in the sentence: Mis padres son divorciados

Mis padres están son divorciados

Cual es la capital de Uruguay?


Translate to english "Mi tia exige que mi primo la diga la verdad"

My aunt demands that my cousin tell her the truth

Translate to Spanish "I do not like science because its very difficult?"

No me gustan las ciencias porque son muy difíciles

Cien menos viente son


Give the English equivalent for the Spanish proverb " Salir de Guatemala y meterse en guatepeor"

Out the frying pan and into the fire

In Spain and most Latin American countries, what is " Domingo de ramos"?

Palm Sunday

Traduzcan al español. "To help at home O tidy my bedroom"

Para ayudar en casa yo arreglo mi dormitorio

Translate the following sentence " Cuando sea mayor me gustaría ir a la universidad porque me encantaría ser abogado "

When i am older I would like to go to university because I would love to be a lawyer

Yo soy en camino

Yo estoy en camino

Give the first person singular form of the verb "querer" in the present tense

Yo quiero

Complete the sentence: "Mi abuelo tiene setenta anos y ya no trabaja, esta ..."


Comería, tendría, trabajaría are all example of which tense?

the conditional tense

Give the English equivalent for the Spanish proverb "Llamar al pan, pan y al vino, vino "

to call a spade a spade

Translate to spanish, "I repeat the verbs in Spanish class"

Repetimos los verbos en la clase de español

Distinguish between "revolver" and "revolver"

Revolver means to stir and revolver means gun

Distinguís between "sabana" and "sabana"

Sabana means sheet/blanket and sabana means savannah

Cual es la capital de Costa Rica?

San Jose

Cual es de capital de Puerto Rico?

San Juan

give the third person singular form of the verb "despertarse" in the present tense

Se despierta

Que idiomas se habla en Francia?

Se habla francés

Calculate cuarenta por dos menos veinte


In a classroom what is a "sacapuntas"


A passenger on a train says "Estoy mareada" - What does it mean?

She is feeling dizzy

Answer the following question in spanish: ¿Siempre desayunas en tu casa?

Si, yo siempre desayuno en casa/ No, normalmente no trabajan

Complete the spanish proverb: "No hay rosas.."

Sin espinas

Complete the sentence: "Maria no esta casada, así ella es ..."


Say in spanish the time 8:44

Son las nueve menos diez y seis

Say in spanish the time 6:55

Son las siete menos cinco

With which country would you associate el corrida del toro?


The mother of your Cuban friend offers you "patatas bravas". What is she offering you?

Spicy potatos

You are sent to "las pista polideportivas" where are you going?

Sports field

Bolivia esta en...


what sport is "la natación"


¿Como se escribe "Tegucigalpa" en español?


Give the opposite of the verb "empezar"


In Spain and in most Latin American countries, what is "La semana santa"

The Holy Week

Which insect in Spanish is " la hormiga "?

The ant

Who in the family is "el nieto"?

The grandson

Estudiaba, era, comía are all examples of which tense?

The imperfect tense

If you lookin the sky and see "el relámpago", what have you seen?

The lightning

Who in the family is "la suegra"?

The mother-in-law

In a restaurant, what is a "servilleta"

The napkin

Who in the family is "el sobrino "

The nephew

On an airplane e what is "El billete de avión"?

The plane ticket

Where do you need to be if your teacher sends you to "el despacho de la directora"?

The principal's office

If you lookin the sky and see "el arco iris", what have you seen?

The rainbow

Correct the error in the sentence: "El agua corriente"

The running water

What is the English equivalent for the spanish phrase "El sol poniente"

The setting sun

In a restaurant, what is a "la cuchara"

The spoon

Which day of the week is jueves?


What does the expression "Bocachancla" mean?

To be a blabbermouth

What does the expression "ser pan comido" mean?

To be easy

What does the expression "Es del ano de la pera" mean?

To be very old

What does the Spanish expression "practico el alpinismo" mean

To do mountain climbing

What does the expression "Pasar una mala racha" mean ?

To get through a rough patch

What does the expression "Le falta un tornillo" mean?

To have a screw missing/ to be stupid/crazy

What does the expression: "No tiene pelos en la lengua" mean?

To say what he/she thinks

Complete the Spanish proverb "El tiempo lo cura ..."


Miguel Diaz-Canel is the President of Cuba?


Pronounce the spanish for " a Honduran boy"

Un hondureño

Pronounce the spanish for "a Salvadoran girl "

Una salvadoreña

Give the familiar command form of the verb "ir"


With which country would you associate Hugo Chavez?


Give the third person imperfect tense of the verb VER


Give the first person singular of the verb "Volar" in the present tense


What would you do with " los calcetines"; wear, eat them or sleep on them?

Wear them

Which day of the week is miércoles?


What does the expression "Que delusion!" mean?

What a disappointment!

What is the English for the spanish expression "Que lastima!"

What a pity!

What is the English for the spanish expression "Que sorpresa!"

What a surprise!

Give the 3rd person preterite tense of the verb "haber"


Translate the following sentence "Tengo ganas de ir en vacaciones este verano"

I can't wait to go on holiday this summer

What is the English equivalent for the spanish phrase: Tengo una insolación

I have sunstroke

Your Cuban pen pal tells you: "Saco la basura cada fin de semana "- What is she saying ?

I take the trash out on the weekend

Translate this sentence: "En mi mochila tengo seis cuadernos"

In my backpack I have 6 notebooks/ exercise books

what is the meaning of the Spanish expression: A pesar de?

In spite of

On a spanish timetable, which subject is la informática

Information technology

Translate: Esta lloviendo a cántaros. No quiero ir afuera

It is raining cats and dogs. I do not want to go outside

Translate the following sentence "Seria un sueño si pudiera ir a los estado unidos el ano que viene"

It would be a dream if i could go to the United Sates next year

"Nieve" What is the weather like?

It's snowy

¿Quien es el presidente de Colombia?

Ivan Duque Marquez

Name the capital of the spanish national football team?

Jodi Alba

Calculate cien divido por cinco mas ochenta


Calculate ochenta pro tres menos cien

Ciento cuarenta

If you ordered Gazpacho in a spanish restaurant, what would you be receiving?

Cold tomatal soup

Listens and provide the correct verb to complete the sentence: Tengo muchísimas hambre. Quiero... pizza


You want to know what the newEnglish teacher is like, what do you ask?

Como es la profesora de ingles?

Complete the sentence with correct verb forms in the present tense: Yo no (conocer) a todos mis parientes


Complete the sentence with correct verb forms in the present tense: Mis hermanos (construir) la casa de madura


What currency is used in Nicaragua?


With which country would you associate this currency : COLON

Costa Rica

Calculate ciento sesenta dividido por cuarto


Calculate setenta y dos dividido por nueve por cinco


Estas en un supermercado y buscas cebollas. ¿A que sección te dirges?

D- Legumbres

Quieres comer pescado en un restaurante. En la carta escoges:

D- Merluza

Correct the error in the sentence: " El land Ron exilio que ella el daba el dinero"

Daba should be diese/diera

on an airplane what is "la salida de emergencia"?

Emergency exit

How could you say in Spanish: I have four red pens in my backpack

En mi mochila yo tengo cuatro plumas

Your friend introduces you to his cousin. What do you respond?

Encantado de conocerte

Give the opposite of the verb "apagar"


Your Spanish teacher wants your to turn on the lights, what does she say?

Enciende las luces por favor

Give a synonym for "comprender"


What is the name of the country in Africa which is Spanish speaking?

Equatorial Guinea

Correct the following sentence: "Es possible que ganamos esta competición"

Es posible que ganemos esta competición

How many countries in the world have Spanish a s an official language?


On which day is "Día de los Reyes Magos" celebrated each year?

6th January

Translate the following sentence "Antonio likes to swim at the beach"

A Antonio le gusta nadar a la playa

Ina spanish restaurant you ordered " un helado de coco" what did you order?

A coconut ice cream

In a spanish restaurant you ordered " Un perro caliente". What did you order?

A hotdog

Te duele mucho la cabeza ¿Que tiene buscas?

A- Farmacia

Your friend thanks you for doing a favor for him. What is your response?

De nada

Correct the error in the sentence: "El medico sugiere que yo descanso esta semana"

Descanso should be descanse

Give the past participle of of the verb: Decir


What in spanish is 17?


What sport is "la equitación"

Horse back riding

Complete the spanish proverb "El dinero llama..."

Al dinero

Complete the spanish proverb "El curiosidad mato ..."

Al gato

What does the expression "Que guay!" mean?

How cool!

Give a synonym for the word dormitorio


¿Quien es el Presidente de Guatemala?

Alejandro Giammattei

Tell your friend "Good morning and how are you?" in Spanish

Buenos días y como estas?

Which insect in Spanish is "la mariposa"?


Quieres beber algo con tu almuerzo: Prefieres no tomar alcohol. ¿Que escoges?

C- refresco

Complete the sentence: "el hombre no tiene pelo así es ..."


What is the capital of Venezuela?


What does the expression "Que emoción!" mean?

How exciting!

Who is the current president of Peru?

Dina Boluarte

Translate to spanish: "He promised to come and see us "

El prometio venir a vernos

On a spanish timetable, which subject in la química


At the tourist office you asked for "un folleto de excursiones". What did you ask for ?

An excursions leaflet/ a brochure on tours

Who is the current president of Mexico?

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

What currency do they use in Argentina?

Argentine Peso

Choose the appropriate verb. Yo (asisto a / atiendo) un instituto mixto

Asisto a

Complete the sentence: "Tengo muchas sed, voy a ..."


Give the english equivalent for the proverb "mas vale que nunca"

Better late than never

What would you do in "una liberia"?

Borrow a book, buy a book, write a book

Your brother is about to do his driving test. What do you say to him to wish him good luck?

Buena suerte

Calculate mil por tres menos quinientos

Dos mil quinientos

Form and adjective from "dulce"


What would you do with "la empanada": wear it, eat it or sleep on it

Eat them

Which article is placed before before the word MEDIODÍA


In which Latino festival would on create "una ofrenda" for a loved one?

El día de los muertos

¿Como se escribe "Santiago" en español?


What currency is used in Spain?


Alejandro Giammattei is the President of Spain?


On a plane you are directed to "Abróchense si cinturón por favor" what would you do?

Fasten your seatbelt

En que mes se celebra el día de san Valentín en Caimán


Who is the current King of Spain?

Felipe VI

You would like to wish your teacher a happy and prosperous new year. What do you say to her?

Feliz Navidad, prospero ano y felicidad

Pronounce the spanish word for "railway"


¿Quien es el presidente de Chile?

Gabriel Boric

Differentiate between the verbs "gastar" and "pasar"

Gastar- to spend money, Pasar- to spend time

Give a synonym for the word "cuarto"


On the weather channel you heard, "It is bad weather". Tell your Mexican friend what you heard.

Hace mal tiempo

When talking about the sun in concerns to weather, which verb do we use?


Give the first singular of the verb "hace" in the present tense


Complete the sentence: "Es hora de comer, tengo mucha ..."


Your friend wants to to know if you have seen the new movie. What does she ask?

Has visto la película nueva?

Give the familiar command form of the verb "hacer"


Tell your friend this in Spanish "I have written the letter"?

He escrito la carta

Give the past participle of the verb hacer in Spanish


In which's Spanish speaking country would you find the city of La ceiba?


With which country would you associate this currency: LEMPIRA


Who is the president of Venezuela?

Jugo Chavez

En que mes se celebra el día de reino en Caimán


Place the correct article EL or LA: ... nube


Place the correct article EL or LA: ... red


Which article is placed before the word medianoche?


Your response to the question was , "The calculator belongs to David". How do you say it in spanish?

La calculadora es de David

Make this sentence simpler: La mujer que hace vestidos esta muerta

La coserá esta muerta

In which country can you find Manchu Picchu?


Complete the spanish proverb "Tener un piano no te hace..."


You reply to an advertisement, which asks someone to help an old lady with domestic chores. What do you say that you will do to help at home?

Plancho la ropa, cocino, limpio mi cuarto/dormitorio etc

Complete the spanish proverb: "Al buen entender..."

Pocas palabras

Mi padre trabajaba en una comisaria. Era...


Translate "set the table" into Spanish

Pon la mesa

Traduzcan al español. "In the morning he gets up and brushes his teeth"

Por la mañana, se levanta y se cepilla los dientes

Give the english equivalent for the proverb "la practica hace al maestro"

Practice makes perfect

Translate " We prefer to eat fried chicken"

Preferimos comer pollo frito

How do you tell your classmate that you prefer cartoons because they are funny?

Prefiero les dibujos animados porque son graciosos/cómicos

What is the meaning of the spanish expression: Con tal que?

Provide that

What is the 3rd plural of poner


You want to know what sports your friend plays, what do you ask?

Que deportes practicas/haces?

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