Speaking and Listening: Effective Group Discussion Assignment

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Global warming has been proven to be bad for the environment. Many scientists agree that if something is not done soon, Earth is going to be in big trouble. As a society, there is a great deal that we need to do to stop this. The speaker has not provided evidence to support a claim. What would be an appropriate follow-up question?

How, specifically, is global warming affecting the environment?

What are the responsibilities of participants in a discussion? Check all that apply.

listening by taking notes when others speak responding by asking questions when appropriate speaking their minds and sharing facts as well as opinions about the topic

Describe the steps that you would take to effectively prepare for a discussion about a debatable issue.

I would research the topic by reading from multiple sources. I would take notes on important information, especially on evidence that supports my claim.

What have you learned about working with others in a formal setting that will help you be successful in group discussions? Respond in two to three sentences.

When working in a formal group setting, everyone needs to have an opportunity to both actively listen and speak about the topic. I know that I should always come prepared, support my opinions, and respect the other members of the group, even when we disagree.

I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as contrasted with a freedom and culture merely civil - to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society. I wish to make an extreme statement, if so I may make an emphatic one, for there are enough champions of civilization: the minister and the school committee and every one of you will take care of that. I have met with but one or two persons in the course of my life who understood the art of Walking, that is, of taking walks - who had a genius, so to speak, for SAUNTERING. -"Walking,"Henry David Thoreau In a group discussion, a participant says, "I hate walking. Why walk when you can just get a ride?" Write three to four sentences in which you share your own viewpoint. Be sure to provide evidence and refer to the passage you just read.

While I agree that sometimes getting a ride can be easier, there are many benefits to walking that cannot be experienced with other modes of transportation. For example, walking outside allows me to breathe in the fresh air, get some exercise, and appreciate the outdoors, all at the same time. Thoreau points out that walking can make us feel free.

Consider the roles of the moderator and the participants in a discussion. Who performs each task listed below? Reminds the group of the rules: Takes turns speaking and listening: Prepares an agenda for the discussion: Helps the group stay on task:

moderator participator moderator moderator

Amy sits in a circle with her group. She has her notes in her hand. Weeks of careful research and preparation have led to this moment. She begins her presentation, providing important information about her topic and offering opinions when appropriate. The audience is taking notes, but they make eye contact with Amy when they look up. When Amy is finished speaking, one group member raises his hand. He asks her a challenging question, and she responds politely and intelligently. What does the speaker do well here? Check all that apply.

prepares thoroughly includes information and opinions responds to questions

Amy sits in a circle with her group. She has her notes in her hand. Weeks of careful research and preparation have led to this moment. She begins her presentation, providing important information about her topic and offering opinions when appropriate. The audience is taking notes, but they make eye contact with Amy when they look up. When Amy is finished speaking, one group member raises his hand. He asks her a challenging question, and she responds politely and intelligently. What active listening strategies do the listeners employ? Check all that apply.

taking notes asking follow-up questions making eye contact with the speaker

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