Speaking and Listening Practice Chinese 3 Final Exam

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Ba ba xi huan yi bian he ka fei, yi bian kan bao zhu

Dad likes drinking coffee while reading newspaper

Qù nián tā dào zhōng guó qù le, tā zài běi jīng xué xí le yī nián

Last lear he went to China, studied in Beijing for a year

Zuo tian wan shang ni gang shen me le?

Last night you did what?

Zuo wan, wo zhi shui le si ge xiao shi

Last night, I only slept for four hours

Hao jiu bu jian

Long time no see

Hao jiu mei ting dao ni de xiao xi le

Long time not heard your news

Hao jiu mei ting dao ni de xiao li le

Long time not hearing your news

Shu jia guo de zen me yang?

During summer vacation how have you been

Xian zhuo hong xian, zai huan lv xian, zui hou huan lan xian

First sit on red line, then switch to green line, finally switch to blue line

Cóng zhè jiàn yìshù pǐn, nǐ xué dàole shénme?

From this artwork, what did you learn?

Hao ba. Wo men jin qu deng ni, ni yi mai dao piao jing jin lai

Good. We will enter wait for you, you buy a ticket then come in

Qing tong qi shang you hen duo shi wen

Green copper vessel has very many decorative patterns

Ting qong qi shi yong xi he tong de nian tu zuo de

Green copper vessel is made of tin and copper alloy

Qing tong qi shi yong lai ji zu de

Green copper vessel is used to pay respect to ancestors

Ta yan de hao ji le

He acted extremely well

Ta hai cong zhong guo ge wo chang lai le yi ge li wu

He also brought a gift from China for me

Tā hái cóng zhōngguó gěi wǒ dài láile yīgè lǐwù

He also brought a gift from China for me

Tā hái qù xī ān cān guān le qín shǐ huáng bīng mǎ yǒng

He also went to visit the Terracotta Warriors in Xi An

Ta rang wo gao su ni, jin tian xue xiao you wan hui, qing ni qu can jia

He asked me to tell you, today after school there is a party, please participate

Tā xiàn zài zhǎng de hěn gāo, yě shòu le xǔ duōl

He grew very tall, also extremely skinny

Ta jian zai zhang de hen gao, ye shou le xu duo

He grew very tall, also very skinny

Ta he zi hen gao, chuan de hen zheng qi, zhang de ye hen shuai

He is very tall, dressed very neatly, also grew very handsome

Ta ke yi kai che lai jie ni

He may drive to come pick you up

Fei ji shi ji dian de?

Plane leaves at what time?

Fei ji shi er shi san hao wan shang ba dian de

Plane leaves on the 23rd at 8 at night

Qing xiang wo men de peng you xiang wen hao

Please say hello to our friends

Qǐng wèn jié kè zài bù zài?

Is Jack there or not there?

Ta shi chuan shuo zhong xi huan chi dong xi de niao

It is Chinese legend of a bird that likes eating stuff

Tā shì shuí zuò de?

It is made by who?

Gang cai you yi ge ren lai zhao ni

Just recently a person came looking for you

Qing xiang cong bei jing zhan qu yi he yuan zen me qu?

Please tell me how do you go to Summer Palace from Beijing train station?

Qing xiang jie ke zai bu zai

Please tell me if Jack's here or not here?

Qing xiang, qu fei ji zhen me qu

Please tell me, to get to the plane how do you go?

Qing ni yi dao jia, jiu gei ta ba dian hua

Please when you arrive home, immediately give him a call

Zui jin you yi dian er mang

Recently a little busy

Zui jin mang bu mang?

Recently busy or not busy?

Ji lu le zuo zao de li shi

Record of earliest history

Fang xin jin qi ba

Rest assured I'll enter

Fan xing jin qu ba, yi hui er jian

Rest assured go in, see you later!

You xie qing tong qi shang ke kan jia gu wen

Some bronze vessels have oracle bone script

Fei ji piao ni mai le ma?

You bought plane tickets yet?

Ni xian zuo yi lu qi che, zuo san zhan xia che, zui hou huan di tie

You first take route one bus, sit for three stops, then change to subway

Ni you shen me wen ti?

You have any questions?

Ni zen me qu fei ji?

You know how to get to plane?

Ni shui de tai shao le

You slept too little

NI dao na er qu le?

You went where?

Bu yong ke qi

You're welcome

Zài zhè jiàn yì shù pǐn lǐ, nǐ kàn jiàn le shén me?

In the artwork, what do you see?

Wo men yi jing yi nian mei jian mian le

We haven't met for a year

Wǒ men yǐ jīng yī nián méi jiàn miàn le

We haven't seen each other for a year

Shi ma, ni qu le na xie di fang?

'Okay, you when to which places?

Jiu yao shang ke le

About to go to class

Jie yao shang ke le

About to go to class

Yě xǐ huan tīng jīng jù de yīn yuè

Also like listening to Beijing Opera music

Hai you yi zhong shi wen shi yun wei wen

Also one kind of decorative patterns is cloud thunder patterns

You kan le liang ge xiao shi de dian shi

Also watched two hours of television

Suī rán wǒ kàn bù dǒng jīng jù, dàn shì wǒ xǐ huan gè zhǒng gè yàng de liǎn pǔ hé wǔ dǎ

Although I watch but don't understand Beijing Opera, but I like all different kinds of face masks and martial arts

Bu hui de. Sui ran shou piao chu mei you piao le, dan shi yi ding hui you ran lai tui piao

Although there aren't any tickets in ticket office, but surely people will come with return tickets

Nǐ zěn me huí dá zì jǐ de wèn tí?

Do you know how to answer the question?

Nǐ hái jì de wǒ ma?

Do you remember me?

Bie shui le

Don't go to sleep

Bie shuo le!

Don't sleep

Ta yan de hao ji le

His acting was extremely good

Zhè wèi yìshùjiā zěnme shēnghuó?

How did the artist live?

Zhè jiàn yì shù pǐn shì zěn me zuò de?

How is this artwork made?

Dian ying zen me yang?

How was movie?

Ta yan de zen me yang?

How was the acting?

Bu guo, ting shuo jian zai xi huan jing ju de nian qing ren yue lai yue duo le

However, I heard that young people who like Beijing Opera are becoming more + more

Wo you yi ge jian yi. Ba gou song zai ni de fang jian li, zen me yang?

I have a proposal. Put dog in your room, how about that?

Wo xiang ta men gen wo yi yang, kan bu dong

I think they're like me, watch but don't understand

Wo xiang zuo gong gong qing chu huo zhe zuo di tie

I want to take the public bus or the subway

Wǒ dào zhōng guó qù le, shàng gè xīng qí gāng huí lái

I went to China, just last week came back

Wo dao zhong guo qu le, shang ge xing qi gang hui lai

I went to China, this week just returned

Wo xie zuo wen xi le san ge xiao shi

I wrote composition for three hours

Wo kao che song ni ba

I'll drive to drop you off

Wo hai shi ba che ba

I'll take a taxi

Wo tai kun le

I'm overly tired

Wo tai kun le

I'm very sleepy

Mei you tui piao zen me ban?

If no returned tickets what do we do?

Ma ming, ni mai dao piao le ma?

Ma ming, did you get the tickets?

Ma ming, ni he mei yun xian jin qu, wo zai zhe er deng tui piao

Ma ming, you and Meiyun go in, I'll wait for a returned ticket

Kan jing ju de nian qing ren bu duo, zhong xue sheng geng shao

More and more middle schoolers watch Beijing opera.

Dian ying shi yi ge xiang gang ming xing yan de

Movie is acted by Hong Kong star

Jian zai ta shuo han fa shuo de fei chang hao

Now he speaks Chinese extremely well

Xiànzài tā shuō hànyǔ shuō de fēicháng hǎo

Now he speaks Chinese extremely well

Shì ma, nǐ qù le nǎ xiē dì fāng?

Okay, you went to what places?

Ma lu liang bian gua zhe hen duo guang gao

On both sides of the road hang very much advertising

Zhi mai dao le liang zhang piao. Kan jing ju de ren tai duo le

Only bought two tickets. People who watch Beijing Opera are too many

Shang chao de ren ba jiu he shi wu fang zai qing tong qi li, xian he zu xian

Shang dynasty people put wine and food in green copper vessels, dedicate to their ancestors

Shang chao zui zhong yao de wen wu shi qing tong qi

Shang dynasty's most important cultural object is Green copper vessel

Qian tian wo he jie ke qu kan le yi chang jing ju

The day before yesterday I and Jack went to see Beijing opera

Zhè jiàn yì shù pǐn shì yòng lái zuò shén me de?

This artwork is used to do what?

Zhè jiàn yìshù pǐn fǎnyìngle shénme zhéxué huòzhě xìnyǎng?

This artwork reflects philosophy or faith?

Tai ma fan le

Too much trouble

Zhou zi xia mian fang zhe yi ge he zi

Underneath the table there is a box

Zui you ming de shi wen jiao tao tie

Very many decorative patterns show tao tie

Zhè jiàn yìshù pǐn xiàngzhēng shénme?

What does this artwork symbolize?

Mei you tui piao zen me ban?

What if there are no returned tickets?

Na zen me ban?

What to do?

Tā jìn lái de shí hou, wǒ chà diǎn er bù rèn shi tā le

When he came in, I almost didn't know him

Tā shì shén me shí hou chǎnshēng de?

When was it created?

Ni dao na er qu le?

Where did you go?

Bu hui de

Will not

Yi hui er jian

Will see you

Han jia ni hui jia ma?

Winter vacation you returning home?

Zhu ni wan shi ru yi

With you a thousand things

Ni hai ji de wo ma?

do you still remember me?

Guo de bu cuo

spent not badly

Ta zhang shen me yang?

what did he look like?

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