Special Education 161

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2 Purposes for Multidisciplinary Evaluation

1. Determine eligibility for SPED services 2. ID strengths and weaknesses for IEP planning

Characteristics of Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disabilities

<70 on IQ test, limited cognitive ability, delayed achievement, difficulty in attending to relevant aspects of stimuli

Which of the following situations would warrant recommending testing for a behavioral disorder?

A student gets angry every time anyone touches his/her belongings and stays angry over an hour each time.



Attention Disorders

ADHD- most common, "a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more frequent and severe that is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development"









2004 Case and Almond

Alternative assessments













Behavioral Disorders

Characterized by the following: an inability to learn , which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory,or health factors- an inability to build satisfactory relationships with peers and teachers- inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings under normal situations or circumstances.- a general pervasive mood or unhappiness or depression- a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems


Difficulties in communication and social interaction, and have restrictive or repetitive interests and behaviors. Children w/ autism or related disorders may not interact and may avoid eye contact.

Genetic Conditions

Down Syndrome, fragile X syndrome, PKU

LD- Reading

Due to language learning disabilities. - Word analysis, fluency, and reading comprehension


During the process or unit











Reading Comprehension

Fluency and word analysis building blocks R/Comp unable achieve w/o

Schizophrenia- Bx & Symptoms

Hallucinations and delusions, disorganized speech, or catatonic bx- typical to manifest in young adults

Intellectual Disability

Having a significant limitations in mental functioning, communication, social skills and independent living skills




Internal Processing






Measurements of group performance

Formative Assessment

Ms. Smith stops the class after just a few minutes of mathematics instruction, which is taking place at the board. She asks two questions requiring simple student responses on 3*5 cards, returns to instructing at the board. Which type of assessment is being used by this teacher?



Other Health Impairment


IDEA 300.8 (C)(9)

OHI means having limited strength, vitality, or alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness w/respect to the educational environmental that- i. is due to chronic or acute health problems such as asthma, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead posioning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic, fever, sickle cell anemia and Tourette syndrome ii. Adversely affects a child's educational performance



Informal Assessment

Observation, teacher -constructed, play based, check list and ratings scales, parents interviews



Five Components of Language Learning

Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Pragmatics, Semantics

Impacts on Mathematics

Place Value, time, fractions, decimals, remembering and ordering numbers, read and solve word problems

Language Processing- LD

Problems Identifying appropriate speech, sounds, choosing and using appropriate words in speaking and writing

Most Common Reason For LD

Problems during pregnancy, at birth, genetic conditions, accidents

In which academic area do the majority of learning disabilities fall?


What account for more that 80% of learning disabilities?



Reads at a slower rate, do not read w/expression or intonation. LD here affects processing.

What does the US Department of Education urged the states to implement?

Response to Intervention programs to target primary students who are falling behind in reading in hopes of reducing the number of LD diagnoses.







3 Types of Antidepressants

SSRI, Tri-cyclic, MAOI

Rating Scale (Standardized/Formal)

Scale based on descriptive words or phrases that indicate performance levels

Testing Accommadations

Setting, presentation, timing, response, scheduling


Spoken language

Formal Assessment

Standardized Test, norm-referenced, criterion referenced

National Dissemination Center for Children w/Disabilities

The center that outlines the most common reason for LD

Which of the following instructional strategies would be used to activate prior knowledge? (A) Having students complete a KWL chart before reading a book on snakes (B) Asking students to summarize the book they just read (C) Having students write a letter about their favorite book of all time (D) Guiding students to find all the instances of an author using a targeted vocabulary word

The correct response is ( A ). A KWL chart has students list what they already " K now" about a topic, what they " W ant" to know about the topic, and what they " L earned" after they read about the topic. It is an excellent way to activate prior knowledge about a nonfiction topic as students fill out the K and W columns before they read. (B) is not the correct answer because summarization occurs after reading, not before. (C) is not the correct answer because it involves reflecting on and writing about books that were memorable, but it does not specifically activate knowledge for a book the teacher is planning to have the students read. (D) is an incorrect answer because it is a vocabulary acquisition strategy and is not focused on having students think about the topic of a book prior to reading it.

When preparing instruction for a student with special needs, where is the best place for a teacher to start? (A) The student's IEP goals and objectives (B) The student's grade level textbooks (C) The district's scope and sequence of skills (D) Activity books from a teacher supply store

The correct response is ( A ). A team of educators, parents, diagnosticians, related service providers, and administrators met and agreed on the student's goals and objectives in the IEP. For any student with special needs, these goals and objectives must form the basis for all instructional planning. Since these goals are aligned as closely as possible with the grade-level TEKS, a teacher can be assured that they will meet the basic requirements of the district and state, so (C) is not the best answer. (B) and (D) are incorrect responses as publishers' lesson plans and activities should be used to carry out or supplement the instructional objectives of the IEP.

Which of the following actions is an example of an assessment accommodation? (A) Highlighting keywords or phrases in the directions (B) Helping the student answer some of the questions (C) Excusing the student from the test (D) Writing the student's disability on the answer sheet

The correct response is ( A ). An assessment with disabilities. For a student who has trouble reading, highlighting the keywords or phrases in the directions helps focus the student on what the test expects them to do without giving away any of the answers. (B) and (C) are incorrect because accommodations are not about changing the content of the test or providing answers. (D) is incorrect because disability designations are confidential information that would never be shared on an answer sheet.

What do test results of a norm-referenced test indicate? (A) A student's performance relative to a larger group of students of similar ages (B) How many questions a student answered correctly (C) Whether a student passed or failed a class (D) The likelihood a student will go to college

The correct response is ( A ). Norm-referenced tests are "normed" against the performance of a group of students who are similar in age or grade level. Scores are reported norms of the group rather than a straight percentage of incorrect to correct answers. (C) is incorrect because norm-referenced tests by themselves do not indicated passing or failing a course. They indicate performance compared to a norm. (D) is incorrect because the factors that affect a student going to college are many and varied, including academic, family background, and socioeconomic factors.

What would most likely be provided for a child with a documented OHI disability? (A) School-health services (B) After-school tutoring (C) Extended school year program (D) A full-time paraprofessional

The correct response is ( A ). OHI stands for Other Health Impairment and includes such diagnoses as epilepsy and heart conditions. Students with an OHI disability may not require any modifications or assistance in academic or social skills areas, but they may require health services if they experience a seizure or medical issue of some kind. (B), (C), and (D) would all be associated with disabilities that require academic intervention or close adult supervision.

Who is involved in the transition process for Special Education students in Texas? (A) Students, family, Special Education teachers, general education teachers, and administrators (B) Parents and the primary Special Education teacher only (C) Transition agency personnel (D) Students and Counselors only

The correct response is ( A ). Transition planning involves a number of people to ensure that the interests and needs of the student are met. First and foremost, the student is involved if at all possible as it is his or her postschool life that is being planned. Parents, family members, special and general education teachers, and administrators must all be involved just as they are with an ARD. (B) is incorrect because it leaves out a number of the required participants, including the student. (C) is incorrect because, while agency representatives may be involved if permission is obtained by the family or an adult student, they are not the sole participants. (D) is incorrect because transition planning involves a much wider team than just the student and counselor.

Tim is a student with physical disabilities with extremely limited mobility. He uses a wheelchair. He is in a ninth-grade algebra I class. The most appropriate strategy for the math teacher to use when teaching Tim's class would be (A) using an interactive whiteboard with student response clickers to assess students' understanding of the lesson as it progresses. (B) requiring students to come forward and work problems on the board in front of the class. (C) using math stations, with small groups rotating every 5 to 10 minutes. (D) doing a gallery walk with chart paper posted for writing responses.

The correct response is ( A ). Using an interactive whiteboard and student response clickers not only allows Tim to fully participate in class, but it does not call attention in any way to his disability. This technique also allows the teacher to use formative assessment to see how well the students are grasping the concepts being taught and what needs to be retaught. (B) is incorrect because it will take time for Tim to make it to the board, and he would be at a disadvantage to write on it due to being in a wheelchair. (C) is incorrect because it will be difficult for Tim to maneuver between stations, especially given the short amount of time expected at each station. (D) is incorrect because it would be difficult for Tim to maneuver through the classroom and awkward for him to try to write on posted chart paper.

Which of the following assessments is an example of a formal assessment? (A) Checklist of observable behaviors (B) Criterion-referenced test (C) Parent interview (D) Rubric

The correct response is ( B ). A formal assessment, by definition, is a standardized test that has been tested with a large number of individuals of a given age range or group. This allows for comparisons to a norm or specific criteria. (A), (C), and (D) are all examples of informal assessments. They all require a measure of personal judgment to be completed.

Which of the following statements would likely be true of an individual with ADHD? (A) The individual cannot communicate well (B) The individual is often inattentive (C) The individual has a difficult time making friends (D) The individual always finishes her/his assignments

The correct response is ( B ). ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, so it is characterized by frequent periods of inattention. (A) is not connected to ADHD, but more likely a sign of either a speech/language disorder or autism. Similarly, (C) is more likely associated with either shyness, social skills deficits, or autism. (D) is not the correct answer because individuals with ADHD often leave assignments unfinished when their attention wanders during class or homework time.

What is the most important thing to do when dealing with problem behaviors? (A) React immediately (B) Analyze the reasons for the behavior (C) Isolate the misbehaving student (D) Always call the assistant principal for help

The correct response is ( B ). As a Special Education teacher, being able to step back and analyze why a student is acting out is essential to solving behavior issues. By identifying the cause or the underlying reason for the behavior, appropriate interventions can be planned. (A) is incorrect because sometimes immediate reactions can be emotional or negative. Remaining calm when dealing with behavior issues is essential. (C) is incorrect because isolating a student is only necessary if the student requires a quiet atmosphere to calm down. With most challenging behaviors, applying the preset consequence and moving forward with the class is the best approach. (D) is incorrect because a teacher should be able to deal with the majority of behaviors in the classroom. Administrative intervention should only be necessary for severe behaviors or challenging behaviors that the teacher has not been able to divert any other way.

A research-based technique for helping students in the prewriting stage is (A) circling spelling errors. (B) providing graphic organizers. (C) having them memorize the steps for writing an essay. (D) providing a punctuation chart.

The correct response is ( B ). Graphic organizers are powerful tools for helping students organize different types of writing. These visual tools help students lay out their thoughts in an organized way so that they are ready to write. (A) is an incorrect answer because identifying spelling errors is a part of the editing stage, not the prewriting stage. (C) is not the correct answer since memorizing the general steps for writing an essay does not help students put together specific thoughts on what they want to write about. (D) is not the correct answer because addressing punctuation is a part of the editing stage, not the prewriting stage.

An eighth-grade social studies teacher complains that the Special Education students in his class fail every test. He explains that he assigns all of his students to read the chapters and complete the questions, and he even simulates a popular game show to review information before the test. What would be an appropriate strategy for his co-teacher to suggest? (A) Move the Special Education students to a resource (B) Teach strategies for reading nonfiction, such as focusing on chapter headings and subheadings and using graphic organizers (C) Call the parents of all students who are failing to ask for more help with home-work (D) Have students copy key passages from the textbook in their notebooks

The correct response is ( B ). In a content-area classroom, the most common reason for students performing poorly is also the most common learning disability: reading. By teaching reading strategies such as how to use headings and subheadings to navigate information in a textbook, the teacher is helping the students become better readers, and that will result in better performance. (A) is incorrect and illegal as Special Education laws require that students be served in the least restrictive environment. (C) is incorrect because, while parent involvement is a good goal, the suggestion does not help with the root of the problem: reading skills. (D) is incorrect because it does not help with the reading problem. It is also a method that will likely be seen as a punishment, not a study technique.

Which of the following behaviors observed over time in a three-year-old child would be a clear indicator that the child may have an autism spectrum disorder? (A) Uncoordinated movements when walking (B) Lack of joint attention (C) Refusal to write the letters of the alphabet (D) Hitting other children

The correct response is ( B ). Lack of joint attention is one of the earliest signs of an autism spectrum disorder because it is the basis of human communication. Very young children will follow their parent's pointing finger to share in looking at something, like an airplane in the sky. Children with autism often lack this joint attention to objects and will not point themselves. (A) could be a sign of motor delays in an older child but uncoordinated movements are common in young children as part of normal development. (C) could be a behavioral issue or a lack of comfort or confidence on the child's part. Again, very young children do not yet have the fine motor skills necessary for neat writing. (D) is a behavioral issue that have to be addressed as not appropriate.

A Special Education teacher wants to scaffold mathematics instruction for a group of students with learning disabilities. What kind of examples should the Special Education teacher show students first? (A) Abstract examples (B) Concrete and real-life examples (C) Graphic examples (D) Pictorial representations

The correct response is ( B ). Scaffolding learning involves helping students understand mathematical concepts with the most concrete examples first and then moving to the abstract examples. The first step should involve concrete, real-life examples. (A) is incorrect because abstract examples can be the hardest to grasp and should be the last part of a scaffolded sequence. (C) and (D) are incorrect because graphic or pictorial representations are the middle step in a scaffolded lesson.

An ALE teacher sets up a class store with various items such as pencils, stickers, and posters. She explains to students that they can earn "class cash" to spend in the store by following classroom rules, completing their work, and being supportive of their classmates. What kind of behavioral strategy is this teacher employing? (A) Applied behavior analysis (B) Detention (C) Token economy (D) Replacement behavior

The correct response is ( C ). A token economy is a form of behavior modification based around the consistent rewarding of positive or desired behaviors. When teachers see a positive behavior, they give a student a "token," some object that only has value in the classroom. That token can be turned in for a prize or something of value to the student. While token economies are common in applied behavior analysis settings, (A) is incorrect because applied behavior analysis is a much larger system of teaching through structured activities and rewarding targeted behaviors. In and of itself, ABA does not require a classroom store or a token economy to work. (B) is incorrect as detention is a form of negative reinforcement. (D) is incorrect because replacement behaviors are more appropriate responses that teachers and therapists help students acquire in place of undesirable behaviors.

BIP stands for (A) Behavior Improvement Program. (B) Bonded and Insured Paraprofessional. (C) Behavior Intervention Plan. (D) Behavior in Individuals Is Positive.

The correct response is ( C ). BIP stands for Behavior Intervention Plan, and a BIP is required to be part of any Individual Education Program where a student is unable to follow the Student Code of Conduct because of the nature of his or her disability. (A), (B), and (D) are all incorrect choices.

An eighth-grade teacher administers a quiz halfway through a unit to see how much students remember about the topic. What kind of assessment is the quiz? (A) Summative (B) Diagnostic (C) Formative (D) Formal

The correct response is ( C ). Formative assessments are administered during the course of instruction to assist teachers in guiding instruction or knowing what concepts and skills need to be retaught. (A) is incorrect because summative assessments are administered at the conclusion of a unit to measure how much students have learned. (B) is incorrect because diagnostic tests are administered prior to instruction to show gaps in student's knowledge or as standardized tests to diagnose a disability. (D) is incorrect because a teacher-created quiz is an informal assessment.

What is the best definition for an instructional accommodation? (A) Changes made to the content students are learning (B) Memorization technique (C) Changes made to the student's environment to improve learning (D) Teacher lesson plan

The correct response is ( C ). Instructional accommodations are changes made to the environment to improve student learning. Accommodations never involve changes to the content, so (A) is incorrect. Likewise, (B) and (D) are incorrect since they have nothing to do with the kinds of changes an accommodation would entail.

A seventh-grade teacher works with students who failed the STAAR® reading assessment the previous year. Many of these students have learning disabilities. The teacher has the students work in pairs to create a picture that shows the meaning of a selected word from the story they just read. Partners then share their drawings with the class. What is the purpose of this activity? (A) Sight-word recognition (B) Symbolic representation of text (C) Vocabulary acquisition (D) Phonemic awareness

The correct response is ( C ). Pairing a word with a visual image is a powerful strategy to help students remember the word's meaning. By having the students work in pairs and create the drawing themselves, the teacher is helping the students "own" the word and add it to their vocabulary. (A) is not the correct answer because the words selected for an activity like this would not be sight words; they would be words with a clearer meaning. (B) is not correct because the students are not creating pictures of the story itself. Rather, the pictures are related to the specific meanings of the words. (D) is not the correct answer because phonemic awareness is an early emergent-reader skill where students are assessed on their recognition of individual letter and rhyming sounds.

In which academic area do the majority of learning disabilities fall? (A) Mathematics (B) Writing (C) Reading (D) Science

The correct response is ( C ). Statistics show that the predominant learning disability is in the area of reading, accounting for more than 80 percent of LD diagnoses. As a result, the U.S. Department of Education has urged states to implement Response to Intervention programs to target primary students who are falling behind in reading in hopes of reducing the number of LD diagnoses. (A) and (B) are also common learning disability categories, but they are not nearly as prevalent as reading. (D) is not considered an area of learning disability. If a student is struggling in science, it is generally related to a reading or mathematics difficulty.

In Texas, transition planning is expected to begin at age (A) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15.

The correct response is ( C ). While IDEA 2004 makes 16 the legal age when transition planning must begin, in Texas, the expectation is that it will begin by age 14 so that high school course choices can be considered. (A), (B), and (D) are all incorrect, as 14 is the agreed-upon age to begin transition planning in Texas.

A Special Education teacher wants to assess her students' fluency. What is NOT an area she will assess when listening to her students read orally? (A) Rate (B) Expression (C) Accuracy (D) Idioms

The correct response is ( D ). An idiom is a combination of words that has a figurative meaning (for example, "It's raining cats and dogs."). While idioms are a source of trouble for students with disabilities and for English learners, they are not an area related to fluency. (A), (B), and (C) are incorrect as they are all areas charted in fluency assessments. Fluency is a combination of rate or speed, accuracy in pronunciation, and oral expression.

One of the most powerful motivators for engaging reluctant readers in books is (A) fear of staying after school. (B) round-robin reading. (C) highlighting vocabulary words. (D) giving students a choice of what they read.

The correct response is ( D ). Choice is a powerful motivator for all students, including reluctant readers. When students get to choose a book or article and can select based on their own interests, they have a built-in reason to persevere as they work to read the text. (A) is not the correct answer because punitive measures are rarely motivational, especially for reluctant readers who frequently also exhibit challenging behaviors as a way of masking their academic difficulties. (B) is incorrect because "round-robin" reading is actually demotivating for struggling readers who do not like being embarrassed when they cannot read well out loud. (C) is not the correct answer because, while vocabulary acquisition is an important part of learning to read, calling attention to a number of words the student may not know can be discouraging.

What is one common use for formal assessment in Special Education? (A) Determining a student's grade in a class (B) Making daily decisions in the classroom (C) Deciding whether an inclusion teacher's test is too hard for a student (D) Determining a student's disability qualification

The correct response is ( D ). In Special Education, norm- and criterion-referenced tests are primarily used to establish a disability designation or to confirm a disability designation in a child already in Special Education. (A) and (B) are incorrect because the determination of grades and daily teaching decisions result from a variety of informal assessments, including observations, checklists, and quizzes. (C) is incorrect because judgments about the difficulty or appropriateness of a teacher's exam are made by committees or supervisors.

Which of the following strategies is NOT an example of an assistive technology? (A) Recorded books (B) Spell-check program (C) Pencil grip (D) Seating chart

The correct response is ( D ). Seating charts, a strategy where the teacher assigns students' seats, can be used as accommodations to encourage positive behavior. They are not examples of assistive technology, however. Assistive technology is a form of technology, simple or complex, that assists in learning. (A), (B), and (C) are all examples of assistive technologies and therefore incorrect answers.

A sixth-grade student with ADHD has been struggling on his mathematics tests particularly on questions that involve solving complex word problems. The most effective strategy to teach this student would be (A) benchmarking. (B) highlighting vocabulary. (C) fact automaticity. (D) verbalization.

The correct response is ( D ). Verbalization is a method that helps students think through the stages of solving a math program, slowing down to say each step aloud as they take it. For students with ADHD who are often impulsive, this method can help them self-regulate the problem-solving process. (A) is incorrect because benchmarking is an assessment procedure. (B) is incorrect because highlighting vocabulary is a technique that helps students think about which operation(s) to use in solving a word problem, but that is only one part of solving a complex word problem. (C) is incorrect because there is no sign that the student does not know his or her operational facts. The issue seems to be with figuring out what to do to solve a complex word problem.

Which of the following situations would warrant recommending testing for a behavioral disorder? (A) A student is sent to the principal's office for acting out in class (B) A student does not look his teacher in the eye after writing on his desk (C) A student gets upset when corrected and cries (D) A student gets angry every time anyone touches his/her belongings and stays angry for over an hour each time

The correct response is ( D ). When a student shows a pattern of overreacting to a situation and not being able to calm down for long periods of time, it is an indication discipline issue. (B) is a common reaction in children who feel guilty. (C) is also a common reaction for some children who do not want to make mistakes.

Written Language

Three Major Skill Areas- Spelling, language processing and written language


Traumatic Brain Injury

Written Language-LD

Weak skills in grammar and sentence structure often affect written language

Word Analysis

difficulty associating sounds to letters

Achievement Test

is a standardized test designed to efficiently measure the amount of knowledge and/or skill a person has acquired , usually as result of classroom instruction. Such testing produces a statistical profile used as a measurement to evaluate student learning in comparison with a standard or norm.

Summative Asssessment

is an evaluation at the conclusion of a unit or units of instruction or an activity or plan to determine or judge student skills and knowledge or effectiveness of a plan or activity.

Which of the following statements would likely be true of an individual with ADHD?

is often inattentive

Which of the following behaviors observed over time in a 3-year old child would be a clear indicator that the child may have an autism spectrum disorder.

lack of joint attention


serious emotional disorder affecting between 0.5 and 1% of people.

Alternative Assessment

students answer open ended questions, work out a solution to a problem, perform a demonstration to a skill etc...

Auditory and Visual Processing Disorder

the inability to process discriminate different sounds and process images and visual-spatial patterns of objects or shapes

Non verbal LD

the inability to process math info and visual-spatial patterns for objects


the inability to process numbers and math facts


the inability to read at developmental rates


the inability to write legibly and for proper letter formation

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