Sport Psych Exam 3

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Which of the following is not a common physiological indicator used in biofeedback?

blood chemistry

An effective cognitive/behavioral technique for reinforcing situation specific self-confidence and ultimately behavior


6. Which of the following is not an important component in the development of a needs assessment plan for a psychological skills training program?

Administration of Cattell's Personality Inventory

Which of the following statements is false relative to hypnosis?

Hypnosis can increase the accuracy of memory.

Which of the following statements is not true relative to hypnosis and athletic performance?

Hypnosis is very effective in all kinds of athletic events for improving performance

Which of the following would not be a good self-affirmation statement to be used during self-talk?

I hope he does not hit the ball my way.

Which of the following is the best example of a good measurable performance goal?

I will get 75% of my first serves in the tennis court by the end of this season.

Which of the following is not a viable theoretical explanation for why imagery enhances athletic performance?

Iconic image theory

Using all the senses to re-create or create an experience in the mind.


What important variable moderates the relationship between imagery type and outcome in the Martin et al. (1999) applied model of imagery use in sport?

Imagery ability

Which of the following is not an example of the purpose or function of imagery use (why)?

Imagery perspective

What are the two dimensions in Paivio's conceptual model of imagery?

Imagery purpose, imagery application.

Which of the following is not an example of the content of an image?

Imaging for a specific purpose

Which of the following statements is false relative the "physical activity" education of the sport psychologist?

In addition to being an expert in mental training, the sport psychologist must also be an expert in the sport that the athlete is trying to excel in.

. Which statement is false relative to coach, athlete, and parent interaction?

In terms of energizing the athlete, parental interaction is of little practical significance.

Which of the following is not a factor that must be present to evoke the relaxation response?

Increased muscle tone

Which of the following is not a psychological skill used during hypnotic induction?

Increased sympathetic nervous system stimulation.

Which of the following is not a team energizing strategy?

Individual goal setting

Strategies that the individual uses to induce immediate activation and alertness.

Individual psyching-up strategies.

It is during the ___________ that the hypnotist actually hypnotizes the subject.

Induction phase

When the task is unfamiliar to the athlete, an assigned goal may be superior to a self-set goal. Why might this be the case?

Instills confidence in the recipient because an expert thinks they can achieve the goal

The _________________ method focuses upon achieving a natural state of restful alertness that allows a high degree of body awareness, breathing, and external instruction.

Integrative mind body training

Transcendental meditation is a form of meditation popularized by

Integrative mind body training, autonomic.

The athlete imagines herself executing a sport task from within her own body.

Internal imagery.

There exists two perspectives from which imagery can be applied. The two imagery perspectives are

Internal, external

Research shows that the ability to use imagery to visualize events

Is based on a specific region in the brain responsible for seeing things in our mind's eye.

Why is negative thought suppression ineffective or counterproductive to positive outcome?

It calls attention to the negative thought that is trying to be avoided.

Self-hypnosis is preferable to heterohypnosis in sport because

It does not involve dependence on another person.

Which of the following statements is true relative to the use of biofeedback for enhancing athletic performance?

It is highly effective in eliciting the relaxation response and moderately effective in enhancing athletic performance.

Which of the following is true relative to internalizing goals?

It is important that the athlete internalize goals.

Autogenic training is a relaxation procedure developed by ____

Johannes Schultz

Which of the following is not a reason why goal setting results in improved athletic performance?

Learning strategy contentment.

Which of the following statements is false relative to EEG brain waves?

Levels of brain activity are not correlated with EEG brain waves.

. Perhaps because of the difficulty of classifying avoidance coping as being either emotion or problem focused, some authors have identified only three categories of coping instead of four. These three categories are typically identified as

a) Cognitive, behavioral, avoidance. b) Emotion, problem, avoidance. (both a and b)

Which statement is false relative to waking up from the hypnotic trance?

Subject cannot come out of the hypnotic trance until asked to do so by the therapist

Which of the following does not occur during the hypnotic phase of hypnosis?

Subject carries out posthypnotic suggestions.

Which of the following is not an important component of preparation of the subject?

Subject must have not eaten food in the previous four hours.

Behavior which does not have a clear technical function in the execution of a skill, yet which is believed to control luck and/or other external factors

Superstitious behavior.

Which of the following statements is true relative to biofeedback?

With practice athletes can learn to reverse the "fight or flight" effects of the sympathetic nervous system

Research on effectiveness of type goal setting suggests that

-A multiple goal strategy is best. -Used in isolation, outcome goals are the least effective. -Athletes need to understand the distinction among the three types of goal. (All of the above)

An advantage of performance goals over outcome goals is that

-Performance goals can be accomplished even if outcome goals are not realized. -If individuals meet performance goals, outcome goals should take care of themselves. -Members of team sports have greater control over achieving personal performance goals than they do over team outcome goals. (All of the above)

In the initial induction phase, hypnotism is physiologically identical to

-Progressive relaxation. Autogenic training. Meditation. (All of the above.)

The vast majority of coping strategies used by elite athletes can be categorized under the heading of

-Psychological training. -Physical training and strategizing. -Somatic relaxation. (All of the above)

Which of the following factors is not instrumental in helping coping skills to transfer to other situations?

A narrow perspective on skill application

Relative to hiring a full time sport psychologist to work with college athletes, athletic director's generally perceive that

A sport psychologist is important, but not as important as an athletic trainer or strength coach. Needs of athletes are generally addressed by coaches, counselors, and faculty. A sport psychologist could help athletes better deal with pressure, fine tune performance, and improve mental toughness. (All of the above)

When performing under pressure, it is best to use _________ as opposed to _________ process goals

Holistic, part

Which of the following types of breathing is most specifically associated with relaxation?

Abdominal breathing

. Progressive relaxation involves the process of tensing and relaxing muscles, but does not involve

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system

Which of the following statements is/are false relative to the timing of imagery?

Actual physical execution of a task takes longer than the comparable imaged execution of the same task

Which of the following is an example of a preperformance routine used by a golfer to prepare for an important putt?

Align the putter to the target, set the feet, and take two glances at the hole.

Which of the following is not a viable definition of hypnosis?

An altered state of consciousness unrelated to hyper-suggestability.

Which of the following statements is not true about imagery?

An image cannot be created, it can only be reproduced.

The use of various relaxation or arousal management procedures to reduce anxiety is commonly referred to as ______________.

Anxiety Reduction

An initial decrease in performance leads to an increase in state anxiety, which leads to an additional decrease in performance followed by an even greater increase in state anxiety

Anxiety stress spiral

Name the two types of coping style dimension

Approach style and avoidance style

A psychological skills development model that proposes that sport must contribute to the overall development of the athlete physically, psychologically and socially.

Athlete-centered sport model


Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder

Which of the following is not an important use or function of self-talk (the why)?

Attentional distraction

Which of the following is a pencil and paper inventory designed to measure mental toughness?

Australian Football Mental Toughness Inventory

Which of the following is not a viable self-energizing strategy used by athletes?

Autogenic training

Striving for personal goals that are based upon _____________________ leads to sustained effort.

Autonomous motivational regulation

Striving for personal goals that are based upon _____________________ leads to sustained effort

Autonomous motivational regulation.

Vent unpleasant emotions

Avoidance-emotion focused coping

Psychological intervention programs are effective in increasing self-confidence, focusing attention, energizing effort, and enhancing athletic performance.

Based on the literature, this is basically a true statement.

For self-talk to be effective, it is suggested that self-talk statements be

Brief and phonetically simple

Along with the sport and exercise domain, one of the most fruitful areas for applying principles of positive psychology is the domain of


Which of the following is an example of a postperformance routine used by the quarterback in football following an incomplete pass?

Clear mind of results of previous play by the quarterback or by intended receiver.

Which statement is false relative to preparation for competition?

Coach initiated activation exercises are always beneficial to the athlete

. In this function (type) of imagery, the athlete imagines himself reviewing team defensive strategies in volleyball, e.g. the athlete imagines the team shifting the defensive formation to defend against a quick attack from the middle.

Cognitive General (CG)

. Research shows that the following kind of coping response is used most often by athletes

Cognitive and behavioral approach coping used equally

Which function of imagery is used to help the athlete experience specific sport skills and to plan strategies in advance of competition?

Cognitive functioning.

Paivio clarified that imagery has both a _________ and __________ function.

Cognitive, motivational.

. The "what" of imagery describes the _____________ of what is being imaged

Content (e.g. black and white or color)

Research shows that 13 youth sport psychological characteristics are required as precursors to becoming an Olympic or professional athlete later in life. Which of the following is not included in that list?

Contentment with performance status quo and moderate desire to excel in sport.

Constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taking or exceeding the resources of the person


A coping measurement instrument that reflects the coping styles and strategies conceptual framework.

Coping Style iN Sport Survey

Techniques calculated to bring about the relaxation response include progressive relaxation, autogenic training, meditation, and biofeedback. The following is an important component of each of these techniques.

Deep breathing

2. In a psychological skills training program, the first and most important step is for the sport psychologist to

Determine who the client is

Which of the following is not a reliable principle of goal setting in exercise and sport?

Difficult goals should never be used.

. Athletes have a certain learned or innate way of coping with all stress related situations.

Dispositional hypothesis

4. Applied sport related research has generally supported the hypothesis that coping strategies and styles are

Dynamic and fluid from situation to situation to situation

Athletes' coping responses are dynamic and fluid, changing from situation to situation.

Dynamic hypothesis

. Modern progressive relaxation techniques are all variations of those outlined by ___________

Edmond Jackson

Which of the following is not a basic type of goal discussed in the sport psychology literature?

Effective goals

5. Focus is upon regulating emotions in order to reduce or manage cognitive distress

Emotion focused coping

1. Which of the following is not a critical component for developing a team goal setting system?

Evaluating the effectiveness of the coaches.

. The athlete imagines himself to be outside of his body watching from a distance.

External imagery

Which of the following factors is not instrumental in helping coping skills to transfer to other situations.

External locus of control for coping

. Striving for personal goals that are based upon _____________________ leads to initial effort that is not sustainable.

Externally controlled motivational regulation.

Focus upon a smooth and seemingly effortless gold swing

Holistic process goal

Which of the following is not a reason why goal setting results in improved athletic performance?

Focus upon extrinsic rewards.

Which of the following is not a principle of effective goal setting?

Focus upon individual goals and team goals well take care of themselves

. The Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool measures

Foundation mental skills. Psychomotor skills. Cognitive skills. (All of the above.)

Mentally imaged actions and actual physical execution of actions share the same neurophysiological processes

Functional equivalence hypothesis

The notion that coping skills learned in sport can be applied in other sport situations or nonsport situations.

Generalizability of coping skills

Which statement is false relative to the use of individual goal setting as an immediate self-energizing strategy?

Goal setting is only effective when used for purposes of long range planning and skill development

While almost everyone has had experience at goal setting, most are only moderately effective in achieving their goals

Goal setting paradox

Research suggests that ____________ mediates the relationship between __________ and performance.

Goal setting, goal orientation.

________________ is defined as the process of striving to set and to achieve goals.

Goal striving

Which of the following is a common reason why athletes get discouraged with goal setting?

Goals are too difficult and unrealistic. Too much reliance on outcome goals. Setting too many goals. → (All of the above)

The relationship between goal setting and goal orientation research

Has only recently been studied together in the same investigation

In working with hypnotized patients, originators of autogenic training noted that patients invariably reported the following two bodily sensation

Heaviness in the limbs, and warmth in the body and in the arms and legs

. In progressive relaxation, the process of systematically tensing and relaxing muscles serves to

Help subject recognize the difference between tension and relaxation

A companion inventory used in research to identify athletes who are likely to fake good on their inventory responses.

Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale

A cognitive coping strategy might be more effective in addressing the debilitating effects of cognitive anxiety than an emotion focused coping strategy.

Matching hypothesis.

. As used in meditation, the "mantra" is a

Mental Device

Which of the following statements is false?

Mental practice is superior to physical practice.

Which of the following is not identified as a model of psychological skill development?

Mental skills development model.

A model of psychological skill development in which the emphasis is upon positive psychology and upon a nonjudgmental focus of one's attention on the here and the now

Mindfulness-acceptance-commitment model.

Research in sport and exercise suggests that the most effective goals are

Moderately difficult

Which statement is false relative to the use of mental practice and time factors?

More is always better when it comes to the use of mental practice

Which of the following is false relative to the where and when of imagery use?

Most imagery takes place during training as opposed to during competition

Goal setting is a theory of __________ that effectively energizes athletes to become more productive and effective


Which function of imagery is used to help the athlete experience goal attainment, effective coping, and arousal management?

Motivational functioning.

In this function (type) of imagery, the athlete imagines herself in a specific setting that is highly motivating, e.g. the athlete imagines herself making the winning basket in an important basketball game.

Motivational-Specific (MG-M).

.Planned psychological skill intervention programs have been shown to be effective in research of the following type

Multiple baseline single subject designs. Experimental designs in which participants were assigned to treatment conditions. Qualitative research designs. (All of the above.)

Which of the following is considered to be an outcome goal as opposed to a performance or process goal?

My goal is to prevail against my opponent, what ever it takes.

Which of the following is not an area of mental disturbance commonly experienced by athletes? .


8. Psychological methods and strategies to be taught in a psychological skills training program are based upon a carefully developed

Needs assessment plan

For purposes of psyching-up athletes, the following information should not appear on a locker room bulletin board.

Notification of a post match social hour

Finish the season with a winning record.

Outcome goal

Which of the following has not been used as a synonym for imagery?

Overt practice

Seven point functional equivalence checkpoints for imaged and actual physical performance


A _____________ by the coach or a respected member of the team is the most common method used to increase the activation level of athletes

Pep talk

What is at the base or foundation of the Hierarchical Structure of Professional Philosophy?

Personal core beliefs and values.

Research identified 17 athlete-counseling competencies believed to be essential for ethical psychotherapeutic practice with athlete clients. These 17 are further classified under three headings. Which of the following is not one of those important headings?

Personality traits

. These two avenues are not the only ones possible, but they are typical of how sport psychologists get started in their ultimate goal to develop a sport psychology consulting practice.

Physical education (kinesiology, sport sciences, etc.), psychology

Which of the following is not a component part of autogenic training?

Physiological arousal.

Which of the following is a common reason why goal setting fails?

Poorly written goal statements. Failure to devise a goal attainment strategy. Failure to monitor performance progress. (All of the above.)

Coping strategies in which the athlete anticipates in advance potential stressors and prepares in advance for dealing with them.

Proactive coping strategies

Name the two types of coping strategy dimensions.

Problem focused and emotion focused.

Focus is upon alleviating the environmental stimulus that is causing the stress response.

Problem focused coping

The literature suggests that process goals should benefit learning, yet process goals focus attention upon explicit knowledge which may be detrimental to performance.

Process goal paradox

Keep the left elbow straight while executing a golf drive

Process goals

Which of the following is not an example of an inventory designed to measure the psychological skills of athletes?

Profile of Psychological Skills Inventory

Which of the following relaxation interventions is associated with reductions in oxygen consumption, respiration rate, and heart rate?

Progressive relaxation. Autogenic training. Meditation. (All of the above)

Research shows that highly successful Olympic and World Class elite athletes possess

Psychological characteristics superior to less successful athletes. Confidence in their ability. Ability to make tactical adjustments when necessary. (All of the above)

Which of the following statements is true?

Psychological methods refer to practices that lead to psychological skill

___ refers to learned or innate characteristics of the athlete that makes it possible or even likely that he will succeed in sport.

Psychological skill

The sport psychologist produces a bar graph that illustrates the psychological skills that an athlete perceives is important and progress being made from week to week.

Psychological skill performance profiling.

Which theory posits that imagery results in subliminal neuromuscular patterns?

Psychoneuromuscular theory.

. In a psychological skills training program, what should be accomplished at the initial meeting between the athletes and sport psychologist

Recognition of equal importance of mental and physical training for peak performance to occur. Willingness to commit more than 15-minutes at the end of practice to mental training. Psychological skills training viewed as an equal partner to practicing physical skills. (All of the above)

The _________________ consists of physiological changes that are opposite to the "fight or flight" response of the sympathetic nervous system. .

Relaxation response

In order for imagery to facilitate learning and performance, the imagery must be _______, require ________, and be ________.

Relevant, concentration, enjoyable.

Peak performance in any endeavor begins with a dream that is associated with positive feelings and emotions.

Resonance performance model

Which of the following is not an inventory designed to measure self-talk?

Self-Talk in Sport Questionnaire

The _________________ model addresses the process of goal striving and its effect on well-being within the broad conceptual framework of _________________ theory

Self-concordance, self-determination.

Which of the following is not an example of a psychological skill?


Which statement is false relative to self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis and heterohypnosis are completely different phenomena.

Self-generated thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are planned and cyclically adapted based on performance feedback


Mental toughness is a

Set of psychological characteristics that can be developed as well as some aspects that are innate

Setting of _______________ can help in attaining long term goals.

Short term goals.

Publicity and news coverage is something that

Should be cultivated and encouraged by inviting the media to games and sending them information about athletes

What might happen if the details of a process goal are attended to during the execution of a well learned sport skill?

Smooth execution of an automated motor skill may be interfered with.

Research suggests that when selecting a mental training professional, athletes prefer ___________ over ___________ titled individuals

Sport psychology, psychology.

What imagery inventory was developed to parallel Paivio's conceptual model of imagery?

Sports Imagery Questionnaire.

Imagery ________ reflects individual differences in the way an individual approaches imagery.


Which of the following is an example of a between-play routine for a tennis player?

Take care of your body and your equipment.

___________ focus upon those strategies that deal with the team as a whole and are generally orchestrated by the _________.

Team energizing strategies, coach

Relative to self-energizing strategies, which of the following is of least importance to the athlete?

Team goal setting

Which of the following is not a team energizing strategy?

Team mediation session

Which of the following inventories was revised due to questionable factor structure of factors measured?

Test of Performance Strategies

Which of the following inventories, designed to measure psychological skill of athletes, measures both skills in both the competitive situation and the practice situation?

Test of Performance Strategies.

Which of the following statements is false relative to ethics used in sport psychology by members of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)?

The AASP does not have their own ethical code, so they use the Ethical Principles of the American Psychological Association as their guide

Which of the following statements is false relative to hypnosis - weakness?

The ability to experience hypnotic phenomenon indicates gullibility or personal weakness.

The use of imagery or mental practice works best in which of the following situations?

The athlete is an advanced performer

According to symbolic learning theory, imagery works to improve performance because

The individual literally plans her actions in advance.

Shows a much more complex and complete picture as to how coping plays a central role in the stress process

The interactional model of the stress process.

The "what" of self-talk describes

The kinds of words and phrases used in self-talk

The indiscriminate use of intervention strategies to control anxiety and arousal has prompted sport psychologists to propose a closer fit between debilitating symptom and its cure. This is referred to as

The matching hypothesis

Which is not one of the four W's associated with imagery?


A psychological skills training program in which a member or members of an organization or trained by a sport psychologist to provide psychological services to their own athletes.

The organizational empowerment approach.

Hypnosis is identical to autogenic training and transcendental meditation in terms of

The resultant relaxation response.

Which of the following is an example of "neutral hypnosis"?

The subject has just been hypnotized and is experiencing the effects of the relaxation response

. Which of the following is not a basic premise of Locke and Latham's theory of goal setting?

To be effective, goals must be rehearsed daily.

Psychological skill training

Training as a clinical psychologist.

Which of the following should not be used by the coach to psych-up the athlete?

Transcendental meditation.

Which is not an employment opportunity typically found by individuals trained as sport psychologists?

University Student Center

Mental toughness can be developed in athletes as a function of

Values, attitudes, cognitions, emotions, and behaviors.

Which of the following intervention programs is also referred to as Anxiety Management Training (AMT)?

Visual Motor Behavior Rehearsal

Which of the following is not a cognitive-behavioral intervention program discussed in the text?

Visualizing Success in Sport Program.

Imagery ________ rates the clarity, strength and distinctiveness of images.


. Progressive relaxation is an effective intervention for enhancing sport performance

When used in conjunction with imagery or some other cognitive intervention strategy

Which of the following would be a poor example of a posthypnotic suggestion?

When you step into the batter's box you will be able to make solid contact with the ball.

The "why" of self-talk describes

Whether used for purposes of motivation or cognition

Which of the following statements is false relative to hypnosis - lose?

While hypnotized, individuals lose the ability to control their behavior

Which of the following is an example of "waking hypnosis"?

While under the hypnotic trance, the athlete is asked to imagine performing an athletic event.

Use of progressive relaxation to reduce stress.

approach-emotion focused coping

Which of the following is not a primary category of self-talk (the what)?

cognitive restructuring

A/An ________________ goal is one that you can quantify, in the sense that you know how close you are to achieving the goal.


Score 25 points in a basketball game.

performance goal

As a psychological method for improving self-confidence, self-talk must be _______ in nature and lead to _______ feelings about an athlete's behavior.

positive, positive

Which of the following is not an example of a psychological skill?

progressive relaxation

Imagery cannot be used by the brain to

see into the future

Coping involves a personal response on the part of the athlete to address a ___

stress response

Which of the following is not a source of stress cited by elite athletes?

too much play time

In a real sense, the brain cannot tell the difference between an actual physical event and the vivid imagery of the same event.

true statement

Based upon research, which of the following is not an example of the demonstrated efficacy of imagery in helping the athlete?

→ Facilitates distractibility in attentional focus

. Relative to goal setting, the SMART principle is an acronym that refers to the notion that goals should be

→ Specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, timely.

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