Sport Sociology

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Which of the following athletes is NOT known for using athletic fame to promote personal political beliefs Arthur Ashe Jr. Billie Jean King John Madden Muhammad Ali

Arthur Ashe Jr. Billie Jean King *John Madden* Muhammad Ali

Which of the following are FALSE regarding political views and the Olympics?

Athletes holding up fists instead of hand over heart for U.S. national anthem showed social and political dissatisfaction. Athletes being taken hostage to demand release of political prisoners. Olympic Games have been boycotted by countries because of political views. *The Olympics do not relate to any political views.*

It is difficult to discuss violence in sport because...

violence is never accepted in sport *many sports inherently require actions that would be illegal outside of sport* sport officials do not admit that their sports are violent many sports do not involve physical contact

Religion and/or religious views are used in the sports world by which of the following groups?

Coaches and athletes only. Olympic committees and private schools only. Schools and organizations only. *Coaches, athletes, team owners, and organizations.*

There is less deviance from playing by the rules today in sports than there has been in the past. Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to this change?

Coaches are being held more accountable. *Athletes of today are more considerate of others.* Today there are tougher penalties for infractions. Today there are effective programs promoting good sporting behavior beginning in youth sport.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Deviance by definition is positive or negative. *Deviance can result from over- or under-conforming to sports rules, traditions, and culture.* Deviance is conforming to the rules and norms of a group. Deviance is caused by hereditary characteristics.

The events of the Berlin, Munich and Mexico City Olympics were most closely related to issues of...

Gender Religion *Politics* Money

The textbook defines special populations to include which of the following?

Individuals under 6 or over 65 years of age Individuals with heart disease or diabetes Individuals recovering from cancer treatments *Individuals who have physical or mental disabilities*

An example of political pressure or statements in sports is...

Knights wearing country's colors or symbols. Holding arms in "Nazi salute" at the Berlin Olympics. Holding fists up while on podium at Mexico City Olympics. Kneeling during the national anthem. *All of the above.*

Which group(s) is/are least likely to be active and live a healthy lifestyle?

Older adults and those from lower socioeconomic groups Women and those with disabilities Women, those with disabilities, and those from the lower socioeconomic groups Older males and those from the upper socioeconomic groups

Which was the first Olympiad to have women athletes from every country represented?

Olympics 2000 Olympics 2004 Olympics 2008 *Olympics 2012*

Which is not true of Up2Us

One of its goals is to prevent childhood obesity. *It lobbies the U.S. Congress to increase funding for youth sport.* It is a national coalition of sport-based youth development organizations. It recruits coaches for Coach for America who will teach kids in at-risk communities.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding deviance in sports

Over-conformity refers to behavior that does not follow the rules of the sport, such as hazing, betting on outcomes of contests or binge drinking. Excessive exercise and extreme dieting to make weight are examples of under-conformity. *The use of physical violence within the rules of the game, but bordering on malicious or intentional acts is an example of over-conformity.* None of the above are TRUE regarding deviance.

Which of the following is TRUE about the future of sports?‎

Performance sport opportunities for youth will decrease.‎ Professional sport will lose fans.‎ *Soccer participation will continue to increase.‎* There will be no major changes in traditional sports in the future.‎

Which of the following is TRUE about disabilities?

Persons who are over 65 are classified as disabled. It is expected that all disabilities will be eliminated by 2025. One out of three Americans has a disability. *Persons with disabilities are 3 times more likely to live in poverty.*

Which court ruling restricted or limited the use of prayer at public school sporting events?

Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education *Doe v. Santa Fe* None of the above.

Which of the following organizations provide programming and funding for at-risk youth in sport settings

Police Athletic League Girls in the Game Urban Youth Baseball Academies & RBI Young Men's Christian Association *All of the above*

What is the #1 crime committed by athletes

Sexual assault Battery *Domestic violence* Theft

Which of the following is NOT a category of the benefits of sport

Social Integration & moral development *Spiritual awakening* Cognitive & personal development Better health

Which of the following is TRUE?

Socialistic societies value the best all-around athlete. Socialistic societies value determination and competition. *Capitalistic societies value discipline and drive to be the best in sports.* Capitalistic societies value teamwork and camaraderie in sports.

Which of the following is TRUE about gambling and sport

Sports gambling is legal throughout the U.S. *The NCAA bans athletes, coaches and other athletic personnel from gambling on sports.* The rules and regulations on gambling are expected to change to allow open sport gambling. The only concern with sport gambling is related to the sport officials.

Why should the government, large corporations and NGBs of sport provide development programs

Sports in poorer communities are more likely to fail without assistance. Sport programs can provide a safe haven in inner city neighborhoods. Sports can help young girls and women become more active. *All of the above*

In order to reduce spectator violence sport leagues have implemented the following...

Stiffer fines and penalties Better education for coaches and officials Enforcement of rules *All of the above*

Which of the following is FALSE about religion?

Symbolic religious practices are believed to be in harmony with the supernatural. Religious beliefs and practices can unite a community. Every civilization or society has practiced some type of religion. *Religion is a belief that supernatural forces do not affect our lives. *

Which of the following is TRUE about the Paralympics?

The Paralympics include athletes with mental and physical disabilities. *The Paralympics are closely tied to rehabilitation for wounded veterans.* The majority of Paralympic participants have congenital disabilities. The Paralympics are not part of the regular Olympics.

Which of the following is considered the most significant conflict between sport and religion?

The idea of winning. The idea of having fun. The use of prayer. *The violent nature of sport.*

Which of the following statements is false about concussions and sport

The majority of concussions at the high school level occur in football. Concussion involves traumatic injury of the brain. Concussion symptoms may include confusion and blurred vision. *Adults take longer to recover from a concussion than children do.*

When looking at research on participation in athletics and character development, ‎early research showed positive character development for athletes, but recent ‎research has shown...‎

There is no change of character development for athletes *Character development for athletes is showing more negative and less positive effects.* Continued positive character development for athletes has been shown Negative character development for athletes has not increased

There is less deviance from playing by the rules today in sports than there has been in the past. Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to this change?

Today there are effective programs promoting good sporting behavior beginning in youth sport. Coaches are being held more accountable. *Athletes of today are more considerate of others.* Today there are tougher penalties for infractions.

Asians are better at gymnastics, diving, figure and speed skating because they have a physiological and racial aptitude for these sports.

True *False*

Which of the following was not a landmark social change in society over the past 50 years?

* a. women getting the right to vote* b. Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Title IX d. Americans with Disabilities Act

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the growing importance of sport participation for older adults?

*After age 45, competitive sports are simply unrealistic because the human body cannot tolerate the associated physical stress.* The population of older adults is rapidly increasing. Concerns for disease, infirmity, and quality of life can be impacted positively by regular physical activity. For older adults, the social interaction through sports is just as important as the physical workout.

Which of the following are objectives of the International Olympic Committee

*All answers are objectives of the IOC.* Rehabilitation of war victims and bringing hope to refugees. To develop local economies and prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS To bring sport to rural and underdeveloped communities.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding challenges for sport due to social changes?

*Americans have already met all of the challenges for increasing minority opportunities in sport.* Developing more opportunities for women in sport. Increasing Masters' level competition opportunities. Ensuring opportunities for gay and lesbian athletes to participate in sport.

Which statement is not true about LGBTQ athletes in sport

*An influx of LGBTQ athletes will cause sport organizations to make rules and participation policies that ban LGBTQ athletes from competing.* Increasing societal acceptance of homosexuality may lead to more high-profile athletes coming out of the closet. In the Gay Games, winning is defined as achieving one's personal best, and participants are matched against competitors of similar skill. By 2010, participation in the Gay Games had grown to involve competitors from 70 nations in 35 sports, and the opening-ceremony crowd exceeded 25,000 people.

Which sports are the LEAST likely to be associated with athletes who develop eating disorders

*Basketball and baseball* Cross-country and tennis Swimming/Diving and figure skating Wrestling and gymnastics

Good sporting behavior means

*Behaving ethically in sports* Acting as your coach acts Acting as your teammates act Being a nice person

Sports have "used politics" in the following was EXCEPT...

*Elect specific leaders* Gain publicity Voice minority views Make people aware of social issues

Which of the following is NOT an example of an issue that is expected to occur due to continuing drug use in sport

*Fewer athletes will die at young ages due to drug use.* The benefits of being a corporate sponsor of sports will decrease. Young athletes will be enticed to use performance-enhancing drugs at earlier ages. Fans, parent and kids will increasingly reject sport as a healthy, worthwhile activity

What statement is not true of Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI)

*Its sole mission is to give young boys a chance to learn the game of baseball. * It has had over one million participants. It began as a partnership between John Young and the Boys and Girls Club of America. Major League Baseball uses it as a youth outreach program.

Which of the following groups are MOST likely to commit acts of violence against women

*Men involved in high-performance sport. * Men involved in participation sport. Men involved in individual sport. Men involved in yoga or Tai Chi.

Although women were banned from the modern Olympic Games in the early years, by the 2004 Summer Games in Athens the percentage of female competitors had risen to

*a. 45%* b. 25% c. 50% d. 35%

According to research conducted by the Josephson Institute using data collected from 4,200 high school athletes, which of the following statements is not true?

*a. More than two thirds of athletes think that winning is more important than being considered a good sport.* b. Up to one third of coaches exhibit poor sporting behavior. c. Nearly 50% of male athletes think that trash talking is acceptable behavior. d. Girls tend to exhibit better sporting behavior than boys.

Poor sporting behavior is more likely to occur in

*a. high performance sports—youth* b. recreational sports c. youth sports d. high performance sports—professionals

The future of sports reporting is clearly through the electronic media because of

*a. instant access to a larger national and global audience* b. high-definition television c. the availability of the Internet in every home d. a decline in sales of newspapers

Participating in or watching sports such as boxing, wrestling, auto racing, bowling, motorcycle racing, or weightlifting is typical of the

*a. lower class* b. upper class c. upper-middle class d. middle class

According to a report from the Citizens Through Sports Alliance, a national coalition of major sports organizations, youth sports received a passing grade or better in the areas of health and safety, officiating, and coaching. Which areas received Ds in the report?

*a. parental behavior*

Which of the following areas is not likely to be a source of contention between high-performance sport supporters and participation sport supporters?

*a. recruitment of older adults* b. control of youth sport c. funding sources d. media attention e. facility use

Which of the following is not an example of the typical political orientation of major sports organizations

*a. view of sport as a change agent* b. tendency to preserve the status quo c. support for traditional American values d. respect for authority

Which is not one of the nine core values of the First Tee golf organization

*drug avoidance* good sporting behavior perseverance integrity

Which of the following is FALSE about the future of sports?‎

1. Performance sport opportunities for youth will increase.‎ *2. Professional sport will lose fans.*‎ 3. Soccer participation will continue to increase.‎ 4. All of the answers are false.‎

College athletes make up approximately 3% of the college population, but make up ______________ of sexual assault charges on campuses.

10% 13% *19%* 25%

In the U.S. 10% of male athletes have an eating disorder, compared to __________ of females athletes

15% 20% 30% *40%*

Approximately what percentage of adults do NOT engage in the recommended levels of physical activity?

20% 40% *60%* 80%

According to a study completed at Alfred University, hazing, which includes drinking contests and other humiliating behaviors, is experienced by what percentage of college athletes

a. 60% b. 40% c. 100% d. 20% *e. 80%*

Which of the following statements is false?

a. As the population ages, the number of people with disabilities also will increase proportionately. *b. Due to advances in medical care, the number of people with disabilities is decreasing significantly.* c. One out of five Americans has a disability. d. Out of approximately 300 million Americans, 80 million are currently over age 50, and the percentage of older Americans is rapidly increasing.

Which of the following is TRUE related to Sports and Politics?

a. Athletes have not displayed political views. b. Politics are not a part of sports in the U.S. *c. Political affairs have led to violence in sports* d. Politics do not impact the Modern Olympics.

Which of the following is NOT one of the components of the "female athlete triad"

a. Bone mineral density loss or osteoporosis *b. Above average Body Mass Index* c. Anorexia or disordered eating d. Amenorrhea

Which of the following statements is false regarding the Special Olympics and the Paralympics?

a. Both involve over 5,000 athletes from more than 120 countries. b. Both competitions are worldwide, held every 4 years. *c. Both competitions are organized, supervised, and partially funded by the United States Olympic Committee.* d. The Special Olympics is for athletes with mental disabilities while the Paralympics is for athletes with physical disabilities.

Which of the following statements is false?

a. Deviance can result from overconforming or underconforming to sports rules, traditions, and culture. *b. Deviance is caused by hereditary characteristics.* c. Deviance by definition is not necessarily positive or negative. d. Deviance is not conforming to the rules and norms of a group.

Title IX was a law passed that required...

a. Equal rights for everyone b. Equal right to vote c. Equal opportunities for males and females in sports *d. Equal opportunities for males and females in education*

Several national religious organizations use sports to attract young athletes and help them learn about religion. Which of the following is not an example of such an organization?

a. Fellowship of Christian athletes b. Young Men's Christian Association c. Athletes in Action *d. Jocks for Jesus*

Which of the following statements is false regarding how Americans identify their religion?

a. More than 25% are Roman Catholics. b. More than 10% are agnostic. *c. More than 15% are Jewish.* d. More than 50% are Protestants.

Which of the following is not attributed to the concept of stacking by race?

a. Pitchers and catchers were White. b. Quarterbacks, centers, and offensive lineman were White. c. Running backs, wide receivers, and outfielders were African American. *d. Placekickers tended to be foreign.*

Wimbledon still gives a smaller monetary award for females that win.

a. True *b. False*

The percentage of females who compete on varsity teams in high school and college is

a. about 33% b. greater than that of male athletes *c. nearly equal to that of males* d. about 25%

Identify the group that has not benefited from fairly recent laws protecting opportunities to participate in sport:

a. athletes with disabilities b. females c. lesbians *d. athletes over age 50* e. African Americans

At the local level, communities have the responsibility to

a. bus athletes with disabilities to nearby communities b. sponsor high-performance competition for athletes with disabilities *c. mainstream athletes with disabilities into existing programs whenever possible* d. offer separate sport programs for athletes with disabilities

Which of the following factors is not related to off-field violence by athletes

a. challenge to masculinity *b. personality* c. alcohol abuse d. outcome of the game e. social class

Which of the following areas is not likely to be a source of contention between high-performance sport supporters and participation sport supporters

a. control of youth sport b. funding sources *c. recruitment of older adults* d. facility use e. media attention

Individual politicians have not used sport to

a. encourage adherence to traditional values b. reinforce the status quo *c. be a prime political campaign fund raiser* d. promote and enhance their own image e. generate public support

One of the unintended effects of Title IX has been

a. expansion of women's sports at all levels of competition b. an increase in eating disorders among girls c. objectification of female athletes *d. dropping of some men's sports in schools and colleges to ensure equal funding for both genders*

Which of the following is not a reason that females were historically excluded from competitive sports?

a. lesbian tendencies of females in sport b. no female role models c. lack of interest from females d. harmful to female bodies

The difference between males and females in sport participation at all ages shows

a. that males significantly dominate b. just about even participation c. a slight edge to females *d. a slight edge to males*

The Olympic Games has traditionally been organized by the leaders of the upper and upper-middle classes, who preferred amateur athletes, yet most Olympic champions come from

a. the lower class b. the upper-middle class *c. the middle class* d. the upper class

Which of the following is not a legitimate use of sport by the U.S. government

a. to provide a public identity, pride, and unity among citizens *b. to solidify the control of the political party in power* c. to ensure the physical fitness of the armed forces d. to reduce crime and promote physical activity for youth e. to transmit social values from one generation to the next

Which national sport organization is associated with developing the first program to expose at-risk youth to sport rather than focusing solely on elite-level athletic development?

baseball golf *tennis* gymnastics

Which of the following goals and issues is NOT relevant to females in sport

equitable compensation for women in sport leadership roles active recruitment of women in sport leadership roles *elimination of football at the collegiate level* Title IX compliance

Which of the following is not one of the core values espoused by the IOC?

friendship *strength* respect excellence

Breaking a rule because doing so can help one's team win is referred to as...

good sporting behavior frustration *rational rule breaking* cheating

The three major theories used to examine deviance or violence in sport are...

Aggression, rage and instinct. Frustration, expectation and masculinity. Aggression, frustration aggression and family income. *Instinct, frustration-aggression and aggression.*

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