stat 3

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in the textile industry a manufacturer is interested in the number of blemishes or flaws occurring in each 100 feet of material the probability distribution that has the greatest chance of applying to this situation is the

Poisson distribution

A continuous probability distribution that is useful in describing the time or space between occurrences of an event is a(n)

Poisson probability distribution

refer to exhibit 5-8 the probability that there are 8 occurrences in 10 minutes is


For a standard normal distribution the probability of Z<0 is


The probability that there are less than 3 occurrences in 10 minutes is


The probability of assembling the product between 7-9 minutes is


Z is a standard normal random variable the P(-1.5<1.09) equals


Refer to exhibit 6-6 What is the probability that a randomly selected individual with an MBA degree will get a starting salary of at least 30,000


X is a normal distribution random variable with a mean of 12 and standard deviation of 3 the probability that X equals 19.62 is


Use the normal approximation to the binomial distribution to answer this question. Fifteen percent of all students at a large university are absent on Monday. If a random sample of 12 names is called on a Monday what is the probability that four students our absent?


the exponential probability distribution is used with

a continuos random variable

the weight of an object is an example of

a continuous random variable

The number of customers that enter a store during one day is an example of

a discrete random variable

A normal distribution with a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1 is called

a standard normal distribution

The probability that a continous random variable takes any specific value

is equal to zero

the center of normal curve is

is the mean of the distribution

The random variable X is the number of occurrences of an event over an interval of ten minutes m can be assumed that the probability of an occurrence is the same in any two times periods of an equal length known that the mean number of occurrences in ten minutes is 5.3


A negative value of Z indicates that

the number of standard deviations of an observation is to the left of the mean

Largest value of the standard deviation result in a normal curve that is

wider and flatter

The uniform normal and exponential distribution are

all continous probability distribution

A value of .5 that is added and/or subtracted from a value of X when the continuous normal distribution is used to approximate the discrete binomial distribution is called

continuous correct factor

The poisson probability distribution is a

discrete probability distribution

The fact that the sample distribution of sample means can be approximated by a normal probability distribution whenever the sample size is large is based on the

Central limit theorem

The sample statistic is the point estimator of

Standard deviation

For a standard normal distribution the probability of z < 0 is


the student body of a large university consists of 60% female students. A random sample 8 students is selected. What is the probability that among the students in the sample exactly two are female?


The probability of a player weighing more than 241.25 pounds is


The random variable X is known to be uniformly distributed between 70 and 90. the probability of X having a value between 80 to 95 is


Refer to Exhibit 5-8 the probability that there are ecaxtly 8 occurrences in ten minutes is


What is the minimum weight of the middle 90% of the player?


The standard deviation of assembly time (in minutes) is approximately


A simple random sample of 100 observations was taken from a large population. The sample mean and the standard deviation were determined to be 80 and 12 standard error of the mean is


Refer to exhibit 5-8 the expected value of the random variable X is


Assume that you have a binomial experiment with P=.05 and sample of 100. The expected value of this distribution is


A population has a mean of 75 and standard deviation of 8. A random sample of 800 is selected.the expect value of X is


Refer to exhibit 6-6 What percentage of MBA's will have starting salaries of 34000 to 46000


If you are conducting an experiment where the probability of a success is .02 and you are interested in the probability of 4 successes in 15 trials, the correct probability function to use is the

Binomial probability function

refer to exhibit 5-8 the random variable X satisfies which of the following discrere probability


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