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Another measure of variation is the mean absolute deviation. It is computed using the formula MAD=∑|xi−x|n. Compute the mean absolute deviation of the sample data shown below and compare the results with the sample standard deviation.

- Go to chegg Less than

The following data represent the number of grams of fat in breakfast meals offered at a local fast food restaurant. ​(a) Construct a​ stem-and-leaf plot and ​(b) describe the shape of the distribution.

A) - Go to Stat crunch > Graph> Stem and leaf B) distribution is skewed right

Between 1980 and​ 2012, the number of adults in a certain country who were overweight more than quadrupled from 15​%to 62​%. Use this information to answer parts a and b.

A) Construct a graphic that is not misleading to depict this situation. Choose the correct graph below. - 1980 goes to 15 and 2012 goes to 60 B) Construct a misleading graphic that makes it appear that the percent of overweight adults has more than quintupled between 1980 and 2012. Choose the correct graph below. - 1980 goes to 15 and 2012 goes to 60

What is an​ ogive?

-A graph that represents the cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency for the class

The cumulative relative frequency for the last class must always be 1.​ Why?

-All the observations are less than or equal to the last class.

In​ Marissa's calculus​ course, attendance counts for 10​% of the​ grade, quizzes count for 20​% of the​ grade, exams count for 55​% of the​ grade, and the final exam counts for 15​% of the grade. Marissa had a 100​% average for​ attendance, 89​%

0.10(100%)+0.20(89%)+ 0.55(82%)+0.15(81%)

​(a) Identify the shape of the​ distribution, and​ (b) determine the​ five-number summary. Assume that each number in the​ five-number summary is an integer.

A) -Distribution is roughly symmetric B) Follow boxplot lines and find the # it goes to you know how to do this

The frequency distribution was obtained using a class width of 0.5 for data on cigarette tax rates. Use the frequency distribution to approximate the population mean and population standard deviation. Compare these results to the actual mean μ=​$1.814 and standard deviation σ=​$1.154.

Compare these results to the values found using the actual data. -The grouped values are both slightly larger.

After giving a statistics​ exam, Professor Dang determined the following​ five-number summary for her class results. 61 68 77 89 97 Use this information to draw a boxplot of the exam scores.

Left of boxplot is small and right is bigger its the one with a short blue box

Male and female populations of tortoises under 80 years old are represented by age in the table below. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d).

(a) Approximate the population mean and standard deviation of age for males. μ=43.0543.05 σ=21.1121.11 ​(b) Approximate the population mean and standard deviation of age for females. μ=45.1745.17 σ=19.2019.20 ​(c) Which gender has the higher mean​ age? Females have the higher mean age. ​(d) Which gender has the higher dispersion in​ age? Males have the greater dispersion.

A salesperson obtained a systematic sample of size 30 from a list of 750 clients. To do​ so, he randomly selected a number from 1 to 25​, obtaining the number 17. He included in the sample the 17th client on the list and every 25th client thereafter. List the numbers that correspond to the 30 clients selected.

-17, 42,......742

Determine whether the following statement is true or false. Explain. A simple random sample is always preferred because it obtains the same information as other sampling plans but requires a smaller sample size.

-False, because other sampling techniques may provide more information for less cost than a simple random sample.

Determine whether the following statement is true or false. Explain. When obtaining a stratified​ sample, the number of individuals included within each stratum must be equal.

-False. Within stratified​ samples, the number of individuals sampled from each stratum should be proportional to the size of the strata in the population.

Determine the level of measurement of the variable. Weight of a child 50lbs, 56, 62, 68, 74


Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or continuous. % of car's surface which is rusted

-The variable is continuous because it is not countable.

Determine weather the variable is qualitative or quantitative Favorite basketball player

-The variable is qualitative because it is an attribute characteristic.

Each of the following three data sets represents the IQ scores of a random sample of adults. IQ scores are known to have a mean and median of 100.

-Use stat crunch to find the mean and medians For each data set recalculate the mean and​ median, assuming that the individual whose IQ is 105 is accidentally recorded as 150. - Change data in stat crunch and do process again no rounding For each sample​ size, state what happens to the mean and median. -Increases, Remains mostly constant. Comment on the role that the number of observations plays in resistance. -As the sample size​ increases, the impact of the misrecorded data on the mean decreases.

For a poll of voters regarding a referendum calling for a national railways development program​, design a sampling method to obtain the individuals in the sample. Be sure to support your choice.

-Use stratified random sampling. Since this is a national​ issue, different geographical locations are likely to have similar views.

The data in the accompanying table represent the ages of the presidents of a country on their first days in office. Complete parts​ (a) and​ (b).

A) -Go to stat crunch with data > Graph >Stem and leaf B) Bell shaped

Suppose a survey of adults and teens​ (ages 12-​17) in a certain country was conducted to determine the number of texts sent in a single day. ​(a) Construct a relative frequency distribution for adults. ​(b) Construct a relative frequency distribution for teens. ​(c) Construct a​ side-by-side relative frequency bar graph. ​(d) Compare the texting habits of adults and teens.

A) 0.085, 0.509, 0.128, 0.124, 0.072, 0.083 B) 0.013, 0.223, 0.103, 0.171, 0.178, 0.312 C) 11-20 red is only to 0.1 and 100+ red is to 0.3 D) Adults are more likely to send few texts per​ day, while teens are more likely to send many texts per day.

The data in the accompanying table represent the land area and highest elevation for each of seven states of a country. Complete parts ​(a) and ​(b).

A)​ Would it make sense to draw a pie chart for land​ area? - Yes Red state 2 is at 9% so the medium red slice in the pie chart rest are identical B) Would it make sense to draw a pie chart for the highest​ elevation? - No -It does not make sense to draw a pie chart for highest elevation. No pie chart

On the basis of a population​ survey, there were 86.1 million males and 98.3 million females 25 years old or older in a certain country. The educational attainment of the males and females is shown in the accompanying table. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d) below.

Construct a relative frequency distribution for males - Add up all in the column then divide each number by the sum gotten for each males and females C) Construct a​ side-by-side relative frequency bar​ graph, with male numbers represented by the left bars and female numbers represented by the right bars in each category. - D blue is only a little above 0.05 and green is right at 0.10 D) Compare each​ gender's educational attainment. -Each​ gender's educational attainment is about the same.

The following table gives the average per​ kilowatt-hour prices of electricity in a certain country for the years 2008 to 2015. Complete parts ​(a) and​ (b) below.

- Starts a little above six and slowly even at the top of dot and line graph

A polling organization contacts 2508 undergraduates who attend a university and live in the United States and asks whether or not they had spent more than $200 on food in the last month.

- Undergraduates who attend a university and live in the US - The 2508 undergraduates who attend a university and live in the US

The following data represent the weights​ (in grams) of a simple random sample of 50 candies. Draw a boxplot of these data. Use the boxplot and quartiles to decide if the distribution is symmetric.

A) -Most even box plot out of the options both side are equal Is the distribution symmetric? - Yes

The figures to the right represent the number of bakeries in the town

A) How are the figures misleading? - It looks like Warm Springs has significantly more bakeries than Denton B) What could be done to improve the​ graphic? - The Denton figure should be 70% as large as the Warm Springs figure.

Researchers wanted to determine if having a bean bag chair in the bedroom is associated with obesity. The researchers administered a questionnaire to 366 twelve-year-old adolescents. After analyzing the​ results, the researchers determined that the body mass index of the adolescents who had a bean bag chair in their bedroom was significantly higher than that of the adolescents who did not have a bean bag chair in their bedroom. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (e) below.

A) Why is this an observational​ study? What type of observational study is​ this?Why is this an observational​ study? -The researchers administered a questionnaire to obtain their data without trying to influence an explanatory variable of the study. What type of observational study is​ this? -Cross sectional study B)What is the response variable in the​ study? Is the response variable qualitative or quantitative? What is the explanatory​ variable? -The response variable is the body mass index of the adolescents. The response variable is quantitative. What is the explanatory​ variable? -The explanatory variable is whether the adolescent has a bean bag chair in the bedroom or not. C)​ Can you think of any lurking variables that may affect the results of the​ study? -Yes. For​ example, possible lurking variables might be eating habits and the amount of exercise per week. D) In the​ report, the researchers​ stated, "These results remain significant after adjustment for socioeconomic​ status." What does this​ mean? -The researchers made an effort to avoid confounding by accounting for potential lurking variables. E) Does a bean bag chair in the bedroom cause a higher body mass​ index? Explain. -No. It can only be said that a bean bag chair in the bedroom and obesity are associated because the body mass index of the adolescents who had a bean bag chair in their bedroom was significantly higher than that of the adolescents who did not have a bean bag chair in their bedroom.

An insurance company crashed four cars of the same model at 5 miles per hour. The costs of repair for each of the four crashes were $415​, $430​, ​$487​, and $215. Compute the​ mean, median, and mode cost of repair.

Compute the mean cost of repair. -Use stat crunch Compute the median cost of repair - Use stat crunch don't confuse .50 with .05 Compute the mode cost of repair. - The mode does not exist

The accompanying data represent the weights​ (in grams) of a simple random sample of 10 M&M plain candies. Determine the shape of the distribution of weights of​ M&Ms by drawing a frequency histogram. Find the mean and median. Which measure of central tendency better describes the weight of a plain​ M&M?

Draw a frequency histogram - Use stat crunch and make histogram with data look carefully where bars go to Find the mean and median. - Use stat crunch and don't round write all three numbers Which measure of central tendency better describes the weight of a plain​ M&M? -Mean, Symmetric

Patty has just completed her second semester in college. She earned a grade of A in her 1​-hour calculus ​course, a grade of D in her 1​-hour government course, a grade of C in her 5​-hour engineering ​course, and a grade of F in her 4​-hour studio art course. Assuming that A equals 4​ points, B equals 3​ points, C equals 2​ points, D equals 1​ point, and F is worth no​ points, determine Patty​'s grade-point average for the semester.

Find Patty's GPA - Add all credit hours then multiply grade points earned by credit hours then divide that number gotten by total credit hours.

Consider the information in the​ "Why we​ can't lose​ weight" chart shown to the​ right, which is in the magazine style of graph. Could the information provided be organized into a pie​ chart? Why or why​ not? Burgers 63%, 59% 50% 49%

No. The percentages add up to more than​ 100%.

The following data represent the flight time​ (in minutes) of a random sample of six flights from Las​ Vegas, Nevada, to​ Newark, New​ Jersey, on United airlines

Use stat crunch don't round and only one place after the decimal point

Does the level of octane in gasoline affect gas​ mileage? To answer this​ question, an automotive engineer obtains 60 cars. Twenty of the cars are​ compact, 20 are full​ size, and 20 are sport utility vehicles​ (SUVs). Design an experiment for the engineer.

What type of experimental design should the engineer​ use? -Randomized block design

Suppose babies born after a gestation period of 32 to 35 weeks have a mean weight of 2900 grams and a standard deviation of 600 grams while babies born after a gestation period of 40 weeks have a mean weight of 3100 grams and a standard deviation of 440 grams. If a 34​-week gestation period baby weighs 3275 grams and a 40​-week gestation period baby weighs 3475 ​grams, find

Z score is found by subtracting X- mean and dividing that by the standard deviation don't make negative.

Ester and George want to make trail mix. In order to get the right balance of ingredients for their tastes they bought 2 pounds of raisins at $4.13 per pound, 5 pounds of peanuts for $3.12 per pound, and 4 pounds of chocolate chips for $2.81 per pound.Determine the cost per pound of the

-Pounds for each thing times amount $, take totals gotten then divide by total number of pounds <---example equals 3.19 per pound

The following data represent the dividend yields​ (in percent) of a random sample of 28 publicly traded stocks. Complete parts ​(a) to ​(c).

A) Use stat crunch B) boxplot that center line is close to 0.86 C)​ Determine the shape of the distribution from the boxplot. -The distribution is skewed to the right.

The following newspaper type graphic illustrates the ideal family size​ (total children) based on a survey of adults from a certain country. Complete parts ​(a) through​ (c) below.

A) What type of graph is being displayed? - Bar graph B) Describe any problems with the graph select all that apply -A reader cannot tell whether the graph ends at the top of the nipple on the baby bottle or at the end of the milk. C) Construct a graphic that is not misleading and makes the data stand out. Choose the correct graphic below. - Ideal # of children 0 to 2 goes to 50 bar graph skewed right

A researcher wanted to determine the number of televisions in households. He conducts a survey of 40 randomly selected households and obtains the data in the accompanying table. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (h) below.

A)​ Are these data discrete or​ continuous? -The given data are discrete because they can only have whole number values. B) - Go to stat crunch > Stats > Tables> Frequency> Var 1> Compute C) - Same as part B but chose relative frequency then compute. D) have 3 televisions -20% E) 4 or more televisions - 7.5 F) Construct a frequency histogram of the data - Goes up then down and 1 and 2 are the higher points G) Construct a relative frequency histogram of the data. - Same as above graph H) -Skewed right

What is a closed​ question? What is an open​ question? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of question.

What is a closed​ question? What is an open​ question? -A closed question has fixed choices for​ answers, whereas an open question is a​ free response question. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of question. -Closed questions are easier to​ analyze, but limit the responses. Open questions allow respondents to state exactly how they​ feel, but are harder to analyze due to the variety of answers and possible misinterpretation of answers.

Suppose you are the president of the student government. You wish to conduct a survey to determine the student​ body's opinion regarding student services. The administration provides you with a list of the names and phone numbers of the 583 registered students. (a) Discuss a procedure you could follow to obtain a simple random sample of 5 students. (b) Obtain this sample.

Which of the following procedures could you follow to obtain a simple random sample of 5 ​students? Select all that apply. -Number the names from 1 to 583 and use a random number table to produce 5 different​ three-digit numbers corresponding to the names selected. -List each name on a separate piece of​ paper; place them all in a​ hat, and pick ​B) Obtain this sample using the portion of the random number table provided in the problem statement. Start with the first column of the first row and work down each column. -022, 341, 394, 174, 138

The following survey has bias. ​(a) Determine the type of bias. ​(b) Suggest a remedy. Suppose a survey regarding the sleeping habits of students is being conducted. From a list of registered students, a researcher obtains a simple random sample of 150 students. One survey question is "How much sleep do you get?"

-Response Bias

To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing​ batch, a quality control manager at Toyota selects every 15th car that comes off the assembly line starting with the seventh until she obtains a sample of 90 cars.


Explain the circumstances for which the interquartile range is the preferred measure of dispersion. What is an advantage that the standard deviation has over the interquartile​ range?

-The interquartile range is preferred when the data are skewed or have outliers. An advantage of the standard deviation is that it uses all the observations in its computation.

Determine whether the study depicts an observational study or an experiment. Fifty patients on aspirin are divided into two groups. One group is treated with a new anti-ulcer drug. The other is not. After one month​, both groups are questioned about their stomach pain.

-The study is an experiment because the researchers control one variable to determine the effect on the response variable.

What are some solutions to​ nonresponse?

-offer rewards and incentives -Attempt callbacks

The accompanying data represent health care expenditures per capita​ (per person) as a percentage of the U.S. gross domestic product​ (GDP) from 2010 to 2016. Gross domestic product is the total value of all goods and services created during the course of the year. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (c) below.

A) Construct a​ time series plot that a politician would create to support the position that health care expenditures are increasing and must be slowed. - starts up high and goes up slowly and constantly as graph goes to 2016 B) Construct a​ time-series plot that the health care industry would create to refute the opinion of the politician. - Starts out fairly even then drops then makes an arch. C) Explain how different measures may be used to support two completely different positions. -The scales used in the graph can significantly affect the message.​ Also, the variable used to convey the message on the graph can make a large difference as well.

The data to the right represent the number of chocolate chips per cookie in a random sample of a name brand and a store brand. Complete parts ​(a) to ​(c) below.

A) Draw​ side-by-side boxplots for each brand of cookie. Label the boxplots​ "N" for the name brand and​ "S" for the store brand. Choose the correct answer below. -S boxplot line starts further than N boxplot is very short and blue box is short B) Does there appear to be a difference in the number of chips per​ cookie? -Yes. The name brand appears to have more chips per cookie. C)Does one brand have a more consistent number of chips per​ cookie? -Yes. The name brand has a more consistent number of chips per cookie.

Ethan and Drew went on a​ 10-day fishing trip. The number of small mouth bass caught and released by the two boys each day is shown in the accompanying data table. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d) below.

A) Find the population mean and the range for the number of small mouth bass caught per day by each fisherman. Do these values indicate any differences between the two​ fishermen's catches per​ day? - Use stat crunch Do these values indicate any differences between the two​ fishermen's catches per​ day? -No. Both Ethan and Drew have a similar population mean and range. B) Draw a dot plot for Ethan. Draw a dot plot for Drew. Which fisherman seems more​ consistent? - Use stat crunch and make a dot plot for each name Which fisherman seems more​ consistent? -Ethan seems more​ consistent, since more of his observations are clustered together. C)​ Find the population standard deviation for the number of small mouth bass caught per day by each fisherman. Do these values present a different story about the two​ fishermen's catches per​ day? Which fisherman has the more consistent​ record? -Use stat crunch to find the un adjusted standard deviation Do these values present a different story about the two​ fishermen's catches per​ day? - Yes, Similar, Different Which fisherman has the more consistent​ record? -Ethan has the more consistent​ record, since his standard deviation is lower. D) Discuss limitations of the range as a measure of dispersion. -The range only takes into account the smallest and largest​ values, which does not provide any information about the dispersion of the distribution between those values.

A phlebotomist draws the blood of a random sample of 50 patients and determines their blood types as shown. Complete parts ​(a) through ​(i). O, B, AB, A blood

A) Frequency distribution -18, 6, 4, 22 B) Retaliative frequency distribution - 0.36, 0.12, 0.8, 0.44 C) According to the​ data, which blood type is most​ common? - O D) According to the​ data, which blood type is least​ common? -B E) Use the results of the sample to conjecture the percentage of the population that has type O blood. Is this an example of descriptive or inferential​ statistics? Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer box to complete your choice. - 44% inferential F)Contact a local hospital and ask them the percentage of the population that is blood type O -The results might differ because there is always variability because the individuals in a survey may not exactly reflect the makeup of the population. G) Draw frequency bar graph - B to 5 H) Draw the relative frequency bar graph - B to 0.1 I) Draw a pie chart - Blue and red small triangles yellow has the more amount of pie then blue

The following graph shows the median income for females from 2013 to 2017. Complete parts ​(a) and​ (b) below.

A) How is the bar graph​ misleading? What does the graph seem to​ convey? Choose the correct answer below. -The vertical axis starts at​ 34,000 instead of 0. This tends to indicate that the median income for females changed at a faster rate than it actually did. B)Redraw the graph so that it is not misleading. What does the new graph seem to​ convey? ​First, redraw the graph so that it is not misleading. Choose the correct graph below. - Medium lines and all are almost to 40000 What does the new study convey? -This graph indicates that median income for females have remained fairly constant over the given time period.

The table shows the weekly income of 20 randomly selected​ full-time students. If the student did not​ work, a zero was entered. ​(a) Check the data set for outliers. ​(b) Draw a histogram of the data. ​(c) Provide an explanation for any outliers.

A) List all the outliers in the given data set. Select the correct choice below and fill in any answer boxes in your choice. - the number in the data set that is way off from the other numbers for example 3449 Choose correct histogram -Use stat crunch to create a histogram C) Choose the possible​ reason(s) for any​ outlier(s) below. Select all that apply. -A student with unusually high income, A data entry error, A student providing false information

A study conducted by researchers was designed​ "to determine if application of duct tape is as effective as cryotherapy in the treatment of common​ warts." The researchers randomly divided 64 patients into two groups. The 32 patients in group 1 had their warts treated by applying duct tape. The 32 patients in group 2 had their warts treated by cryotherapy. Once the treatments were​ complete, it was determined that 59​% of the patients in group 1 and 44​% of the patients in group 2 had complete resolution of their warts. The researchers concluded that duct tape is significantly more effective in treating warts than cryotherapy. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d) below.

A) What is the research​ objective? -To determine if duct tape is as effective as cryotherapy in the treatment of warts B)What is the population being​ studied? What is the​ sample? What is the population being​ studied? - All people who have warts What is the sample? 64 patients in group 1 C) What are the descriptive stats? -​ 59%of patients in group 1 and 44​% of patients in group 2 had resolution of their warts. D)​ What is the conclusion of the​ study? -Duct tape is significantly more effective than cryotherapy in treating warts.

A school psychologist wants to test the effectiveness of a new method of teaching Spanish. She recruits 300 fourth​-grade students and randomly divides them into two groups. Group 1 is taught by means of the new​ method, while group 2 is taught by traditional methods. The same teacher is assigned to teach both groups. At the end of the​ year, an achievement test​ (graded on a scale from​ 1-10) is administered and the results of the two groups are compared. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (i) below.

A) What is the response variable in this​ experiment? -The scores on the achievement tests of both group 1 and group 2 B) ​Is the response variable qualitative or​ quantitative? -The response variable is quantitative because it is a measurement. C) Which of the following explanatory variables is manipulated? -Method of teaching D)​ What are the​ treatments? How many treatments are​ there? -The treatments are the new teaching method and the traditional teaching method. There are 2 treatments. E)​ How are the factors that are not controlled dealt​ with? - Random assignment F) Which group serves as the control​ group? -Group 2 serves as the control group because this group corresponds to the standard method that will be compared to the other method. G)​What type of experimental design is​ this? -Completely randomized design H) Identify the subjects - 300 students I) Draw a diagram to illustrate the design. Choose the correct figure below. - Figure 1 group 1 to New

A physician wanted to compare two types of headache relief.One type is medication and the other is using pressure points.It is a common belief that medication relieves pain faster. This belief is tested by having 10 migraine sufferers compare both types of pain relief and record their observations on a standardized scale of response. A coin flip was used to determine which type of headache relief each individual would try first. Results indicated that there was no difference in the two types of pain relief. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (f) below.

A) What type of experimental design is​ this? ​ -Matched pairs design Your answer is correct. B) What is the response variable in this​ study? -The recorded observations C) What is the factor that is set to predetermined​ levels? What is the​ treatment? -The factor is the type of pain relief. The treatments are medication and using pressure points. D) Identify the experimental units -The migraine sufferers E) Why is a coin used to decide the headache relief each individual would try first​? -To eliminate bias as to which pain relief each individual would try first. F) -Figure 2 Square boxes

Researchers wanted to determine if there was an association between daily cantaloupe consumption and the occurrence of high blood pressure.The researchers looked at 94,943 women and asked them to report their cantaloupe​-eating habits. The researchers also determined which of the women had high blood pressure. After their​ analysis, the researchers concluded that consumption of two or more servings of cantaloupe per day was associated with a reduction in high blood pressure. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (c) below.

A) ​What type of observational study was​ this? Explain. -This was a​ cross-sectional study because all information about the individuals was collected at a specific point in time. B) What is the response variable in the​ study? Is the response variable qualitative or quantitative? What is the explanatory​ variable? -The response variable is whether the woman has high blood pressure or not. The response variable is qualitative. What is the explanatory variable? - Consumption of cantaloupe C) In their​ report, the researchers stated that​ "After adjusting for various demographic and lifestyle​ variables, daily consumption of two or more servings was associated with a​ 30% reduced prevalence of high blood pressure​." Why was it important to adjust for these​ variables? -The researchers may be concerned with confounding that occurs when the effects of two or more explanatory variables are not separated or when there are some explanatory variables that were not considered in a​ study, but that affect the value of the response variable.

A club wants to sponsor a panel discussion on the upcoming national election. The club wants four of its members to lead the panel discussion. Write a short description of the processes that can be used to generate your sample. Obtain a simple random sample of size 4 from the table.

Which of the following would produce a simple random​ sample? Select all that apply. -Number the names from 1 to 25 and use a random number table to produce 4 different two digit numbers corresponding to the names selected.

The mean finish time for a yearly amateur auto race was 186.58 minutes with a standard deviation of 0.364 minute. The winning​ car, driven by Chris​, finished in 185.48 minutes. The previous​ year's race had a mean finishing time of 110.1 with a standard deviation of 0.133 minute. The winning car that​ year, driven by Sally​, finished in 109.87 minutes. Find their respective​ z-scores. Who had the more convincing​ victory?

Z score is found by subtracting X- mean and dividing that by the standard deviation Which driver had a more convincing​ victory? -Chris had a more convincing victory because of a lower Z score

A man surveyed a sample of 36 high school students and​ asked, "How many days in the past week have you consumed an alcoholic​ beverage?" The results of the survey are shown to the right. Use these results to answer parts​ (a) through​ (f).

​A) Is this data discrete or​ continuous? - Discrete B)Draw a histogram of the data and describe its shape. Choose the histogram below that correctly depicts the given data. -Starts high then decreases skewed right C) Based on the shape of the​ histogram, do you expect the mean to be more​ than, equal​ to, or less than the​ median? -The mean should be substantially larger than the median. D) Compute the mean and median. - Use stat Crunch E) Determine the mode - most occurred double check with stat crunch F) Do you believe that the survey suffers from​ bias? If​ so, what type and​ why? -​Yes, the survey suffers from response bias because it would be difficult to achieve truthful responses to this type of question unless the identity of the respondents is anonymous.

Violent crimes include​ rape, robbery,​ assault, and homicide. The following is a summary of the​ violent-crime rate​ (violent crimes per​ 100,000 population) for all states of a country in a certain year. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d). Q1=273.8​, Q2=387.9​, Q3=529.1

​A) Provide an interpretation of these results. Choose the correct answer below. -​25% of the states have a​ violent-crime rate that is 273.8 crimes per​ 100,000 population or less.​ 50% of the states have a​ violent-crime rate that is 387.9 crimes per​ 100,000 population or less.​ 75% of the states have a​ violent-crime rate that is 529.1 crimes per​ 100,000 population or less. ​(b) Determine and interpret the interquartile range. -Subtract Q3 from Q1 Interpret the interquartile range. -The middle​ 50% of all observations have a range of 255.3 crimes per​ 100,000 population. C)​ The​ violent-crime rate in a certain state of the country in that year was - For lower fence Q1 subtract 1.5(interquartile range) For upper fence Q3+1.5(interquartile range) The​ violent-crime rate in a certain state of the country in that year was 1,496. Would this be an​ outlier? -​Yes, because it is greater than the upper fence. D)​ Do you believe that the distribution of​ violent-crime rates is skewed or​ symmetric? -The distribution of​ violent-crime rates is skewed right.

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