STLCC Spanish Infinitives

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deberse a

to be due to (to be the result of - Esta situación se debe a la falta de información.This situation is due to a lack of information) (Pronominal Verb)


to graduate (to qualify - Latin America - ¿Cuántos estudiantes se recibirán este año?How many students will graduate this year?/Mi hermana se recibió de ingeniera en Georgia Tech.My sister graduated as an engineer from Georgia Tech.) (Pronominal Verb)


to talk (Estuvimos horas platicando en el café.We were at the cafe talking for hours.)/to chat (Siempre está platicando con su vecino durante los exámenes.He's always chatting to the person next to him during exams.) (Intransitive Verb), to tell (to speak to - Mexico - Me lo platicó durante la cena.He told me about it over dinner.) (Transitive Verb)


to teach (to educate - Mi padre me enseñó a pescar.My father taught me how to fish.), to show (to allow to view - Ana me enseñó su casa nueva.Ana showed me her new house.), to point out (to give as an example - Perder su trabajo le enseñó a ser más trabajador.Losing his job taught him to be more hardworking.) (Transitive Verb)


to think of oneself (to consider oneself - Ella se piensa la hija preferida de la familia. She thinks of herself as the favorite child of the family.) (Reflexive Verb)


to travel (to go other places - Mi novio y yo vamos a viajar a Ecuador este invierno.My boyfriend and I are going to travel to Ecuador this winter.), to run (to circulate - El metro viaja hasta las dos de la mañana los sábados.The metro runs until two in the morning on Saturdays.) (Intransitive Verb)

ayudarse de

to use (Ayúdate de un trozo de pan para llevar la comida al tenedor.Use a piece of bread to push the food on to your fork.)/to make use of (No se pudieron ayudar de la harina que sobró.They couldn't make use of the flour that was left over.) (To Make Use Of Something) (Pronominal Verb)

estar + gerund/participle

to be (gerund - Está limpiando la casa.He's cleaning the house.), to be (participle - El cuarto está organizado, ¡así que no hagas desorden!The room is organized. Don't make a mess!) (Auxiliary Verb)


to lose (to misplace - ¿Cuántas veces has perdido tu celular?How many times have you lost your cellphone?), to lose (to be defeated - Si perdemos otro partido, no nos clasificaremos para la final.If we lose another match, we will not qualify for the finals.), to miss (Perdiste la oportunidad de conseguir una entrada gratis.You missed the chance to get a free ticket.)/waste (Le hiciste perder demasiado tiempo.You made him waste so much time.) (To Throw Away), to miss (not to catch - El atasco me hizo perder el vuelo.The traffic jam made me miss my flight.), to lose (to reduce - Va perdiendo peso poco a poco.He's steadily losing weight.), to lose (to lose to death or destruction - Perdimos mucho por la guerra.We lost so much in the war.), to lose (to leak - Mi calentador sigue perdiendo agua.My boiler keeps losing water.) (Transitive Verb)


to prepare (to study - Me he estado preparando para un examen.I've been preparing for an exam.) (Pronominal Verb), to get ready (to groom - Me he estado preparando para un examen.I've been preparing for an exam.) (Reflexive Verb)


to complain/to grumble


to complete (finish)


To anger

espantarse de

be frightened by


to decorate

animar a

to encourage to


to enjoy


to get on well, to hit it off


to seduce, tempt


to skate

optar a

To be eligible for, apply for, have access to


To neutralize, to become insignificant

aconsejarse con

To seek advice from

acusar (de)

to accuse (of), to charge with (a crime - legal)


to base on


to comb


to do (to complete - Haz los deberes.Do your homework.), to make (Hice la comida de mis hijos.I made my children's lunch.)/to prepare - Nos reuniremos este fin de semana para hacer la presentación.We will meet this weekend to prepare the presentation.) (To Produce), to make (to create - Hoy les enseñaré a hacer su propio sitio web.Today I'll show you how to make your own website.), to make (to carry out - Estoy ocupado haciendo los preparativos para la fiesta.I'm busy making preparations for the party.), to do (used in place of another verb - Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho.He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it.), to make (to acquire - Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio.He made a new friend at school.), to make (to cause - La hizo llorar.He made her cry.), to think (to imagine - Hacía la casa sola.I thought there was nobody at home.), to make (to transform - El dolor hizo mi vida miserable.The pain made my life a misery.), to do (to obey - Haz lo que te digo.Do as I say.), to make look (to cause to look - Ese peinado te hace más vieja.That hairstyle makes you look older.), to act (to behave - ¡¡No hagas el mono en el colegio!Don't act the fool at school!), to make (Se dice que el doctor hace hasta seis cifras.They say the doctor makes at least six figures.)/to earn (Mi hermanito hizo una fortuna vendiendo limonada.My little brother earned a fortune selling lemonade.) (To Gross), to take (to take time - Les hizo dos semanas manejar a California.It took them two weeks to drive to California.), to do (Hicimos 150 millas en el último viaje.We did 150 miles on the last vacation.)/to cover (Podemos hacer más distancia si salimos de noche.We can cover more distance if we leave at night.) (To cover distance) (Transitive Verb), it has been (time - Hace mucho tiempo que no te veo.It has been a long time since I've seen you.), to be (weather - En invierno hace frío.It's cold in winter.) (Impersonal Verb)


to lack, not have


to land (airplane)


to peel


to pour, pour dow, rain heavily


to give (as a gift), to give away (to give for free)

disculpar por

apologize for


to keep awake, to reveal/disclose/uncover


to jump (¿Qué tan alto puedes saltar?How high can you jump?)/to leap (El caballo saltó de un lado del barranco al otro.The horse leapt from one side of the ravine to the other.)/to hop (La rana saltó de una hoja de nenúfar a otra.The frog hopped from one lily pad to another.)/to spring (El conejo saltó sobre el tronco.The rabbit sprang over the log.) (To expel oneself into the air), to spurt (Saltaban gotas de aceite de la sartén.Drops of oil were spurting from the frying pan.)/to pop out (Tira ligeramente y saltará el corcho.Pull gently and the cork will pop out.)/to fly (Saltó chispas del cuadro eléctrico cuando el rayo golpeó la casa.Sparks flew from the breaker when the lightning struck the house.)/to break (Mi reloj ya no funcionaba porque había saltado un resorte.My watch wasn't working because a spring had broken.) (To be expelled from), to go off (to suddenly activate - Estábamos dormidos cuando saltó la alarma.We were asleep when the alarm went off.), to blow (to blow - Saltó el plomo y se apagaron las luces.The fuse blew and the lights went out.)/to shatter (glass - Se golpeó contra el escaparate y saltó todo el cristal.She was knocked into the display window and all the glass shattered.)/to blow up (Saltó el carro unos pocos minutos después del choque.The car blew up just a few minutes after the crash.) (To burst), to lose one's temper (Al oír la noticia, saltó y arrojó el libro contra la pared.When he heard the news, he lost his temper and threw the book against the wall.)/to explode (Mi hermano saltó y empezó a gritarle al carro que lo cerró en la carretera.My brother exploded and began to yell at the car that cut him off on the highway.)/to get angry (No hay por qué saltar por una cosa pequeña así.There's no reason to get angry about a little thing like that.) (To become angry), to blurt out ("¡Pero no es justo!", saltó desesperadamente."But it's not fair!," she blurted out desperately.)/to come out (Saltó con un comentario ofensivo sin pensar y, en seguida, se arrepintió.He came out with an offensive remark without thinking and then he immediately regretted it.) (To say suddenly) (Intransitive Verb), to jump (El criminal saltó la valla y se escapó de la cárcel.The criminal jumped the fence and escaped from prison.)/to jump over (La princesa saltó la roca de un brinco y se echó a correr colina abajo.The princess jumped over the rock in a single bound and took off running down the hill.), to vault (El corredor saltó un obstáculo tras otro.The runner vaulted one hurdle after another.) (To leap over), to skip (to omit - Vuelve un segundo. Creo que saltaste una página.Go back for a second. I think you skipped a page./Tuve la mano levantada durante cinco minutos, pero el profesor me saltó y le preguntó a mi compañero.I had my hand up for five minutes, but the teacher missed me out and asked my classmate.), to chip (teeth - to break - Estaba corriendo cuando tropecé, me comí el suelo y me saltó un diente.I was running when I tripped, did a faceplant and chipped a tooth.) (Transitive Verb)


to be rumored (Se susurra que el rey no ha aparecido en público porque está muy enfermo.It is rumored that the King hasn't appeared in public because he is terribly sick./En la oficina se susurra que Santiago y Eliana están saliendo a escondidas.People at the office are saying that Santiago and Eliana are secretly dating.) (Pronominal Verb)

comenzar con/por

to begin with/by


to behave (to act - the children always behave well) (Pronominal Verb)


to confess, to admit


to confuse

pasear por

to go for a walk (on foot - Me encanta ir a pasear por la playa.I love going for a walk on the beach.)/to go for a drive (Paseamos por la costa en mi carro nuevo.We went for a drive along the coast in my new car.) (In/on/around/by/through/along) (Intransitive Verb)


to interrupt (interrupting; interrupt)


to lend (to loan - Te prestaré algunos de los libros de mi hermano.I will lend you some of my brother's books.), to provide (to give - Recibió el dinero por el servicio prestado.He received the money for the service provided.) (Transitive Verb)

proveer de

to provide, supply with


to reflect; to depict


to stand out, to emphasize, to send (station/post/assign)


to ski


to throw (Esta comida ya está caducada. Échala en la basura.This food is spoiled. Throw it in the garbage.)/to cast (Un pescador echó el sedal desde el muelle para pescar.A fisherman cast a line from the pier to fish.) (To propel), to put (to add - ¿Cuánta gasolina le echas al coche?How much gas do you put in the car?), to throw out (Lo echaron del bar por no pagar su cuenta.He was thrown out of the bar for not paying his tab.)/to expel (Echaron al estudiante de la universidad por razones disciplinarias.The student was expelled from the university for disciplinary reasons.) (To oust), to pour (to serve - ¿Serías tan amable de echarme más vino?Please be so good as to pour me some more wine.), to give off (El guiso está echando un aroma delicioso que me está dando hambre.The stew is giving off a delicious aroma that is making me hungry.)/to emit (El tubo de escape de un coche echa gases cuando está parado en funcionamiento.The exhaust pipe of the car emits gases when it is idle.) (To release), to sprout (to produce - En primavera, los árboles de mi jardín echan hojas nuevas.In the spring, the trees of my garden sprout new leaves.), to give (to give - Papá le echó la bronca a mi hermano por mentir.My dad gave my brother a telling-off for lying.), to mail (to send - Voy a la oficina de correos para comprar sellos para echar esta carta.I'm going to the post office to buy stamps to mail this letter.), to reckon (¿Cuánto tiempo tiene que cocer el pollo? - Échale dos horas.How long does the chicken need to cook? - I reckon two hours..)/to think (Le echaba a tu hermana menos años que a ti.I thought your sister was younger than you.), to give (¿Puedes echarme una mano con las bolsas de la compra?Can you give me a hand with the shopping bags?)/to have (Anoche, mis amigos y yo nos echamos unas risas en la cena.Last night, my friends and I had a good laugh over dinner.) (Indicating an action), to push (to move - Echa la mesa a un lado para hacer más sitio para la fiesta.Push the table aside to make more room for the party.), to fire (to lay off - Me echaron del trabajo por no cumplir con mis responsabilidades.I was fired from a job for not fulfilling my duties.) (Transitive Verb)


to review/to check/to inspect/to go over/to audit (finance) (To examine), to revise (to edit) (Transitive)


to thank, to be grateful


to long for, to yearn for, to miss (a person) (Transitive)


to be based on (to rely on) (Pronominal Verb)


to feed, to nourish


to grab (lo agarró de la mano y siguieron por el camino de baldosas amarillas - she grabbed him by the hand and they continued down the yellow-brick road)/take (agarra unas galletas si quieres - take some cookies if you want)/take hold of (el caballero agarró la espada y remató al dragón - the knight took hold of the sword and finished off the dragon)/grip (with force - hay que agarrar bien el mango del martillo - you have to really grip the handle of the hammer)/grasp (with force extendió la mano para agarrar el Santo Grial - she reached out to grasp the Holy Grail)/seize (by force - la policía agarró las armas que encontraron en la casa - the police seized the arms they found in the house)/catch (a projectile - agarra la pelota - catch the ball))/hold on to (agarra esta bolsa por un segundo - hold on to this bag for a second)/hold (agarraba una espada y me dijo que le entregara todo el oro que tuviera - he was holding a sword and told me to give him all the gold I had) (To Grasp with the Hands), to catch (capture - la gente del pueblo montaron en sus caballos y se marcharon para agarrar al ladrón - the townspeople got on their horses and left to catch the thief), to get hold of (take possession of si podemos agarrar el tesoro, seremos ricos - if we can get hold of the treasure, we'll be rich), to get (understand - hablo bien español, pero a veces no agarro los chistes que cuenta la gente - I speak Spanish well, but sometimes I don't get the jokes that people tell), to catch (become sick with - colloquial - he agarrado un resfriado muy malo - I've caught a really bad cold), to catch (surprise - el profesor le agarró con una chuleta en la manga - the teacher caught him with a cheat-sheet in his sleeve) (Transitive), to hold on (grasp with the hands - agarra bien para que no se caiga - hold on tightly so that it doesn't fall), to take (a left - Latin America - agarra por la primera calle y sube desde allí - take the first right, and then go up from there)/to head (toward a destination - Latin America - la familia agarró para el campo para pasar un día tranquilo allí - the family headed for the country to spend a relaxing day there)/to up (and (verb) - colloquial - Latin America - si no tratas un poco mejor a tu novia, va a agarrar e irse - if you don't treat your girlfriend better, she's going to up and leave) (To Go), to take root (botany - la planta no agarra si la tierra está demasiado suelta - the plant won't take root if the earth is too loose), to grip (have traction - no me gustan tanto esas llantas porque no agarran en las curvas - I don't like these tires as much because they don't grip on the curves), to take (color - no sé qué pasa. el tinte no agarra - I don't know what's wrong. the dye isn't taking), to up (and (verb) - do something abruptly - agarró y se fue sin decir nada - he upped and left without saying anything) (Intransitive)


to organize/straighten up


to revive/resuscitate

andarse (con ojo)

to be careful


to tie a game


to act like a child (to behave childishly - colloquial - Mexico)


to crawl, to drag oneself


to drizzle (rain lightly)


to give out/to distribute (Proniminal)


to make sick


to ring, to stamp


to get drizzled on (Cuba)


to happen (¿Qué sucedió con el gnomo del jardín?What happened to the garden gnome?)/to go on (¿Qué sucedió en aquella fiesta?What went on at that party?) (Intransitive Verb), to succeed (Obama sucedió a Bush como presidente.Obama succeeded Bush as president.)/to follow (Una noche de celebración desenfrenada sucedió a la solemnidad de la graduación.A night of unbridled celebration followed the graduation ceremony.) (To follow) (Transitive Verb)


to heat


to kid, to joke


to kick (El niño pateaba todas las latas que encontraba.The little boy would kick every can he came across.)/to boot (colloquial - El joven pateó el balón hacia los árboles.The young man booted the ball towards the trees.) (To strike with the foot), to stamp on (Pateé el papel en llamas.I stamped on the burning paper.)/to stomp on (La niña empezó a llorar, tiró la muñeca al suelo y la pateó.The girl started crying, threw the doll to the floor and stomped on it.) (To trample), to tramp around (No quiero patear más calles. ¡Comamos!I don't want to tramp around any more streets. Let's have lunch!)/to traipse around (colloquial - Ya estoy harta de patear tiendas; tomemos un descanso.I'm fed up with traipsing around stores; let's take a break.) (To walk around), to mistreat (Julia fue al hospital y las enfermeras la patearon.Julia went to the hospital and the nurses mistreated her.)/to be nasty to (Mi tía fue a la tienda a devolver un artículo, y el dependiente la pateó.My aunt went to the store to return an item, and the salesclerk was nasty to her.) (Colloquial - to be unpleasant to), to stamp in disapproval of (Mi tía fue a la tienda a devolver un artículo, y el dependiente la pateó.My aunt went to the store to return an item, and the salesclerk was nasty to her.)/to boo (Aquella noche el público pateó a los actores.That night the audience booed the actors.)/to jeer at (Los espectadores patearon sus chistes.The spectators jeered at his jokes.)/to give a slow handclap (Era evidente que el actor estaba borracho, y por eso lo pateamos.It was obvious that the actor was drunk, so we gave him a slow handclap.), to upset (¿No te patea el estómago la comida picante?Doesn't hot food upset your stomach?)/to disagree with (El ajo de la cena me está pateando el estómago.The garlic in the dinner is disagreeing with me.) (Colloquial - to cause ill effects to - southern cone) (Transitive Verb), to kick (to strike with the foot - La vaca patea si te acercas.The cow kicks if you get too close.), to stamp one's feet (to make a noise - La niña recorrió la tienda pateando y llorando.The little girl ran around the shop stamping her feet and crying.), to stamp in disapproval (No nos gustaba el humor del comediante y comenzamos a patear.We didn't like the comedian's humor and began to stamp in disapproval.)/to boo (El público pateó al llegar el descanso.The audience booed when the interval started.)/to jeer (Cuando el músico volvió a entrar en el escenario, algunos patearon.When the musician came back on stage, some people jeered.)/to give a slow handclap (Los músicos llegaron tarde, y el público empezó a patear.The musicians were late, and the public began a slow handclap.) (To express disapproval), to tramp around (Pateamos durante horas.We tramped around for hours.)/to traipse around (colloquial - Mi madre insiste en que salgamos a patear durante una hora todas las tardes.My mother insists we go out and traipse around for an hour every evening.) (Colloquial - to walk a lot), to kick (colloquial - to aim - latin america - Esta escopeta patea a la izquierda.This shotgun kicks to the left.) (Intransitive Verb)


to rear (to buck - Central America/Mexico - Cuando el trueno restalló, el caballo se reparó y huyó despavorido.When the thunder clapped, the horse reared and scampered away.) (Pronominal Verb)


to recuperate, recover


to attack

dar para

to be enough (to be sufficient - No sé si esta pizza dará para todos.I'm not sure if this pizza will be enough for everyone.)


to be frightened/horrified

alegrarse de

to be happy about

comenzar a + infinitive

to begin to do something

mudar de

to change (to alter - Tienes el derecho de mudar de parecer, pero ojalá me hubieras avisado con más tiempo.You have the right to change your mind, but I wish you'd told me earlier.) (Intransitive Verb)

canjear (por)

to exchange/to trade (to swap), to exchange (finance)


to face, confront


to fail


to move, to transfer

estacionarse (en)

to park (automobile - Se estacionó en la calle porque la entrada estaba llena de juguetes.He parked on the street because the driveway was full of toys.)/to station oneself (to remain stationary - El perro se estacionó en la puerta y se quedó allí hasta el regreso de su amo.The dog stationed itself by the door and remained there until its master's return.) (Pronominal Verb)


to threaten (to menace), to threaten/to be in danger of (to give signs of) (Transitive), to look like (to give signs of) (Impersonal)


to treat oneself (to indulge oneself) (Reflexive)


to surprise


to surrender (La tropa se entregó al anochecer.The troops surrendered at nightfall.)/to turn oneself in (El ladrón se entregó a la policía.The thief turned himself in to the police.) (To yield) (Reflexive Verb), to devote oneself (to dedicate oneself - Se entregó a la oración toda su vida.He devoted himself to prayer all his life.) (Pronominal Verb)

acabar de + infinitive

I just (did something)/I finished (doing something)/I just finished (doing something)

inscribirse dentro

To be keeping with (to be in line with)


to admire, respect, look up to


to clean (to make clean - Límpiate las manos con agua y jabón.Clean your hands with soap and water.)/to wipe (with cloth - Límpiate la boca con una servilleta.Wipe your mouth with a napkin.) (Pronominal Verb)


to escape/to get out of it/to get away with it (to avoid it)


to adore, to worship


to abandon or leave

acudir (a)

to come (to occur to) , turn to (to consult), to attend (to go to) (Intransitive)

tener + past participle

to consider (Tengo pensado ir al mercado mañana.I think I'll go to the market tomorrow./Tenemos entendido que piensas dejar la escuela.We understand that you're thinking of leaving school.) (Auxiliary Verb)


to consider oneself


to consider, to think about, to judge


to crash/smash (collide), to fail


to decorate, to garnish, to adorn


to exceed (to go above), to overtake (to pass), to overshoot (aviation)


to detest


to devastate


to develop; to grow


to hold (to grasp), to support (defend), sustain, maintain


to hold back, to stall, to stagnate


to light up, to illuminate


to make a line/to line up (to stand in line - make a line along the hallway), to form (to create - a toxic gas formed when the cleaning products were mixed), to develop (to appear - the lesions on the rats developed very quickly), to be educated/to train (to study - she was educated at Harvard, he is training to be a diver), to form/to get (to determine - I formed an opinion/how did you get that opinion of him?) (Pronominal)


to make uncomfortable, to bother

optar por

to opt for


to promise


to put in (Jorge metió el brazo por la verja para alcanzar la fruta.Jorge put his arm through the railings to reach the fruit.)/to stick (El niñito metió un cuchillo en la tostadora y se sorprendió con lo que pasó.The little boy stuck a knife in the toaster and was shocked by what happened.)/to fit (¿Crees que se puede meter tantas personas en el coche?Do you think you can fit that many people in the car?)/to get (¿Pudiste meter todo al coche?Were you able to get everything in the car?), to score (sports - Nuestro equipo metió el único gol faltando tres segundos en el partido.Our team scored the only goal of the match with three seconds to go.), to bring into (No quiero que me metas en las broncas del comité.I don't want you to bring me into the committee's problems)/to involve (No hubieras metido a tu hijo en este negocio.You shouldn't have involved your son in this business.)/to get into (Su hermano lo metió a las drogas.His brother got him into drugs.)/to drag into (Nunca pedí que me metieras en tu lío.I never asked you to drag me into your mess.) (To Implicate), to take in (Como perdí peso, tengo que meter la cintura de los pantalones.Since I've lost weight, I need to take in the waist of my pants.)/take up (Como la falda te queda un poco larga, vamos a meter la bastilla.Since your skirt is a little long, we're going to take up the hem.) (Sewing), to go into (Mete la segunda para tomar la curva.Go into second to take the curve.)/put (Mete reversa y lentamente quita el pie del freno.Put it in reverse and slowly take your foot off the brake.) (Automobiles), to get a job (to employ - Mi tío me metió en su empresa.My uncle got me a job at his company.), to take to (No me gustó como me quedó el dibujo, así que le metí las tijeras.I didn't like how my drawing turned out, so I took the scissors to it.), to get into (colloquial - to make understand - No sé como meterle a mi hijo que tiene que estudiar.I don't know how to get it into my son's head that he has to study.), to give (apply - tEl boxeador le metió un golpe tan duro a su contrincante que se cayó.The boxer gave his opponent such a hard punch that he fell over.), to cause (Me metió un susto cuando se explotó el transformador en la calle.It gave me a fright when the transformer exploded in the street.)/make (No me metas prisa.Don't make me rush.) (Transitive Verb)

darse a

to take to (to start)


to worsen/to become worse/to get worse/to deteriorate (to exacerbate)


to brush


to differ; defer, postpone, delay


to drench, to soak


to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak

insistir en

to insist on


to mumble, to stutter, to talk low and quick


to spill (to knock over from its container - Derramaron la noticia rápidamente.They spread the news quickly.), to shed (to emit - Todos derramaban lágrimas en el funeral.They were all shedding tears at the funeral.), to spread (to disseminate - Derramaron la noticia rápidamente.They spread the news quickly.) (Transitive Verb)


to spoil/pamper (to indulge - colloquial - Mexico) (Transitive)


to spray

confiar en

to trust, to confide


to become bitter (culinary), to beome bitter (resentful) (Pronominal)


to catch fire (to burn - El sofá estaba demasiado cerca de la chimenea y se prendió.The sofa was too close to the fireplace and caught fire.)

ingresar a

to enter (El hombre murió de un disparo el lunes a la madrugada cuando ingresó a robar en una casa en la calle Resurrección.The man was shot early on Monday morning when he entered a house on Resurreccion Street in order to burglarize it.)/to go in (Yo estaba en el párking al lado de la oficina cuando vi ingresar a mi colega con un hombre que no conozco.I was in the parking lot next to the office when I saw my colleague going in with a man I didn't know.)/to come in (Hay inmigrantes que ingresan ocultos en camiones.There are immigrants who come in hidden in trucks.)/to get in (Debes traer tu tarjeta si quieres ingresar.You need to bring your card if you want to get in.)/to go into (Ya que era tarde, optamos por no ingresar al museo.As it was late, we decided not to go into the museum.)/to come into (Debe declarar cualquier producto de origen animal que lleve consigo al ingresar a este país.You need to declare any animal-derived products that you have with you when you come into this country.)/to get into (El viernes no pude ingresar al estacionamiento.I couldn't get into the parking lot on Friday.) (To gain access to), to join (to become a member of - club, company, army - Creo que ingresaré a un coro el año que viene ya que me gusta muchísimo cantar.I think I'll join a choir next year as I love singing.), to enter (to begin studying at - Alfredo tenía solo 16 años cuando ingresó a la universidad.Alfredo was only 16 when he entered university.), to be admitted to (Cuando ingresó en el hospital ya había perdido mucha sangre.He had already lost a lot of blood when he was admitted to the hospital.)/to go into (Mi tía tiene que ingresar en el hospital para operarse de la rodilla.My aunt needs to go into the hospital for a knee operation.) (To be hopsitalized at), to go to (Tenemos que hacer algo para evitar que ingreses en la cárcel.We need to do something to avoid your going to jail.)/to be sent to (Pérez ingresó en la cárcel por tráfico de drogas y asesinato.Pérez was sent to prison for drug dealing and murder.)/to report to (En la noche del lunes, la actriz ingresó en la cárcel de Palma para cumplir una condena de tres años.On Monday night, the actress reported to Palma prison to start a three-year sentence.) (To be taken to jail), to go into (Debes ingresar al navegador y buscar más información.You need to go into the browser and search for more information.)/to go on to (Hoy no ingresé a Facebook porque no tenía tiempo.I didn't go onto Facebook today because I didn't have time.)/to get into (Tengo problemas para ingresar a mi cuenta desde mi teléfono celular.I'm having problems getting into my account from my cellphone.)/to log in (Si no recuerdas tu contraseña, no podrás ingresar a tu cuenta.If you don't remember your password, you won't be able to log in to your account.) (Computing - latin america), to come into (money - Parte del dinero que ingresa en las arcas del Estado se destina a obras de carácter social.Part of the money that comes into the government's coffers is destined for works of a social nature.)/to come in (money - Hay que comparar el dinero que ingresa y el dinero que sale.We need to compare the money that's coming in with the money that's going out.) (Intransitive Verb), to pay in (Voy al banco a ingresar el cheque de la nómina; ahora vuelvo.I'm going to the bank to pay in my payroll check; I'll be back shortly.)/to deposit (Si ingresas más de 5,000 euros en el banco, es posible que te hagan preguntas.You may be asked questions if you deposit more than 5,000 euros in the bank.)/to credit (Me han ingresado 500 euros por error en mi cuenta.My account has been credited with 500 euros in error.)/to earn (to receive - Últimamente ingreso menos de lo que gasto, así que tengo que buscar otro trabajo.I've been earning less than I spend lately, so I need to look for another job.) (Finance) (Spain), to admit (to hospitalize - Los médicos van a ingresar a mi hermana en el hospital para hacerle unas pruebas neurológicas.The doctors are going to admit my sister to the hospital to have some neurological tests.), to send (Teresa no pudo pagar la multa, y por eso la ingresaron en la cárcel.Teresa couldn't pay the fine, so she was sent to prison.)/to place (Hoy, Ramón Sánchez Alonso, el presunto autor del crimen, fue ingresado en la cárcel.Ramón Sánchez Alonso, the person suspected of carrying out the crime, was today placed in prison.) (To incarcerate), to enter (computing - latin america - Te aconsejo que no ingreses información personal en esta página.I'd recommend you don't enter any personal information on this page.) (Transitive Verb)


to get tired (to fatigue), to get bored (to lose interest)

juntarse con

to get together/hangout/meet up with

tener + participle

to have (used to describe state - Tenía la casa recogida cuando llegué.He had the house cleaned up by the time I arrived.) (Transitive Verb)


to hurt (physically), to hurt (emotionally), to hurt (morally - hurt their image) (Transitive)


to iron


to liven up, to motivate


to raise, to bring up, to grow, to age (wine), to breed, to nurse

resultar en

to result in, to lead to


to twist/to wring (to wind), to twist (to distort)

soler + infinitive

to use to (in past tense)/to tend to/usually (as an adverb)/to be in the habit of (with "ing" meaning of infinitive)


to applaud


to bite

dejar salir

to let out (Abre la puerta y deja salir al cachorrito, por favor.Open the door and let the puppy out, please!)


to suck (to suction with the mouth) (Reflexive), to waste away (Colloquial - to get thinner), to put up with/to endure (Colloquial - to suffer) (Pronominal)


to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo


to summarize, to sum up


can (Mi novia puede bailar salsa.My girlfriend can dance the salsa.)/to be able to (Necesito mis gafas para poder ver.I need my glasses to be able to see.) (Used To Indicate Capability), can (¿Me puedes pasar ese lápiz?Can you pass me that pencil?/¿Podría ver un menú, por favor?Could I see a menu, please?)/may (¿Puedo usar el baño?May I use the bathroom?)/to be allowed to (¿Podemos traer alcohol al concierto?Are we allowed to bring alcohol to the concert?) (Used To Ask For Something Or Permission), may (Puede que Aurora haya pensado que nos encontraríamos en el cine.Aurora may have thought we were going to meet at the movies.)/can (No se puede fumar en la sala.You cannot smoke inside the theater.) (To Be Possible), can (used to indicate moral obligation - No podemos rechazar a los refugiados de la guerra.We cannot turn away war refugees.), can (¿Cómo podrías decirme cosas tan crueles?How could you say such cruel things to me?)/may (Podrías haberme dicho que tu hermana se quedaría con nosotros.You might have told me your sister was going to stay with us.) (In Reproaches), can (No sé si comer una sopa o un sándwich. - Podrías pedir el combo que trae mitad de un sándwich y una sopa.I don't know if I should have soup or a sandwich. - You could get the half-sandwich and soup combo.)/may (Podrías llamar de nuevo al hotel a ver si tienen tu bufanda.You may want to call the hotel again to see if they found your scarf.) (In Suggestions) (Auxiliary Verb), to upset (to hurt - Mexico - Me pudo mucho lo que me dijiste.What you said really upset me.) (Intransitive Verb), may (used to indicate possibility - Puede que no venga a la fiesta.He may not come to the party.) (Impersonal Verb), to beat (¡Vamos! ¡Tú le puedes!Come on! You can beat him!)/to be stronger than (El forzudo retó a cualquiera a ver si le pueden.The strongman challenged anyone to prove they're stronger than him.) (To Defeat - Colloquial) (Transitive Verb)


to appear/to be outlined


to catch fire, to burn down/to be burned down


to challenge, to dare


to curl up/to snuggle (Pronominal)


to dawn (to begin to become light)


to deal (to inflict), to fire (to shoot - the policeman shot at the suspect)


to disguise as/to dress up as (to put a costume on) (Proniminal Verb)


to evolve (biology), to develop/to evolve (To advance slowly - the idea for the game developed over time/their relationship evolved over the summer), to progress/to develop (medicine - the patients are progressing well), to maneuver (military - the army maneuvered and attacked), to circle (aviation) (Intranstive Verb)


to go too far (overstep bounds - colloquial), to overreact


to have dibs on (to choose - colloquial - ¡Me pido el asiento delantero!I have dibs on the front seat!) (Pronominal Verb)


to join (to participate in) (Reflexive)


to mop (latin america - Mi hermana se puso a trapear el suelo de la cocina mientras yo barría la sala.My sister began mopping the kitchen floor while I swept the living room.) (Transitive Verb)


to move closer together, to get together/assemble, to live together, to occur at the same time, to come together (elements - flavors, literary devices, etc), to converge/meet (roads, rivers)

amenazar con

to threaten with


to converse, to chat

subirse a

to get on (a bus, a plane, a train - Nos subimos al autobús cinco minutos antes de que partiera.We got on the bus five minutes before it departed.)/to get in (a car - La mujer se subió al coche pero no encendió el motor.The woman got in the car but didn't turn on the engine.) (To board)


to use to (in past tense - Solíamos irnos de vacaciones a San Sebastián.We used to go on vacation to San Sebastian.)/to tend to (Suelen comer mucha comida rápida porque viajan mucho.They tend to eat a lot of fast food because they travel so much.)/usually (as adverb - Suele haber muchas fiestas en la playa durante el verano.There are usually a lot of parties on the beach in the summer.)/to be in the habit of (with the "ing" form - Sueles llegar a clase cinco minutos antes. ¿Qué ha pasado hoy?You're in the habit of getting to class five minutes early. What happened today?) (With Infinitive) (Intransitive Verb)


To become better (skills), to narrow (a tunnel) (Pronominal)

inscribirse en

To belong (to be part of)

acusarse (de)

To blame/accuse each other (of something) (Reciprocal)

convertir (a)

To convert to a religion


To place/put together, to save/raise (money), to collect (make a collection), to assemble/bring together, to close by pushing (a door) (Transitive), to save up (Intransitive)


To use (to utilize - Puedes usar mi teléfono viejo si no logras encontrar el tuyo.You can use my old phone if you don't manage to find yours.), to wear (to have on - Voy a usar mi chaqueta nueva cuando haga frío.I'm going to wear my new jacket when it gets cold.) (Transitive Verb)


to appear, show up

tratar de

to be about (Mi trabajo trata de los efectos del calentamiento global.My paper is about the effects of global warming.)/to deal with (Esta investigación tratar de la contaminación visual en las grandes ciudades.This research deals with visual pollution in big cities.) (To Have To Do With), to try (to attempt - No trato de ocultar nada.I'm not trying to hide anything.)


to be called (Se llamará Emilia, en honor a su abuela.She will be called Emilia, in honor of her grandmother.)/to be named (¿Cómo se llaman tus hermanos?What are your brothers' names?/¿Cómo te llamas, amigo?What's your name, buddy?) (Pronominal Verb)

tener cuidado de/a

to be careful to

derretirse de

to be crazy about (¿Si le gusta? ¡Se derrite por él!Does she like him? She's crazy about him!)/to melt (Me derrito siempre que dice mi nombre.I melt whenever she says my name.) (Colloquial - to fall in love) (Pronominal Verb)

responder a

to be in keeping with/to be appropriate for (To correspond to - their presentarion was in keeping with the theme of the night/the fine was appropriate to the offense) (Intransitive)


to be inclined to/to tend to (to be prone to), to lean/to bend/to bow (to angle), to lean (to slant), to favor/to lean towards (to prefer) (Pronominal)

espantarse con

to become afraid of

proceder de

to come from/to originate in/to have one's origins in/to date back to (in time)

emparejar con

to connect with (match the word with the picture)


to cuddle (Transitive)


to cut (Mi abuela siempre me cortaba el cabello.My grandmother always used to cut my hair.)/to cut off (¿Quieres que te corte un pedazo de queso manchego?Do you want me to cut off a piece of Manchego cheese for you?)/to carve (meat - Vengan, ya es hora de cortar el pavo.Come on, it's time to carve the turkey.)/to slice (El panadero cortó el pan con un cuchillo eléctrico.The baker sliced the bread with an electric knife.)/to cut out (A ese niño le encanta cortar las fotos de las revistas de su mamá.That boy loves to cut out pictures from his mom's magazines.)/to amputate (limb - Los doctores se vieron forzados a cortarle la pierna al paciente.The doctors were forced to amputate the patient's leg. (To remove using a sharp tool), to chop (Voy a cortar las verduras para la sopa.I'm going to chop the vegetables for the soup.)/to cut up (Debes cortar estas tarjetas de crédito antes de tirarlas.You should cut up these credit cards before you throw them away.) (To divide into pieces), to cut down (to saw down - Paul Bunyan cortó el árbol con su hacha.Paul Bunyan cut down the tree with this axe.), to cut (cards - Si alguien quiere cortar las cartas, podemos empezar a jugar.If someone wants to cut the cards, we can start playing.), to slice through (figurative - to divide - El ninja cortó el aire con sus chacos.The ninja sliced through the air with his nunchucks.), to cut (to dilute - ¿Puedes cortar el vino con un poco de agua?Can you cut the wine with a little water?), to cut off (to disconnect - Les cortaron la luz porque tenían seis meses sin pagar el recibo.They cut off their electricity because they hadn't paid the bill in six months.), to break off (to discontinue - Los dos países cortaron relaciones diplomáticas tras el incidente.The two countries cut off diplomatic relations after the incident.), to stop (to staunch - Ponte esta venda en el brazo para cortar el flujo de sangre a la herida.Tie this bandage around your arm to stop the flow of blood to the wound.), to cut off (Íbamos manejando por la carretera cuando nos cortó un loco en una camioneta.We were driving on the highway when a crazy guy in a truck cut us off.)/to close off (Cortaron el acceso al centro debido a la feria.They closed off access to downtown because of the festival.) (To block), to cut (computing - Corta esa imagen y pégala en un documento.Cut that image and paste it in a document.), to cut (to edit out - Esta escena con la jirafa no me gusta nada; mejor la cortamos.I don't like this scene with the giraffe at all; let's cut it.), to chap (weather - El viento me cortó la cara.The wind chapped my face.) (Transitive Verb), to cut (to be capable of cutting - Este cuchillo ya no corta; no tiene filo.This knife doesn't cut anymore; it's too dull.), to cut (computing - ¿Cuál es atajo de teclado para cortar en Mac?What's the shortcut key to cut on a Mac?), to cut (film and television - El director dijo que cortáramos, muchachos.The director said to cut, guys.), to bite (weather - ¡Cómo corta el viento en Chicago!The wind in Chicago really bites!), to break up (Sara y su novio cortaron porque Sara le puso los cuernos.Sara and her boyfriend broke up because Sara cheated on him.)/to split up (Los papás de Harry cortaron cuando tenía dos años.Harry's parents split up when he was two years old.) (To end a romantic relationship), to hang up (to break a telephone connection - ¿Por qué cortó tu hermano?Why did your brother hang up?) (Intransitive Verb)


to decide (to make a decision about - Su hija aún no ha decidido qué quiere estudiar.Their daughter has not yet decided what she wants to study.)/to decide (Decidamos qué vamos a cenar.Let's decide what to have for dinner.)/ to choose (Al final decidimos quedar en vez de emigrar.In the end we chose to stay rather than emigrate.) (Transitive Verb)


to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle


to follow one after another (events - Se sucedieron muchos eventos trascendentales en España durante el siglo XV.Many monumental events followed one after another in Spain during the 15th century.) (Pronominal Verb)


to frighten, to scare


to insist (to assert - she insists on going to work), to go on about (to repeat - quit going on about that) (Intransitive)


to provide a reason for; to motivate


to pull (Ray jaló la cuerda y el paracaídas se abrió.Ray pulled the cord and the parachute opened.)/to tug (Se me rompió el gancho cuando jalé la blusa.I broke the hanger when I tugged my blouse.) (To Bring Toward One - could also be spelled "Halar" in this sense), to haul (to drag - Necesito un camión con mayor potencia para jalar este remolque.I need a more powerful truck to haul this trailer.), to pick up (Mexico - to grab - Raquel jaló la bolsa de basura y la llevó para afuera.Rachel picked up the bag of trash and took it out.), to give a ride to (Andes/Central America - to transport - ¿Cómo llegaste a Lima? - Mauricio me jaló.How did you get to Lima? - Mauricio gave me a ride.), to interest (Mexico - Mi hija estaba estudiando arte pero ahora le jala la medicina.My daughter was studying art, but now she's into medicine./¿A quién le jala salir a bailar?Who's for going out dancing?), to eat (Spain - colloquial - to ingest - Los encontré jalando paella en casa de mi abuela.I found them eating paella at my grandmother's house.) (Transitive Verb), to run (colloquial - to go fast - ¡Este carro sí que jala!This car can really run!), to go (to leave - Después de jugar fútbol todo el día, creo que ya es hora de jalar para la casa.After playing soccer all day, I think it's time to go home now.), to work (Mexico/Ecuador - colloquial - to function - ¡Qué coraje! Acabo de sacar el auto del taller y otra vez no jala.How infuriating! I just got my car out of the shop and it's stopped working again.), to work (Andes - colloquial - to labor - Mi marido lleva un mes jalando en una obra de construcción de un centro comercial.My husband has been working on a shopping mall construction project for a month.), to flunk (Pobre Esteban. Jaló y tendrá que repetir el curso.Poor Esteban. He flunked and has to redo the course.)/to fail (Yolanda no estudió para el examen final y jaló.Yolanda didn't study for the final exam and she failed.) (Andes - To Not Pass), to date (Central America - to be courting - Apenas llevan una semana jalando y ya tienen pleitos.They've only been dating a week, and they are already having arguments) (Intransitive Verb)

ponerse de pie

to stand up ("¡Ponte de pie cuando esté hablando contigo!" le gritó el director al alumno."Stand up when I'm talking to you!" shouted the headmaster at the student.)/to stand (La anciana intentó ponerse de pie, pero no tenía fuerzas.The elderly woman tried to stand, but she didn't have the strength.) (Pronominal Verb Phrase)


to sterilize (to sanitize), to sterilize/to neuter/to spay (To castrate)


to suffocate (the hot air suffocates me)/to get out of breath (To choke), to get upset/to get worked up (Colloquial), to get embarrassed/to become embarrased (To be ashamed), to get angry/to get upset (To get mad) (Pronominal)


to take (to experience - No te lo tomes a pecho pero no me gusta tu corte de pelo.Don't take it to heart, but I don't like your haircut.) (Reflexive Verb), to take (to spend time - Necesito tomarme un respiro del trabajo.I need to take a break from work.), to have (to consume - Me voy a tomar un mojito.I'm going to have a mojito.) (Pronominal Verb)


to take out (to get out - Se sacó el dinero del bolsillo y volvió a contarlo.He took the money out of his pocket and counted it again.), to leave (to go away - Mexico - ¡Sácate de aquí antes de que venga la policía!Leave here before the police comes!) (Pronominal Verb)


to underestimate/to underrate (to undervalue) (Transitive Verb)


to wear, to take (shoe size), to put on (footwear)


to stress/to emphasize (to highlight) (Transitive)


to support , to rest


to get up to date (to modernize) (Pronominal)


to go out (Usa el ascensor para salir.Take the elevator to go out.)/to leave (Jake salió pero dijo que nos encontraría para almorzar.Jake left but said he would meet us for lunch.)/to come out (No salgas sin primero ponerte el abrigo y las botas.Don't come out without first putting on your coat and boots.)/to get out (Si no sales de la piscina ya, estarás castigado.If you don't get out of the pool right now, you're grounded.) (To Exit), to leave (El tren está a punto de salir.The train is about to leave.)/to set off (¿Listos para salir, muchachos?Ready to set off, guys?) (To Depart), to go out (to date - Rosie y Evan llevan años saliendo.Rosie and Evan have been going out for years.), to go out (to do activities outside the house - Salgamos este fin de semana.Let's go out this weekend.), to turn out (Las cosas no siempre salen como se espera.Things don't always turn out as expected.)/to go (¿Cómo salió todo en la junta?How did everything go in the meeting?)/to work out (Al final de todo, las cosas me salieron bien.In the end, everything worked out well for me.), to rise (Subimos a la cima para ver el sol saliendo sobre las montañas.We hiked to the summit to see the sun rise over the mountains./to come out (Mira ese avión que va saliendo de la tormenta.Look at that plane that's coming out of the storm.)/to come up (Cuando salió la luna, las brujas empezaron a bailar.When the moon came up, the witches began to dance.)/to come through (teeth - La nena está llorando porque le están saliendo los dientes.The baby is crying because her teeth are coming through.)/to appear (Salió una gotera en el techo.A leak appeared in the ceiling.) (To Come Into Sight), to come up (Mira, en el jardín salieron unos narcisos.Look, some daffodils came up in the garden.)/to put out (Al manzano le salieron unas flores.The apple tree put out some flowers.) (To Sprout), to come out (to wash off - Las manchas de tinta a veces salen con alcohol.Ink stains often come out with alcohol.), to exit (computing - Para salir del programa, pulsa "Esc".To exit the program press "Esc."), to arise (Este problema salió por la falta de atención a los detalles.This problem arose because of a lack of attention to detail.)/to come up (Salieron muchas preguntas en la sesión de repaso para el examen.Many questions came up in the exam review session.) (To Crop Up - Figurative), to finish (to be done with - ¿A qué hora sales de trabajar los viernes?What time do you finish work on Fridays?), to come through (Salimos bien del huracán gracias a la ayuda de nuestros vecinos.We came through the hurricane all right thanks to our neighbors.)/to come out (No sé cómo salieron de ese apuro.I don't know how they came out of that fix.)/to get out (Tres soldados salieron del enfrentamiento sin heridas.Three soldiers got out of the confrontation without injuries.) (To Make It Through), to come along (to turn up - Cuando sale una oportunidad así, hay que actuar.When an opportunity like this comes along, you have to act.), to stick out (to jut out - A ese caballo le salen un buen los dientes.That horse's teeth really stick out.), to come out (to be made public - Ya salió la nueva temporada de mi programa favorito.The new season of my favorite show just came out.), to do (¡No me sale esta tarea!I can't do this homework!)/to get (Me salió 5. - Tienes que sumar, no restar.I got 5. - You have to add, not subtract.) (To Get A Result), to cost (Esta camisa te sale en 5 pesos.This shirt costs 5 pesos.)/to work out to be (Esa maleta salió bien barata.That suitcase worked out to be really cheap.) (To Be Worth), to lead (games - Esta vez le toca salir, Sr. Bond.This time you lead, Mr. Bond.) (Intransitive Verb)


to keep vigil over (Rafael murió en la mañana, y por la tarde lo vamos a velar.Rafael died this morning, and this afternoon we are going to keep vigil over him./La gente se dirigía al panteón para velar a sus seres queridos difuntos.The crowd was headed toward the cemetery to keep vigil over their deceased loved ones.)/to have a wake for (Velamos a mi tío anoche, y estoy exhausto.We had a wake for my uncle last night, and I'm exhausted.), to sit up with (to care for a sick person overnight - Julia veló a su hijo cuando estaba enfermo.Julia sat up with her son when he was sick.), to mask (Su sonrisa vela sus verdaderas intenciones.Her smile masks her true intentions.)/to veil (El aromatizante vela el hedor de la basura, pero no lo quita.The air freshener veils the stench of garbage, but doesn't get rid of it.) (To partially conceal), to expose (Velaste la película cuando se te cayó la cámara y la tapa se abrió.You exposed the film when you dropped the camera and the cover popped open.)/to fog (Si no abres la cámara en la oscuridad, puedes velar el rollo.If you don't open the camera in the dark, you can fog the roll.) (Photography), to veil (to cover with a veil - Es costumbre velar la cara de la novia de camino al altar.It's tradition to veil the bride's face while she walks down the aisle.) (Transitive Verb), to stay awake (Horacio veló toda la noche esperando una llamada de su novia.Horacio stayed awake all night waiting for a call from his girlfriend.)/to stay up (Sus papás velaron hasta que llegó a casa.Her parents stayed up until she got home.) (To go without sleeping), to look after (Eugenio vela por sus nietos.Eugenio looks after his grandchildren.)/to watch over (La señora Moreno vela por los niños del barrio.Mrs. Moreno watches over the neighborhood children.)/to see to it (Hay que velar que cumpla su palabra.We must see to it that he keeps his word.)/to ensure that (Para velar que nadie se vaya borracho de la fiesta, el anfitrión recoge las llaves al llegar.To ensure that no one leaves the party drunk, the host takes their keys when they arrive.)/to safeguard (Este nuevo organismo del gobierno existe para velar por los derechos de los indígenas.This new government body exists to safeguard the rights of indigenous peoples.) (To care for) (Intransitive Verb)


to murmur


to put away (Guarden los crayones y lávense las manos.Put the crayons away and wash your hands.)/to put (No sé dónde he guardado las llaves.I don't know where I've put my keys.) (To place), to save (Guárdenme un poco de arroz para la cena.Save me some rice for dinner.)/to keep (Vendré a pagar el cuadro mañana. ¿Puedes guardármelo hasta entonces?I'll be back to pay for the painting tomorrow. Can you keep it for me until then?)/to hold (¿Me guardas el lugar en la fila? Se me olvidó la leche.Will you hold my place in line? I forgot the milk.)/to put aside (Dile a tu maestra que nos guarde cinco boletos para la obra navideña.Tell your teacher to put aside five tickets for the Christmas play for us.) (To reserve), to keep (Catalina guarda las joyas en una caja fuerte.Catalina keeps her jewels in a safe.)/to hang on to (Roberto todavía guarda un mechón de su primer corte de cabello.Roberto is still hanging on to a lock from his first haircut.)/to store (Guardo agua y comida extra para el caso de una emergencia.I store extra food and water in case there's an emergency.), to save (computing - Guardé los documentos después de los cambios.I saved the files after the changes.), to keep (¿Puedes guardar un secreto?Can you keep a secret?)/to have (Guardo bonitos recuerdos de los veranos en el lago con toda la familia.I have nice memories of summers at the lake with the whole family.)/to bear (Ya te he perdonado. No te guardo rencor.I've already forgiven you. I bear you no grudge.) (To maintain), to guard (Hay seis policías que guardan la entrada del palacio de justicia.There are six police officers guarding the entrance to the courthouse.)/to protect (Los muros que guardan esta torre son romanos.The walls that protect this tower are Roman.) (To watch over), to observe (to comply - Mi abuela siempre guardaba el sábado como un día sagrado.My grandmother always kept the Sabbath as a holy day.), to show (to demonstrate - Hay que guardar respeto para tus mayores.You should show respect for your elders.) (Transitive Verb)


to scrape, scratch


to urge, to be urgent, to be pressing


to scuba dive/snorkel, to dive


To make fall in love

lanzarse a

To undertake (La empresa se va a lanzar a un nuevo reto este año.The company is going to undertake a new challenge this year.)/embark upon (La exploradora se lanzó a una nueva aventura.The explorer embarked upon a new adventure.)/to enter (El luchador decidió lanzarse a la política.The wrestler decided to enter politics.) (To attempt) (Pronominal Verb)


to act/to be in/to perform (film, theater, television), to act/to behave (to conduct oneself - you act like you own the place/act your age), to take action/to act (legal - I have a POA to act on her behalf), to work/to act (to have an effect - how long does it take the medicine to act/work?) (Intransitive)


to avoid (to evade - Comamos en platos plástico, así nos ahorramos la limpieza.Let's eat on plastic plates, that way we won't have to clean up.), to save (to spend less - Mi mamá es tan regateadora que siempre se ahorra un montón en el mercado.My mom is such a haggler that she always saves a ton at the market.) (Pronominal Verb)

tratarse de

to be about (to refer to - ¿De qué se trata esta película?What is this movie about?), to be about (to concern - No se trata de dinero.It's not about the money.), to be a question of (No se trata de saberlo todo sino de tener curiosidad.It isn't a question of knowing everything but of being curious.)/to be a matter of (No se trata solo de ser cortés.It isn't just a matter of being polite.)/to be (Se trata de una historia de amor.It's a love story.)/to do (No se trataba de dinero; te lo juro.It had nothing to do with money; I promise you.) (To Amount To) (Impersonal Verb)


to be surprised (to be amazed - Me extrañé de que no se acordara de mi cumpleaños.I was surprised that she didn't remember my birthday.) (Pronominal Verb)

terminar con

to break up with (to end a relationship - Terminó con su novia porque necesitaba espacio.He broke up with his girlfriend because he needed space.) (Intransitive Verb)


to collect (revenue)/to raise (funds) (to gather), to make (to earn money - la tienda recaudó más en el primer día de rebajas que en todo el mes anterior - the store made more money on its first day of sales than the previous month's total)


to decide (Se resolvieron por viajar alrededor del mundo en la luna de miel.They decided to travel around the world on their honeymoon.)/to make up one's mind (Cuando salió de la cárcel, se resolvió a nunca volver a cometer ningún delito.When he got out of jail, he made up his mind to never commit another crime.)/to resolve (Se resolvió a hacer ejercicio todos los días por el resto de la vida.He resolved to exercise every day for the rest of his life.) (To Make A Decision), to be resolved (El asunto se resolvió sin ningún esfuerzo de mi parte.The matter was resolved without any effort on my part.)/to get resolved (¿Cómo se resolvió el problema entre Juan y Emilio? - No tengo idea.How did the problem between Juan and Emilio get resolved? - I have no idea.) (To Work Out) (Pronominal Verb)


to demolish (to destroy - El año pasado decidieron derribar el hospital antiguo.Last year they decided to demolish the former hospital.), to knock down (boxing - El boxeador fue derribado fácilmente.The boxer was knocked down very easily.), to bring down (to shoot down - Las fuerzas enemigas derribaron el avión.The plane was brought down by the enemy aircraft.), to overthrow (depose - Las fuerzas enemigas derribaron el avión.The plane was brought down by the enemy aircraft.), to make collapse (to make fall down - El golpe en la rodilla me derribó.The blow to my knee made me collapse.), to cut down (to fell - Se están derribando centenares de árboles.Hundreds of trees are being cut down.) (Transitive Verb)


to deserve (to merit) (Pronominal)


to deserve, merit (formal)


to discard/to throwaway (cards) (pronominal)


to do one's best (to take great care)


to dream (to imagine while asleep - Anoche soñé que estaba tomando café con Einstein.Last night I dreamed I was having coffee with Einstein.), to have nightmares about (to shake someone up - Spain - No sabrás cuándo, ni dónde, pero tendré mi venganza. ¡Me vas a soñar!You won't know when, nor where, but I'll have my vengeance. You'll have nightmares about me!) (Transitive Verb), to dream (to imagine - Sueño con tener una casa grande y mucho dinero.I dream of having a big house and lots of money./Ella soñó con el actor famoso.She dreamed about the famous actor.) (Intransitive Verb)

dejarse caer (por)

to drop by (Hace tiempo que Boris dejó de jugar torneos de ajedrez, pero de vez en cuando se deja caer por el club para jugar unas partidas.Boris quit playing chess tournaments a while ago, but every now and then he drops by the club to play a few games.)/to drop in (Déjate caer por aquí cuando quieras. Siempre eres bienvenido.Drop in any time you want. You're always welcome.) (Colloquial - to come by)


to earn (to secure - Se ganó el amor del pueblo con sus discursos.She earned the love of the people with her speeches.) (Pronominal Verb)


to entertain/amuse/keep entertained (to provide entertainment), to distract (divert someone's attention), to while away (pass in a pleasant way), to keep/detain (formal) (To Prevent from Leaving), to entertain (maintain - entertain an idea) (Transitive), to entertain (provide entertainment) (Intransitive)


to explain oneself (to give an explanation - ¿Qué quiere decir con eso? Explíquese.What do you mean by that? Explain yourself.), to understand (to make out - No se explican cómo los ladrones pudieron entrar al banco.They can't understand how the thieves broke into the bank.), to make oneself understood (to express - Nadie está siguiendo mis instrucciones; no he conseguido explicarme.Nobody is following my instructions; I failed to make myself understood.) (Pronominal Verb)


to gain weight/to put on weight/to get fat (to become fatter), to be fattening (to cause to gain weight - french fries are fattening) (Intransitive), to fatten up/to fatten (to make fat - fatten up the cows), to swell (to inflate numbers - they reported square meters rather than linear kilometers to swell the numbers) (Transitive)


to get used to (to become accustomed to - Después de un año de vivir en el desierto, te acostumbras al calor. After a year of living in the desert, you get used to the heat.) (Pronominal Verb)


to help each other (to assist each other - Los dos hermanos están muy unidos y se ayudan mucho.The two brothers are very close and they help each other a lot.) (Reciprocal Verb)

envolver en

to involve (La policía cree que Lanata está envuelto en algún negocio turbio.The police think Lanata is involved in some dirty business.)/to get involved in (Carmen siempre me envuelve en sus problemas y terminamos peléandonos.Carmen always gets me involved in her problems and we end up arguing.) (To engage), to wind (to roll - Para hacer un pompón, comienza por envolver la lana alrededor de tus dedos.To make a pompom, start by winding the wool around your fingers.) (Transitive Verb)


to join (his dad forced him to join the military)/to join up (I joined up with the basketball team)/to report for work (to show up - she always reports for work at 8) (Pronominal)


to knock down (El toro revolcó al diestro y lo pisoteó.The bull knocked down the matador and trampled on him.)/to knock over (El viento revolcó las sombrillas, arrastrándolas varios metros.The wind knocked over the sunshades and dragged them meters away.), wipe the floor with (colloquial - to defeat - El candidato republicano revolcó a su rival en el debate y ganó más popularidad si cabe.The Republican candidate wiped the floor with his rival in the debate and gained even more popularity.) (Transitive Verb)


to walk (to take for a walk - Pasea a su perro por el parque por la noche.She walks her dog around the park at night.), to show off (to exhibit - Mi hermana paseó su nuevo atuendo en la fiesta.My sister showed off her new outfit at the party.) (Transitive Verb)


to lower oneself/let oneself down (to descend), (Reflexive), to fall behind/to fall back (to be left behind), to let drop/to blurt out (to come out with information - colloquial)


to mature (to become seasoned - the composer's style matured during his stay in Europe) (Pronominal Verb)


to maximize/step up (take to the extreme)


to protect oneself (to defend oneself - Protégete al caminar por el área de construcción.Protect yourself as you walk along the construction area.)/to shelter (Nos protegimos de la nieve en el restaurante acogedor.We sheltered from the snow in the cozy restaurant.) (To Defend Oneself) (Reflexive Verb)

jalar de

to pull (Guillermo jaló de la mano de Sofía para que lo siguiera.Guillermo pulled Sofia's hand for her to follow him.)/to tug (La maestra le jaló de la oreja a Sonia y le dijo que se fuera al rincón.The teacher tugged Sonia's ear and sent her to the corner.) (Andes/Caribbean/Central America /Mexico - To Grab and Move Forcefully)

poner en

to put on (Vuelve a poner los libros en el estante.Put the books back on the shelf.)/to put in (Cuando termines de usar los auriculares, ponlos en la gaveta por favor.When you're done using the headphones, put them in the drawer please.)/to put (Mamá, ¿me compras esta barra de chocolate? - No, cariño. Ponlo en su sitio. Vamos a comer pronto.Mom, would you buy me this chocolate bar? - No, dear. Put it back. We're going to have lunch soon.) (To place on), to put (figurative - to cause to be - Los comentarios del político pusieron a su partido en una situación difícil.The politician's comments put his party in a difficult position.) (Transitive Verb Phrase)


to read (to look through - Deberías leer las obras completas de Shakespeare.You should read the complete works of Shakespeare.), to read (to guess the thoughts of - A ese jugador de póker es imposible leerle la cara.It's impossible to read that poker player's face.), to read (computing - Se produjo un error al leer el documento.An error occurred while reading the document.), to defend (education - Leyó su tesis doctoral frente a un panel de profesores.She defended her doctoral thesis in front of a panel of professors.) (Transitive Verb), to read (to look through text - Leo antes de acostarme para relajarme.I read before going to bed to relax.) (Intransitive Verb)

estar por + infinitive

to remain to be (Está por verse si lloverá en la tarde.It remains to be seen whether it will rain this afternoon.), to be going to (to express imminence - Las nubes en la distancia indican que estará por llover esta noche.The clouds in the distance indicate that it is going to rain tonight.) (Intransitive Verb)


to represent, to perform, depict


to repudiate, to reject


to roll around (Sus chistes eran tan graciosos que me revolcaba de la risa.His jokes were so funny that I was rolling around laughing.)/to roll about (Los niños salieron del mar y se revolcaron en la arena.The children came out from the sea and rolled about in the sand.)/to wallow (animal - Los jabalíes africanos se revolcaban en el fango a la orilla del río.The warthogs were wallowing in the mud by the river.) (To roll), have a roll in the hay (colloquial - to have sexual intercourse - Escuché que te revolcaste con Mariano después de la fiesta. ¿Es cierto?I heard that you and Mariano had a roll in the hay after the party. Is that true?) (Pronominal Verb)


to scribble/to scrawl (To doodle), to beat about the bush (to hedge), to swear (to curse - Chile) (Intransitive), to scribble/to scrawl (To doodle), to swear at (to insult - Chile) (Transitive)


to share (to divide - ¿Quieres que compartamos un postre?Would you like to share a dessert?), to share (to use jointly - Comparto mi oficina con un colega.I share my office with a colleague.), to share (to accept equally - Mi amigo y yo compartimos el amor por la música.My friend and I share a love of music.) (Transitive Verb)


to shoot/to film (film), to break in (automobile - you need to break your car in. Take if for a spin!) (Transitive), to roll/to go round/to turn (to spin), to shoot/film (film) (Intransitive)


to shovel (A todo el mundo le gusta ver la nieve caer, pero a nadie le gusta palearla.Everyone loves to see the snow falling, but no one likes to shovel it./Guillermo paleó la nieve que estaba frente de su casa.Guillermo shoveled the snow in front of his house.)/to dig (El arqueólogo paleó el suelo y encontró un artefacto.The archaeologist dug the soil and found an artifact.) (To move with a shovel), to swipe (colloquial - ¡Detengan a ese hombre! ¡Me paleó la billetera!Stop that man! He swiped my wallet!)/to lift (colloquial - Esa chica paleó un paquete de cigarrillos del quiosco.That girl lifted a pack of cigarettes from the kiosk.) (To steal - Latin America), to thresh (to separate - Southern Cone - El granjero paleó la cebada con un mayal.The farmer threshed the barley with a flail.) (Transitive Verb), to paddle (to row - ¡Palea más rápido o la corriente hará estrellar la canoa contra las rocas!Paddle faster or the current will drift the canoe onto the rocks!) (Intransitive Verb)


to squander (money)/to waste (money, resources, or water)(To use up), to radiate (to give off)/to exude/to ooze/to be full of (To give off)(Transitive), to throw away money/to squander money (Paulina ha estado derrachando irresponsablemente)(To use up the money)(Intransitive)


to stamp (to mark with a stamp - your passport will be stamped), to seal (to close with a wax seal), to seal/to seal off/to keep sealed (figurative - keep your lips sealed) (To close), to seal/conclude (to end - seal the deal/conclude negotiations)


to suffocate (the man suffocated in the smoke),stifle (the hot wind is stifling), to put out/to smother (To extinguish), to crush (the protest was crushed)/to quell (the singer's apology quelled the crowd), to mortify (to embarrass), to annoy (to irk) (Transitive)

venir bien/mal

to suit (¿Te viene bien encontrarnos en el restaurante?Does meeting at the restaurant suit you?)/to be (Este fin de semana me viene un poco mal.This weekend isn't too good for me.) (To be convenient) (Intransitive Verb)

simpatizar con

to sympathize with


to take one's hat off (Me descubro ante usted.I take my hat off to you.), to uncover (La novia se descubrió el rostro para besarle al novio. The bride uncovered her face to kiss the groom.)/to bare (Esteban se descubrió la espalda para enseñar su tatuaje.Estaban bared his back to show his tattoo.) (To make visible), to give oneself away (to reveal the truth - Mi hermano intentó asustarme, pero se descubrió al reírse. My brother tried to scare me, but he gave himself away by laughing.) (Reflexive Verb)

despojarse de

to undress (to take off clothes - la mujer se despojo de su ropa - the woman undressed), to renounce/to relinquish/to get rid of/to give up/to shed (se despoje de su cargo - relinquish his position) (To dispose of) (Pronominal)


to undress/to get undressed (to disrobe) (Pronominal verb)


to unscrew (to loosen - El asiento se desatornilló, y Peter se cayó de la bici.The seat unscrewed, and Peter fell off his bike.) (Pronominal Verb)


to walk (to travel on foot - Camino al colegio todos los días.I walk to school every day.) (Transitive Verb), to work (function - Latin America - La lavadora no camina.The washing machine doesn't work.), to walk (to travel on foot - Cuanto más rápido sea tu ritmo, más rápido caminarás las cinco millas.The faster your pace, the faster you'll walk the five miles.) (Intransitive Verb)


to walk toward (to move toward - El protagonista se dirigió hacia la estación sin alentar su paso.The protagonist walked toward the station without slowing down.), to address (to talk to - Perdón, ¿a quién te diriges?Excuse me, whom are you addressing?) (Pronominal Verb)


to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle


to write (El alumno escribió su ensayo de 20 páginas dentro de una noche.The student wrote his 20-page essay in one night./Escribe lo que digo.Write what I say.), to write (to compose - Me escribió una canción de amor.He wrote me a love song.) (Transitive Verb), to write (to spell - Los nombres propios se escriben con mayúscula.Proper nouns are written with capital letters.) (Impersonal Verb)


to bet (Me juego una cena a que volverás.I bet you a dinner that you'll be back.)/to stake (Me estoy jugando mi carrera por esa creencia.I'm staking my career on that belief.) (To Put at Stake) (Pronominal verb)

llegarse a

to go over to (to pay a visit to - Llégate a casa de Rosa y pídele una taza de azúcar.Go over to Rosa's house and ask her for a cup of sugar.)/, to go up to (Me llegué a ella y le pedí un autógrafo.I went up to her and asked her for an autograph.) (To Pay A Visit To) (Pronominal Verb)

estar con

to have (No estoy para tus estupideces a estas horas.I am not in the mood for your nonsense at this time of night.), to agree with (to be in agreement - Estoy con Ana Sofía; no quiero escuchar más peleas entre ustedes.I agree with Ana Sofía. I don't want to hear anymore fighting between the two of you.) (Intransitive Verb)

ayudar a

to help (to assist - ¿Puedes ayudarme a mover este sofá?Can you help me move this sofa?) (Transitive Verb), to help (to assist - Si quieres ayudar, puedes barrer las hojas del jardín.If you want to help, you can sweep the leaves in the garden.) (Intransitive Verb)


to understand (to comprehend - He vivido en Corea del Sur durante diez años, pero todavía no comprendo el idioma.I have lived in South Korea for ten years, but I still don't understand the language.), to include (to comprise - Esta guía comprende información útil acerca de todos los parques nacionales.This guide includes useful information about all of the national parks.) (Transitive Verb)


to understand each other (to communicate well - Mis padres se entienden mejor que cualquier otra pareja.My parents understand each other better than any other couple.) (Reciprocal Verb)


to be (use to express a quality - Este pastel de chocolate está delicioso.This chocolate cake is delicious/Este hotel está muy concurrido.This hotel is very popular.), to be (used to express an emotion or state - Estoy enojada porque me acaban de dar una multa de estacionamiento.I am angry because I just got a parking ticket.) (Copular Verb), to be (to be located - La casa está delante de la iglesia.The house is in front of the church.), to be (to be present - No está en casa.He's not home.), to be (to feel - Está triste ahora que no tiene novia.He is sad now that he doesn't have a girlfriend.), to look (¡Estás genial con las gafas nuevas!You look great with your new glasses!), to stay (to visit - Gabriel está con su padre esta noche.Gabriel is staying with his father tonight.), to be ready (La comida ya está. ¡Comamos!The food is ready. Let's eat!), to be (to exist - Luego está el trabajo que queda por hacer.Then there is the work that still needs to be done.), to be (to fit - ¿Esta falda queda bien o está muy apretada?Does this skirt look good or is it too tight?), to be understood (No quiero que camines sola por la noche, ¿está?I don't want you walking alone at night, understood?/Nos encontraremos a las siete para ir al cine, ¿estamos?We'll meet at seven to go to the movie, all right?) (Intransitive Verb)

estar a

to be (with temperatures - ¡El termómetro dice que está a 25 grados Fahrenheit pero que se siente como 6!The thermometer says it's 25 degrees Fahrenheit out but that it feels like 6!), to be (with dates - Estamos a martes, 5 de enero.It is Tuesday, January 5th.), to be (with distances - El banco está a tres cuadras de la plaza central.The bank is three blocks from the town square.) (Intransitive Verb)

pasarse de

to be far too (to be excessively + adj - Elena se pasa de amable; siempre quiere ayudar a la gente.Elena's far too kind; she always wants to help people.)/(Ana Paula se pasa de buena onda.Ana Paula is too nice.)

estar de

to be on (vacation, trip, call - Estaremos de vacaciones en Europa el verano entero.We're going to be on vacation in Europe all summer long.)/to be in (luck - í¡Estás de suerte! Me queda un par en ese color.You're in luck! I have one pair left in that color.)/to be working as (Está de recepcionista hasta que consiga un mejor trabajo.He's working as a receptionist until he finds something better.) (To Find Oneself) (Intransitive Verb)

empezar por

to begin by (Quiero empezar por decirte lo mucho que aprecio todo lo que has hecho.I want to begin by saying how much I appreciate what you've done.)/to start by (Quiero empezar por darles la bienvenida esta noche.I'd like to start by welcoming you this evening.) (To start out) (Intransitive Verb)


to believe (No me creo mejor que tú.I don't believe that I am better than you.)/to think (¿Te crees tan guapo?Do you think you're so good-looking?) (to consider oneself), to believe (¿Pero tú piensas que se lo cree en serio?Do you think she really believes it?) (Reflexive Verb)


to dance (to move rhythmically - Quiero bailar toda la noche.I want to dance all night long.), to be loose (to not be tight - (Debo de haber perdido peso porque me bailan los pantalones.I must have lost weight, because my trousers are loose.) (Intransitive Verb), to dance (to move rhythmically - Ella baila salsa y bachata y está aprendiendo kizomba.She dances salsa and bachata and she's learning kizomba.) (Transitive Verb)


to find (to retrieve - Al fin encontré las llaves del coche.I finally found my car keys.), to discover (Ellos encontraron una caja vieja en el bosque.They discovered an old box in the forest.)/to encounter (Encontramos una bifurcación en el sendero y no sabíamos qué dirección tomar.We encountered a fork in the road and didn't know which path to take.) (To uncover), to find (to consider - ¿No te gusta ir al teatro? - No, lo encuentro muy aburrido.Don't you like to go to the theater? - No, I find it very boring.) (Transitive Verb)


to listen to oneself (to hear - A veces me escucho y no sé lo que digo.Sometimes I listen to myself and I don't know what I'm saying.) (Reflexive Verb)


to look at oneself (to observe oneself - Narciso se miraba en el agua.Narcissus looked at himself in the water.) (Reflexive Verb), to look at each other (to observe one another - Los enamorados se miraron y declararon su amor.The lovers looked at each other and declared their love.) (Reciprocal Verb)

dormir a

to put to sleep (to euthanize - Mi hermano tuvo que dormir a su perro porque tenía cáncer.My brother had to put his dog to sleep because it had cancer.) (Transitive Verb)


to speak to each other (Se hablan de mala manera.They speak to each other rudely.), to be on speaking terms (The cousins aren't on speaking terms after the fight over the inheritance.) (To Have a Conversation) (Reciprocal Verb)


to stay (Estate quieto y no digas ni una palabra.Stay still and don't say a word.)/to keep (Diles a los niños que se estén callados un rato, que quiero oír las noticias.Tell the kids to keep quiet a minute; I want to hear the news.)/(Estate tranquilo; yo lo soluciono.Don't worry; I'll sort it out./Estate atento porque solo llaman el número una vez.Pay attention because they only call out the number once.) (To Remain) (Reflexive Verb)

llegar a/hasta

to stretch (to extend - Nuestras tierras llegan hasta el río.Our lands stretch to the river.), to come up to (Después del aguacero, el agua me llegaba a la rodilla.The water came up to my knees after the downpour.)/to reach (No llego a la bombilla para cambiarla.I can't reach the bulb to change it.)/to touch (No me gustan las faldas que llegan hasta el piso.I don't like skirts that touch the floor.), to go as far as (El Camino de Santiago llega hasta el extremo oeste de España.The Camino de Santiago goes as far as the far west of Spain.)/to go to (Esta ruta no llega al mar.This route doesn't go to the sea.) (Road of Route)


to understand each other (to get along with - Mis dos hermanas no se comprenden. Son personas muy diferentes.My two sisters don't understand each other. They are very different people.) (Reciprocal Verb)


to want (Solo deseo hacerte feliz.I just want to make you happy./¿Qué deseas para Navidad?What do you want for Christmas?)/to wish (El director desea hablar con usted.The director wishes to speak to you.)/to desire (Los discursos del presidente dejan mucho que desear.The president's speeches leave a lot to be desired.)/(""¿Qué desea?", preguntó el mayordomo."How can I help you?," asked the butler./¿Desea algo de tomar?Would you like something to drink?) (To Long For), to wish (to express a desire for - Les deseé muchos años de felicidad.I wished them many years of happiness.), to want (to desire sexually - "Te deseo", dijo el rompecorazones de la película."I want you," said the heartbreaker in the movie.) (Transitive Verb)


To move (to relocate - Nos acabamos de mudar de Cartagena.We just moved from Cartagena.), to change (to wear different clothes - Tienes que mudarte para la fiesta porque es formal.You have to change for the party because it's formal.) (Pronominal Verb)

acerca de

about (relating to - Leí un libro acerca de la guerra en la época medieval.I read a book about war in medieval times.)

acabar de

just (adverb - used to express immediate action - Me acabo de dar cuenta de que se me quedaron las llaves en casa.I just realized I left my keys at home.), to finish (to complete - Cuando acabes de comer, lava los platos.When you finish eating, do the dishes.)


to amuse (Nos divirtió con sus historias y experiencias.He amused us with his stories and experiences.)/to entertain (El mago divirtió al grupo de niños.The magician entertained the group of children.) (To delight) (Transitive Verb)


to amuse oneself/to keep oneself entertained (to get entertainment) (Reflexive), to hang about/to be held up (To be Late) (Pronominal)


to anger, irritate, annoy, get sick of


to be used to (Acostumbraba cortarme el cabello con José.I was used to getting my hair cut by Jose.)/to be in the habit of (Alex acostumbra levantarse tarde.Alex is in the habit of waking up late.)/to be accustomed to (Sebastián acostumbra comer con tortillas en lugar de cubiertos.Sebastian is accustomed to eating with tortillas instead of silverware.)/usually (Acostumbro comprar el periódico todos los días.I usually buy the newspaper every day.) (To Normally Do) (Intransitive Verb)


to ask (to request information from - Por favor, pregunte a su hija si vendrá a la cena.Please, ask your daughter if she is coming for dinner.) (Transitive Verb)


to become absorbed in (to lose oneself in - absorbed in a project)

envolverse en

to become involved in (to get engaged - Lo envolvieron en el caso por estar en el sitio equivocado a la hora equivocada.He became involved in the case by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.) (Pronominal Verb)


to beg (to implore - Te ruego que me ayudes con este asunto.I beg you to help me with this issue.) (Transitive Verb), to pray (to offer a prayer - Ruego a la Virgen de Guadalupe que escuche mi oración.I pray to the Virgen of Guadalupe that she hears my prayer.) (Intransitive Verb)


to bend (to give in - Nuestro país nunca se dobla ante la presión.Our country never bends under pressure.), to double (to increase by two times - La tasa de natalidad se ha doblado en los últimos diez años.The birth rate has doubled in the last ten years.), to bend (to collapse - La viga se está doblando por puntos diferentes.The beam is bending at different points.) (Pronominal Verb)


to bend down (to stoop - cTengo una cita con el ortopeda porque cuando me bajo, me duelen las rodillas.I have an appointment with the orthopedist because when I bend down, my knees hurt.), to download (computing - Se han bajado un montón de música.They have downloaded lots of music.) (Pronominal Verb)

beneficiarse de

to benefit from/to profit from (se benefician del sufrimiento de otras - benefit/profit from the suffering of others)


to boil (to scald - Cuando hierva el agua, puedes echar las judías verdes.When the water boils, you can toss in the green beans.), to boil (to get hot - Cuando entro a mi carro en el verano, está hirviendo.When I get into my car in the summer, it's boiling.), to swarm with (to be full of - La playa hierve de gente en verano.The beach is swarming with people in summer) (Intransitive), to boil (to scald - Se me olvidó hervir los huevos para el aperitivo.I forgot to boil the eggs for the appetizer.) (Transitive)


to bore (Los reality shows me aburren, y a la vez los participantes me dan pena ajena.Reality shows bore me, and make me embarrassed for the participants at the same time.)/to get tired of (Comer lo mismo todos los días me aburre.I get tired of eating the same thing every day.)/to tire ("Cómo me aburre subir esta colina todos los días", dijo el viejito."Going up this hill every day really tires me," said the old man.) (To Weary) (Transitive Verb)


to organize oneself (to plan one's time - Me tengo que organizar mejor para aprovechar el tiempo.I have to organize myself better to make good use of time.) (Reflexive Verb), to break out (Spain - Se organizó una pelea afuera del bar.There was a fight outside the bar./Cuando el jugador del Real Madrid se fue al Barcelona, se organizó menudo escándalo.When the Real Madrid player left for Barcelona, all hell broke loose.) (Pronominal Verb)


to paint


to pair up, match


to park (automobile - Estacionó su coche en el estacionamiento.She parked her car in the parking lot.) (Transitive Verb)


to pressure, to put pressure


to propose, to suggest


to protect (to keep safe - Nuestra misión es proteger y servir.Our mission is to protect and serve.) (Transitive Verb)

proveer a

to provide to


to get damaged/to hurt/to get hurt/to injure/to get injured (to suffer harm), to be spoiled (to be ruined) (Pronominal)

hartarse de

to get fed up (La profesora se hartó y salió del aula.The teacher got fed up and left the classroom.)/to get tired of (Julia se hartó de convivir con personas que no hacían ninguno de los labores de limpieza.Julia got tired of living with people who didn't do any of the cleaning.)/to get sick of (El cliente se hartó de esperar a que le atendieran y se marchó del restaurante.The client got sick of waiting to be helped and left the restaurant.) (Pronominal Verb)

acostumbrar a

to get used to (to habituate - Antes de sacar la planta de la maceta, debes acostumbrarla al lugar donde se va a plantar.Before you take the plant out of the pot, you should get it used to the place where it is going to be planted./Hay que acostumbrar al bebé a comer comida sólida poco a poco.We need to get the baby used to eating solid food little by little.) (Transitive Verb)


to get wet (Se mojó cuando le sorprendió la tormenta.He got wet when he got caught in the storm.)/to get soaked (Se cayó a la piscina y se mojó todo.He fell in the pool and got completely soaked.)/to wet (Mójate un poco el cabello para que sea más fácil peinártelo.Wet your hair a little so it's easier to style it.) (To moisten), to get involved (Se mojó en la política del sindicato y ya no tiene salida.He got involved in union politics, and now can't get himself out.)/to stick one's neck out (Yo me mojé por tu proyecto y ¿así es cómo me las pagas?I stuck my neck out for your project, and this is how you repay me?) (Colloquial - to become implicated), to wet oneself (to urinate (¡Ups! El niñito se mojó cuando escuchó el trueno.Oops! The toddler wet himself when he heard the thunderclap.) (Pronominal Verb)

llenar de

to fill with (to make feel - Tu manera de hablarme me llena de tristeza.Your way of speaking to me fills me with sadness.), to shower (to heap upon - La llenaron de elogios cuando defendió su tesis de maestría.They showered her with accolades when she defended her master's degree thesis.) (Transitive)


to freeze (to become solid - El viento helado heló las flores.The frigid wind froze the flowers./Las temperaturas bajas amenazan con helar los cultivos.The low temperatures threaten to freeze the crops.), to freeze (La noticia heló al público.The news froze the audience)/to dumbfound (De pronto, un grito desolado nos heló.Suddenly, a desolate cry dumbfounded us.) (Transitive Verb), to freeze (to produce ice - Anoche heló pero afortunadamente estábamos en nuestra casa.It froze last night but fortunately we were home.) (Impersonal Verb)


to freeze (to turn into ice - Patinamos en el lago cuando se congela en invierno.We skate on the lake when it freezes in winter.), to get frostbite (medicine - En su escalada al Himalaya, se le congeló una oreja.She got frostbite on one of her ears on her ascent up the Himalayas.), to freeze (to feel cold - ¡Me estoy congelando! ¿Puedes cerrar la ventana?I'm freezing! Can you shut the window, please?) (Pronominal Verb)


to push (La mujer iba empujando el carrito de la compra por la acera.The woman was pushing her shopping cart along the sidewalk.)/to shove (El defensor empujó a Sánchez contra un camarógrafo y fue expulsado.The defender shoved Sánchez against a cameraman and was sent off.) (To propel), to drive (mechanics - El vehículo es empujado por un motor a reacción.The vehicle is driven by a jet engine.) (Transitive Verb), to push (to shove - Tommy empujó para llegar adelante el primero.Tommy pushed to get to the front first.) (Intransitive Verb)


to rent/to rent out, to hire (employ temporarily - e.g. a taxi)


to save (to rescue), to overcome (to conquer), to go across/to cover (to travel through an area), to save (religious and computing)


to seem (Se mostraron emocionados con la noticia.They seemed excited by the news.)/to act (Siempre se muestran educados ante la maestra. They always act polite in front of the teacher.) (To Appear) (Pronominal Verb)


to take (to grab - Tomó el dinero y se lo metió en el bolsillo.He took the money and put it in his pocket.), to take (medication - Él tiene que tomar sus medicamentos dos veces al día.He has to take his medication twice a day.)/to have (Tomé atún para el almuerzo.I had tuna fish for lunch) (To consume), to take (to ride - Tuve que tomar el tren para ir a trabajar.I had to take the train to go to work.), to take (to seize - El enemigo tomó la ciudad en un día.The enemy took the city in a day.), to get (to absorb - Sal y toma un poco de aire fresco.Go out and get some fresh air/Deja de jugar tantos videojuegos y sal a tomar el sol.Stop playing so many video games and go out and get some sun.), to drink (to have as a drink - Tienes que tomar mucha agua en estos días tan calurosos.You have to drink a lot of water on such hot days.) (Transitive Verb), to drink (to have as a drink - ¿Ustedes desean algo para tomar?Would you like anything to drink?), to drink (to consume alcohol - Latin America - ¿Quieres una copa de vino? - Gracias, pero no tomo.Would you like a glass of wine? - Thanks, but I don't drink.) (Intransitive Verb)


to throw (Los manifestantes empezaron a lanzar piedras.The protesters started throwing rocks.)/to hurl (Jürgen Schult lanzó el disco 74.08 metros.Jürgen Schult hurled the discus 74.08 meters.)/to fling (Solíamos lanzar globos de agua a los carros cuando éramos niños.We used to fling water balloons at cars when we were kids.)/to pitch (baseball - Nolan Ryan lanzaba con una velocidad tremenda.Nolan Ryan pitched amazingly fast.) (To propel), to fire (En cuanto tengamos suficiente presión, lanza los torpedos.As soon as we have enough pressure, fire the torpedoes.)/launch (Rusia lanzó un satélite a la atmósfera.Russia launched a satellite into the atmosphere.)/drop (a bomb - Los soldados lanzaron una bomba sobre su enemigo.The soldiers dropped bomb on their enemy.) (To discharge), to release (Thalía lanzó su última canción en el otoño.Thalia released her latest song in the fall.)/launch (a product - Hasbro lanzó su juguete nuevo justo a tiempo para la Navidad.Hasbro launched its new toy just in time for Christmas.) (To make public), to hurl (Carlota lanzó unas acusaciones a su tía por no haberle dado lo que pidió.Carlota hurled accusations at her aunt for not getting her what she asked for.)/let out (El estudiante lanzó un suspiro al terminar el examen.The student let out a sigh when he finished the exam.)/launch (El viejito me lanzó una letanía de insultos cuando pisé el césped de su casa.The old man launched a litany of insults at me when I stepped on his lawn.), (To express), to shoot (Juan le lanzó una mirada feroz a su amiga porque lo delató con la maestra.Juan shot his friend an angry look because she told on him to the teacher.)/give a look (El barman me lanzó una mirada atrevida cuando le pide un "sexo en la playa".The bartender gave me a saucy look when I asked for a "sex on the beach.") (To give a look), to launch (to begin - La invasión de Normandía se lanzó el 6 de junio de 1944.The invasion of Normandy was launched on June 6th, 1944.) (Transitive Verb), to vomit (throw up - El jamón me cayó mal; creo que voy a lanzar.The ham didn't agree with me; I think I'm going to throw up.) (Intransitive Verb)


to throw oneself (to hurl oneself - Latin America - she threw herself into the pool) (Reflexive) to dare (to take risks - i don't dare go there at night), to get out/to escape (To get free - colloquial - they got out before the police arrived) (Pronominal)


to travel around/to traverse (to trek across), to cover/to do (we won't do the whole roadway today) (to travel), to look around (to inspect - I looked around the restaurant, but I didn't see you there) (Transitive)

tratar con

to treat with (to behave with - Siempre trata a los niños con paciencia.Always treat kids with patience.) (Transitive Verb Phrase), to deal with (to have contact with somebody - En mi trabajo tengo que tratar con muchos clientes enojados.In my job I have to deal with many angry customers.) (Intransitive Verb Phrase)

fiarse de

to trust/to believe (to confide in - i don't trust him/I don't believe his promises), to go by (to judge by- it's best not to go by appearances). (Pronominal)


to try (Cualquiera puede intentar hacer su propio jardín en casa.Anybody can try to make their own home garden.)/attempt (No intentes cambiar el foco sin una escalera.Don't attempt to change the lightbulb without a ladder.) (To make an effort to do something) (Transitive)

conocer de

to try (legal - El juez que conoce del caso podría ser recusado por una de las partes.The judge who tried the case may be recused by either party.), to know about (to have knowledge of - él conoce de esa industria - he knows about that industry) (Intransitive Verb)


to try on (clothing - ¿Por qué no te pruebas el vestido antes de comprarlo?Why don't you try the dress on before buying it?) (Reflexive Verb)


to turn around (to turn one's body - ¡Gírate y no mires atrás!Turn around and don't look back!) (Reflexive Verb)


to turn back (to go back - Latin America - Se devolvió por el mismo camino.She turned back along the same road.) (Pronominal Verb)


to want (to wish - Quiero comer chocolate.I want to eat chocolate.), to love (Ella todavía te quiere profundamente.She still loves you deeply.)/to like (El perro te quiere mucho.The dog likes you a lot.)/to be fond of (Quiero mucho a mis estudiantes.I am very fond of my students.) (To Feel Affection For), to mean (No sé si quisiste ofenderme pero lo lograste.I don't know if you meant to offend me but you did.)/to try (Hace años que quiero ir a París, pero es demasiado caro.I've been trying to go to Paris for years, but it's too expensive.) (To Have As Intention) (Transitive Verb), to want (to wish - Estaré en casa todo el fin de semana así que llama cuando quieras.I'll be home all weekend so call when you want.) (Intransitive Verb)


to wash (to clean - Tienes que lavar la fruta antes de comértela.You must wash the fruit before eating it.)/to launder (clothes, linens - ¿Quieres que te lave esta camisa?Do you want me to launder this shirt for you?) (Transitive Verb)


to wonder (to ask oneself - Me pregunto si me llamará pronto.I wonder if she will call me soon.) (Reflexive Verb)


to smile (to express joy - Se sonrió al ver a su hijo reír.She smiled when she saw her son laughing.) (Pronominal Verb)

embeber en

to soak in (to fill with liquid - embebe un trapo en agua - soak a cloth in water)


to steal (take unlawfully) (Central America)


to stir (Mireya revolvió su café con una cuchara.Mireya stirred her coffee with a spoon.)/to toss (Fernando revolvió la lechuga, el tomate y la cebolla para hacer una ensalada.Fernando tossed lettuce, tomatoes, and onions to make a salad.) (To mix), to upset (to make sick - Ver sangre me revuelve el estómago.The sight of blood upsets my stomach.), to mess up (to disarrange - Los cachorros se metieron al cuarto del niño y revolvieron todos los juguetes.The puppies went into the boy's bedroom and messed up all his toys.), to go through (to search - Los ladrones revolvieron toda la casa en busca de oro.The burglars went through everything in the house looking for gold.)/to look through (Revolvió todo los papeles para encontrar el contrato.She looked through all of the papers to find the contract.) (To search) (Transitive Verb)


to stockpile/to hoard (To amass), to monopolize/to corner (the market)(To dominate commercially), to hog (colloquial)(to take more than one's fair share), to capture (attention)/to carry off (To receive), to take up (To consume) (Transitive)


to strain, force

henchirse (de)

to stuff oneself (to fill up - Los niños no tienen disciplina y se hinchan de dulce hasta que no pueden más.Children have no discipline and stuff themselves with candy until they have no more room.), to fill with (Cuando me felicitó mi jefe, se me hinchió el corazón de felicidad.My heart filled with happiness when my boss congratulated me.)/to swell with (Mi pecho se hinchió de orgullo al enterarme de que había aprobado el examen.My chest swelled with pride when I found out I'd passed the exam.)/to be filled with (Cuando supe que José me había mentido, me hinché de rabia.When I found out that Jose had lied to me, I was filled with rage.) (To puff up - figurative) (Proniminal)


to worry (Mi papá se preocupa de todos menos de él mismo.My dad worries about everyone else except himself.), to make sure (to ensure - Preocúpate de llegar a tiempo y yo me preocupo de traer a la cumpleañera.You make sure to get there on time and I'll make sure to bring the birthday girl.) (Pronominal Verb)


To get squashed, to flatten oneself, to flop (on a seat), to wear oneself out


to abolish


to accuse (to charge), to allocate/assign (dedicate)


to advance/to move forward (to move), to put forward (to propose) (Transitive), to advance/to move forward (to go forward), to progress/to make progress (to improve), to draw on (continue - as the night drew on) (Intransitive)


to advise/recommend (suggest), to advise (to give advice to a person), to make advisable (to make necessary)


to affirm, state, ensure


to appeal against (legal) (Transitive), to turn to/to go to (consult), to resort to (to seek recourse), to appeal legal (Intransitive)


to arm oneself (to equip with arms), to make a lot of money (to make a bundle - that cop made a bundle from the bribes she took - Mexico), to arm oneself (to provide oneself with a tool - he armed himself with a hammer and climbed up to the roof), to happen (colloquial - se armo una discusion - an argument broke out)


to assign, appoint, to allocate


to backtrack (to withdraw) (Pronominal)

venir grande/pequeño/ancho

to be (to fit - Creo que este vestido me viene muy grande.I think this dress is too big on me.) (Intransitive Verb)

estar en

to be (with seasons - Mientras el hemisferio norte está en invierno, el hemisferio sur está en verano.It is winter in the Northern Hemisphere when it's summer in the Southern Hemisphere.) (Intransitive Verb)


to be afraid (to dread) Intransitive

morirse de

to be dying of (to have a strong feeling - Tengo que comer algo. Me muero de hambre.I need to eat something. I'm starving./Siempre nos morimos de risa con él.We always laugh our heads off with him.) (Pronominal Verb)

quedar sin

to be left (La empresa se declaró en bancarrota y el proyecto quedó sin acabar.The company declared itself bankrupt, and the project was left unfinished.)/(La película quedó sin editar y, por tanto, nunca llegó a estrenarse.The movie was never edited, and therefore, it was never released./Sus crímenes no pueden quedar sin castigo.Their crimes can't go unpunished.) (Not to come to be), to be left (to be deprived of - Mucha gente quedó sin vivienda a causa del terremoto.A lot of people were left homeless because of the earthquake.)


to be long (No me tardo; solo voy a comprar leche.I won't be long; I'm just going to buy milk.)/to take a long time (¡Cómo te tardas! ¡Apúrate ya!You're taking such a long time! Hurry up already!) (To take too much time - latin america) (Pronominal Verb)


to be missing (absent - No puedo terminar de montar el armario porque faltan tres tornillos.I can't finish assembling the closet because there are three screws missing.), to be scarce (Es buena cocinera, pero le falta experiencia.She's a good cook, but she lacks experience. Hubo tantos asistentes que faltaban sillas en la sala.There were so many attendants that the room was short of chairs.), to remain (A la sopa le faltan 10 minutos.The soup needs another 10 minutes. Faltan dos meses para que sea Navidad.There are two months to go till Christmas.) (Intransitive Verb)


to be necessary/needed/imperitive (Impersonal), to obligate/set oneself to (Reflexive), to prevail, assert one's authority/oneself, to win (sports), to become fashionable, to become accustomed to (Pronominal)


to be too sweet (culinary) (Intransitive)


to beat (heart)/to throb, to bark (emit a short, harsh cry), to have a feeling (colloquial - to suspect), to sound good to (to seem like a good idea - colloquial - Mexico)


to begin (La nueva temporada de mi serie favorita empieza en un mes.The new season of my favorite show begins in a month.)/to start (La palabra "serpiente" empieza con ese.The word "serpiente" begins with an s.) (To commence), to start (to originate - La pelea empezó en la calle.The fight started in the street.) (Intransitive Verb), to start (Ya es hora de empezar el examen.It's time to start the exam now.) (Transitive Verb)


to begin (Pueden comenzar el examen ahora.You can begin the exam now.)/to start (Quiero comenzar a hacer yoga.I want to start doing yoga.) (Transitive Verb) to start (El curso comenzará en otoño.The course will start in the fall.)/to begin (Quedan 15 minutos antes de que comience el partido.There are 15 minutes left before the game starts.) (Intransitive Verb)


to benefit/to be of benefit to (this will benefit the people), to extract (mining - there are several techniques used to extract silver), to butcher/to slaughter (to kill - Latin America) (Transitive)


to betray (to be disloyal), to betray/to give away (her tone gave her away) (To reveal), to mistake (si no me traiciona la memoria - if my memory serves me right, me traicionan los ojos - my eyes deceive me), to deceive (to trick)


to blink/to twitch (To Bat One's Eyelashes), to twinkle (star), to flicker (light) (To Scintillate)


to break (to fracture - Se partió el brazo en el choque.She broke her arm in the crash.), to split (to cut open - Me resbalé en la regadera y me partí el labio.I slipped in the shower and split my lip.) (Pronominal Verb)


to bring (Me traje dos trajes de baño por si vamos mucho a la playa.I brought two bathing suits in case we go to the beach a lot.)/to bring along (Tráete el perro cuando vamos al parque.Bring the dog along when we go to the park.) (To carry), to be up to (to plot - ¿Qué se trae Carlitos? Lleva una sonrisa traviesa.What's Carlitos up to? He has a mischievous grin on his face.) (Pronominal Verb)


to brood/to incubate/to sit on (To hatch), to cram (study hard - Spain)(Transitive/Intransitive)


to cancel, to repeal, exceed (defeat)


to carve (Transitive)


to celebrate


to celebrate


to cheer up, to get energized


to clear up/clarify/elucidate/to shed light on (to explain), to light up/to illuminate (to brighten)


to close (to shut - tCierra la puerta cuando necesites privacidad.Close the door whenever you need privacy.), to close (to cover - Cierra herméticamente el tarro.Close the jar tightly.), to finalize (to conclude - Cerraron el acuerdo de cooperación el 23 de marzo.The cooperation agreement was concluded on March 23rd.), turn off (to disconnect - Puedes cerrar el gas en la válvula de cierre principal.​You can turn the gas off at the main shut-off valve.), to trun off (to switch off - Latin America - Cierra la luz y vete a dormir.Turn off the light and go to sleep.), to close (to shut down - Tuvimos que cerrar el negocio porque no era rentable.We had to close the business because it wasn't profitable.) (Transitive Verb), to close (so shut - ¿Sabes a qué hora cierra la tienda?Do you know what time the store closes?), to heal (La mayoría de las cortaduras pequeñas cierran rápidamente.Most minor cuts heal quickly.)/close up (Me corté la mano pero la herida ya cerró.I cut my hand, but the wound already closed up.) (To Get Better), go close (to shut down - No sabía que ese restaurante había cerrado.I didn't know that restaurant had closed.) (Intransitive Verb)


to cloud over (to become cloudy), to cloud over (to become fuzzy - my vision clouded over), to become clouded (to become disturbed - my joy was clouded by her behavior) (Pronominal)


to cloud/to darken/to obscure (to overcast), to cloud/to obscure (to blur - vision), to cloud (confuse - cloud your judgement), to affect (to disturb - don't let this affect your performance) (Transitive)


to cluck (hen), to crow (rooster) (Intransitive), to boast about (colloquial - to brag about)(Transitive)


to collect/to gather/to gather together (to bring together - collect/gather documents or evidence), to compile (to create - she is compiling an anthology of poems) (Transitive)


to come (Se vino una tormenta mientras nadábamos en la playa.A storm came upon us as we swam at the beach./El perro se vino sin ser llamado.The dog came without being called.), to come back (return - Se vino solo de la fiesta.He came back alone from the party.), to come (colloquial - sexual - Se vino en tan solo unos minutos.She came in just a few minutes.)

salir de

to come from (to originate - El éxito sale del trabajo duro.Success comes from hard work.)/ to play (film, theater, television - Carey sale de Ofelia en la nueva producción de "Hamlet".Carey plays Ophelia in the new production of "Hamlet.") (Intransitive Verb)

resultar de

to come of, to be the result of

venir para

to come to (location, engage in an activity)


to contradict


to correct (to make right - La editora corrigió todos los errores que los autores habían hecho.The editor corrected all of the errors the authors had made.), to correct (El profesor generalmente corrige todos los exámenes dentro de una semana.The teacher usually corrects all the exams within a week.)/to mark (Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de corregir los proyectos de sus compañeros de clase.The students have the opportunity to mark their classmates' projects.) (Transitive Verb), to poop (to defecate - colloquial - Cuba - Después de comer ese taco, Paco estuvo en el baño corrigiendo todo el día.After eating that taco, Paco was in the bathroom pooping all day.)


to correspond (to write to one another) (Reciprocal), to match with (to fitting for ) (Pronominal)


to cough (Puede que tengas bronquitis si sigues tosiendo así.You might have bronchitis if you keep coughing like that.) (Intransitive Verb)


to cover oneself (Cúbrete que estás tiritando.Cover yourself. You are shivering.)to cover up (Cúbrete o pillarás un resfriado.Cover up, or you'll get a cold.) (To put something on), to put on one's hat (Pto cover one's head - Para evitar los golpes de calor, cúbrete cuando salgas.To avoid heat stroke, put on your hat when you go outside.), to cover oneself (to protect oneself - Solo está tratando de cubrirse contra cualquier acusación.He is just trying to cover himself against any accusation.) (Reflexive Verb), to cover (to fill - Por la mañana, el bosque se había cubierto de nieve.In the morning, the forest was covered in snow.), to become overcast (weather - De repente, el cielo se cubrió y empezó a llover.Suddenly, the sky became overcast and it started raining.) (Pronominal Verb)


to cut off/cross in front of (to get in the way - that car cut me off), to arise (occur - a problem), to get stuck (to stick - a thorn got stuck in my thumb), to rub the wrong way (to annoy - colloquial)


to dawn, get light, wake up at dawn


to declare oneself (to state an opinion - I declare myself in favor of the proposal) (Reflexive)


to defeat/to beat/to conquer (to vanquish), to overcome (I overcame my sleepiness today)/to conquer (conquer his fear of heights) (To control feelings or fear) (Transitive) to win (to triumph), to be victorious, to expire (to cease to be valid - my passport expired) (Intranstitive)


to defy, challenge, stand up to


to deny (refute), to refuse/deny (withhold something), to disown (reject) (Transitive)


to deny/to refute/to squelch (to refuse to agree), to contradict/to belie (to say the opposite)


to donate, give


to drag, pull, tow


to draw, attract


to draw, to sketch


to embarrass (to humiliate), to shame (to dishonor) (Transitive)

disfrutar de

to enjoy (take pleasure in), to have (to benefit from)


to fan/to blow (to blow air at), to winnow (agriculture), to throw out/to chuck out (to kick out - colloquial), to throw (to fling - Latin America - to throw a stone), to push/shove (to jostle) (Transitive)


to feel like (to want - Me apetecen unos tacos de cena.I feel like having some tacos for dinner.) (Transitive Verb), to feel like (to find appealing - Me apetece más quedarme en la cama que ir al trabajo.I feel like staying in bed more than going to work.) (Intransitive Verb)


to find, to discover, to locate


to fish


to fix (Tengo que arreglar mi computador para poder terminar el proyecto.I need to fix my computer in order to finish the project.)/to repair (Nos arreglaron el coche después del accidente.Our car was repaired after the accident.)/to mend (Arreglarán tu bicicleta en la tienda de bicis.They will mend your bicycle in the bike shop.) (To Restore), to arrange (to organize - Lo hemos arreglado todo para podernos ir una semana de vacaciones.We have arranged everything so we can go on vacation for a week.), to tidy (Arregla la cocina cuando termines de cocinar.Tidy the kitchen once you've finished cooking.)/to tidy up (Estoy enseñando a mis hijos a arreglar su cuarto.I am teaching my children to tidy up their room.) (To Clean), to settle/ (La madre arregló la discusión regañando a ambos niños.The mother settled the discussion by scolding both kids.)/to sort out (La madre arregló la discusión regañando a ambos niños.The mother settled the discussion by scolding both kids.) (To Solve), to arrange (to agree - Seguro que él puede arreglarte un buen precio.I'm sure he can arrange a good price for you.), to arrange (music - Vamos a arreglar esta melodía para varias voces.We will arrange this melody for multiple voices.) (Transitive Verb)


to fix (fasten/attach), to fix/set/establish/determine (to settle on something), to fix/focus (attention)


to forget (to not remember - Me olvidé que era nuestro aniversario. ¡Perdón!I forgot that it was our anniversary. Sorry!), to forget (to leave behind - Se olvidó la cartera y ahora no puede pagar el almuerzo.She forgot her purse and now she can't pay for lunch.), to forget (to give up hope - sarcastic - Olvídate de salir con tus amigos mañana. Con estas calificaciones, no saldrás hasta el verano.Forget about going out with your friends tomorrow. With these grades, you're not going out until the summer.) (Pronominal Verb)


to fry


to gargle (latin america)


to get (No te pongas impaciente conmigo cuando no has hecho nada para ayudar.Don't get impatient with me when you haven't done anything to help.)/to turn (Se pone blando cuando se cocina.It turns soft when cooked.) (To Become), to put on (to dress oneself in - Ponte la gabardina, está lloviendo.Put your raincoat on. It's raining.), to wear (to be dressed in - Ya nunca me pongo ese vestido porque se ha quedado muy anticuado.I don't wear that dress anymore because it's very old-fashioned.), to move (to place oneself - Ponte un poco más a la derecha.Move a little more to the right.), to set (go down - El sol se pone y entonces cae la noche.The sun sets and then night falls.) (Reflexive Verb)


to get bigger/to grow larger (to become larger) (Pronominal)


to get distracted/sidetracked, to pass the time/to enjoy oneself/to keep oneself amused (to while away the time) (Pronominal)


to get married (Se casaron por lo civil en el ayuntamiento.They got married in a civil ceremony at the town hall.)/to marry (La pareja se casó en secreto.The couple married secretly.) (To Wed) (Reciprocal Verb)

bajar en

to get off (Baja en la siguiente estación y ya estás en el centro.Get off at the next station, and you are downtown.)/to get out (Baja en cuanto me pare en el semáforo.Get out as soon as I stop at the lights.) (To Descend From A Vehicle) (Intransitive Verb)


to get someone drunk, to soak (culinary)


to get up early/to not be long before (something happens) (Intransitive), to be beaten to something (you beat me to the table) (colloquial) (to overtake) (latin america) (Transitive)


to give into temptation (colloquial), to die laughing/burst into laughter (colloquial)


to give someone a show (to bathe - Es hora de duchar a los niños.It's time to give the kids a shower.), to drench (to wet thoroughly - Ese idiota me duchó con su cerveza.That idiot drenched me with his beer.) (Transitive Verb)

ir en

to go by (Por lo general, voy en tren al trabajo.I usually go to work by train.)/to go in (Ayer dimos una vuelta por el campo. Fuimos en mi auto.Yesterday we went for a drive in the countryside. We went in my car.)/to go on (¿Sabes cómo llegar a Retiro? - Sí, tienes que ir en el colectivo 130.Do you know how to get to Retiro? - Yes, you have to go on the 130 bus.)

irse de

to go on (vacation)/to go for (to go for a drink)/to go out (to go out on the town), to leave (to depart from - he left town years ago

irse a

to go to (¿Dónde están María y Ana? - Se han ido a la playa.Where are Maria and Ana? - They've gone to the beach)/to leave for (¿Cuáles son sus planes? - El lunes nos vamos a Ámsterdam y el martes volaremos a Ciudad del Cabo.What are your plans? - We're leaving for Amsterdam on Monday and we'll fly to Cape Town on Tuesday.) (To Depart For), to be going to (Me voy a sentar en este banco porque estoy muy cansada.I'm going to sit on this bench because I'm very tired.) (Used to Express Intentionality)


to go to bed (to go to sleep - Suelo acostarme a las 10, pero hoy llegué a medianoche.I usually go to bed at 10, but today I got home at midnight.), to lie down (to recline - Se acostó en la arena y se puso la camisa en la cabeza.She lay down in the sand and put her shirt over her head.) (Reflexive Verb)


to go to somebody's head (to get conceited - Que no se te suban esos halagos a la cabeza.Don't let that flattery go to your head.), to go to somebody's head (to get drunk - La cerveza se me subió muy rápido.The beer went to my head pretty fast.) (Pronominal Verb)


to grade, to describe as


to handle (Descuida. Yo me encargo.Don't worry. I'll handle it.)/to take care of (Bob se encarga de limpiar las ventanas.Bob takes care of cleaning the windows.)/to see to (Encárgate de los huéspedes.See to the guests.) (To assume responsibility) (Pronominal Verb)

parar con

to hang out (colloquial - to spend time with - South America - Miguel dijo que iba a parar con Ronaldo este viernes.Miguel said he was going to hang out with Ronaldo this Friday.)


to happen (to take place - ¿Sabes qué ocurrió aquí?Do you know what happened here?) (Intransitive Verb)

entender en

to hear (legal - El juez Rodríguez entendió en el caso del infame asesino en serie.Judge Rodríguez heard the case of the infamous serial killer.) (Intransitive Verb)


to help/to assist/to attend/to aid/to give aid to


to hire/to take on/to sign up, to put out to contract (to employ services)


to hurt oneself (to injure oneself) (Reflexive)


to ignore, to be unaware of


to incorporate/to add/to include/to assign (we assigned her to the project)/to mix in (mix in the eggs to the flour)/to call up (military - they called up the soldiers for service) (To integrate), to sit up (la enfermera incorporó al paciente con cuidado - the nurse satu up the patient carefully) (Transitive)

proceder contra

to initiate proceedings against (to start legal action)


to initiate, begin, start


to invoke, to call on, to cite

entender de

to know about (No entiendo nada de vinos.I know nothing about wine.)/to understand about (Mi hermana entiende más de ingeniería que yo.My sister understands more about engineering than I do.) (To be very knowledgeable) (Intransitive Verb)

saber + infinitive

to know how to


to laugh (to make a happy sound - Nos lo pasamos muy bien y nos reímos como locos.We had a great time and we laughed like crazy.)/to laugh at (to make fun of - No se rían de él; es mi hermano.Don't laugh at him; he's my brother.) (Pronominal Verb)


to lay siege to/to besiege (Military), to irritate/to pester (to irritate) (Transitive)


to leaf through, to glance through

aprender acerca de

to learn about (Aprendí acerca del Cid en mi clase de historia medieval.I learned about El Cid in my medieval history class.)

aprender sobre

to learn about (Quisiera aprender más sobre las tradiciones andinas.I'd like to learn more about Andean traditions.)


to leave (to depart - Estaba tan enojada que se salió de la reunión.She was so angry that she left the meeting.), to come off (El tren se salió de la vía.The train came off of the rails.)/to come out (¡Cuidado! Ese camión se está saliendo de su carril.Careful! That truck is coming out of its lane.) (To Divert), to come off (to disconnect - segúrate de que la cuerda no se salga.Make sure the rope doesn't come off.), to run over (Esta piscinita no está hecha para aguantar a tanta gente; ¡mira como se le sale el agua!That little pool isn't meant to hold so many people; look at how the water is running over!)/to burst its banks (body of water - La tormenta hizo que el río se saliera.The storm caused the river to burst its banks.) (To Overflow), to leak (El agua se está saliendo de esa taza rota.The water is leaking from that broken cup.)/to leak out (Todo el aire caliente se está saliendo por la ventana.All the warm air is leaking out through the window.)/to come out (Si ves que se sale el humo, hay que arreglar el horno.If you see that smoke comes out, the oven needs to be fixed.) (To Get Out), to quit (to withdraw - ¿Por qué se salió Jorge de la empresa?Why did Jorge quit the company?), to escape (to gain liberty - El Chapo se salió de prisión otra vez.Shorty escaped from prison again.) (Pronominal Verb)

dejar a

to leave to

parecerse a

to look like (Es muy buen mozo. Se parece a un actor de telenovela.He's very handsome. He looks like a soap opera actor.)/to be like (Los alicates se parecen a unas tenazas, pero no son lo mismo.The pliers are like a pair of tongs, but they're not the same thing.) (To be similar to)


to murder, assassinate


to name

hacer falta

to need (Me hace falta un buen par de botas para este clima.I need a good pair of boots for this weather.)/to be necessary (Hace falta tomar un curso de economía para calificar para el programa.A course in economics is necessary to qualify for the program.) (To require), to miss (to long for - latin america - Me haces tanta falta. Vuelve, por favor.I miss you so much. Please come back.)


to need (to require - Necesito canela para la tarta.I need some cinnamon for the cake.) (Transitive Verb), to need (to be necessary - Necesitan salir ya si quieren alcanzar su vuelo.You need to leave now if you want to make your flight.) (Auxiliary Verb)


to notice (be aware), to feel, to mark/indicate (distinguish/draw attention to)


to open up (to share one's feelings - ¿por qué es tan difícil conseguir que se abra? - why is it so hard to get him to open up?), to be open (to be receptive - me abro a sugerencias - I'm open to suggestions), to crack (to break open - el hielo se abrió bajo nuestro peso - the ice cracked under our weight) (Pronominal)


to organize (to arrange and plan - Me urge ya organizar la recepción para la nueva directora ejecutiva.I really need to organize the reception for the new CEO./Voy a organizar una fiesta sorpresa para mi hermana.I'm going to organize a surprise party for my sister.), to organize (to structure - La biblioteca está muy bien organizada.The library is very well organized.), to cause (to create - Spain - Los manifestantes organizaron un tremendo lío afuera de la reunión del G6.The protesters caused a huge commotion outside the G6 summit.) (Transitive Verb)


to patrol (to guard), to pester (annoy - colloquial), to court (attract - old-fashioned), to be about (to be more or less) (Transitive), to prowl/wander (to hang around), to be on patrol (to guard), to serenade (to sing) (Intransitive)

prestar atención

to pay attention (Quiero que todos aquí presten atención a lo que voy a decir.I want everyone here to pay attention to what I'm about to say./Es importante prestar atención a lo que comemos y a las calorías que consumimos.It's important to pay attention to what we eat and to the calories we consume.)


to pet (an animal)/to caress (a person)/to stroke (hair, an animal), to cherish (to keep in the mind)


to pick up (to lift up - Tuve que recoger todas las canicas que se cayeron al suelo.I had to pick up all the marbles that fell to the floor.), to gather (to collect - Es importante recoger toda la información necesaria.It is important to gather all the necessary information.), to clean up (to organize - Tenemos que recoger la cocina antes de la fiesta.We have to clean up the kitchen before the party.), to pick up (to fetch - ¿Puedes venir a recogerme al aeropuerto el próximo domingo?Would you be able to pick me up at the airport next Sunday?), to put up (to put hair up - Ella recogió su cabello para la boda.She put her hair up for the wedding.), to pick (to harvest - ¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para recoger fresas?When is the best time to pick strawberries?), to include (El documental recoge el testimonio de personas que fueron testigo de aquel escalofriante suceso.The documentary includes the testimony of people who witnessed that horrifying incident)/to show (image - La fotografía recoge el instante en que el padre y el hijo se reencuentran.The photograph shows the instant when father and son meet again.) (To Contain) (Transitive Verb)


to practice (a profession), to exercise/to exert (to make happen by force - to exert influence or power), to exercise (to make use of - to exercise their right to vote) (Transitive Verb), to practice a profession (to practice a profession) (Intransitive Verb)


to practice (to train - Pasé tres horas practicando piano.I spent three hours practicing piano.), to play (Practicar tenis es un ejercicio estupendo para el cuerpo entero.Playing tennis is a great workout for the entire body.)/to do (¿Practicas algún deporte?Do you do any sports?) (Sports), to perform (medicine - Puede que sea preciso practicar un transplante para salvarlo.It may be necessary to perform a transplant to save him.), to practice (religious - Nació católico, pero ahora practica el budismo.He was born a Catholic, but now he practices Buddhism.) (Transitive Verb)


to put makeup on someone


to receive (to welcome), to take in (to provide refuge for - take in refugees, take in a stray cat), to receive/to take (To react to - the news was well received/she took the news well) (Transitive)


to recommend (No te recomiendo salir con tu jefe.I would not recommend that you go out with your boss.)/to advise (El médico me ha recomendado no comer tanto azúcar.The doctor has advised me not eat so much sugar.)/to recommend (to give a good reference - Mi primo nos recomendó esta película.My cousin recommended this film to us.) (Transitive Verb)


to run over/knock down, to trample on/ride roughshod over/violate (direspect)


to season (to add flavor to), to ripen (to turn ripe), to make sweet (caribbean) (Transitive Verb)


to see (to provide a service - the doctor sees to her patients) (Latin America)

ver de

to see about (to try - Veremos de arreglar el fregadero mañana.We'll see about fixing the sink tomorrow.) (Intransitive Verb)


to select; to pick out


to see (perceive with the eyes - ¿Quieres ver mi carro nuevo?Do you want to see my new car?), to watch (Se sentaron en el sofá a ver su programa de televisión favorito.They sat on the sofa to watch their favorite television program.)/to look at (Me gusta ir a ver los cuadros en el museo.I like to go look at paintings in the museum.)/to see (He leído el libro, pero no he visto la película. ¿Es buena?I've read the book but haven't seen the movie. Is it any good?) (To observe), to see (to notice - ¿Tú ves la diferencia entre esta camisa y la azul?Do you see the difference between this shirt and the blue one?), to see (Ve a ver quién está en la puerta.Go see who's at the door.)/check (Tengo que ver cuánto dinero tengo en el banco.I have to see how much money I have in the bank.) (To verify), to see (Este campo vio la muerte de muchos durante la guerra.This field saw the death of many during the war.)/witness (Esta ciudad ha visto tiempos buenos y malos.This city has witnessed good times and bad.)/live through (Mi abuelo ha visto cuatro guerras y sigue siendo optimista.My grandfather has lived through four wars, and he's still an optimist.) (To be witness to), to see (to recognize - No le veo nada de chistoso a esto.I don't see anything funny about this.), to see (¿Ves lo que te digo?Do you see what I'm saying?)/to understand (No veo por qué tengo que trabajar.I don't understand why I have to work.) (To comprehend), to see (No la veo viviendo en otro país.I can't see her living in another country.)/imagine (Todavía los puedo ver como si fuera ayer.I can still imagine you guys like it was yesterday.) (To picture), to see (Voy a ver al doctor esta tarde.I'm going to see the doctor this afternoon.)/to meet with (Tienes que ver al cliente mañana.You have to meet with the client tomorrow.) (To meet), to hear (Tu caso se verá en el tribunal el mes entrante.Your case will be heard in court next month.)/to try (El caso de la Mataviejitas será visto en el capital.The case of the Old Lady Killer will be tried in the capital.) (Legal), to look at (to study - El semestre que viene veremos el impacto de las empresas sobre el medioambiente.Next semester we will look at the impact of companies on the environment.) (Transitive Verb), to see (to perceive with the eyes - Amanecí esta mañana y no podía ver.I woke up this morning and I couldn't see.), to watch (to observe - Mamá, ¡ve! Puedo manejar el carro yo solito.Mom, watch! I can drive the car all by myself.), to see (to verify - ¿Tenemos papel sanitario? Déjame ver.Do we have toilet paper? Let me see.), to see (to consider - ¿Podemos ir a la playa mañana? - Veremos.Can we go to the beach tomorrow? - We'll see.), to see (to comprehend - ¿Ya ves? - No, no veo. Explícame de nuevo la situación.You see? - No, I don't see. Explain the situation to me again.) (Intransitive Verb)


to settle (sink in/firm up - paint), settle down, establish a home, to be situated (located)


to shake off (get rid of - Salir a bailar te ayudará a sacudirte todo ese estrés. Going out dancing will help you shake off all that stress.) (Reflexive Verb)


to shave

dormir juntos

to sleep together (to have sex - Creo que Marco y Ana durmieron juntos anoche.I think Marco and Ana slept together last night.) (Intransitive Verb)


to smoke (tobacco - Nos fumamos demasiados cigarrillos en la fiesta.We smoked too many cigarettes at the party.), to skip (to fail to attend - colloquial - spain - Ayer me fumé la clase de geografía otra vez.Yesterday, I skipped geography class again.), to put up with (to tolerate - colloquial - Tuve que fumármela por casi dos horas.I had to put up with her for almost two hours.), to blow (to squander - colloquial - spain - Nos fumamos todos nuestros ahorros en ese viaje.We blew all our savings on that trip.) (Pronominal Verb)


to sneeze (to involuntarily expel air - Odio la primavera. Me la paso estornudando.I hate spring. I keep sneezing all the time./Mi alergia al polvo me hace estornudar.My dust allergy makes me sneeze.)


to soak up/to absorb (to saturate), to gather in (sewing - I asked my grandmother to gather in the skirt) (Transitive), to shrink (to become smaller - the clothes will shrink if you don't wash them in cold water) (Intransitive)


to spill (to be spilled), to scatter (to spread out), to let your hair down (enjoy oneself - colloquial), to spread (to become widely known)


to stay (El barón se hospedará en el hotel Plaza.The Baron will stay at Plaza Hotel.)/to lodge (Nos hospedamos en un motel que ofrecía desayuno gratuito.We lodged in a motel that provided complimentary breakfast.) (To abide) (Pronominal)

dejar de

to stop (Deja de quejarte.Stop complaining.)/to quit (¿Ya dejaron de trabajar en ese proyecto?Did they quit working on that project yet?)/to give up (Dejé de fumar hace un año.I gave up smoking a year ago.) (To cease) (Intransitive Verb)


to stretch (to extend oneself - Zoe se estiró antes de ir a correr.Zoe stretched before going running.) (Reflexive Verb), to sheet up (to grow - í¡Caray! Cómo se estiró Verónica desde la última vez que la vi.Wow! Veronica has really shot up since the last time I saw her.) (Pronominal Verb)

despojar de

to strip (of)/to divest (of)/to rob (of)/to dispossess (of) (legal) (To take away)


to stumble

tropezar (con)

to stumble, to trip (on something)


to subdue/to put down/to subjugate/to dominate (sports) (To Control), to submit/yield (propose), to subject/to put through (to cause to undergo)


to surround, encircle


to suspect (to be suspicious) (Transitive) to suspect (to be suspicious) (Intransitive)


to suspect (to imagine to be true - colloquial - Ya me olía que algo estaba mal.I suspected that something was wrong.) (Pronominal Verb)


to suspend, hang, fail


to sweep, to whisk


to tilt/to lean (to slant), to bend/bow (angle), to persuade/to incline (to convince) (Transitive)


to tire (to cause fatigue), to annoy (to bother), to exhaust (to deplete the soil) (Transitive) to be tiring (Intransitive - trabajar en la construcción cansa - construction work is tiring)


to train, to practice


to turn in (El ensayo es para entregar la última semana de clases.The essay is to be turned in the last day of classes.)/to submit (Hemos de entregar el informe cuanto antes.We have to submit the report as soon as possible.)/give (Hoy me han entregado las llaves de la casa.I was given the keys to the house today.) (to hand over), to deliver (to transport - El mensajero entregó el paquete a tiempo.The courier delivered the package on time.), to transfer (to transfer - Lo obligaron a entregar el poder al nuevo ministro.He was forced to hand over power to the new minister.) (Transitive Verb)


to turn off (Apaga la luz antes de irte.Turn off the light before you go.)/to switch off (Hijo, apaga el radio por favor.Son, switch off the radio please.)/to put out (Acuérdate de apagar las luces antes de acostarte.Remember to put the lights out before you go to bed.) (To Disconnect), to put out (Ron apagó las velas del candelabro.Ron put out the candles on the candelabra.)/to blow out (Apaga las velas del pastel y pide un deseo.Blow out the candles on the cake and make a wish.)/extinguish (formal - Please extinguish your cigarette before entering the hospital.Por favor apaga tu cigarro antes de entrar al hospital.), (To Cause To Stop Burning) to quench (to satisfy - ICon este calor, ni diez litros de agua podrían apagar mi sed.With this heat, not even ten liters of water could quench my thirst.), to calm (Nada le podría apagar la ira que sentía.Nothing would be able to calm his anger.)/to soothe (Esta crema apagará el ardor del piquete.This cream will soothe the burning sensation from the bite.)(To Pacify), to muffle (La cantante puso unos tapones en los oídos para apagar el ruido de la banda de la fiesta.The singer put earplugs in her ears to muffle the noise of the band at the festival.)/to soften (Usé un filtro en el lente para apagar los colores.I used a filter on the lens to soften the colors.) (To Tone Down) (Transitive Verb)

convertir en

to turn something into something, to convert into/bring around (to an idea), to convert (measurements/math)


to undress (to remove the clothing from)


to whistle


to wink at each other/to wink at one another (As a signal or gesture)


To become lost, to become absorbed (lose track of time) (Colombia - colloquial)

dudar de

To doubt (No es que dude de tu palabra, pero necesito verlo con mis propios ojos. Podrías haberlo imaginado.It's not that I doubt your word, but I need to see it with my own eyes. You could have imagined it.)/to question (Yo no dudo del deseo de Antonio de ayudar, pero tienes que admitir que es un inútil.I'm not questioning Antonio's willingness to help, but you have to admit that he's useless.)/to have one's doubts about (El líder de la oposición dijo dudar de la eficacia de las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno.The opposition leader said he had his doubts about the effectiveness of the measures implemented by the government.)/to not trust (Dudé de ella desde el momento en que nos presentaron. Siempre la tuve por una hipócrita.I didn't trust her from the moment we were introduced. I always thought she wa a hypocrite.)


To engrave/inscribe, to sign up/register/enroll, to enter (a competition), to register (record), inscribe (math)

lanzarse + preposition

To fall upon (Los fanáticos se lanzaron sobre Messi cuando salió del estadio.The fans fell upon Messi when he exited the stadium.)/to leap on (Los niños se lanzaron sobre el castillo inflable en la feria.The kids leapt on the moon bounce at the fair.)/to pounce on (La gata se lanzó sobre el ratón con ganas.The cat pounced on the rat with gusto.) (To jump at/on) (Pronominal Verb)

conseguir que

To get (Al final conseguí que la policía me creyera. — I finally got the police to believe me./Si sigues comportándote así, vas a conseguir que nos echen del bar. — If you keep behaving like that, you're going to get us kicked out of the bar.), (Insistí e insistí hasta que conseguí que mi padre me dejara ir a la fiesta. — I kept insisting until I managed to persuade my father to let me go to the party./En este vídeo te explicamos cómo conseguir que tu piel no se reseque en invierno. — In this video we explain how to keep your skin from drying out in winter.)

meterse (a)

To get involved in (Tania se metió al activismo desde muy joven. Tania got involved in activism at a young age.)/to get into (Mi papá se metió al jogging después de haber tenido un problema de salud.My dad got into running after having a health scare.) (To Take Part In) to become (Yo no tenía planificado meterme a político. Cuando era joven, quería ser abogado.I hadn't planed on becoming a politician. When I was young, I wanted to be a lawyer.)/to get a job as (Me voy a meter a salvavidas este verano.I'm going to get a job as a lifeguard this summer.) (to Devote Oneself To)


To get wet/soaked/drenched, to pull down (adjust - e.g. hat), to put on


To hang on (Aguántate un segundo más, amor; casi llegamos a la casa.Hang on one more second, honey; we're almost home.)/to hold on (Ya no me puedo aguantar, papi. ¡Tengo que ir al baño ya!I can't hold on anymore, daddy. I need to go to the bathroom now!)/to withstand (No puedo aguantarme las ganas de estornudar.I can't withstand the urge to sneeze.)/to grin and bear it (colloquial - Tendrás que aguantarte un poquito más.You'll have to grin and bear it a bit longer.)/to suck it up (colloquial - No, no hay baño de aquí hasta el otro pueblo. ¡Aguántate!No, there aren't any bathrooms until the next town. Suck it up!)/to lump it (colloquial - ¿No les gusta cómo cocino? Pues, que se aguanten, chavos.You don't like my cooking. Well, you can lump it, guys.) (To resist), to keep quiet (No estuve para nada de acuerdo con la decisión, pero me aguanté.I didn't agree with the decision at all, but I kept quiet.)/to hold back (Jill ya no pudo aguantarse, así que al profesor le dijo muy claramente su opinión.Jill couldn't hold back anymore, so she very clearly gave the professor her opinion.) (To contain oneself)


To have it out with someone (to confront - Se las va a haber con su hermano si no paran de discutir.He's going to have it out with his brother if they don't stop arguing.) (Pronominal Verb)

juntarse a

To join (a group)


To make happy, cheer up


To pass (transmit - Los amigos se pasaron las respuestas durante el examen.The friends passed each other the answers during the test.) (Reciprocal Verb), to go over (to change sides - Se pasó al bando del oponente.He went over to the opponent's side.), to forget (Se me pasó comprar la comida del perro.I forgot to buy dog food.)/to slip one's mind (No llamé a Mamá. Se me pasó por completo.I haven't called Mom; it completely slipped my mind./¿Por qué no compraste pan? - Tenía prisa y se me pasó.Why didn't you buy some bread? - I was in a hurry and it slipped my mind.), to miss (fail to notice - No sé cómo se me pasó tu mensaje.I don't know how I missed your message.), to miss (to be too late for - Se me pasó la fecha límite para entregar la solicitud.I missed the deadline for sending in my application.), to go bad (Creo que este huevo se ha pasado.I think this egg's gone bad.)/go soft (cookies or fruit - Aunque las guardaba en una lata, las galletas se pasaron.Even though I kept them in a tin, the cookies went soft.)/go stale (bread/cake/cookies - Hay que comer el pastel antes de que se pase.We must eat the cake before it goes stale.), to fade (wilt - ¿Puedes cortar más flores? Estas se han pasado.Can you cut some more flowers? These ones have faded.), to be overcooked (culinary - Retira la pasta del fuego o se pasará.Take the pasta off the heat or it will be overcooked.), to spend (to occupy - Alejandro se pasa todo el tiempo en la cama mirando la televisión.Alejandro spends all his time in bed watching television.), to go too far (go to extremes - colloquial - ¡Deja de burlarte de Amalia! A veces te pasas.Stop teasing Amalia! You go too far sometimes.) (Pronominal Verb)


To put to bed (to put to sleep - Acosté a los niños y luego me acosté yo.I put the children to bed and then went to bed myself.), to lay down (to set down - Acuesta a la paciente y levántale las piernas.Lay the patient down and raise her legs.) (Transitive Verb)


To rise/climb (height), to rise/increase (prices, rates), to stand (be located - the castle stands on a hill), to rise (above a skyline - literary)


To score (sports - socce and basketball)


Tto touch (to feel - Se toca el pelo cuando se pone nerviosa.When she gets nervous, she touches her hair.) (Reflexive Verb), to touch (to have contract with - Solo nos tocamos para estrecharnos la mano.We don't touch each other unless it's to shake hands.) (Reciprocal Verb)

salvando (gerund)

aside (Salvando las diferencias, su estilo se parece al de Dalí.Differences aside, his style is similar to Dali's.)/except for (Salvando los que no comen carne, todos dijeron que era la mejor barbacoa que habían probado en la vida.Except for those who don't eat meat, everyone said it was the best barbecue they'd ever had.) (Apart From) (Gerund)

tener cuidado con

be careful with (Ten cuidado con esa caja. Hay un florero de cristal adentro.Be careful with that box. There's a crystal vase inside.)/to be careful of (Siempre hay que tener cuidado con la gente zalamera. Nunca sabes qué pueden estar diciendo a tus espaldas.You always have to be careful of flatterers. You never know what they might be saying behind your back.)/to be careful about (Eres un funcionario electo, y como tal, debes tener cuidado con lo que dices.You're an elected official, and as such, you should be careful about what you say.) (Transitive Verb Phrase)

apartarse de

get away from (to distance oneself - Apártate! Estoy apurada.Move out of the way! I'm in a hurry./Apártense de la estufa; está caliente.Get away from the stove; it's hot.) (Pronominal Verb)


jump into (to throw oneself - La clavadista se lanzó al agua.The diver jumped into the water.) (Pronominal Verb)

haber que

must (Hay que lavar todos los platos después de cenar.We must wash all the dishes after dinner.)/should (Hay que hacer reservaciones para el hotel.We should make reservations for the hotel.) (To Be Obligated To) (Impersonal Verb)

deber (+ inf.)

should (Los culpables de delitos viales deben ser sancionados.Traffic offenders should be punished.)/must (Debo ser responsable.I must be responsible.)/to have to (Ya sabes que debes ponerte la corbata para ir al colegio.You know you have to wear your tie to go to school.)/ought to (Es tu hermano, debes ayudarlo.He's your brother. You ought to help him.) (Used to express obligation), must (used to express probability - ¿Cuántos años tiene tu profesora de francés? - Debe tener unos cuarenta.How old is your French teacher? - She must be around forty.), should (No deberías fumar tanto. Vas a acabar con una tos crónica.You shouldn't smoke so much. You'll end up having a chronic cough.)/ought to (Deberías ser más amable con los vecinos.You ought to be more polite with our neighbors.) (Use to make a suggestion) (Auxiliary Verb)

atenerse a

to abide by/to follow/to obey (to comply with - abide by/follow/obey the rules), to bear in mind (bear in mind the consequences of your actions)/to stand by (stand by your dissertation/to abide by (he abided by the same argument he made last time) (To take into account), to confine oneself (please confine yourself to the scope of the project)/to stick to (stick to the script) (To limit oneself to)


to accept (to approve - El comité aceptó su tesis.The committee accepted his thesis.), to agree to (to consent to - Aceptaron pagar los daños hechos por su perro.They agreed to pay for the damage done by their dog.), to take (Aceptamos todas las tarjetas de crédito, pero no los cheques personales.We take all credit cards, but no personal checks.)/to accept (Mi esposo no se encuentra, pero yo puedo aceptar el paquete si quiere.My husband's not here, but I can accept the package if you want.) (To Receive), to accept (to admit - Te equivocaste, y yo sí tenía razón. - Ok, lo acepto.You were wrong, and I was right. - Ok, I admit it.). (Transitive Verb)


to achieve/to carry out/to keep/to obey/to observe/to fulfill (to accomplish), to be/to turn (to reach - e.g. age - to turn/be 30 next year), to serve (to complete - e.g. serve 10 years for murder) (Transitive), to do one's duty (to fulfill responsibility), to feel obliged (to be polite) (Intransitive)


to add (ingredients)


to add (math) (to count) (Intransitive), to add (to include - to add your voice to the call to acrion), to add up to (math - 4 and 6 add up to 10)

elevarse a

to add up to/amount to/reach/come to (an end result)


to agree (price or date - La empresa convino el sueldo con el trabajador antes de firmar el contrato.The company agreed the salary with the employee before the contract was signed.)/to agree on (Hemos convenido un precio mínimo.We've agreed on a minimum price.)/to be subject to agreement (Horario a convenir entre la empresa y el estudiante.Hours to be agreed between the company and the student./Vendo libro de segunda mano. Precio a convenir.Second-hand book for sale. Price negotiable.) (To arrange) (Transitive Verb), to be advisable (Conviene ponerse protector solar para salir a la calle.It's advisable to put on sunscreen before going out in the street.)/to be a good idea (No conviene que vayas sola por la calle de noche.It's not a good idea for you to walk down the street on your own at night.)/to be worth (Conviene considerar la posibilidad de hacer ventas en línea.It would be worth considering the possibility of selling online.)/(Creo que esto es lo que conviene hacer.I think this is what we should do./Conviene que no se pierda de vista lo que queremos conseguir.We should not lose sight of what we want to achieve.) (To be desirable), to suit (Elige un día que te convenga para venir aquí.Choose a day that suits you to come here.)/to be convenient (Puedes contactarme cuando te convenga.You can contact me whenever it's convenient for you.) (To be a good time), to do good (Te conviene guardar reposo unos días más.It would do you good to rest for a few more days.)/to do well (tTe convendría recordar quién soy yo.You would do well to remember who I am.)/to be in the interest of (No le conviene a la industria farmacéutica que alguien se entere de esto.It isn't in the pharmaceutical industry's interest for anyone to find out about this.)/to be good for (Esta vida no me conviene. Ya sé que me hace daño.This lifestyle isn't good for me. I know it's harming me.)/(A Enrique le podría convenir probar estos remedios naturales.Enrique might find it worth his while trying these natural remedies/Me convendría relajarme un poco.I could do with some relaxation.) (To be beneficial) (Intransitive Verb)

convenir en

to agree on (Convinimos en la necesidad de luchar contra el cambio climático.We agreed on the need to fight against climate change.)/to agree to (Los partidos convinieron en adelantar las elecciones unos meses.The parties agreed to delay the elections by a few months.)/to agree (Todos convinieron en que el turismo representaba la mejor oportunidad de generar empleos en la región.Everyone agreed that tourism offered the best chance of generating employment in the region.) (To be in agreement), to agree (to admit - Mi madre convino en que yo tenía razón.My mother agreed that I was right.) (Intransitive Verb)


to agree to (followed by verb - Las dos empresas acordaron reducir su consumo de energía.The two companies agreed to reduce their energy consumption.)/to agree on (followed by noun - Tendrán que acordar los pasos que tomarán para lograr dicha reducción.They will have to agree on the steps that they will take to achieve said reduction.) (To Reach An Agreement), to remind (to remind - Latin America - Le acordé a mi jefe que tiene una reunión a las cuatro.I reminded my boss that he has a meeting at four.), to award (to grant - Latin America - Esta noche durante la cena le acordarán el premio por mejor novela.Tonight during the dinner they will award him the prize for best novel.) (Transitive Verb)


to allow (Los perros no se permiten en el restaurante.Dogs are not allowed in the restaurant.)/to let (Mis padres no me permiten salir hasta tarde.My parents don't let me go out late.)/to permit (A los empleados despedidos no se les permite acceso al edificio.Fired employees are not permitted access to the building.) (To Authorize), used in questions or suggestions (¿Me permite pasar?Can I come in?/Si me permite, señora, creo que puedo arreglar la puerta.If I may, ma'am, I think I can fix the door.), to allow (to make possible - Esta maquinaria nos permite tener una producción mayor.This machinery allows us to increase our production.) (Transitive Verb)


to allow oneself (to grant - Me permito saltarme la dieta una vez por semana.I allow myself to skip my diet once a week.), to afford (to have enough money for - No puedo permitirme viajar más de una vez al año.I can't afford to travel more than once a year.) (Pronominal Verb)


to amaze, to astonish

atender por

to answer to (the dog only answers to "Ralph")


to answer, to reply


to answer/to reply/to give a reply (to give an answer), to respond/to respond to (to react to), to talk back (to talk impertinently), to vouch for/to take responsibility (To take responsibility for) (Intransitive) to answer/to respond to (formal) (To reply to), to answer/to reply to (To acknowledge - she didn't answer my call/he hasn't replied yet) (Transitive)

pedir perdón

to apologize (Mercedes pidió perdón y abandonó la sala.Mercedes apologized and left the room.)/(Si algo sale mal, pediré perdón.If something goes wrong, I'll say I'm sorry./Si te has equivocado en algo, no cuesta nada pedir perdón.If you're wrong about something, it's not so hard to say you're sorry.) (To offer apologies), to be sorry (to be sorry - Pido perdón por la demora.I'm sorry for the delay.), to ask forgiveness (to request forgiveness - El asesino jamás mostró remordimiento ni pidió perdón.The killer never showed remorse or asked for forgiveness.) (Intransitive Verb Phrase), to apologize to (Claudio pidió perdón a sus compañeros de trabajo por haber perdido los nervios.Claudio apologized to his colleagues for having lost his temper.)/(Antonio nos pidió perdón por haber llegado tan tarde.Antonio told us he was sorry for arriving so late./Ya te pedí perdón. ¿Qué más quieres?I told you I'm sorry. What else do you want?) (To offer apologies to), to be sorry (to feel sorry for - Les pido perdón, amigos. No volverá a ocurrir.I'm sorry, folks. It won't happen again.), to ask for forgiveness (to request forgiveness from - El terrorista pidió perdón a las familias de las víctimas en su lecho de muerte.The terrorist asked the victims of the families for forgiveness in his deathbed.)


to apply for, to request, to solicit


to appreciate/to rise (financial), to appreciate (to be noticeable - the use of this technique can be appreciated in this painting) (Pronominal Verb)


to appreciate/to value (To recognize merit), to be fond of (to feel affection - I am really fond of you), to detect/to notice (doctors have detected the gene responsible for alzheimer's/I noticed the smell of gas when I entered the room) (To identify)


to approach (to get close - Acércate al perro con cuidado porque podría ser rabioso.Approach the dog carefully, because it might be rabid.) (Reflexive Verb), to take an interest in (to become interested in - El libro me hizo acercarme a la política exterior.The book made me take an interest in foreign policy.), to go (to travel- Necesito acercarme al dentista pronto.I need to go to the dentist soon.) (Pronominal Verb)


to approach, to deal with, to raise an issue, to board

quedar en

to arrange (Alfredo y yo quedamos en dividirnos el trabajo.Alfredo and I arranged to split the work.)/to agree (Quedamos en vernos en la oficina para hablar sobre mi contrato.We agreed to meet at the office to talk about my contract.) (To Determine), to be (to be located - La iglesia queda en la esquina de las calles Ciruelos y Manzanos.The church is at the corner of Ciruelos and Manzanos streets.), to stay in (to remain in - No te preocupes mamá, yo me encargo de que todo quede en su lugar después de la fiesta.Don't worry, mom. I'll see that everything stays in place after the party.)


to arrange (Hemos dispuesto los libros por género y entonces autor.We've arranged the books by genre and then author.)/to set out (Les pedimos a los niños que dispusieran los cubiertos antes de la cena.We asked the children to set out the silverware before dinner.) (To place), to stipulate (La ley dispone que los dueños de carro deben pagar un impuesto anual.The law stipulates that car owners must pay an annual tax.)/to decree (La juez dispuso que el demandado le pagara mil dólares a su vecino.The judge decreed that the defendant pay his neighbor a thousand dollars.) (To determine), to get ready (to make ready - Pasamos el día disponiendo la casa para la llegada de los huéspedes.We spent the day getting the house ready for the guests' arrival.) (Transitive verb), to have (to have at one's disposal - El hotel dispone de cuatro salas de conferencias y un centro de negocios.The hotel has four conference rooms and a business center.), to make use of (to use - No puede disponer de los fondos hasta que termine la investigación.She cannot make use of the funds until the investigation finishes.) (Intransitive verb)

quedar con

to arrange to meet (He quedado con Juan varias veces, pero siempre llama en el último minuto para decir que no puede venir.I've arranged to meet Juan several times, but he always calls at the last minute to say he can't make it.)/to meet (Esta tarde no puedo ir al cine con ustedes porque he quedado con Eva para ir a tomar café.I can't go to the movies with you this evening because I'm meeting Eva for a coffee.) (To Plan To Meet)

llegar a

to arrive (¿Sabes si ya llegó Miguel?Do you know if Miguel has arrived yet?)/to get (Voy a llegar al restaurante un poco atrasado.I am going to get to the restaurant a little late.) (To Reach A Place), to reach (to extend - ¿Llegas al teléfono desde la cama?Can you reach the telephone from the bed?), to become (No llegarás a rico haciendo el vago.You won't become rich by slacking off.)/to go (Con esa persistencia llegarás lejos.You'll go far with that persistence.)/to make it (Mi sueño es llegar a los cien años.My dream is to make it to a hundred.)/to come to (Con la información provista, demuestra cómo llegaste a tu conclusión.With the information provided, please show how you came to your conclusion.) (To Get To), to reach (to total - El precio del barril de Brent llegó a los 100 dólares.The price of a barrel of Brent reached 100 dollars.), to come to (to get to a place - Obama llegó a la Casa Blanca a principios de 2009.Obama came to the White House at the beginning of 2009.), to come to (Esperemos que no llegue a eso.Let's hope it doesn't come to that.)/to reach (Un jumbo puede llegar a una velocidad de 614 millas por hora.A jumbo jet can reach speeds of 614 miles per hour.)/to be (Los arreglos a una bicicleta pueden llegar a más de mil dólares.Repairs to bicycles can be as much as a thousand dollars.) (To Amount To), conditional phrase (Si llego a saber que tendrían nuevos episodios, no hubiera cancelado mi membresía.Had I known that they were going to have new episodes, I never would have cancelled my membership./Si llegaras a ir al restaurante, tienes que probar la tarta de fresa.If you end up going to the restaurant, you must try the strawberry tart.) (Intransitive Verb)

preguntar por

to ask about (Le pregunté por su nuevo trabajo, y me dijo que le gusta mucho.I asked him about his new job, and he said he likes it a lot.)/to ask after (Si ves a Ana, no te olvides de preguntarle por su padre. Ha estado un poco pachucho últimamente. If you see Ana, don't forget to ask after her father. He's been a bit poorly lately.)/to inquire about (Una pareja vino a preguntar por el apartamento que está en alquiler.A couple came to inquire about the apartment that is for rent.) (To Request Information About), to ask for (to ask to see or talk to - Hay una señora al teléfono que pregunta por usted.There's a lady on the phone who's asking for you.)


to ask for (to request - Llamó para pedir más dinero.He called to ask for more money.), to beg (to ask for charity - Había muchos indigentes pidiendo dinero en el metro.There were lots of homeless people begging for money in the metro.), to order (Voy a pedir tacos de pescado.I'm going to order fish tacos.)/to ask for (the check - Pide la cuenta, por favor.Can you ask for the check, please?) (In A Restaurant), to order (Acabo de recibir el DVD que pedí.I have just received the DVD I ordered.)/to ask for (a price - Están pidiendo $300 por taquilla para el concierto.They're asking $300 per ticket for the concert.) (Commerce), to demand (to command - Me pidió una explicación de inmediato.He demanded an immediate explanation.), to need (Esta posición pide un mínimo de cinco años de experiencia.This position needs a minimum of five years of work experience.)/to cry out for (Este cachorro pide atención constantemente.This puppy is constantly crying out for attention.)/to call for (Esta carne jugosa pide un buen vino tinto.This juicy meat calls for a good red wine.) (To Require), to ask (to propose to - Se arrodilló y me pidió matrimonio.He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.), to ask for (legal - El acusado le pidió al juez una sentencia más corta.The defendant asked the judge for a shorter sentence.) (Transitive Verb), to order (in a restaurant - ¿Me da un minuto, por favor? Aún no sé lo que voy a pedir.Would you give me another minute, please? I still don't know what I'm going to order.), to pray (religious - Mi abuela siempre pedía por cada uno de sus nietos.My grandmother used to pray for each and every one of her grandchildren.) (Intransitive Verb)


to assemble/to put together/to put up (we need to put up the tent so we'll have a place to sleep)/to pitch (a tent)/to piece together (latin america), to arm/to supply with arms (To provide arms), to load (military - he armed the gun with the bullets he was able to find), to fit out (nautical - we fit out the ship with new sails), to cause (a conflict - colloquial), to stiffen (sewing - the designer decided to stiffen the jacket)


to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure, to secure


to attach to (Nunca te puedes apegar a nadie... a nadie ni a nada. You can't ever get attached to anyone—to anyone or anything..,), to stick to (Pero una vez que lo hizo, se tuvo que apegar a su historia. But once she did, she had to stick to her story./Yo tenía un plan también, y me voy a apegar a él. I had a plan, too, and I am going to stick with it.), to stick with (Me voy a apegar a ustedes, chicos. I'm going to stick with you guys.), to be bound (obligated to - Se va a apegar a ambos. He'll be bound by both.) (Intransitive Verb)


to attend (to be present - Ella asiste a un colegio de niñas.She attends an all-girl school.), to witness (to observe - Estamos asistiendo al comienzo de una nueva era.We are witnessing the beginning of a new era.) (Intransitive Verb), to attend to (to help - La enfermera me asistió porque era una urgencia.The nurse attended to me because it was an emergency.) (Transitive Verb)

asistir a

to attend (to be present - Mi hija asiste a una escuela católica.My daughter attends a Catholic school.), to witness (to observe - La nueva generación está asistiendo al final de una era de seguridad económica.The new generation is witnessing the end of an era of economic security.)


to authorize (El ministro de seguridad habilitó la detención de personas indocumentadas en la frontera.The minister of defense authorized the arrest of anyone not carrying papers at the border.)/to qualify (El curso me habilitó para enseñar a niños pequeños.The course qualified me to teach young children.)/to enable (Esta formación te habilitará para preparar alimentos.This training will enable you to prepare food.)/to allow (Este título te habilita para trabajar en el país, pero no en el extranjero.This qualification allows you to work in your country, but not abroad.)/to empower (La decisión del jurado habilita al juez a dictar sentencia.The jury's decision empowers the judge to pass sentence.) (To permit) (Transitive Verb), to fit out (Estamos pensando en habilitar el comedor como estudio para los niños.We're thinking of fitting out the dining room as a study for the kids.)/to equip (Todas las habitaciones están habilitadas con Wi-Fi.All rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi.) (To Prepare), to finance (to provide funding for - El organismo está buscando bancos que habiliten créditos para emprendedores.The organization is looking for banks to finance loans for entrepreneurs.), to set up (Álvarez habilitó al goleador para su segundo gol en el partido la tarde de ayer.Alvarez set the striker up for his second goal in yesterday afternoon's game./No hubo offside: Pérez habilitaba a Carrasco.It wasn't offside: Perez was standing between Carrasco and the goalkeeper./¿Fue gol? No me pareció que Collins estuviera habilitado.Was it a goal? I didn't think Collins was offside.) (Sports), to give the necessary permits for (to license - River Plate - No nos están habilitando el local porque nos faltan unos papeles.We aren't being given the necessary permits for the shop because we haven't got all our documents.), to open (to allow passage through - River Plate - ¿A qué hora habilitan la puerta para abordar el vuelo?What time is the boarding gate opened?) (Transitive Verb)


to avoid (Gira aquí a la izquierda si quieres evitar el tráfico.Turn left here if you want to avoid the traffic.), to prevent (Lávate las manos con frecuencia para evitar resfriarte.Wash your hands frequently to prevent colds.)/to avoid (El accidente se habría evitado si las luces hubieran estado encendidas.The accident would have been avoided if the lights had been on.) (To Avert), to save from (Gracias por traerme estos documentos. Me evita tener que regresar a la oficina a buscarlos.Thanks for bringing these documents. It saves me from having to go back the office to get them.)/to save (Te quería evitar la molestia de tener que venir hasta acá, pero no alcancé contactarte antes de que salieras.I wanted to save you the trouble of coming all the way out here, but I didn't catch you before you left.) (To Keep From) (Transitive Verb)


to bake, to roast


to bargain, haggle over


to bark (to emit barks - El perro le ladró al ladrón.The dog barked at the thief.), howl (figurative - to shout - El jefe le ladró al empleado.The boss barked at the employee.) (Intransitive Verb)


to bathe (someone)


to be (to be situated - La playa se encuentra al otro lado de la calle.The beach is on the opposite side of the street.), to feel (to sense - No me encuentro muy animado.I don't feel too lively.), to meet (to get together - Nos encontraremos en el bar para una copa.We'll meet at the bar for a drink.), to find oneself (to experience a state or situation - Me encuentro en un dilema.I find myself in a dilemma.), to run into (¿Has visto a tu ex recientemente? - Sí. Nos encontramos en el metro hace unas semanas.Have you seen your ex recently? - Yes. We ran into each other on the metro a couple of weeks ago.)/to run across (Ayer me encontré con Francisca. No sabía que estaba embarazada.I ran across Francisca yesterday. I didn't know she was pregnant.)/to bump into (La semana pasada me encontré con tu hermano. Se ve más sano.I bumped into your brother last week. He looks healthier.) (to meet unexpectedly) (Pronominal Verb)


to be (used to talk about characteristics - Es alto y rubio.He's tall and blond./Mi abuela es profesora.My grandma is a teacher.) (Copular Verb), to be (used to indicate origin - Soy de Nueva York.I'm from New York.), to be (to serve as - El lápiz es para escribir, no para lanzar.Pencils are for writing, not for throwing.), to be (used to talk about prices - ¿Cuánto quiere por este cuadro? - Son diez dólares.How much do you want for this picture? - It's ten dollars.), to be made of (to be composed of - El casillero antiguo de mi abuela es de roble.My grandma's antique dresser is made of oak.), to be (used to indicate possession - Este reloj es de mi madre.This watch is my mother's.), to be (to take place - a fiesta será en mi casa.The party will be at my place.) (Intransitive Verb), to be (used to express time - Son las siete de la mañana.It is seven in the morning./Era de noche cuando llegaron.It was night when they arrived.) (Impersonal Verb), to be (with the passive voice - El edificio fue diseñado por un equipo de arquitectos.The building was built by a team of architects.) (Auxiliary Verb)


to be able to (Lograron conseguir el carro a un precio mucho más bajo.They were able to get the car for a much lower price.)/to get (Logré sacar un día de playa durante mi viaje de trabajo.I got to sneak in a beach day on my work trip.)/to manage to (¿Lograste cambiar la cita del doctor para el martes?Did you manage to change the doctor's appointment to Tuesday?) (To make happen), to attain (Logró primer lugar en la carrera de 100 metros.She attained first place in the 100 meter race.)/to achieve (Tienes que trabajar fuerte para lograr tus sueños.You have to work hard to achieve your dreams.) (To obtain), to reach (to achieve - No todos logran sus objetivos en la vida.Not everyone reaches their goals in life.), to win (to be successful in - Lograron una victoria sin precedentes en el campeonato.They won an unprecedented victory at the championship.) (Transitive Verb)


to be achieved (to be done - Estos cambios solo pueden lograrse si la gente acepta la gravedad de la crisis climática que nos enfrenta.These changes can only be achieved if people accept the seriousness of the climate crisis we face.) (Pronominal)

temer que

to be afraid that (to suspect)


to be amazed, to be astonished

andar por

to be around (to be about - iEl costo medio de un sitio web anda por los $2000.The average cost of a website is around $2000.) (Intransitive Verb)


to be ashamed (to feel remorse - I'm ashamed to have to tell you this...), to be embarrassed (to feel shame - I'm embarrassed by how badly I did) (Pronominal Verb)


to be bored (Me aburrí cantidad con esa película infantil.I was really bored with that children's movie.)/to get bored (Me aburro muchísimo en la clase de historia.I get really bored in history class.) (Pronominal Verb)


to be born (Su bebé nacerá muy pronto.Her baby will be born very soon.)/to hatch (from an egg - ¿Cuántos pollitos han nacido?How many chicks have hatched?) (To Come Into The World), to sprout (A mi orquídea le ha nacido una hoja nueva.My orchid has sprouted a new leaf.)/to grow (No se preocupe, le volverá a nacer el pelo.Don't worry, your hair will grow back.) (To Develop), to rise (El Nilo nace en África central.The Nile rises in central Africa.)/to have its source (El río nace en esa montaña.The river has its source in that mountain.)/to start (El camino nace en la aldea.The path starts in the village.) (To Originate), to grow (to arise - De ese encuentro, nació una bonita amistad.From that meeting, a beautiful friendship grew.), to rise (astronomy - ¿Por dónde nace el sol?Where does the sun rise?) (Intransitive Verb)


to be closed (to refuse to change - No me cierro a nuevas oportunidades.I'm not closed to new opportunities.), to become overcast (weather - El cielo se está cerrando. Espero que no llueva.The sky is becoming overcast. I hope it doesn't rain.), to fall (get dark - El sol se pone y se cierra la noche.The sun sets and night falls.), zip up (Ciérrate la chaqueta que hace frío.Zip up your jacket; it's cold.)/button up (Debes cerrarte bien la chamarra antes de salir.You should button your jacket up well before going out.) (Clothing), to heal (La herida no se cierra sola y por eso hay que suturarla.The wound isn't healing on its own so we'll need to stitch it up.)/close up (La herida se cerrará poco a poco.The wound will gradually close up.) (To Get Better) (Pronominal Verb)

morirse por

to be dying to (Me muero por hablar contigo.I'm dying to talk to you.)/to be dying for (Seguro que te mueres por una cerveza bien fría después de tanto trabajar en el huerto.I bet you're dying for a really cold beer after all that work in the kitchen garden.) (To Have A Strong Desire), to be crazy about (Me muero por mi sobrinito. ¡Es tan gracioso!I'm crazy about my little nephew. He's so funny!)/to be mad about (Me muero por el arte.I'm mad about art.) (To Have A Strong Liking) (Pronominal Verb)

clavarse con

to be fixated on/to be into (colloquial) (Colloquial - to become obsessed with) (Mexico), to fall for (colloquial - to fall in love with) (Mexico/Central America), to screw (vulgar - to have sex with) (Latin America) (Pronominal)

estar para

to be for (Cualquier cosa que necesites saber, pregúntanos, que para eso están los compañeros.Anything you need to know, ask us. That's what colleagues are for.)/to be there for (¿Por qué no te has secado las manos? La toalla está para eso, ¿sabes?Why didn't you dry your hands? That's what the towel is there for, you know?)/to be here for (Antes de entrar, límpiense los pies en el felpudo, que para eso está.Before coming in, wipe your feet on the door mat, because that's what it's here for.)/to be to (¿Por qué no te pides una baja maternal? Digo yo que los derechos están para ejercerlos.Why don't you take maternity leave? I'd say rights are to be exercised.), to be in the mood for (No estoy para tus estupideces a estas horas.I am not in the mood for your nonsense at this time of night./Hoy tengo dolor de cabeza y no estoy para tonterías, así que ve directo al grano.Today I have a headache and am not in the mood for nonsense, so get to the point.), to be about to (Estaba para llamarle cuando me llamó él a mí.I was about to call him when he called me.)/to be on the point of (Estábamos para irnos a acostar cuando llegaron ellos.We were on the point of going to bed when they arrived.) (To be on the verge of)

verse obligado/a

to be forced (Ana no tenía suficiente dinero para pagar el alquiler y se vio obligada a vender sus joyas.Ana didn't have enough money to pay the rent and was forced to sell her jewelry.)/to feel obliged (Me enviaron una invitación para su boda, y me vi obligada a ir.They sent me an invitation to their wedding, and I felt obliged to go.)/to be obliged (Como no quedaban habitaciones en ningún hotel, me vi obligada a invitarles a mi casa.As there were no rooms left in any hotel, I was obliged to put them up.)


to be impressed/moved/shocked (impacted by)


to be left (¿Quedan asientos para nosotros?Are there any seats left for us?)/to remain (Solo queda la fachada de la casa.Just the front of the house remains.)/to be left over (Quedó bastante pollo para alimentar a los perros.There was enough chicken left over to feed to the dogs.), to have left (No nos quedan huevos. Hay que comprar más.We don't have any eggs left. We need to buy more.)/to have (No nos queda tiempo para ir al museo.We don't have time to go to the museum.) (To Be Available) (Intransitive Verb), to be (to be located - El restaurante queda a tres calles de aquí.The restaurant is three streets away from here.), to meet (¿Dónde quedamos?Where shall we meet?)/to agree to meet (Quedamos en la puerta principal.We agreed to meet at the front door.)/to arrange to meet (He quedado con mi abogado a las 10 am porque quiero pedirle consejo sobre el tema.I've arranged to meet my lawyer at 10 am because I want to ask him for advice on the matter.), to fit (size - La talla M aún me queda.A medium still fits me.)/to suit (¿Cómo le queda el nuevo corte de pelo?Does her new hairstyle suit her?) (To Look), to stay (to wait - No me pidas que quede si no vas a volver.Don't ask me to stay if you are not coming back.), to be (to end up - Quedamos muy tristes con la noticia de tu padre.We were really sad to hear about your dad.), to finish (sports or competition - Quedamos terceros. Por lo menos nos llevamos una medalla.We finished third. At least we got a medal.), to look (to appear - Si no queremos quedar como idiotas, es mejor que lo pensemos bien.If we don't want to look stupid, we'd better think about it carefully.) (Intransitive Verb)

estar por

to be near (used to indicate location - Esa calle está por la estación, ¿no?That street is near the station, isn't it?), to be over (used to indicate direction - Esa calle está por la estación, ¿no?That street is near the station, isn't it?), to support (Yo estoy por que cenemos antes de ir al cine.I'm for having dinner before going to the movies.) to be to be in favor of (Los estudiantes están por un aumento en ayuda financiera de parte de la universidad.The students are in favor of the university providing more financial aid./Yo siempre estoy por el cambio. "Transformarse o morir" es mi lema.I'm always in favor of change. "Change or die" is my motto.), to be thinking of (Están tardando mucho. Estoy por llamarlos.They're very late. I was thinking of calling them.)/to be on the the verge of (Es un maleducado. He estado por colgarle el teléfono.He's so rude. I was on the verge of hanging up on him.) (To be considering), to remain to be (Está por ver si cumplen o no sus promesas electorales.It remains to be seen whether they'll keep or not their electoral promises.)/to have yet to be (Cuando eres joven, te parece que todo está por por inventar.When you're young, it seems to you everything has yet to be invented.), to be attentive towards (Ramón estuvo toda la tarde muy por su esposa. Yo creo que está enamoradísimo de ella.Ramon was the whole afternoon very attentive to his wife. I think he's really in love with her.), (To be considerate towards), to be crazy about (to be in love with - Juan está por Carmen. ¿Viste cómo la mira?Juan is crazy about Carmen. Did you notice the way he looks at her?), to be about to (used to indicate imminence - Latin America - Todo parece indicar que la guerra está por estallar en el país.Everything seems to point to the fact that war is about to break out in the country.)


to be noticeable/to be able to tell (obvious) (Impersonal), to feel (perceive) (Reflexive)


to be quiet (¿Puedes callarte un rato? Necesito descansar.Can you be quiet for a while? I need some rest.)/to shut up (¡Cállate de una vez! ¡Me estás dando dolor de cabeza!Shut up once and for all! You're giving me a headache!) (To stop talking or making noise), to keep quiet (to say nothing - Prefiero callarme antes de decir algo de lo que me podría arrepentir.I'd rather keep quiet than say something I'm going to regret.) (Pronominal Verb)

reflejarse en

to be reflected/written in


to be rented out/to be for rent (Latin America)


to be ruined (El concierto se fregó cuando apareció la policía.The concert was ruined when the police showed up.)/to be messed up (Se fregaron mis vacaciones; tengo que trabajar esa semana.That's my holidays messed up; I have to work that week.) (To spoil - Latin America), to deal with (to put up with - colloquial - Latin America - Me vale que no te gustan las verduras; te friegas y te las comes.I couldn't care less that you don't like vegetables; you'll just have to deal with it and eat them.), to do in (to damage - Latin America - Me fregué las rodillas esquiando.I did my knees in skiing.) (Pronominal Verb)


to be unaware of, to disown, to disregard


to be welcome


to be worn (En verano se vuelven a usar los vestidos y las faldas.In summer, dresses and skirts are worn again.)/to be in fashion (Se usaban los overoles en los ochenta y los noventa.Overalls were in fashion in the eighties and nineties.) (To be in fashion) (Reflexive Verb)


to be worth (to have a value of - Esta primera edición vale una fortuna.This first edition is worth a fortune.), to cost (to have a price of - El coche que quiero vale $40,000.The car I want costs $40,000.), to be equal to (mathematics - En esta ecuación, la variable X vale 2.5.In this equation, the variable X is equal to 2.5.), to win (to secure - Ese argumento les valió el triunfo en el debate.That argument won them the debate.) (Transitive Verb), to be valuable (to have value - Esa foto de mi abuela vale mucho para mí.That picture of my grandma is very valuable to me.), to be useful (Las correcciones que hizo en mi ensayo me han valido de mucho.I found the edits she made to my essay very useful.)/to be valid (Tu licencia de conducir se ha caducado y ya no vale.Your driver's license has expired and is no longer valid.), to be allowed (to be permitted - No vale usar los libros de textos durante los exámenes.Using textbooks during exams is not allowed.), to be no good (colloquial - to be ruined - Mexico - Mi celular ya valió después de haberse mojado.My cell phone is no good since it got wet.), to not care less (colloquial - to be irrelevant - Mexico - Me vale lo que piensa la gente.I couldn't care less what people think.) (Intransitive Verb)


to bear (Ese columpio no aguantará tu peso, John.That swing won't bear your weight, John.)/to take (No creo que la mesa aguante tanto peso.I don't think the table can take that much weight.)/to support (El estante no puede aguantar el peso de tantos libros.The shelf can't support the weight of so many books.)/to hold (Si esa sillita te aguanta, te doy cinco dólares.If that little chair holds you, I'll give you five bucks.)/to hold up (Los soportes son tan viejos que ya no aguantan el techo.The supports are so old that they can't hold up the roof anymore.) (To withstand), to put up with (¿Cómo puedes aguantar ese ruido?How can you put up with that noise?)/to endure (El pueblo aguantó la crueldad del dictador durante muchos años.The people endured the dictator's cruelty for many years.)/to stand (No lo aguanto; es bien molesto.I can't stand him; he's really annoying.)/to bear (¡Ya no aguanto la espera! Dime qué le pasó a Jeoffrey.I can't bear the wait anymore! Tell me what happened to Jeoffrey.) (To tolerate), to hold (breath - Tienes que poder aguantar la respiración para nadar bien.You have to be able to hold your breath to swim well.)/to hold back (Shelly aguantó las ganas que tenía de decirle a su esposo lo que realmente pensaba.Shelly held back the desire she felt to tell her husband what she was really thinking.) (To stifle), to last (endure - No creo que esos zapatos te vayan a aguantar todo el año.I don't think those shoes are going to last you all year.), to hold (carry - ¿Me aguantas la mochila un segundo?Can you hold my backpack for a second?), to wait for (to wait - Latin America - Aguántame un ratito, ¿puedes?Wait for me a minute, ok?) (Transitive Verb), to hang on (Sé que puedes aguantar hasta que llegue el doctor.I know you can hang on until the doctor arrives.)/hold on (¡Aguanta! Casi llegamos al hospital.Hold on! We're almost at the hospital.) (To withstand), to last (to endure - Guau, estas botas de goma sí que aguantan.Wow, these rubber boots really last.), to hold on (¡Aguanta, mamá! Casi estoy lista.Hold on, mom! I'm almost ready.)/to hang on (Aguanta, amigo. Tengo que contestar este correo.Hang on, dude. I need to answer this email.) (To wait) (Intransitive Verb)


to beat, whisk, whip


to become (Andrés se volvió un poco difícil durante la adolescencia.Andres became a little difficult in adolescence.)/to get (Te has vuelto flaquito desde que comenzaste la dieta.You've gotten skinny since you started the diet.) (To grow to be) (Reflexive Verb), to return (Se volvió a España porque no encontró trabajo acá.He returned to Spain because he couldn't find a job here.)/to come back (Vuélvanse antes de que los agarre la tormenta.Come back before you get caught in the storm.)/to go back (Me tuve que volver temprano para sacar al perro.I had to go back early to take the dog out (To be back), to turn around (to turn to face the opposite direction - Me volví para enfrentar a los que me estaban insultando.I turned around to face those who were insulting me.) (Pronominal Verb)

llegar a ser

to become (Nadie podía imaginar que una modesta maestra de escuela rural llegaría a ser la presidenta de la nación.No one could ever imagine that a modest rural schoolteacher would become the nation's president.)/to get to be (No llegarás a ser un buen pintor si no practicas mucho.You'll never get to be a good painter if you don't practice a lot.)/to come to be (Galván llegó a ser uno de los mejores actores de su generación.Galvan came to be one of the best actors of his generation.)/to make it to (No sé cómo un músico tan mediocre llegó a ser primer violín.I don't know how such a poor musician made it to first violin.) (Transitive)


to become attached to (La niña se apegó tanto al cachorro que los padres decidieron quedárselo.The girl became so attached to the puppy that the parents decided to keep it.), to grow fond of (Si te apegas mucho a una persona te puedes volver dependiente de ella.If you grow very fond of someone you might become dependent on them.) (Pronominal Verb)


to become more refined/to improve (to better oneself - improve as a writer), to go through/to get through/to blow (Colloquial) (To spend - go through/get through/blow $100k), to polish off (Colloquial - to consume - we polished off a bottle of vodka)


to behave (to act - Últimamente se conduce de manera extraña.He has been behaving strangely lately.) (Reflexive Verb)


to believe (to have faith - Creo en un ser superior.I believe in a supreme being.) (Intransitive Verb), to think (to suppose - Creo que podría estar enfermo.I think he might be sick.) (Transitive Verb)


to blow (to clear mucus from - ¿Tienes un pañuelo? Tengo que sonarme la nariz.Do you have a tissue? I need to blow my nose.) (Reflexive Verb)


to blow (to expel air - Fabiola vigilaba a los niños mientras estos jugaban y soplaban burbujas de jabón en el área de juegos.Fabiola kept an eye on the children as they were playing and blowing soap bubbles in the playground./El lobo soplaba con todas sus fuerzas, pero la casa ni se movía.The wolf blew with all his strength, but the house wouldn't move.), to blow (to create a current - El viento soplaba tan fuerte que era casi imposible caminar.The wind was blowing so hard that it was nearly impossible to walk.), to whisper (colloquial - to share answers on an exam - El profesor pilló a dos alumnos soplando durante el examen.The teacher caught two students whispering during the exam.) (Intransitive Verb) to blow away (Abre la ventana y deja que el aire sople el humo de la cocina.Open the window, and let the air blow away the smoke from the kitchen.)/to blow off (Tuvo que soplar el polvo de la cubierta del libro para leer el título.She had to blow the dust off the book cover to read its title.)/to blow (glass - Sopló el vidrio fundido para convertirlo en un bonito jarrón.He blew the molten glass into a beautiful vase.) (To cause to move), to blow out (to put out - Ahora tienes que soplar las velas.Now you have to blow out the candles.), go whisper (colloquial - to share answers on an exam - Me sopló todas las respuestas.He whispered all the answers to me.), to sting (colloquial - to charge - ¡Me soplaron $20 por una porción de pizza y una bebida!They stung me $20 for a slice of pizza and a drink!), squeal (slang - to inform on - Alguien tuvo que soplarle los nombres a la policía.Somebody must have squealed the names to the cops.), pinch (colloquial - to steal - Un carterista le sopló la cartera en el autobús.A pickpocket pinched his wallet on the bus.) (Transitive Verb)


to blow away (Dejé las entradas en la mesa y se me han volado con una ráfaga de viento.I left the tickets on the table and they blew away in a gust of wind.)/to fly away (Está triste porque se le voló el globo cuando mamá abrió la ventana.She's sad because her balloon flew away when mom opened the window.)/to fly off (Los papeles se volaron del escritorio cuando abrió la ventana.The papers flew off the desk when she opened the window.) (To go flying), to elope (to escape - Su novio se voló con su mejor amiga.Her fiancé eloped with her best friend.), to play hooky (colloquial - to not attend - Ana se voló las clases para ir con su novio al cine.Ana played hooky from high school to go to the movies with her boyfriend.), to evaporate (to turn to vapor - Mexico - Puedes añadir vino a tus salsas porque el alcohol se vuela al cocinarse.You can add wine to your sauces since the alcohol evaporates during cooking.), to lose one's temper (to get mad - Latin America - Mi hermano se voló cuando averiguó que su mujer lo engañaba.My brother lost his temper when he found out his wife was cheating on him.) (Pronominal Verb)


to bother (¡Mami, Roberto me está molestando! ¡No me deja en paz!Mommy, Roberto is bothering me! He won't leave me alone!)/to annoy (Me está molestando muchísimo ese ruido.That noise is annoying me no end.), to upset (to offend - Perdona si te han molestado mis comentarios.I am sorry if my comments have upset you.), to disturb (to interrupt - Disculpe que le moleste, pero ¿ya terminó?Sorry to disturb you, but have you finished yet?) (Transitive Verb), to hurt (to cause pain - A mi abuela le molestan los pies al andar.My grandmother's feet hurt when she walks.), to disturb (to pester - Puse el cartel en la puerta para que no molesten por la mañana.I put the sign on the door so that they don't disturb us in the morning.), to be a nuisance (to be an annoyance - No me gustan los niños. Siempre están molestando y haciendo un reguero.I don't like children. They're always being a nuisance and making a mess.) (Intransitive Verb)


to break (to injure - En su primer partido, el futbolista se rompió la pierna.In his first game, the soccer player broke his leg.) (Reflexive Verb), to break (to smash - El vaso se rompió en pedazos.The glass broke into pieces.), to break (to stop funcitoning - Creo que la radio se rompió porque solo oigo interferencias.I think the radio is broken because all I hear is this buzzing.) (Pronominal Verb)


to break (to smash - Ruego a la Virgen de Guadalupe que escuche mi oración.I pray to the Virgen of Guadalupe that she hears my prayer.), to wear out (to destroy through use - Ella ha roto la pila de su teléfono por usarlo día y noche.She has worn out the battery on her phone by using it day and night.) (Transitive Verb), to break (to dissolve - Las olas rompieron contra el casco de nuestro barco.The waves broke against the hull of our ship.), to break out (to start - Cuando el hombre cayó muerto, la multitud rompió a gritar.When the man dropped dead, the crowd started screaming.), to break up (to put an end to a relationship - Cuando el hombre cayó muerto, la multitud rompió a gritar.When the man dropped dead, the crowd started screaming.) (Intransitive Verb)


to bring (to transport - Tráeme las llaves, por favor.Bring me the keys, please.), to carry (¿Qué traes en esta maleta tan pesada?What are you carrying in that heavy suitcase?)/to have on (No traigo dinero. ¿Me prestas?I don't have any money on me. Can you lend me some?) (To have with one), to wear (to be dressed in - La novia trae un vestido blanco largo con encaje delicado.The bride is wearing a long, white dress with delicate lace.), to have (to include - Este periódico no trae crucigrama.This newspaper doesn't have a crossword.), to bring (La recesión trajo un alto nivel de desempleo.The recession brought a high level of unemployment.)/to cause (La inundación de las calles trajo muchos problemas de congestión.The flooding of the streets caused serious traffic problems.) (To provoke), to bring (to attract - ¿No sabes que hacer eso trae mala suerte?Don't you know that doing that brings bad luck?), to be wrong with (to have a problem with - colloquial - Mexico - Oye, ¿qué traes? - No traigo nada; solo estoy muy cansado.Hey, what's wrong with you? - Nothing's wrong with me; I'm just really tired.) (Transitive Verb)


to build (to construct - tLa iglesia se construyó en 1950.The church was built in 1950.), to construct (to form - Para construir una oración completa, tienes que identificar el sujeto y el verbo.To construct a full sentence, you must identify the subject and the verb.) (Transitive Verb)


to burn (Quemaron madera seca en la chimenea para calentar el local.They burned dry wood in the fireplace to heat the place up.)/to set fire to (Fogatas desatendidas pueden quemar los bosques circundantes.Unattended forest fires can set fire to the surrounding woods.)/to scaled (Me quemé los pies con agua hirviendo del jacuzzi.I scalded my feet in the boiling water of the jacuzzi.)/to blow (electricity - La tormenta quemó el fusible.The storm blew the fuse.) (to scorch), to burn (to work off - He debido de quemar 100 calorías corriendo.I must have burned 100 calories running.), to burn (computing - Estoy quemando un CD con música para nuestro viaje largo en carro.I'm burning a CD with music for our long car ride.) (Transitive Verb), to be boiling hot (to scorch - Acabo de sacar la tetera de la estufa y quema.I just took the teapot off the stove top and it's boiling hot.) (Intransitive Verb)


to burn oneself (Me quemé con el queso caliente.I burned myself on the melted cheese.)/to get burned (Me quemé mientras me bronceaba en el techo.I got burned while tanning on the roof) (To get hurt), to burn out (to tire of - Después de cinco horas tomando el examen, me empecé a quemar.After five hours taking the test, I started to burn out.) (Reflexive Verb), to get burned (Todos los libros de la biblioteca se quemaron en el incendio.All the library books got burned in the fire.)/to burn down (La iglesia se quemó en 1957, y en su lugar se construyó un aparcamiento.The church burned down in 1957, and a car park was built in its place.) (To be reduced to ashes) (Pronominal Verb), to bet burned (La mesa se quemó porque alguien le puso una sartén caliente encima.The table got burned because someone put a hot frying pan on it.) (To be damaged by fire), to burn (culinary - Olvidé que tenía el pollo en el horno y se quemó.I forgot I had the chicken in the oven and it burned.), to go down in flames (La carrera del famoso se quemó después del escándalo con la niñera.The celebrity's career went down in flames after the scandal with the nanny.)/to crash and burn (Mi próximo movimiento es tan riesgoso que voy a ganar o quemarme.My next move is so risky that I will either win or crash and burn.) (To lose favor - Uruguay) (Pronominal Verb)


to bury (to cover with dirt - el perro enterró un hueso en el jardín - the dog buried a bone in the yard), to bury (to entomb - enterraron a su abuelo en un cementerio fuera la ciudad - they buried their grandfather in a cemetery outside the city), to outlive (to survive - después de enterrar a todos sus hermanos, Edith se sintió sola - after outliving all of her siblings, Edith felt lonely), to cover up (to conceal - el presidente de la empresa enterró su malversación entre facturas legítimas - the company president buried his embezzlement among legitimate invoices), to forget (to put out of mind - hay que enterrar el pasado y enfocarnos en construir un nuevo futuro - let's forget about the past and focus on building a new future), to thrust into (to stab - Latin america - agarró el tenedor y lo enterró en la pechuga de pollo - he grabbed the fork and thrust it into the chicken breast) (Transitive)

atravesarse en

to butt into (to interfere - colloquial - ya deja de atravesarte en las conversacciones de los demás - stop butting into other people's conversations)


to calculate, to estimate, to encrypt


to call (to attract the attention of - Llama a tu hermano para que te ayude a poner la mesa.Call your brother to help you set the table.), to call (to communicate by telephone - Tengo otra persona en la línea. Tendré que llamarte en unos minutos.I have someone else on the line. I'll have to call you in a few minutes.), to appeal to (to attract - La idea de trabajar los fines de semana no me llama mucho.The idea of working on the weekends doesn't appeal to me very much.), to call (to address as - Mi nombre es Francisco pero mis amigos me llaman "Paquito".My name is Francisco, but my friends call me "Paquito.") (Transitive Verb), to call (¿Cuándo llamó el plomero?When did the plumber call?)/to phone - Tu novia llamó ayer.Your girlfriend phoned yesterday.) (To Communicate By Telephone), to knock (Llamó a la puerta de la cancela.He knocked on the gate.)/to ring (¿Quién llama a la puerta a esta hora?Who's ringing our bell at this time?) (Intransitive Verb)

llamar a

to call (to attract the attention of - Llama a tu papá para que venga a cenar.Call your Dad to come over for dinner.), to call (to communicate by telephone - Anoche me puse a beber y llamé a mi ex.I was drinking last night and I called my ex.), to knock - ¿Quién llama a la puerta a esta hora?Who's knocking on the door at this hour?)/to ring (Hay alguien llamando a la puerta. - Es el repartidor de pizza.There is someone ringing our bell. - It's the pizza delivery guy.) (To summon)


to carry (to hold - carry a baby), to bear (formal - the right to bear arms), to wear (to have on - the thief was wearing a read scarf) (Transitive)


to carry out (Realizaron los experimentos sin tocar ningún animal.They carried out all the tests without touching a single animal.)/to do (Esta ONG ha realizado una labor invaluable para la gente indígena de la región.This NGO has done priceless work for the indigenous people of the region.)/to perform (Juan es un empleado excelente que realiza sus funciones sin quejarse.Juan is an excellent employee who performs his duties without complaint.)/to materialize (Por fin se realizó el plano del nuevo centro comercial.The blueprints for the new mall finally materialized.)/to fulfill (Para realizar este cargo, necesitamos a alguien que sea un buen líder.In order to fulfill this post, we need someone who is a good leader.)/to make (trip, visit - Me muero por realizar un viaje a los fiordos en Noruega.I am dying to make a trip to the fjords in Norway.) (To Execute), to produce (cinema - Realizaron esa película con un presupuesto muy bajo.They produced the film with a very low budget.), to make (to sell goods - Siguiendo ese plan, la compañía puede realizar beneficios con muy pocos riesgos.Following that plan, the company can make a profit with very little risk.) (Transitive Verb)


to carve (wood, stone - Mi abuelo me enseñó a tallar estatuillas en madera.My grandfather taught me how to carve wood figurines./Los escultores tallaron unas palabras en latín en el monumento.The sculptors carved some words in latin on the monument.)/to sculpt (stone. metal - Dos jinetes, tallados en bronce, flanquearon los soldados en la puerta.Two horsemen, sculpted in bronze, flanked the soldiers at the gate.)/to cut (gemstone - Aprendió a tallar diamantes en el taller de su padre.He learned to cut diamonds in his father's workshop.), to measure (to determine the height of - Había que pesar y tallar cada nuevo prisionero.All new prisoners had to be weighed and have their height measured.), to rub (to massage - Mexico - Al tallar los hombros, la masajista se dio cuenta qué tan tenso estaba.As she rubbed his shoulders, the masseuse realized how tense he was.)/scrub (to scour - Mexico - Estaba arrodillado tallando el piso de la cocina después de la fiesta.He was on his knees scrubbing the kitchen floor after the party.) (Transitive Verb)


to cast a spell on/to bewitch (To hex), to captivate/to enchant (To fascinate - she captivated us with her dance) (Transitive)


to catch, to get something (acquire), to catch by suprise, to get/catch (come down with - a cold), to hit/run over, to get it (understand - i get it)


to cause/to arouse (see him aroused feelings of anger)/to give (few things give me as much pleasure as seeing happy animals) (Transitive)


to change (to change clothes - Ve a cambiarte que estás empapado.Go change; you are soaked.) (Reflexive Verb)


to change (to exchange - Tenemos que mudar esas cortinas sucias.We need to change those dirty curtains.), to change (achieve a deeper tone - Su voz empezó a mudar cuando tenía catorce años.His voice began to change when he was fourteen.) (Transitive) to shed (Mira, ese gusanito está mudando.Look, that little worm is shedding.)/to molt (Mi boa mudó ayer. ¿Quieres ver su piel?My boa molted yesterday. Do you want to see its skin?) (To Cast Off Skin Or Feathers) (Intransitive Verb)


to change (to transform - Quiero cambiar el color de mi pelo.I want to change my hair color.), to exchange (to swap - ¿Alguien quiere cambiar pegatinas?Is there anybody looking to exchange stickers?), to change (to replace - Cambié la bombilla pero todavía no funciona la lámpara.I changed the light bulb but the lamp still won't work.), to change (to transport - Cuando estés parado, tira del freno de mano y cambia a marcha atrás.Once you've stopped, apply the handbrake and change into reverse.), to exchange (Puedes cambiar divisas aunque tengas cuentas en bancos diferentes.You can exchange currency even if you have accounts in different banks./to change (Si vas a viajar a Inglaterra, tendrás que cambiar dólares en libras esterlinas.If you're traveling to England, you'll need to change dollars into pound sterlings.) (Finance) (Transitive Verb), to change (to transform - En los últimos años, mi padre ha cambiado mucho, se le ha suavizado el carácter.In recent years, my father has changed a lot. His character has mellowed.), to change (to transport - Para ir desde aquí hasta allí en metro, tienes que cambiar en Plaza Universidad.To go from here to there by metro, you need to change at Plaza Universidad.), to change gear (¡Cambia! ¿No ves que se te está ahogando el motor?Change gear! Don't you see the engine's flooding?)/to change (Cuando empiezas a conducir, lo primero que aprendes es cómo cambiar de marcha.When you start driving, the first thing you learn is how to change gear.)/to change down or up (Al llegar a la cuesta, el conductor cambió de tercera a segunda.On reaching the hill, the driver changed down from third into second.)/to change up (Cuando aceleraste, tendrías que haber cambiado a quinta.When you accelerated, you should have changed up into fifth.), telecommunication (¿Nos puede indicar su posición? Cambio. - Sí, estamos a cinco millas de la costa en dirección este. Cambio.Can you give us your position? Over. - Yes, we are five miles east of the coast. Over./De acuerdo, le avisaré cuando estemos sobrevolando la ciudad. Cambio y corto.Ok, I'll let you know when we're flying over the city. Over and out.) (Intransitive Verb)


to charge for (to demand payment for - ¿A cuánto cobran el corte de cabello en ese salón?How much do they charge for a haircut in that salon?), to get paid (El carpintero cobra $200 por silla.The carpenter gets paid $200 a chair.)/to collect (Ojalá ya tengas el dinero, porque mañana vienen a cobrártelo.I hope you already have the money, because tomorrow they're coming to collect it.)/to earn (a salary - Cobra $100,000 al año.He earns $100,000 a year.)/to cash (a check - Tengo que ir al banco mañana para cobrar este cheque.I have to go to the bank tomorrow to cash this check.) (To receive payment for), to become (La pintura amarilla cobró un tono verde limón cuando la mezclé con pintura azul.The yellow paint became lime green when I mixed it with blue paint.)/to feel (Mi esposo empieza a cobrarle cariño a mi conejo.My husband is starting to feel affection for my rabbit.) (To acquire), to bag (hunting - Cobró tres venados ayer.He bagged three deer yesterday.), to fetch (to retrieve - El husky de mis vecinos cobra las pelotas del campo de béisbol.My neighbor's husky fetches balls from the baseball field.), to call (Perdimos porque el árbitro no cobró dos penales.We lost because the referee didn't call two penalties.)/to call for (El director técnico le pidió al árbitro que cobrara saque de banda y anulara el gol.The coach asked the referee to call for a foul throw-in and disallow the goal.) (Decision by a referee - Latin America), to take (to take a shot - Latin America) (Transitive Verb), to charge (to demand payment - ¿Cuánto cobra el plomero?How much does the plumber charge?), to get paid (to receive payment - Mañana voy a la oficina a cobrar.I'm going to the office tomorrow to get paid.), to pay (colloquial to get a beating - Cuando te atrape, vas a cobrar por romperme el celular.When I catch you, you're going to pay for breaking my cell phone.) (Intransitive Verb)


to chat (Voy a charlar con el gerente para averiguar la verdad.I'm going to chat with the manager to find out the truth.)/to talk (Carolina y yo charlamos sobre la nueva novela de misterio.Carolina and I talked about the new mystery novel.) (To converse)


to chirp/to twitter/to trill (birds), to gurgle (baby) (Intransitive)


to choose (Elegí quedarme en casa como madre a tiempo completo.I chose to stay home as a full-time mom.)/to select (No elegiste la opción correcta del menú.You didn't select the right option from the menu.) (To make a choice between), to elect (to vote for - Los ciudadanos eligieron al nuevo alcalde la semana pasada.The citizens elected the new mayor last week.) (Transitive Verb)


to choose (to pick - No sabía qué plato escoger en el restaurante.I didn't know which dish to choose at the restaurant.), to elect (in voting - Escogieron su representante en la reunión del viernes.They elected their representative at the Friday meeting.) (Transitive Verb)


to claim (to kill - La gripe se ha cobrado millones de vidas a través de los siglos.Influenza has claimed millions of lives over the centuries.), to charge (to request payment - Cóbrese mi cena y la de la señorita, por favor.Charge me for my dinner and for the lady's, please.) (Pronominal Verb)


to clean (Hay que limpiar el baño, está asqueroso.We need to clean the bathroom. It is disgusting.)/to clean up (¿Puedes limpiar tu cuarto?Can you clean up your room?)/to wipe off (with cloth - Hay que limpiar la mesa antes de que vengan los invitados.The table needs to be wiped off before the guests arrive.)/to polish (shoes - Necesito limpiar mis zapatos antes de la boda.I need to polish my shoes before the wedding.)/to cleanse (skin - Esta loción limpia la piel sin secarla.This lotion cleanses the skin without drying it out.) (Transitive Verb), to clean (to do housework - Me pasé el sábado limpiando.I spent Saturday cleaning.) (Intransitive Verb)


to climb (Un día escalaré el monte Everest.Someday I will climb Mount Everest.)/to scale (Escaló la pared utilizando una cuerda.She scaled the wall using a rope.) (To go up), to climb (to advance - La canción no ha dejado de escalar puestos en la lista de éxitos.The song has kept climbing up the charts.) (Transitive Verb), to climb (sports - Nosotros vamos a escalar en el parque nacional todos los fines de semana.We go climbing at the national park every weekend.), to climb (to advance - Su matrimonio le sirvió para escalar socialmente.He used his marriage to climb the social ladder.), to put in (nautical - El barco escalará en Lanzarote y Casablanca.The ship will put in at Lanzarote and Casablanca.) (Intransitive Verb)

subirse por

to climb up (El gato se subió al tejado por el canalón.The cat climbed up the gutter to the roof.)/go up (El piso debajo del nuestro estaba en llamas, así que tuvimos que subirnos al terrado por la escalera de incendios.The floor beneath ours was in flames, so we had to go up the fire escape to the flat roof.) (To reach a higher level moving upward along)


to come (El fin de semana llegó rápido.The weekend came quickly.)/to arrive (tEste año el otoño ha sido lento en llegar.Autumn has been slow to arrive this year.) (To Be The Time For), to be enough (to be sufficient - No me llega el sueldo, así que voy a pedir un aumento.My salary is not enough, so I'm going to ask for a raise.), to hold up (to last - hopefully these tires will last me another 100 miles) (Intransitive)


to come (El tren viene de Andalucía.The train comes from Andalusia.)/arrive (Ella vino en el vuelo de las 9pm.She arrived on the 9pm flight.) (To move from one place to another), to come back ((Vine a la casa para almorzar.I came back home for lunch.)/to be back (El perro vendrá cuando tenga hambre.The dog will be back when it's hungry.) (To return), to be from (to be a native of (Gabriel viene de México.Gabriel is from Mexico.), to be (Los subtítulos de la película vienen en inglés.The subtitles for the movie are in English.)/to come (Esta comida viene ya hecha.This food comes pre-made.) (To be available (comes in three colors), to come (¡Ya mismo viene la Navidad!Christmas is coming soon!)/to come up (Tu cumpleaños viene ya mismo.Your birthday is coming up soon.) (To occur), to get (to be overcome by - Me viene sueño en el trabajo después de almorzar.I get drowsy at work after having lunch./A nosotros nos vino una gripe terrible.We got a terrible flu.), to come (Lo mejor está por venir.The best is yet to come./Ahora viene la escena que me gusta.The scene I like is coming up.)/next (followed by a timeframe (La semana que viene estaré trabajando desde casa.I'll be working from home next week./El año que viene visitaremos Japón.Next year we're traveling to Japan.), to mean (to indicate meaning - ¿A qué vienes con decir eso?What do you mean by saying that?) (Intransitive Verb), come on (use to express encouragement in sports - ¡Venga portero!Come on goalie!), come on (use to express encouragement socially - ¡Venga! Vamos a la fiesta. No seas pesada.Come on! Let's go to the party. Don't be a bore.) (Interjection)

entrar en

to come into (El profesor entró en la clase y dijo, "¡Buenos días, niños!"The teacher came into the classroom and said, "Good morning, children!")/to enter (El casero no puede entrar en el inmueble sin previo aviso.The landlord can't enter the premises without prior notice.)/to go into (Se puso a llover y todos entraron en la casa.It started to rain and everyone went into the house.)/to get inside (Los ladrones rompieron una ventana para entrar en la casa.The burglars broke a window to get inside the house.) (To pass inside), to fit in (to be the right size for - Todos estos juguetes no entran en la caja.All these toys won't fit in the box.), to join (to become a member of - Jorge Sánchez entró en el Partido Conservador en febrero de 2010.Jorge Sanchez joined the Conservative Party in February 2010.), to be included in (to be part of - El flete no entra en el precio; se paga aparte.The shipping cost is not included in the price. It's paid separately.), to get into (to talk about - No entremos en eso todavía. Hablaremos del dinero más tarde.Let's not get into that just yet. We'll talk about the money later.) (Intransitive Verb)


to come off (to become unstuck - La calcomanía se soltó cuando se mojó.The sticker came off when it got wet.) (Reflexive verb), to break free (to escape - Los perros se soltaron cuando a Paco se le olvidó cerrar el portón.The dogs broke free when Paco forgot to close the gate.) (Pronominal verb)

montar (a)

to come to (to equal - El total de las reparaciones a su casa monta a 100,000 dólares.The total of the repairs to your house comes to 100,000 dollars.) (Intransitive Verb)


to come true (Ayer se realizó su sueño de pilotar un avión.Yesterday her dream of piloting a plane came true.)/to be fulfilled (Mi sueño de ser dueña de mi propia empresa por fin se realizó.My dream of owning my own company has finally been fulfilled.)/to be realized (to become real) (Pronominal Verb) to find fulfillment (to be satisfied - Mucha gente quiere realizarse en su trabajo.Many people want to find fulfillment in their jobs.) (Reflexive Verb)


to come true/to be implemented (to happen), to expire (to end - e.g. time limit)


to comfort/cheer/to encourage (To console), to revitalize (reinvigorate) (Transitive Verb)


to compete


to complain (Voy a quejarme ante la administración acerca del mal servicio en este hotel.I am going to complain to management about the bad service in this hotel.)/to moan (Deja de quejarte de tu falta de dinero y haz algo para cambiar tu situación.Stop moaning about your lack of money and do something to change your situation.)/to grumble (siempre se está quejando de la mala comida que le dan en la escuela.He is always grumbling about the bad meals they serve at school.) (To Protest), to moan (Él tenía dolor de estómago y estuvo quejándose toda la noche.He had a stomach ache and was moaning all night.)/to groan (Mi perro se comió una barra entera de mantequilla y ahora se está quejando de dolor.My dog ate an entire stick of butter and now he is groaning in pain.)/to complain (Mi mamá se queja de dolor en la cadera siempre que camina por un rato.My mom complains about hip pain whenever she walks for a while.) (To Express Pain) (Pronominal Verb)


to confess or admit (Reflexive), to be apparent/show (Pronominal)


to conquer (dominate), to win the heart of/to captivate/to win over (to seduce), to win (prevail)

dar por

to consider (En su casa siempre lo dieron por inútil, pero en realidad es una persona que tiene mucho que ofrecer.He was always considered useless at home, but in reality he's someone who has a lot to offer.), to (Si nos devuelve el dinero que nos robó, daremos el asunto por zanjado y no lo denunciaremos.If you return the money you stole from us, we'll regard the matter as settled and won't report you to the police.), to give up for (dead - Los soldados enemigos la dispararon y la dieron por muerta, pero sobrevivió.The enemy soldiers shot her and gave her up for dead, but she survived.) (To believe to be), to take to (A Rosa le ha dado ahora por hacer platos franceses.Rosa has now taken to making French dishes.)/to take up (Cuando se jubiló, a mi padre le dio por la jardinería.When he retired, my father took up gardening.)/to be into (Me dijo Valeria que te ha dado por la astrología. ¿Es verdad?Valeria told me you're into astrology. Is it true?)/Le ha dado por pensar que va a tener un accidente y le da terror manejar.He's got it into his head that he's going to have an accident and he's terrified of driving./A Marisa le ha dado por decir que la subestimamos, pero no es verdad.Marisa has started saying that we take her for granted, but it's not true.) (To become keen on)


to consider/to think about (To contemplate), to arise (to come up - the issue of homelessness will continue to arise) (Pronominal)

ponerse en contacto con

to contact (Si necesitara asistencia, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.Should you need any help, do not hesitate to contact us.) (Transitive Verb Phrase)


to continue/to carry on with (to proceed with) (Transitive), to continue/to go on (are you going to go on seeing him?) (To keep going), to continue (to extend - the road continues throughout the city) (Intransitive)

convertirse a

to convert to another religion


to convince, persuade


to cook (Este tipo de arroz se cocina en menos de 20 minutos.This kind of rice cooks in under 20 minutes.) (Pronominal Verb)


to cook (culinary - Te voy a cocinar una cena muy rica esta noche.I'm going to cook you a delicious dinner tonight.), to plot (colloquial - to prepare in secret - Creo que la familia está cocinando una intervención.I think the family is plotting an intervention.) (Transitive Verb), to cook (culinary - ¿Sabes cocinar?Can you cook?) (Intransitive Verb)


to cool (Después de sacar la lasaña del horno, déjela enfríar por 10 minutos.After taking the lasagna out of the oven, let it cool for 10 minutes./Prende el aire acondicionado para enfriar el cuarto.Turn on the air conditioner to cool the room.)/to cool down (Sopló la sopa intentando enfriarla.He blew on the soup trying to cool it down.)/to chill (Si enfrías el vino en el congelador, no lo dejes más de media hora.If you chill the wine in the freezer, don't leave it there for more than half an hour.) (To reduce the temperature of), to cool (to reduce the intensity of - La distancia ha enfriado nuestra relación.Distance has cooled our relationship.), to bump off (Seguro que la mafia enfrió al soplón.The mob bumped off the snitch for sure.)/to croak (Intentó engañarles y lo enfriaron.He tried to fool them and they croaked him.)/to ice (Alguien enfrió a una mujer en un callejón.Someone iced a woman in an alley.) (To kill - colloquial - latin america) (Transitive Verb), to cool (La nevera enfría demasiado y congela todo lo que está adentro.The fridge cools too much and freezes everything inside it.)/to get cold (Ya he puesto el vino blanco en la nevera a enfriar.I've already put the white wine in the fridge to get cold.) (To reduce the temperature of) (Intransitive Verb)

llevar bien

to cope well with (A pesar de las náuseas, Rosa lleva bien su embarazo. Se la ve contenta y relajada.In spite of morning sickness, Rosa is coping well with her pregnancy. You can see she's happy and relaxed.)/to deal well with (Nuestros hijos no llevan demasiado bien lo de nuestro divorcio.Our children aren't dealing that well with our divorce.) (To be OK about), to do well (to feel well - Mi tío tiene 86 años, pero los lleva muy bien.My uncle is 86, but he's doing really well.), to run well (to know how to run - Nuestra directora es una persona capaz, que lleva el departamento bien y con mano firme.Our manager is a capable person, who runs the department well and with a firm hand.), to drive well (to know how to drive - Gerardo me llevó a dar una vuelta en su camioneta, y la lleva muy bien.Gerardo took me for a ride in his van, and he drives it very well.)


to cost (to be valued at - Ese tratamiento cuesta una fortuna.That treatment costs a fortune.)/to be hard (to be difficult to - Me costó decirle la verdad, pero sabía que tenía que hacerlo.It was hard to tell him the truth, but I knew that I had to do it.) (Transitive Verb)


to count (to list - Cuenta hasta 50 antes de abrir los ojos.Count to 50 before opening your eyes.), to tell (to narrate - ¿Cómo te fue? ¡Cuéntamelo todo!How did it go? Tell me everything!/Cuéntame más de las aventuras de Blancanieves y los siete enanitos.Tell me more of the adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.) (Transitive Verb) to count (to list - Cuando llegues al final, deja de contar.When you get to the end, stop counting.), to count (to matter - Mi voz cuenta en el consejo.My voice counts in the council.) (Intransitive Verb)

contar con

to count on (Siempre puedo contar con mis mejores amigos cuando necesito ayuda.I can always count on my best friends when I need help.)/to rely on (MacGyver siempre puede contar con su ingenio para resolver cualquier problema.MacGyver can always rely on his resourcefulness to solve any problem.) (To depend on), to anticipate (Salimos tarde sin contar con que hubiera un accidente por la calle.We left late without anticipating that there might an accident on the road.)/to expect (Cuando planeamos el picnic, no contamos con que lloviera.When we planned the picnic, we didn't expect it to rain.) (To foresee), to have (to possess - Nuestro nuevo apartamento cuenta con tres dormitorios, dos baños y una piscina.Our new apartment has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a swimming pool.)

darse por

to count oneself (Pueden darse por contentos de no haber perdido el trabajo cuando la empresa redujo su plantilla.They can count themselves lucky they didn't lose their jobs when the company downsized its workforce.)/(Yo me doy por satisfecho si mis hijos aprueban todos los exámenes, incluso si no sacan muy buenas notas.I'm quite happy with my children passing all their exams, even if they don't get very high grades./Tuvimos que superar muchos obstáculos para poner el proyecto en marcha, pero nunca nos dimos por vencidos.We had to overcome lots of obstacles to set the project in motion, but we never gave up.)


to cover (Cubre la mesa con este mantel.Cover the table with this tablecloth.)/to cover up (Trató de cubrir su tristeza con una sonrisa.He tried to cover up his sadness with a smile.)/to conceal (Intentó cubrir el moratón con maquillaje, pero todos se dieron cuenta.She tried to conceal the bruise with makeup, but everybody noticed.) (To lay over), to fill (to occupy - Cancelaron mi entrevista porque ya habían cubierto el puesto.They canceled my interview because they already had filled the position.), to cover (sports - El entrenador le ordenó a los defensas que cubrieran a los jugadores sin cubrir.The coach instructed the defense to cover the open players.), to cover (protect - Cúbreme mientras corro a recoger la munición caída.Cover me while I run to pick up the fallen ammo.), to cover (pay - Mis ahorros deben cubrir cualquier gasto imprevisto.My savings should cover any emergency expenses.), to cover (to travel - Cubrimos cinco millas a pie en dos horas.We covered five miles on foot in two hours.), to meet (Un vaso de leche al día no cubre tus necesidades diarias de calcio.One glass of milk a day does not meet your daily calcium needs.)/to cover (Un vaso de leche al día no cubre tus necesidades diarias de calcio.One glass of milk a day does not meet your daily calcium needs.) (To satisfy), to cover (journalism - La red de noticias envió a un reportero para cubrir el evento.The news network sent a reporter to cover the event.) (Transitive Verb)


to cover (Tapa la olla ligeramente para que se escape el vapor.Cover the pan slightly to allow steam to escape.)/to block (¿Puedes poner la sombrilla allí para que tape el sol?Can you put the umbrella there so that it blocks the sun?)/to hide (En lugar de recoger su cuarto, tapó su mugrero debajo de una cobija.Instead of tidying his room, he hid his mess under a blanket.)/to fill (Deben tapar los baches en la calle antes de pavimentarla de nuevo.They need to fill the potholes in the street before they repave it.)/to wrap up (Mi vecina tapa a sus nietos aún cuando hace mucho calor afuera.My neighbor wraps up her grandchildren even when it's really hot outside.) (To cover up), put the lid on (Tapa el ketchup antes de ponerlo en la nevera.Put the lid on the ketchup before putting it in the fridge.)/to put the top on (No te olvide tapar tu termo.Don't forget to put the top on your thermos.) (To close), to block up (to obstruct - La camioneta parada tapó por completo la salida del túnel.The broken-down truck completely blocked up the exit of the tunnel.), to cover up (to conceal - Ricardo tapó la verdad para que Carmen no se metiera en problemas.Ricardo covered up the truth so Carmen wouldn't get in trouble.), to fill (dentistry - Mexico/South America - La dentista tapó mis caries con resina.The dentist filled my cavities with resin.) (Transitive Verb)

montar sobre

to cover part of (to overlap - La etiqueta del precio monta sobre la cubierta del libro.The price tag covers part of the cover of the book.) (Intransitive Verb)


to cover up (Tápate; ¡está haciendo frío afuera!Cover up; it's cold outside!)/to wrap up (Me tapé con una toalla esponjosa al salir de la ducha.I wrapped myself up in a fluffy towel when I got out of the shower.)/to cover (Se tapó los oídos cuando sus hermanos empezaron a gritar.He covered his ears when his brothers started to yell.) (To cover yourself) (Reflexive Verb), to get blocked up (to become obstructed - Se me taparon los oídos porque estoy resfriada.My ears got blocked up because I've got a cold.) (Pronominal Verb)


to create (En la mitología griega, Zeus crea a Pandora como castigo.In Greek mythology, Zeus creates Pandora as a punishment.)/to produce (Tus acciones han creado mucha agitación.Your actions have produced a lot of turmoil.)/to invent (Creó un robot que hace licuados.He invented a robot that makes smoothies.)/to cause (Has creado muchos problemas para tu pobre mamá.You've caused your poor mother a lot of trouble.) (To give rise to), to found (Nuestro jefe creó esta empresa junto con su hermano.Our boss founded this company with his brother.)/to set up (Antes de crear la compañía, tienen que conseguir un préstamo.Before setting up the company, you have to get a loan.)/to establish (Han creado un comité para investigar la corrupción dentro del gobierno.They have established a committee to investigate government corruption.) (An organization or company) (Transitive Verb)


to criticize, critique, blame, find fault


to cross (La avenida Lázaro Cárdenas y el anillo periférico se cruzan en el sur.Lazaro Cardenas Avenue and the beltway cross in the south.)/to intersect (Como estas líneas son paralelas, nunca se cruzan.Since these lines are parallel, they never intersect.)/to meet (La avenida Hidalgo se cruza con Federalismo a cinco kilómetros al norte.Hidalgo Avenue meets Federalismo five kilometers to the north.) (To converge), to pass (Enrique se cruzó con su papá en el estacionamiento sin darse cuenta.Enrique passed his dad in the parking lot without noticing.)/to pass each each other (Un crucero que iba saliendo se cruzó con uno que venía llegando.A cruise ship on its way out and another on its way in passed each other.) (To move past), to see each other (Las compañeras se cruzaron en el supermercado pero no tuvieron tiempo de platicar.The coworkers saw each other in the supermarket, but they didn't have time to talk.)/to bump into (Me crucé con Rebeca en el metro esta mañana rumbo al trabajo.I bumped into Rebeca in the subway this morning on my way to work.) (To meet on the way) (Reciprocal Verb) to pull out in front of (Cuando sacaba el carro de la cochera, se me cruzó un niño en patineta.As I was backing the car out of the garage, a boy on a skateboard pulled out in front of me.)/to cut off (se me cruzó un Hummer y casi le pegué por atrás.A Hummer cut me off and I almost rear-ended it.) (Pronominal Verb)


to cross (Vamos a cruzar la frontera en Tijuana.We're going to cross the border at Tijuana.)/to go across (Roberto cruzó el puente para entrar al pueblo.Roberto went across the bridge to enter the town.) (To traverse), to cross (El gurú se sentó tranquilamente y cruzó las piernas para meditar.The guru sat down quietly and crossed his legs to meditate.)/to fold (El niño cruzó los brazos y me quedó mirando fijamente.The boy folded his arms and stood there looking at me intently.) (To fold crosswise), to cross (to occur to - Nunca le cruza por la cabeza ayudarme.It never crosses her mind to help me.), to exchange (to interchange - Desde que se separaron, ya no cruzan palabras al encontrarse.Since they broke up, they don't exchange any words when they meet.), to cross (to crossbreed - Los granjeros cruzaron una yegua con un burro para conseguir una mula.The farmers crossed a mare with a donkey to get a mule.), to cross out (to strike out - Cruza esta palabra que escribiste dos veces.Cross out this word that you wrote twice.) (Transitive Verb), to cross (to go from one side to another - ¿Está bien cruzar aquí?Is it alright to cross here?) (Intransitive Verb)


to cross/to go through (to go across), to go through/pierce (to pentrate), to go through/to experience (to live though), to put across (to place - put a rope across the road) (Transitive)


to crush, flatten, to overwhelm (defeat)


to cry (La mujer empezó a llorar y no sabíamos cómo consolarla.The woman started crying and we didn't know how to comfort her.)/to weep (Todos lloraban en el funeral.Everyone was weeping at the funeral.) (To Produce Tears), to whine (No te entiendo cuando estás llorando. ¡Háblame bien!I don't know what you're saying when you're whining. Speak properly!)/to moan (Llórale un poquito a la abuela a ver si te paga el viaje.Why don't you go and moan to your grandma and see if she'll pay for the trip.) (To Shed Tears), to water (to secrete water - Me lloran los ojos si hay demasiada luz.My eyes water when it's too bright.) (Intranstive Verb), to cry (to shed - "Perdí mi peluche", dijo la niñita mientras lloraba lágrimas amargas."I lost my teddy," said the little girl while she cried bitter tears.), to mourn (to lament - Lloramos su muerte cada día.We mourn his passing every day.) (Transitive Verb)


to cut (to slice - Es hora de partir el pastel.It's time to cut the cake.), to split (to divide - El río parte la ciudad en dos.The river splits the city in two.), to break (to fracture - Se fue sin explicación y me partió el corazón.She left without explanation and broke my heart./Le dijeron que si no pagaba la deuda, le iban a partir las piernas.They told him that if he didn't pay the debt, they were going to break his legs.), to crack (to remove from a shell - A los niños les encanta usar el cascanueces para partir las nueces.The kids love to use the nutcracker to crack the nuts.) (Transitive Verb), to leave (Partimos hacia Roma a las 7 pm.We leave for Rome at 7 pm.)/to set off (Mañana temprano parto hacia California por coche.I'm setting off for California by car early tomorrow.) (Intransitive Verb)


to cut oneself (to hurt oneself - Me corté con un cuchillo mientras cortaba una manzana.I cut myself with a knife while I was cutting up an apple.) (Reflexive Verb), to cut each other (to hurt one another - Los pandilleros se cortaron durante la pelea.The gang members cut each other during the fight.) (Reciprocal Verb), to get chapped (to split - Se me cortaron los labios por el frío.My lips got chapped because of the cold.), to get cut off (to get interrupted - Se me cortaron los labios por el frío.My lips got chapped because of the cold.), to curdle (culinary - La crema poblana se va a cortar si la calientas demasiado.The poblana chili pepper cream will curdle if you overheat it.), to clam up (colloquial - No te cortes ahora, hijo. Tienes que exigir tus derechos.Don't clam up now, son. You have to fight for your rights.)/to lose one's nerve (colloquial - Aureliano se cortó al momento de pedir la mano de su novia.Aureliano lost his nerve as he was about to ask his girlfriend to marry him.) (To become shy) (Pronominal Verb)


to cut oneself off from the world (to cloister oneself - después de perder el campeonato, se enterró por seis meses - after losing the championship, he cut himself off from the world for six months) (Pronominal)

cortar por

to cut through (to take a shortcut through - Vamos a cortar por el estacionamiento del supermercado.Let's cut through the grocery store parking lot.) (Intransitive Verb)


to damage/to harm/to hurt (to cause harm), to spoil (to ruin) (Transitive)

atreverse (a)

to dare (to) (to have the courage), to dare (to be insolent)


to dazzle, to impress


to debate, discuss


to decay (Si sigues comiendo dulces, tus dientes se picarán.If you keep eating sweets, your teeth will decay.)/to rot (Si no pones las manzanas en la refrigeradora, se van a picar.If you don't put the apples in the refrigerator, they're going to rot.)/to go bad (food - Guarda la lasaña en el refrigerador o se picará.Put the lasagna in the fridge or it will go bad.)/to turn sour ( wine - ¿Se pica el vino después de descorcharlo?Does wine turn sour after it's uncorked?)/to go sour (wine - El vino se picó y teníamos que botarlo.The wine went sour we had to throw it out.) (To deteriorate), to get annoyed (Siempre se pica por tonterías.He always gets annoyed for no good reason.)/to get upset (Mi novia se picó y rompió conmigo.My girlfriend got upset and broke up with me.)/to get cross (¡No te piques, solo era una broma!Don't get cross, it was just a joke!) (Colloquial - to get angry), to rust (to corrode - Dejamos la parrilla afuera durante el aguacero y empezó a picarse.We left the grill outside during the rainstorm and it began to rust.), to get moth-eaten (clothing or material - La chaqueta se picó en el armario.The jacket got moth-eaten in the wardrobe.), to get choppy (to become turbulent - El tiempo se puso de tormenta y se picó el mar.The weather got stormy and the sea got choppy.), to shoot up (colloquial - drug - No me he picado heroína en cuatro horas.I haven't shot up heroin in four hours.) (Pronominal Verb)


to deceive (Pudo engañar al público con su propaganda.He was able to deceive the public with his propaganda.)/to trick (Me dijiste que no sabías jugar, ¡me engañaste!You told me you didn't know how to play. You tricked me!)/to fool (No te dejes engañar con sus historias encantadoras.Don't let him fool you with his charming stories.) (To lie to), to cheat on (to be unfaithful to - Mi ex-novio me engañó con mi mejor amiga.My ex-boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend.), to mislead (Él me engañó vendiéndome una casa que no tenía derecho de vender.He misled me into buying a home that he did not have the right to sell.)/to trick (Le dijo que estaba embarazada con el fin de engañarlo para casarse con ella.She told him she was pregnant in order to trick him into marrying her.)/to cheat (El vendedor de autos usados me engañó.The used car salesman cheated me.)/to swindle (Un estafador despreciable les engañó miles en la subasta.A despicable con man swindled them out of thousands at the auction.) (To swindle), to curb (to appease - Como quedaron tres horas para la comida, decidió engañar el hambre con una merienda.With three more hours till dinner, she decided to curb her hunger with a snack.) (Transitive Verb), to be deceptive (to be misleading - El encanto engaña.Charm is deceptive.) (Intransitive Verb)


to defend (Muchos soldados valientes se alistaron al ejército para defender su patria.Many brave soldiers enlisted in the army to defend their country.)/to protect (Mintió para defender la reputación de su familia y evitar un escándalo.He lied to protect the reputation of his family and to avoid a scandal.) (To provide protection), to defend (La actriz se aprovechó de su fama para defender su causa ante los medios de comunicación.The actress took advantage of her fame to defend her cause before the media.)/to stand up for (Los trabajadores decidieron defender sus derechos y se pusieron en huelga.The workers decided to stand up for their rights and went on strike.) (To vindicate), to defend (Galileo defendió la teoría de Copérnico, pero, al final, se retractó para salvarse la vida.Galileo defended Copernicus's theory, but in the end he backed off to save his life.)/to champion (Ella siempre ha defendido la igualdad de paga para las mujeres en el trabajo.She has always championed equal pay for women in the workplace.) (To uphold), to defend (law - El abogado defendió al acusado en el juicio, aunque sabía que era culpable.The lawyer defended the accused in the trial, even though he knew he was guilty.) (Transitive Verb)


to defend oneself (Me defenderé de cualquier acusación que hagan en mi contra.I will defend myself against any accusation made against me.)/to protect oneself (Para defenderme de las críticas, he decidido dejar mi trabajo.To protect myself from criticism, I have decided to quit my job.) (To safeguard oneself) (Reflexive Verb), to get by (to manage - Es una gran jugadora de ajedrez, pero también se defiende jugando al backgammon.She's a great chess player, but she gets by playing backgammon as well.) (Pronominal verb)


to define (to provide a definition of), to describe (to portray), to define (to characterize), to establish/to determine/to decide (to arrange), to define (highlight), to define/to make sharp (art) (Transitive)


to define oneself/to describe oneself/to be defined (to characterize oneself), to define one's position (to clarify one's stance)


to delete (¿Deseas borrar el archivo?Do you want to delete the file?)/to erase (Tengo que borrar todos los mensajes de mi teléfono.I have to erase all the messages on my phone.)/to remove (No me hizo falta jabón para borrar la marca.I didn't need soap to remove the mark.)/to wipe off (El viento borró el camino.The wind wiped off the path.)/to rub out (Borra la marca de lápiz con la goma.Rub out the pencil mark with the eraser.)/to rub off (Borra la pizarra con el borrador.Rub off the blackboard with the eraser.)/to wipe (Borra la mancha con un paño húmedo.Wipe the stain with a damp cloth.) (To Make Disappear), to blot out (to forget - Por mucho que lo intentara, no era capaz de borrar el recuerdo.No matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to blot out the memory.), to take off (Como no tengo tiempo de ir, por favor, bórrame de la lista del gimnasio.Since I don't have time to go, please take me off the gym membership list.)/to take out (Borré a los niños de la clase de canto.I took the kids out of singing class.) (Transitive Verb)


to demand (to order - El mundo exige justicia por los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa.The world demands justice for the Ayotzinapa students.), to call for (La paz exige diálogo.Peace calls for dialogue.)/to require (sv) (To Necessitate), to levy (taxes - El gobierno exige los tributos para llevar a cabo las obras públicas.The government levies taxes in order to carry out public works projects.) (Transitive Verb)


to demarcate/to mark out/to mark out the boundaries of (To delimit), to define (to set out - the spokesperson defined what the shareholders' duties were), to deny (to disassociate - the authorities denied their responsibility for the accident) (river plate) (Transitive Verb)


to denounce/to condemn (to censure), to report (to inform on - did you report the robbery yet?), to report (to notify - the workers reported the mechanical failure to the head engineer), to reveal (the article revealed evidence of human trafficking)/to indicate (the lights indicate the presence of illegal bonfires) (To demonstrate) (Transitive Verb)

bajar a

to descend into (to enter - Alguien informó que vio un avión descender al Hudson.Someone reported that they saw a plane descend into the Hudson.), to go down to (Voy a bajar a la bodega a buscar una botella de vino.I'm going down to the cellar to grab a bottle of wine.)/to come down to (¡Baja a comer, Jimmy! Se está enfriando la comida.Come down to eat, Jimmy! Your food is getting cold.) (To move from a higher to a lower place), to go down (to decrease - La temperatura de Amir bajó a 97.7 °F. Ya se le fue la fiebre.Amir's temperature went down to 97.7 °F. His fever is gone.)


to describe


to destroy (Los niños destruyeron el castillo de arena.The kids destroyed the sand castle.)/to demolish (Vamos a destruir estas dos casas y construir una nueva más grande.We are going to demolish these two houses and build a bigger one.), to wreck (Las discusiones políticas destruyeron su amistad.Political arguments wrecked their friendship.)/to destroy (El huracán destruyó sus planes de vacaciones.The hurricane destroyed their vacation plans.)/to demolish (Dr. Banderas destruyó la hipótesis del Dr. Magallanes.Dr. Banderas demolished Dr. Magallanes' hypothesis.)/to dash (La explosión esta mañana destruyó cualquier esperanza de una resolución pronta al conflicto.The explosion this morning dashed any hopes of a quick resolution to the conflict.)/to shatter (El helicóptero se estrelló y destrozó la esperanza de John de ser rescatado.The helicopter crashed and shattered John's hope of being rescued.)/to ruin (La foto comprometedora destruyó su candidatura.The compromising photo ruined his candidacy.) (To end) (Transitive Verb)


to die (to perish - Somos una familia longeva. Mi abuela se murió con 104 años.We're a long-lived family. My grandmother died when she was 104 years old.), to die (to feel very embarrassed - figurative - Si me ven aquí, me muero.I'll die if anyone sees me here.) (Pronominal Verb)


to dig one's heels in (refuse to budge) (latin america)


to disappear


to discover (Descubrieron una cueva en la montaña durante la excursión.They discovered a cave in the mountain during their trip.)/to find (Isaac descubrió un tesoro enterrado en el jardín de su abuelo.Isaac found a buried treasure in his grandfather's garden.) (To unearth), to find out (He descubierto que van a despedir a la secretaria.I've found out that the secretary is going to be fired.)/to discover (Hugo descubrió que su esposa tuvo un amorío con su socio.Hugo discovered that his wife had an affair with his partner.) (To uncover), to reveal (Eduardo descubrió la identidad del espía.Eduardo revealed the spy's identity.)/to uncover (La policía descubrió el complot de atracar el banco justo a tiempo.The police uncovered the plot to rob the bank just in time.) (To make known), to uncover (En su cultura no puede descubrir la cara si está en la presencia de hombres que no sean familiares.In her culture, she can't uncover her face if she's in the presence of men who are not relatives.)/to take the lid off (Descubre la olla antes de que hierva.Take the lid off the pot before it boils.)/to unveil (Descubrieron una estatua en la ceremonia inaugural.They unveiled a statue at the opening ceremony.) (To expose), to give away (to disclose - ¡No nos descubran! Estamos preparando una fiesta de sorpresa para Imelda.Don't give us away! We're organizing a surprise party for Imelda.), to reveal (to make visible - La luz de la luna descubrió el contorno de la montaña en la distancia.The moonlight revealed the outline of the mountain in the distance.) (Transitive Verb)


to discuss/to talk about (To comment on), to comment on (to explain - he will comment on his decision), to mention/to tell/to say/to understand something is the case (i've heard/i gather that the movie is good), to commentate on (radio or television) (Transitive) to comment/to make a comment (To give one's opinion), to talk (to gossip - you know the neighbors will talk) (Intransitive)


to disguise as/to dress up as (to put a costume on), to disguise/to conceal/to hide (To conceal - to hide the truth) (Transitive Verb)


to distinguish oneself (to make oneself known - Se ha significado como experto en el campo de la psicología.He's distinguished himself as an expert in the field of psychology.) (Reflexive Verb), to declare oneself (to take sides - Se significó en apoyo de los trabajadores que estaban de huelga.She declared herself in support for the workers who were on strike.) (Pronominal Verb)


to distract (to prevent from concentrating), to amuse, to amuse/entertain/enjoy/to take one's mind off (To Help Pass the Time), to embezzle (finance) (Transitive), to be entertaining/to be a good way of entertaining oneself (To be Amusing) (Intransitive)


to distribute/to divide/to give out, to deliver (to hand out - I delivered the pizzas on time), to deal (cards - deal the cards), to spread (to strew - spread the butter over the bread) (Transitive)


to dive (El submarino se sumergió hasta 20,000 leguas bajo el mar.The submarine dived down 20,000 leagues under the sea.)/to submerge (La flota de submarinos se sumergieron todos a la vez.The fleet of submarines submerged all at once.) (To sink), to immerse oneself (to surround oneself - Cuando viajes al extranjero, recomiendo que te sumerjas en una lengua ajena.When you travel abroad, I recommend that you immerse yourself in a foreign language.) (Pronominal Verb)


to divert/alter (the course of a river)/deflect (a blow/bullet/ball)/parry (a blow/ball)/to avert (the eyes or the gaze)/to change (the subject) (To Change the Direction of), to divert (finance), to divert (from an objective - to move away)


to do again (to redo - El perro se comió mis deberes y ahora tengo que repetirlos.The dog ate my homework and now I have to do it again.), to repeat (to say again - Solo lo diré una vez así que no me pidan que lo repita.I'll only say it once so don't ask me to repeat myself.), to repeat (to imitate - Mi hijo pequeño repite todo lo que su hermano dice.My younger son repeats everything his brother says.), to repeat (to retake - Si tu asistencia no mejora, tendrás que repetir el año.If your attendance does not improve, you will need to repeat the year.), to have a second helping of (to serve oneself more - ¿Vas a repetir carne?Will you have a second helping of meat?) (Transitive Verb) to have an aftertaste (to affect - Los pepinos no repiten si los pelas antes de comerlos.Cucumbers don't have an aftertaste if you remove the skin before eating them.), to burp (of the body - Mexico - Su marido siempre repite durante nuestra cena familiar. ¡Qué asco!Her husband always burps during our family dinner. How disgusting!) (Intransitive Verb)

volver a

to do again (¡Tengo que volver a limpiarlo todo!I have to clean everything again!/Volverá a llover este fin de semana.It will rain again this weekend.), to go back (Mamá, ¿cuándo volvemos a casa? ¡Estoy cansada!Mom, when are we going back home? I'm tired!)/to go back to (El año próximo, planeamos volver a Tokio.Next year, we plan to go back to Tokyo.) (To return), to go back to (to return to a habit (Alana había dejado de fumar, pero ahora ha vuelto al tabaco, lamentablemente.Alana had quitted smoking, but now she has gone back to tobacco, unfortunately.)


to doubt (to be unsure about - Dudamos que mucha gente vaya a asistir al seminario.We doubt that many people will attend the seminar.) (Transitive Verb), to doubt (to disbelieve - No dudo de su carácter, pero sí de su ética laboral.I don't doubt his character, but I do doubt his work ethic.), to hesitate (to waver - No dude en comunicarse conmigo en cualquier momento si tiene alguna pregunta.Don't hesitate to get in touch with me at any time if you have questions.) (Intransitive Verb)

dudar que

to doubt that (Dudamos mucho que el proyecto pueda llevarse a cabo.We doubt very much that the project can be carried out.)/(No dudo que tuvieras razón, pero eso no es motivo para ponerse como te pusiste.I don't doubt you were in the right, but that's no reason to get so worked up as you did.)


to drain (Después de escurrir la pasta ponle agua fría.After draining the pasta, rinse it with cold water.)/to strain (Escurre las verduras cuando estén cocidas.Strain the vegetables when they are cooked.)/to wring (Escurrí las playeras antes de colgarlas a secar.I wrung the shirts before hanging them to dry.)/to wring out (La lavadora escurre la ropa al final del ciclo.The washing machine wrings out the clothes at the end of the cycle.) (To remove liquid) (Transitive Verb), to drip (El lavabo de la cocina escurre incesantemente. The kitchen's sink drips incessantly.)/to drain (Dejé tu suéter de lana a escurrir porque es demasiado delicado para meterlo en la secadora.I left your wool sweater out to drain, because it's too delicate to put in the dryer.) (Intransitive Verb)


to drain out (to flow out - Se vació todo el agua porque no tenías el tapón puesto.All the water drained out because you didn't have the plug in.)/to empty (Se vació el estanque por la falta de lluvia.The pond emptied because of the lack of rain.) (To flow out), to empty out (to become vacant - Los restaurantes de la ciudad se vacían después de las 11 pm.The city restaurants empty out after 11 pm.) (Pronominal Verb)

soñar con

to dream about (Soñaba con ella todas las noches.I dreamed about her every night.)/to dream of (Muy a menudo sueño con volar.I very often dream of flying.)/to dream (Ayer soñé con que me perdía en un bosque.Last night I dreamt I got lost in a forest) (To have dreams about), to dream of (Janis sueña con convertirse en estrella del rock.Janis dreams of becoming a rock star.)/to dream about (Aquella no era la India con que Ghandi había soñado.That wasn't the India Ghandi had dreamt about.)/to dream (En la universidad soñaba con tener mi propia casa y un buen trabajo.When I was at university, I used to dream I had my own house and a good job.) (To Imagine) (Intransitive Verb Phrase)

vestirse de

to dress (Carmela se viste muy mal.Carmela dresses really badly.)/to wear (Encarna siempre se viste de negro.Encarna always wears black.)/to dress in (Pedrito se vistió de blanco para la comunión.Pedrito was dressed in white for his communion.) (To sport clothing), to dress up as (Sara se vistió de hada para su fiesta de cumpleaños.Sara dressed up as a fairy for her birthday party.), to buy one's clothes (to purchase clothes - Juanita y su mamá se visten en las mejores tiendas de marca.Juanita and her mom buy their clothes from the best designer stores.) (Reflexive Verb)


to drink (to consume - Bebo café por la mañana.I drink coffee in the morning.)/to drink (to imbibe - Las mujeres embarazadas no deberían beber ni una copa.Pregnant women should not drink at all.) (Transitive Verb), to drink (to consume liquids - ¿Tiene algo para beber?Do you have anything to drink?), to drink (to consume alcohol - Se prohibe beber en público.Drinking in public is prohibited.) (Intransitive Verb)


to drip (Se está escurriendo el agua de esa llave.Water is dripping from that faucet.)/to drip-dry (¡Va a llover! Mete a la casa la ropa que está escurriéndose afuera en el tendedero.It's about to rain! Get the clothes that are drip-drying on the clothesline inside the house.) (To lose liquid), to slip (El vaso de vidrio se me escurrió de las manos, cayó al suelo y se rompió.The glass slipped through my fingers and smashed against the floor.)/to slide (Se me escurrió la alianza del dedo y no puedo encontrarla.My wedding ring slid off my finger and I can't find it.), to slip away (to escape - Desafortunadamente, el ladrón se le escurrió a la policía.Unfortunately, the thief slipped away from the police.), to slip out (to say more - Se me escurrió un comentario hiriente e inmediatamente me arrepentí.A hurtful comment slipped out and I immediately regretted it.) (Pronominal Verb)


to drip (to dribble - El perro entró mojado por la lluvia y goteó por toda la casa.The dog came in all wet from the rain and dripped all over the house.), to drip (El plomero vino hoy a arreglar el grifo que goteó toda la noche.The plumber came today to fix the faucet that was dripping all night.)/to leak (Creo que la tubería está goteando; la cuenta del agua llegó muy alta este mes.I think the pipes are leaking; the water bill was too high this month.) (Intransitive Verb), to drizzle (weather - Hoy no ha llovido muy fuerte, pero ha estado goteado todo el día.It hasn't rained very hard today, but it's been drizzling all day.) (Impersonal Verb)


to drip (to dribble - Me limpié la sangre que me chorreaba de la nariz.I wiped off the blood that was dripping from my nose.), to be soaked (Tengo que bañarme porque estoy chorreando de sudor.I need a shower because I'm dripping in sweat./Las toallas están chorreando porque se han caído en la bañera.The towels are dripping wet because they fell in the bathtub.), to gush (Tras el puñetazo, al hombre le empezó a chorrear sangre de la nariz.Blood started to gush from the man's nose after he was punched.)/to gush out (Las cañerías se rompieron y el agua empezó a chorrear.The pipes broke and water started to gush out.)/to spurt (La lava chorreaba del cráter del volcán.Lava was spurting from the crater of the volcano.)/to spurt out (Apreté el torniquete para que la sangre no chorreara.I tightened the tourniquet so the blood wouldn't spurt out.) (To Pour), to trickle in (to arrive gradually - Veinte años después del accidente chorrean todavía demandas de indemnización.Claims for compensation are still trickling in twenty years after the accident.) (Intransitive Verb), to drip with (to let fall in drips - Mis amigos me tiraron a la piscina con la ropa puesta y salí chorreando agua.My friends threw me into the swimming pool with my clothes on and I came out dripping with water.), to swipe (to steal - River Plate -colloquial - El guardia de seguridad me pilló intentando chorrear un juego en la tienda.The security guard caught me trying to swipe a game in the store.) (Transitive Verb)

dejar caer

to drop (to let go of - Lucía dejó caer las llaves del coche sobre la mesa y dijo, "Hoy te toca llevar a los niños al colegio".Lucia dropped the car keys on the table and said, "It's your turn to take the kids to school today."), to let fall (to allow to fall - Me encanta cuando Lydia se deshace el moño y deja caer su cabello por la espalda.I love it when Lydia undoes her bun and lets her hair fall down her back.), to slip in (Sánchez siempre deja caer alguna impertinencia cuando habla.Sanchez always slips in some impertinent remark when he speaks.)/to let drop (Margarita dejó caer en la reunión de ayer que no le importaría ocupar tu puesto mientras estás de baja por maternidad.At yesterday's meeting Margarita let drop that she wouldn't mind replacing you while you're on maternity leave.)/to mention (Durante la conversación dejé caer los nombres de algunos posibles candidatos, entre ellos el tuyo.I mentioned the names of a few possible candidates during the conversation; yours was one of them.) (To say)


to dry (Sécate el pelo con una toalla.Dry your hair with a towel.)/to dry off (Me sequé las manos con una toalla de papel.I dried off my hands with a paper towel.)/to dry oneself off (Voy a salir de la piscina y secarme.I'm going to get out off the pool and dry myself off.) (Reflexive Verb), to dry up (to be evaporated - Se secó la tinta de mi bolígrafo.The ink in my pen has dried up.)/to heal over (to scar over - Los puntos se secaron bien.The stitches healed over nicely.) (Pronominal Verb)


to dry (to remove moisture - El sol secará nuestra ropa mojada.The sun will dry our wet clothes.), to mop up (to make dry - Ayúdame a secar el agua derramada.Help me mop up the spilled water.) (Transitive Verb), to dry (to remove moisture - Ve a mirar si la ropa ya ha secado.Check to see if the clothes have dried yet.) (Intransitive Verb)


to eat (ingest food - sElla se comió el pastel entero.She ate the whole cake.), to eat away (El óxido se come el metal.Rust eats away metal.)/to fade (El sol se comió la pintura del carro.The sun faded the paint on the car.)/to corrode (La lluvia ácida se come las estatuas de bronce.Acid rain corrodes bronze statues.) (To wear away), to eat up (¡Los impuestos se me comen la mayor parte de mi sueldo!Much of my pay is eaten up by taxes!)/to blow through (El chico se comió todos sus dulces de Halloween en una noche. The boy blew through all his Halloween candy in one night) (To use up), to bite (to chew on - Le pusieron un ungüento para que no siguiera comiéndose las uñas.They put an ointment on his nails so that he wouldn't bite them.), to miss (Te comiste toda la puntuación.You missed all the punctuation.)/to swallow (Se comió las palabras cuando estaba hablando con su enamorada.He swallowed his words when he was talking to his crush.) (To omit), to hit (Se comió el techo con la cabeza.He hit his head against the ceiling.)/to crash into (Nos comimos la puerta del garaje cuando dimos marcha atrás.We crashed into the garage door when we reversed.) (To collide with) (Pronominal Verb)


to eat (to ingest food - Me gusta comer manzanas.I like to eat apples.), to have for lunch (to each for lunch - mexico - Me gusta comer manzanas.I like to eat apples.), to have for dinner (to eat for dinner - Latin America - Vamos a comer espagueti con albóndigas.We're going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.), to hide (Ese sombrero te queda demasiado grande. ¡Te come la cara entera!That hat is too big for you. It hides your entire face!)/to swallow up (Siento que estas gafas de sol me comen la cara.I feel like these sunglasses swallow up my face.) (To make disappear), to eat up (to consume - El pago de la hipoteca de la casa me come la mayoría del sueldo.The mortgage payment on my house eats up most of my paycheck.), to take (chess - Me comieron todos los peones.All my pawns were taken.) (Transitive Verb), to eat (to ingest food - No quiero comer ahora mismo; no tengo hambre.I don't feel like eating right now. I'm not hungry.), to have lunch (to eat lunch - Mexico, Spain - Comieron rápido porque tenían una reunión a la 1 pm.They had lunch quickly because they had a meeting at 1 pm.), to have dinner (to have a meal in the evening - Latin America - Comimos en un restaurante mexicano nuevo.We had dinner at a new Mexican restaurant.) (Intransitive Verb)


to empty (Vació su mochila sobre la mesa.She emptied her backpack onto the table.)/to empty out (Los policías nos obligaron a vaciar la botella.The policemen made us empty out the bottle.) (To remove the contents of), to hollow out (to scoop out - Vaciaron las calabazas para hacer instrumentos musicales.They hollowed out the gourds to make musical instruments.), to cast (to mold - Vaciaron una estatua de bronce espectacular.They cast an incredible statue out of bronze.), to drain (to remove liquid from - Tenemos que vaciar todo el aceite antes de poner más.We have to drain all the oil before putting more in.), to perform a hysterectomy on (medicine - Los médicos tuvieron que vaciarla.The doctors had to perform a hysterectomy on her.) (Transitive Verb)


to end (Solo quedan dos episodios para que termine la temporada.There are only two episodes left before the season ends.)/to finish (¿Ya terminaste? ¡Qué rápido!Have you finished already? That was quick!) (To come to an end or bring something to an end) (Intransitive Verb), to finish (¿Ya has terminado la tarea?Have you finished your homework yet?)/to be done with (¿A qué hora crees que terminarás la traducción?What time do you think you'll be done with the translation?) (To bring to an end), to end up (to result - used with "ing" - ¿Sabías que Sandy y Jake terminaron casándose?Did you know Sandy and Jake ended up getting married?) (Transitive Verb)


to enjoy, to take pleasure in something


to enter into, to venture, to invade


to escape (from a person or place - Cuatro presos huyeron de la cárcel el domingo por la tarde.Four inmates escaped from the prison on Sunday afternoon./El hada trató de huir, pero el brujo la agarró por las alas.The fay tried to escape, but the wizard grabbed her by the wings.)/to flee (from danger or pursuit - Muchos migrantes huyeron del país por temor a la persecución.Many migrants fled the country due to fear of persecution.)/to run away (Nuestro perro huyó de casa anoche y todavía no lo hemos encontrado.Our dog ran away from home last night and we still haven't found him.) (To leave), to avoid (to stay away from - Ella huye de los refrescos desde que le dijeron que tiene un alto riesgo de contraer diabetes.She avoids sodas since she was told that she has a high risk of developing diabetes.) (Intransitve)


to escape, run away


to exchange (Todas las Navidades, mis primos y yo intercambiamos regalos.Every Christmas, my cousins and I exchange gifts./Intercambié la blusa azul por la blanca porque me pega más con el vestuario.I exchanged the blue blouse for the white one because it goes with more of my wardrobe.)/to swap (Una vez al mes se reúne con otros coleccionistas para intercambiar sellos.Once a month he gets together with other collectors to swap stamps.) (To interchange) (Transitive Verb)


to exhaust (Este trabajo de ladrillero me agota.This brick-laying job exhausts me.)/to wear out (Viajar entre Los Ángeles y Sydney una vez por mes me está agotando.Traveling between Los Angeles and Sydney once a month is wearing me out.)/to tire out (Si crees que ir a la escuela te agota, mira a ver una vida sin una educación.If you think going to school tires you out, try a life without an education.) (To fatigue), to use up (Tener la radio prendida todo el día agota las pilas.Having the radio on all day uses up the batteries.)/to run out (Felipe agotó todos los pretextos y se vio obligado a empezar a decir la verdad.Felipe ran out of pretexts and was forced to start telling the truth.)/to exhaust (Si no cambiamos, agotaremos las existencias de petróleo dentro de nuestras vidas.If we don't change, we will exhaust the supply of petroleum within our lifetime.)/to run down (Agotarás la pila del carro si dejas las luces prendidas toda la noche.You'll run down the car battery if you leave the lights on all night.) (To use completely) (Transitive Verb), to be exhausting (to be tiring - Caminar bajo el sol del desierto sí agota.Walking under the desert sun is truly exhausting.) (Intransitive Verb)


to exhibit, to display


to expand, to increase, to broaden


to explain (to give an explanation - ¿Me puede explicar cómo funciona?Could you explain to me how it works?), to teach (La profesora explicó la primera lección del libro en clase.The teacher taught the first lesson of the book in class.)/to lecture in (El profesor explicó la teoría de la relatividad.The teacher lectured in the theory of relativity.) (Transitive Verb)


to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear, to get light(er)


to explode, to burst, to erupt, to shatter, to crash (waves), to break out (develop suddenly), to crack (snap), to meltdown emotionally


to express an opinion, to think


to express/to phrase/to voice/to set forth/to state (To communicate), to show (to demonstrate - he bought flowers to show his love for her) (Transitive Verb)


to fade (La tinta se borró del papel con el tiempo.The ink faded from the paper with age.)/to disappear (Todas las dudas se borraron cuando lo vio sonriéndole. All doubts disappeared when she saw him smiling at her.) (To Vanish), to cancel one's membership (to unsubscribe - Se borró del club porque se mudó a otra ciudad.S he canceled her membership to the club because she moved to another city.)


to fail (to not succeed - Si no practicas, vas a fallar.If you don't practice, you're going to fail.), to stop working (to break down - El motor de mi auto falló esta mañana.My car engine stopped working this morning.), to fail (Le di otra oportunidad y me falló otra vez.I gave her another chance and she failed me again.)/to let down (Sé qué te fallé, profesor. - No me fallaste, Beto; te fallaste a ti mismo.I know I let you down, professor. - You didn't let me down, Beto; you let yourself down.) (To disappoint), to give way (to break - La columna falló y el edificio se derrumbó.The column gave way and the building collapsed.), to rule (to sentence - El juez falló en contra del demandado.The judge ruled against the defendant.) (Intransitive Verb), to miss (to not hit - La bala falló el objetivo.The bullet missed the target.), to mistake (to get wrong - El estudiante falló la respuesta.The student got the answer wrong.) (Transitver Verb)


to fall (Mi hijo se cayó corriendo y se lastimó las rodillas.My son fell while running and hurt his knees.)/fall over (El vaso se cayó de la barra y se hizo pedazos.The glass fell off the bar and broke into pieces.)/fall down (Mi bebé está aprendiendo a andar y se cae muy a menudo.My baby is learning to walk and he falls down quite often)/to collapse (El edificio se cayó tras el terremoto.The building collapsed after the earthquake.)/drop (Ten cuidado que no se te caiga la sopa.Be careful that you don't drop the soup.) (To Fall Downward), to fall out (En cuanto se te caiga un diente de leche, ponlo debajo de la almohada.As soon as your baby tooth falls out, place it under the pillow.)/to fall off (En otoño, las hojas cambian de color y se caen de los árboles.In fall, the leaves change color and fall off the trees.) (To Detach), to reach the highest degree (Me caigo de cansancio, pero tengo que estudiar para el examen de mañana.I am really tired, but I have to study for tomorrow's exam./Mi bebé está llorando porque se cae de sueño.My baby is crying because he's very sleepy.) (Figurative), to go down (computing - La red de la universidad se cayó por mantenimiento.The university network went down due to maintenance.) (Pronominal Verb)


to fall asleep (Me dormí a las 6 de la mañana.I fell asleep at 6 in the morning./El programa era tan aburrido que me dormí.The program was so boring that I fell asleep.)/to get to sleep (No pude dormirme anoche porque estaba preocupado por el examen de hoy.I couldn't go to sleep last night because I was worried about today's exam.) (To get to sleep), to wake up late (to oversleep - Se durmió porque no oyó el despertador.She overslept because she didn't hear the alarm.), to go to to sleep (to go numb - No puedo ponerme en pie porque se me durmió la pierna.I can't stand up because my leg has gone to sleep.), to get distracted (No te duermas o no acabarás a tiempo.Don't slack off or you won't finish in time./Por dormirse se perdió la clave para ganar el premio.He missed the clue to win the prize because he didn't stay on his toes.) (Reflexive Verb)


to fascinate, to be attractive


to fasten/to do up (To hold in place), to lay (someone - colloquial have sex - mexico - ecuador, guatemala, mexico), to thrash (colloquial - to defeat - Mexico)

temer (a)

to fear/to be afraid (of) (to dread)


to feel (to be aware of - Puedo sentir el latido de mi corazón en los dedos.I can feel my heartbeat in my fingers.), to hear (to hear - ¿Sentiste el estruendo?Did you hear that loud noise?)/to smell (with your nose - ¿No sientes esa peste?Can't you smell that stench?)/to taste (with your mouth - La torta siente a quemado.The cake tastes burnt.) (To perceive with the senses - Latin America), to feel sorry for (Sentimos mucho su pérdida.We're very sorry for your loss.)/to be sorry about (Siento mucho lo de tu empleo. Espero que te salga otra oportunidad pronto.I'm really sorry about your job. I hope something else comes up soon.) (To regret) (Transitive Verb)


to feel (to be in a given state - Me siento siempre cansado y no tengo energías.I feel tired all the time and have no energy.), to get upset (to take offense - Mexico - El niño se sintió porque no pudo hacer lo que quería.The kid got upset because he couldn't do what he wanted to.) (Pronominal Verb)

tener ganas de

to feel like (¿Tienes ganas de salir o prefieres quedarte en casa?Do you feel like going out or would you rather stay in?)/to want to (Mami, tenemos ganas de ir al zoo. ¿Nos llevas?Mommy, we want to go to the zoo. Will you take us?)/to want (¿Tienes ganas de pizza? - Pues no. La verdad es que no tengo hambre.Do you want pizza? - Not really. Actually, I'm not hungry.)/to look forward to (used to express a feeling of anticipation - Los niños ya tienen ganas de que lleguen las vacaciones de verano.The children are now looking forward to the summer vacation.)

tener ganas

to feel like it (Supongo que tendré que comer algo aunque no tenga ganas.I guess I'll have to eat something, even if I don't feel like it.)/to want to (Okey, vamos al cine. - ¿De verdad tienes ganas?Okay, let's go to the movies. - Do you really want to?)/to want (Si tienes ganas, podemos pedir la fuente de pescado para dos.If you want, we can order the fish platter for two.)/to look forward to it (used to express a feeling of anticipation - Les quedan solo tres días para irse de vacaciones. - Cierto. Tenemos muchas ganas.You've only got three days left until you go on vacation. - Yeah. We're really looking forward to it.) (To wish for something)


to feign (Si Ana te habla de su nuevo novio, trata de fingir indiferencia.If Ana tells you about her new boyfriend, try to feign indifference.)/to pretend (El niño fingió estar dormido cuando su mamá abrió la puerta de su cuarto.The boy pretended to be asleep when his mom opened the door to his room.)/to fake (Robert fingió estar lesionado para no poder jugar en el torneo.Robert faked an injury so he couldn't play in the tournament.) (To simulate), to imitate (Soy muy malo para fingir voces.I'm bad at imitating voices.)/to put on (Cuando no quiere hablar con alguien al teléfono, Sally finge la voz de su hermana.When she doesn't want speak to someone on the phone, Sally puts on her sister's voice.) (To mimic) (Transitive) to pretend (to make believe - No le creas a Tom; vive fingiendo.Don't trust Tom; he's always pretending.) (Intransitive Verb)


to fight (to brawl - Niños, por favor, dejen de pelear.Children, please stop fighting.), to argue (No se llevan muy bien; siempre están peleando por algo.They don't get along very well; they're always arguing about something.)/to fight (No voy a ponerme a pelear contigo - no vale la pena.I'm not going to fight with you - it's not worth it.) (To have an argument), to struggle (to strive - Sol ha peleado durante años para mantener a su familia.Sol has struggled for years to support her family.), to compete (to contend with - Las dos finalistas pelearon por la gloria en el concurso de comer perros calientes.The two finalists competed for glory in the hot dog eating contest.) (Intransitive Verb)


to fight (to physically fight - Si se van a pelear, es mejor que lo hagan en el cuadrilátero.If you guys are going to fight, it's better if you do it in the ring.) (Reciprocal Verb)

henchir (de)

to fill (El éxito del proyecto me hinchió de orgullo y satisfacción.I was filled with pride and satisfaction at the success of the project .)/to fill up (La televisión hincha las cabezas de los televidentes con muchas noticias negativas.TV fills viewers' heads up with a lot of negative news.)/to swell (El barco alcanzó gran velocidad cuando el viento hinchió sus velas.The boat got up to a good speed when the wind swelled its sails.) (To make full) (Transitive)


to fill (¿No vas a llenar la tina antes de lavar el perro?Aren't you going to fill the bathtub before you wash the dog?)/to fill up (Tienes que llenar el tanque de gasolina antes de entregar el carro rentado.You have to fill up the gas tank before you turn in the rental car.) (To Make Full), to fill (to occupy completely - Los fans de los Pumas llenaron el Estadio Azteca antes del partido.The Pumas fans filled the Aztec Stadium before the game.), to fulfill (to satisfy - Si tu trabajo no te llena, deberías buscar otro.If your job doesn't fulfill you, you should look for another one.), to fill out (to complete - Necesito que llenes este formulario antes de ver al doctor.I need you to fill out this form before the doctor sees you.) (Transitive Verb), to be filling (to satisfy hunger - Las ensaladas no llenan mucho, pero son buenas para la salud.Salads aren't very filling, but they're good for your health.) (Intransitive Verb)


to fill up (El centro siempre se llena el fin de semana antes de Navidad.Downtown always fills up the weekend before Christmas.)/to get full (¿Ya se llenó la piscina? Llevas horas poniéndole agua.Has the pool gotten full yet? You've been putting water in it for hours.) (To Become Full), to fill up (to eat a lot - Me llené de pan antes de la cena y no pude comer nada de pavo.I filled up on bread before dinner and couldn't eat any turkey at all.), to be covered (to get covered - Te llenaste las botas de lodo y nieve. ¡Sal a lavártelas!Your boots are covered in mud and snow. Go outside and wash them off!) (Pronominal Verb)


to find out (to discover - Me enteraré de la verdad pase lo que pase.I will find out the truth no matter what.), to hear (¿Te has enterado de lo que les pasó estando de vacaciones?Did you hear about what happened to them while on vacation?)/to find out (Acabo de enterarme por mi vecina y he venido tan deprisa como he podido.I just found out from my neighbor and came as quickly as possible.) (To know), to notice (to perceive - Ni me enteré de que habías entrado.I didn't even notice you had come in.), to understand (to comprehend - Spain - ¿Te enteraste de lo que dijo?Did you understand what he said?) (Pronominal Verb)


to finish (Habíamos apurado las sobras, pero aún seguíamos con hambre.We had finished the leftovers, but we were still hungry.)/to finish off (Ya no quiero más galletas. ¿Las quieres apurar?I don't want any more cookies. Do you want to finish them off?)/to use up (Deberíamos comprar más leche antes de apurar el cartón que tenemos en casa.We should buy more milk before we use up the carton that we have at home.)/to exhaust (Al darse cuenta de que habían apurado sus provisiones, los exploradores tuvieron que recurrir al canibalismo.Upon realizing that they had exhausted their provisions, the explorers had to resort to cannibalism.) (To Consume All Of), to rush (to demand haste - latin america - No me apures, que quiero caminar con tranquilidad.Don't rush me. I want to walk to calmly.)/to expedite (a process or package - ¿No hay manera de apurar el proceso? Nos marchamos en una semana.Isn't there any way to expedite the process? We leave in a week.), to put pressure on (Están apurando a los trabajadores para que hagan los informes trimestrales.They're putting pressure on the employees to produce the quarterly reports.)/to push (Mis padres no me apuran a casarme. Yo me quiero casar.My parents aren't pushing me to get married. I want to get married.) (To Compel), to embarrass (to cause embarrassment - Estoy muy enfadada con mis padres porque me apuraron delante de mi novio a propósito.I'm really mad at my parents because they embarrassed me in front of my boyfriend on purpose.) (Transitive Verb) (to be urgent - to urge - chile - Tiene un par de cosas que hacer, pero no le apura.She has a few things to do, but they're not urgent.) (Intransitive Verb)


to finish (complete - Yo acabo mis clases en junio.I finish my classes in June.) (Transitive Verb), to come to an end (Te llamaré después de que acabe la película.I'll call you after the movie ends.), to come (referring to sex - colloquial - Latin America - Si tienes problemas para acabar, deberías consultar con el médico.If you have problems coming, you should see a doctor.) (Intransitive Verb)


to finish (to complete - Termínate el desayuno y vámonos.Finish your breakfast and let's go.), to run out (to have none left - Espero que lleguemos a nuestro destino antes de que al coche se le termine la gasolina.I hope we get to where we are going before the car runs out of gas.) (Pronominal Verb)

acabar con + noun

to finish off (to use up - Los niños acabaron con la torta de cumpleaños.The kids finished off the birthday cake.), to break up (to split up - Su novio acabó con ella por sus mentiras.Her boyfriend broke up with her because of her lies.), to end (Sus mentiras acabaron con su relación.Her lies ended their relationship.)/to put an end to (La policía intervino a tiempo para acabar con el peligro.The police intervened in time to put an end to the danger.) (To bring to an end), to kill off (to do away with - El dictador acabó con todos sus oponentes.The dictator killed off all his opponents.) (Transitive Verb Phrase)


to fit (to have enough room - En nuestro comedor cabe hasta un centenar de personas.Our dining area can fit as many as a hundred people.), to be possible (to be conceivable - esa es la única solución que cabe - that is the only possible solution), to be room for (to be an option - En esta guerra, no caben consideraciones.In this war, there is no room for consideration.) (Intransitive Verb)

caber por

to fit (to pass through - Esos lazos no caben por la aguja.Those ribbons cannot fit through the needle.)/to go (to pass through - El sofá no cabe por la puerta.The sofa will not go through the door.) (Intransitive Verb)


to fit in/to integrate (to adapt - fit in/integrate into society), to join (to become part of - join the european union) (Often used with a or en) (Pronominal)


to flap (La bandera se agitaba al viento.The flag flapped in the wind.)/to toss (El barco se agitaba en la tempestad y todos los pasajeros temían morir.The ship tossed in the storm, and the passengers were all afraid they were going to die.)/to shake (El techo de mi habitación se agita cada vez que suena el subwoofer del piso de arriba.My bedroom ceiling shakes every time the subwoofer plays in the upstairs apartment.) (To move vigorously), to get worked up (Se agita mucho el profesor cuando sus alumnos no prestan atención.The teacher gets really worked up when his students don't pay attention.)/to become agitated (Después de media hora en misa, su hijo empezó a agitarse.After a half an hour in mass, her son began to become agitated.) (To become unsettled) (Pronominal Verb)


to flatter (to compliment - Me halagó y me invitó a un trago.He flattered me and bought me a drink.), to please (Me halaga que el príncipe haya leído y recomendado mi libro.It pleases me that the Prince has read and recommended my book.)/to gratify (Todos los cumplidos que recibió halagaron su vanidad.All the compliments he received gratified his vanity.)/to flatter (Me halagaron con la invitación a su sociedad exclusiva.I was flattered by the invitation to their exclusive society.) (To satisfy), to show affection to (to pamper - Mis hijos me halagan porque son muy estudiosos y trabajadores.My children showed me affection by studying and working hard.) (Transitive Verb)


to flutter, flit, flit about, to fly/swirl around, to flutter


to fly (to move through the air - El águila extendió majestuosamente sus alas y voló por el aire.The eagle spread its wings majestically and flew through the air.), to fly (time - to go fast - Disfruta de estos momentos porque el tiempo vuela y los niños crecen muy rápido.Enjoy these moments because time flies and children grow up quickly.), to travel fast (news - Ya sé que te han dado un aumento, ¡las buenas noticias vuelan!I already know they gave you a raise; good news travels fast!), to rush (to do quickly - Desayuné volando para no perder el autobús a la oficina.I rushed breakfast so as not to miss the bus to the office.), to vanish (El dinero de la herencia voló en el mes después de nuestro viaje a Disney.The inheritance money vanished in the month after our trip to Disney World.)/to disappear (La oportunidad de trabajo voló ante mis ojos cuando no me decidí a tiempo.The job opportunity disappeared before my eyes when I was too slow to make a decision.) (To go away),to project (architecture - La cornisa del edificio volará desde la pared proporcionando sombra a su alrededor.The cornice of the building will project from the wall providing shade to its surroundings.) (Intransitive Verb), to explode (El terrorista trató de volar una bomba en una estación pero la policía lo detuvo.The terrorist tried to explode a bomb at a station but he was stopped by the police.)/to blow up (Han volado la antigua central eléctrica para construir una autopista.The old power plant has been blown up to build a highway.) (To blast), to fly (to make fly - Si no hace viento, no podrás volar la cometa.If it isn't windy, you won't be able to fly your kite.), to swipe (colloquial - to steal - Latin America - Alguien le voló el bolso en el mercado.Someone swiped her purse at the market.) (Transitive Verb)


to fold (Dobla el papel por la mitad.Fold the paper in half.)/to bend (El músculo bíceps se flexiona cuando doblas el brazo.The bicep muscle flexes when you bend your arm.) (To crease), to double (to increase by two times - Un bebé dobla su tamaño en unos cinco meses.A baby doubles its size in about five months.), to dub (cinema - El estudio dobla 40 películas al año.The studio dubs 40 films per year.) (Transitive Verb), to turn (to change direction - El coche dobló en el semáforo.The car turned at the traffic light.), to toll (to ring a bell - Las campanas de la catedral doblan a cada hora.The cathedral bells toll at every hour.) (Intransitive Verb)


to follow (to do in sequence - Hay ciertas medidas que deben seguirse para poder hacerse socio del club.Several steps need to be followed before you can become a member of the club.), to follow (to deduce - Por tus malas notas se sigue que no has estudiado en absoluto.From your bad grades, it follows that you have not studied at all.) (Pronominal Verb)


to follow (to move behind - Sígueme y te enseño el camino a casa.Follow me and I will show you the way home./Los niños siguieron a su padre hasta el parque.The children followed their dad to the park.), to follow (to understand - No sigo tu lógica.I don't follow your logic.), to follow (to comply with - Debes seguir las reglas y no romperlas.You must follow the rules and not break them.), to take (to study - Sigue algunas clases en línea.She is taking some online classes.), to follow (social media - Millones de adolescentes siguen al cantante en Twitter.Millions of teenagers follow the singer on Twitter.) (Transitive Verb), to continue (Puedes parar ahora y seguir más tarde.You can stop now and continue later.), to carry on (¿Seguimos o prefieres tomar un descanso?Shall we carry on or would you rather have a break?)/to go on (No podemos seguir así. Hay que hacer algo.We can't go on like this. We have to do something.)/to still be doing (¿Tu hermana sigue acusándote de haberle robado la pulsera?Is your sister still accusing you of stealing her bracelet?/Seguimos bailando hasta no poder más.We kept dancing until we couldn't go on anymore.), to still be in (Mi hijo sigue en Londres por el trabajo.My son is still in London for work.), to go on (Siga, por favor!Please, go on!), to carry on (Sigan por el malecón unos cinco minutos y verán el restaurante a la derecha.Carry on along the boardwalk for five minutes and you'll see the restaurant on your right.)/to keep going (Sigue todo recto hasta el banco y luego doble a la izquierda.Keep going straight ahead as far as the bank and then turn left.), to persist (Seguimos sin saber si van a venir a la boda o no.We still don't know if they're coming to the wedding or not./Mejor que aplacemos la salida porque sigue nevando.We'd better delay our departure because it is still snowing.) (Intransitive Verb)


to fool oneself (to delude oneself - Te estás engañando si crees que realmente te van a pagar tanto. You are fooling yourself if you think they are really going to pay you that much.) (Reflexive Verb)


to forget (to not remember - Olvidé cómo llegar a tu casa. ¿Me das direcciones?I forgot how to get to your house. Would you give me directions?), to forget (to leave behind - No olvides el paraguas. Creo que va a llover hoy.Don't forget the umbrella. I think it's going to rain today.) (Transitive Verb)


to forgive (Por favor, discúlpame por haber roto la guitarra.Please, forgive me for breaking the guitar.)/to excuse (Discúlpeme por llegar unos minutos tarde.Excuse me for arriving a few minutes late.) (To pardon) (Transitive Verb), (Disculpe, por favor. ¿Me dice dónde está la parada del metro?Excuse me, please. Can you tell me where the subway station is?/Disculpa, no te he visto trabajando allí. Me pondré los cascos.I'm sorry, I didn't see you there working. I'll put headphones in.) (Intransitive Verb)


to form,/to make (to shape - the stars form a constellation/the children made a fort with pillows), to set up/to form/to get into (to create - we set up our policies/we formed a coalition/they got into groups of three), to make up/to comprise (to be composed of - women make up/comprise more than half of the world's population), to educate/to train (to instruct - we educate children up to age 10/this school specializes in training engineers), to order to fall in (military - the general ordered the platoon to fall in) (Transitive) to fall in (military - A formar! - Fall in!) (Intransitive)


to free (to liberate - how can I free you from all that worry?), to release/to get out/to forbid (to exempt - she isn't released from her responsibilities/he can't get out of paying the fine/heaven forbid he doesn't get his way), to save (to protect - her calm thinking saved the day), to deliver (religious - deliver us from evil), to fight (sustain - she's been fighting a battle against cancer), to draw (a check)/to issue (a decree)/to pass (sentence) (To emit) (Transitive)


to freeze (Las plantas se helaron en invierno.The plants froze in winter.)/to freeze over (body of water - Cuando el lago se hiela, lo usan como pista de patinaje.When the lake freezes over, it is used as a skating rink.)/to ice over (body of water - El estanque se hiela todos los inviernos.The pond ices over every winter.) (To become frozen), to freeze - Todos se estaban helando antes de prender la chimenea.Everyone was freezing before lighting the fire.)/to get cold (Vas a helarte sin chamarra.You'll get cold without a jacket) (To become cold)/to freeze (to dry out - harvest - Ya no pudimos consumir las verduras porque se helaron.We couldn't eat the vegetables because they froze.) (Pronominal Verb)


to freeze (to preserve - He congelado las albóndigas para comerlas el lunes.I've frozen the meatballs to eat them on Monday.), to affect with frostbite (medicine - Cuando llegó al campamento base tenía ya dos dedos congelados.When he arrived at base camp, two of his fingers were already affected with frostbite.), to freeze (to not increase - prices or salaries - El gobierno ha congelado el sueldo de los funcionarios hasta el año próximo.The government has frozen its employees' salaries until next year.), to freeze (credit or a project - El proyecto ha quedado congelado mientras se espera la llegada de nuevos fondos.The project is frozen while awaiting the arrival of new funds.)/to suspend (aid or a project - Se congelaron todas las ayudas económicas al país bajo sospechas de mala gestión.All economic aid to the country was suspended under suspicion of mismanagement.) (To put on hold), to freeze (to pause - an image - Congela la imagen. Ese es el sospechoso ingresando a la tienda.Freeze the image. That's the suspect walking into the store.) (Transitive Verb)


to frighten (El perro asustó a los niños.The dog frightened the children.)/to scare (Enciende una vela para asustar a los demonios.Light a candle to scare the demons.) (To Cause Fear), to startle (to alarm - Un grito espeluznante la asustó mientras dormía.A bloodcurdling scream startled her awake.) (Transitive Verb)


to get (Consiguió su licencia de conducir en junio.He got his driver's license in June.)/to obtain (Consiguió la residencia y se puede quedar en el país.He obtained residency and can stay in the country.)/to win (Sam Rockwell consiguió el Óscar al mejor actor de reparto en 2018.Sam Rockwell won the Oscar for best supporting actor in 2018.) (To acquire), to achieve (Ese hombre consiguió todas sus metas profesionales.That man achieved all his career)/to manage (tNo conseguí convencerlo para que se viniera a la playa con nosotros.I didn't manage to convince him to come to the beach with us.) (To realize an objective) (Transitive Verb)


to get (El restaurante está tratando de obtener tres estrellas Michelin.The restaurant is trying to get three Michelin stars.)/to obtain (¿Cómo puedo obtener mi pasaporte?How can I obtain my passport?)/to gain (No sé cómo obtener más puntos en este videojuego.I don't know how to gain more points in this videogame.) (To Acquire Possession of), to receive (Obtuvieron el apoyo de uno de los escritores más conocidos de toda España.They received the support of one of the most well-known writers in all of Spain.)/to win (a prize - Los estudiantes obtuvieron el premio de "Mejor trabajo en equipo".The students won the prize for "Best Teamwork.") (To Have Bestowed), to make (to earn - Obtuvieron ganancias récord este año.They made record gains this year.) (Transitive Verb)

llevarse bien

to get along (Mi suegra es una mujer muy dominante, y no me llevo bien con ella.My mother-in-law is a very domineering woman, and I don't get along with her.)/to get on well (Los dos amigos tienen caracteres opuestos, pero se llevan bien.The two friends have different personalities, but they get on well.)/to get on (Francisco y yo hace muchos años que trabajamos juntos, y siempre nos hemos llevado bien.Francisco and I have been working together for a long time, and we have always got on.) (To have a good relationship)


to get around by oneself (No se manda desde que se rompió la pierna.He can't get around by himself since he broke his leg.), to come out with (to think of - Latin America - Mi hermano siempre se manda una excusa para no hacer los deberes.My brother always comes out with an excuse to not do his homework.), to polish off (food - Se empachó después de haberse mandado toda la torta.He got an upset stomach after having polished off the whole cake.)/to knock back (drink - La salsa estaba tan picosa que se mandó toda la jarra de cerveza.The salsa was so hot that he knocked back the whole pitcher of beer.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get blocked (to get clogged - El desagüe se obstruyó y el baño se inundó.The drain got blocked and the bathroom flooded.)/to get blocked up (La entrada a la mina se obstruyó y los mineros quedaron atrapados.The entrance to the mine got blocked up, and the miners were trapped.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get by (Se maneja muy bien en chino y ruso.She gets by very well in Chinese and Russian.)/to manage (Se maneja perfectamente en su nuevo empleo.She's managing perfectly well in her new job.) (To Handle Oneself), to behave (to act - Los niños se manejaron muy bien en la excursión.The children behaved really well on the field trip.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get cold (Cómete los garbanzos antes de que se enfríen.Eat the chickpeas before they get cold.)/to go cold (El puré de lentejas se enfrió y ya no sabía tan bien.The lentil soup went cold and didn't taste as good.)/(to cool down - Ahora me puedo tomar el té porque ya se enfrió.I can drink the tea now because it has cooled down.), to cool (Nuestra amistad nunca se enfrió a pesar de los años que pasamos sin vernos.Our friendship never cooled despite the years we went without seeing each other.)/to cool off (Terminamos porque nuestra pasión se enfrió.We broke up because our passion cooled off.) (To lose intensity), to get cold (to become uncomfortably cold - Se me enfrían las manos con mucha facilidad.My hands get cold very easily.), to catch a cold (to get a cold - Mi sobrina no fue hoy al colegio porque se enfrió.My niece didn't go to school today because she caught a cold.), to drop dead (Le dio un paro cardiaco y se enfrió instantáneamente.She had a heart attack and dropped dead instantaneously.)/to croak (Dijo sus últimas palabras y se enfrió.He said his last words and croaked.) (To die - colloquial - latin america) (Pronominal Verb)


to get dressed (A mi esposo solo le toma media hora vestirse.It only takes my husband half an hour to get dressed.)/to dress oneself - (Eliezer siempre se viste con ropa de alta calidad.Eliezer always dresses himself in high-quality clothes.) (To put clothes on), to buy one's clothes (to purchase clothes - Juanita y su mamá se visten en las mejores tiendas de marca.Juanita and her mom buy their clothes from the best designer stores.)


to get drunk


to get engage (to become engaged) (Reciprocal), to commit oneself/to promise/to commit to something (To Pledge to Do Something) (Pronominal)


to get frightened (Nos asustamos muchísimo con la explosión de la bomba.We got terribly frightened when the bomb went off.)/to be frightened (¡No te asustes! Son solo truenos.Don't be frightened! It's just thunder.) (To Experience Fear) to get worried (¡No te asustes! Son solo truenos.Don't be frightened! It's just thunder.) (To Be Concerned) (Pronominal)


to get impatient/exasperated, to go crazy, to give up hope


to get in the way of (El camión de la basura estorba la entrada al club cada mañana.The trash truck gets in the way of the club entrance every morning.)/to be in the way of (La escalera que hay en mitad del pasillo estorba el paso de la gente.The ladder in the middle of the hall is in the way of people who want to get by.)/to obstruct (Hay unas vacas que están estorbando la circulación en la carretera.There are some cows obstructing traffic on the highway.)/to hinder (Lo único que hace Gloria en las juntas es estorbar nuestro avance.The only thing Gloria does at the meetings is hinder our progress.) (To impede), to bother (to disturb - Ya le he dicho mil veces al vecino que su música tan alta me estorba.I've already told my neighbor hundreds of times that his loud music bothers me.) (Transitive Verb), to be in the way (¿Estoy estorbando? - No, ahí estás bien.Am I in the way? - No, you're fine there.)/to get in the way (Dime dónde puedo poner las cajas para que no estorben.Tell me where I can put the boxes so they won't get in the way.) (To impede) (Intransitive Verb)


to get lost (Mi perro se perdió en el bosque.My dog got lost in the woods.)/to be lost (¿Nos puede ayudar, por favor? Nos hemos perdido. Estamos buscando el Museo del Prado.Can you help us, please? We're lost. We're looking for the Prado Museum.) (To Fail To Find The Way), to get lost (Durante unos minutos, no presté atención a lo que decía el profesor y me perdí.For a few minutes, I didn't pay attention to what the teacher was saying and I got lost.)/to be lost (Esta regla gramatical es muy complicada. Me he perdido. ¿Me la puedes volver a explicar, por favor?This grammar rule is very complicated. I'm lost. Can you explain it to me again, please?) (To Not Understand), to disappear (to vanish - El coche negro se perdió entre el tráfico de la hora punta, y los policías que lo perseguían no pudieron hacer nada para evitarlo.The black car disappeared into the rush hour traffic, and the cops who were chasing it could do nothing about it.), to miss (¿No leíste su última novela? Bueno, no te perdiste nada. A mí me pareció bastante mediocre.Didn't you read his last novel? Well, you didn't miss anything. It seemed pretty mediocre to me.)/to miss out (Como no tienes suficiente información, te estás perdiendo muchas de las ventajas que tiene ser miembro de nuestro club.Because you don't have enough information, you're missing out on many of the advantages of being a member of our club.) (To Waste A Chance To Do Something), to be ruined (to go to waste - Ese año se perdieron muchas cosechas debido a la sequía.That year many crops were ruined due to the drought.), to lose one's way (to indulge in debauchery - Tras la muerte de su esposa, él empezó a beber y acabó por perderse.After his wife died, he started drinking and ended up by losing his way.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get mixed up (to muddle up - Los calcetines se mezclaron y no sé cuáles son míos.The socks got mixed up and I don't know which are mine.), to mix (to combine - Hay líquidos que no se mezclan, como el agua y el aceite.There are liquids that don't mix, like oil and water.), to mix (to live together - Es una ciudad en la que se mezclan las culturas.It is a city where cultures mix.), to get involved (to implicate oneself - Me pidieron que participara pero yo no quise mezclarme.They asked me to participate but I didn't want to get involved.), to mix (to socialize - Le gusta mezclarse con gente de todos tipos.She enjoys mixing with all kinds of people.) (Pronominal Verb)

bajarse en

to get off (me bajo en la próxima parada - I get off at the next stop) (Pronominal Verb)

bajarse de

to get off of (to descend from a vehicle - Tengan cuidado al bajarse del deportivo.Be careful when you get out of the sportscar.) (Pronimal Verb)


to get ready (to get tidied up - Me arreglo en cinco minutos y nos podemos ir.I'll take five minutes to get ready, and we can leave.) (Reflexive Verb), to get sorted out (Ya verás como todo se arregla.You will see; it will all get sorted out.)/to make up (a couple - Mi hermano se arregló con su novia después de una pelea.My brother made up with his girlfriend after a fight.) (To be solved - it will all get sorted out/she made up with her boyfriend after the fight), to manage (to do with or without - No ganamos mucho dinero, pero nos arreglamos.We do not earn a lot of money, but we manage.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get right/to guess correctly (to identify accurately) (Transitive) to hit the target (find the mark), to be right (no acerté al comprar- it was a mistake (i was not correct) to have bought), to find (to discover - did you find the house?), to manage to (to be able to - he managed to get it right) (Intransitive)


to get tired of (Suelo ser una persona paciente, pero ayer las quejas de tu hermano me hartó.Usually I am a patient person, but yesterday I got tired of your brother's complaining.)/to get fed up with (Luis me está hartando, ¿tiene que opinar sobre todo?I am getting fed up with Luis. Does he have to have an opinion about everything?)/to get on the nerves of (Me han hartado las críticas constantes de mis amigos sobre mi aspecto.My friends' constant criticisms about my looks has gotten on my nerves.)/to annoy (El representante de ventas hartó a la gerente porque no dejaba de interrumpirla.The sales rep annoyed the manager because he wouldn't stop interrupting her.)/to get sick of (El alumno no dejaba de cuchichear en clase y hartó al profesor.The teacher got sick of a student who wouldn't stop whispering in class.) (To Get Annoyed), to give too much (colloquial - Mi novio me hartó a regalos el día de mi cumpleaños.My boyfriend gave me a ton of presents for my birthday./Por favor no me harten con tantas preguntas. Ya se lo voy a explicar todo.Please do not barrage me with so many questions. I am just about to explain everything.) (Transitive Verb)


to get to (to be placed - ¿Dónde se habrán metido esas llaves?Where can those keys have got to?), to get involved (Imelda se metió a la política cuando su familia perdió todo por un político corrupto.Imelda got involved in politics when her family lost everything because of a corrupt politician.)/to get into (Después de su primer viaje al mar a los 12 años, Rose se metió al buceo.After her first trip to the sea at age 12, Rose got into diving.) (To Take Part In), to interfere (Rafa siempre se mete en donde no debe.Rafa's always interfering where he's not wanted.)/to meddle (¿No tienes nada mejor que hacer que meterte en nuestro proyecto?Don't you have anything better to do than meddle in our project?)/to stick one's nose into (No te metas en las cosas que no tienen nada que ver contigo.Don't stick your nose into things that have nothing to do with you.)/to pick on (Deja de meterte con los niños más chicos.Stop picking on the smaller children.) (To Intervene), to become (Decidió meterse a doctor como su tío.He decided to become a doctor like his uncle.)/to get a job as (Federico se metió a mesero.Federico got a job as a waiter.) (To Devote Oneself To), to do (Se arruinó la vida cuando empezó a meterse cocaína.He ruined his life when he started doing cocaine.) (To Take) (Pronominal Verb)


to get up (to awaken ¿A qué hora te levantaste hoy?What time did you get up today?), to get up (to stand up - Levántate que el suelo no está limpio.Get up, the floor is not clean.), to rise up (to rebel - Caín se levantó contra Abel y lo mató.Cain rose up against Abel and killed him.) (Reflexive Verb), to come off (to peel off - Tenía el cuerpo quemado y se le levantaba la piel al tocarla.His body was burned and his skin came off when touched.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get upset (No se moleste, ha sido sin querer.Don't get upset, I didn't do it on purpose.)/to take offense (Mi suegra se molestó por mis comentarios.My mother-in-law took offense at my remarks.) (To get annoyed), to bother (to trouble oneself - No hace falta que se molesten en recogernos.You don't need to bother to pick us up.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get used (Cuando llegué a Dublín tuve que habituarme a que no hiciera tanto sol.When I got to Dublin, I had to get used to it not being sunny as much.)/to get accustomed (Una vez que te habitúes, creo que te gustará vivir aquí.Once you get accustomed, I think you'll like living here.) (Pronominal Verb)


to get wet (¡Ten cuidado! Me mojaste con tu bebida.Look out! You got me wet with your drink.)/wet (Podrías mojar una servilleta y tallar la mancha hasta que se quite.You could wet a napkin and rub the stain until it comes out.)/dampen (Moja tus lentes y frótalas con un paño suave.Dampen your glasses and rub them with a soft cloth.)/moisten (Voy a mojar el pescado con aceite de oliva para que conserve su textura.I'm going to moisten the fish with olive oil so that it keeps its texture.)/to drench (Me gusta mojar el burrito con mucha salsa.I like to drench my burrito in a lot of sauce.)/soak (El chef dijo que mojaramos las ollas por unas horas en agua caliente para quitar lo quemado.The chef said we should soak the pots for a few hours in hot water to remove the burnt food.) (To cover with liquid), to dip (Estaría bien mojar las fresas en chocolate, ¿no crees?It would be nice to dip the strawberries in chocolate, don't you think?)/dunk (¿Tienes biscotes para mojar en el café?Do you have any biscotti to dunk in my coffee?) (To submerge), to bribe (colloquial - to offer money or inducement - Caribbean - ¡Qué va! Es obvio que alguien mojó la mano al árbitro.No way! Someone obviously bribed the referee.), to celebrate with a drink (colloquial - to celebrate - Vamos a mojar el ascenso de Gerardo después del trabajo hoy.We're going to celebrate Gerardo's promotion with a drink after work today.), to wet (to urinate in - La bebé ya mojó su pañal de nuevo.The baby just wet her diaper again.) (Transitive Verb)


to get wrong (to mix up - Perdón, equivoqué la dirección de email.Sorry, I got the email address wrong.), to make...go wrong (Cállate un momento. Estos cálculos son complicados y me vas a equivocar.Can you be quiet for a moment? These calculations are complicated, and you're going to make me go wrong.)/to make...make a mistake (Me fié de esta app y me equivocó.I trusted this app, but it made me make a mistake.) (To cause to make an error), to choose wrong (Creo que equivoqué la carrera; mi hermano gana mucho más que yo.I think I chose the wrong career; my brother earns much more than I do.)/to pick the wrong (Me parece que equivoqué la especialidad, y ahora voy a tener problemas para conseguir trabajo.It looks like I picked the wrong major, and now it will be difficult to get a job.) (To make a poor choice of) (Transitive Verb)


to get/to go to (receive) (Transitive) to repay/to return (to give in return), to concern/to be one's job/to be for one to do (to be incumbent), to love back/to return one's love/to feel the same way (to requite love), to be fitting/to be right/to be appropriate (to befit), to correspond to (to be equivalent to - mathematics) (Intransitive)


to get/to stick (to force - he got a thorn in his big toe/stuck a fork in my hand), to swipe (colloquial)/to filch (colloquial) (To steal) (Central America/Mexico)


to give (Dame las llaves.Give me the keys.)/to have (¿Me das una libra de queso y dos libras de jamón?Can I have one pound of cheese and two pounds of ham?) (To hand over), to give (Necesito que me des una idea para el tema de la fiesta.I need you to give me a good idea for the party's theme.)/to yield (Este tratamiento da buenos resultados.This treatment yields good results.)/to produce (Este manzano da más manzanas de las que podríamos comer.This apple tree produces more apples than we can possibly eat.)/to bear (fruit - Los perales dan peras.Pear trees bear pears.) (To Generate), to hold (Esta es la lista de los eventos que se dieron este mes.This is the list of events held this month.)/have (Mi compañía da una fiesta de Navidad todos los años.My company has a Christmas party every year.)/throw (Le dieron una fiesta sorpresa para celebrar su graduación.They threw him a surprise party to celebrate his graduation.) (To Celebrate), to be taught (No dan mi asignatura favorita en la escuela.My favorite subject is not taught in school.), to apply (Le voy a dar otra capa de barniz a esta mesa.I'm going to give this table another coat of varnish./Esta pared necesita que le des otra pasada de pintura.This wall needs another coat of paint.), to award (to grant - Me dieron una beca para ir a la universidad.I was awarded a scholarship to go to university.), to give (to lend - a pleasant taste - La hoja de laurel le da un sabor único a la sopa.Bay leaf gives a unique taste to the soup.), to say (thanks or greetings - Sra. García, le quiero dar las gracias por una cena magnífica.Mrs. García, I just want to say thank you for a wonderful dinner.)/give (El Día de Acción de Gracias es un día para dar las gracias por todo lo que tenemos.Thanksgiving Day is a day to give thanks for all that we have.) (To express), to take (to perform an action - ¿Quieres dar un paseo por el río?Would you like to take a walk by the river?), to deal (card games - ¿Quién va a dar esta ronda?Who's going to deal this round?), to show (film, theater, television - El cine independiente está dando un maratón de películas clásicas.The independent movie theater is showing a classic film marathon.), to strike (sound - clock - El reloj dio las doce de la noche y Cenicienta huyó del palacio.The clock struck midnight and Cinderella fled the palace.), to make feel (No puedo tomar café caliente en este clima; me da demasiado calor.I can't drink hot coffee in this weather; it makes me too hot./Me da miedo quedarme sola en la casa.I get scared staying at home alone.) (Transitive Verb), to feel (Me dieron ganas de vomitar cuando vi el insecto en mi comida.I felt like throwing up when I saw the bug in my food.)/to have (Al papá de Gabriela le dio un derrame cerebral.Gabriela's father had a stroke.) (To happen suddenly), to matter (¿Quieres ir a la playa o a la piscina? - Me da lo mismo.Do you want to go to the beach or to the pool? - It's all the same to me./Me da igual si comemos pasta o pescado esta noche.It doesn't matter to me whether we have pasta or fish tonight.), to overlook (El balcón del hotel da hacia el mar.The hotel balcony overlooks the ocean)/face (Mi apartamento da hacia el sur.My apartment faces south.)/look onto (El restaurante da al parque.The restaurant looks onto the park.) (To be oriented towards), to press (activate - Da al botón para prender la computadora.Press the button to turn on the computer.), to hit (El boxeador le dio en la cara a su oponente y ganó la pelea.The boxer hit his opponent in the face and won the fight.)/to kick (a ball - Trató de darle a la bola pero falló.She tried to kick the ball but missed.) (To strike), to find (Después de años de investigación, por fin dio con la solución.After years of research, she finally found the solution.)/hit upon (Hasta el día de hoy, nadie ha dado con la respuesta al acertijo.So far, no one has hit upon the answer to the riddle.)/come up with (El equipo aún no ha dado con una solución al problema.The team still hasn't come up with a solution to the problem.) (To discover), to be inclined (Desde que supo que consiguió el trabajo, le ha dado con ir de compras todo el tiempo.Ever since he found out that he got the job, he's taken to nonstop shopping./Me ha dado con tomarme una copa de vino con la cena.I've started having a glass of wine with my dinner.), to give (to motivate - Los sucesos de hoy me dieron qué pensar.Today's events have given me something to think about.), to hit (to shine - De este ángulo el sol me da en los ojos y no puedo ver.From this angle, the sun hits my eyes and I can't see.), to deal (card games - Ya el repartido dio, así que te toca jugar.The dealer already dealt so it's your turn to play.) (Intransitive Verb)


to give back (¿Podrías devolver estos libros a la bibliotecaria?Could you give these books back to the librarian?)/to return (Como no le gustaron los zapatos, los devolvió.As he didn't like the shoes, he returned them.)/to take back (¿Has devuelto la película al videoclub?Have you taken the movie back to the video store?)/to send back (Devolvieron al prisionero a la cárcel tras haberse escapado.The prisoner was sent back to prison after having escaped.) (To restore), to give back (Me tienen que devolver dos dólares porque pagué diez y valía ocho.They have to give me back two dollars because I paid ten, and it cost eight.)/to refund (Si el vendedor no le devuelve el dinero, puede presentar una demanda.If the vendor does not refund your money, you can file a complaint.)/to return (Devolvieron el cheque porque no había suficientes fondos.They returned the check because there were insufficient funds.) (Economics), to return (to compensate - En cuanto pueda, le devuelvo el favor.As soon as I can, I will return the favor.), to throw up (Miles tiene gripa; por eso está devolviendo todo lo que come.Miles has got the flu; that's why he's throwing up everything he eats.)/to bring up (El perro estaba enfermo y devolvió la comida que había comido.The dog was sick and brought up the food he'd eaten.) (to vomit) (Intransitive Verb), to throw up (Varias personas devolvieron en el barco.Several people threw up on the boat./to be sick - (Creo que voy a devolver.I think I'm going to be sick.) (To vomit) (Intransitive Verb)


to go (Central America/Mexico - to leave - Me jalo a la tienda a traer hielo para la fiesta.I'm going to go to the store to get ice for the party.), to get drunk (Mexico/Cuba/Columbia/Central America - Alberto se jaló en la fiesta de cumpleaños de su hermano y hoy tiene resaca.Alberto got drunk at his brother's birthday party and he's hungover today.), to ******** (Mexico - to masturbate - Miguel y sus amigos fanfarroneaban de las veces que se la habían jalado.Miguel and his friends were bragging about the times they had jerked off.), to scarf down (Spain - colloquial - to eat voraciously - Debías de tener mucha hambre, porque te jalaste el pollo muy rápido.You must have been really hungry, because you scarfed down that chicken really fast.) (Pronominal Verb)

quedarse + adj

to go (to become - Mi abuelo se quedó ciego cuando tenía 80 y pico años.My granddad went blind when he was 80 something.)


to go (to indicate movement - Ayer Ana y yo fuimos al cine.Yesterday, Ana and I went to the movies.), to go (to indicate a result - Me fueron bien los exámenes este semestre.My exams went well this semester.), to go (to indicate origin - Los platos van en el armario.Dishes go in the cupboard.), to go (to indicate a range of time - El festival va del primero de abril hasta el primero de mayo.The festival goes from April first to May first.), to wear (Iba con botas amarillas.She wore yellow boots.)/to be dressed in (color - Iba de verde por el día de San Patricio.She was dressed in green for St. Patrick's Day.) (To Have On), to work (El portátil va bien.The laptop works well.)/to run (Mi carro ha ido sin problema durante años.My car has run without an issue for years.) (To Function), to attend (to go - Mi hermana va a la primaria al lado de la estación de bomberos.My sister goes to the elementary school next to the firestation.), to look (to appear - ¡Vas muy guapa! Me encanta tu vestido.You look gorgeous! I love your dress.) (Intransitive), to go with (to match - Esa camisa roja no le va a ese pantalón amarillo.That red shirt doesn't go with those yellow pants.) (Intransitive), to go (to indicate a future action - ¡Papá va a cocinar una cena espectacular!Dad is going to cook a wonderful dinner!), to be (in progressive constructions - Voy planificando la fiesta.I am planning the party.) (Aux Verb), to go (to talk about directions - Por aquí no se va a casa.This is not the way to go home.), to go (to indicate a result - ¿Cómo te va, amigo?How's it going, friend?) (Impersonal)

ir por

to go by (¿El paquete va por aire o por mar?Will the parcel go by air or sea?)/to go along (Si vas por esta calle todo recto, llegarás a la catedral en unos cinco minutos.If you go straight ahead along this street, you'll reach the cathedral in about five minutes.)/to go (¿Prefieres que vayamos por aquí o por allí?Do you prefer to go this or that way?) (Used To Talk About a Route), to be on (¿Estás acabando el libro? - Sí, tiene 550 páginas y ya voy por la página 535.Are you finishing the book? - Yes, it has 550 pages, and I'm on page 535 now.)/to be in (¿Dónde están ahora? - Vamos por Zaragoza, es la siguiente parada.Where are you know? - We're in Zaragoza. It's the next stop.) (To Have Reached), to go and get (¿Por qué no vas por aceite mientras yo hago la ensalada? Lo acabamos ayer.Why don't you go and get some oil while I make the salad? We finished it yesterday.)/to go and fetch (La abuela viene con nosotros a la playa. - Muy bien, voy por ella.Grandma is coming to the beach with us. - OK, I'll go and fetch her.), (To Go and Collect), to be meant for (No te ofendas. Mi comentario no iba por ti.Don't get offended. My comment wasn't meant for you.)/to be aimed at (¿Qué te hace pensar que lo que dijo Eva iba por ti? Yo creo que hablaba en general.What makes you think that what Eva said was aimed at you? I think she was talking in general.)/to go for (Antes de sentarse en la mesa, tienen que lavarse las manos. Va también por ti, Miguelito.Before sitting at the table, you have to wash your hands. That goes for you too, Miguelito.) (To Refer To)


to go down (Baje a recepción y pregunte al conserje.Go down to reception and ask the concierge.)/to come down (¿Podrías bajar al sótano?Could you come down to the basement?) (To Descend), to fall (Ha bajado el precio de los tomates.Tomato prices have fallen.)/to go down (his fever won't go down)/to drop (exports have dropped) (Intransitive), to go down (La fiebre no le bajará sin medicación.His fever won't go down without medication.)/to drop (Las exportaciones bajaron debido al crac bursátil.Exports have dropped due to the stock market crash.) (To Decrease) (Intransitive Verb), to go down (Bajen la escalera con cuidado, hay un escalón roto.Be careful going down the stairs, one of the steps is broken.)/to come down (¡Ten cuidado al bajar las escaleras, abuelo!Be careful when coming down the stairs, Grandpa!) (To Descend), to get down (¿Me puede bajar la bolsa del compartimento?Could you get my bag down from the compartment?)/take down (¿Me bajarías ese libro de la estantería?Would you take that book down from the shelf for me?)/to lower (Por favor baje las persianas; hay demasiada luz.Please lower the blinds; there is too much light.) (To Bring Down), to drop (to incline downwards - Cuando se lo dije, bajó la mirada avergonzado.When I told him, he dropped his eyes in shame.), to lower (Tenemos que bajar nuestros gastos para ahorrar para la boda.We have to lower our expenses to save for the wedding.)/to turn down (Si no bajan la música, nos vamos a otro bar.If they don't turn the music down, we'll go to another bar.)/to bring down (La manera más eficaz de bajar la fiebre es darse un baño con agua fría.The most effective way to bring down a fever is taking a cool bath.)/to reduce (El ejercicio bajará tus niveles de colesterol.Exercise will reduce your cholesterol levels.) (To Decrease), to download (computing - Cuando bajas películas de manera ilegal, estás cometiendo un delito.You are committing a crime when you download movies illegally.) (Transitive Verb)

pasear en bicicleta/a caballo

to go for a ride (via vehicle or animal - Paseo en bici cada domingo por la mañana.I go for a ride on my bike every Sunday morning.) (Intransitive Verb)


to go for a walk (Cuando necesito pensar, voy a las montañas a pasearme.When I need to think, I go to the mountains for a walk.)/to walk (Se paseó todo el día por el centro comercial.She walked around the mall all day long.) (To go around) (Pronominal Verb)

ir de

to go from (used to express point of origin - ¿Cómo hago para ir de Madrid a Barcelona? ¿En coche, tren, autobús?How can I go from Madrid to Barcelona? Car, train, bus?) to go (used to express activity - Quiero ir de viaje a Alaska.I want to go on a trip to Alaska./El año pasado fui de vacaciones a Malta.Last year I went on vacation to Malta.), to be about (used to express subject matter - ¿De qué va el libro que estás leyendo? - Va del calentamiento global.What's the book you're reading about? - It's about global warming.), to go as (costume - ¿Se disfrazaron tus hijos en Halloween? - Sí, mi hija iba de princesa y mi hijo de pirata.Did your children dress up on Halloween? - Yes, my daughter went as a princess, and my son as a pirate.)/to wear (color - En el entierro todo el mundo iba de negro.Everyone wore black at the funeral.) (Clothing), to act (colloquial - La trató fatal en vida, y ahora va de viudo desconsolado.He treated her really bad when she was alive, and now he's acting the inconsolable widower.) to believe oneself or pretend to be (colloquial - Va de interesante, pero es la persona más aburrida que he conocido.He really thinks he's interesting, but he's the most boring person I've ever met./Esa va de lista y se cree que nos va a engañar.She makes out she's clever, and she thinks she's going to fool us.)


to go home (to go to one's place - Tengo que recogerme a las 9 pm.I have to go home at 9 pm.), to go to bed (to to go sleep - "Yo siempre me recojo muy temprano," dijo mi abuela y soltó un bostezo."I always go to bed very early," said my grandmother and she yawned.), to withdraw (Cuando se quedó viuda, la condesa se recogió en un convento.The countess withdrew to a convent when she became a widow.)/to retire (Después del desayuno, los monjes se recogen para meditar.After breakfast, the monks retire to meditate.) (Religion), to lift up (skirt - La muchacha se recogió la falda y metió los pies en el río.The girl lifted up her skirt and put her feet in the river.)/to roll up (pants/sleeves - Recógete las mangas de la camisa o te las mancharás de grasa.Roll up your shirt sleeves or you'll get them stained with grease.) (Pronominal Verb)

meterse (en/por)

to go in (Empezó a llover y se metieron en la casa.It started raining and they went in the house.)/to go down (Nos metimos por un callejón sin salida.We went down a blind alley.)/to get into (Estoy tan cansada que tengo ganas de meterme en la cama.I'm so tired I just want to get into bed.)

meterse (en)

to go into (El músico se metió en su estudio y comenzó a escribir una canción.The musician went into his studio and began writing a song.)/to go down (El anillo se metió en el desagüe.The ring went down the drain.),to get into (¿Cómo se metió esta rata en la cocina?How did this rat get into the kitchen?) (To Enter), to interfere in (Las Naciones Unidas se metieron en el conflicto.The United Nations interfered in the conflict.)/to meddle in (Un detective privado se metió en la investigación.A private investigator meddled in the investigation.)/to stick one's nose in (No soporto que mi vecina se meta en mi vida.I can't stand my neighbor sticking her nose in my affairs.) (to Intervene In), to get involved in (No quiero meterme en un escándalo.I don't want to get involved in a scandal.)/to get into (Mi hermana se metió en problemas con la ley.My sister got into trouble with the law.) (To Become Associated With)

pasar a

to go into (to move into - Cuando acabemos de cenar en el comedor, pasaremos al salón y tomaremos allí el café.When we finish dinner in the dining room, we'll go into the living room and have coffee there.), to go on to (to begin to - Ahora pasaremos a tratar el tema del presupuesto.We'll go on to discuss the budget now.), to go through to (to reach - El tenista ganó el partido y pasó a las semifinales.The tennis player won the game and went through to the semifinals.), to overtake (to get past - Esta carretera tiene solo dos carriles, y es muy difícil pasar a otros vehículos.This road only has two lanes, and it's very difficult to overtake other vehicles.), to overcome (Mi hijo ya ha pasado a su primo en altura aunque tiene un año menos.My son is now taller than his cousin even though he's one year younger./Nuestro equipo pasó a todos los demás equipos locales en la clasificación.Our team came higher than all the other local teams in the league table.), to become (to turn into - Empezó siendo solo un chupatintas, pero en menos de un año había pasado a ser el director del departamento.He was just a pen-pusher to start with, but he'd become head of the department in less than a year.), used to express intention (De vuelta de la playa, pasaremos a ver al abuelo.On our way back from the beach, we'll stop by to see Grandpa./¿A qué hora quieres que pasemos a buscarte para ir al cine?What time do you want us go pick you up to go to the movies?)

adentrarse en

to go into/to penetrate into/to go deep into (to get into - they went/penetrate/went deep into the forest), to go in depth into (to analyze thoroughly - you need to go in depth on the topic for this discussion) (Pronominal)


to go out (to blow out - Una ráfaga pasó por una grieta y la vela se apagó.A gust of wind came in through a crack, and the candle went out.), to go off (Escuché una explosión y en enseguida se apagaron las luces.I heard an explosion, and then the lights went off straightaway), to die down (to abate - Por fin, el viento empezaba a apagarse.At last, the wind was dying down.), to fade (Después de tantos años de luchar sin conseguir nada, los anhelos ya se le habían apagado.After so many years of struggling to no avail, her dreams had faded.)/to go out (La chispa en los ojos de mi abuelo no se apagó hasta el último momento de su vida.The spark in my grandfather's eyes didn't go out until his dying moments.)/to wane (El deseo de quitar al dictador no se está apagando frente a la represión.The desire to remove the dictator isn't waning in the face of repression.) (To Dissipate) (Pronominal Verb)

salir a + infinitive

to go out to do something (No me gusta cocinar, así que, si me tocara la lotería, saldría a comer todos los días.I don't like cooking, so, if I won the lottery, I'd go out for lunch everyday./Hace buen tiempo. Salgamos a pasear.The weather is nice. Let's go for a walk./Salí a pasear para despejar la mente y respirar aire fresco.I took a walk to clear my head and breathe fresh air.), to come out on (Esta avenida sale a Zaragoza.This avenue comes out on Zaragoza.)/to lead to (¿A dónde sale esa calle empedrada?Where does that cobblestone street lead to?) (To End In), to take after (to look like - Mi hijo salió a su abuelo.My son takes after his grandfather.)

pasarse a

to go over to (to change one's allegiance - Muchos de los mercenarios se pasaron al otro bando a cambio de tierras y más oro.Many of the mercenaries went over to the other side in exchange for land and more gold.)

pasar por

to go past (¿Sabe si el tranvía pasa por el mercado de la Boquería? — Do you know whether the tram goes past the Boqueria market?)/to pass by (A la vuelta, pasaremos por la Giralda. Verás qué bonita está de noche toda iluminada. — On our way back, we'll pass by the Giralda. It's beautifully lit up in the evening, you'll see.)/to go (Antes el autobús pasaba por allí, pero no sé si lo sigue haciendo. — The bus used to go that way, but I don't know whether it still does.)/to come (El 23 no, pero el 24 seguro que pasa por aquí. — The number 23 doesn't come this way, but the number 24 does for sure.) (To pass in front of), to go via (to stop over in - El avión no vuela directamente a Luxemburgo, sino que pasa por Zurich. — The plane does not fly directly to Luxembourg. It goes via Zurich.), to pass through (La antigua carretera pasaba por muchos pueblos, pero la autopista va directamente de una ciudad a otra. — The old road used to pass through many villages, but the expressway goes directly from one city to the other.)/to go through (Nada más pasar por el túnel, verán una desviación a la derecha. — Right after going through the tunnel, you'll see a detour on the right.)/to flow through (river - El río Guadalquivir pasa por Sevilla y desemboca en el Océano Atlántico.The Guadalquivir River flows through Seville and into the Atlantic Ocean.) (To cross), to go through (figurative - to suffer - Desde que murió mi marido y lo perdimos todo, hemos pasado por mucho.Since my husband died and we lost everything, we've gone through a lot.), to pop into (Tengo que pasar por el supermercado a comprar un par de cosas.I need to pop into the supermarket to buy a couple of things.)/to stop by (Dijo que a la salida del trabajo tenía que pasar por la oficina de correos para enviar un paquete.He said after work he had to stop by the post office to send a parcel.)/to drop in at (Si vas al centro, ¿podrías pasar por la biblioteca y devolver estos libros?If you're going downtown, could you drop in at the library and return these books?)/to go to (Esta tarde pasaré por el taller a recoger el auto.I'll go to the garage this evening to get my car.)/to come to (Si pasa por la consulta entre las 4 y las 5 pm, uno de nuestros médicos podrá atenderle.If you come to the office between 4 and 5 pm, one of our doctors will be able to see you.) (To go or come inside for a short while), to put up with (figurative - to tolerate - Muy bien, él será el jefe, pero yo no paso por que me hable así.OK, he's the boss, but I won't put up with him talking to me like that.), to go through (to fit through (El aparador no pasaba por la puerta y tuvimos que desmontarlo.The sideboard wouldn't go through the door and we had to take it apart.), to pass through (Hay que pasar el cable por el tubo y conectarlo al enchufe.You have to pass the cable through the tube and then connect it to the plug.)/to thread through (Las trabillas son muy estrechas y cuesta pasar el cinturón por ellas.The loops are very narrow and it's difficult to thread the belt through.) (To make go through), to smuggle across (to move illegally across - En un solo mes, habían logrado pasar más de 100 kilos de cocaína por la frontera.They had managed to smuggle more than 100 kilos of cocaine across the border in just one month.), to run over (Le pasé la mano al perro por el lomo, y él se puso a menear el rabo.I ran my hand over the dog's back, and he started wagging his tail.)/to slip around (one's arm - Él le pasó el brazo por la cintura y ella apoyó la cabeza en su pecho.He slipped his arm around her waist, and she rested her head on his chest.) (To pass over), to depend on (Una paz duradera pasa por el diálogo y el respeto mutuo.A lasting peace depends on dialogue and mutual respect.)/to lie in (En mi experiencia, el éxito en los negocios pasa por el trabajo duro y el amor al riesgo.In my experience, success in business lies in hard work and a taste for risk-taking.) (Figurative - to be conditional on), to pass as (Vestido así podrías pasar perfectamente por un modelo.Dressed like that you might well pass as a model.)/to look (Es tan tímida que a menudo pasa por antipática.She's so shy she often looks unfriendly.) (Figurative - to be thought of as)

ir a

to go to (to go to a place - ¿Vas a ir a la fiesta el sábado?Are you going to go to the party on Saturday?/Debes ir a la escuela antes de que se haga más tarde.You should go to school before it gets any later.), to go (¿Puedes ir a preguntarle a tu hermano si quiere cenar?Can you go and ask your brother if he wants to have dinner?)/to be going to (Voy a regar el jardín cuando baje el sol.I'm going to water the garden when the sun goes down.) (Used to Express Intentionality)

subir por

to go up (Cuando subíamos por la cuesta, nos cruzamos con un ciclista que bajaba.When we were going up the hill, we passed a cyclist going down.)/to come up (El ascensor no funciona, tendrás que subir por las escaleras.The elevator is not working. You'll have to come up the stairs.)/to climb up (Grité porque vi una araña que subía por la pared.I screamed because I saw a spider climbing up the wall.) (To move upward along)


to go up (moving away - Subir el monte es duro.Going up the hill is tough.)/to come up (moving closer - Los veo venir subiendo la cuesta.I can see them coming up the hill.)/to climb (Los prisioneros subieron el muro y escaparon.The prisoners climbed the wall and escaped.) (To ascend), to raise (to increase - Subieron los impuestos en mi país.They raised the taxes in my country.), to turn up (Si tienes frío, podemos subir la calefacción.If you're cold, we can turn up the central heating.)/to raise (voice, tone - ¿Puedes subir la voz, por favor? No te oigo.Can you raise your voice, please? I can't hear you.) (To increase the volume, heat, etc. of), to lift (to raise up - Tira de la cuerda para subir la caja.Pull up on the rope to lift the box.), to upload (computing - Si quieres ver las fotos, ya las subí a mi cuenta de Instagram.If you want to see the photos, I already uploaded them to my Instagram account.) (Transitive Verb), to go up (moving away - ¿Por qué no subes a ver a Alex en su habitación?Why don't you go up and see Alex in his room?)/to come up (moving closer - ¿Subes o te quedas viendo la televisión?Are you coming up or are you watching TV a little longer?), to get on (bus/plane/train - Si no subes al autobús ahora lo perderás.If you don't get on the shuttle now, you'll miss it.)/to get in (a car - Sube al coche y conduce.Get in the car and drive.), to go up (Todavía llueve, pero han subido las temperaturas.It's still raining, but temperatures have gone up.)/to rise (El precio del barril de petróleo subió cinco céntimos el mes pasado.The price of a barrel of oil rose five cents last month.) (To increase) (Intransitive Verb)

subir a

to go up to (moving away - Está empezando a hacer calor. ¿Por qué no subes al desván y bajas el ventilador?It's starting to get hot. Why don't you go up to the attic and bring down the fan?)/to come up to (moving closer - ¿Por qué están ahí encerrados en casa? Suban a la terraza. Se está tan bien aquí.Why are you shut away in the house? Come up to the terrace. It's so nice here.)/to climb (No entiendo cómo pudo un niño tan pequeño subir a un árbol tan grande.I don't understand how such a little boy could climb such a big tree.) (To ascend to), to get on (a bus, a plane, a train - Cuando llegué a la estación, los pasajeros ya estaban subiendo al tren. Casi lo pierdo.When I arrived at the station, the passengers were already getting on the train. I almost missed it.)/to get in (a car - Los niños subieron al carro y su padre lo puso en marcha.The kids got in the car and their father started it.)


to grab (Cogió la pelota que salió fuera de la cancha.He grabbed the ball that went off the field.)/to take (¿Puedo coger otra galleta?May I take another cookie?)/to get (¿Puedes coger el teléfono que está sonando en la sala?Can you get the telephone that is ringing in the living room?)/to pick up (Por favor, coge al niño, el suelo está sucio.Please, pick up the baby, the floor is dirty.)/to hold (Coge bien el cuchillo o te cortarás.Hold the knife properly or you will cut yourself.) (To Take Hold Of), to pick (to select - De todos los trozos, cogió el más grande.From all the pieces, she picked the biggest one.), to get (understand - ¿Cogiste el chiste?Did you get the joke?), to take (with directions - Coja la segunda calle a la derecha.Take the second street on your right.), to catch (to get sick with - Estoy a punto de coger un resfriado.I am about to catch a cold.), to get into (to form a habit - Cogieron la costumbre de venir a visitarnos todos los días.They got into the habit of visiting us every day.), to take (to take transportation - ¿Vas a coger el tren o el autobús?Are you taking the train or the bus?), to borrow - (¿Puedo cogerte el lápiz un momento?May I borrow your pencil for a second?) to f*ck (vulgar - to have sex - latin america - ¿A poco la cogiste?Did you really f*ck her?) (Transitive Verb), to be (to be located - El restaurante coge cerca de aquí.The restaurant is near here.), to f*ck (vulgar - to have sex - latin america - Cogieron en el cine.They f*cked in the movie theater.) (Intransitive Verb)


to grab (to grab - Cógete unas galletas y cómetelas en el coche.Grab some cookies and eat them in the car.), to hold on to (to hold - Cógete fuerte de la cuerda en el descenso. Hold on to the rope tightly during your descent.), (Pronominal Verb), to catch (to get stuck - Se cogió los dedos en la ventana.She caught her fingers in the window.) (Reflexive Verb)


to grow (increase in size - Su nieto creció una pulgada entera durante el verano.Her grandson grew a whole inch over the summer.), to grow up (to develop - Crecí en España durante la época de Franco.I grew up in Spain during the Franco era.), to grow longer (to increase in duration - the days grew longer), to rise (to increase in level - Las fuertes lluvias causan que el río crezca.The heavy rains cause the river to rise.), to increase (to grow in presence - Así como crecía el desempleo, también lo hacía el desdén por los poderes políticos.Just as unemployment increased, so did disdain for the political powers.), to expand (to increase in amount - En solo tres años, las oficinas de la compañía crecieron por todo el país.In just three years, the company's offices expanded across the country.), to wax (of the moon - La luna crecía, proporcionando más luz para nuestro camino.The moon was waxing, providing more light for our journey.) (Intransitive Verb)


to grow (thrive - Esta variedad de lechuga se da en cualquier sitio.This lettuce variety can grow anywhere.), to happen (Una luna de sangre no se da muy a menudo.A blood moon doesn't happen that often.)/to present itself (Una oportunidad así no se da muy a menudo.Such an opportunity does not present itself very often.) (To occur), to take to (to start - Estoy preocupado porque Javier se ha dado a fumar demasiado.I'm worried because Javier has taken to smoking too much) (Pronominal Verb), to hit oneself (to hurt oneself - Me di en la cabeza contra el marco de la ventana.I hit my head on the window frame.), to give up (surrender - Mexico - Vas a perder, ¿te das?You are going to lose. Do you give up?) (Reflexive Verb)


to grow, to increase


to grumble/to moan (to complain) (Intransitive), to scold/to tell off (colloquial - to reprimand - Puerto Rico/River Plate) (Transitive)


to guess, divine


to hack (Es aconsejable tomar ciertas precauciones para evitar que alguien hackeé nuestro email.It's advisable to take certain precautions to prevent anyone from hacking our email.)/to hack into (Con solo 15 años, hackeó el sistema informático de la NASA y encontró pruebas que apuntaban a la existencia de ovnis.When he was only 15, he hacked into NASA's computing system and found evidence pointing to the existence of UFOs.) (Computing) (Transitive Verb)


to halt (stop - El accidente detuvo la circulación de tráfico por completo.The accident stopped the flow of traffic completely.), to arrest (detain - La policía detuvo al criminal tan pronto como lo encontraron.The police arrested the criminal as soon as they found him.), delay (to hold up - Un ladrón detuvo a la policía mientras el otro se escapó con el dinero.One robber delayed the police while the other got away with the money.) (Transitive Verb)


to hammer (hammer a nail)/to drive (drive a stake)/to thrust (thrust a knife)/to pin (pin some tacks)/to sink (sink your teeth into it)/to stick (stick the umbrella into the sand) (Transitive), to fix (to stare - to fix your gaze), to rip off (colloquial)/to get ripped off to the tune of (colloquial), to stand up (to make wait - she stood me up) (southern cone), to hammer/to drive (sports - hammered the ball into the basket/drive the ball into the net) (Transitive)


to hammer (to hit with a hammer - El herrero sacó la espada de la fragua y comenzó a martillarla.The blacksmith took the sword out of the forge and started to hammer it./Los obreros están martillando el tejado para poner tejas nuevas.The workers are hammering the roof to put new tiles in.), to torment (to worry - La conciencia martillaba al conductor que había atropellado accidentalmente a un peatón.The driver who had accidentally run over a pedestrian was tormented by his conscience.) (Transitive Verb)


to handle (Un cajero de casino maneja mucho dinero.A casino cashier handles a lot of money.)/to use (Hay que saber cómo manejar los datos para sacarles máximo provecho.You need to know how to use the data to get the most out of it.)/to operate (¿Has aprendido a manejar la nueva maquinaria?Have you learned how to operate the new machinery?) (To Deal With), to handle (to control - Hay que manejar la situación con mucho tacto.We need to handle the situation very tactfully.) to run (Un conglomerado extranjero ha manejado la empresa desde enero.A foreign conglomerate has run the company since January.)/manage (Me contrataron para manejar la bodega.They hired me to manage the warehouse.) (To Direct), to manipulate (to exploit - El director de la empresa maneja a sus empleados como quiere.The company director manipulates his staff at will., to drive (automobile - Mi padre me deja manejar su carro los fines de semana.My dad lets me drive his car on weekends.) (Transitive Verb), to drive (Voy a aprender a manejar este verano.I'm going to learn to drive this summer.) (Intransitive)


to hang (to suspend - Colgaron la bandera en la ventana con orgullo.They hung the flag in the window with pride.), to hang up (telecommunications - Colgaron el teléfono al mismo tiempo.They both hung up at the same time.), to give up (to abandon - Colgó sus estudios para hacerse atleta profesional.He gave up his studies to become a professional athlete.), to upload (to post on social media - Me hago muchos selfis para colgar en mis redes sociales.I take a lot of selfies to upload on my social networks.) (Transitive Verb), to hang up (Tengo que colgar. El jefe me está llamando.I have to hang up. The boss is calling me.)/to hang up on (Isabel me colgó cuando le dije que quería divorciarme de ella.Isabel hung up on me when I told her I wanted to divorce her.) (Telecommunications) (Intransitive Verb)


to hang (to suspend - Si tiendes la ropa en el tendedero, estará seca por la mañana.If you hang the clothing on the clothesline, it will be dry by morning.), to lay out (to place - Tendimos todas las muestras para que pudiéramos escoger la mejor opción.We laid out all of the samples so that we could choose the best one.), to approach (to reach - Ten cuidado, tiendes a los límites de velocidad en esta carretera.Be careful, you are approaching the speed limit on this road.), to stretch out (to extend - Tenderemos la pancarta para que alcance los dos pilares.We will stretch out the banner so that it reaches both pillars.), to set (a table - Los niños tendían la mesa mientras sus padres preparaban la comida.The children set the table while their parents prepared the meal.)/to make (a bed - Espero que estés tendiendo tu cama antes de bajar a desayunar.I hope you are making your bed before coming down to eat breakfast.) (To arrange - Latin America), to hand (Le tendió el frasco a su hermano para que pudiera tratar de abrirlo.He handed the jar to his brother so that he could try to open it.)/to offer (¿Me tiendes una mano al cruzar la calle?Would you offer me a hand crossing the street?) (To pass) (Transitive), to tend (to be inclined - Tendemos a comprar productos orgánicos por razones de salud.We tend to buy organic products for health reasons.) (Intransitive Verb)


to hang (to suspend oneself - El muchacho se colgó de las barras con la ayuda de su madre.The boy hung from the monkey bars with the help of his mother.), to hang oneself (suicide - Decidió que la mejor manera de acabar con su vida era colgarse.He decided that the best way to end his life was to hang himself.), to crash (computing - Spain - Si el ordenador sigue colgándose, tendré que comprarme otro.If my computer keeps crashing, I'll have to buy a new one.) (Pronominal Verb)


to hate


to have (Tengo tres coches.I have three cars.)/to have got (Mary tiene una casa en el campo.Mary's got a house in the country.) (To possess), to have (¿Tienes efectivo?Do you have cash?)/to have got (¿Tienen sus pasaportes?Have you got your passports?) (To be carrying), to have (Tiene los ojos verdes.She has green eyes.)/to have got (Susana tiene el cabello oscuro.Susana's got dark hair.) (Used to express characteristics), to have (La chica que busco tiene lentes de sol y una bufanda.The girl I'm looking for has sunglasses and a scarf.)/to have on (¿Por qué tiene zapatos tu perro?Why does your dog have shoes on?) (To wear), to be (used to express age - Mi hermana tiene 33 años.My sister is 33 years old.), to have (El lunes tengo una cita con el dentista.I have a dentist appointment on Monday.)/to have got (Mañana tenemos junta en la tarde.We've got a meeting tomorrow afternoon.) (To have planned), to be (to feel - Si tienes frío, ponte un abrigo.If you are cold, put on a coat.), to have (to be ill with - Mi hijo tiene sarampión.My child has measles.), to hold (Ten la bandeja.Hold the tray.)/to take (Ten esta caja, por favor.Take this box, please.)/to be available to take (Tengan sus boletos.Here are your tickets./Ten tu bolsa.Here is your bag.) (To grasp or carry), to be (to measure - Esta maleta tiene 20 centímetros de ancho.This suitcase is 20 centimeters wide.), to have (to give birth to - Mi perra tuvo seis cachorros.My dog had six puppies.), to have (to receive - Todavía no tuve el correo electrónico de confirmación de la empresa.I haven't had a confirmation email from the company yet.), to have (used to describe a possibility - Realmente no tiene solución este problema.This problem really has no solution.), to consider (to think of - Siempre tuve a Rodolfo por honesto.I've always considered Rodolfo to be honest.), it has been (used to indicate duration - Tengo dos años sin verlo.I haven't seen him for two years./Mis abuelos tienen 40 años de casados.My grandparents have been married for 40 years.) (Transitive Verb)


to have (compound tenses - Nunca habían ido a Costa Rica antes del verano pasado.They had never been to Costa Rica before last summer.) (Auxiliary Verb), to be (No hay azúcar.There is no sugar./No hubo tiempo para saludar a todos en la fiesta.There wasn't enough time to say hi to everyone at the party.), used to express time (No sé si habrá tiempo para comer algo.I don't know if there will be enough time to eat something./Tiempo ha del terremoto.The earthquake occurred a long time ago.) (Impersonal Verb), to bear (to have - Los hijos habidos de la aventura no fueron reconocidos por su padre.The children borne of the affair were not recognized by their father.), to happen (El espectáculo habido esta semana está completamente vendido.This week's performance is totally sold out./El accidente habido ayer resultó en dos fatalidades.Yesterday's accident resulted in two fatalities.) (Transitive Verb)


to have breakfast (to eat breakfast - Latin America - Los domingos nos desayunamos en un café.On Sundays we have breakfast in a café.), to find out (¿No sabía lo del accidente? - No, recién se desayunó.Didn't he know about the accident? - No, he just found out.)/to hear of (¿Oíste que despidieron a Claudia? - No, recién me desayuno.Did you hear they fired Claudia? - No, this is the first I've heard of it.)/to hear about (¿Por qué talaron esos árboles? - ¿Talar árboles? Recién me desayuno.Why did they cut down those trees? - Cut down trees? This is the first I've heard about it.) (Colloquial - to become aware of) (Pronominal Verb)


to have breakfast (to eat breakfast - Mi esposo y yo desayunamos juntos todos los días.My husband and I have breakfast together every day.) (Intransitive Verb), to have for breakfast (Suelo desayunar huevos y pan tostado.I usually have eggs and toast for breakfast.) (Transitive Verb)


to have dinner (Mi novio me invitó a cenar con su familia.My boyfriend invited me to have dinner with his family.)/to have supper (Voy a cenar con los niños.I am going to have supper with the kids.)/to dine (¿Me pongo el esmoquin para cenar con el conde?Should I wear my tuxedo to dine with the Count?) (To Eat Dinner) (Intransitive Verb), to have for dinner (to eat for dinner - Voy a cenar un filete buenísimo.I am going to have a delicious steak for dinner.) (Transitive Verb)

haber + past participle

to have done something


to have fun (Nos divertimos mucho en nuestro viaje.We had a lot of fun on our trip.)/to have a good time (Los niños se divirtieron en el parque de diversiones.The kids had a good time at the amusement park.)/to enjoy oneself (no recuerdo la última vez que me divertí tanto - I can't remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much) (To have fun) (Reflexive Verb)


to have lunch (to eat lunch - Voy a almorzar con mi novio en el restaurante mexicano.I'm going to have lunch with my boyfriend at the Mexican restaurant.), to have a mid-morning snack - Spain - Tengo que almorzar para que no me dé una bajada de azúcar.I need to have a mid-morning snack to prevent low blood sugar.) (Intransitive Verb), to have ... for lunch (to eat for lunch - ¿Qué vamos a almorzar hoy? - Hice un estofado.What are we going to have for lunch today? - I made a stew.), to have ... mid-morning (to eat as a Snack - Spain - Hoy almorcé un croissant.I had a croissant mid-morning today.) (Transitive Verb)

acogerse a

to have recourse to (legal - have access to - you don't have recourse to the same protections in this country), to opt for (I took the company up on their offer/the country accepted the financial aid package) (Pronominal)

haber de

to have to (He de ir al trabajo el sábado.I have to go into work on Saturday.)/must (Has de hacer tu tarea esta noche.You must do your homework tonight.) (To Be Obligated To) (Auxiliary)

tener que + infinitive

to have to (Tengo que terminar mis deberes antes de salir a la fiesta.I have to finish my homework before going to the party.)/must (Tienes que comer todo en tu plato si quieres postre.You must eat everything on your plate if you want dessert.) (Used to indicate obligation), must (used to indicate supposition - ¡Tienes que tener calor con tanta ropa puesta!You must be hot with so many clothes on!), should (used to indicate reproach - Tenías que haberme marcado antes de salir.You should have called me before leaving.) (Auxiliary Verb)


to hear (to perceive with the ear - Las paredes son tan finas que oigo a los vecinos hablar.The walls are so thin I can hear the neighbors talking.), to listen to (to actively hear - Se pasa las tardes oyendo música.He spends all afternoon listening to music.), to hear (to be informed of - Oí la noticia del motín en la radio.I heard the news of the riot on the radio.), to hear (to pay attention to - Me quejé a mucha gente, pero nadie quiso oírme.I complained to many people, but nobody wanted to hear me.), to get (to understand - colloquial - "No lo vuelvas a hacer, ¿me oyes?" dijo el maestro."Don't do it again, got it?" said the teacher.) (Transitive Verb)

dudar en

to hesitate to


to hide (Escondió su regalo debajo de la cama.He hid his gift under the bed.)/to conceal (Una forma de esconder las arrugas es usando maquillaje.One way to conceal wrinkles is to use make-up.) (To Keep Out of View) (Transitive Verb)


to hide (Ocultó los regalos debajo de la cama.He hid the gifts under the bed.)/to conceal (No hay forma de ocultar las arrugas, por mucho maquillaje que te pongas.There's no way to conceal your wrinkles, no matter how much makeup you use.) (To Keep Out Of Sight), to hide (No podremos ocultarles la verdad por mucho tiempo.We won't be able to hide the truth from them for very long.), to conceal (No podremos ocultarles la verdad por mucho tiempo.We won't be able to hide the truth from them for very long.) (To Disguise) (Transitive Verb)


to hide (Traté de ocultarme detrás de un arbusto.I tried to hide behind a bush.)/to disappear (El sol se había ocultado detrás de las montañas y reinaba una gran oscuridad.The sun had disappeared behind the mountains and darkness prevailed.) (To Keep Out Of Sight) (Pronominal Verb)


to hide oneself (No puedes esconderte del mundo.You can't hide yourself from the world.)/to conceal oneself (Traté de esconderme detrás de un arbusto.I tried to conceal myself behind a bush.), to hide (to be hidden - Quisiera saber qué se esconde detrás de esa fachada de respetabilidad.I'd like to know what hides beneath that facade of respectability.) (Reflexive Verb)


to hit (El jugador golpeó fuerte la pelota.The player hit the ball hard.)/to bang (No golpees el cubo de la basura.Don't bang the trash can.)/to punch (Lo golpeó en el estómago.He punched him in the stomach.)/to bang on (El abogado golpeó la mesa durante el juicio.The lawyer banged on the table during the trial.) (To Strike), to hit (to receive a blow - El pueblo fue golpeado con otra mala noticia ayer.The town was hit by another piece of bad news yesterday.) (Transitive Verb)


to hit (Me golpeé el pie contra la reja tratando de darle una patada al balón.I hit my foot against the fence trying to kick the ball.)/to bang oneself (Se golpeó contra la mesa al caerse.She banged herself on the table when she fell.) (Reflexive Verb)


to hit (make forceful contact with - Le pegó a la pelota de béisbol y marcó un jonrón.He hit the baseball and scored a home run.), to stick (Pega este dibujo al lado del otro con chinches.Stick this drawing next to that one with thumbtacks.)/glue (with glue - Pega las dos hojas juntas y luego dóblalas por la mitad.Glue the two sheets together and then fold them in half.)/paste (with glue - Le pegó a la pelota de béisbol y marcó un jonrón.He hit the baseball and scored a home run.) (To Attach), to hit (A menudo le pega a su hermano.He often hits his brother.)/beat (Lo encarcelaron por pegarle a su perro.They put him in jail for beating his dog.) (To Mistreat), to paste (computing - Copia ese texto y pégalo en este documento.Copy that text and paste it into this document.), to give (transmit - Mi tía me pegó la gripa y ahora me tengo que quedar en casa.My aunt gave me the flu and now I have to stay home.), to pull up (bring closer - Pega la silla a la mesa, por favor.Pull the chair up to the table, please.) to give (Está en el hospital después de que le hayan pegado un tiro.He's in the hospital after having been shot./Cuando vio el ratón, pegó un grito.When she saw the mouse, she screamed.) (Transitive Verb), to match (to go with - Esos zapatos no pegan con ese vestido.Those shoes don't match that dress.) (Intransitive Verb)


to hit each other (to swing at each other - Mis dos hermanos siempre se pegan cuando vamos al supermercado.My two brothers always hit each other when we go to the supermarket.) (Reciprocal Verb), to hit oneself (El niñito se pegó con su mochila y empezó a llorar.The little boy hit himself with his backpack and began to cry.)/to bump into (Me pegué con la silla al salir de la cocina.I bumped into the chair as I was leaving the kitchen.) (To Strike Oneself) (Reflexive Verb), to stick (cling - Los frijoles se pegaron a la olla y no los puedo quitar.The beans stuck to the pan and I can't scrape them off.), to pick up on (catch - Siempre se me pega el acento cubano de mi abuelo cuando lo visito.I always pick up my grandfather's Cuban accent when I visit him.), to win (to be successful in - Puerto Rico - ¡Deja de soñar con pegarte la lotería!Stop dreaming about winning the lottery!) (Pronominal Verb)

darse con

to hit. (Me di en el codo con la mesa y ahora está dormido.I hit my elbow on the table and now it's numb.)/crash (Por estar texteando mientras conducía, se dio contra la pared del túnel.He crashed into the tunnel wall because he was texting while driving.)/bump (Prende la luz, que no me quiero dar con la esquina de la cama.Turn on the light; I don't want to bump into the corner of the bed.) (To bash)


to hold (Mantén el libro para que lo fotografíe.Hold the book so I can take a picture of it.)/support (Manténle la cabeza al bebé con la mano bajo el cuello.Support the baby's head with your hand under his neck.) (To Bear), to support (Tiene una familia numerosa que mantener.He has a large family to support.)/maintain (Es difícil mantener un hogar con el sueldo de una enfermera.It's hard to maintain a household on a nurse's salary.) (To Provide For), to keep (Por favor, mantengan la calma y sigan adelante.Please, keep calm and keep moving.)/to keep up (Aunque salió de la aldea hace 30 años, Julia todavía mantiene sus tradiciones.Even though Julia left the village 30 years ago, she still keeps up its traditions.)/to maintain (Me cuesta mucho mantener un peso saludable.I really struggle to maintain a healthy weight.) (To Preserve), to have (to sustain - Mantuve una conversación muy interesante con el encargado.I had a very interesting conversation with the manager.), to maintain (Mantienen que mi teoría es errónea.They maintain that my theory is flawed.)/to stick to (El sospechoso mantuvo la misma historia después de tres horas de interrogación.The suspect stuck to his story after three hours of interrogation.) (To Affirm) (Transitive Verb)


to hold on (el marinero se agarró al mástil con toda su fuerza - the sailor held on to the mast with all his might)/grip (el gato se cayó después de agarrar la rama que se rompió - the cat fell after it gripped the broken branch) (To clutch), to stick (become adhered to - los huevos se agarraron a la sartén porque no le pusiste aceite - the eggs stuck to the pan because you didn't use oil), to have a fight (get into a fight - Latin America - esos dos muchachos van a agarrarse si alguien no los separa - those two guys are going to have a fight if someone doesn't separate them), to get (anoche salimos a la disco y nos agarramos una borrachera - last night we went out to a club and got good and drunk)/to be (tu madre se agarrará un cabreo cuando se entere de esto - your mother is going to be pissed when she finds out about this) (To Become - colloquial), to give pretext (se agarró a los deberes para no tener que lavar los platos - she used her homework as an excuse to not wash the dishes/te agarras a tu herida para evitar las tareas en casa - you use your injury to get out of chores around the house) (Pronominal)


to hold on (emphatic - to wait momentarily - Espérate, ¿no se suponía que ibas a estar fuera un par de semanas?Hold on, weren't you supposed to be gone for a couple of weeks?) (Pronominal Verb)


to howl (to bay - animal), to howl (to shout - person), to howl (roar - wind)


to hurry (Se apuró para llegar a la cita a tiempo.He hurried to arrive at the appointment on time.)/to hurry up (Si no te apuras vamos a perder el vuelo.If you don't hurry up, we're going to miss the flight.)/to get a move on (colloquial - ¡Apúrate! Que no tenemos todo el día.Get a move on! We don't have all day.) (To Be In A Hurry - Latin America) (Pronominal Verb), to worry oneself (to be distressed - No me voy a apurar por lo que queda. Podemos terminar el trabajo mañana.I'm not going to worry myself about what's left. We can finish the work tomorrow.) (Reflexive Verb)


to hurt (Después del accidente, me duele al respirar.After the accident, it hurts when I breathe.)/to ache (Me ha dolido la espalda la mañana entera.My back has been aching all morning long.) (To feel pain), to hurt (to feel offended - Tu indiferencia me duele.Your indifference hurts me.) (Intransitive Verb)


to hurt (Se hirió la mano cuando estaba cortando la cebolla.He hurt his hand when he was cutting an onion.)/to injure oneself (Me herí tratando de escapar.I injured myself trying to escape.) (To harm oneself physically) (Pronominal)


to imagine


to imagine (to think - Su casa es tal y como me la suponía.Their home is exactly as I imagined it.) (Pronominal Verb)


to impose/set, enforce, to instill, to confer (award), to lay (hands - religious), to be imposing (intransitive)


to include (Norteamérica incluye los Estados Unidos, Canadá y México además de varios otros países y dependencias.North America includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico as well as several other countries and dependencias.)/to contain (La caja incluye las instrucciones y todas las partes.The box includes the instructions and all the parts.) (To comprise or to be part of), to include (Hay que incluir al presidente y su esposa en la lista de invitados.We must include the president and his wife on the list of invitees.)/to enclose (Incluye este separador con tu carta.Please enclose this bookmark with your letter.) (To add) (Transitive)


to inflate (Después de inflar el colchón inflable estaba mareado.I felt dizzy after inflating the inflatable mattress.)/to blow up (Inflando un globo comprobé cuál era mi capacidad pulmonar.I tested my lung capacity by blowing up a balloon.)/to fill (Una ráfaga de viento infló las velas de la embarcación.A gust of wind filled the ship's sails.) (To fill with air or gas), to pump up (to insert air with a pump - El entrenador infló el balón de baloncesto con una máquina especial.The trainer pumped up the basketball with a special machine.), to exaggerate (Los tabloides inflan detalles de poca importancia de la vida de los famosos.Tabloids exaggerate minor details of famous people's life.)/to inflate (En el noticiario inflaron la cifra de manifestantes que participaron en la protesta.The news program inflated the number of demonstrators who participated in the protest.) (Overstate), to pay attention to (colloquial - to heed - Chile - Los alumnos que inflan al profesor obtienen mejores resultados.The students who pay attention to the teacher get better results.) (Transitive Verb) to be a pain (colloquial - River Plate - Mis vecinos me inflan cuando se ponen a discutir en plena noche.My neighbors are such a pain when they start fighting in the middle of the night.), to booze (colloquial - Este sábado inflamos en mi casa. Tengo un montón de alcohol.Next Saturday we're boozing at my place. I have a ton of alcohol.)/to drink (No me gusta inflar porque al día siguiente tengo resaca.I don't like to drink because the following day I have a hangover.) (to get drunk - colloquial - Mexico)


to inflate (Necesito que me ayudes a hinchar 100 globos para la fiesta.I need you to help me inflate 100 balloons for the party.)/to blow up (Cuando vayas a zambullirte en la piscina, hincha tus cachetes y aguanta la respiración.When you go to dive in the pool, blow up your cheeks and hold your breath.)/to pump up (Marcos me prestó una bomba para hinchar las ruedas de mi bicicleta.Marcos lent me his pump so I could pump up my bike tires.) (To puff up), to blow up (Diana siempre hincha las historias que nos cuenta. Solo le creo la mitad de lo que dice.Diana always blows up the stories she tells us. I only believe half of what she says.)/to exaggerate (¿Te has ganado la lotería cuatro veces? Creo que estás hinchando un poco ese cuento.So, you have won the lottery four times? I think you may be exaggerating that story a bit.) (to overemphasize), to annoy (Mexico/Southern Cone - No aguanto las tonterías de Pedro. ¡Me hincho solo de oírlo hablar!I can't stand Pedro's nonsense. He is really up my nose!/Me hincha cuando te descubro diciéndome mentiras.It really pisses me off when I catch you telling me lies.) (Transitive) to cheer on (to rally around - Southern Cone - Mañana compite el equipo de fútbol de mi hijo. ¿Vienes conmigo al partido para que hinchemos por ellos?My son's soccer team plays tomorrow; Would you come with me to the game to cheer them on?) (Intransitive Verb)


to inform (Tenemos que enterar a las autoridades.We have to inform the authorities.)/to notify (La secretaria le enviará una carta para enterarle.The secretary will send a letter to notify you.) (To communicate), to remit (to pay - Chile/Mexico - Ahora ya es posible enterar los impuestos a través de Internet.It is now possible to pay your taxes over the Internet.), to complete (to make up - Chile - Ya enteré el primer trimestre de la formación.I have already completed my first term of training.) (Transitive Verb)


to interest, to be in someone's interest


to invite (to request the presence of - Voy a invitar a toda mi familia a mi fiesta de cumpleaños.I'm inviting my whole family - to my birthday party.); to buy (to pay - Deje que le invite a una cerveza.Let me buy you a beer.), to attract (to entice - El ambiente de ese bar invita a bailar.The atmosphere of that bar entices you to dance.) (Transitive Verb), to buy (to pay - No te preocupes por la cuenta que invito yo.Don't worry about the bill; I'm buying.) (Intransitive Verb)


to invoice/bill, to check in/register (luggage)


to keep quiet (to say nothing - Mejor callar y esperar que no se repita.We'd better keep quiet and hope it doesn't happen again.), to be quiet (Calla y déjame pensar.Be quiet and let me think.)/to shut up (colloquial - ¡Calla! Ya has dicho suficiente.Shut up! You've already said enough.) (To stop talking or making noise) (Intransitive Verb), to keep quiet (to silence - Latin America - Mece al bebé para callarlo.Rock the baby to keep him quiet.), to keep quiet about it (Callaron lo ocurrido por miedo a las represalias.They kept quiet about what happened for fear of retaliation.)/to keep to oneself (No calles tus preocupaciones. Estamos aquí para ayudar.Don't keep your worries to yourself. We're here to help.) (To not tell) (Transitive Verb)


to kidnap (take someone by force), to hijack (to take a vehicle by force), to seize (to take over)


to know (to have knowledge - Me sé todas las canciones de Elvis.I know all Elvis's songs.) (Pronominal Verb)


to know (to have knowledge - Yo sé que la capital de la República Dominicana es Santo Domingo.I know that the capital of the Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo.), to find out (Lo supe porque lo vi por internet.I found out because I saw it online.)/to hear (Las entradas para el concierto ya se agotaron. - ¿Cómo lo supiste?The concert is sold out. - How did you hear that?) (To Learn Of) to know how (Las entradas para el concierto ya se agotaron. - ¿Cómo lo supiste?The concert is sold out. - How did you hear that?), can (Las entradas para el concierto ya se agotaron. - ¿Cómo lo supiste?The concert is sold out. - How did you hear that?) (To Be Able To) (Transitive Verb), to know (to have knowledge - ¿Qué sabes del paradero del acampamento de la rebelión?What do you know about the whereabouts of the rebel camp?), to make an impression (¡Me sabe genial recibir un 10 en el examen!I feel great getting a 10 on the exam!/Me supo muy mal cómo te hablaron en la junta.I really disliked the way they talked to you in the meeting.) (Intransitive Verb), to know (to have knowledge - Se sabe que los vampiros se alimentan de sangre.It is known that vampires feed on blood.) (Impersonal Verb)

saber de

to know about (Encarna sabe mucho de literatura porque le apasiona leer.Encarna knows a lot about literature because she loves reading.)/to know of (¿Sabes de alguien que esté interesado en alquilar un apartamento en Buenos Aires?Do you know of anyone who's interested in renting an apartment in Buenos Aires?)/to know (Sé de un bar en Barcelona donde hacen unos cócteles buenísimos.I know a bar in Barcelona where they make great cocktails.) (To have knowledge of), to hear from (to have news from - La última vez que supe de Ana fue hace un mes cuando llamó para felicitarme por mi cumpleaños.The last time I heard from Ana it was one month ago when she called to wish me happy birthday.), to hear about (Supe de su ascenso por su madre. Ella no me había dicho nada.I heard about her promotion from her mother. She hadn't told me anything.)/to learn of (Supimos de su muerte por casualidad, porque vimos la esquela en el periódico.We learned of his death my chance, because we saw the funeral notice in the paper.) (To find out about)


to know oneself (to be self-aware - Me conozco mejor que nadie.I know myself better than anyone else.) (Reflexive Verb), to know each other (to be acquainted with - Se conocen del colegio.They know each other from school.), to meet (to see for the first time - Se conocieron en un curso de inglés.They met during an English class.), to get to know each other (to become familiar with one another - Es una pena que no nos llegamos a conocer mejor.It's a shame we didn't get to know each other better.) Reciprocal Verb), to know (to be known - Se conoce todo el chisme del pueblo.He knows all of the town gossip.) (Pronominal Verb)

saber que

to know that (No sabía que tú y Lorena fuerais tan amigos.I didn't know that you and Lorena were so close.)/to know (Sé que lo que te voy a pedir es difícil de hacer, pero eres mi última esperanza.I know what I'm about to ask you is a hard thing to do, but you're my last hope.) (To Have Knowledge Of), to find out that (Supe que mi esposo me engañaba.I found out that my husband was cheating on me.)/to find out (Si puedes saber qué pasa, por favor cuéntamelo.If you can find out what's going on, please tell me.)/to hear that (Supe que vivías otra vez en el barrio y decidí hacerte una visita.I heard that you were back in the neighborhood and I decided to pay you a visit.)/to hear (¿Sabías que el vecino de al lado está saliendo con la mujer que lleva la tienda de la esquina?Did you hear the guy next door is dating the woman who runs the convenience store?) (To Learn Of (Preterite/Imperfect)


to label (to put a label on - the fruit is labeled wirh an appropriate price), to label (figurative - to categorize - he's so quick to label people), to tag (computing and social media - tag a friend in your post) (Transitive)


to laugh (to make a happy sound - Mi novio me hace reír hasta llorar.My boyfriend makes me laugh until I cry.) (Intransitive Verb), to indulge (to gratify - Spain - Mamá siempre le ríe con helado cuando se pone a llorar.Mom always indulges him with ice cream when he begins to cry.) (Transitive Verb)


to lead (to guide - Este pasillo conduce a la salida de emergencia.This aisle leads to the emergency exit.), to carry (to transport - Las tuberías conducen el gas natural desde los depósitos de gas.The pipelines carry natural gas from gas wells.), to run (to manage - Mi jefe está conduciendo operaciones ilegales.My boss is running illegal operations.), to lead (to result in - tEste negocio te conducirá al éxito.This business will lead you to success.), to drive (to operate - Mi novio conduce un Audi.My boyfriend drives an Audi.) (Transitive Verb), to drive (to operate a vehicle - En Irlanda, la gente conduce por el lado izquierdo de la carretera.In Ireland, people drive on the left-hand side of the road.) (Intransitive Verb)


to learn (to acquire knowledge - Si quieres ayudar, puedes barrer las hojas del jardín.If you want to help, you can sweep the leaves in the garden./Con el tiempo aprenderás cómo andar en bicicleta.With time, you will learn how to ride a bike.) (Transitive Verb), to learn (Voy a la escuela a aprender, pero también a jugar y a ver a mis amigos.I go to school to learn, but also to play and see my friends.) (Intransitive Verb)


to leave (El alumno se fue de la biblioteca muy tarde.The student left the library very late.)/to go (¡Vámonos! El camión nos va a dejar.Let's go! The bus is going to leave us behind.) (To Exit a Place), to escape (A la piscina se le fue todo el agua.All the water leaked from the pool./A la llanta se le fue el aire.The tire went flat.), to die (to pass away - Se nos fue muy joven.He died too young.), to go away (to take away - Con esta pastilla se te irá el dolor.This pill will make the pain go away.), to forget (¿Cómo se llama ese hombre? Lo sabía, pero se me fue.What's that man's name? I knew it, but I forgot.) (Pronominal)


to leave (to put - Dejé la llave en tu buzón, como me pediste que hiciera.I left the key in your mailbox, as you asked me to do./Deja el libro en la mesa cuando acabes de leerlo.Leave the book on the table when you are finished reading it.), to leave (to forget - Dejaste el celular en mi casa. ¿No te habías dado cuenta?You left your cell phone at my place. Haven't you noticed?), to leave (to abandon - Lo dejó todo para perseguir su sueño.He left everything to follow his dream.), to leave (to bequeath - Su tío no tenía hijos y, cuando murió, le dejó todo a ella.Her uncle didn't have any children, and when he died, he left everything to her.), to leave (to leave in a certain way - Marga anda muy despistada últimamente. Hoy dejó el grifo del lavabo abierto.Marga has been very distracted lately. She left the sink tap running today.), to drop (transport - ¿Quieres que te lleve hasta la puerta? - No, hay mucho tráfico y no hace falta, me puedes dejar aquí mismo.Do you want me to take you to the door? - No, there's a lot of traffic, and it's not necessary. You can drop me right here.), to let (to allow - Déjame terminar esta tarea y nos vamos.Let me finish this homework and we can go./¿Vas a dejar que acabe de hablar?Would you let me finish talking?), to lend (to loan - ¿Me dejarías tu coche?Would you lend me your car?) (Transitive Verb)

dejar atrás

to leave behind (to abandon - El soldado no quería dejar atrás a ninguno de sus compañeros.The soldier didn't want to leave any of his partners behind.), to let go (to release - A veces tienes que dejar atrás el pasado y tratar de ser feliz con el presente.Sometimes you have to let go of the past and try to be happy with the present.)

salir para

to leave for (Salgo para Lisboa en una hora.I'm leaving for Lisbon in an hour.) (Transitive Verb Phrase)


to legalize


to let oneself (to allow oneself to - Déjate disfrutar tu fiesta de cumpleaños.Let yourself enjoy your birthday party.)/to let oneself go (to neglect oneself - Es fácil dejarse cuando se está deprimido.It is easy to let yourself go when you're depressed.) (Reflexive Verb), to leave (to forget - Me dejé las llaves del carro en casa. Tengo que volver.I left my car keys at home. I have to go back.), to grow (to allow to grow - Ayer vi a Ismael. Al principio no lo reconocí. Se ha dejado barba.I saw Ishmael yesterday. I didn't recognize him at first. He's grown a beard.) (Pronominal Verb)

dejarse caer

to let oneself fall (Para hacer puenting solo tienes que mirar al frente y dejarte caer.To do bungee jumping all you have to do is look ahead and let yourself fall.)/to fall (Miguel se dejó caer sobre el sofá y prendió el televisor.Miguel fell on the sofa and turned on the TV.)/to flop down (colloquial - Diana se dejó caer sobre la cama y se quedó dormida al instante.Diana flopped down onto the bed and immediately fell asleep.) (To come down from a standing position)


to lie (to tell a falsehood - Mintió y dijo que le gustaba mi corte de cabello.He lied and said that he liked my haircut.) (Intransitive Verb)


to lie down (to recline - Tan pronto como llegue a casa, voy a tenderme y relajarme un rato.As soon as I get home, I'm going to lie down and relax for a while.), to stretch out (to sprawl out - El perro se tendió por toda la cama, por lo que no había espacio para mí.The dog stretched out across the entire bed so there was no room for me.) (Reflexive Verb)


to lift/hoist/raise (an object), to raise/increase (e.g. your voice, demand for something), to increase the height of something, to elevate (promotion), to submit/present (formal), to build (formal), raise (a number to the 4th power - math), to scold/tell off (Chile)


to light (to ignite - Puedes prender el carbón con un fósforo.You can light the charcoal with a match.), to turn on (¿No quieres prender la luz para poder leer mejor?Don't you want to turn on the light so you can read better?)/to switch on (Hace mucho calor. - Prende el aire acondicionado.It's really hot. - Switch on the air conditioning.) (To Activate - Latin America), to catch (La policía prendió al sospechoso mientras huía de la escena del crimen.The police caught the suspect running away from the crime scene.)/to arrest (La policía lo prendió por el robo del banco.The police arrested him for the bank robbery.)/to capture (La FBI prendió a los delincuentes mientras intentaban abordar un buque.The FBI captured the criminals while they were trying to board a ship.), (To apprehend), to attach (Diego prendió un ramillete al vestido de su novia.Diego attached a corsage to his girlfriend's dress.)/to pin (Mike prendió una rosa a su solapa antes de la boda de su hermano.Mike pinned a rose to his lapel before his brother's wedding.)/to fasten (Anita prendió una flor a su vestido y se fue a la fiesta.Anita fastened a flower to her dress and left for the party.) (To put on) (Transitive Verb), to take root (botany - Las semillas prendieron fácilmente en la tierra fértil de la granja.The seeds took root easily in the farm's fertile soil.), to catch on (become popular - Nuevos avances en la tecnología prenden rápidamente.New advances in technology catch on quickly.), to take (to receive - Él recibió la vacuna contra la gripa, pero no prendió y se enfermo de igual manera.He got the flu vaccine, but it didn't take and he got sick anyway.) (Intransitive Verb)


to like (Me gusta la comida mexicana.I like Mexican food.)/to please (A ella le gustó ver a su hijo tan contento.She was pleased to see her son so happy.) (To Enjoy), to like (to be attracted to - ¿Crees que le gusto?Do you think she likes me?), to be liked (Las columnas de Rita gustan mucho. Las vamos a seguir publicando.Rita's columns are liked a lot. We'll keep on publishing them.)/to be popular (No entiendo por qué gusta tanto el vino espumante. Lo detesto.I can't understand why sparkling wine is so popular. I hate it.) (To Be Pleasing) (Intransitive Verb), to taste (to test - food - ¿¿Puedes gustar esta salsa? ¿Le pongo más sal?Can you taste this sauce? Should I add more salt?), to try (to want - Latin America - ¿Gustan algo más?Would you like anything else?) (Transitive Verb)


to listen to (to pay attention to - Escucha al profesor siempre que te dé instrucciones.Always listen to the teacher when you are given instructions./Ella suele escuchar jazz de camino al trabajo.She usually listens to jazz on her way to work.), (to discern - Latin America - to hear - Hola, ¿me escuchas?Hello, can you hear me?), to listen to (to heed - ¿Me escucharás si te digo que no desesperes?Will you listen to me if I tell you not to panic?) (Transitive Verb), to listen (to pay attention - Nunca escucha.He never listens.) (Intransitive Verb)


to live (to be alive - En Marte, no vive nada.Nothing lives on Mars.), to live (to dwell - Todavía vivo en casa de mis padres.I still live at my parent's house.), to live (to subsist - La gente de aquí vive de la caza.The people here live off hunting.) (Intransitive Verb), to live through (to experience - Nuestro país vivió momentos trágicos en el pasado.Our country has lived through tragedy in the past.) (Transitive Verb)


to live (to dwell - Los elefantes más grandes habitan en la sabana africana.The biggest elephants live in the African savanna.) (Intransitive Verb), to inhabit (El hombre no conoce ningún otro planeta en nuestro sistema solar donde puedan habitar seres vivos.Humans don't know of any other planet in our solar system that can be inhabited by living beings.)/to live in (Ese tipo lleva habitando en esta zona muchos años.That guy has been living in in this area for several years.)/to occupy (En este bloque, solo hay un piso habitado.On this block, there's only one occupied flat.) (To dwell)(Transitive Verb)


to live together (to cohabitate), to coexist (to get along with) (Intransitive)


to load (Apúrense a cargar el carro para poder comenzar nuestras vacaciones.Hurry up and load the car so we can begin our vacation.)/to fill (Mónica cargó el tanque antes de salir de la ciudad de vacaciones con su familia.Monica filled the tank before leaving town on vacation with her family.) (To Make Full), tp load (weaponry - Ronaldo cargó su pistola y apuntó al blanco.Ronaldo loaded his gun and pointed it at the target.), to charge (electronics - Asegúrate de cargar tu celular antes de salir.Make sure to charge your cellphone before heading out.), to carry (to have with - Acúerdate de cargar tu pasaporte cuando viajes a Asia.Remember to carry your passport when you travel to Asia.), to wear (to use - Latin America - ¿Desde cuándo cargas lentes Felipe? - Desde que cumplí 40.Since when do you wear glasses Felipe? - Since I turned 40.), to charge (finance - Voy a cargar todos los regalos en mi tarjeta de crédito.I'm going to charge all my gifts on my credit card.), to blame (to accuse - Quieren cargarle la culpa a Claudia, pero el verdadero responsable es Ricardo.They want to blame Claudia, but the real culprit is Ricardo.), to overdo (to fill to excess - Cargaste la salsa teriyaki de azúcar.You overdid the sugar in your teriyaki sauce.), to fill (to influence - Cargaste su cabeza de ilusiones. Nunca podrás cumplir todo eso.You filled his head with illusions. You'll never be able to achieve all of that.), to load (computing - ¿Te ayudo a cargar el nuevo sistema operativo en tu computadora?Shall I help you load the new operating system on your computer?), to burden (to charge with responsibility - El papá de Alex le cargó mucha responsabilidad desde la muerte de su madre.Alex's dad burdened him with a lot of responsibilities after his mother's death.), to flunk (to fail - colloquial - El profesor cargó media clase el semestre pasado.The teacher flunked half his class last semester.), to load (dice - No te preocupes. Voy a ganar porque cargué los dados.Don't worry. I'm going to win because I loaded the dice.) (Transitive Verb), to carry (to bring - El botones cargó con nuestro equipaje y nos condujo a la habitación.The bellboy carried our luggage, and guided us to our room.), to bear (Dora empezó a cargar con todos los gastos cuando su esposo estaba desempleado.Dora began to bear all the expenses when her husband was unemployed.)/to take (Tomás cargó con la culpa del accidente para que no llevaran a su esposa a la cárcel.Tomas took the blame for the accident so they wouldn't put his wife in jail.) (To Take On), to charge (to attack - El toro rompió la barrera y cargó contra la multitud.The bull broke the barrier and charged at the crowd.), to be supported by (El dintel se carga en dos pilares de mármol.The lintel is supported by two marble pillars.)/to rest on (El puente se carga en una docena de pilares masivos para apoyar el peso del tráfico.The bridge rests on a dozen massive pillars to support the weight of the traffic.) (Architecture) (Intransitive Verb)


to load (computing - Tengo una conexión lenta y se va a tardar un rato para cargarse.I have a slow connection and it will take a while to load.), to charge (Las pilas se cargaron por completo durante la noche.The batteries fully charged overnight.)/to become charged (Las partículas de gas de la termósfera se cargan de energía del sol.Gas particles in the thermosphere become charged by energy from the sun.) (Electronics), to fill up (to make full - El tanque se carga en unos dos o tres minutos.The tank fills up in two or three minutes.), to take out (slang - Se lo cargaron unos mafiosos a los que debía mucho dinero.Some mafiosi he owed a lot of money to took him out.)/to bump off (colloquial - El pozolero se cargaba a sus víctimas metiéndolas en barriles de ácido.The pozolero bumped off his victims by putting them in barrels of acid.) (To Kill - Colloquial), to bug (Ese político no es más que un fanfarrón que goza cargarle a la gente decente.That politician is nothing more than a show-off who enjoys bugging decent people.)/to get on someone's nerves (Me carga que hayan escogido a un pedante para dar la oratoria de la graduación.It gets on my nerves that they chose a pedant to give the graduation speech.) (To Bother), to fill (El salón de póker se cargó del humo de habanos.The poker salon filled with the smoke of cigars.)/to shoulder (Rebecca se cargó con los quehaceres domésticos desde que su mamá se enfermó.Rebecca shouldered the household chores since her mother became ill.)/to have (Se cargó de hijos, y no hacía nada más que lavar, planchar y cocinar.She had several children, and did nothing more than wash, iron, and cook.) (To Be Burdened By), to break (El perro estaba jugando y se cargó el juguete.The dog was playing and broke the toy.)/to ruin (Estuvo mal el alcalde anterior, pero por lo menos no se cargó el pueblo como el actual.The last mayor was bad, but at least he didn't ruin the town like the current one.)/to smash (Se cargó el jarrón que estaba en la mesa cuando empezó a temblar la Tierra.The vase that was on the table smashed when the Earth started to shake.) (To Destroy), to flunk (colloquial - La clase de química orgánica es tan difícil que casi todos se cargan.The organic chemistry class is so hard that almost everyone flunks.)/to fail (¿Cómo que te cargaste en la clase de arte?What do you mean you failed art class?) (To Fail - Colloquial) (Pronominal Verb)


to locate


to lodge (Te puedo hospedar en mi casa.I can lodge you at my house)/to put up (Los Hernández me van a hospedar por dos noches.The Hernandez family are going to put me up for two nights.) (To house)/to entertain (to show hospitality - Tenemos una sala de estar grande porque nos gusta hospedar amigos.We have a big living room because we enjoy entertaining friends.) (Transitive)


to look (to check - Asómate a ver si ya llegó el plomero.Look and see if the plumber has arrived yet.), to stick out (La víbora se asomó la cabeza del agujero.The snake stuck its head out of the hole.)/to lean out (No te asomes por la ventana; está granizando.Don't lean out the window; it's hailing.) (To Peep Out), to come out (El sol se asomó entre las montañas.The sun came out from between the mountains.)/to appear (El sol se asomó entre las montañas.The sun came out from between the mountains.)/to stick out (Se te está asomando la etiqueta de tu camisa.Your shirt label is sticking out.) (To Show) (Pronominal Verb)

venir bien

to look (¿Me viene bien este gorro?Does this hat look good on me?)/to suit (Ese color no te viene muy bien.That color doesn't really suit you.), to be favorable (Unas largas vacaciones ahora me vendrían bien.A long vacation now would do me nicely./Estas botas me vendrán bien cuando haya mucha nieve.These boots will come in handy when it's very snowy.) (Intransitive Verb)


to look after/to deal with/to take care of (to care for - I'll look after your pets/I'll deal with the problems/the nurses will take care of you), to attend to/to see/to serve/to assist (to provide service to - the manager will attend to/see to/serve/assist you personally), to respond to/to meet (to fulfill - respond to their requests/meet their demands), to answer (telecommunications - no one will answer your calls), to run (commerce - the lady runs the cafe) (Transitive) to pay attention (to be attentive - you need to pay attention), to be available/to serve (To provide a service - the doctor is available on Thursdays/there were five waiters serving the restaurant) (Intransitive)


to look alike (to be alike - No nos parecemos pero somos hermanos.We don't look alike, but we are brothers.) (Reciprocal Verb), to look like (Te pareces mucho a tu papá cuando tenía tu edad.You look a lot like your father when he was your age.)/to be like (Se parece a un vaquero con esas botas y esa actitud.He's like a cowboy with those boots and that attitude.) (To Be Similar To) (Pronominal Verb)


to look at (Hay un hombre mirándote.There is a man looking at you.)/to watch (implies greater attention or time - ¡Deja de mirarme todo el tiempo! No estoy haciendo nada malo.Stop watching me all the time! I'm not doing anything wrong.), to be careful about (Mira mucho lo que come.She's very careful about what she eats.)/to make sure (Mira que tengas todo el dinero en la cartera.Make sure you have all the money in your wallet.) (Transitive Verb), to look (¡Mira, una estrella fugaz!Look, a shooting star!/El ladrón miró hacia atrás a ver si lo perseguían.The thief looked back to see if he was being followed.)/ (To See), to face (to be oriented - Mi habitación mira a la calle.My room faces the street.) (Intransitive Verb)


to look for (Estoy buscando un nuevo desafío.I'm looking for a new challenge.)/to try to find (Debemos centrarnos en buscar una solución al problema.We must focus on trying to find a solution to the problem.) (To Try To Discover), to try to spot (Cuando entré en la discoteca, busqué a mis amigos con la mirada, pero no los vi.When I went into the club, I tried to spot my friends, but couldn't see them.)/to look for (Sus ojos recorrieron la habitación, buscándola.His eyes went around the room, looking for her.) (To Try To See), to seek (to try to achieve - Buscamos cambios fundamentales en el modelo de negocio para asegurar nuestro futuro.We're seeking fundamental changes in our business model to secure our future.), to look up (to locate - Busca el número en el catálogo.Look up the number in the catalog.), to look for (to aim for - No busco pelea, solo quiero que me escuches.I'm not looking for a fight, I just want you to listen to what I have to say.), to pick up (Estuve esperando a que mi hermano viniera a buscarme para ir a almorzar.I was waiting for my brother to come and pick me up for lunch.)/to fetch (Tengo que ir a buscar las flores para la fiesta.I need to go to fetch the flowers for the party.) (To Collect), to search for (computing - Pasé la tarde buscando ofertas de vacaciones en Internet.I spent the afternoon searching for vacation deals on the Internet.), (Transitive Verb), to look (to search - Busca bien. En alguna parte tienen que estar.Look properly. They must be somewhere.) (Intransitive Verb)

parecer que

to look like (Parece que mañana va a ser un día de sol.It looks like tomorrow is going to be a sunny day.)/to seem (¿Tiene planeado el señor Larreta invertir en el proyecto nuevo? - Parece que no está interesado.Is Mr. Larreta planning to invest in the new project? - He doesn't seem to be interested.)


to lose weight/to slim (to become thinner) (Intransitive), to lose/to shed/to take off (to get rid of weight), to make thinner/to reduce/to slim down (to make more slender), to trim down/to trim/to make thinner (to reduce the thickness of - trim down the door a bit) (Transitive)


to love (to have profound affection for - Yo te amo, Ana, y quiero pasar el resto de mi vida contigo.I love you, Ana, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you./Pablo ama a su esposa con todo su ser.Pablo loves his wife with all his heart.) (Transitive Verb)


to love (to like very much - Me encanta tomarme un chocolate caliente cuando hace frío afuera.I love drinking hot chocolate when it's cold out./¡Me encanta tu casa! ¿Tú misma la decoraste?I love your house! Did you decorate it yourself?) (Intransitive Verb), to bewitch (La bruja encantó a la princesa.The witch bewitched the princess.) (Transitive Verb)


to love each other (to feel affection for - Dejaron de quererse.They no longer love each other.) (Reciprocal Verb)

tener + adjective

to make (La noticia sobre el huracán me tiene muy nervioso.The news about the hurricane is making me nervous.) (Auxiliary Verb)

traer + adjective

to make (Me trae preocupada la noticia del la caída de la bolsa.The news of the stock crash is making me nervous.)/drive (crazy - ¡Ese ruido me trae loco!That noise is driving me crazy!) (To make someone feel)

hacer que

to make (¿Cómo hago que mis hijos coman más verduras?How do I make my children eat more vegetables?)

quedar mal

to make a bad impression (to create a bad impression - Llegué 15 minutos tarde. ¿Crees que quedé mal?I arrived 15 minutes late. Do you think I made a bad impression?), to fit badly (to not look good - No me gusta el amarillo sobre el verde. Pienso que queda mal.I don't like yellow over green. I think it fits badly.)

quedar bien

to make a good impression (Con unas flores o una caja de bombones siempre quedas bien.With flowers or a box of chocolates, you are sure to make a good impression.)/to make oneself look good (Yo creo que solo nos invitó para quedar bien.I think she only invited us to make herself look good.) (To Create A Favorable Impression), to look good (to be flattering - Para la señora mayor, este es un corte de pelo que puede quedar muy bien.For the older woman, this is a hairstyle that can look really good.) (Intransitive Verb Phrase), to look good on (No te había visto nunca ese vestido. Te queda muy bien.I'd never seen you wearing that dress. It does look good on you.)/to suit (El corte de pelo le queda bien, pero la dejaron demasiado rubia.The haircut suits her, but they dyed her hair too blond.) (To Be Flattering To) (Transitive Verb Phrase)

quedar bien con

to make a good impression on (Esta noche en la cena, recuerda que nos interesa quedar bien con ellos.This evening at dinner, don't forget we're interested in making a good impression on them./to please (Intenté quedar bien con todo el mundo, pero al final nadie estaba contento.I tried to please everyone, but, in the end, no one was happy.) (To Create A Favorable Impression On), to look good with (Esta falda solo queda bien con zapatos de tacón.This skirt only looks good with high heels.)/to go well with (La camiseta blanca quedará muy bien con los vaqueros.The white T-shirt will go very well with my jeans.) (Intransitive Verb Phrase)


to make a mistake (Apaga la música; no quiero equivocarme.Can you turn the music off? I don't want to make a mistake.)/La empresa reconoce que se equivocó con su respuesta.The company recognizes that it got its response wrong./El gobierno se equivocó con esta medida.The government got it wrong with this policy.) (To make an error)/to be wrong (No me equivoqué con él; es un hombre muy amable y sincero.I wasn't wrong about him; he's a very kind, sincere man.)/to be mistaken (Creo que te equivocas; mi hija nunca haría tal cosa.You must be mistaken; my daughter would never do such a thing.) (To be in error), to confuse (Mi madre se equivocó de tren y, por consiguiente, no lllegó aquí hasta la una de la madrugada.My mother got on the wrong train and, as a result, she didn't get here till one in the morning./Te equivocaste de mes. El cumpleaños de Fernando es el dos de julio y no el dos de junio.You got the month wrong. Fernando's birthday is the second of July not the second of June.) (Pronominal Verb)


to make a sound (don't make a sound!)/to say a word (don't say a word!) (To start to speak), to talk back (to answer back - don't talk back to your mother), to say "psssst" (Lucio chisto para llamar mi atención - Lucio said "pssst" to get/call my attention)

esforzarse por

to make an effort, struggle to


to make an effort, to try hard, strive, exert oneself


to make bigger/to enlarge (To make larger), to let out (sewing), to exaggerate (to overstate (Transitive)


to make bitter/to sour (to give a bitter taste to), to spoil/to sour (figurative)/to embitter (figurative - the team was embittered after their loss) (Figurative - To ruin) (Transitive)


to make for oneself (to create for oneself - Se hizo un vestido de seda.She made herself a silk dress.) (Reflexive Verb), to pretend (to feign - No te hagas el santo; tú también te equivocas.Don't pretend to be a saint; you make mistakes, too.)/to act (No te hagas el tonto conmigo.Don't act the fool with me.) (To Feign), to become (to turn into - Su sueño era hacerse dentista.His dream was to become a dentist.) (Pronominal Verb)

combinar con

to make go with (trying to make that tie go with that shirt isn't going to work)


to make u/to form/to comprise/to consist (of) (To be part of), to integrate/to incorporate (to combine), to integrate (mathematics), to pay (to compensate) (southern cone) (Transitive)


to make up one's mind (to settle - Todo lo que tienes que hacer es decidirte y pasar a la acción.All you have to do is make up your mind and take action.) (Pronominal Verb)


to make worse/to aggravate (to intensify)


to manage (business - No le gusta mucho dirigir el hotel; preferiría trabajar en un restaurante.She doesn't really like managing the hotel; she'd prefer to work in a restaurant.)/to run (business - Mi papá dirige su propia empresa de productos orgánicos.My father runs his own organic goods business.)/to lead (organization - Eso ocurrió cuando Barack Obama dirigía a los demócratas.That happened when Barack Obama was leading the Democrats.) (To be in charge of), to direct (to guide - Realmente necesitan alguien que dirija el tráfico en ese paso de peatones.They really need someone to direct traffic at that pedestrian crossing.), to direct (film, show - Alfonso Cuarón ganó un Oscar por dirigir "Gravity".Alfonso Cuarón won an Oscar for directing "Gravity.")/to conduct (musical group - Dirige la orquesta que toca los domingos en la plaza central.He conducts the orchestra that plays in the central square on Sundays.)/to supervise (thesis - Ella me dirigió la tesis de doctorado.She supervised my PhD thesis.) (To oversee), to steer (car/ship - Dirige el coche hacia la derecha; viene una ambulancia.Steer the car toward the right; an ambulance is coming./El capitán dirigió el buque hacia el faro.The captain steered the ship toward the lighthouse), to address (to write an address - Necesito dirigir esta carta a la chica que conocimos en Bolivia. ¿Sabes su dirección?I need to address this letter to the girl we met in Bolivia. Do you know her address?), to direct (to aim - Dirigió la mirada hacia la foto de su querido abuelo difunto.She directed her gaze towards the photo of her dear, departed grandfather.) (Transitive Verb)


to manage (to take care of oneself - Mis abuelos todavía se valen por sí mismos.My grandparents can still manage on their own.) (Pronominal Verb)


to marinate/to marinade, to pickle (for conservation), to dress (prepare - to dress a chicken), to tan (change into leather) (Transitive)


to mark to put a mark on - Marca la respuesta que consideres correcta.Mark the response that you consider to be correct.), to indicate (El reloj marca la hora correcta.The clock indicates the correct time.)/to mark (El letrero marca dónde se puede estacionar en la calle.The sign marks where you can park on the street.) (To show) to press (Marque el número dos para escuchar en español.Press number two for Spanish.)/to dial (Marqué equivocado y volví a llamar.I dialed the wrong number and called again.) (Push numbers on a phone), to call (colloquial - telecommunications - Colombia/Mexico - Yo te marco más tarde y lo hablamos.I'll call you later and we can talk about it.), to score (Mi jugador favorito marcó tres goles ayer.My favorite player scored three goals yesterday.)/to cover (another player - Tengo que marcar al jugador más rápido de su equipo.I have to cover the fastest player on their team.) (In sports)

casarse con

to marry (Se casó con su novio de siempre.She married her long-time boyfriend.)/to get married (¿Sabes si Nacho piensa casarse?Do you know if Nacho is thinking of getting married?) (To Wed) (Pronominal Verb)


to marry (to join in marriage - El cura casó a la pareja en una bonita ceremonia.The priest married the couple in a beautiful ceremony.), to marry off (to give in marriage - Ya han casado a todas sus hijas.They have married off all their daughters.), to fit together (Para completar el puzle, tienes que casar todas las piezas.To complete the puzzle, you have to fit together all the pieces.)/to match up (Procura que casen los dibujos del papel pintado cuando lo pegues.Try to match up the patterns in the wallpaper when you stick it up.) (To Join) (Transitive Verb) to fit together (to match together - Las piezas del armario no casan.The pieces of the wardrobe don't fit together.)/to match up (Los dibujos de la tela tienen que casar antes de coser las dos partes.The pattern on the fabric needs to match up before sewing the pieces together.) (To Match Together), to go together (to be harmonious - El color del sofá no casa con la pintura de las paredes.The color of the sofa and the paint on the walls don't go together.) (Intransitive Verb)


to matter (No importa si no puedes venir.It doesn't matter if you can't come.)/to be important (El costo no importa; pagaré lo que sea necesario para salvar a mi hijo.The cost isn't important; I'll pay whatever is necessary to save my son.) (To be of importance), to care (No me importa lo que digan.I don't care what people say.)/to mind (No me importa trabajar los sábados si la paga es buena.I don't mind working on Saturdays if the pay is good.) (To be bothered), to care (to be interested - Parece que ni te importa saber lo que opino.It looks like you don't even care what I think.) (Intransitive Verb), to import (commerce - Importamos mucha gasolina en este país.We import a lot of gasoline in this country.), to import (computing - Necesito importar mis contactos a Outlook.I need to import my contacts into Outlook.), to amount to (La factura importa $1000.The bill amounts to $1000.)/to come to (¿Cuánto importan dos kilos de cebolla?How much do two kilos of onions come to?) (To add up) (Transitive Verb)


to mean (He oído esa palabra miles de veces pero aún no me acuerdo de qué significa.I've heard that word thousands of times but I still can't remember what it means.)/to signify (Este cambio de síntomas del paciente significa que el tratamiento está funcionando.This change in the patient's symptoms signifies that the treatment is working.) (To denote), to mean (to represent - Si las luces están apagadas, significa que la panadería está cerrada.If the lights are switched off, it means that the bakery is closed.), to express (to convey - Llamó anoche para significar sus sentimientos a su ex novio.She called last night to express her feelings to her ex boyfriend.) (Transitive Verb), to mean (to be important - Tu papel en mi vida siempre ha significado mucho para mí.Your role in my life has always meant a lot to me.) (Intransitive Verb)


to measure (to take one's measures - Mídete la cintura para saber cuántos centímetros has perdido.Measure your waist to know how many centimeters you have lost.), to try on (to try on for size - Central America/South America - ¿Puedo medirme este vestido?Can I try this dress on?) (Reflexive Verb)


to measure (to take the measures of - Tengo que medir la habitación antes de comprar los muebles.I have to measure my room before buying the furniture.)/to gauge (pressure or temperature - El manómetro es un aparato que sirve para medir la presión.The manometer is a device used to gauge pressure.), to weigh up (actions - Él sencillamente no mide las consecuencias de sus actos.He just doesn't weigh up the consequences of his actions.)/to weigh (A partir de ahora, tendremos que medir nuestras palabras.From now on, we'll have to weigh our words) (To Calculate) (Transitive Verb), to measure (to be - El modelo mide tres pies de largo.The model measures three feet in length.)/to be (height - ¿Cuánto mide de alto esa mesa?How high is that table/Juan medía 5 pies a los quince años.Juan was 5 feet tall when he was fifteen.)/to be (width - El cajón mide 12 pulgadas de ancho.The drawer is 12 inches wide./El asiento mide 90 cm de ancho.The seat is 90 cm wide.) (Copular)

atender a

to meet/to take care of (to comply - I have responsibilities to meet/I have to take care of every detail), to take into account/to bear in mind (to consider - taking into account/bearing in mind your limitations, we can't do it)


to melt (Normalmente la nieve se derrite en marzo aquí.The snow usually melts in March here./Tu helado va a derretirse como no te lo comas pronto.Your ice cream is going to melt if you don't eat it soon.)/to thaw (unfreeze - Tenemos que esperar hasta que se derrita el hielo de las tuberías para usar el lavabo de nuevo.We have to wait until the ice in the pipes thaws to use the sink again.) (Pronominal Verb)


to melt (Si derrites un poco de mantequilla, va muy bien con el bogavante.If you melt a little bit of butter, it goes really well with the lobster.)/to thaw (unfreeze - El calor del sol empezó a derretir la nieve.The heat from the sun began to thaw the snow.), to melt down (Derritió todo el oro que tenía la familia para comprarse un coche.He melted down all the gold his family had in order to buy a car.) (To liquefy) (Transitive Verb)


to memorize (to learn by heart - Tienes que aprenderte los pasos del baile.You have to memorize the dance steps.) (Pronominal Verb)


to mention, cite

faltar a

to miss (Si falto a clase una vez más, suspenderé la asignatura.If I miss the class one more time, I will fail the subject.)/not turn up at (¿Así que has faltado a tu cita con el dentista?So you didn't turn up at your appointment with the dentist?)/be absent from (15 personas faltaron a clase.There were 15 people absent from class.)/to be off (Juan ha faltado tres días al trabajo.Juan has been off work three days.) (To Not Attend), to break (Dijo que dejaría de fumar, pero al final faltó a su promesa.He said he would quit smoking, but in the end he broke his promise.)/to not keep (No esperes que te devuelva el dinero porque suele faltar a su palabra.Don't expect to get your money back from him because he doesn't usually keep his word.) (To default on), to be rude to (No vuelvas a faltarle a tu madre.Don't you dare to be rude to your mother again.) (To insult) (Intransitive Verb)


to miss (someone/something)(to feel the absence of - Extraño mucho a mi familia cuando estoy de viaje.I miss my family a lot when I'm traveling.), to surprise (to amaze - Me extraña que no haya venido a trabajar.It surprises me that she didn't come to work.), to banish (legal - Extrañaron al traidor a otro territorio.They banished the traitor to another country.) (Transitive Verb)


to mix (Mezcla la leche con la harina y bate bien.Mix the milk with the flour and beat thoroughly.)/to blend (Mezclamos cafés de diferentes zonas del mundo.We blend coffees from different parts of the world.) (To combine), to mix up (to muddle - No mezcles nuestras fotos.Don't mix up our pictures.), to involve (to implicate - A tu padre no lo mezcles en esto.Don't get your father involved in this.) (Transitive Verb)

andar con

to mix with (to hang out with - ¿Sabías que tu hijo anda con una gente muy rara?Did you know your son is mixing with some very strange people?), to go out with (to date - ¿Sabías que Ana anda con Miguel? - ¡No, no lo sabía! ¿Desde cuándo?Did you know that Ana is going out with Miguel? - No, I didn't! Since when?) (Intransitive Verb)


to moan/to groan (to express suffering), to whine (to howl), to moan (wind)/to groan (steps, chair) (To make a moaning sound) (Intransitive Verb)


to mount (A Janie le dio miedo montarse al caballo.Janie was scared of mounting the horse.)/to get on (Ven, móntate a la moto conmigo.Come on, get on the motorcycle with me.)/to get onto (¿De verdad se van a montar a ese toro enorme?Are you really going to get onto that giant bull?)/to get in (a vehicle - Ya se pueden montar al carro, muchachos.You can get in the car now, kids.)/to get into (a vehicle - Angie se montó a la camioneta y se fue rumbo al campo.Angie got into the truck and drove toward the countryside.) (To get up on), to handle (colloquial - to manage - Spain - Yo sé que trabajar 12 horas seguidas es duro, pero me lo puedo montar.I know that working 12 hours straight is tough, but I can handle it.) (Pronominal Verb)


to move (change the position of - Necesitamos mover la mesa al otro lado del salón.We need to move the table to the other side of the room.), to shake(Mueve la cabeza para mostrar su descontento.He shakes his head to show his dissatisfaction.)/to move (El péndulo seguirá moviendo hasta que alguien lo pare.The pendulum will keep moving until someone stops it.)/to wag (El perro feliz mueve la cola cuando ve a su dueño.The happy dog wags its tail when it sees its owner.) (To Move From Side To Side), to drive (control - El general está a cargo de mover esta operación.The general is in charge of driving this operation.), to stir (to mix - Hay que mover los ingredientes para combinar los sabores.You have to stir the ingredients to combine the flavors.) (Transitive Verb)


to move away (to put aside - Por favor, aparta esa botella del borde de la mesa.Please, move that bottle away from the edge of the table.), to set aside (to pick out - Hemos apartado las cosas más importantes que necesitamos para el viaje.We have set aside the most important things that we need for the trip.), to separate (to uncouple - Los maestros apartaron a los alumnos que estaban peleando.The teachers separated the students who were fighting.), to remove (to dismiss - El gerente fue apartado de su cargo por desfalcar fondos.The manager was removed from his position for embezzling funds.) (Transitive Verb)


to move closer (to put nearer - Acerqué las plantas a la ventana.I moved the plants closer to the window.), to bring closer (to draw near - La tragedia me acercó a mi familia.The tragedy brought me closer to my family.), to take (Mi primo me va a acercar al aeropuerto por la mañana.My cousin is going to take me to the airport in the morning.)/to bring (¿Viniste en coche? - Sí. Mi mamá me acercó.Did you come by car? - Yes. My mom brought me.) (To Give A Ride) (Transitive)

pasar de

to move from (Eduardo pasó de la actuación a la música.Eduardo moved from acting to music.)/to go from (Juliana pasó de un estado de euforia a uno de tristeza.Juliana went from a state of euphoria to one of sadness.) (To change from)


to move on (to move forward - Sugiero que nos movamos a otro tema de conversación.I suggest that we move on to another topic of conversation., to get going (to set in motion), to move (to get out of the way - ¡Muévete! Estás bloqueando la vista.Move! You're blocking the view.), to move (in dance - Cuando baila, ella se mueve como bailarina del vientre.When she dances, she moves like a belly dancer.) (Pronominal Verb)


to move out of the way (to remove oneself - Apártate! Estoy apurada.Move out of the way! I'm in a hurry.) (Pronominal Verb)

hacer falta que

to need to (¿Hace falta que lije la mesa antes de repintarla?Do I need to sand the table before repainting it?)/to have to (Ya compramos la comida. Solo hace falta que alguien vaya a comprar el agua.We already bought food. Somebody has to go buy water.)/to be necessary (Puedes venir a la clase de yoga cuando quieras. No hace falta que te inscribas antes.You can come to yoga class whenever you want. It's not necessary that you register beforehand.)

reparar en

to notice (to become aware - Llevo todo el día buscando mi smartphone sin reparar en que estaba en mi bolsillo.I've been looking for my smartphone all day without noticing it was in my pocket.), to think about (¡Nunca reparas en las consecuencias antes de actuar!You never think about the consequences before acting!)/to take heed of (Había un perro echado bajo la mesa del restorán, pero nadie reparó en su presencia.There was a dog lying under the restaurant table, but nobody took heed of his presence.)/to holdback (spending - Fue una boda magnífica; no repararon en gastos.It was a fantastic wedding; they spared no expense./Cuando Elsa va de vacaciones, no repara en gastos.When Elsa goes on vacation, she spares no expense.) (To Consider) (Intranstive Verb)


to obstruct (Un turista alto obstruía la vista y no pude ver la ciudad desde el mirador.A tall tourist is blocking the view and I couldn't see the city from the lookout.)/to block (La camioneta que estaba obstruyendo la salida de emergencia recibió una multa.The truck who was blocking the emergency exit was fined.) (To be in the way of), to obstruct (Los rebeldes obstruyeron todos los intentos de establecer comunicación con los secuestrados.The rebels obstructed all attempts at establishing communication with the abductees.)/to impede (La nieve obstruye el avance de las tropas enemigas.The snow impedes the advance of enemy troops.)/to hinder (La falta de industrias locales obstruye el progreso tecnológico.The lack of local industries hinders technological progress.)/to hold up (Un árbol caído obstruye el tráfico en la carretera.A fallen tree is holding up the traffic on the road.) (To hamper), to block (Dos jugadores me obstruyeron y no pude lanzar el balón.Two players blocked me and I couldn't shoot the ball.)/to obstruct (Uno de los defensores obstruyó al delantero, quien tuvo que pasar el balón.One of the defenders obstructed the forward, who had to pass the ball.) (Sports) (Transitive Verb)


to occur to (Se me ocurre que nunca te felicité cuando te casaste.It occurs to me that I never congratulated you when you got married.)/to have an idea (Se le ocurrió vender en mercados locales.He had the idea of selling at local markets.)/to think of (¿Se te ocurre un título para nuestro proyecto?Can you think of a title for our project?) (To Come To Mind) (Pronominal Verb)


to offer (to present or proffer - Tengo confianza que me ofrecerán el trabajo.I'm confident they'll offer me the job./Me ofrecieron su ayuda para el traslado.They offered to help me with the move.), to offer (to provide - Esta nueva tecnología ofrece alternativas al uso de los combustibles fósiles.This new technology offers alternatives to the use of fossil fuels.), to offer (La compañía de mi marido ofrece una comida de Navidad todos los años.My husband's company offers a Christmas dinner every year.)/to give (El club ofreció una fiesta en honor de los jugadores.The club gave a party in the players' honor.) (To Hold), to offer (to give as an offering - Ofrecieron maíz y fruta al dios de la cosecha.They offered corn and fruit to the god of the harvest.), to present (an image - Cara al público tenemos que ofrecer una imagen de unidad.We must present an image of unity to the public.)/to put on (a spectacle - Cuando llega la primavera, los cerezos en flor ofrecen un espectáculo único.With spring's arrival, the cherry blossoms put on a unique spectacle.)/to put up (resistance - Los habitantes no ofrecieron ninguna resistencia y el ejército tomó la ciudad.The inhabitants didn't put up any resistance and the army took the city.) (To Show) (Transitive Verb)


to offer (to volunteer - Los invitados se ofrecieron a lavar los trastes.The guests offered to wash the dishes.), to offer (to provide - Si no se le ofrece nada más, le llevaré esto al mostrador.If I can't offer you anything else, I'll carry these to the counter for you.) (Pronominal Verb)


to offer to (volunteer - Se prestó a llevarme a casa.He offered to drive me home.), to borrow (to take temporarily - Caribbean - Mi hermano se prestó de mi carro sin mi permiso.My brother borrowed my car without my permission.) (Reflexive Verb)


to open (Los niños ya quieren destapar los regalos.The children are keen to open their presents.)/to take the lid off (a box, pot, or container - Deja la sopa tapada los primeros diez minutos. Después destapa la olla y déjala reposar.Keep the soup covered for the first ten minutes. Then take the lid off the pot and let it stand.)/to uncork (a bottle with cork - ¿Me podrías ayudar a destapar el vino?Could you help me uncork the wine?)/to pull the covers off (a person sleeping - Él siempre destapa a su esposa.He always pulls the covers off his wife.) (To remove cover from), to uncover (Fue Alejandro quien destapó el secreto de mi abuela.It was Alejandro who uncovered my grandmother's secret.)/to reveal (El gobernador destapó a su sucesor la tarde de ayer.Yesterday afternoon the governor revealed who his successor would be.)/to lift the lid on (colloquial - Carlos es el periodista que destapó el fraude masivo en la empresa.Carlos is the journalist who lifted the lid on the massive fraud going on in the company.) (To discover), to unblock (Le pidieron al conserje ayuda para destapar el inodoro.They asked the janitor to help them unblock the toilet.)/to unclog (Necesito el desatascador para destapar el desagüe.I need the plunger to unclog the drain.) (To clear - Latin America) (Transitive Verb)


to open (to allow access through - llamé a la puerta pero nadie vino a abrirla - I knocked at the door, but nobody came to open it), to open (unwrap - No había manera de abrir el envoltorio - there was no way that I could open the packaging), to open (to uncover - ten cuidado al abrir la botella que se había sacudido - be careful opening the bottle; it has been shaken up), to open (to extend - agarra el pájaro de manera que no pueda abrir sus alas - hold the bird so that it can't open its wings), to open (to draw back - abre las cortinas que entre la luz del sol - open the curtains and let the sunshine in), to open, (to access - abre el diccionario y busca tu palabra favorita - open the dictionary and look up your favorite word), to open (to clear - abrieron camino en la nieve desde la entrada de su cabaña - they opened a way through the snow from the door of their cabin), to open (to lead - el presidente abrió el debate con un breve discurso - the president opened the debate with a brief speech), to whet (to make eager for eating - los olores de la cocina le abrieron el apetito - the cooking smells whetted his appetite) (Transitive Verb), to open (to set up - el museo abre a las 11 de la mañana los domingos - the museum opens at 11 in the morning on Sundays) (Intransitive Verb)


to order (Le mandaron que no se moviera ni hiciera nada.He was ordered to stay still and do nothing.)/to tell (El profesor mandó a los alumnos a estar callados mientras hacían el examen.The teacher told the students to be quiet during the exam.) (To Give Commands To), to send (to dispatch - ¿Debería mandarle flores para su cumpleaños?Should I send her flowers for her birthday?), to be in command of (Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, mi abuelo mandaba el cuerpo de paracaidistas.During World War II, my grandfather was in command of the parachute corps.)/to be in charge of (¿Quién manda el coro de niños que cantó en el festival?Who is in charge of the children's choir that sang at the festival?) (To Lead), to prescribe (to write a prescription for - El médico le mandó una pastilla para su dolor de cabeza.The doctor prescribed a pill for his headache.), to send (El portero mandó el balón al delantero de su equipo.The goalkeeper sent the ball to his team's center-forward.)/to hit (El jugador de tenis mandó la pelota directamente a su adversario.The tennis player hit the ball right to his opponent.) (Sports), to throw (to hurl - Latin America - Mandó su anillo de bodas al mar después de divorciarse.She threw her wedding ring into the sea after getting divorced.) (Transitive Verb), to be in command (Él manda hasta que el capitán lo releve.He is in command until he is relieved by the Captain.)/to be in charge (El gerente manda en el departamento de ventas de la compañía.The manager is in charge of the sales department of the company.) (Intransitive Verb)


to order (Los pantalones estaban agotados, pero encargué un par de todos modos.The pants were out of stock, but I ordered a pair anyway.)/to commission (Ella le encargó un retrato al artista.She commissioned a portrait from the artist.) (To request), to put someone in charge of (El jefe le encargó a ella el proyecto.The boss put her in charge of the project.)/to entrust (Mi hermana me encarga sus hijos.My sister entrusts me with her kids.)/to charge with (Le encargaron conseguir un restaurante para la fiesta.They charged him with finding a restaurant for the party.)/to task with (Les encargo a ustedes limpiar esta casa.I'm tasking you with cleaning this house.) (To give responsibility to) (Transitive Verb)


to owe (to reciprocate - El dinero que me debe cubriría mis facturas.The money he owes me would cover my bills.) (Transitive Verb)


to parade, to march


to pass (give - Pásame la mantequilla, por favor.Pass me the butter, please.), to happen (occur - Afortunadamente no pasó nada malo.Fortunately, nothing bad happened.), to cross (go across - Ten cuidado al pasar la carretera.Be careful when crossing the road.), to meet (reach - Los materiales no pasan los criterios rigurosos internos.The materials don't meet the strict internal standards.), to go through (suffer - La familia pasó muchas dificultades durante la posguerra.The family went through a lot of hard times in the period after the war.), to spend (¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones? - Pasé el mes entero en casa de mis abuelos.What did you do during the vacation? - I spent the whole month at my grandparents'./Cuando tenemos exámenes, pasamos mucho tiempo estudiando.When we have exams, we spend a lot of time studying.), to pass (education - Si paso este examen, habré acabado la carrera.If I pass this exam, I'll have finished my degree.) (Transitive Verb), to come in (Hace frío afuera, pasa.It's cold outside; come in.)/go ahead (Pásale; aquí te espero.Go ahead; I'll wait for you here.) (To Proceed), to go by (elapse - Este mes ha pasado muy rápido.This month has gone by very quickly.), to go past (El bus acaba de pasar.The bus has just gone past.), to get through (to go through or past - Miremos si podemos pasar.Let's see if we can get through.) (Intransitive verb)


to pay (Él está pagando la cuenta.He is paying the bill.), to pay off (Yo acabo de pagar mis deudas de la universidad.I just paid off my college loans.)/to repay (Toma cinco años pagar el préstamo del carro.It takes five years to repay the loan on the car) (To Exchange Money For), to pay for (to buy - Mi primo me pagó el almuerzo.My cousin paid for my lunch.), to pay (to suffer the consequences of - Me las pagarás por lo que me hiciste.You're going to pay for what you did to me.) (Transitive Verb), to pay (to make a payment - Ya pagué yo.I already paid) (Intransitive Verb)

hacer caso de

to pay attention to (Si haces caso de lo que dicen tus padres, te irá bien.If you pay attention to what your parents say, you'll do well.)/to follow (Hice caso de tu recomendación y me fui de vacaciones a España.I followed your recommendation and went on vacation to Spain.)/to listen to (Nunca hice caso de los consejos de Julio, de lo que ahora me arrepiento.I never listened to Julio's advice, which now I regret.)/to take notice of (El recepcionista me dijo que tomara un taxi en lugar de un autobús, pero no hice caso de su sugerencia.The receptionist told me to take a taxi instead of a bus, but I took no notice of his suggestion.)/to heed (Los ciudadanos deben hacer caso de las advertencias de las autoridades sanitarias.The citizens must heed the warnings of the health authorities.) (To pay mind to)


to pester (¡Deja de hostigarme con tus preguntas!Stop pestering me with your questions!)/to bother (Mis padres me cambiaron de escuela porque mis compañeros de clase me hostigaban por usar anteojos.My parents sent me to another school because my classmates bothered me for wearing glasses.)/to plague (Diego me hostiga constantemente en relación con el dinero que le debo.Diego plagues me constantly about the money I owe him.) (To annoy), to harass (military - El enemigo nos hostigó con una serie de ataques de guerrillas.The enemy harassed us with a series of guerrilla attacks.), to whip (to lash - El vaquero hostigaba al caballo con su fusta para que fuera más rápido.The cowboy whipped his horse with his crop to go faster.), to be cloying to (to surfeit - Andes/Chile/Mexico - La miel me hostiga, así que no voy a echarle al té.Honey is cloying to me, so I'm not going to add it to my tea.) (Transitive), to be sickly sweet (to surfeit - Andes/Chile/Mexico - No puedo comer más. Este pastel de chocolate hostiga demasiado.I can't eat any more. This chocolate cake is sickly sweet.) (Intransitive)

meterse (con)

to pick on (to bully - Deja de meterte con los niños más chicos.Stop picking on the smaller children.) (Pronominal Verb)

venir por

to pick up (Avísale a Sofía que sus amigas han venido por ella.Tell Sofia her friends have come to pick her up.)/to come to pick up (El mensajero ha venido a por el contrato.The messenger has come to pick up the contract.) (To stop by for someone or something) (Intransitive Verb)


to pick, harvest, pinch


to piss (No puedes mear en la calle.You can't piss in the street.)/to take a piss (Jorge dijo que tenía que mear.Jorge said he needed to take a piss.), to pee (colloquial - No pudo mear por culpa de la anestesia.He hasn't been able to pee because of the anesthetic.) (Vulgar - to urinate) (Intransitive Verb)


to piss oneself (Gabriel está a punto de mearse.Gabriel is about to piss himself.)/to pee oneself (Casi me meo buscando el baño.I nearly peed myself looking for the bathroom.)/to wet oneself (Me voy a mear si no encontramos un área de descanso dentro de poco.I'm going to wet myself if we don't find a rest area soon.)/to wet (La niña se meó en la cama.The little girl wet the bed.) (Vulgar - to urinate on oneself) (Pronominal Verb)


to plan, to schedule, to program

hacer de

to play (Mi hija hará de ángel en la función navideña de la escuela.My daughter will play an angel at the school's Christmas performance.)/to play the part of (Liz Taylor hizo de Cleopatra en la película de Mankiewickz estrenada en 1963.Liz Taylor played the part of Cleopatra in Mankiewicz movie released in 1963.) (Film, Theater, Television), to serve as (Mi dormitorio hace también de despacho durante el día.My bedroom serves also as my office during the day.)/to be used as (Tras el tsunami, el estadio hizo de centro de acogida.After the tsunami, the stadium was used as a reception center.)/to do as (El paraguas tendrá que hacer de sombrilla.The umbrella will have to do as a parasol.) (To Do For), to act as (to function as - El barniz hace de escudo protector contra las inclemencias climáticas.The varnish acts as a protective shield against inclement weather.), to work as (to have a job as - Durante el día, hago de camarera en un café y, por la noche, escribo mi novela.I work as a waiter in a café during the day and write my novel at night.), to make...of (Esa maestra se interesó por mi hijo e hizo de él un buen estudiante.That teacher took an interest in my son and made a good student of him.)/to make...into (Su hija tiene un don especial para la música. Haré una excelente pianista de ella.Your daughter has a special gift for music. I'll make her into an excellent pianist.)/to turn...into (Nuestro alcalde ha hecho de esta ciudad un lugar bonito y tranquilo.Our major has turned this city into a beautiful and quiet place.)


to play (to engage in recreation - Los alumnos pasaron toda la tarde jugando.The students spent the whole afternoon playing.), to play (to participate in a game - Los alumnos pasaron toda la tarde jugando.The students spent the whole afternoon playing.), to move (games - Le toca jugar a la ficha amarilla.The yellow piece has to move.), to gamble (to play for money - Pierde todo el sueldo jugando en la máquina tragamonedas.He loses his whole salary gambling on slot machines.) (Intransitive Verb), to bet (to gamble - Fue un error jugar todo mi dinero en un solo caballo.It was a mistake to bet all my money on one horse.), to play (to perform - Fue un error jugar todo mi dinero en un solo caballo.It was a mistake to bet all my money on one horse.) (Transitive Verb)


to please


to poison


to polish (to shine), to sand (with sandpaper)/to polish (glass or metal) (To smooth), to polish/to improve/to polish up (To perfect) (Transitive)


to pollute; to contaminate

pasarse por

to pop into (Tengo que pasarme por la tintorería a recoger mi traje.I need to pop into the dry cleaner's to get my suit.)/to stop by (¿Nos pasamos por el centro comercial? - No, es muy tarde. Mejor que vayamos directamente a casa.Shall we stop by the mall? - No, it's very late. We'd better go straight home.)/to drop in at (De vuelta de la escuela, pásate por la panadería y compra una baguette, por favor.On your way back from school, drop in at the bakery and buy a baguette, please.)/to go to (Llamaron para decir que tu vestido ya está listo, y que puedes pasarte por la tienda a recogerlo cuando quieras.They called to say that your dress is ready, and you can go to the store to pick it up whenever you like.)/to come to (¿Podrían pasarse por la escuela el viernes por la tarde? Me gustaría comentar con ustedes el progreso de su hijo.Could you come to the school on Friday afternoon? I'd like to talk to you about your child's progress.) (To go or come inside for a short while)


to possess, to own


to pour (¿Puedes verter un poco de vino en mi copa?Can you pour some wine in my glass?/Vierte el azúcar en el recipiente, por favor.Pour the sugar in the bowl, please.), to spill (Vertí el café sobre mi computadora. Espero que se pueda reparar.I spilled coffee on my computer. I hope it can be fixed.)/to shed (blood, tears - Se vertió mucha sangre en la batalla.A lot of blood was shed in battle.) (To tip accidentally or uncontrollably), to translate (To convert to another language - Tengo que verter este documento de inglés a español.I have to translate this document from English into Spanish.), to tell (a rumor - Los candidatos han estado vertiendo rumores sobre sus adversarios.The candidates have been telling rumors about their adversaries.)/to voice (an opinion - No puedes verter tus opiniones delante de la clase así como así.You can't voice your opinions in front of the class just like that.)/to make (an accusation or criticism - Vertió graves acusaciones contra el Presidente.He made serious accusations against the President.) (Transitive Verb), to flow (to stream - El río Amazonas vierte en el océano Atlántico.The Amazon River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.) (Intransitive Verb)


to pray (to worship - Ella reza cada noche antes de acostarse.She prays every night before going to bed.), to read (to display as text - Como reza el cartel, no se permite cruzar aquí.As the sign reads, crossing is not allowed here.) (Intransitive Verb), to recite (to say aloud - Ella reza el rosario todos los días.She recites the rosary every day.) (Transitive Verb)


to preach (religious), to advocate for (to argue for), to tell everybody about (colloquial - to spread) (Transitive), to preach (religious), to preach (colloquial - to sermonize - she's always presching at me) (Intransitive)


to predominate, to prevail


to prefer (to have a preference - ¿Prefieres trabajar en grupo o solo?Do you prefer to work in a team or independently?) (Transitive Verb)


to prepare (Mis padres en estos días se están disponiendo a emprender un viaje a África.My parents are currently preparing to take a trip to Africa.)/to get ready (Nos dispusimos a ir a la fiesta.We got ready to go to the party.) (To make ready) (Pronominal verb)


to prepare (to organize - Prepara las cosas para la excursión la noche anterior para que no se te olvide nada.Prepare your things for the trip the night before so you don't forget anything.), to prepare (to get ready - Hicimos lo que pudimos para preparar a nuestros hijos para la vida.We did what we could to prepare our children for life.), to make (Voy a preparar el postre favorito de mi hija.I'm going to make my daughter's favorite dessert.)/to throw (Estoy preparando una gran fiesta para tu regreso.I'm throwing a big party for your return.) (To Manufacture) (Transitive Verb)


to press


to press (Para salir del modo pantalla completa, pulse la tecla Esc.To exit full screen mode, press the Esc key.)/to push (¿Puedes pulsar el botón del ascensor, por favor?Please can you push the elevator button?) (To Press Down), to click (computing - Para guardar los cambios pulsa aquí.To save changes click here.), to pluck (to strum - Esta es la cuerda que tienes que pulsar para conseguir ese sonido.This is the string you have to pluck to produce that sound.), to sound out (to assess - Esta es la cuerda que tienes que pulsar para conseguir ese sonido.This is the string you have to pluck to produce that sound.), to take the pulse (to measure - Primero que nada pulsen al paciente.First of all, take the patient's pulse.) (Transitive Verb), to pulsate (to beat - El corazón le pulsaba aceleradamente en el pecho.His heart was pulsating rapidly in his chest.) (Intransitive Verb)


to presume, to show off, to be conceited


to pretend to be (to simulate - Emi se fingió dormida para no contestar a la puerta.Emi pretended she was asleep so as not to answer the door.) (Pronominal Verb)

proceder a

to proceed to (move on to do something)

proceder a/con

to proceed with/to start (formal)


to proceed/to behave/to act (to conduct oneself - formal), to be appropriate/to be wise/to apply (in forms or reports)/to be applicable (in forms or reports) (To Be Fitting - Formal)


to promote, to provoke


to pronounce, to articulate, deliver (a speech), to make a statement


to propel, drive, motivate


to publish or post


to pull out (El dentista le arrancará una muela a mi hermano el lunes.The dentist is going to pull out one of my brother's molars on Monday.)/pull up (Tu padre está en el huerto arrancando las malas hierbas.Your father is in the garden pulling up weeds.) (To Remove By Force), to uproot (a tree - No veo el arce muy sano. Espero que no lo tengamos que arrancar.The maple doesn't look very healthy to me. I hope we don't have to uproot it.), to gouge out (an eye - Los ladrones le arrancaron los ojos para no que no pudiera identificarlos.The thieves gouged out his eyes so he couldn't identify them.), to pull off (a button - Mi gato arrancó uno de los botones de mi americana.My cat pulled one of the buttons off my blazer.), to tear out (a page - Había arrancado una página de su diario.She had torn out a page of her diary.)/rip out (a page - Había arrancado una página de su diario.She had torn out a page of her diary.), to tear down (a poster - Arrancaron los carteles del escaparate.They tore the posters down from the store window.), to drag out (from a place - Todo volvió a tranquilizarse después de que lo arrancaron del bar.Everything calmed down again after they dragged him out of the bar.), to start (engine - Arrancó el coche y se fue corriendo.He started the car and sped off.)/to start up (computer - Arrancó la computadora y jugó videojuegos.He started up the computer and played videogames.)/boot up (computer - Arranca la computadora y mete el disco.Boot up the computer and put the disk in.)/boot (computer - Una vez que arranques el programa, crea un documento nuevo.Once you boot the program, create a new document.), (To Turn On), to extract (information - Hubo una polémica sobre los métodos que utilizaba la policía para arrancar las confesiones.There was controversy about the methods the police used to extract confessions.)/to get out (Lo único que quería era arrancar unas risas al público, pero no lo consiguió.All he wanted to do was to get a laugh out of the audience, but he failed.) (To Provoke)( (Transitive Verb), to start (machine - Lo he intentado varias veces y todavía no arranca. Tendrán que bajar para empujar.I've tried several times, and it still won't start. You'll have to get out and push.)/to boot up (computer - La computadora ha vuelto a arrancar, pero todavía no funciona muy bien.The computer has booted up again, but it's still not working very well.), to start (La senda para la cima arranca en esta cruz.The path to the summit starts at this crossing.)/stem from (Todos sus problemas arrancan de la falta de educación por parte de sus padres.All of his problems stem from the lack of upbringing from his parents.)/spring (architecture - Los arcos arrancan de este extremo de la capilla.The arches spring from this side of the chapel.) (To Originate), to burst into (to begin - Se levantó de la mesa y arrancó a cantar.She got up from the table and burst into song.), to set sail (nautical - La tripulación levó el ancla y arrancaron para las Américas.The crew raised the anchor and set sail for the Americas.), to run away (Las cosas estaban muy mal en su país y, al final, tuvieron que arrancar.Things were really bad in their country, and in the end they had to run away.)/get out (No me puedo quedar en esta cárcel. Tengo que arrancar o me voy a volver loco.I can't stay in this prison. I have to get out, or I'm going to go crazy.) (Colloquial - To Escape - Chile) (Intransitive Verb)


to pull out (hair, tooth - Mi hermana estaba tan estresada que se arrancaba el pelo.My sister was so stressed, she was pulling her hair out.)/to pull off (button - Al entrar en la cabina, Clark Kent se quitó la camisa, arrancándose los botones para exponer su traje de Superman.When he got into the phone booth, Clark Kent took off his shirt, pulling off the buttons to expose his Superman suit.) (To Remove), to burst into (Mi hermanito se levantó de la mesa y se arrancó a cantar.My little brother stood up from the table and burst into song.)/break into (to begin - El guitarrista empezó a tocar y la chica se arrancó por tangos.The guitarist started to play, and the girl broke into a tango.), to shoot up (increase - colloquial - Chile - Se ha arrancando muchísimo la inflación en los últimos años.Inflation has really shot up in the last few years.), to get away (Me tenía cautivo el enemigo, pero me arranqué cuando se adormecieron los guardias.I was held captive by the enemy, but I got away when the guards fell asleep.), to run away (Ahora que le puse correa al perro ya no se me arranca.The dog no longer runs away now that I have him on a leash.) (To Escape - Chile) (Pronominal Verb)

empujar a

to push into (Su mujer lo empujó a cambiar de trabajo.His wife pushed him into changing his job.)/to force to (La situación nos está empujando a tomar medidas drásticas.The situation is forcing us to take some drastic measures.) (To pressure) (Transitive Verb)


to put (to place - Me guardé unos caramelos en el bolso.I put some candy in my purse.), to keep (¡Guárdate tus consejos si vas a ser tan negativo!Keep your advice to yourself if you're going to be so negative!)/to save (Te puedes guardar tus opiniones porque a nadie aquí les interesan.You can save your opinions because no one here is interested.) (To retain), to be careful not to (Guárdense de no ir por esas calles de noche.Be careful not to walk down those streets at night.)/to make sure not to (Guárdate de no olvidar tu chamarra cuando sales en el frío.Make sure you don't forget your jacket when you go out in the cold.), to protect oneself from (to watch out for - Guárdate de las amistades falsas.Protect yourself from false friends.) (Pronominal Verb)


to put (¿Dónde pones las llaves?Where do you put the keys?)/to add (Si pones más peso, se romperá.If you add more weight, it will break.) (To Place), to put (to cause to be - figurative - Su renuncia me pone en una situación difícil.His resignation puts me in a difficult position.), to put on (clothing - Después de bañar a la bebé, hay que ponerle ropa limpia.After giving the baby a bath, you have to put some clean clothes on her.), to put (install - Es lógico que pongan allí un colegio nuevo.It makes sense to put a new school there.), to send (to ship - El mensaje que le puso era simple.The message he sent her was simple.), to give (a grade - Mi profesor me puso mala nota.My professor gave me a bad grade.), to lay (produce - Las gallinas ponen un huevo al día.Hens lay one egg a day.), to put in (to contribute - Podemos alquilar ese sitio si todos ponemos algo de dinero.We can rent the place if everybody puts in some cash.), to put on (Pon la televisión para ver las noticias.Put the television on to watch the news.)/turn on (¿Ponemos la calefacción?Shall we turn the heating on?) (To Connect), to call (Si tengo un niño le pondré Manuel, que es el nombre de mi padre.If I have a boy, I'll call him Manuel, which is my father's name.)/to give (¿Qué nombre le van a poner a la niña? - Todavía no lo sabemos.What name are you going to give your baby? - We don't know yet.) (To Name), to open (Sandy y su esposo van a poner una panadería en la calle principal.Sandy and her husband are going to open a bakery on main street.) (To Establish) (Transitive Verb)

resistirse a

to put up a fight, stand in opposition to something


to quack, to squawk, screech, to croak


to quit, renounce, resign


to quote, mention, to make an appointment


to rain (weather - Si llueve, vamos a tener que comprar un paraguas.If it rains, we're going to have to buy an umbrella.) (Impersonal Verb), to rain down on (figurative - to receive a great amount - Me llovieron todo tipo de problemas.All sorts of problems rained down on me.) (Intransitive Verb)


to raise (Levanta la mano si quieres ir al parque.Raise your hand if you want to go to the park.)/to lift (No es capaz de levantar la maleta.He is unable to lift the suitcase.)/to lift up (Levanta un poco tu pantalón para ver dónde te picó el mosquito.Lift up your pants a little so I can see where the mosquito bit you.)/to pick up (something that has fallen - Se inclinó para levantar la silla del suelo.He bent over to pick up the chair from the floor.) (To Move Upward), to lift (to end - El tribunal debe levantar la orden de detención.The court must lift the detention order.), to found (to establish - Mi abuelo levantó su compañía en 1939.My grandfather founded his company in 1939.), to build (to construct - La torre del reloj se levantó en 1836.The clock tower was built in 1836.), to take down (Levantaron el laboratorio para dejar sitio a la nueva escuela.The laboratory was taken down to make room for the new school.)/to clear off (Levanta tus cosas de la mesa.Clear your things off the table.) (To Remove), to remove (to get to come out - ¿Qué se puede hacer para levantar una mancha de vino?What can you do to remove a wine stain?) (Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela)


to raise/to lift (to hold up or high), to straighten (to unbend), to prick up (to erect (ears))


to rape (to have non-consensual sex with - A menudo violaban y pegaban a las presas de guerra.The female prisoners of war were often raped and beaten.), to violate (Su opinión era que censurar el video violaría su derecho de libertad de expresión.Her opinion was that censuring the would violate her right to free speech.)/to break (Señaló que las acciones del país habían violado el acuerdo de 1945.He pointed out that the country's actions had broken the 1945 agreement.)/to infringe (Existen sanciones para los estados que violen los derechos humanos.There are sanctions for states that infringe human rights.) (To contravene), to violate (to desecrate - Se le acusó de haber violado una tumba.He was accused of violating a grave.) (Transitive Verb)


to reach (Cuando alcanzamos la cumbre, tomamos unas fotos.When we reached the summit, we took some pictures.)/to catch (A que no me alcanzas.Bet you can't catch me.)/to catch up with (Los alcancé justo antes de que se fueran.I caught up with them just before they left.) (To Get To), to reach (to rise to - La temperatura alcanzó los 42ºC el fin de semana.The temperature reached 42ºC over the weekend.), to achieve (to accomplish - No alcanzaron la meta que se habían propuesto.They didn't achieve the goal they had set themselves.) (Transitive Verb) to be enough (to be sufficient - No alcanzan los fondos para seguir apoyando el proyecto.There isn't enough funding to continue supporting the project.) (Intransitive Verb)


to receive (La víctima recibió un fuerte golpe al lado de la cabeza.The victim received a strong blow to the side of the head./Dicen que el alcalde recibió dinero de fuentes sospechosas.They say that the mayor received money from shady sources.)/to accept (Ella recibió su premio con mucho orgullo.She accepted her prize with much pride) (To Be Given), to get (to take delivery of - Creo que no recibí el correo.I don't think I got the email.), to welcome (Nos recibió personalmente en el aeropuerto.He personally welcomed us at the airport./El equipo visitante fue recibido con silbidos y abucheos.The visiting team was received with whistles and jeers.)/to receive (Recibieron a su hijo con los brazos abiertos cuando regresó de la guerra.They received their son with open arms when he returned from the war.) (To Greet), to receive (to react to - El empleado no recibió bien la noticia de que lo estaban despidiendo.The employee did not receive the news that he was being fired well.) (Transitive Verb), to receive visitors (Disculpe, pero el ama de la casa no ésta recibiendo hoy.I'm sorry, but the lady of the house is not receiving visitors today.)/to see patients (Mi doctor sólo recibe los lunes y los jueves.My doctor only sees patients on Mondays and Thursdays.) (To Welcome Visitors) (Intransitve Verb)


to record; to tape


to recur (to occur again - Esas fases se repiten cada cinco años por término medio.These phases recur every five years on average.) (Pronominal Verb)


to recycle


to reform (to self improve - Ella llegó a un punto en su vida donde tenía que corregirse.She reached a point in her life where she needed to reform herself.) (Reflexive Verb)

negarse a

to refuse/decline to


to register (to sign up - para votar hay que registrarse con este formulario - to vote, you need to register to vote using this form)/to check in (to a hotel - me registré en el hotel a ;as 9 am y mi habitación no estaba lista - I checked into the hotel at 9 am and my room wasn't ready), to be recorded (hoy se registraron las temperaturas más bajas de la década - the lowest temperatures this decade were recorded today)/to be reported (se registraron fuertes lluvias en el sur del país - heavy rains were reported in the south of the country)/to be registered (ya se registraron alrededor de 100 casos de ébola - some 100 cases of ebola have now been registered/afortunadamente no se registraron heridos en el choque - fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident/debido a la fuerte lluvia de hoy, se registraron inundaciones por toda la región - there was flooding throughout the region due to today's heavy rain) (Pronominal)


to register, enroll (in a course or school), to enter (a competition), to join (a party)

dolerse (de)

to regret (Se duele de sus acciones rencorosas.He regrets his spiteful actions.) (Pronominal Verb)


to regret/to be sorry about


to reject, to refuse


to rejoice/to delight (to take pleasure - often used with de/por/) (Pronominal)


to relieve/dismiss/remove (from a duty/position), to stand in for/replace/substitute, to exempt (relieve from an obligation), to survey/assess


to remember (El Día de Muertos sirve para recordar a nuestros seres queridos difuntos.Day of the Dead helps us remember our deceased loved ones./No recuerdo mi contraseña.I can't remember my password.) (To Recall), remind (to call to mind - Recuérdame que cargue el celular.Remind me to charge my cell phone.) (Transitive Verb)


to remember (to recall - Me acuerdo que la primera vez que vi "El imperio contraataca", lloré al final.I remember that the first time I saw "The Empire Strikes Back", I cried at the end.) (Pronominal Verb)

acordarse de

to remember to/about/that/someone

acordarse de/de que

to remember to/that


to remove (eliminate - No pude quitar la mancha del mantel.I could not remove the stain from the tablecloth.), to take away (Le quité la carta que le había escrito.I took the letter I had written away from him.)/to take (Me quitaron el celular en el autobús.Someone took my cell phone on the bus.) (To Grab), to relieve (La aspirina me quitó el dolor de inmediato.The aspirin relieved my pain immediately.)/take away (Le dieron morfina para quitar el dolor que sufrió después del accidente.They gave him morphine to take away the pain he suffered after the accident.) (To Ease), to take up (consume - Pintarme las uñas me quita mucho tiempo.Painting my nails takes up a lot of my time.), except for (to exclude- Quitando las almendras, me gustan todos los frutos secos.Except for almonds, I like all nuts.) (Transitive Verb)


to renew (to extend the validity of), to renovate/change (to refurbish), to renovate/restore (to repair), to update/to bring up to date (to overhaul), to renew (rekindle), to revitalize (to reinvigorate)


to rent (El propietario desea arrendar o vender su apartamento.The owner wishes to rent or sell his condo.)/to lease (Alfredo arrienda su casa de campo para quien quiera vacacionar.Alfredo leases his country house to whoever is vacationing.)(To Lend Property), to rent (La agencia de bienes raíces te puede orientar para arrendar un departamento.The real estate agency can help you get set up to rent an apartment.)/to lease (Si vas a arrendar la casa, tienes que pagar un depósito.If you are going to lease the house, you need to pay a deposit.) (To Borrower Property), to hire out (Puedes encontrar empresas que arriendan autos en el aeropuerto.You can find companies that hire out cars at the airport.) (To Provide A Vehicle Or Service), to hire (Vamos a arrendar un yate para nuestra fiesta elegante de fin de año.We're going to hire a yacht for our fancy new year's party.) (To Contract A Vehicle Or Service)


to repair (El mecánico está esperando unos repuestos de la fábrica para reparar mi coche.The mechanic is waiting for some replacement parts to come in from the factory to repair my car.)/to fix (Puedes reparar esa pieza rota con un poco de pegamento.You can fix that broken part with some glue.)/to mend (Conozco un zapatero que puede reparar cualquier zapato.I know a cobbler who can mend any shoe.) (To Put To Rights), to restore (to recover - Necesitamos reparar energías. Paremos en la próxima posada para comer y dormir.We need to restore our energy. Let's stop at the next inn to eat and sleep.), to correct (Nunca es tarde para reparar los errores que cometiste en el pasado.It's never late to correct the errors you made in the past.)/to make amends for (Si no puedes reparar lo que hiciste, al menos puedes pedir perdón.If you can't make amends for what you have done, at least you can apologize.)/to make good (Me despidieron sin motivo alguno y el juez decidió que tienen que reparar mis pérdidas.I was fired me for no reason, and the judge decided they have to make good my loss.) (To Put Right) (Transitive Verb), to rear (to buck - Central America/Mexico - Mi caballo reparó cuando estaba montando porque se asustó de una serpiente.My horse reared when I was riding him because he got spooked by a snake.) (Intransitive Verb)


to reply, to answer back


to rescue/save/free, to recover/reclaim/regain


to research; to investigate


to resist, stand, endure something


to resist, to fight temptation


to rest (Tienes que descansar diez minutos por cada cuatro horas de trabajo.You need to rest ten minutes for every four hours worked.)/to have off (Últimamente tengo mucho trabajo y solo descanso los domingos.I have a lot of work on lately and only have Sundays off.) (To take a break), to sleep (No pude descansar anoche.I couldn't sleep last night.)/to nap (Él descansó un rato después de almorzar.He napped a while after eating lunch.) (To be asleep), to rest (to be buried - En este lugar las almas desafortunadas pueden descansar en paz.This is a place where unfortunate souls can rest in peace.), to rest (agriculture - El campo descansa un año entero cada tres años.The field rests for a full year once every three years.) (Intransitive Verb)


to result, to turn out/turn out to be, to work/to work out (be successful), to find (to appear to be)


to resume (to start again) (Pronominal)


to return (Regresa con la factura si quieres un crédito de la tienda.Return with the receipt if you want store credit.)/to come back (Odio que tenga que regresar al trabajo.I hate that I have to come back to work.)/to go back (Solo llevo una semana de vuelta, pero ya quiero regresar a España.I've only been back a week and I already want to go back to Spain.) (To Go Back) (Intransitive Verb) to return (Regresa las llaves a su sitio.Return the keys to their place.)/to give back (Regrésale los libros cuando termines con ellos.Give the books back to him when you've finished with them.)(To Hand Back- Latin America) (Transitive Verb)


to return (Se regresaron después de dos meses de estar perdidos. They returned after two months of being missing.)/to go back (¡Me quiero regresar a Disney World! I want to go back to Disney World.)/to come back (Se regresó al lugar de su nacimiento. He came back to the place of his birth.) (To Be Back - Latin America) (Reflexive Verb)


to return (Vuelve con el recibo si quieres un crédito en la tienda.Return with the receipt if you want store credit.)/to come back (Odio tener que volver al trabajo.I hate having to come back to work.)/to go back (Solo llevo una semana de vuelta pero ya quiero volver a España.I've only been back a week and I already want to go back to Spain.) (To be back), to do again (¡Tengo que volver a limpiarlo todo!I have to clean everything again!/Volverá a llover este fin de semana.It will rain again this weekend.) (Intransitive Verb), to turn (to swivel - Volvió la cabeza y allí estaba ella.He turned his head and there she was.), to turn (to grow to be - Los años la volvieron cínica y amargada.The years have turned her cynical and bitter.) (Transitive Verb)


to reveal, to disclose


to review, critique

girar (en torno a/alrededor de)

to revolve around (to center on - La conferencia gira alrededor de la globalización.The conference revolves around globalization.) (Intransitive Verb)


to ride (Mabel aprendió a montar el caballo de su abuelo cuando tenía apenas cuatro años.Mabel learned to ride her grandfather's horse when she was just four years old.)/to mount (¿Puedes agarrar la cabeza de la yegua para que la pueda montar?Can you hold the mare's head so that I can mount her?) (To travel on horseback), to put together (Amy y John tardaron cuatro horas en montar su cama nueva.It took Amy and John four hours to put together their new bed.)/to assemble (Para montar esta bicicleta, se necesita una llave ajustable.To assemble this bicycle, an adjustable wrench is needed.)/to put up (No vamos a poder montar este librero de roble sin ayuda.We aren't going to be able to put up this oak bookcase without help.) (To piece together), to put on (Van a montar "Don Juan Tenorio" el sábado en la plaza central.They're going to put on "Don Juan Tenorio" Saturday in the central plaza.)/to stage (Decidieron montar la obra en el teatro de la universidad.They decided to stage the show at the university theater.)/to mount (formal - El museo de arte va a montar una exposición sobre las artesanías del siglo XV.The art museum is going to mount an exhibition on 15th century handicrafts.) (To organize), to set up (to establish - Mi cuñada montó una tienda de productos orgánicos en el centro.My sister-in-law set up an organic goods store downtown.), to lift onto (to raise - El mono montó a su cría en su espalda.The monkey lifted its baby onto its back.), to edit (film - Julio se encargó de montar el cortometraje.Julio took care of editing the short film.), to cast on (sewing - Mi abuela me enseñó a montar puntos con dos agujas.My grandmother showed me how to cast on stitches with two needles.), to mount (to mate with - El toro montó a la vaca.The bull mounted the cow.), to whip (¿Me pasas el batidor para montar la nata, mamá?Can you pass me the whisk to whip the cream with, mom?)/to whisk (Monta las claras antes de añadirlas a la mezcla.Whisk the egg whites before adding them to the mix.)/to beat (Hay que volver a montar los huevos.You need to beat the eggs again.) (Culinary), to cock (to prepare for firing - El ladrón montó su pistola y gritó, "¡Nunca me atraparán con vida!"The robber cocked his pistol and shouted, "You'll never take me alive!"), to set (Ángela pidió que el joyero montara unos seis zafiros alrededor de la esmeralda.Angela asked that the jeweler set six sapphires around the emerald.)/to mount (El fabricante de joyas montó el diamante en una sortija de paladio.The jewelry maker mounted the diamond in a palladium ring.) (To put a jewel in place) (Transitive Verb), to mount (El mozo de cuadra la ayudará a montar, señora.The stableboy will help you mount, ma'am.)/to get on (Papi, quiero probar esta bici. ¿Me ayudas a montar?Daddy, I want to try this bike. Will you help me get on?) (To get up on), to ride (to travel by horse or bicycle - Mi hermana monta muy bien.My sister rides very well.) (Intransitive Verb)


to ring (telephone - El teléfono estuvo sonando toda la mañana.The telephone was ringing all morning long.)/to beep (electronic device - Mi ordenador suena si pulso muchas teclas a la vez.My computer beeps when I hit many keys at the same time.)/to go off (alarm - El despertador sonó en medianoche.The alarm went off at midnight.)/to rumble - No he desayunado y me suenan las tripas.I did not have breakfast and my stomach is rumbling.) (To make a sound), to be pronounced (linguistics - La "h" de "hablar" no suena.The "h" in "hablar" is not pronounced.), to sound (to appear - Un día en la playa me suena perfecto.A day on the beach sounds perfect./Su acento suena raro.His accent sounds funny.), to look familiar (¿No te suena su cara?Does his face look familiar to you?)/to ring a bell (colloquial - ¿Te suena el nombre de esa chica?Does her name ring a bell with you?) (To be known), to kick the bucket (informal - to die - southern cone - El más viejo del lugar sonó.The oldest man in the village kicked the bucket.) (Intransitive Verb)


to rise to the surface, to surface (show up), to outcrop (geology)


to roar/bellow (to cry - the bull bellowed and charged), to roar/bellow/rumble (make a loud noise) (Transitive Verb)

ser de

to root for (to be associated with - Yo soy del mejor equipo del mundo: FC Barcelona.I root for the best team in the world: FC Barcelona.) (Intransitive Verb)


to row (to paddle - Me duelen los brazos de remar contra la corriente.My arms hurt from rowing against the current.) (Intransitive Verb)


to rub oneself (to massage oneself - Mexico - Salió del baño tallándose con una toalla.She came out of the bathroom rubbing herself with a towel.), to scrub oneself (to rub oneself hard - Mexico - Por más que me tallé, no salió la pintura.No matter how hard I scrubbed myself, the paint wouldn't come off.) (Reflexive Verb)


to ruin, to destroy


to rule out/to dismiss/to reject (he was rejected as a candidate for office)/to discount (To discard) (Transitive)


to run (to move fast - Corro 12 kilómetros cada día.I run 12 kilometers every day./Me pasé el día corriendo detrás de los niños.I spent the whole day running around after the kids.), to hurry (Corre, baja el fuego. Se va a quemar el estofado.Hurry, turn the heat down. The stew is going to burn.)/to hurry up (Tendremos que correr si no queremos llegar tarde al cine.We'll have to hurry up if we don't want to be late for the movie.) (To hasten), to run (to flow - El río corre de norte a sur.The river runs from north to south.), to go around (to spread - El chisme corrió por el pueblo.The gossip went around the village.), to go by (to pass - las horas corrieron como minutos - the hours went by like minutes) (Intransitive Verb), to move (to change the position of - Tuve que correr la mesa para tener más espacio.I had to move the table to have more space.), to run (to risk - No corras riesgos innecesarios; ponte en manos de un profesional.Don't run unnecessary risks. Put yourself in the hands of a professional.), to run out (to get rid of - latin america - Corrieron al ladrón de la casa.They ran the thief out of the house.) (Transitive Verb)


to run (to smudge - Cuando llueve se me corre el maquillaje.When it rains my makeup runs.), to get a run (to develop a run - No hay nada que me fastidie más que se me corran las medias.There's nothing that bothers me more than getting a run in my stockings.), to shift (Una ola enorme hizo balancearse al barco, y la carga se corrió primero hacia un lado y luego hacia el otro.A huge wave made the ship roll, and its load shifted first to one side and then to the other.)/to move (Durante el terremoto, se corrió la mesa y golpeó con la pared con fuerza.During the earthquake, the table moved and hit the wall hard.)/to shift up (Dile a Esteban que se corra para que pueda sentarse Inés.Tell Esteban to shift up so that Ines can sit.)/to move up (Si nos corremos, podrán sentarse esas señoras que están allí de pie.If we move up, those ladies standing over there will be able to sit down.)/to shift over (Córrete un poco hacia allá, por favor. Apenas tengo espacio.Shift over there a little bit, please. I barely have any room.)/to move over (El carro se corrió hacia un lado para dejar pasar al camión.The car moved over to one side to let the truck through.) (To change position) (Pronominal Verb)


to run into (to meet)


to run out (to be used up - Se le acabaron las barras de pan a la panadería.The bakery's run out of baguettes.), to end (Siguieron bailando aun después de que se acabara la música.They kept dancing even after the music ended.)/to finish (La película se acabó temprano.The movie finished early.) (To run Its Course) (Pronominal Verb), to die (to perish - Se acabó tres días después de haber sido herido en el campo de batalla.He died three days after having been wounded on the battlefield.) (Reflexive Verb)

quedarse sin

to run out of (to use up one's supply of - Tendremos que ir al supermercado porque nos hemos quedado sin azúcar.We'll have to go to the supermarket because we've run out of sugar.), not to have ... anymore (Hoy no podemos abrir el restaurante porque nos hemos quedado sin cocinera.We can't open the restaurant today because we don't have a cook any more.)/to lose (Si sigue comportándose así, se va a quedar sin ningún amigo.If he keeps behaving like that, he's going to lose all his friends.)/to be left (Hizo una mala inversión y se quedó sin dinero.He made a bad investment and was left penniless.) (To be deprived of), not to get (not to come to have - Como no te comas los frijoles, te quedas sin helado.If you don't eat your beans, you won't get any ice cream.), not to get to (not to manage to - Se estropeó el televisor y me quedé sin ver la película. The television broke down, and I didn't get to see the movie.), to be left (not to come to be - Cuando murió la escritora, la novela se quedó sin acabar.When the writer died, the novel was left unfinished.)


to sauté (Después de sofreír la cebolla y el ajo, añade los trozos de carne a la sartén.After sautéing the onions and garlic, add the meat chunks into the pan./Sofríe las zanahorias y los calabacines en un wok por cinco minutos.Sauté the carrots and the zucchini in a wok for five minutes.)/to stir-fry (Yo siempre utilizo aceite de coco para sofreír las verduras.I always use coconut oil to stir-fry vegetables.)/to fry lightly (Sofríe los pedazos de pollo y colócalos aparte.Fry the chicken pieces lightly and put them aside.) (Culinary) (Transitive Verb)


to save (finance - He ahorrado casi doscientos dólares este mes por dejar de tomar taxi al trabajo.I've saved almost two hundred dollars this month because I stopped taking a taxi to work.), to save (to conserve - iApaga la computadora para ahorrar energía.Turn off the computer to save energy.), (Transitive Verb), to save (Tengo que ahorrar para mi retiro.I have to save for my retirement.)/to save up (Si quieres comprarlo tendrás que ahorrar.If you want to buy it, you'll have to save up.) (Finances) (Instransitive Verb)


to save oneself (to keep clear of - Te quería evitar la molestia de tener que venir hasta acá, pero no alcancé contactarte antes de que salieras.I wanted to save you the trouble of coming all the way out here, but I didn't catch you before you left.) (Pronominal Verb)


to say (¿Qué dijiste? No te escuché.What did you say? I couldn't hear you.)/to tell (¿Jura decir la verdad?Do you swear to tell the truth?) (To speak), to say (¿Qué dices de la nueva ley de transporte?What do you say about the new law on transportation?)/to think (¿Y qué dices tú del asunto?What do you think about the whole issue?)/to believe (¿Quién hubiera dicho que Juliana y Gustavo acabarían juntos?Who would have believed that Juliana and Gustavo would end up together?) (To give an opinion), to say (to be rumored - Dicen que va a nevar mañana.They say it's going to snow tomorrow.), to tell (Dile a tu hermano que haga sus tareas.Tell your brother to do his homework.)/to say (Mamá dijo que nos teníamos que acostar.Mom said we had to go to sleep.) (To transmit orders), to recite (to narrate - Ahora voy a decir un poema nuevo que escribí sobre el amor perdido.Now I will recite a poem I wrote about lost love.), to tell (to signify - El que no lo interese planear la boda me dice que Jorge no está listo para casarse.The fact that he's not interested in planning the wedding tells me Jorge's not ready to get married.), to say (to be indicated in text - La Biblia dice que uno debe amar al prójimo.The Bible says we should love our neighbor.), to say (mass - religious - Después de decir la homilía, el sacerdote reparte la comunión.After the priest says the homily, he hands out Communion.), to go ahead (to invite to speak - ¿Le puedo pedir un favor? - ¡Claro! Dime, ¿en qué lo puedo ayudar?Can I ask a favor of you? - Of course! Go ahead, how can I help you?) (Transitive Verb)


to say goodbye (to see off - Despidió a su amiga para irse a clase.She said goodbye to her friend to head to class.), to fire (colloquial - Despidieron al empleado acusado de acoso sexual.They fired the employee accused of sexual harassment.)/to dismiss (Un empleador no puede despedir a un empleado fijo sin tener un motivo de peso.An employer can't dismiss a permanent employee without good reason.)/lay off (Despidieron a miles de trabajadores durante la crisis financiera.Thousands of employees were laid off during the financial crisis.)/despidieron a miles de trabajadores durante la crisis financiera - thousands of employees were laid off during the financial crisis)/to let go (Siento que tenemos que despedirte porque necesitamos hacer recortes.I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go because we need to make cutbacks.) (To discharge from employment), to emit (to give off - El hedor que despedía era como el de una tumba.The stench he gave off was like that of a tomb.) (Transitive Verb)


to say goodbye (to see off - Se despidió de sus amigos antes de mudarse a Perú.He said goodbye to his friends before moving to Perú.) (Pronominal Verb)


to say hello to/to greet (to acknowledge), to salute (military), to wave to (to gesture) (Transitive) to wave (to gesture), to say hello (to exchange greetings) (Intransitive)

decir que

to say that (Dime qué quieres que haga. No quiero que digas que no te ayudé.Tell me what you need me to do. I don't want you to say that I didn't help you.)/to say (Julio dijo que traería la bebida.Julio said he would bring the drinks.)/to tell that (Dime que me quieres. Es todo lo que necesito.Tell me that you love me. It's all I need.)/to tell (No le digas a mamá que tengo novio o se enojará conmigo.Don't tell mom I have a boyfriend or she'll go mad at me.) (To speak, transmit orders, or give an opinion)


to scatter/spread/strew, to spread/disseminate/divulge (information), to amuse (to entertain)


to scold/tell off (to reprimand (Transitive), to quarrel (formal)/fall out (to argue). to grumble (to complain) (Intransitive)


to scrape/to scrape off (you need to hem your pants; they're scraping the floor - the painter scrapes off her brush)


to screw (¿Atornillaste la encimera o solo está presentada?Did you screw the countertop or is it just standing?)/to screw on (Nico no atornilló la persiana bien a la pared, y se cayó.Nico didn't screw the blind on the wall well enough, and it fell down.)/to screw down (¿Atornillaste la encimera o solo está presentada?Did you screw down the countertop or is it free standing?) (To Fasten With Screws), to tighten (El tornillo todavía está algo flojo. Atorníllalo un poco más fuerte.The screw is still a little loose. Tighten it a little bit more.) (Transitive)


to search (Mexico -Esculqué los armarios en busca de mi regalo de cumpleaños pero no encontré nada.I searched the closets looking for my birthday present but I didn't find anything.) (Transitive Verb)


to search (to check out - the police searched the suspect's apartment - la policía registró el departamento del sospecho), to register (maría va a registrar su marca de mermeladas - María will register her jam trademark)/to record (Mario es el encargado de registrar los gastos de la empresa - Mario is in charge of recording the company's expenses) (To make an official record of), to record (to make a recording of - lograron registrar la voz del sospechoso por teléfono - they were able to record the suspect's voice over the phone), to register (el termómetro registró temperaturas muy bajas - the thermometer registered very low temperatures)/to record (el temblor registró una magnitud de 6.5 en la escala Richter - the earthquake recorded a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter Scale) (To mark), to see (esta semana, el volcán registró un aumento de actividad - the volcano saw an increase in activity this week/nuestro país registra una disminución histórica en deforestación - there has been a dramatic reduction in deforestation in our country/el año pasado, el país registró un fuerte aumento de homicidios - there was a significant increase in the number of homicides last year) (To experience), to include (Me piden que registre me número de teléfono en el formulario - I'm required to include my telephone number on the form)/to put down (Ya registré tu nombre en la lista de participantes - I've put your name down on the list of participants)/to note down (Espere, por favor, mientras registro sus datos personales - please wait while I note down your personal details)/to give (no es preciso que registres tu nombre - you don't need to give your name) (To write down), to register (to send by special name - Mexico - no olvides registrar esta carta - don't forget to register this letter) (Transitive)


to see oneself (to view oneself - Me quiero ver en el espejo a ver cómo me queda el corte de pelo.I want to see myself in the mirror to see how my haircut looks.), to see oneself (No me veo trabajando aquí de por vida.I don't see myself working here for the rest of my life.)/picture oneself (No me puedo ver casado.I don't picture myself married.) (To imagine oneself), to find oneself (to be in a situation - Él se vio rodeado de enemigos.He found himself surrounded by enemies.) (Reflexive Verb), to look (to seem - ¿Te hiciste algo? ¡Te ves fantástica!Is there something different about you? You look fantastic!) (Pronominal Verb), to see each other (to meet up with - Nos vimos en la fiesta de anoche.We saw each other at last night's party.) (Reciprocal Verb)


to seem (Pareces cansado. ¿Dormiste bien anoche?You seem tired. Did you sleep well last night?)/to look (Pareces triste. ¿Qué pasó?You look sad. What happened?) (To Appear To Be), to look like (to have a physical similarity to - Mi perro parece un zorro con su cola tan larga.My dog looks like a fox with his long tail.) (Copular Verb), to seem (to give an impression - Pareces tener mucha hambre.You seem to be very hungry.) (Transitive Verb), to look like (to give the appearance of - Parece que va a nevar. - No creo, no está lo suficientemente frío.It looks like it's going to snow. - I don't think so; it's not cold enough.) (Impersonal Verb), to have an opinion (Me parece que el ministro debería dimitir.I think the minister should resign./¿Qué te pareció la serie sobre la familia real? - Me pareció una tontería.What did you think of the series about the royal family? - I thought it was nonsense.) (Intransitive Verb)

hacerse con

to seize (Los militares dieron un golpe de estado en un intento fracasado por hacerse con el poder.The military carried out a coup d'état in a failed attempt to seize power.)/to get ahold of (Necesitamos hacernos con esos datos por cualquier medio posible, ya sea lícito o ilícito.We need to get hold of that data by any possible means, either licit or illicit.)/to take (El ejército enemigo se hizo con la ciudad tras tenerla sitiada durante tres semanas.The enemy army took the city after a three-week siege.)/to get (Esa guitarra eléctrica es una Gibson, ¿no? ¿Cómo conseguiste hacerte con ella?That electric guitar is a Gibson, isn't it? How did you manage to get it?)/to gain (Si mi hermano me vende sus acciones, me haré con el control de la empresa familiar.If my brother sells me his shares, I'll gain control of the family company.)/to win (El equipo se hizo con el título tras vencer a su contrincante en una final muy reñida.The team won the title after beating its opponent at a hard-fought final.) (To Take Hold Of or Come to Have), to get to grips with (to cope with - Todavía no me he hecho con todos estos cambios. Necesito más tiempo.I haven't got to grips with all these changes yet. I need more time.)


to sell (to exchange for money - La chica estaba vendiendo naranjas en el mercado.The girl was selling oranges in the market./Aquí se venden carros usados.Used cars are sold here.), to sell out (to betray - colloquial - Rehusó vender a su hermano, a pesar de que le estuvieran haciendo chantaje.He refused to sell out his brother, even though they were blackmailing him.) (Transitive Verb)


to sell on credit (to give on trust - they'll sell you the car on credit) (Transitive), to give credit (to give on trust - we no longer give credit to new customers) (Intransitive)


to sell out (to be bought - Nunca pensé que te venderías a una gran compañía.I never thought that you would sell out to a big company.) (Reflexive Verb)


to send (Mis amigos me enviaron fotos de la fiesta.My friends sent me photos of the party./Mi mamá envió a mi hermano a que fuera de compras.My mom sent my brother shopping.)/to mail (Yo le envié a mi novio tres cartas por semana.I mailed my boyfriend three letters a week.)/to ship (El paquete que me enviaron aún no llegó.The package they shipped me still hasn't arrived.) (Transitive Verb)


to serve (culinary - Van a servir lomo de puerco en la boda.They're going to serve pork loin at the wedding.), to serve (to attend to - Esta compañía sirve a clientes de todo el mundo.This company serves customers around the world.) (Transitive Verb), to be used for (to have a purpose - Esta máquina sirve para coser.This machine is used for sewing.), to serve as (to function as - Sirve de ejemplo para los demás.He serves as an example for others.), to be in service (to work as a servant - Trabajó sirviéndoles años antes de empezar su propia carrera.He had been in their service for years before starting his own career.), to serve (military - Mi tío sirvió en las fuerzas armadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.My uncle served in the armed forces during World War II.) (Intransitive Verb)


to set up/lay down (establish), to place (an object), to secure (stabalize), to flatten/firm down, to seat (designate a spot for), to make an entry (in a document), to state (affirm) (Mexico)


to settle/to resolve (to find a solution to), to excavate (dig up)


to sew


to shake (Si agitas el refresco antes de abrirlo, puede explotar.If you shake the soda before opening it, it can explode.)/to have (handkerchief, flag - Las chicas agitaban sus pañuelos y banderas a la vuelta de los soldados.The girls were waving their handkerchiefs and flags upon the soldiers' return.)/to flap (wing, fin, arm - El águila agitaba las alas mientras agarraba el salmón.The eagle was flapping its wings as it grabbed the salmon.)/to rustle (leaves - El viento de la noche agitó siniestramente las hojas del árbol.The evening wind ominously rustled the leaves of the tree.) (To move vigorously), to upset (La noticia de que su amiga se había enfermado la agitó.The news that her friend had become sick upset her.)/to worry (La posibilidad de un huracán nos agitó mucho, así que volvimos de nuestras vacaciones antes de tiempo.The possibility of a hurricane really worried us, so we came back from our vacation early.)/to get worked up (La discusión sobre la política agitó bastante a mi padre.The argument about politics got my father pretty worked up.) (To disturb), to stir up (to unsettle - El discurso del alcalde solo sirvió para agitar al pueblo aún más.The mayor's address only served to stir up the town even more.) (Transitive Verb)


to shake (to move - Sacude la botella para mezclar los ingredientes.Shake the bottle to blend the ingredients.), to beat (to smack - No te olvides de sacudir la alfombra para quitar el polvo.Don't forget to beat the rug to get out all the dust.), to shake (to shock - La muerte de la abuela sacudió a toda la familia.Grandma's death shook the whole family.), to dust (clean - Mexico/southern cone - Con tres perros, ella tiene que sacudir los muebles dos veces al día.With three dogs, she has to dust the furniture twice a day.) (Transitive Verb)


to shake, to shiver (from cold), to shudder, to shudder (at the thought of something - to be concerned)


to shine (to give off light), to look (to appear - you look a little tired)/to look good (to look nice - she arrived at dinner looking nice), to show (to display progress - You tried your best? It doesn't show) (Intransitive verb), to wear/to sport (To dress in), to show off/to flaunt (to display - the actress showed off/flaunted her figure)


to shine, glitter, gleam


to shine, to sparkle


to shoot, to fire


to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out


to show (Este vestido es tan apretado que se me marca la ropa interior.This dress is so tight my underwear shows.)/to stand out (Cuando levanta pesas se le marcan rápidamente los músculos.When she lifts weights, her muscles quickly stand out.) (To stand out) (Pronominal Verb)


to show (the guide showed us the route)/to point out (To indicate), to mark (to tag - I marked the books you should read), to set/to fix (To determine - the government has set/fixed April 15th as the last day to pay taxes) (Transitive)


to show (¿Oíste que están mostrando la nueva película en IMAX?Did you hear that they're showing the new movie at the IMAX?)/to display (Los vendedores en la feria muestran sus mercancías al público.The vendors at the fair display their wares to the public.) (To Exhibit), to show (to demonstrate - Muéstrame cómo se juega.Show me how to play.) (Transitive Verb)


to show off/to be seen (in order to appear important) (Colloquial)


to show signs of (to signal - the buyer showed signs of not being interested)/to make as if (she made as if she was going to come greet me, but turned around and walked away) (To signal), to show the first signs of (medicine - John is showing the first signs of the flu), to threaten (to intimidate - the passenger pulled a gun and threatened the taxi driver) (Transitive Verb), to feint (sports - the forward feinted to the left and then went to the right), to threaten (to be imminent - the sky is threatening to rain) (Intransitive Verb)


to show signs of/be telling, to acknowledge (formal), to tell on someone/snitch


to sigh/to give a sigh (To exhale), to yearn for (to long for) (Intransitive Verb)


to sign


to sing (music - Me encanta cantarle canciones de cuna a mi bebé.I love to sing lullabies to my baby.), to sing (Los pájaros cantan en cualquier momento del día.Birds can sing at any time of day.)/to crow (El gallo canta al despuntar el día.The rooster crows at the break of dawn.)/to chirp (Solo cantan los grillos macho.Only the male crickets chirp.) (To Call) (Transitive Verb), to sing (music - ¿También cantas o solo tocas la guitarra?Do you sing also or just play the guitar?), to confess (colloquial - to snitch - Cantó tras horas de interrogatorio.He confessed after hours of interrogation.), to stink (colloquial - to smell badly - Te canta el aliento por las mañanas.Your breath stinks in the morning.) (Intransitive Verb)


to sit (Prefiero sentarme al lado del radiador.I prefer to sit next to the radiator.)/to sit down (¿Por qué no te sientas un rato?Why don't you sit down for a while?) (To Adopt A Sitting Position) (Reflexive Verb)


to sit (to place in a seat - Senté a mi madre a mi lado.I sat my mother next to me.)/to set (establish - Sentamos las bases de la cooperación internacional.We set the foundations for international cooperation.) (Transitive Verb), to suit (to look good on - Ese vestido no te sienta bien.That dress doesn't really suit you.), to agree with (food - Me gusta el ajo pero no me sienta bien.I like garlic, but it doesn't agree with me.), to make one feel (No me sentó bien tu actitud. Un poco de respeto, por favor.I don't appreciate your attitude. Show a little respect, please./Deberías pedirle perdón a tu hermana. Tu comentario no le sentó bien.You should apologize to your sister. Your comment upset her.) (Intransitive Verb)


to skip (Estos días estoy trabajando tanto que acabo saltándome comidas a veces.These days I work so much that I sometimes end up skipping meals.)/to miss (Te has saltado mi clase tres veces esta semana. ¿Pasa algo?You've missed my class three times this week. Is something wrong?) (To omit), to break (legal - La empresa tuvo muchos problemas después de saltarse algunos reglamentos.The company had a lot of problems after breaking some regulations.), to run (colloquial - ¡Ese coche se saltó el semáforo en rojo!That car just ran a red light!/¿Por qué te saltaste el semáforo? Fue muy peligroso.Why did you jump the lights? It was a really dangerous thing to do.) (To ignore), to pop off (Se le saltó un botón de su jersey cuando se lo quitó.A button popped off her sweater when she took it off.)/to come off (La cremallera de mi chaqueta se me habrá saltado en la secadora.The zipper of my jacket must have come off in the dryer.) (To be expelled) (Pronominal Verb)


to sleep (to rest - Hay que dormir por lo menos seis horas cada noche.One should sleep at least six hours a night.), to spend the night (Dormí en casa de mi abuela.I spent the night at my grandmother's house.)/to stay the night (Dormimos en casa de mis suegros el Día de Acción de Gracias.We stayed the night at my in-laws' on Thanksgiving.) (To pass the night), to lie idle (to be forgotten - Sus ahorros no han crecido porque ha dejado la cuenta dormir.His savings haven't grown because he let the account lie idle.) (Intransitive Verb), to put to sleep (Duermo a mis niños con un cuento.I put my children to sleep with a story.)/to get off to sleep (Voy a dormir los niños y luego regreso.I'm going to get the children off to sleep and then I'll be back.)/to send to sleep (due to boredom - Ese profesor duerme a sus estudiantes con su voz monótona.That teacher sends his students to sleep with his monotonous voice.) (To make sleepy), to put to sleep (Durmieron a mi perro para limpiarle los dientes.They put my dog to sleep in order to clean his teeth.)/to put under (Lo durmió el cirujano antes de la operación.The surgeon put him under before the operation.) (To anesthetize) (Transitive Verb)


to slip (to skid) (Pronominal)


to slip/to slide (to skid), to slip up (to make a mistake) (Intranstive) couldn't care less/go in one ear and out the other (to be indifferent) (Transitive)


to smash/to crash/to slam (to break violently), to fry (cook in oil), to fill with stars (to cover with stars)


to smell (to perceive the smell of - Huelo el humo en la ropa de mi esposo cuando fuma.I smell the smoke on my husband's clothes when he smokes.) (Transitive Verb), to smell (to have a scent - Huele a gas en este cuarto.I can smell gas in this room./Este jabón huele muy rico.This soap smells very nice.), to seem (colloquial - A mi papá le huele que el vecino se está robando sus periódicos.My father suspects that the neighbor is stealing his newspapers./Este acuerdo me huele a corrupción.This agreement smacks of corruption.) (Intransitive Verb)


to smile (to express joy - Mi abuela siempre sonríe cuando nos cuenta historias de su niñez.My grandmother always smiles when she tell us stories about her childhood.), to smile on (to favor - Parece que la vida me sonríe: al fin he encontrado un trabajo donde me valoran de verdad.It seems that life smiles on me: I have finally found a job where I'm really valued.) (Intransitive Verb)


to smoke (tobacco - Mi papá fuma una cajetilla diaria.My dad smokes a pack of cigarettes every day.), to take notice of (to notice - colloquial - mexico - Esa niña me encanta, pero no me fuma.I really like that girl, but she doesn't take any notice of me.) (Transitive Verb), to smoke (tobacco - Está tratando de dejar de fumar.He's trying to quit smoking.) (Intransitive Verb)


to soak/soak through/penetrate (drench), to cut out, to cut a piece of, to see through/suss out (colloquial - figure out), to lower/bring down, to cast (a line, net - fishing), to fix (a bayonet) (Transitive), let water in, to catch on (fashion, an idea), to have an effect/make an impression (figurative), to draw/have a draft (nautical) (Intransitive)


to solve (to find a solution for - No sé cómo resolver el problema.I don't know how to solve the problem.), to decide (El tribunal resolvió el asunto de forma unánime.The tribunal decided the matter unanimously.)/to settle (Los soldados echaron a cara o cruz para resolver la cuestión de quién tomaría la primera guardia.The soldiers tossed a coin to settle the issue of who would take the first watch.)/to resolve (El condado va a resolver la disputa de propiedad entre los vecinos.The county will resolve the property dispute between the neighbors.) (To Determine) (Transitive Verb), to rule (to decide - El juez resolvió a favor de la empleada.The judge ruled in favor of the employee.) (Intransitive Verb)


to sound (¿Qué tal se oye ahí atrás?How does it sound back there?)/to hear (No se oía nada por el ruido del avión.Nothing could be heard over the noise of the airplane.) (To Perceive Sounds - Colloquial) (Pronominal Verb)


to speak (Los bebés comienzan a hablar a los 18 meses.Babies start speaking at around 18 months.)/to talk (Escucho a alguien hablando, pero no sé de dónde viene.I can hear someone talking, but I don't know where's it coming from.) (To Articulate Words), to talk (¿Necesitas a alguien con quien hablar?Do you need someone to talk to?)/to speak (¿Podemos hablar en privado?Can we speak in private?) (To converse), to speak (to give a speech - Habló un buen rato de las reformas que había propuesto el gobierno.He spoke at length about the reforms the government had proposed.), to call (to speak on the phone - Buenas tardes, ¿se encuentra la Sra. Martínez? - ¿Quién habla?Good afternoon, may I speak with Mrs. Martinez? - Who is calling?) (Intransitive Verb) to speak (to be able to communicate in - Hablo cinco idiomas y leo diez.I speak five languages and can read ten.), to discuss (Eso tienes que hablarlo directamente con el principal.You need to discuss that directly with the principal.)/to say (¿Verdaderamente no tienes nada de qué hablarme?You really don't have anything to say to me?) (To deal with), to phone (to call - Argentina/El Salvador/Mexico - Ahora que tienes su número, ¿le vas a hablar?Now that you have her number, are you going to phone her?) (Transitive Verb), to speak (to have a conversation - No se habla de otra cosa.We speak about nothing else.) (Impersonal Verb)


to speed up (to be expedited), to get overexcited/to lose one's cool (colloquial - to get worked up), to accelerate (physics)


to speed up/quicken/hasten (to speed along), to accelerate (vehicle)/to rev (motor)/to rev up (motor), to hasten (precipitate), to accelerate (physics) (Transitive), to accelerate/to speed up (to go faster), to hurry up/get a move on (colloquial - speed things up) (Intransitive)


to spell (written - a word), to spell out (aloud)


to spend (to expend - Gastan más dinero del que ingresan.They spend more money than they earn.), to use - (to consume - Lucinda gasta mucho papel porque está siempre dibujando.Lucinda uses lots of paper because she's always drawing.)/to use up (¿Ya gastaste todos los huevos?Did you already use up all the eggs?) (To Consume), to wear out (Los niños gastan las suelas de los zapatos en muy poco tiempo.Children wear out the soles of their shoes in no time at all.)/to wear down (Dina gastó los tacones de sus zapatos bailando en el festival.Dina wore down the heels on her shoes dancing in the festival.) (To Make Deteriorate), to waste (to squander - No me gusta gastar mi tiempo inútilmente.I don't like to waste my time pointlessly.), to wear (¿Cuándo empezaste a gastar gafas?When did you begin to wear glasses?)/to be (¿Qué talla gastas de camisa?What size shirt are you?)/to take (¿Puedo probar estos zapatos en mi número? - ¿Qué número gasta?Can I try these shoes on in my size? - What size do you take?) (To use on the body - Spain) (Transitive Verb), to spend (to expend money - A Eva le gusta más gastar que trabajar.Eva likes spending more than working.) (Intransitive Verb)


to spend (to waste money - Paco se gasta todo lo que gana en apostar.Paco spends all he earns on gambling.), to run out (to run down - Se te gastarán las pilas en seguida si no bajas el volumen.Your batteries will run out in no time if you don't turn the volume down.), to wear out (to deteriorate from use - Como es la camisa que más me pongo, ya se gastó el cuello.As it's the shirt I wear the most, the collar already wore out.)/to wear down (¡Qué raro! Solo se gastó el tacón de la bota derecha.How weird! Only the heel on the right boot wore down.), to waste (to squander - No te gastes el tiempo tratando de convencerlo; está decidido en no esforzarse nada.Don't waste your time trying to convince him; he's determined not to make any effort.), to have (to exhibit - colloquial - Spain - Roberto se gasta un genio; por eso tiene tan pocos amigos.Roberto has an awful temper; that's why he has so few friends.) (Pronominal Verb)


to spill (to let flow), to scatter/to spill (to spread), to squander (to waste)


to splash (Tirémonos de bomba a la piscina y así salpicamos a nuestras mamás.Let's cannonball into the pool and splash our moms.)/to spatter (¡Ese coche me salpicó barro a propósito!That car spattered me with mud on purpose!)/to sprinkle (Salpica las hojas de rúcula con jugo de limón.Sprinkle the arugula leaves with lemon juice.) (To spray with liquid), to taint (El escándalo de corrupción salpicó a todos en el Congreso.The corruption scandal tainted everyone in Congress.)/to ruin (El caso de acoso sexual salpicó a dos miembros del cuerpo docente.Two members of the faculty were ruined by the sexual harassment case.) (To affect), to pepper (to spread - Su primer poema estaba salpicado de repeticiones y metáforas.Her first poem was peppered with repetition and metaphor.) (Transitive Verb)


to spread (to circulate), to become difused (technical) (To Disseminate) (Pronominal)


to spread out, to extend


to spread/broadcast/issue/disseminate (to circulate), to diffuse/to give off (physics)


to sprout, to erupt, to appear

soplarse de

to squeal/inform on


to stab/to knife (To injury with a knife)


to stain oneself (colloquial - Latin America - Si friegas sin delantal seguro que te chorreas de detergente.If you wash the dishes without an apron on, you're bound to get detergent all over you./Volcó la cafetera y se chorreó la falda de café.She knocked the coffee pot over and spilled coffee all down her skirt.) (Reflexive Verb), to swipe (to steal - colloquial - River Plate - Alguien se había chorreado las flores de la tumba de mi padre.Someone had swiped the flowers off my father's grave.) (Pronominal Verb)


to stand (tolerate), to bear (endure), to support (hold up)


to stand out, to be outlined/silhouetted

poner de pie

to stand up (to place something upright - Silvia derribó varios de mis peones al mover su alfil. Los puso de pie y continuamos la partida.Silvia knocked over some of my pawns when she moved her bishop. She stood them up and we went on with our game.), to help up (to help someone stand up - Por favor, ponga de pie a su amigo. - ¡No puedo! Pesa demasiado y está muy borracho.Please help your friend up. - I can't! He's too heavy and he's really drunk.) (Transitive Verb Phrase)


to stand up (to remain standing - Estaba tan mareado que no me tenía de pie.I was so dizzy that I couldn't stand up.), to think (to consider oneself - Este muchacho se tiene por muy guapo.That kid thinks he's really cute.) (Reflexive Verb)


to start (El ladrón se echó a correr cuando vio que la policía se acercaba a él.The thief started running when he saw the police coming toward him.)/to begin (Mi hijo se echó a llorar cuando la enfermera le clavó la aguja en el brazo.My son began to cry when the nurse stuck the needle in his arm.) (Pronominal Verb), to throw oneself (to propel oneself - Intentó suicidarse echándose al agua desde el puente.He tried to commit suicide throwing himself into the water from the bridge.), to lie down (to recline - Solo tienes que echarte y disfrutar del masaje.Just lie down and enjoy your massage.), to put (to apply - Me eché protector solar antes de ir a la playa, pero me quemé.I put on sunscreen before going to the beach, but I got sunburned.) (Reflexive Verb)

ponerse a

to start (Justo cuando llegábamos a la playa, se puso a llover.It started raining just as we were arriving at the beach.)/to begin (A Eva la está riñendo su madre y va y se pone a cantar.Eva was being told off by her mother, and then she goes and begins to sing.)/to get down to (No estarás pensando en ponerte ahora mismo a limpiar la casa, ¿verdad?You're not thinking of getting down to cleaning the house right now, are you?)

partir de

to start (to begin - Partiremos de la teoría más básica.We'll start with the most basic theory.) (Intransitive Verb)


to stay (Se mantiene cuerdo gracias al medicamento.He stays sane thanks to the medication.)/to remain (La torre se mantuvo en pie aún después del temblor.The tower remained standing even after the earthquake.)/to keep (Dedica mucho tiempo a mantenerse en forma.He devotes a lot of time to keeping fit.) (To Remain) (Pronominal Verb), to support oneself (to provide for oneself - Se mantiene con dos trabajos.She supports herself with two jobs.), to live on (to feed oneself - Se mantuvieron a base de la pizza durante la semana de examenes.They lived on pizza during exam week.) (Reflexive Verb)


to stay (to remain in place - Nuestros primos se quedaron con nosotros durante la Navidad.Our cousins stayed with us over Christmas.) (Reflexive), to keep (retain), to r - No te puedes quedar con lo que no es tuyo.You can't keep what is not yours.), to remember (to recall - No se me queda la lección después de haberla aprendido.I can't remember the lesson after I learned it.), to kid (to trick - colloquial - Spain - No trates de quedarte conmigo. Hicimos un trato.Don't try to kid me. We made a deal.) (Pronominal Verb)


to stay awake/to be unable to sleep, to do one's best

quedarse en

to stay in (Paolo decidió quedarse en Toronto un mes más.Paolo decided to stay in Toronto for another month.)/to stay at (Pueden quedarse en nuestra casa si no encuentran hotel.You can stay at our place if you can't find a hotel.)/to stay (Este año, nos quedaremos en casa para las fiestas.This year, we will be staying home for the holidays.) (To Remain In)

quedarse con

to stay with (to remain with - Se pueden quedar con nosotros en casa si quieren. Tenemos un cuarto de invitados.You can stay with us at home if you like. We have a guest room.), to keep (to retain - Puedes quedarte con el bolígrafo. Yo tengo otro.You can keep the pen. I have another one.), to remember (Alicia tiene muy buena memoria y se queda con todo lo que le dices.Alicia has a very good memory and she remembers everything you say to her.)/to memorize (Laura es capaz de quedarse con la lista completa de los elementos químicos. No sé cómo lo hace.Laura can memorize the whole list of chemical elements. I don't know how she does it.) (To Recall), to still be (to remain - Pero con todo lo que hemos comido. ¿Cómo puedes haberte quedado con hambre?But we've eaten so much. How come you're still hungry?), to kid (to trick - Spain - Intentó quedarse con nosotros. ¡Se creerá que somos tontos!She tried to kid us. She must think we're stupid!)


to steal (Lo han pillado robando un coche.He has been caught stealing a car.)/to rob (Lo han pillado robando un coche.He has been caught stealing a car.) (To Take Unlawfully), to abduct (Robaron a muchas niñas en el colegio.Many girls were abducted from the school.)/to kidnap (Robaron al bebé de los brazos de su madre.The baby was kidnapped from his mother's arms.), to draw (to take a card - Tienes que robarle cartas a tu oponente.You have to draw cards from your opponent.) (Transitive Verb), to break into (to enter without permission - Robaron en mi apartamento la semana pasada pero no se llevaron nada.My apartment was broken into last week but nothing was taken.) (Intransitive Verb)


to step on/to step in/to tread on (to put your foot on), to walk on (to go on - don't walk on the wet cement), to step on (to press one's foot down on - I stepped on the gas), to tread down/to tread (to trample - I trod down the earth to flatten it), to set foot in/to set foot on (to come into - I haven't set foot in there in years), to steal/to beat (to anticipate - they stole our idea/they beat us to it), to trample on/to walk all over (to be inconsiderate with - he's trampling on/walking all over everyone), to strike (key)/to hold down (string - hold down the string here for an F#) (Music), to mount (to copulate with - animals - the male dog mounted the female) (Transitive Verb), to tread (step - watch where you step), to f*ck/screw (vulgar - Cuba/Dominican Republic/El Salvador), to make an impression (el autor entró en el panorama literario pisando fuerte - the author arrived on the literary scene with a bang) (Intransitive Verb)


to stick out (Asoma un poco la cabeza para ver si el vestíbulo está vacío.Stick your head out a little to see if the hallway is empty./La tortuga asomó la cabeza cuando le ofrecí una hoja de lechuga.The turtle stuck its head out when I offered it a lettuce leaf.)/to lean out (Es peligroso asomar la cabeza por la ventana de un camión en movimiento.It is dangerous to lean your head out of the window of a moving bus.) (Transitive Verb), to come out (Los pétalos de la flor asomaron cuando salió el sol.The petals of the flower came out when the sun came up.)/to appear (Si asoman ronchas rojas, llama al doctor.If red welts appear, call the doctor.)/to stick out (La pistola del vaquero asomaba por debajo de su chaleco.The cowboy's pistol stuck out from under his vest.) (Intransitive Verb)

dejarse de

to stop (Déjate de niñerías y compórtate como el adulto que se supone que eres.Stop being childish and behave like the adult you're supposed to be./Déjate de soltar insinuaciones y habla claro.Stop making insinuations and talk plainly.)/(Déjate de cuentos. No hay excusa que valga para lo que hiciste.Cut all the crap. There's no excuse whatsoever for what you did./Dejémonos de cumplidos, estamos en familia.Let's not stand on ceremony here. We're family.) (Colloquial - to cease doing or resorting to something)


to stop (cease movement Ellos se detuvieron en seco cuando escucharon la sirena.They stopped in their tracks when they heard the siren.) (Reflexive Verb)


to stop (to halt - Siempre se para a saludarnos cuando nos ve.She always stops to say hello when she sees us.), to stand up (Latin America - El público se paró cuando terminó el pianista.The audience stood up when the pianist finished.)/to get up (from bed - Mexico/Central America - Siempre se para tarde los fines de semana.He always gets up late on weekends.) (Reflexive Verb), to stand on end (to stick up - Latin America - Se te parará el pelo con esa película.That movie will make your hair stand on end.), to stop (to quit working - El carro se paró porque le falta aceite al motor.The car stopped because the engine needs oil.) (Pronominal)


to stop (to halt - ¡Paren el tráfico! Alguien está tirado en la calle.Stop the traffic! Someone's lying in the road.), to save (Fabianski paró el balón, evitando un gol de Muller.Fabianski saved the ball, blocking a goal by Muller.)/stop (El portero paró el tiro libre y ganó el partido.The goalkeeper stopped the free kick and won the game.)/intercept (García lanzó el balón y Hernández lo paró.García kicked the ball and Hernandez intercepted it.) (To Block), to block (Es tan importante parar como golpear.Blocking is as important as punching.)/to ward off (El boxeador logró parar varios golpes, pero al final su contrincante lo tumbó.The boxer managed to ward off several blows, but in the end his opponent knocked him down.)/to parry (Estamos aprendiendo a parar en las clases de esgrima.We're learning how to parry in our fencing classes.) (To Avoid), to stand up (Paren el muñeco en la mesa para terminar de arreglarle el traje.Stand the doll up on the table so I can finish fixing its outfit.)/to raise (Paren el librero allí cerca de esa pared, por favor.Raise the bookshelf over there by that wall, please.) (To Erect - Latin America) (Transitive Verb) to stop (to halt - ¿Sabe si el número 20 para aquí cerca?Do you know if the number 20 stops nearby?), to stop (to cease - ¡Por favor para de cantar! ¿No ves que estoy estudiando?Please stop singing! Can't you see I'm studying?), to end up (¿Adónde fuiste a parar la otra noche?Where did you end up the other night?)/to happen (¿Dónde habrá ido a parar Sofía después de la graduación?I wonder what happened to Sofia after graduation?)/to become (No sé a dónde va a parar con ese mal genio que tiene.I don't know what's going to become of her with that bad temper.)/to get to (¿En dónde habrá parado el perro?Where can the dog have got to?) (To Reach A Final Goal Or Circumstance), to go on strike (to strike - Latin America - El sindicato ha dicho que paren el martes.The union said to go on strike on Tuesday.), to stay (to lodge - La pareja dijo que planean parar en Madrid por tres noches.The couple said they plan to stay in Madrid for three nights.) (Intransitive Verb)


to store/keep/warehouse (to save), to stock up with/to stock up on/to collect (to accumulate), to store (computing)


to stray (from a course or objective)/to stray off (a path)/to change (course)/to digress (from a topic)/to wander off (a topic)/to deviate (from a course of action) (To Move Away), to change course (plane/ship)/to branch off (road)/to turn off (vehicle)/to turn (conversation) (To Change Direction) (Pronominal)


to stretch (El curtidor estiró la piel y la dejó sobre una roca para secarse.The tanner stretched the skin and left it on a rock to dry out.)/to stretch out (Estiramos la cobija antes de ponerla en la cama.We stretched out the blanket before putting it on the bed.)/to crane (La garceta estiró el cuello para alcanzar un pez.The egret craned its neck to reach a fish.) (To Extend), to smooth out (Estira la colcha para que no quede ninguna arruga.Smooth out the bedspread so there aren't any creases.)/to iron out (Recomiendo que estires un poco el vestido antes de la gala.I recommend that you iron out the dress a little before the gala.) (To Make Smooth), to stretch (¿Crees que puedas estirar tu paga para cubrir la renta?Do you think you can stretch your paycheck to cover the rent?)/to make last (No sabe estirar su domingo; siempre lo gasta de inmediato.He doesn't know how to make his allowance last; he always spends it right away.) (To Make Go Further) (Transitive Verb), to shoot up (to grow - De verdad han estirado estas plantas debido a las lluvias.These plants have really shot up due to the rain.) (Intransitive Verb)


to study (to gain knowledge of - Estudié la lección de química con detenimiento.I studied the chemistry lesson carefully.), to study (to pursue a degree in - Si quieres ser cirujano, tendrás que estudiar medicina.If you want to be a surgeon, you'll have to study medicine.), to study (Ella le estudió la cara para averiguar si estaba diciendo la verdad.She studied his face to figure out if he was telling the truth.)/to examine (Este artículo estudia los pros y los contras de enseñar con portátiles.This article examines the pros and cons of teaching with laptops.) (Transitive Verb), to study (to gain knowledge - Mañana no puedo ir a la playa con vosotros porque tengo que estudiar.I can't go to the beach tomorrow with you because I have to study.) (Intransitive Verb)


to stuff oneself with (Siempre que entro a una pastelería me harto a galletas.Every time I enter a pastry shop I stuff myself with cookies.)/to gorge oneself on (Juanito se hartó a beber refresco y luego le dolía el estómago.Juanito gorged himself on soda and then he had stomachache.) (To Fill), to get one's fill of (to satisfy a desire - En Tailandia nos hartamos a ver elefantes.In Thailand we got our fill of elephants.) (Pronominal Verb)


to submerge (Primero sumerge en agua hirviendo las rodajas de manzana para reblandecerlas.Submerge the apple slices in boiling water to soften them first.)/to immerse (El reto consistía en sumergir la cabeza en agua helada.The challenge consisted of immersing your head in ice water.)/to dip (Sumerge las alitas de pollo en el adobo y después fríelas.Dip the chicken wings in the marinade and then fry them.) (To sink), to plunge (to push down - El corte de luz ha sumergido la ciudad en el caos.The power outage has plunged the city into chaos.) (Transitive Verb)


to suck (to suction with the mouth), to lick (to touch with the tongue), to puff on/to puff at/to suck on (To Smoke), to absorb/to suck up/to soak up (To Take In), to bleed/to milk dry (Colloquial - To Take), to drink (Colloquial - to drink alcohol - Latin America) (Transitive), to drink (Colloquial - to drink alcohol - Latin America)


to suggest (to propose - Sugiero que te vayas a dormir ya; es tarde.I suggest you go to sleep now. It's late.), to evoke (¿Qué emociones sugieren estos cuadros?What emotions do these pictures evoke?)/to remind of (La comida que cocinaste me sugiere la cocina auténtica italiana.The meal you cooked reminds me of authentic Italian cuisine.) (To remind), to hint at (to insinuate - El artículo sugiere la posibilidad de que las elecciones se vuelvan a repetir por sospecha de fraude.The article hints at the possibility that there will be a rerun of the election because of suspected fraud.) (Transitive Verb)


to suggest (to propose), to bring up/to set out (to explain something)/to raise (a question) (To lay out), to create (establish - may create problems)/to pose (pose a threat) (To establish) (Transitive)


to support/to back/to endorse (to support), to back up (in an argument), to endorse (to sign)


to suppose (Supongo que el examen no te será muy difícil con notas así.I suppose that the exam won't be very difficult for you with grades like that.), to assume (Suponiendo que lleguen tarde, ¿qué hacemos mientras tanto?Assuming they are late, what can we do in the meantime?)/to imagine (Supón que ganemos la lotería, podríamos comprar todas las donas del mundo.Imagine we win the lottery, we could buy all the donuts in the world.) (To think), to imagine (to attribute - Lo suponía mucho más rico de lo que es.I imagined he was much richer than he actually is.), to mean (to imply - Una falta repentina de fondos supondría el final del proyecto.A sudden lack of funds would mean the end of the project.) (Transitive Verb)


to surf

entregarse a

to surrender to (Los pocos soldados que habían sobrevivido al ataque se entregaron al enemigo.The few soldiers who had survived the attack surrendered to the enemy.)/to give oneself up to (La asesina se entregó a la policía dos días después del asesinato.The murderess gave herself up to the police two days after the murder.)/to turn oneself in to (El director de banco que había huido con dos millones de dólares acabó por entregarse a las autoridades.The bank manager who had fled with two million dollars ended up turning himself in to the authorities.) (To capitulate to) (Reflexive Verb), to devote oneself to (to dedicate oneself to - Eva dejó la medicina para entregarse a la pintura, que era su verdadera pasión.Eva left her medical career to devote herself to painting, which was her true passion.), to take to (Tras la pérdida de su hijo y su esposo en el accidente, Catalina se entregó a las drogas.After losing her son and husband at the accident, Catalina took to drugs.)/to give in to (Cuando perdí el trabajo, me entregué a la desesperación.When I lost my job, I gave in to desperation.)/to succumb to (La princesa, que no había dejado de llorar en toda la noche, se entregó por fin al sueño.The princess, who had not stopped crying all night, finally succumbed to sleep.) (To abandon oneself to), to give oneself to (to give oneself sexulally to - Ella se entregó a él porque le amaba y creía que él la correspondía.She gave herself to him because she loved him and believed he loved her back.) (Pronominal Verb)


to swap (En esa película, la mamá y la hija se intercambian los papeles.In that movie, the mother and daughter swap roles.), to exchange (Los estudiantes en pareja se intercambian los cuadernos al terminar el ejercicio.Students exchange notebooks with their partners once they've finished the exercise.) (To interchange) (Reciprocal Verb)


to swear (to vow - ¿Juras decir la verdad en tu testimonio hoy?Do you swear to tell the truth in your testimony today?) (Transitive Verb) to promise (¿Me vas a visitar este verano? - Sí, lo juro.Are you going to visit me this summer? - Yes, I promise.)/to swear (¡Yo no comí tu pastel! ¡Juro que no fui yo!I didn't eat your cake! I swear it wasn't me!), to swear (La maestra castigó a Luis por jurar en el patio de recreo.The teacher punished Luis for swearing on the playground.)/to curse (El granjero empezó a jurar cuando vio que se aproximaba una plaga de langostas.The farmer started cursing when he saw that a swarm of locusts was approaching.) (To Cuss) (Intranstive Verb)


to swell (to get inflated - Pablo es alérgico a las nueces y se infló al comer una por error.Pablo is allergic to nuts and he swelled when he ate one by mistake.), to stuff oneself (to become full - En Navidad me inflé a dulces y ahora tengo que bajar de peso.I stuffed myself with sweets at Christmas and now I need to lose weight.), to drink (colloquial - to get plastered - Mexico - Los jóvenes se inflan sin pensar en las consecuencias para su hígado.Young people drink without thinking of the consequences to their liver.) (Pronominal Verb)


to swell up (No me puedo quitar los anillos, mis dedos se hincharon.I can't get my rings off; my fingers swelled up.)/to swell (Una abeja me picó la mano y se me está hinchando.A bee stung my hand, and it's starting to swell.) (To bloat), to swell (to be filled with pride - Mercedes se hinchó de orgullo al ver a su hijo graduarse con honores.Mercedes swelled with pride seeing her son graduate with honors.), to stuff oneself (Nos hinchamos de comida y bebida en el banquete de anoche.We stuffed ourselves with food and drinks during last night's banquet./Ayer casi me perdí el autobús, pero me hinché a correr para alcanzarlo.I almost missed my bus yesterday, but I ran like crazy to catch it./Mi primo Fabio cuenta unos chistes muy graciosos; siempre nos hinchamos de risa con él.My cousin Fabio tells such funny jokes; we always have a good laugh with him.) (To fill up), to become vain (No le digan tanto a Beatriz que es linda; ¡está hinchándose de vanidad!Don't keep telling Beatriz she is pretty; she is becoming too vain!)/to puff up (Luis se hinchó de orgullo y vanidad cuando supo que había ganado la beca.Luis got puffed up with pride when he heard he was the winner of the fellowship.) (To flatter oneself), to make a mint (to get rich - colloquial - Felipe se hinchó de dinero desde que patentó su invento.Felipe has made a mint since he patented his invention.) (Pronominal)


to swim (to move through water - Puedo nadar pero nunca aprendí clavar.I can swim but I never learned to dive./Me encanta nadar en mar abierto.I love to swim in open water.) (Intransitive Verb)


to swirl (flow in circles), to ruminate/ponder (colloquial), to waste time (colloquial)


to take (Lleva los platos sucios a la cocina.Take the dirty plates to the kitchen.)/carry (Mi marido llevará las bolsas de la compra.My husband will carry the grocery bags.) (To Transport), to wear (clothing - Ella siempre lleva sus botas favoritas cuando nieva.She always wears her favorite boots when it snows.), to take (to escort to - El mayordomo nos llevó a nuestra habitación.The butler took us to our room.), to be (to spend time on - Llevo cuatro horas estudiando y todavía me queda mucho.I've been studying for four hours and there's still a lot left.), to be ahead by (Le lleva cuatro metros de ventaja en la carrera.He is ahead by four meters in the race.)/to be older than (comparative - Mi marido me lleva dos meses.My husband is two months older than me.) (To Be More Than), to handle (Sofía lleva todos los asuntos de finanzas en la familia.Sofía handles all the finances in the family.)/to deal with (¿Quién va a llevar lo del traslado de oficina?¿Who's going to deal with the office move?)/to run (Mi padre está enfermo, por lo que yo estoy llevando la empresa familiar en este momento.My father is sick, so I'm running the family business at the moment.) (To Manage), to get on (Me enteré de que cerró la fábrica. ¿Cómo lo llevas?I heard the factory closed down. How are you getting on?)/to handle (a profesora sabe llevar a los alumnos.The teacher knows how to handle the students.) (To Cope With) (Transitive Verb)


to take (to spend time - No puedo creer que tardaste dos horas en llegar.I can't believe it took you two hours to get here.) (Transitive Verb), to take too long (to take too much time - Si tardas, vamos a perder el tren.If you take too long, we'll miss the train.), to be long (to be a while - ¿Puedo ir a la tienda, mamá? - Sí, pero no tardes.Can I go to the store, Mom? - Yes, but don't be long.) (Intransitive Verb)


to take (to transport - Se llevó todas sus pertenencias consigo.He took all of his belongings with him.), to get along (tLas dos hermanas nunca se han llevado bien.The two sisters have never gotten along well.), to be in (to be fashionable - Se llevan mucho las zapatillas de deporte con trajes ahora.Wearing sneakers with a suit is really in now.) (Pronominal Verb)

andar en

to take (travel by - Yo siempre ando en tren cuando regreso al hogar.I always take the train when returning home./En el verano ella anda en bicicleta al trabajo.In the summer she takes her bike to work.), to ride (to mount - latin america - ¿Sabes andar en bicicleta?Can you ride a bike?) (Intransitive Verb)


to take a shower (to shower oneself - Yo me ducho todas las mañanas.I take a shower every morning.)/to shower (Se nos estropeó la caldera, así que tenemos que ducharnos con agua fría.Our boiler broke down, so we have to shower in cold water.) (Reflexive Verb)

salir a

to take after(Juan salió a su papá, pero Melina es idéntica a su mamá.Juan takes after his father, but Melina is the very image of her mother.)/to favor (¿A quién sales? Tu papá y tu mamá no son tan altos como tú.Who do you favor? Your pop and your mom are not as tall as you.)


to take care of (La vecina me cuida las plantas cuando estoy fuera.My neighbor takes care of my plants when I'm away.)/to look after (¿Puedes cuidar a los niños mientras hago la cena?Could you look after the children while I'm cooking dinner?)/to care for (Él cuida de su padre durante el verano cuando cierran la residencia.He cares for his father during the summer when the nursing home is closed.) (To watch over), to pay attention (Cuida mucho los detalles cuando invita a cenar a alguien.She pays great attention to detail when she invites someone for dinner.)/to take care over (Cuida su apariencia porque trabaja de cara al público.He takes care over his appearance because he has to deal with customers in his job.) (To b attentive) (Transitive Verb)

preocuparse de

to take care of (Mientras estén aquí, no tienen que hacer nada, ya me preocupo yo de todo.While you're here, you don't have to do a thing. I'll take care of everything.)/to see to it (Es una persona muy atenta, que se preocupó de que no nos sintiéramos excluidos en ningún momento.He's a very attentive person, who saw to it that we never felt left out.)/to make sure (Eva quería causar buena impresión, y se preocupó de que todos los jarrones tuvieran flores.Eva wanted to make a good impression, and she made sure that all the vases had flowers in them.) (To assume responsibility for), to bother to (to take the trouble to - Ni siquiera se preocupó de llamar para preguntar si estábamos bien.He didn't even bother to call and check whether we were all right.), to think about (Ya tendrás tiempo de preocuparte de novios cuando llegue el momento, ahora lo que tienes que hacer es estudiar.You'll have time to think about boyfriends when the moment comes. Now, all you have to do is to study.)/(No volví a preocuparme de eso hasta que recibí una carta del ayuntamiento diciendo que tenía que pagar una multa.I didn't give it another thought until I received a letter from the city council saying I had to pay a fine./Déjame en paz y preocúpate de tus asuntos.Just leave me alone and mind your own business.) (To consider)

cuidar de

to take care of (Puedo cuidar de tu perro mientras estás de vacaciones.I can take care of your dog while you are on vacation.)/to make sure that (Cuidaré de que esté todo listo para la inauguración.I'll make sure that everything is ready for the opening.) (To watch over) (Intransitive Verb)


to take care of oneself (¡Disfruten su viaje y por favor, cuídense bien!Have fun on your trip, and please take care of yourselves!)/to look after oneself (Cuando cuides de otras personas, asegúrate de cuidarte a ti mismo también.While taking care of others, make sure to look after yourself as well.) (To watch over oneself) (Reflexive Verb), to watch over (Se cuidó mucho de volver a insultarlo.He was careful not to insult him again./El personal del hotel se cuidó de cada detalle en nuestra habitación.The hotel staff took care of every detail in our room.) (Pronominal Verb)


to take down/get down (a painting or curtains), to lower (to move down), to pick up (to lift a telephone receiver), to pick up (to answer the telephone), to leave off the hook (to disconnect the telephone).


to take for a ride (to trick), to hold up (to delay), to mess up (to tangle up, make a mess of), to lose/to mislay (To not find), to stun (confuse/overwhelm) (Colombia - colloquial)

hacer caso

to take notice of (to notice - Me gusta Miguel, pero él no me hace caso.I like Miguel, but he doesn't take any notice of me.) (To notice), to pay attention to (Si me hicieras caso, sacarías mejores notas.If you paid attention to what I say, your grades would be better.)/to listen to (Mis hijos ya no me hacen caso.My children don't listen to me anymore.) (To heed)


to take off (to remove clothing - Quítense la ropa mojada antes de entrar a la casa.Take off your wet clothes before entering the house.), to get out (move away - Viene un toro, ¡quítense de enmedio!A bull is coming. Get out of the way!) (Reflexive Verb)


to take out (eliminate - En ese restaurante, sacan la basura cinco veces al día.At that restaurant they take out the trash five times a day.), to remove (expel - Hay varias maneras de sacar una astilla con la ayuda de unas pinzas.There are several ways to remove a splinter with the aid of tweezers.), to take (a photograph - ¿Nos sacarías una foto a Gerard Piqué y a mí?Would you take a photo of Gerard Piqué and me?)/to make (a photocopy - Quiero sacar una copia del anuncio en el periódico.I want to make a copy of the ad in the newspaper.), to get (to receive - Sacó el primer premio del concurso.He got the first prize in the contest.), to extract (to draw out - El mejor jarabe de arce se saca de árboles en Canadá.The best maple syrup is extracted from trees in Canada.), to stick out (with body parts - Abre la boca y saca la lengua.Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.), to release (to publish - Mi banda favorita sacó su disco nuevo.My favorite band released their new album.), to get (¿Sacaste el número total de invitados?Did you get the total number of guests?)/to draw (Lo que sacamos de esta discusión es que es culpable.What we draw from this discussion is that she is guilty.) (To Find The Answer To), to serve (sports - Nadal sacó en el sexto juego del cuarto set.Nadal served in the sixth game of the fourth set.) (Transitive Verb)

llevar a

to take to (Pepe, por favor lleva estas plantas al jardín.Pepe, please take these plants to the yard.)/to carry (David está llevando las maletas al carro.David is carrying the bags to the car.)/to give a ride to (¿Me puedes llevar a la parada de bus? - Sí, claro.Can you give me a ride to the bus station? - Yes, of course.) (To Transport To, to take to (to escort to - Después de que termine de registrarlos, Gabriel aquí los llevará a sus habitaciones.After I finish checking you in, Gabriel here will take you to your rooms.), to lead to (to result in - Las políticas económicas del nuevo gobierno pueden llevar a una recesión.The economic policies of the new government can lead to a recession.), to lead to (connects with - Este pasadizo secreto lleva a la biblioteca del castillo.This secret passage leads to the castle's library.)


to take turns (to alternate - Juan y Lidia se turnan para dar de comer al bebé.Juan and Lidia take turns feeding the baby) (Pronominal Verb)


to take turns (to rotate - Si nadie se presenta voluntario para cocinar, turnaremos.If no one volunteers to cook, we'll take turns.) (Intransitive Verb)

saber a

to taste (to have a flavor - Este caramelo sabe a miel.This candy tastes like honey.) (Intransitive Verb)

salir con

to tell (Y luego que me sale con que no quiere ir de vacaciones conmigo.And then he tells me doesn't want to go on vacation with me.)/to say (No puedes ir al tribunal y salir con todo ese rollo de un fantasma.You can't go to court and say all this business about a ghost.) (To Come Out With - Colloquial) (Intransitive Verb)


to tell oneself (Me dije que no volvería a empezar a fumar.I told myself that I wouldn't start smoking again.)/to say to oneself (Me dije a mí misma, esto no sienta bien.I said to myself, this doesn't feel right.)/to think to oneself (Me sigo diciendo, ¿qué hubiera pasado si hubiera aceptado ese trabajo?I keep thinking to myself, what would have happened had I taken that job?) (To promise oneself), to call (to label - En Puerto Rico a la basura se le dice "zafacón".In Puerto Rico, the trash is called "zafacón.") (Pronominal Verb)


to tempt (entice), to feel (examine by touch), to try (test the boundaries of)


to think (to reflect - No lo pienses más, ¡actúa!Don't think too much, just do it!), to think (to believe - Pienso que ya debería estar en casa.I think he should be home by now.), to plan (Estaba pensando estudiar mañana.I was planning to study tomorrow.)/to mean (Pensé escribirte ayer, pero luego Vanna vino a la casa y se me olvidó.I meant to write you yesterday, but then Vanna came over and I forgot.)/to intend (Nunca pensé herirte, Felipe. Lo siento.I never intended to hurt you, Felipe. I'm sorry.) (To Have The Intention) (Transitive Verb)

pensar en

to think about (Luis se pasa todo el día pensando en su próximo viaje a los Estados Unidos.Luis spends the whole day thinking about his upcoming trip to the US.)/ to think of (¿Alguna vez pensaste en estudiar medicina?Have you ever thought of studying medicine?)

pensar que

to think that (Estaba pensando que debería tener más cuidado con lo que le digo a Carolina, porque es muy indiscreta.I was thinking that I should be more careful with the things I say to Carolina. She's so indiscreet.)/to think (He estado pensando que tal vez os gustaría dar un paseo en barca.I've been thinking you might like to go for a row.) (To Reflect That), to think that (Alma piensa que todas las mujeres deberían ser tan fuertes y luchadoras como fue su abuela.Alma thinks that all women should be as strong and brave as her grandmother was.)/to think (Pienso que tienes razón, Teresa.I think you're right, Teresa.) (To Believe That)


to thrive (to perform well - sEl valiente caballero se crece en situaciones peligrosas.The brave knight thrives in dangerous situations.)


to throw oneself (propel oneself - Pensó en suicidarse tirándose de un puente.He thought of committing suicide by throwing himself off a bridge.), to spend (pass time - Me tiré tres horas limpiando mi habitación.I spent three hours cleaning my room.), to screw (vulgar - Se tiraron la primera noche que se conocieron.They screwed the first night they met.)/to lay (vulgar - Un policía sorprendió a Javi tirándose a la novia en el carro.A police officer caught Javi laying his girlfriend in the car.) (To have sexual intercourse), to burp/fart (colloquial - El bebé se tiró un eructo tras tomarse su biberón.The baby burped after having his bottle./La primera vez que se tiró un pedo delante de su novio se avergonzó.The first time she farted in front of her boyfriend, she was embarrassed.) (Pronominal Verb)


to throw the covers off (Inés se destapa todas las noches y amanece fría.Inés throws the covers off every night and wakes up cold.)/to throw the bedclothes off - Me destapé porque tenía calor.I threw off the bedclothes because I was hot.) (To remove one's bedclothes) (Reflexive Verb), to open up (by talking openly - Mi mejor amiga es la única persona con quien me he destapado.My best friend is the only person I've ever opened up to.)/to come out (by appearing publicly - El antiguo cantante se destapó como posible candidato independiente.The former singer has come out as a possible independent candidate.) (To show oneself), to be unblocked (No estarás sorda cuando se te destapen los oídos.You won't be deaf once your ears are unblocked.)/(Desde que estuvo nadando, a Betty no se le han destapado los oídos.Betty's ears have been blocked ever since she went swimming./¿Qué hago para que se me destapen los oídos?How can I unblock my ears?) (To clear), to strip off (colloquial - to undress - La actriz se destapó para una revista.The actress stripped off for a magazine.), to come out (colloquial - to declare one's homosexuality - Michelle se sintió más libre cuando se destapó ante sus padres.Michelle felt freer when she had come out to her parents.) (Pronominal Verb)


to tire oneself out (Me agoté empacando para las vacaciones.I tired myself out packing for vacation.)/to get exhausted (Se agotó físicamente al correr el maratón, pero se cargó de energía espiritual.She got physically exhausted from running the marathon, but she was charged with spiritual energy.)/to wear oneself out (El chófer se agotó de manejar toda la noche.The driver wore himself out from driving all night.) (To become tired) (Reflexive Verb), to run out (Tuvimos más invitados de lo esperado y se nos agotó la comida.We had more guests than expected and ran out of food.)/to sell out (Lo siento, pero se nos agotaron los ponis rositas.I'm sorry, but we are sold out of pink ponies.)/to use up (Después de sacar cientos de fotos, la pila ya se agotó.After taking hundreds of pictures, the battery is used up.) (To use up a resource) (Pronominal Verb)


to toast/to drink a toast/to drink (to make a toast) (Intransitive), to offer/to give/to afford (afforded an opportunity) (To give freely), to dedicate (bullfighting) (Transitive)


to toss and turn (Se estaba revolviendo toda la noche pensando en el examen.He was tossing and turning all night thinking about the exam.)/to writhe (El venado se revolvía en agonía después de ser golpeado por el camión.The deer writhed in agony after being hit by the truck.)/to turn stormy (meteorological - Justo cuando pensaban que las cosas no podían empeorar, se revolvieron los cielos.Just when they thought things couldn't get any worse, the skies turned stormy.), to turn on (to attack - Los campesinos se revolvieron contra el lord injusto.The peasants turned on the unjust lord.) (Pronominal Verb)


to touch (Puedes saber si tu bebé tiene fiebre tocando su frente.You can tell if your baby has a fever by touching her forehead.), to touch (to have contact with - Ese coche está tocando el mío.That car is touching mine.), to play (to play an instrument - Me gusta tocar el piano.I like to play the piano.), to play (to play music - La banda está tocando una canción antigua.The band is playing an old song.), to touch (to broach - Ambas partes prometieron no tocar el tema.The two sides pledged not to touch the issue.) to be someone's turn (to be someone's obligation or chance - Ahora me toca jugar a mí.Now it's my turn to play.) (Transitive Verb), to play (music - La banda toca hoy en Barcelona.The band is playing in Barcelona today.), to ring (to chime - Las campanas de la iglesia tocan todos los domingos para llamar a los fieles a misa.The church bells ring every Sunday to call the faithful to mass.), to knock (to tap - Ana, alguien está tocando a la puerta. ¿Puedes ir a ver quién es, por favor? Yo estoy en la ducha.Ana, there's someone knocking at the door. Can you please go see who it is? I'm in the shower.), to win (to secure - No te lo vas a creer, pero nos ha tocado la lotería.You won't believe it, but we've won the lottery.), to be someone's turn (to be someone's obligation or chance - ¿Quién va a lavar los platos? - Te toca a ti.Who's going to do the dishes? - It's your turn.), to have to (to correspond - Mañana toca hacer la declaración de la renta. ¡Lo odio!I have to do my tax return tomorrow. I hate it!) (Intransitive Verb)


to trace, to draw, draw up (plan, plot, devise), to outline/describe, to establish (a point of view)


to tramp around (Se patearon el centro comercial en dos horas.It took them two hours to tramp around the mall.)/to traipse around (colloquial - Fuimos incapaces de patearnos el centro de la ciudad.We didn't have the energy to traipse around the city center.), to blow (colloquial - to waste - Me pateé el sueldo del mes en 15 días.I blew my monthly salary in 15 days.) (Pronominal Verb)


to trample on/to trample/to stamp on (To tread on), to trample on/to ride roughshod over/to walk all over (colloquial) (Figurative - To disrespect) (Transitive)


to transfer/to hand over/to cede/to assign/to give up (To relinquish), to pass (sports), to give up (to lose - she gave up two minutes in the marathon due to her shoe coming untied) (Transitive Verb), to give in/to yield (to surrender), to ease tup/to drop/to abate/to go down/to lessen/to ease (To become less), to give (to stretch - these shoes are tight and they won't give at all), to give way/to collapse (to fall - he kicked the door until it gave way)


to translate (to convert into another language - Este libro ha sido traducido a seis idiomas.This book has been translated into six languages.), to express (to convey - La obra traduce los sentimientos que experimenté.The work expresses the feelings I experienced.) (Transitive Verb)


to travel around (to trek across), to cover/to do (to travel - we did the 20 mile trip to the waterfall)


to treat (to behave - Se espera que se trate con respeto a la gente mayor.It is expected that one should treat the elderly with respect.), to treat (medicine - Tras tratarlo con medicamentos, se le dará de alta mañana.After treating him with medication, he will be discharged tomorrow.), to address (to deal with - Esta es otra cuestión que hay que tratar lo antes posible.This is another issue that has to be addressed as soon as possible.), to process (computing - En este curso aprenderán a transformar y tratar conjuntos de datos grandes.In this course you will learn to transform and process big data.) (Transitive Verb), to deal with (to have contact with somebody - No trato con asesinos.I don't deal with murderers.) (Intransitive Verb)


to trim, cut out, cut back


to try (¿Ya probaste la tarjeta a ver si funciona?Did you try the card to see if it works?)/to test (Se tiene que probar este producto antes de venderlo.This product needs to be tested before selling it.), to taste (Déjame probar la sopa.Let me taste the soup.)/to try (Nunca había probado gallo pinto hasta ahora.I had never tried fried rice and beans until now.) (Culinary), to prove (to demonstrate - Solo el tiempo probará que estás equivocado.Only time can prove you that you're wrong.) (Transitive Verb)


to tuck in (to put to bed - Bueno, mi amor, ya es hora de dormir así que te voy a arropar.OK, honey, it's time to go to sleep, so I'm going to tuck you in.)/to tuck up (Ana se quedó dormida en el sofá. Iván la llevó a su habitación y la arropó en su cama.Ana fell asleep on the couch. Ivan carried her to her bedroom and tucked her up in her bed.), to wrap up (to cover up with clothes - Adriana tomó la ropa de invierno de su hijo y lo arropó.Adriana grabbed his son's winter clothes and wrapped him up.), to protect (to keep from harm - El compositor arropó a su protegido de los críticos.The composer protected his protegé from the critics.) (Transitive Verb)


to tune/tune up (instrument), to hone/polish/refine (skill), to sharpen (to a point), to tune up (mechanics - latin america) (Transitive), to sing/play in tune (Intransitive)


to turn (Tienes que girar la llave de manera suave.You have to turn the key smoothly.)/to spin (Rachel giró el dreidel.Rachel spun the dreidel.) (To Rotate), to transfer (Mi madre me giró $300.My mother transferred $300 to me.)/to draw (El paciente giró un cheque para pagar la cita.The patient drew a check to pay for the appointment.) (Finance), to issue (to give - Latin America - Los generales ya giraron órdenes.The generals have already issued orders.) (Transitive), to revolve around (to center on - la conferencia gira alrededor de la globalización - the conference revolves around globalization), to turn (El engranaje gira en el sentido de las agujas del reloj.The gear turns clockwise.)/to spin (La moneda giró y cayó.The coin spun and fell flat.)/to revolve (El universo no gira alrededor de ti.The universe doesn't revolve around you.)/to go around (No deja de girar el carrusel.The carousel won't stop going around.) (To Rotate), to turn (to make a turn - Gira a la derecha en el semáforo.Turn right at the traffic light.), to turn around (to turn one's body - ¡Todavía no gires! No he terminado de envolver tu regalo.Don't turn around yet! I haven't finished wrapping your present.) (Intransitive Verb)


to turn around (to change position - Central America - Voy a cambiarme. Por favor, voltéate.I'm going to get changed. Please, turn around.), to overturn (El coche no se volteó porque íbamos a baja velocidad.The car did not overturn because we were driving at a low speed.)/to turn over (Las olas voltearon nuestro bote y tuvimos que nadar de regreso a la costa.The waves turned our boat over and we had to swim back to the shore.) (To flip over - Mexico), to change one's allegiance (to change loyalty - Latin America - Sus aliados más poderosos se voltearon por dinero.His most powerful allies changed their allegiance over money.) (Pronominal Verb)

traducirse en

to turn into (Sus esfuerzos no se tradujeron en resultados.Their efforts didn't turn into results.)/to translate int0 (El éxito no siempre se traduce en riqueza.Success doesn't always translate into wealth.)/to result in (La situación financiera actual fácilmente se podría traducir en más pérdidas de trabajo.The current financial situation could easily result in further job losses.) (To become) (Reflexive Verb)


to turn on (Las luces se encienden cuando sienten movimiento en el cuarto. The lights turn on when they sense movement in the room.)/to light (Se encienden las linternas antes de cada servicio. The lamps are lit before every service.), to blush (Mi hermano se encendió cuando ella le dio su número. My brother totally blushed when she gave him her number.) (Reflexive Verb)


to turn on (Lo primero que hace cada mañana es encender la televisión.The first thing he does every morning is turn on the television.)/to switch on (Creo que es hora de encender el aire acondicionado.I think it's time to switch on the air conditioning.) (To activate), to light (Ella encendió una vela para que pudiera ver dónde caminaba.She lit a candle so that she could see where she was walking.)/to ignite (Una vez que enciendas la llama, añade leña para aumentar el fuego.Once you ignite the flame, add kindling to build the fire.) (Transitive Verb)


to turn over (La gitana me dijo que volteara una carta del tarot.The gypsy told me to turn over a tarot card.)/to turn around (Annie se dirigió a la puerta y volteó el cartel de «abierto».Annie walked to the door and turned the "open" sign around.)/to flip (Volteo el colchón cada seis meses para que no pierda su forma.I flip the mattress every six months so it doesn't lose its shape.)/to toss (El público se quedó boquiabierto cuando el toro volteó al matador.The audience gasped when the bull tossed the matador.)/to turn upside down (chair or table - Voltea la silla rota para que nadie se siente en ella.Turn the broken chair upside down so no one sits on it.)/to knock over (Teresa volteó la mesa durante un arrebato de iras.Teresa knocked over the table in a fit of rage.) (To invert), to turn (to change position - Linda volteó la cabeza para evitar ver la grotesca escena.Linda turned her head to avoid seeing the gruesome scene.)/to ring (to sound a bell - El sacerdote voltea las campanas de la iglesia cada hora.The priest rings the church bells every hour.) (Transitive Verb), to turn (to change direction - Central America/Venezuela - Voltea a la derecha aquí y estaciona en un hueco libre.Turn right here and park in in a free spot.), to turn around (to spin - Me volteé para ver quién estaba detrás de mí, pero no había nadie.I turned around to see who was behind me, but nobody was there.) (Intransitive Verb)

someterse a

to undergo/to subject oneself (to endure), to bow to/to comply with (to concede) (Pronominal)


to underline, to underscore, to emphasize


to underrate oneself (to underappreciate oneself)


to understand (to comprehend - Nadie entendió su explicación.Nobody understood his explanation.), to understand (to be empathetic to - Mi hija entiende a los perros mejor que cualquier otra persona en casa.My daughter understands dogs better than anyone else at home.), to understand (to have knowledge of - Como hablo español, puedo entender el portugués escrito.Since I speak Spanish, I can understand written Portuguese.), to understand (to find reasonable - No entiendo tu enfado, solo dije que no quería salir esta noche.I don't understand why you're annoyed. I only said that I didn't want to go out tonight.), to believe (to trust - Entiéndeme cuando te digo que no quise herir tus sentimientos.Believe me when I tell you I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.), to think (colloquial - to be of the opinion that - Entiendo que es mejor irnos por la mañana para evitar tráfico.I think that it's better if we leave in the morning to avoid traffic.) (Transitive Verb), to understand (to comprehend - No entiendo. ¿Por qué se quieren mudar? Pensé que eran felices aquí.I don't understand. Why do you want to move out? I thought you were happy here.) (Intransitive Verb)


to undo (¿Me puedes ayudar a deshacer las trenzas que me hicieron en la playa?Can you help me undo the braids I got done on the beach?)/to untie (Hay que deshacer las cuerdas antes de descargar.We must untie the ropes before unloading.)/to strip (bed - Por favor deshaz la cama para que pueda lavar las sábanas.Please strip the bed so I can wash the sheets.)/to unpick (No vas a poder deshacer esos nudos sin alguna herramienta.You're not going to be able to undo those knots without some kind of tool.)/to unwrap (La abuela ayudó a su nieta a deshacer los regalos.The grandmother helped her granddaughter unwrap the gifts.)/to break up (Puedes deshacer la tierra con los dedos antes de poner las semillas.You can break up the soil with your fingers before putting in the seeds.)/to cut up (meat - El carnicero deshizo el bistec.The butcher cut up the beefsteak.)/to unpack (Voy a deshacer la maleta mañana porque estoy bien cansada hoy.I'm going to unpack my suitcase tomorrow because I'm really tired today.) (To Take Apart), to melt (El calentamiento global está deshaciendo los casquetes polares.Global warming is melting the polar ice caps.)/to dissolve (El agua deshará esta tableta.Water will dissolve this tablet.) (To change form), to rout (to defeat - Las tropas alemanas deshicieron a los belgas en Liege.German troops routed the Belgians at Liege.), to ruin (¿Por qué tuviste que deshacer la fuerte de almohadas que hice?Why did you have to ruin the pillow fort that I made?)/to mess up (Si lavo los trastes en este momento, desharé mi manicura.If I wash the dishes right now, I'll mess up my manicure.)/to destroy (Los adolescentes deshicieron el castillo de arena de los niñitos.The teenagers destroyed the little kids' sandcastle.)/to wear away (La brisa salada del mar deshizo la pintura de las casas.The salty sea breeze wore away the paint on the houses.) (To harm), to devastate (Las noticias del choque deshicieron a las familias de las víctimas.News of the crash devastated the victims' families.)/to shatter (La tormenta eléctrica deshizo sus ilusiones de tener la boda perfecta.The thunderstorm shattered her dreams of having the perfect wedding.)/to tear apart ("¡Me están deshaciendo!" gritó el adolescente."You're tearing me apart!" screamed the teenage boy.) (To upset), to break (Deshicieron el contrato porque su abogado dijo que los términos eran injustos.They broke the contract because their lawyer said the terms were unfair.)/to dissolve (Los socios deshicieron la asociación después del escándalo.The partners dissolved the association after the scandal.) (To annul) (Transitive Verb)


to unscrew (to loosen -Necesitarás el taladro para desatornillar esa pieza.You'll need a drill to unscrew that piece.) (Transitive Verb)


to update/bring up to date/to refresh (screen) (To Make Up to Date), to upgrade/modernize (software) (Transitive), to be updated (to become up to date (Impersonal)

valerse de

to use (to make use of - Se valió de sus contactos en el senado para influir los votos a su favor.She used her contacts in the senate to influence the vote in her favor.) (Pronominal Verb)


to use (to make use of something - Me serví de una pala para cavar un agujero.I used a shovel to dig a hole.) (Pronominal Verb), to help oneself (to serve oneself - Sírvanse lo que gusten del bufet.Help yourselves to anything from the buffet.) (Reflexive Verb)


to veil oneself (to cover oneself with a veil - Aadila se ha velado desde que tenía 12 años.Aadila has veiled herself since she was 12 years old.) (Reflexive Verb), to get exposed (El rollo se veló al pasar por los rayos X.The roll got exposed by passing through X-rays.)/to get fogged (Se veló la imagen por un químico que se le cayó durante la revelación. The image got fogged by a chemical spilled during the developing process.) (Photography) (Pronominal Verb)


to visit (to go to see - El metro viaja hasta las dos de la mañana los sábados.The metro runs until two in the morning on Saturdays./El cirujano visitó al paciente el día después de la operación.The surgeon visited the patient the day after the surgery.), to visit (to go to a place - Estamos planeando visitar Bruselas el año que viene.We are planning to visit Brussels next year.) (Transitive Verb)


to wait for (to await - Espérame que yo también voy.Wait for me, I'm coming too.), to hope (to wish - Espero saber de ti pronto.I hope to hear from you soon.), to expect (to count on - No espero compasión si me capturan.I don't expect any mercy if captured.) (Transitive Verb), to wait (to await - Espera que ya vengo.Wait, I'm coming.) (Intransitive Verb), to expect (to count on - Se esperan cortes en el suministro de agua esta noche.Water supply disruptions are expected tonight.) (Impersonal Verb)


to wake up (to awake from sleep - La policía vino y despertó a todo el edificio.The police came and woke up the whole building.), to arouse (to stimulate - Por donde quiera que vaya despierta simpatías.Wherever he goes he arouses sympathy.), to awaken (to conjure - Los olores despertaron viejos recuerdos de la infancia.The smells awakened old childhood memories.) (Transitive Verb)


to wake up (to awake from sleep - Mexico - Necesito un despertador para recordarme a tiempo.I need an alarm clock to wake up on time.) (Reflexive Verb)


to wake up (to awake from sleep - Siempre me despierto a las seis de la mañana.I always wake up at six in the morning.) (Reflexive Verb)


to walk (travel on foot - "Cuando ando, me canso mucho", le dijo la anciana a su médico."When I walk, I get very tired," the old woman told her doctor./Voy andando al colegio todos los días.I walk to school every day.), to works (to operate - La lavadora no anda.The washing machine isn't working.), to go (Mi matrimonio no anda bien.My marriage is not going well.)/to be (¿Qué haces? - Ahora mismo ando limpiando la casa.What are you doing? - I'm cleaning the house right now.)(To Be In A Certain State) (Intransitive Verb), to walk (to travel on foot - Estoy agotada porque esta mañana anduve 20 kilómetros.I'm exhausted because I walked 20 kilometers this morning.) (Transitive Verb)


to warn (to forward - El jefe advirtió al empleado que dejara de causar problemas.He warned the employee to stop causing problems.), to advise (to counsel - Nos advirtieron que no lleváramos el caso a juicio.We were advised not to take the case to court.), to notice (detect - Advirtió un olor extraño en la habitación.She noticed a strange smell in the room.)


to wash (to clean oneself - ¡Lávate bien! Vienes muy sucio del partido.Wash properly! You're really dirty from the game./Lávate bien las manos antes de tocarte los ojos.Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes.) (Reflexive)


to wash (¿Has fregado las tazas?Have you washed the cups?)/to clean (¿Has fregado los cristales de las ventanas?Have you cleaned the windows?)/to scrub (Friega las cacerolas con el estropajo.Scrub the pans with the scourer.) (To make clean), to mop (to wipe with a mop - mexico/spain - Ten cuidado; acabo de fregar el suelo.Be careful; I've just mopped the floor.), to annoy (Deja de fregar a mi hermano o tendremos pelea.Stop annoying my brother or there'll be a fight.)/pester (Mi ex me fregaba a todas horas mandándome mensajes al celular.My ex used to pester me all the time by sending me text messages.)/bother (Sigue fregándome y te llevarás un puñetazo.If you go on bothering me like this, I'll punch you.) (to harass - Latin America), to ruin (Este resfriado me va a fregar el fin de semana.This cold is going to ruin my weekend.)/to mess up (Sus padres volvieron antes de tiempo y nos fregaron la noche.Their parents came back early and messed up the evening for us.) (to spoil - Latin America), to off (to murder - colloquial - Mexico - Sus padres volvieron antes de tiempo y nos fregaron la noche.Their parents came back early and messed up the evening for us.) (Transitive Verb), to wash the dishes (Me gusta cocinar, pero no fregar.I like cooking, but not washing the dishes.)/to do the dishes )(¡Qué postre más rico! ¿Ahora quién va a fregar?What a delicious dessert! Now who's going to do the dishes?) (To clean he dirty dishes), to scrub (rub - Si no quieres fregar, deja los platos en remojo.If you don't want to scrub, leave the dishes to soak.), to be a nuisance (to cause annoyance - colloquial - Latin America - Ya está el chico de arriba fregando otra vez con esa música.There's the guy from upstairs again being a nuisance with that music.), to kid (to joke - colloquial - ¡No friegues! ¿De verdad viste a Elvis ayer?You're kidding! Did you really see Elvis yesterday?), to do (to achieve - colloquial - Mexico - ¿A poco llevaron el premio mayor? - Sí, ¡ya fregamos!Did you really win the grand prize? - Yes, we did it!) (Intransitive Verb)


to wear (to have on - La actriz vistió un vestido rojo.The actress wore a red dress.), to dress (to put on - Me gusta vestir a mi muñeca según la temporada.I like to dress my doll according to the season.), to cover (to conceal - Un mantel blanco vestía la mesa.A white tablecloth covered the table.), to dress (to make - El diseñador vistió a muchas celebridades.The designer dressed a lot of celebrities.) (Transitive Verb)


to weigh (to measure weight - ¿Cuánto pesas?How much do you weigh?), to be heavy (to be weighty - La maleta no me pesa. La puedo cargar solo.The suitcase isn't heavy. I can carry it by myself.), to carry weight (Después de su error que le costó más de un millón de dólares a la empresa, sus opiniones ya no pesan.After his error that cost the company over a million dollars, his opinions no longer carry weight.)/to influence (El poder del director general sigue pesando en el consejo, aún después de las acusaciones de fraude.The CEO's power continues to influence the council, even after the accusations of fraud.) (To matter), to weigh on (La responsabilidad de ser presidente le pesa.The responsibility of being president weighs on him.)/to feel (used with "age" - Desde que cumplió los 80, los años le pesan.Since he turned 80, he's felt his age.) (To be a burden), to be sorry (Me pesa haber olvidado el cumpleaños de mi hija.I'm sorry that I forgot my daughter's birthday.)/to regret (Todavía me pesa no haberlos invitado.I still regret not having invited them.) (To feel remorse) (Intransitive Verb), to weigh (to measure weight - Estefanía pesa 50 kilos.Estefania weighs 50 kilos.), to weigh up (to consider - Fernando está pesando las ofertas de trabajo.Fernando is weighing up his job offers.) (Transitive Verb)


to whisper (La maestra castigó a dos alumnos por susurrar en clase.Two students were punished by the teacher for whispering in class.)/to murmur (Todos comenzaron a susurrar cuando Jack anunció que no iba a dejarle la empresa a su hijo.Everybody started murmuring when Jack announced he wasn't leaving the company to his son.) (To speak quietly), to murmur (steam - Anna se sentó bajo un árbol a escuchar cómo susurraba el arroyo.Anna sat under a tree and listened to the stream murmuring.)/to rustle (leaves - Era una noche serena y lo único que se escuchaba era las hojas susurrando.The night was quiet and all that we could hear where the leaves rustling.)/to sigh (wind - Solo se escuchaba el viento susurrar entre los pinos y el canto de unos pocos pájaros.You could only hear the wind sighing through the pines and a few birds singing.)/to whisper (wind - El viento me susurró al oído y me puso el pelo en la cara.The wind whispered in my ears and blew my hair in my face.)/to buzz (bees - ¡Una abeja me acaba de susurrar al oído!A bee just buzzed in my ear!) (Intransitive Verb), to whisper (to speak quietly - Mario se sentó a mi lado y me susurró las respuestas de la prueba.Mario sat next to me and whispered the answers to the test to me) (Transitive Verb)


to wink/blink


to winter/to spend the winter (to overwinter), to pasture and fatten in the winter (stockbreeding)(south america) (Intransitive), to pasture and fatten in the winter (stockbreeding)(south america)(Transitive)


to wolf down (Estaba muerto de hambre, así que me soplé todas las sobras de la nevera.I was starving, so I wolfed down all the leftovers in the fridge.)/knock back (drink - La comida estaba tan salada que me soplé una jarra de cerveza.The food was so salty that I knocked back a pitcher of beer.) (colloquial - to swallow), to put up with (colloquial - to endure - Mexico/Peru/Spain - Me soplé un bebé llorando durante todo el vuelo.I put up with a crying baby throughout the entire flight.), to squeal (slang - to inform on - ¿Quién se sopló de nosotros a la maestra?Who squealed on us to the teacher?) (Pronominal Verb)


to work (No me funciona el ordenador desde hace dos días.My computer has not been working for the last two days.)/to function (La aplicación solo funciona con la última versión del programa.The application functions only with the last version of the program.)/to run (Este vehículo funciona con gasolina.This vehicle runs on gas.) (To Be Operative), to operate (to be in operation - El negocio lleva funcionando desde el año 2003.The business has been operating since 2003.), to work (El medicamento está funcionando y su mejoría es notable.The medication is working and the improvement in his health is very obvious.)/to work out (relationship - Está claro que nuestra relación no funciona.Our relationship is clearly not working out.) (Intransitive Verb)


to work (to perform a job - Trabaja de nueve a cinco.He works from nine to five.), to work (to function - El equipo trabaja a pleno rendimiento.The equipment works at full capacity.) (Intransitive Verb), to work (to shape - Como alfarero, me encanta trabajar el barro y crear cacharros.As a potter, I just love working the clay and making pots.), to work (to cultivate - En este pueblo todavía trabajan la tierra con bueyes.They still use oxen to work the land in this village.), to knead (dough - Me relajo trabajando la masa, y lo bueno es que a todos les gusta comer el pan recién cocido.I find kneading dough relaxing, and the good thing about it is that everyone likes eating freshly-baked bread.)/to mix (ingredients - Hay que trabajar los ingredientes con una batidora eléctrica.You need to mix the ingredients with a blender.) (Culinary), to work on (to improve - Deberías trabajar más tu ensayo.You should work more on your essay.), to sell (Es una tienda donde trabajan ropa para bebés.It's a store where they sell baby clothes.)/to stock (Lo siento; no trabajamos productos de limpieza.I'm afraid we don't stock cleaning products.) (To market)

servir de

to work as (El sofá sirve de cama cuando alguien se queda a dormir en casa.The sofa works as a bed when someone spends the night at our house.)/to function as (El gimnasio de la escuela sirvió de refugio para los evacuados por el incendio.The school gym functioned as a shelter for the fire evacuees.)/to be used as (Además de decoración, los árboles al costado de la calle sirven de protección a los peatones.Besides decoration, the trees on the side of the street are used as protection for pedestrians.)


to worry (Me preocupa que no haya tenido noticias de tu hermano en una semana.I'm worried that I haven't heard from your brother in a week.)/to be concerned (Nos preocupan los animales que vimos en la calle.We're concerned about the stray animals we saw on the street.) (To cause concern), to bother (to interest - Parece que no le preocupa ganar dinero.He doesn't seem bothered about earning any money.) (Transitive Verb)

preocuparse por

to worry about (No le digas a mi madre que se nos averió el auto, porque se preocupa por todo.Don't tell my mother that our car broke down, because she worries about everything./Yo creo que no debemos preocuparnos por él. Seguro que se las arregla solo.I don't think we need to worry about him. I'm sure he'll manage on his own.)


to wound (La bala lo hirió en el hombro.The bullet wounded him in the shoulder.)/to injure (La explosión hirió a varias personas, pero a ninguna de gravedad.The explosion injured several people, but none of them seriously.) (To harm physically), to hurt (to offend - Tus palabras hirieron su orgullo.Your words hurt his pride.), to hurt (to damage - Los colores brillantes me hieren la vista.Bright colors hurt my eyes.), to hit (Dobla las rodillas y hiere la pelota con el palo.Bend your knees and hit the ball with the club.)/to strike (Hirió la pelota de béisbol muy fuerte.He struck the baseball really hard.) (To Beat) (Transitive)


to wrap (Tengo que envolver los regalos de mis hijos.I need to wrap my kids' presents./Envolvimos los regalos con papel navideño.We wrapped the presents with Christmas wrapping paper.)/to wrap up (La herida estaba envuelta con vendas.The wound was wrapped up in bandages.) (To cover), to surround (El pericardio es una membrana que envuelve el corazón.The pericardium is a membrane that surrounds the heart.)/to envelop (formal - El pericardio es una membrana que envuelve el corazón.The pericardium is a membrane that surrounds the heart.)/to shroud (formal - La niebla envolvía el puerto de la ciudad.The town's harbor was shrouded in fog.)/to cloak (formal - La historia de la desaparición del cuadro está envuelta en misterio.The story of the disappearance of the picture is cloaked in mystery.) (To be all around), to imply (La declaración del sospechoso envuelve una amenaza a las víctimas.The suspect's statement implies a threat for the victims.)/to contain (Sus bromas siempre envuelven un crítica.His jokes always contain a critique.) (To express indirectly), to wind (to roll - Para hacer un pompón, comienza por envolver la lana alrededor de tus dedos.To make a pompom, start by winding the wool around your fingers.) (Transitive Verb)


to wrap oneself up (to cover oneself - Me envolví en una manta y me quedé dormido.I wrapped myself up in a blanket and fell asleep.) (Pronominal Verb)


to wrap up (to cover oneself up - ¡Arrópate! Afuera hace mucho frío y no quieres enfermarte.Wrap up! It's really cold outside and you don't want to get sick.), to pull the covers up around one's head (in bed - Juan se arropó y cerró los ojos porque creía que había un monstruo en su habitación.Juan pulled the covers up around his head and closed his eyes, thinking there was a monster in his bedroom.) (To Cover Oneself Up) (Pronominal Verb)


to writhe (contort), to writhe (in pain), to double up (with laughter), to get tangled/twisted (to get into knots) (Pronominal), to twirl/twiddle (to play with), to wring (hands) (Reflexive)


to yawn (No tengo sueño, pero no puedo parar de bostezar.I'm not sleepy, but I can't stop yawning./El discurso fue tan largo y aburrido que todos empezaron a bostezar.The speech was so long and boring that everybody started yawning.) (Intransitve Verb)


top sweat (Con este calor no dejo de sudar.I can't stop sweating in this heat.)/to perspire (Empezó a sudar cuando la maestra le preguntó por qué no había entregado la tarea.He began to perspire when the teacher asked him why he hadn't turned in the homework.) (To exude moisture), to sweat (to exude condensation - Su bebida helada estaba sudando en el calor tropical.His cold drink was sweating in the tropical heat.)/to work hard (colloquial - to work tirelessly - Suda a diario para darles de comer a sus hijos.He works hard every day to feed his children.) (Intransitive Verb), to sweat (to exude moisture - La yegua sudaba espuma.The mare was sweating foam.), to make sweaty (to make moist from sweat - Pedro siempre suda la camiseta cuando sale a correr.Pedro always makes his T-shirt sweaty when he goes for a run.) (Transitive Verb)

estar sin + infinitive

used to negate (Tengo tres libros que están sin terminar.I have three books that I still have to finish reading./Estoy sin comer desde temprano esta mañana.I haven't eaten anything since early this morning.) (Intransitive Verb)

solidarizarse (con)

to show solidarity/to show support/to declare one's solidarity/to declare one's support/to support


to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate


to be (to act - En ese vecindario tienes que andarte con ojo.You have to be careful in that neighborhood.) (Pronominal Verb)


to be based on/to fall back (to use for support), to lean back (recline)


to distinguish oneself, to stand out


to express oneself (Reflexive Verb)


to fall (to drop - La manzana cayó en la hierba.The apple fell onto the grass.), to hang (Las sábanas caen de la cama por un lado más que por el otro.The sheets hang over one side of the bed more than the other.)/to fall (El cabello de la muchacha cae sobre sus hombros.The young woman's hair falls around her shoulders.) (To Be Suspended), weather (Está cayendo una buena nevada, pon las cadenas a las ruedas.It's snowing hard; put the chains on the tires./Tuvimos que quedarnos en casa porque estaba cayendo un chaparrón.We had to stay home because it was pouring with rain.), to fall (Esperamos que los precios caigan durante las rebajas del fin de año.We are hoping that prices will fall during the year-end sales.)/to drop (Las temperaturas cayeron por el frente frío.The temperatures dropped because of the cold front.) (To Lessen), to fall (El castillo cayó tras un largo sitio.The castle fell after a long siege.)/to be caught (El criminal cayó tras la confesión de su mujer.The criminal was caught after his wife confessed.) (To Be Defeated), to fall (Muchos soldados han caído defendiendo su país.A lot of soldiers have fallen in defense of their country.)/to die (estamos hoy aquí para honrar a lose que cayeron en combate - we are here today to honor those who died in combat) (To Pass Away), to fall (En mi familia, hay dos cumpleaños que caen en Navidad.In my family, we have two birthdays that fall on Christmas.)/to be (SSemana Santa cae en abril este año.Easter is in April this year.) (To Take Place), to be (to be located - Spain - El supermercado cae a tres cuadras de aquí.The supermarket is three blocks away from here.), to go to (Ojalá que el premio gordo caiga en los hogares más necesitados.I hope that the jackpot goes to those who need it the most.)/to get (Puede que te caiga una multa grande si te estacionas aquí.You could get a big fine if you park here.) (To Receive By Chance), to realize (¡Acabo de caer en que tengo una cita con el dentista en diez minutos!I just realized I have a dentist appointment in ten minutes!)/to remember (Te conozco de algún lugar, pero no caigo en donde.I know you from somewhere, but I don't remember from where.) (To Recall - Colloquial), to succumb (to commit - Me siento culpable porque estoy a dieta, pero caí en la tentación de un pastel de chocolate.I feel guilty because I'm on a diet, but I succumbed to the temptation of a chocolate cake.), to fall for it (to take the bait - tEl taxista intentaba engañarme porque me veo extranjero, pero no caí.The taxi driver was trying to trick me because I look foreign, but I didn't fall for it.), to fall (to be within - La venta de pasteles no cae dentro del presupuesto de la escuela.The bake sale does not fall within the school budget.), to suit (No bebo porque el alcohol me cae mal.I don't drink because alcohol disagrees with me./Te cae estupendo ese vestido!You look great in that dress!), to make an impression (Me marché porque me cae mal tu primo con sus bromas ofensivas.I had to leave because I can't stand your cousin and his offensive jokes./Me cae muy bien tu hermano; siempre me hace sonreír.I really like your brother; he always makes me smile.), to result (El embarazo de mi hermana pequeña no cayó bien en la familia.My little sister's pregnancy shocked the entire family./Que Harvard la hubiera rechazado, le cayó mal.She wasn't pleased that Harvard rejected her.), to show up (Los invitados están al caer y la cena aún no está lista.My guests are about to show up and dinner is not ready yet.)/to drop in (Mis hermanos siempre caen en la cena navideña sin avisar.My brothers always drop in for Christmas dinner without a calling beforehand.) (To Drop In), to set (the sun - Está cayendo el sol; es hora de irse a casa.The sun is setting; it's time to go home.)/to fall (night - Se pueden ver las estrellas cuando cae la noche.You can see the stars when night falls.) (To Get Dark) (Intransitive Verb)


to found (to build), to establish/to found/to set up (to create), to base (to use as evidence) (Transitive Verb)


to give way (to collapse - the bridge gave way under the weight of the cars), to expire (to cease to be valid)


to greet one another (to exchange greetings) (Reciprocal)


to hunt


to kill


to sting (Me picó una medusa en la playa.I was stung by a jellyfish at the beach.)/to bite (Una cobra le picó a mi perro y lo llevamos al veterinario.A cobra bit my dog and we took him to the veterinarian.)/to peck at (birds - Los patos picaban peces en el río.Ducks were pecking at fish in the river./Las gallinas picaron el pan que les tiré.The hens pecked at the bread I threw them.) (To be hurt by an animal), to eat (¿Quieres picar una tapas con el vino?Do you want to eat some tapas with the wine?)/to nibble on (Estuvimos picando queso en el bar.We were nibbling on some cheese at the bar.) (To snack on), to chop (Pica el pimiento en trocitos.Chop the pepper into small pieces.)/to mince (Puedes picar la carne tú mismo.You can mince the meat yourself.)/to gring (Pica el filete de pescado con una picadora.Grind the fish fillet with a meat grinder.)/to cut (Pica en trozos finos la cebolla con un cuchillo afilado.Cut the onions finely with a sharp knife.)/to crush (ice - Pica hielo para hacer margaritas.Crush some ice to make margaritas.), to break up (in big pieces - La minería va de picar rocas para conseguir mineral.Mining is about breaking up rocks to collect the ore.)/to chip (in small pieces - El joyero picó la amatista antes de tallarla.The jeweler chipped the amethyst before cutting it.) (Mining), to punch (to perforate - El revisor picó nuestros billetes.The inspector punched our tickets.), to needle (to antagonize - No piques a tu hermano si quieres evitar una discusión con él.Don't needle your brother if you want to avoid an argument with him.), to spur on (horse racing - El jinete picó a su caballo para que fuera más rápido.The rider spurred on his horse to make him go faster.), to goad (Con un movimiento delicado, el torero picó al toro.With delicate movements, the bullfighter goaded the bull.)/to prod (El picador picó al toro para que se dirigiera al matador.The picador prodded the bull to make him go to the matador.) (Bullfighting), to pay staccato (music - El pianista picó las notas para imitar el sonido del granizo.The pianist played staccato notes to imitate the sound of hail.), to rot (Dejar la comida en el sol todo el día la picará.Leaving food out in the sun all day will make it rot.)/to corrode (Dejar caer lejía en el desagüe lo picará después de mucho tiempo.Letting bleach wash down the drain will corrode it after a while.), to rust (metal - No dejes la bici fuera o la lluvia la picará.Don't leave the bike outside or the rain will rust it.) (To deteriorate), to key in (computing - Pica tu contraseña en el campo apropiado.Key in your password in the appropriate field.) (Transitive Verb), to itch (irritate - Me pica la espalda. ¿Me pasas ese rascador?My back is itching. Can you pass me that backscratcher?), to be hot (¡Estas enchiladas pican demasiado! ¡Necesito agua!These enchiladas are too hot! I need water!)/to be spicy (El curry picaba tanto que me hizo llorar.The curry was so spicy that it made me cry.)/to burn (¿Cuántos chiles usaste? ¡Esta salsa pica!How many chilis did you use? This sauce burns!) (To be peppery), to bite (¿Cuántos chiles usaste? ¡Esta salsa pica!How many chilis did you use? This sauce burns!)/to peck (birds - A mi abuelo le gusta tirar pan a las gaviotas y verlas picar.My grandfather likes to throw bread at the seagulls and watch them pecking.) (To be hurt by an animal), to nibble (to eat - Si quieres perder peso, deja de picar.If you want to lose some weight, stop nibbling.), to take the bait (No es tonto, no picará.He's no fool; he won't take the bait.), to bite (Primero montamos todos las trampas y mañana regresaremos para ver si algún conejo o ardilla pica.First we set up all of the traps and tomorrow we will return to see if any rabbit or squirrel bites.)/to fall for it (Parece una estafa obvia, pero mucha gente pica.It seems like an obvious scam, but many people fall for it.) (To hook), to burn (to scorch - Protégete la piel porque el sol pica hoy.Protect your skin because the sun is burning today.), to bounce (sports - El balón picó y el jugador la atrapó.The ball bounced and the player caught it.), to knock (Al coche le pasa algo. ¿No oyes que el motor pica?There's something wrong with the car. Can't you hear the engine knocking?)/to pink (El motor picó y empezó a salir humo.The engine pinked and it started smoking.) (Automobile), to split (to leave - Esta película es tan aburrida. ¿Quieres picar?This movie is so boring. Do you want to split?) (Intransitive Verb)


to strengthen, to fortify


to stroke (to touch softly) (Reflexive), to caress each other (to touch softly) (Reciprocal)


to struggle (to do something), to wrestle/struggle (to scuffle)

coger por

to take (with directions - Coge por la calle Rojas. Hay menos semáforos.Take Rojas Street. There are fewer stoplights.) (Intransitive Verb)


To petition, request

deber de

duty to (Tengo el deber de comunicarle que su presencia en nuestro país no es bien recibida.It is my duty to inform you that your presence in our country is not welcome.)/obligation as (Mi deber de ciudadano es denunciar este delito ambiental a las autoridades.My obligation as a citizen is to report this environmental crime to the authorities.) (Used as noun to indicate responsibility) (Phrase)

deber de + inf

must (to express probability - Debe de ser muy interesante poder viajar a las islas Galápagos.It must be really interesting to be able to travel to the Galapagos Islands.), have to (colloquial - used to express obligation - Esto es chantaje, Juan. Debes de decírselo a la policía.This is blackmail, Juan. You have to tell the police.) (Auxiliary Verb)


to accustom (Los profesores se encargarán de habituar a los alumnos nuevos al colegio.The teachers will be in charge of accustoming the new students to the school.l)/to get used (Todavía estamos habituando a nuestro perro a estar en la ciudad.We're still getting our dog used to being in the city.) (Transitive Verb)


to acquire/to gain/to achieve (to get), to purchase/to acquire (to buy), to acquire/to obtain/to take on (to adopt)


to alter/to change (modify), to vary (diversify) (Transitive), to vary/to change (to become different), to differ (to be different) (Intransitive)


to apologize (Si te disculparas, quizás te perdonaría.If you apologize, perhaps he'd forgive you.) (Pronominal Verb)


to be afraid/to fear (to regret) (Pronominal)


to be spread, to be scattered, to spread out, to spread (to be disseminated), to amuse oneself, to relax

golpear contra

to beat (to strike - Las ramas del árbol golpearon contra la puerta.The branches of the tree beat against the door.) (Intransitive Verb)


to breathe


to buy (Cómprale algo bonito para su cumpleaños.Buy her something nice for her birthday.)/to purchase (¿Le gustaría comprar ese artículo?Would you like to purchase that item?) (To acquire), to buy off (to bribe - Los políticos malvados intentaron comprar mi silencio.The evil politicians tried to buy me off.) (Transitive Verb)


to come undone (Mi peinado se deshizo con el viento.My hair came undone because of the wind.)/to come untied (Tus agujetas se han deshecho. Your shoes have come untied.)/to mess up (Mi cabello se deshace con este viento. My hair is getting messed up because of this wind.) (To come apart), to dissolve (Este polvo se deshará en alcohol. This powder will dissolve in alcohol.)/to melt (La mantequilla se deshace en la cazuela. The butter melts in the pan.) (To change form), to go to pieces (to become upset - Se deshizo Tony cuando se separaron. Tony went to pieces when they broke up.) (Pronominal Verb)

estrellarse con

to come up against (to run up against - obstacle/opposing force)


to compromise/to jeopardize/to endanger (to put in danger), to implicate/to involve (to reveal involvement), to spread/to affect (To Damage - Mexico)


to continue (to extend - the bike path continues toward the beach) (Pronominal Verb)


to delight/to fill with joy (to please)


to die (to perish - Murió a temprana edad.He died at an early age.), (to die (to stop working - colloquial - ¡Ay, no! Mi computadora murió en medio de la película.Oh no! My computer died in the middle of the movie.) (Intransitive Verb)

hacer bien en

to do well in


to escape/survive (to get free), be declared innocent/to get off (colloquial) (Legal), to be saved (religion)


to excel/to shine (To outdo oneself), to make a fool of oneself


to exclaim


to enter (No se puede entrar sin firmar.You cannot enter without signing.)/to go in (inside - Necesitas autorización para entrar a la oficina durante el fin de semana.You need permission to go into the office during the weekend.)/to come in (from the outside - Está lloviendo; entra, por favor.It's raining; please come in.) (To pass inside), to fit (La cama no entrará por la puerta del ascensor.The bed won't fit through the elevator door.)/to go in (Esta llave no entra en la cerradura.This key doesn't go in the key hole.), to penetrate (to pierce - Esa máquina puede entrar en la roca.That machine can penetrate the rock.), to join (become a member - Entró en la Marina de los Estados Unidos a los 18.He joined the United States Navy at 18.), to be part of (to be included in - Todos los envíos entran en nuestros precios.All shipping costs are included in our prices.), to start (to begin - Entro a mi clase de yoga a las 6 am.I start my yoga class at 6 am/Entré en este sector hace algunos años.I started in this sector some years ago.), to get (Me está entrando sueño; me voy a echar una siesta.I'm getting drowsy; I am going to take a nap.)/to feel (Me ha entrado una sed insaciable.I suddenly feel an unquenchable thirst.) (To begin to feel), to get (¿No te entra que ya no te quiero?Don't you get that I don't love you anymore?)/to understand (A mi hijo le entró rápido el alfabeto.My son understood the alphabet quickly.) (To comprehend), to access (to gain access to - Tienes que introducir tu contraseña para entrar en este foro.You have to enter your password to access this forum.), to come in (to begin to play - El piano entra después de la guitarra.The piano comes in after the guitar.), to get into (Esta discusión se acaba aquí; no voy a entrar en ataques personales.This discussion ends now; I'm not going to get into any personal attacks.)/to join in (Entró en la conversación sin que lo invitaran.He joined in the conversation without being asked.) (To participate), to go into (automobile - El carro ya no entra en tercera; hay que llevarlo al mecánico.The car doesn't go into third anymore; we need to take it to the mechanic.), to log in (computing - Para entrar en la cuenta, tienes que teclear tu contraseña.To log in to your account, you need to type your password.) (Intransitive Verb), to tackle (to attack - Esquivó a varios jugadores y le entró a su oponente.He dodged some players and tackled his opponent.), to bring in (Dejé las bolsas de la compra en el coche. ¿Podrías entrarlas?I left the shopping bags in the car. Can you please bring them in?) /to take in (Ese perro está sucio; no lo entres hasta que lo hayas lavado.That dog is dirty; don't take him in until you have washed him.) (To put inside), to deal with (to approach - Para salir con mi prima, primero tienes que saber cómo entrarle a su padre.To go out with my cousin, first you have to know how to deal with her father.) (Transitive Verb)


to fit, to insert, to strike


to get caught


to go (to leave - Columbia - Se pisó a casa de la novia hace cinco minutos.He went to his girlfriend's house five minutes ago.) (Pronominal Verb)


to grow up, to be brought up


to harass, to hound

llevar + past participle

to have (to complete - Lleva comidos cuatro trozos de pizza.She has already eaten four slices of pizza.) (Auxiliary Verb)


to impale


to indicate, to point out


to lead, to guide

dejar que

to let (Hay que dejar que se seque la primera capa de pintura antes de aplicar la segunda.You have to let the first coat of paint dry before applying the second.)/to allow (No vamos a dejar que la compañía se vaya a la quiebra.We won't allow this company to go bankrupt.)


to link, to connect, to be binding


to offer (to volunteer - offering to help)


to oppose, thwart, run counter to, to contradict, to displease


to opt, choose


to pack, bale (agriculture)

fijarse (en)

to pay attention (to), to become aware (of)

jugar con

to play with (to trifle with - No juegues con mi corazón.Don't play with my heart.)


to react


to rush (hasten), to trip over one's words (Pronominal), to push and shove (Reciprocal)


to rush, to hurry, to go faster


to salt


to set fire to/to burn down (Transitive)


to snow


to stand up/to stand straight (to be erect), to rise/to rise up (to stand or sit)


to throw (to propel - Si tiras una moneda al pozo, puedes pedir un deseo.If you throw a coin in the well, you can make a wish.), to throw away (to get rid of - Tengo que tirar todos estos trastos.I have to throw away all this junk.), to waste (Comprar productos de mala calidad es tirar el dinero.Buying bad quality products is wasting your money.)/squander (Los humanos están tirando todos los recursos del planeta.Humans are squandering the planet's resources.) (To use inefficiently), to knock down (Van a tirar la antigua central eléctrica.The old power plant is going to be knocked down.)/knock over (Dejen de empujar, van a tirar la mesa.Stop pushing; you are going to knock the table over.) (To pull down), to fire (El ejército tiró un cohete desde su base.The army fired a rocket from the base.)/to drop (Tiraron muchas bombas sobre la capital enemiga.Many bombs were dropped on the enemy's capital.)/to shoot (Tiré la flecha y le di a la diana.I shot the arrow and hit the bullseye.)/launch (Mi padre tiró fuegos artificiales en Año Nuevo.My father launched fireworks on New Year's Eve.) (To discharge), to take (photography - Tiré muchas fotos durante mis vacaciones.I took a lot of pictures during my vacation.), to print (Han tirado diez mil ejemplares de la novela.They have printed ten thousand copies of the novel.)/run off (La editorial tiró mil ejemplares de mi libro.The publisher ran off a thousand copies of my book.) (Printing), to draw (to trace - El arquitecto tiró una línea recta con una regla.The architect drew a straight line with a ruler.), to attack (No le tire patadas a su hermano.Don't kick your brother./Su perro me tiró un mordisco.His dog snapped at me.) (Transitive Verb), to pull (to draw nearer - No empujes la puerta, tira para abrirla.Don't push the door; pull to open it.), to attract (No le tira estudiar medicina.He is not interested in studying medicine./as fiestas ya no me tiran.Parties don't appeal to me anymore.), to be tight (to be taut - Esta falda me tira en la cadera, me compraré una talla más grande.This skirt is tight at the hip; I will buy a bigger size.)/tight, to shoot (to fire - Tenían órdenes de tirar a matar.Their orders were to shoot to kill.), to shoot (Un jugador de nuestro equipo tiró y marcó un gol.A player on our team shot and scored a goal.)/throw (Tras recibir un pase, el jugador tiró desde la línea de tres puntos sin éxito.After catching a pass, the player threw from the three-point line unsuccessfully.) (Sports), to pull (Mi coche ya no tira como antes, creo que ha llegado el momento de comprar uno nuevo.My car doesn't pull like it used to; I think it's time to buy a new one.)/draw (Tienes que tirar al encender el cigarro.You have to draw when you light the cigarette.) (To work), to get by (to survive - Tenemos que tirar con muy poco hasta que cobre.We have to get by with very little until payday.), to go (to move forward - Para llegar a la panadería, tire por esta calle hasta el cruce.To get to the bakery, go down this street up to the crossing.), to tend (El plato tiraba a dulce más que nada.The dish was more sweet than anything else./Tienes que beberte el té cuando esté tirando a frío.You have to drink the tea when it is cooling down.), to screw (vulgar - to have sexual intercourse - Ese hombre solo piensa en tirar.That guy only ever thinks about screwing.) (Intransitive Verb)

convertirse en

to turn into, to become


to work on (to persuade - Todavía me la estoy trabajando para que pruebe a jugar al fútbol.I'm still working on her to try soccer.) (Pronominal Verb)

conocer a

to know


to know (to be acquainted with - Conozco a tu amigo del colegio.I know your friend from school.), to meet (to see for the first time - ¿Conoces a mi hermana?Have you met my sister?), to know (Conozco una buena manera de pelar papas.I know an easy way to peel potatoes.)/to be familiar with (Estuve una vez en Cuzco pero no lo conozco bien.I've been to Cuzco once, but I am not familiar with it.) (To have knowledge of), to get to know (to find out about - a person or a place - Conociéndolo mejor, veo que es buena persona.Getting to know him better, I can see he's a good person./Cuando llegamos a Madrid, salimos a caminar para conocer la ciudad.When we got to Madrid, we went out to walk around and get to know the city.), to visit (Siempre me hablas de tu ciudad natal pero ¿cuando la voy a conocer?You always talk to me about your home town, but when do I get to visit it?)/ to go to (Quiero conocer el sudeste asiático este verano.I want to go to Southeast Asia this summer)/to see (Ellos conocieron toda Europa durante su luna de miel.They saw all of Europe during their honeymoon.) (To discover), to recognize (¡No te conocía sin las gafas!I didn't recognize you without your glasses!)/to know (Todos la conocen por su risa contagiosa.Everyone knows her by her contagious laugh.) (To identify), to feel (Estos guerreros no conocen el miedo.These warriors feel no fear.)/to know (Conoce muy bien el daño que puede causar la guerra.He knows full well the damage that war can cause.) (To experience), to know (¡No te preocupes! Ella conoce este tema como la palma de su mano.Don't worry! She knows this topic like the back of her hand.)/to speak (languages - Ella conoce el francés y el alemán porque se crió en Suiza.She speaks French and German because she was raised in Switzerland.) (To master), to try (legal - El caso debe ser conocido por un gran jurado.The case must be tried by a grand jury.) (Transitive Verb), to seem (Se conoce que tienen problemas.It seems like they are having problems.) (To appear) (Impersonal Verb)


to deserve/to be worth (to merit) (Transitive), to be deserving (to be worthy) (Intransitive)


to dislocate (to disjoint - I dislocated my thumb) (latin america) (Pronominal Verb)


to impress/to strike (i was struck by her beauty) (Make an Impact), to move/to shock/to affect (to cause an emotional reaction), to expose (photography) (Transitive Verb), to make an an impression/to impress (Intransitive Verb)


to be located/found, to be localized (medicine - pain is localized below the knee)


to drive crazy, to exasperate, to drive to despair, to make give up hope (Transitive), to despair/lose hope (Intransitive)


to fasten/to do up, to staple (attach with stapes - (latin america)

parar(se) con

to hang out (with someone - colloquial - south america)


to interview


to let go of (Suelta la cometa y vente a cenar.Let go of the kite and come in for dinner.)/to drop (¡Suelta esa galleta! ¡La vi primero!Drop that cookie! I saw it first!)/to put down (El maestro soltó la tiza y levantó el borrador.The teacher put down the chalk and picked up the eraser.)/to let out (Suelta la soga lentamente.Let the rope out slowly.) (To stop holding), to loosen (to make less tight - Antes de ponerse los zapatos, hay que soltar los lazos.Before you put on your shoes, you have to loosen the laces.), to set free (El parque de diversiones soltó la orca.The amusement park set the orca free.)/to release (Suelta el loro para que podamos ver si vuela.Release the parrot so we can see if it flies.) (To free), to release (automobile - Primero suelta el freno, después pon el pie en el acelerador.First release the brake, then put your foot on the gas pedal.), to let out (Soltó una risotada al oír la noticia comiquísima.She let out a burst of laughter when she heard the hilarious news.)/to let fly (Soltó unas palabras duras para su jefe, y luego su jefe lo despidió.He let fly some harsh words for his boss, and then his boss let him go.) (To vocalize), to give off (to radiate - Después de un día de excursión a pie, Rodney estaba soltando un olor desagradable.After a day of hiking, Rodney was giving off an unpleasant odor.), to give up (relinquish - Aunque Juan de verdad ya no quería el puesto, no lo quería soltar a su rival, Pedro.Even though Juan didn't like the job anymore, he didn't want to give it up to his rival, Pedro.), to cough up (colloquial - to supply - O sueltas el dinero, o encontraremos otra manera de hacer que pagues.You can either cough up the money, or we'll find another way to make you pay.), to shed (to molt - Me encanta mi suéter de cachemira, pero odio que suelta pelusa en mi camisa.I love my cashmere sweater, but I hate how it sheds lint all over my shirt.) (Transitive Verb)


to love each other (to have profound affection for - Se han amado desde el momento en que se conocieron.They have loved each other from the moment they met.) (Reciprocal Verb)


to pass away, to die


to plot


to respect


to spill (from its container - Se derramó todo el café.All the coffee spilled.) (Pronominal Verb)


to survive, overcome


to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)


to weigh oneself (to measure one's weight - Gloria se pesa cada mañana porque está a dieta.Gloria weighs herself every morning, because she's on a diet.) (Reflexive Verb)


to yield/produce (finance), to rent out (lease out) (Latin America), to rent (to pay rent for) (Latin America)


to drink up (to finish a drink - Bébete tu refresco y vámonos.Drink up your soda and let's go.) (Pronominal Verb)


to ask for (to try to cause - Se está buscado problemas si sigue así.He's asking for trouble if he continues like that.) (Pronominal Verb)

llegar a + infinitive

to manage to (to be able to - ¿Llegaste a ver el eclipse?Did you manage to see the eclipse?)

entenderse con

to get along with (to be friends - No me entiendo con mis padres.I don't get along with my parents.), to have an affair with (to cheat on someone - Dicen que se entendía con el jardinero.They say she was having an affair with the gardener.) (Pronominal Verb)

pasarse con

to overdo it (No hay que pasarse con el maquillaje.You don't want to overdo makeup./¡No te pases con el azúcar!Don't put too much sugar in it!/Lo siento, me pasé con la pimienta.I'm sorry. I overdid it with the pepper.) (To Overuse)

poder con

to stand (No puedo más con mi jefe.I can't stand my boss.)/to put up with (No puedo más contigo. Me estás volviendo loca.I can't put up with you any longer. You're driving me crazy.) (To Tolerate), to manage (to be capable of - Él no puede con tanto trabajo.He can't manage so much work.) (Intransitive Verb)


to win (to obtain - Gané la lotería dos veces jugando con los mismos números.I won the lottery twice by playing the same set of numbers.), to earn (Mi hermana ganó $50 vendiendo limonada en la acera en nuestro vecindario.My sister earned $50 selling lemonade on the curb in our neighborhood.)/to make (¿Cuánto dinero ganaste por vender tu casa?How much money did you make by selling your house?) (To receive in payment), to beat (to defeat - Por fin le gané a mi papá en una partida de ajedrez.I finally beat my dad in a game of chess.), to capture (to seize - El ejército ganó el castillo.The army captured the castle.), to reach (to get to - Ganó la línea de meta en segunda posición.He reached the finish line in second place.), to save (Ganarías espacio si sacaras este sillón viejo de la sala.You'd save some space if you got that old sofa out of the living room.) (Transitive Verb), to gain (to benefit - He ganado mucho por hablar con un experto como usted.I have gained a lot by talking with an expert like you.), to win (to be victorious - ¡¡Gané! ¿Qué tal te caigo ahora?I won! How do you like me now?), to make (to be remunerated - Mi esposo no gana suficientemente en su trabajo.My husband doesn't make enough in his job.), to benefit (to increase - La fundación ganará con su generosa donación.The foundation will benefit with your generous donation.) (Intransitive Verb)


to write to each other (to correspond - Nos escribimos todos los días.We write to each other every day.) (Reciprocal Verb)

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