Stress health and human flourishing

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_____ lymphocytes fight bacterial infections.


Fighting bacterial infections is to _____ as attacking viruses is to _____.

B lymphocytes; T lymphocytes

Which person is the BEST example of a Type A personality?

Which person is the BEST example of a Type A personality?

Susan was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and was referred by her doctor to a mindfulness meditation group. Her doctor explained that meditation may help her by:

improving immune functioning and coping.

Optimism has been associated with:

smaller increases in blood pressure during stress.

Carissa is in the middle of finals week and finds that her anxiety and stress levels are making it difficult to concentrate on her studying. She should:

spend time petting her dog.

A challenging or threatening event that causes stress is called a(n) _____.


When faced with a stressor, one's brain sounds an alarm and activates one's _____ nervous system.


One effective strategy for reducing angry feelings is to:

count to 10.

Roger has a good amount on his plate. He works full time, he also has a part-time job, and has a new consulting company in response to his son's special needs. He seems to be coping with everything quite well, for the moment anyway. In Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Roger is in Phase:

2, in a state of resistance.

Nearly _____ percent of all Americans think that being very well off is important for happiness. This belief is _____ by scientific research.

75; contradicted

Jane and Sue leave a building and see a dog running toward them. Jane assumes that the dog wants to play. Sue assumes the dog is going to attack. Which of these is MOST likely?

Sue's stress reaction will be more negative than Jane's.

Cheryl's father-in-law had a serious heart attack several weeks ago. She is concerned because he lives alone. After his heart attack, which acquisition would increase his odds of survival?

a dog

Julia is awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of breaking glass. Her increased heart rate and respiration can BEST be explained as:

a flight or fight response

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, many people from around the country went to New York City to lend aid. This response to stress is an example of:

a tend-and-befriend response.

As psychologists use the word, resilience refers to the:

ability to bounce back from adversity.

The correct order of the general adaptation syndrome is:

an alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.

Because Type A people tend to be more abrasive and irritable, this combined with high cholesterol can:

cause altered heart rhythms that can lead to a heart attack.

Misplacing one's keys is an example of a type of stressor called a(n):

daily hassle

Traffic jams, dropped calls, and deadlines are examples of:

daily hassles

Liz loses her well-paid executive position in a round of corporate downsizing. She spends the evening becoming intoxicated in a seedy bar across town. Liz is demonstrating _____ coping.


Sarah recently had a routine medical test conducted. Her doctor contacted her and told her that there were some irregularities and further tests were needed. While Sarah was concerned about the results, she dealt with her stress by talking to friends, spending time with her family, and staying busy. This is an example of _____ coping.


One is MOST susceptible to illness during the _____ phase of the general adaptation syndrome.


Lupe examines how social support may buffer the negative effects of stigma on the well-being of HIV-positive gay men of color. Lupe is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.


Murphy's Law—the notion that if anything can go wrong, it will—expresses a(n) _____ outlook.


Faced with overlapping, unrealistic deadlines at work, Ira recruits his co-workers to perform some of the routine clerical tasks associated with the projects. Ira is engaged in _____ coping.


Lorenzo is preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise and he will highlight all of these EXCEPT exercise:

provides decreased warmth and body arousal.

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