Stress Management - Ch. 7, 8., & 9.

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A person's view of life's meaning, direction, purpose, and connectedness to other things, other people, and the past and future.

Type D

A personality type associated with the development of and death from coronary heart disease. Characterized by negative emotion and inhibited self expression.

Type C

A personality type proposed to be associated with the development of cancer. Characterized by denial and suppression of emotions; in particular, anger, resentment, and hostility, and pathological niceness.


A sincere intention not to seek revenge or avoid the transgressor and replacing negative emotions such as resentment, hate, and anger with positive emotions such as compassion, empathy, and sympathy.

A,B,C lists

A time management technique in which tasks are prioritized


Acting in a way to get what one is entitled to, one's rights, but at the expense of someone else's rights.


Acting in a way to get what one is entitled to, one's rights, but not at the expense of someone else's rights.

Spiritual Health

Adherence to religious doctrine; the ability to discover and express one's purpose in life; to experience love, joy, peace, and fulfillment; or to achieve and help others to achieve full potential.

Specific Phobia

An intense fear of a specific situation that poses little or no actual danger. Fear of elevators is an example.


An organized entity in which people have common beliefs and engage in common practices relevant to spiritual matters.


An unrealistic fear that manifests itself in physiological arousal and behaviors to avoid or escape the anxiety-provoking stimulus.

Primary Control

Attempts to change a situation; similar to problem-focused coping.

Secondary Control

Attempts to control oneself or one's emotional reactions; similar to emotion-focused coping.

Type B behavior pattern

Behavior pattern that is not excessively competitive, with no free-floating hostility and no sense of time urgency. Also, develops coronary heart disease.

Self- Esteem

How highly one regards oneself

Emotional Intelligence

Perceiving feelings, using them appropriately, and managing emotions.

Intercessory Prayer

Prayers that seek divine intervention either to prevent an occurrence or to help overcome it.

Double-Blind Studies

Research investigations in which neither the research subjects nor the data collectors are aware of who is in the control group and who is in the experimental group.


The ability to identify and make use of strengths and assets to respond to challenges, thereby growing as an individual.

Cocreator Perception Deficiency (CCPD)

The belief that one is either the victim of circumstances or the master of circumstances, each of which is erroneous.

Internal Locus of Control

The perception that one has control over events that affect one's life.

External Locus of Control

The perception that one has little control over events that affects one's life.


A state of mind and body that includes three factors: Commitment, control, and challenge.

State Anxiety

Anxiety that is either temporary in nature or specific to a particular stimulus.

Systematic Desensitization

Either imagining or encountering an anxiety-provoking stimulus while practicing relaxation.

Attitude of Gratitude

Focusing on things about which to be grateful


Giving up what one is entitled to, one's rights, in order not to upset another person.

Social Phobia

Overwhelming fear and excessive self-consciousness in everyday situations; a chronic fear of being watched by others and not performing well. Fear of public speaking is an example.

Reflective listening

Paraphrasing the speaker's words and feelings; also called active listening

Active Listening

Paraphrasing the speaker's words and feelings; also called reflective listening.

Type A behavior pattern

A cluster of behaviors associated with the development of coronary heart disease.

Panic Disorder

A condition in which feelings of terror arise from unrealistic fear, resulting in symptoms such as feeling numb, sweaty, weak, and faint.

Spiritual Disease

A condition in which people are not true to their spiritual selves and are living a "life story" that is inconsistent with their beliefs and values

In Vivo Desensitization

A form of systematic desensitization in which the stimulus is actually encountered.

Armchair desensitization

A form of systematic desensitization in which the stimulus is imagined


A formula for verbally expressing assertiveness consisting of a description of the situation, expression of feelings, specification of preferred change, and consequences of whether or not a change is made.

Trait Anxiety

A general sense of anxiety not specific to a particular stimulus.

Fear Hierarchy

A list of small steps to move through an anxiety-provoking stimulus.

ABCDE Technique

A method of coping with anxiety that consists of examining irrational beliefs

Cognitive Restructuring

A method of coping with anxiety that involves thinking about anxiety-provoking event as less threatening.

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