Stress Management Exam 2

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For a typical person the average number of breath cycles per minute during a VERY relaxed state is:

1-2 BPM

how long can panic attacks typically last for?

10-20 minutes

How many lymphocytes are in circulation at one time?


according to dr redford williams, what percentage of americans have levels of hostile anger that can produce serious health problems


according to research and best estimates, the average person today has approximately how many anger episodes per day?


according to research, the average person spends about this much time outside each day.


driving drunk and texting can equal up to ______% blood alcohol level


what percent of the population is of america classified as codependent due to direct or indirect exposure to alcoholism?


Naturalist E. O Wilson recoined the word biophilia

An emotional affiliation with living organisms in nature

This is thought to be the distinguishing characteristic of the survivor personality.

Biphasic traits

correct sequence for the seasons of the soul to address spiritual well-being is which of the following?

Centering, emptying, grounding, and connecting

The order of M. Scott Peck's stages of spiritual growth is?

Chaotic antisocial, formal institutional, skeptic and mystic communal

Self esteem is thought ot be comprised of which components?

Connectedness, uniqueness, power, role models

current research reveals that journal writting helps:

Decrease blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, grieving

which are benefits of diaphragmatic breathing

Decrease in heart rate, muscle tension, stress levels, and increase in oxygen capacity

True or False: In Japan and China, forest bathing is not the same thing as forest therapy.


True or False: Self-image and Self-esteem are basically the same thing.


True or false: Nadi Shadhanam is a breathing technique where you visualize white air inhaling and dark air exhaling


true or false: the unconscious mind is believed to control as much as 40-50 percent of one's behavior


according to experts, the field of sociology involves the study within:

Families, organizations, and institutions


Forest bathing

All but which one of the following are traits in the makeup of being resilient?

Genetic make-up

this personality type is now considered part of the foundation for positive psychology

Hardy personality

which of the following is said to be true about diaphragmatic breathing?

It is used in conjunction with several other relaxation techniques

with regard to circadian rhythms, oncologists have observed that the most effective time for cancer patients to reciebe chemotherapy treatment is


in 2008, which of the following milestones was observed?

More people lived in urban centers than rural areas

this is an example of breathing by alternating the air through each nostril

Nadi Shadhanam

which of the following defense mechanisms is not commonly associated with the psychology of everyday stress? *denial *narcissism *projection *rationalization


NLP stands for

Neurolinguistic programming

spirituality can best be defined as

No adequate defintion at this time

what determines one's degree of stress?

One's perception or interpretation

resiliency as taught in courses at the mayo clinic to the U.S. Military, includes developing or strengthening which of the following aspects?

Personality, humor, compassion, and gratitude

What phase of diaphragmatic breathing offers a slight pause before the next inhalation?

Phase IV

Diaphragmatic breathing is also known as all of the following except:

Sutra breathing

from his time in the concentration camps, viktor Frankl learned this simple wisdom to help survive.

Take responsibility for your own thoughts

what did progoff discover while journal writting?

Those who started writing while on welfare were more likely to find employment and better housing faster.

True or False: Research shows that codependent traits manifest in adulthood when married to or working with/for an alcoholic.


the philosophy of taoism advocates

a balance of opposites

Spiritual potential is best described as

a collection of inner resources to be used in times of stress

Brief grief is considered

a form of healthy grieving

once defining stress as an inability to cope stress expert joan borysenko now defines stress as

a lack of connectedness

journal writing, as a coping technique, is unique in that it is thought by many to be:

a means of short-term emotional catharsis and long term insight

hildegard von bingen's path of human spirituality can be best summed up as

a mystical experience

cognitive restructuring is a term best described as

a rethinking process about a stressor.

spiritual hunger can be defined as:

a search for that which cannot be found in one's traditional religious background

according to matthew fox, via creativa is best described as

a sense of awe and wonder of all creation

what horomone is responable for homeostasis?


yerkes-dodson principle suggests that

after a certain point, stress can impede one's preformace/health

spiritually speaking einstein's theory of relativity suggests that

all things are connected through some point of energy, consciousness may actually be a form of energy, spiritual matters are not bound by space and time, and all matter comprised of energy has a spiritual quality to it.

the seville statement proclaimed

anger has no instinctual basis in human behavior

what is true about negative thoughts

are a conditioned reponse, are a response to negative feedback ny parents, are transformed into guilt and shame

this is the suggested order to reconstruct negative thoughts into positive ones.

awareness, reappraise abopt evaluate

Energy breathing is a special technique where you visualize

breathing air into your head and feet

This trait more than any other, distiguishes the sensation-seeker personality.

calculated risk taking

this person is recognized for discovering the scientific link between emotions and neuropeptides

candance pert

the concept of individuation was coined by,

carl g jung

what is symbolic thinking?

carl jung reviewed that the unconscious mind is well versed in this method of articulating itself.

these three characteristics are thought to be associated with what is now known as the hardy personality

challenge control and commitment

the rage reflex is attributed to:

charles darwin

this type of stress is most commonly associated with illness and disease

chronic stress

which of the following are the requirements for diaphragmatic breathing to be most effective?

comfortable position, concentration and visualization

what is the correct order for the steps of the information-processing model

conscious interpretation, reasoning, analyzing memory

smart phones negatively affect your memory process in which ways?

constant surfing doesnt allow storage of info into long term memory.

which of the following is not increased when cancer cells grow in petri dishes in phytonicides?


keicolt-glaser reveals stress effects:

decrease in immune response and wound healing, as well as increase in aging response.

which of the following is not a psychological effect of spending time in nature? Decrease in a resting heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol increases in white blood cell count and biochemicals that have calming affects on the brain increase in the number of natural killer cells and anti-cancer proteins decrease in sleep quality

decrease in sleep quality

according to mythologist joseph campbell this is the progression of the hero's journey.

depature, initiation, and return

The neurotransmitter associated with chemical addictions, which is now also associated with screen addictions, is:


frued believed that stress stems from an overactive _____.


specific to candance pert's stress and disease model:

emotions can either enhance or suppress the immune system through the synthesis and release of neuropeptides throughout the body.

according to the borysenko stress and disease model, lupus is regarded as an:

endogenous overreaction

according to the borysenko stress and disease model, cancer is regarded as an:

endogenous underreaction

what is the hormone that helps with stress response?


all of the following are ways to incresase your vibration out of fear based thought process except

escape negativity by plaing video games

according to the borysenko stress and disease model, allergies is regarded as an:

exogenous over-reaction

according to the borysenko stress and disease model, the common cold is regarded as an:

exogenous underreaction

the helpless-hopeless personality is most closely associated with which factors?

external locus of control

True or False: Resiliency is the alchemy of control, commitment, and challenge


True or False: according to research, type a people are as likely to be found in a rural setting or an urban one.


True or False: in Joan Borysenko's view, fear is the greatest roadblock to the path of one's higher self


True or false: With regard to circadian rhythms, oncologists have discovered that cancer cells respond better to chemotherapy in the afternoon hours than any other time of day.


True or false: spiritual hunger encourages one ot abandon the religion in which they were raised


true or false: Joan borysenko has evolved her theory to include the mystical aspects of human spirituality including UFO's and the search for the holy grail


true or false: NLP is based on the concept that language expands thinking


true or false: a helpless-hopeless personality is a function of an extreme internal locus of control.


true or false: conceptaully, thought stopping is the same things as self-talk


true or false: experts agree that finding and accomplishing one's menaingin life is the true essence of spiritual well-being


true or false: freud believed that defense mechanisms are conscious volitions


true or false: nature-deficit disorder was first observed in adults at the corporate worksite.


true or false: of these attributes-challenge, control and commitment- suzanne kobasa felt that challenge was the most important to determine a hardy personality.


true or false: spirituality and religion are basically the same thing


true or false: the Pranayama is a simple breathing technique that alternates the flow of air through the nostrils and mouth


true or false: the conscious mind understands negative thoughts well


true or false: the unconscious mind understands negative thoughts well.


true or false: unconscious resistance is known to counteract toxic thoughts


according to M. scott peck a person who sees god's will in terms of punishment and reward would fall into this category

formal insitituional individual

which of the following are other names for ecotherapy?

green-therapy, ecopsychology, terra-psychology, deep ecology

what increases during a fight or flight response?

heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and glucose levels.

the primary purpose of journal writing is to

help identify and resolve the causes of stress through self-awareness

Reframing in the form of positive affirmations

helps balance negative self-talk

which of the following is not part of the four-step plan to reconstruct negative thoughts?

holding onto old beliefs

type a characteristic that is thought to be most closely related to heart disease

hostile aggressive behavior

Nature affects us in the following ways

increasing levels of dopamine, cortisol, decreased levels of cortisol levels, giving us a feeling of peace, wonder, and awe

which of the following is part of an effective coping technique?

information processing, modified behaviors, peaceful resolution

which of the following correctly describes the phases of ventilation?

inhale, pause, exhale, pause

poetry therapy is considered a form of:

journal writing

jamie pennebaker found that journal writting helped what?

less cases of disease and illness

stress response initially involves what system?


which of the following is not in the sequence of the fight-or-flight response?

limbic system releases ACTH from hypothalamus

what has the greatest social influence on type a behavior?

material wealth, secularizaton, and immediate gratification

polyphasia is known as:


this is the fourth pillar of human spirituality


panic attacks:

occur abruptly, is a stress response on steroids, can occur at any age, women are prone to them.

Renowned psychologist Carl G. Jung believed that

people create their own reality at an unconscious level, there is a spiritual element to human nature, two unrelated events can have significant meaning, divin wisdom resides at the level of collective unconscious.

which of the following are ways to raise one's vibration

practicing gratitude, find humor in a bad situation, practicing seeing the bigger picture

Type A behavior polyphasia is best described as:

preforming several tasks at one time

what is true of coping strategies

quite often several coping strategies are used together, their effectiveness increases with practice, it is important to have a wide assortment to choose from, no coping techniques will work against all preceived stressed

future shock is best defined as

rapid societal change

codependent behavior deals mostly with this basic fear


Epinephrine is:

released 5 times as often as norepinephrine

current research on spirituality deals primarily with:


opposite of fight or flight

rest and digest

who coined the term nature deficit disorder?

richard louv

the 7.8 Hz vibratin that is produced by waterfalls, whale songs, and scores of other natural wonders is called:

schumann resonance

according to psychotherapist david burns all of the following are examples of cognitive distortion except:

self talk

cognitive restructuring is rooted in the work of albert ellis, who coined the term Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy to suggest that:

self-defeating thoughts should be balanced with positive thoughts

according to deepak chopra there are ________ laws of spiritual success


interestingly enough, the word vacation entered the american lexicon

soon after the civil war.

accptance does not involve which of the following?

staying in control of the situation

which of the following is not something frankl brought to light we can choose our own thoughts we can alter our thinking process we can adopt new perspectives stressful events can be reframed in a positive light

stressful events can be reframed in positive light

Actor Michael J. Fox might be considered an example of personality type

survivor personality

Nien Cheng, a political prisoner in Shanghai, China, would be a prime example of which personality type?

survivor personality

aron ralston, the rock climber, would be an example of what personality type?

survivor personality

according to carl jung, the unconscious mind is well

symbolic thinking

which of the items below is not part of lazarus' coping process?

tertiary appraisal

what is emotional literacy?

the ability to read and respond to your own emotions.

screen addiction was coined specifically to address:

the addiction to computer, smartphone, and tablet screens

codependent personality is best described as_____ according to anne wilson schaef?

the addictive personality

this season of the soul is experienced by many as the dark night of the soul

the connecting process

what is shallow effect related to?

the dumbing down of americans from internet exposure

the first premise of mother earth spirituality suggests that

the earth is a living organism to be honored

which of the following is not considered to be a factor in the "turning point of spiritual consciousness" evident today?

the fall of the berlin wall

According to self-esteem expert Nathanial brandon, high self esteem has been described as:

the immune system of our consciousness

individuation refers to:

the process of self reflection toward wholeness

the japanese word karoshi means

those who die from job stress

according to lazurus which of following is not a purpose of coping skills

tolerate or adjust to negative events or realities, maintain emotional equilibrium

True or False: A commonly held belief that diaphragmatic breathing is that breath has a spiritual quality to it.


True or False: According ot anne wilson schaef codependency has a direct relationship to the absence of spiritual health


True or False: Attention restoration therapy is a term first coined regarding apartment dwellers who had a view of nature.


True or False: Today, more people worldwide live in urban areas than in rural areas


True or False: thoughts, as a form of energy, are thought to have a negative impact on the body


True or false: According to a 2012 pew research study a growing number of millennials see themselves as spiritual but not religious


True or false: Ecotherapy means restoring optimal health through a routine exposure to and experience of nature


True or false: Jung's idea of the shadow is that we all have a dark side of our personality that we need to come to terms with in order to be whole


True or false: When people were shown photos of nature, it was noted there was an increased in alpha waves and serotonin levels


True or false: being in the presence of a force greater than yourself puts things in perspective by reducing the scale of personal problems


True or false: by and large, americans tend to be thoracic breathers, yet when asleep the body naturally returns to diaphragmatic breathing


True or false: humans entrain on forest vibrations by direct contact


True or false: studies that observed the interaction between children and their parents showed that on average, the ratio of negative comments positive comments was 400 to 1


true or false in matthew fox's concept of creation spirituality via transformativa is the path where we are cocreators for better world


true or false: From the philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth, we learn that of faith, hope, and love, love is the greatest aspect of human existence


true or false: Native american spirituality suggest that god or a divine essense resides in all living and non-living matter


true or false: abdominal breathing is known to help relieve the symptoms of chronic pain


true or false: according to reaserch studies a walk in the forest is associated with improved sleep quality


true or false: in england the US, children typically spend less time outside than prison inmates


true or false: physicians in the US are now prescribing nature therapy for their patients as a means to reduce stress


true or false: polyphasia is not a stress-related, debilitating disease


true or false: reframing involves looking at the same situation form new reference or vantage point and finding some good aspect in it?


true or false: self-efficacy is a sense of faith that produces a can-do attitude


true or false: some coping behaviors perpetuate stress rather than promote inner peace


true or false: the idea that personality traits associated with anxiety and depression affect the course of heart disease is now supported by data.


synchronicity is a term that means

two unrelated but meaningful events that occur within the same time period

type d personality is most closely related to what?

type a

what did the landmark western collaborative groups study find?

type a is a greater risk factor than all other risk factors combined

psychic equilibriu means

unity of conscious and unconscious minds

this nerve is associated with relaxation

vagus nerve system

Anxiety breathing is

when a person holds their breath

tend and befriend (by shelley taylor) is used by which group? Women, aids, cancer, men, senior citizens. iraq war veterans


which of the following is not a myth about anger? *anger is a result of frustration *women do not get as angry as men *anger is an instinct * random ventilation of anger validates the anger response *anger is a result of frustration and anger is an instinct

women do not get as angry as men

what can be accurately stated about the gender difference of anger

women not only express anger differently they have different stressors

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