Stress prevention quiz 10,11,12,13--pretest and postests, reading

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Occupational stress refers to distress related to any aspect of a job and its economic costs are many billions of dollars per year. a. True b. False


Mindfulness is based on an ancient contemplative tradition of Tibetan Buddhism called _____, which means "seeing clearly." a. vipassana b. prahayana c. yoga d. tai chi e. acupuncture


Skills that have been acquired from living life that can be applied to almost any field are referred to as _____. a. transferable skills b. life skills c. sought skills d. quality skills e. secondary skills


The federal government sets upper exposure limits for exposure to electromagnetic energy from cell phones, known as the _____. a. specific absorption rate (SAR) b. nuclear sensitivity rate (NSR) c. radiation absorption limit (RAL) d. electromagnetic absorption ratio (EAR) e. electromagnetic reflection capacity (ERC)


Volunteering and community service are good examples of the concept of _____. a. altruism b. compassion c. sympathy d. empathy e. devotion


What are the best methods for creating an opportunity to reflect? a. expressive writing and journaling b. creative writing and scrapbooking c. expressive thinking and meditation d. photography and painting e. writing music and singing


What connection does guided imagery take advantage of to transport you deep into the unconscious? a. mind-body connection b. conscious-subconscious connection c. blood-brain connection d. right-left hemisphere connection e. neuron-nerve connection


What is a psychological benefit of meditation? a. enhanced mood and self-esteem b. enhanced immunity c. decreased blood pressure d. improved memory e. greater creativity


What is the final stage of burnout? a. collapse b. failure c. helplessness d. emotional exhaustion e. shame


What is the literal definition of compassion? a. to suffer together b. to impart wisdom c. to love another d. to have empathy e. to have sympathy


Which skill is a "what" aspect of mindfulness? a. observation b. being nonjudgmental c. being single-minded d. acting effectively e. recuperation


nducing the Relaxation Response starts with which practice? a. sitting quietly and closing your eyes b. deeply breathing in and out c. imagining something relaxing d. taking a deep breath and holding it e. exhaling forcefully


Diaphragmatic breathing is a relaxation technique as well as a key component of practices such as progressive muscle relaxation. a. True b. False


For good or for ill, we cannot separate our individual health from that of the environment in which we live. a. True b. False


Guided imagery takes full advantage of the mind-body connection to transport you deep into the unconscious. a. True b. False


If you do not know in advance what to do when you hit an obstacle, you are more likely to waffle and, as a consequence, tend more towards giving up. a. True b. False


Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on progressive development of mindful awareness. a. True b. False


People who are high in hope may deal with stress more effectively because they tend to anticipate greater well-being in the future, are more confident, and are flexible enough to find alternative pathways to their goals. a. True b. False


Petitionary prayer—praying directly to a higher power—boosts morale; lowers agitation, loneliness, and life dissatisfaction; and enhances ability to cope. a. True b. False


Questions, quizzes, and personality assessments can't tell you what your perfect job would be, but they can help you identify what's important to you in a career and what you enjoy doing. a. True b. False


Some people, especially those with mental disorders or a history of being abused, may experience feelings of emotional discomfort during relaxation exercises. a. True b. False


Some practitioners describe the untrained mind as a "curious monkey" constantly flitting from one thing to the next and pulling all sorts of "monkey tricks." a. True b. False


Spirituality is a belief in what some call a higher power, in someone or something that transcends the boundaries of self. a. True b. False


The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine defines meditation as a mind-body intervention in which a person focuses attention in a nonjudgmental way in order to achieve a state of greater calmness, relaxation, and psychological balance. a. True b. False


The biggest source of stress is fear, often a fear of failure that prompts you to step away from risks and look for a way out. a. True b. False


The human body responds to mental images and sensations almost as if they were real. a. True b. False


The time to start developing tools to navigate the work world is sooner rather than later, with the first step being to create a professional-quality resume. a. True b. False


Therapists who help individuals, families, and groups deal with unhealthy behavior such as addictions have developed a specific technique to lower the likelihood of relapses called rehearsal. a. True b. False


Values clarification is not a once-in-a-lifetime task, but an ongoing process of sorting out what matters most to you. a. True b. False


Western religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Protestantism, and Islam incorporate meditative practices such as repetitive prayer and contemplative silence. a. True b. False


When exhaling, the diaphragm relaxes, pushing up into the lungs and expelling air. a. True b. False


When something bad happens, compartmentalize it rather than letting the traumatic event or difficult situation pervade all areas of your life. a. True b. False


When you are mindful, you pay careful attention to what you're thinking, feeling, and sensing in the here and now, without analyzing or reacting to what you experience. a. True b. False


Like a tree, each lung has many branches, called bronchial tubes, which carry air to the diaphragm. a. True b. False

False, carries it to the alveoli

A dieter who visualizes politely declining whipped cream for a piece of pecan pie and eating just three bites is engaging in _____. a. escapism b. plan B action c. relapse rehearsal d. creative writing e. expressive thinking


Yogic breathing, also called Pilates in Greek, helps energize the body, quiet the mind, and clarify perception. a. True b. False

false, called pranayama in Sanskrit

The word "forgive" means "making amends" in Italian, and refers to what happens when you practice forgiveness. a. True b. False

false, comes from Greek "letting it go"

As breathing becomes more rhythmic, the number of inhalations and exhalations per minute increases. a. True b. False

false, decreases

Meditation is defined as which kind of intervention? a. mind-brain b. mind-body c. brain-body d. chemical-physical e. emotional-psychological


Mindfulness is most similar to _____. a. deep relaxation b. intense concentration c. powerful hallucination d. abstract thought e. daydreaming


According to numerous studies on health, _____ individuals are less depressed, less anxious, and better able to cope with stress and crises such as illness or divorce than are _____ ones. a. nonspiritual; spiritual b. religious; nonreligious c. nonreligious; religious d. empathetic; sympathetic e. honest; dishonest


Attending a _____ or participating in an online _____ in resume preparation can boost applicants' _____ and their success in finding employment. a. conference; discussion; perspective b. workshop; webinar; confidence c. class; workshop; health d. party; forum; intelligence e. dinner; blog; empathy


Being able to recognize your typical responses to job stressors is an example of which kind of emotional intelligence? a. self-management b. self-awareness c. body language d. relationship management e. anger management


Unlike your heartbeat, you can control your breathing, making it _____ rather than _____. a. effective; ineffective b. voluntary; automatic c. involuntary; conscious d. unconscious; subconscious e. automated; manual


What happens to air when it is inhaled through the nose? a. dried b. humidified c. cooled d. condensed e. acidified


Which part of the brain is the "feeling" hemisphere? a. left hemisphere b. right hemisphere c. front hemisphere d. rear hemisphere e. lower hemisphere


Which skills need to be mastered to increase the likelihood of getting a job and starting a career? a. writing introductory e-mails and dressing stylish b. developing debating skills and learning politically correct language c. preparing for interviews and writing a professional resume d. making a positive impression on potential employers and learning another language e. practicing better hygiene and learning to manipulate people's emotions


Employees who work 40-hour workweeks report less sleep and exercise, more work-family conflict, and more difficulty in trying to maintain their households. a. True b. False

false, its 60

A recent review of scientific studies found that mindfulness meditation can decrease which common issues in college students? a. hunger and poor digestion b. muscle pain and joint aches c. depression and bipolar disorder d. stress and anxiety e. eye strain and hearing problems


According to a recent study, work stress shortens the average Americans' life span by _____. a. at least 7 years b. nearly 6 years c. over 4 years d. nearly 3 years e. about 1 year


When first learning breathing exercises, you should inhale through your _____ and exhale through your _____ as if you were breathing out through a _____. a. mouth; mouth; paper bag b. mouth; nostrils; straw c. nostrils; nostrils; paper bag d. nostrils; mouth; straw e. mouth; mouth; straw


Hypnosis uses medication to induce an altered state of consciousness that is similar to sleep. a. True b. False


Mindful breathing combines breathing, counting, and walking to achieve a form of mild hypnosis and relaxation. a. True b. False


Mindfulness is the opposite of mindlessness and occurs when we tune out what is happening around us. a. True b. False


Most people can consciously relax their muscles completely with enough effort. a. True b. False


A resume—whether on paper or online—provides a potential employer with a second or follow-up impression of your experience and skills. a. True b. False

false, its a first impression of your experience and skills

The different formats for resumes include typographical, structural, and combination. a. True b. False

false, its chronological, functional, and combination

Only a small minority of new college graduates say that a balanced life is their top priority. a. True b. False

false, majority

Workaholics, who labor excessively hard and compulsively, tend to take a lot of pleasure in their work. a. True b. False

false, they are energetic and enthusiastic but dont have pleasure in their jobs

In dozens of studies of survivors of natural catastrophes, plane crashes, terrorist attacks, and imprisonment as POWs, researchers have discovered that resilient individuals are extraordinary in virtually every way. a. True b. False

false, they are ordinary in many ways. "They come from every race, ethnic and economic group, educational and social background. But in the face of a crisis, resilient people turn right back into adversity and feed off it as a source of energy."

Positive effects of meditation include symptom relief for patients with fibromyalgia, cancer, hypertension, and psoriasis. a. True b. False


CHAPTER 12 Breathing, Relaxation, and Guided Imagery


Chapter 11-occupational and environmental stress


Chpt 10-spirituality pre/posttest


CHAPTER 13-Mindfulness, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis


Ex-smokers who keep some nicotine gum in their car are engaging in _____. a. escapism b. plan B action c. relapse rehearsal d. creative writing e. expressive thinking


Hearing damage from noise first begins as a diminished sensitivity to frequencies around _____ hertz, the highest notes of a piano. a. 500 b. 4,000 c. 11,000 d. 20,000 e. 28,000


In general, _____ tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics. a. prayer b. spirituality c. church going d. blessing others e. empathy


In some cases, the improvements from mindfulness and meditation are comparable to those produced by _____, but without any side effects or safety issues. a. hypnosis b. psychiatric drugs c. physical therapy d. psychotherapy e. vigorous exercise


Although part of many _____ traditions, meditation is not a _____ practice. a. religious; spiritual b. healing; health c. faith; religious d. ancient; difficult e. spiritual; relaxing


Diaphragmatic breathing begins with which action? a. inhaling slowly b. inhaling rapidly c. exhaling forcefully d. exhaling partially e. decreasing abdominal pressure


Progressive or deep muscle relaxation (PMR) involves a(n) _____ component and a(n) _____ component. a. mental; emotional b. physical; chemical c. physical; mental d. chemical; physiological e. emotional; neurological


Psychological demands combined with low control or decision-making ability over one's job leads to which cause of occupational stress? a. workaholism b. stress overload c. a sense of powerlessness d. aggressive treatment e. demeaning treatment


What is a potential cognitive benefit of mindfulness that may help young children in particular? a. increased motor coordination b. reduced risk of major depression c. help in treatment of attention disorders d. relief of chronic pain e. enhanced immunity


What is the estimated percentage of college students who already have jobs of some sort? a. 30% b. 45-55% c. 60-70% d. 75-85% e. 95%


What type of writing lets it all out and puts pain, fear, anger, frustrations, and grief down on paper? a. reflective journaling b. third-person writing c. cathartic writing d. stream-of-consciousness journaling e. dialogue journaling


When practiced regularly, expressive writing taps your _____ and _____ in ways that are surprising and not immediately clear. a. spirit; soul b. intelligence; wisdom c. unconscious; creativity d. consciousness; emotions e. patience; perseverance


Which activity can be considered a physically active form of spirituality? a. jogging b. wrestling c. yoga d. stretching e. swimming


Which is a form of self-hypnosis? a. yogic breathing b. visualization c. guided imagery d. creative imagination e. counting breathing


Which term best describes self-hypnosis? a. relaxed b. zoned out c. focused d. hyped up e. strung out


According to positive psychology, what is a key component of a fulfilling, happy, balanced life? a. material wealth b. self sacrifice c. meditation d. supportive relationships e. sexual fulfillment


At high doses, what kind of medicine can cause a hearing problem called tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? a. acetaminophen b. ibuprofen c. antibiotics d. aspirin e. chamomile


Guided imagery has been proven helpful for which conditions? a. migraines, cancer, and heart disease b. insomnia, hypotension, and kidney disease c. osteoarthritis, sinusitis, and pneumonia d. headaches, asthma, and hypertension e. rheumatoid arthritis, depression, and liver disease


Relaxation involves letting go of built up stress in our _____ and our _____. a. body; limbs b. arms; legs c. nerves; muscles d. muscles; minds e. brains; spinal cords


Separating a traumatic event and keeping it within limits instead of letting it pervade all areas of your life is known as _____. a. dissecting b. rebuffing c. blocking d. compartmentalizing e. deflecting


The altered state induced by meditation effectively cancels out which response? a. reflex response b. parasympathetic response c. creative response d. stress response e. mind-body response


Those with the _____ educational attainment are _____ affected by workplace stress than individuals with the _____ education. a. least; less; most b. most; most; highest c. highest; more; lowest d. highest; less; least e. cheapest; less; pricier


What characteristic is often used to describe resilient individuals? a. efficient b. cold-blooded c. intelligent d. hardy e. peaceful


Which mindfulness practice uses rhythm to stay in the present moment? a. using a mindfulness app b. watching meditation videos c. mindful breathing d. mindful walking e. mindful talking


As you are systematically relaxing yourself for self-hypnosis, which phrase should you repeat when moving to your jaw and neck? a. "heavier and heavier" b. "more and more energized" c. "smooth and calm" d. "lower and weaker" e. "loose and relaxed"


As you start breathing exercises, where should the air travel as you inhale? a. stomach → abdomen → lower chest b. stomach →lower chest → middle chest c. diaphragm → middle chest → upper chest d. abdomen → upper chest → lower chest e. abdomen → middle chest → upper ches


Hypnosis relies on the power of _____, usually a series of steps that narrow _____ and deepen _____. a. intelligence; emotions; suggestion b. concentration; relaxation; emotions c. emotions; anxiety; awareness d. sleep; wakefulness; sleepiness e. suggestion; awareness; relaxation


Psychologist Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi coined the term _____ to describe a zone in which people become so absorbed in an activity that they lose consciousness of space and time. a. zoned b. drenched c. captured d. engrossed e. flow


Relaxation targets the _____ nervous system, which releases _____, a neurotransmitter that decreases metabolic activity. a. sympathetic; adrenaline b. sympathetic; acetylcholine c. central; serotonin d. parasympathetic; serotonin e. parasympathetic; acetylcholine


What are two characteristics of resilient people? a. honest and moral b. serious and pessimistic c. young and healthy d. unemotional and deflective e. resourceful and flexible


What form of training is mindfulness? a. intellectual b. psychological c. emotional d. physical e. mental


What kind of breathing involves chest expansion and rising shoulders with every inhalation? a. diaphragmatic breathing b. abdominal breathing c. belly breathing d. shoulder breathing e. thoracic breathing


What kind of job-related stress can undermine your physical and psychological well-being? a. irritation b. eustress c. periodic distress d. acute distress e. chronic distress


What kind of worker reports the lowest levels of energy, pleasure, skills, and challenge? a. fatigued workers b. workaholics c. engaged workers d. enthusiastic workers e. burned-out workers


What statement is most true of our current understanding about climate change? a. Everywhere is warmer. b. Everywhere is cooler. c. Everywhere is wetter. d. Weather patterns are predictable. e. Weather patterns are different.


No research supports the idea that there are potentially harmful effects from cell phone use, such as increased risk of cancer, neurological disorders, sleep problems, or headaches. a. True b. False


Solar radiation passes right through Earth's surface instead of being absorbed. a. True b. False


The relaxed state induced by meditation increases metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, similar to what occurs during sleep or hibernation. a. True b. False


The stress response activates the parasympathetic nervous system and increases epinephrine and serotonin. a. True b. False


When hypnotized, a person goes into an altered state of consciousness called the superconscious. a. True b. False


While you're not usually aware of being under a lot of stress, you always notice burnout when it happens. a. True b. False


Being single-minded involves focusing all your attention on what may happen in the future. a. True b. False


Guided imagery is considered a relaxation technique, but not a form of self-hypnosis. a. True b. False

false, "Considered a relaxation technique, a meditation exercise, and a form of self-hypnosis, guided imagery is especially effective in reducing stress because it involves body, mind, senses, and emotions."

In stream-of-consciousness journaling, you record your reactions and behaviors to especially stressful situations. a. True b. False

false, "In stream-of-consciousness journaling, you simply record whatever thoughts come into your mind. Sit quietly and breathe deeply. "

In dialogue journaling, you write of yourself in third person in order to better capture your feelings. a. True b. False

false, In dialogue journaling, you split yourself into two or more identities. In essence, you compose a script with at least two characters. One character might talk only of the difficulties you're facing. Another might mention the support and resources available to you. A third might comment on the exchange between the other two. Write a back-and-forth conversation, giving each character equal opportunity to make points and counterpoints.

The word "relax" comes from the Greek for relapse, meaning "to begin again." a. True b. False

false, Latin relaxare, meaning "to loosen."

Mental health professionals have developed sophisticated therapeutic approaches that can help in managing stress, such as creative writing and scrapbooking. a. True b. False

false, expressive writing and journaling

When we feel compassion, our heart rate slows down, we secrete the "bonding hormone" serotonin, and regions of the brain linked to love, passion, and feelings of pleasure light up. a. True b. False

false, we secrete oxytocin

After years of doubt and debate, leading experts agree that the buildup of greenhouse gases is changing climate and weather patterns in new and potentially dangerous ways. a. True b. False


By being mindful, you think only about what if or if only. a. True b. False

obviously false

Because hypnotized individuals are more suggestible, they are more receptive to breaking bad habits, such as smoking and overeating. a. True b. False


Bedtime breathing is a form of diaphragmatic breathing used to focus your mind. a. True b. False


A sense of powerlessness is a factor that contributes to occupational stress. a. True b. False


According to some scientific studies, mindfulness and meditation generally yield "small to moderate reductions" in negative effects of stress, such as anxiety and depression, as well as in pain. a. True b. False


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