Studies in Revelation Mid-Term

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What Old Testament parallels especially help us understand the vision of the first four seals?

Zechariah 1 and 6

Which of the following represents an appropriate application of the messages to the churches, according to Reynolds?

A message that applies to the seven named churches in Asia Minor A message that applies to all churches in every time and place A message that applies to individuals in their own personal lives A message that applies to the history of the Christian church through the Christian era

What is the best characterization of the church in Pergamos?

A state-recognized church, tolerant, with some faithful, but many compromising faith

According to Stefanovic, what was the major issues for Christians in the first-century Thyatira?

A woman was teaching God's people that it was ok to participate in the guild festivals

To what historical period does Reynolds assign the church of Pergamos?

A.D. 321-538

The most widely proposed date of writing for the book of Revelation is

AD 95

What was the counsel of Jesus to the church of Smyrna?

Be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life

Why is the Lion of Judah declared worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?

Because He was slain and has redeemed people to God by His blood and made them kings and priests to God

Based on the parallels with Ezekiel's visions, what mus the 4 "living creatures" represent?

Cherubim an order of heavenly beings that function as special agents to effect God's will

Which is most the prevalent interpretative methodology among Evangelical Christians today?

Dispensational futurism

According to your reading, who was the Roman emperor that banished John to Patmos?


What is Reynold's position on eclecticism as a method for interpreting Revelation?

Eclecticism is not a valid method since it accepts the presuppositions of invalid methods.

What was the promise of Jesus to the overcomer in Laodicea"?

I will grant him/her the privilege of sitting with Me on My throne

According to Reynolds, how should "the Lord's day" in Rev 1:10 be understood biblically?

It is a reference to the seventh day Sabbath, which God calls "My Holy day" (Isa 58:13)

In which one of the following ways is Revelation like typical Jewish apocalyptic?

It is based largely on claims of visions, dreams, and auditions from heavenly sources

According to Reynolds, what is the nature of the book which is written on both sides and is sealed with seven seals?

It is the book of the covenant, which records God's will and plan for the heirs of salvation

What significant role does the 5th seals play in the theme and plot of the book Revelation?

It raises the question of God's justice which is subsequently answered in the book

What does Stefanovic say about the history of the city of Sardis?

It was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia ruled by the wealthy King Croesus

According to Reynolds, what statement of the covenant is cited in doxology in 1:5-6

Jesus has made us to be a kingdom of priests to serve our God and His Father

Who does the best internal and external evidence support as John who wrote Revelation?

John the son of Zebedee

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the apocalyptic genre of writings?

Poetic form

What has traditionally been the SDA interpretation method for the book of Revelation?

Recapitulationist historicism

Based on the information given in Rev 4-5, what do the 24 elders seem to represent?

Redeemed humans who function as kings and priests in fulfillment of God's covenant promises

What counsel does Jesus give to the church of Ephesus?

Repent and do the first works, or I will come to you quickly and remove you lampstand

What spiritual application can be made of the events shown under the opening of the 3rd seal?

Spiritual darkness and error result from famine for the word of God

What did the teaching of the Nicolaitans represent, according to Reynolds in class?

That it was no longer necessary to keep the law of God

What is the basic teaching of modern preterism?

That the book of Revelation is primarily about the pagan Roman empire of John's day.

To what Old Testament experience does Jesus probably allude when He tells Thyatira that He gave the false prophetess time to repent of her immorality but she would not?

The 3 1/2 years that there was no dew or rain in Israel because of their worship of Baal

What is represented by "the key of David" in Jesus' message to the church in Philadelphia?

The Messianic authority to govern God's people and provide the way to salvation.

According to Reynolds, what is the significance of the descriptions of God and what was going on around his throne in Rev 4 and Ezek 1?

The descriptions are indicative primarily of qualities and functions, not physical features

According to the article by Reynolds, what is probably the most important literary feature of the book of Revelation?

The division of the book into two parts, one salvation-historical and one eschatological

What is the explicit purpose of the of the book of Revelation?

To show God's servants the things that must soon take place

With what other biblical passage does Stefanovic say the seven seals find significant parallels?

With the events described by Jesus in Matthew 24

What does the gold tried in the fire seem to represent, judging from the parallel in 1 Peter 1:7

Faith refined through trials

For what does Stefanovic say Laodicea was widely know in its day?

For being a wealthy banking and commercial center with a large quantity of gold in store For the soft, glossy black wool from which much clothing was being manufactured For a medical school at which any eye ointment was made from Phrygian powder and oil

Who is the Alpha and the Omega in 1:8, according to most expositors of the book?

God the Father

What is represented by the hidden manna promised to the overcomer, according to Reynolds?

God's ability to give and sustain life forever, as He did for the manna in the side of the ark Jesus Christ, the Bread of life, who came down from heaven to give His life for the world. The word of God hidden in our hearts to nourish our spiritual lives and preserve us

What is the role of Jesus in Rev 4?

He invites John to come up and view things which will take place in the future

What does Stefanovic say about the significance of the throne room scene in Rev 4?

He says it is not a specific even but ongoing worship pointing to creation and redemption

What warning did Jesus give to Pergamos if they would not repent?

He would come and fight against them with the sword of His mouth

What does John mean when he states that he was in the Spirit on the Lord's day?

His mind was carried away in vision by the Spirit while meditating on the Sabbath day?

To whom is the book of Revelation Explicitly addressed?

To seven churches in (the Roman province of) Asia

What does Stefanovic say the opening of the seven seals in Rev 6 is about?

The events are things that take place on earth as a result of Christ's actions in heaven

What apparent biblical context is revealed in the judgments seen under the 4th seal?

The four judgements of God agaisnt jerusalem for covenant violations are paralleled

What do the seven stars in the right hand of the One like a son of man actually represent?

The human leaders of the seven churches

What sources would be reasonable to assume John may have use in recording what he saw?

The language of biblical literature Language from the thought world of his day Language describing prevailing customs and practices ALL OF THE ABOVE

What is represented by seven horns on the slain Lamb, according to Reynolds?

The omnipotence of Jesus

What is represented by the golden bowls full of incense in 5:8, according to the text?

The prayers of the saints

According to Stefanovic, what is the apparent nature of the long robe worn by the "One like a son of man" in Rev 1:13?

The robe is that of the high priest officiating in the sanctuary

What does Stefanovic say about the Old Testament background of the scroll in Rev 5?

The scroll is the book of the covenant which has to be kept next to the king on his throne, to be read for guidance in ruling God's people

What did Jesus have that Sardis needed more than anything else in its situation?

The seven Spirits of God

What does the sword that comes out of the mouth of the "one like a Son of man" represent?

The word of God which He speaks, which will judge people at the last day

What does the eyesalve represent, according to the biblical backgrounds presented in class

The work of Holy Spirit in enlightening the understanding through God's word

What does Jesus say He expects of the rest in Thyatira, who do not hold to the false teaching?

They are asked nothing more than to hold fast until He comes

What was the major problem with Laodiciea, according to Jesus?

They were unaware of their real, destitute spiritual condition

According to Reynold's, what is the primary function of the witness of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus in 1:2?

To authenticate the veracity of the message that follows by a trustworthy two-fold witness.

According to Reynold's, What is the most important purpose for studying John's Revelation?

To see a revelation of the character and the role of Jesus Christ in bringing us to salvation

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