Subject-Verb Agreement (Is vs Are)

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"Person" (do we use "is" or "are"?)

'Person' is the SINGULAR version of "people", so we use 'is'. This is of course to talk about one person.

"Children" (do we use "is" or "are"?)

'children' is the PLURAL form of 'child'. Therefore, we use "is" when saying 'child', and "are" when saying 'children'. There is more than one child when we say 'children'!

"are" ("they" refers to multiple people!)

Fill in the blank (is/are): I can hear the marching band practicing their songs. They ______ so loud!

"are" ("children" is the PLURAL form of "child", so there is more than one child)

Fill in the blank (is/are): In my opinion, children _____ the most creative.

"are" (John + Sara = 2; more than 1 person)

Fill in the blank (is/are): John and Sara ______ such nice neighbors!

"is" ("family" is a SINGULAR noun, although it seems like more than one person. We would only use "are" if we said the PLURAL form of 'family', which is 'families')

Fill in the blank (is/are): Juan's family _____ really big; he has 20 cousins!

"is" ("pencil" is one thing!)

Fill in the blank (is/are): My pencil _____ not sharp.

"is" ("a person" is only 1!)

Fill in the blank (is/are): There ____ a person standing in front of me at the coffee shop.

"People" (do we use "is" or "are"?)

People is the PLURAL of person. It takes the plural of the verb 'to be' (are) and the plural of any other type of verb.


True or False: this sentence is correct: "Many people is going to the concert."


True or False: this sentence is correct: "People are often afraid of noises at night."


True or False: this sentence is correct: "He is a person who likes music."


True or False: this sentence is correct: "Only one person is allowed in at a time."

Click on the link for a helpful video!

"Family" (do we use "is" or "are"?)

we use "is" for family! Even though *technically* 'family' refers to a group of people, there is only ONE family, so we use "is". The PLURAL form of family is 'families'. For 'families', we would use "are"!

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