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Who was one of Stanton's only allies on Resolution #9?

Frederick Douglass. He attended the Seneca Falls Convention and made the tide-turning speech In Support of Resolution #9

Which president did women help to elect?

Harding: calm, bland, won in a landslide

Why did Cox want suffrage?

He thought that women would vote for the League of Nations. When he heard of the vote in TN: "The Civilization of the world is saved" (310)

What was Harding's contribution to the suffrage debate?

He was in favor of ratification, but didn't want to encourage a single Tennessee legislator to vote against their duty to uphold states rights. There was an argument that the state should delay ratification u til after an election even though the UD Supreme Court had declared state interference of this sort with constitutional amendments unconstitutional.

Which five states have rescinded their ratification of the ERA?

Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, South Dakota, Tennessee

How was race central to the Anti cause?

If the 19th amendment passed, black women would be allowed to vote and then the demand that black men be allowed to vote would surface again.

How was Alice Paul treated during suffrage movement?

Imprisoned, solitary confinement, force fed during hunger strikes, examined after being accused of insanity

Which presidential candidate took Tennessee?

James M. Cox, Democrat

Who led the Tennessee antis?

Josephine Pearson

Most significant antis during Tennessee battle?

Josephine Pearson, Charlotte Rowe field secretary of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. (Ironically, a total political operative.) She was a militant, the Anti equivalent of Alice Paul or Emmeline Pankhurst, a British militant

Who was another famous anti?

Journalist Ida Tarbell...another paradox that suffragists didn't understand

When was the Seneca Falls Convention?

July 19-20, 1848

Which Utah suffragists participated in the Night of Terror?

Lovern Robertson and Minnie Quay.

Who was with Stanton at that meeting?

Lucretia Mott

Who funded the NAWSA movement?

Mirian Leslie, the self-made millionaire business woman who married Frank Leslie then, after his death, remade his Illustrated Magazine into an empire. On her death, she bequeathed her fortune to Carrie Chapman Catt to spend on Suffrage. The equivalent of 50 million in today's dollars.

Respectability vs Outlaw

NAWSA vs Woman's Party

What similarities did the women's movement share with the American Revolution?

No taxation without representation!

Did Henry Stanton attend the conference?

No, because he disagreed with the idea that women should get the right to vote (Resolution #9)

Was Catt in the ratification debates?

No. Suffrage strategy was to keep those who weren't from Tennessee out of sight. Avoid carpetbagger talk. (Tennessee antis we're still complaining about the federal imposition of the 14th Amendment.

We're any black women present for the ratification debates?

No. Their presence would only hurt the cause.

What state was considering ratification at the same time as Tennessee?

North Carolina. They voted to DELAY for an entire year. Easier to think a little longer than to vote!!! Scared the suffs in Tennessee.

How did Lucretia Mott feel about Resolution #9?

Not good. She thought it was too bold.

When was the night of Terror?

November 14, 1917

How was the membership of NAWSA and NWP different?

Old, married, wealthy vs young, single, and self-supporting

What happened to black voters in 1920?

Over 50 murdered in Florida.

Who played Charlotte Rowe's roll against the ERA?

Phyllis Schlafly (using the same arguments)

What other organizations were thrown under the bus by the suffrage movement?

Prohibition, Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Lesgue, black women's suffrage associations.

In the late 19th-early 20th century, what party was more liberal?


When was the first Women's Rights convention held?

Seneca Falls, NY (Stanton's home) in 1848.

What negotiation did CCC and a Roberts undertake?

She convinced Luke Lea to keep some of the worst satire out of there papers if Roberts would allow multiple suffrage ratification committees to play a role in the state rather than just one relatively ineffective committee run by his allies.

How did Alice Paul think of WWI?

She did not support the war, but kept her focus on suffrage. This earned her many enemies who called her unpatriotic.

How tough was Carrie Catt?

She lost her first husband after 18 months. She lost her second husband, mother, brother, and Susan Anthony in the space of two years.

How did Alice Paul treat black suffragists?

She wouldn't let Ida B Wells March in the March in Washington in 1913 because Paul didn't want to alienate white southern women.

What did the antis (Charlotte Rowe) call the Suffs?

Solcialists & Bolsheviks

Where were the Grimke sisters from?

South Carolina. In the 1830s and 1840/ they spoke out against the evils of slavery. They were criticized not just for the content of their speeches, but for speaking in public who Co was contrary to Paul's NT teachings.

How did the women's movement respond to the ERA?

Split. Labor and Social Welfare leaders worried it would erase protective regulations for women. Against: Catt, the League of Women Voters, Eleanor Roosevelt, New Dealers

What did Stanton & Anthony do you fight against slavery and for women?

Stanton became president of the Women's National Loyal League and Anthony secretary in 1863.

How did the 15th amendment affect the women's suffrage movement?

Stanton, Anthony and their supporters formed the National Woman Suffrage Association. Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Howe and more moderate feminists formed the American Woman Suffrage Association.

How were Stanton and Anthony different?

Stanton: "I forged the thunderbolts and she fired them." Stanton married, children, gregarious; Anthony single, disciplined, abstemious.

Who drafted the ERA?

Sue White, Alice Paul, and Crystal Eastman. Tú te introduced it into Congress in 1923.

What was the argument against suffrage to Cox's (and the Democratic) mind?

Suffrage would turn out the black vote which tended to be a Republican. Suffragists made the (tired, discouraging) argument that there were more white women than total black voters.

What was the first wave of feminism?

Suffrage; 2nd wave: 1960s-1970s

What happened on November 14, 1917?

Suffragists were arrested and imprisoned and tortured. They were released only after word got out about what was happening. WWI was raging and the public considered the protests unpatriotic.

How many women voted on November 2, 1920?

Ten million (1/3 of eligible women voters). 3 women for every 5 men voters.

What was the 36th state (last required) to ratify the 19th amendment?


How did antis respond to the argument that there were more white women than blacks?

That blacks were more engaged voters. 99% of blacks voted while only 20% of white women voted. (Seth Walker brought this up during the ratification debate in TN).

What is a significant criticism of Carr's League of a Women Voters?

That it siphoned off the talent from practice to education

When did African Americans get the right to vote?

The 15th Amendment passed in 1870; things got easier in 1965; still challenging

Where did Stanton's passion for women suffrage begin?

The 1840 World's Anti-Slavery Convention where she wasn't allowed to participate because she was a woman (the Bible; societal custom)

What was the model for their Declaration of Sentiments?

The Declarationnof Independence

What is the 19th Amendment?

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

How did suffragists acommodate white supremacists?

They argued that giving women the vote would protect white interests because there were more white women than black people in the US.

What was Anne Dudley's reply to the argument that women shouldn't vote because they didn't bear arms?

They bear armies

How did the NAACP feel about the suffrage movement?

Tired by the hypocrisy

What did Woodrow Wilson do in summer 1919?

Toured the country by railroad arguing for the League of Nations. In terrible health, he was rushed back to DC after he suffered a stroke. He suffered a second stroke in DC that left him partially paralyzed.

Which state has produced the most presidents?

Virginia, Ohio, then New York...

Why was summer 1920 such a tough time?

WWI hadn't ended all wars; Bolsheviks marching across Europe; Mexico in civil war; Ottoman Turks fighting Greece; strikes, increasing violence as a result of prohibition, Sacco &. Vanzetti; J Edgar Hoover was keeping secret files, Charles Ponzi started his first scheme, White Sox threw the 1919 World Series (Cincinnati Reds won), Warren Harding campaigning on an isolationist "America First" wave.

Who were the Presidential contenders who were self-interested in the outcome?

Warren G Harding, Republican; Ohio; and James M Cox, Democrat; Ohio. Both Governors of Ohio.

Who was the Republican presidential nominee in 1919?

Warren G Harding. Wife Florence was a keen suffragist. He watched and waited to see what was politically expedient.

When did Carrie Catt become a suffragist?

When her father, brother, and hired hands laughed at her when she asked her mother why she wasn't going to town to vote for Horace Greeley against Ulysses Grant in the 1872 election.

Which of the anti arguments were right?

Women did NOT form a voting block; women did NOT purify the conversation; women did NOT end all war

What was Warren G Harding's weakness?

Women. He'd had a fifteen year affair that his wife knew about. He's also fathered a baby girl with a 20 year old the year before the election.

Who weren't Presidential candidates in 1920?

Woodrow Wilson wanted a third term but his party leaders didn't want him to have it; Theodore Roosevelt died in 1919, leaving the Republican Party without an heir apparent.

What was the suffrage color?


Who was Alice Paul?

in 1913 she founded what would become the NWP. She believed that NAWSA did not go far enough.

What did Catt do with the Leslie funds after 1920?

Dedicated them to securing female suffrage internationally. 30 more nations joined in the next 20 years

What was a NWP slogan?

Democracy Begins at Home

Who was governor of Tennessee in 1920?

Democrat Albert Houston Roberts. He called the special session for the legislature to consider the 19th Amendment. His support they amendment (among other things) doomed his re-election.

What party did Tennessee Governor Albert Roberts belong to?

Democratic. He lost the election following ratification.

Who was one of Carr's best known protégés?

Eleanor Roosevelt. She worked in the LWV.

Who formed the women's movement?

Elizabeth Stanton: the philosopher; Lucretia Mott: the moral force; Lucy Stone: the voice; Susan Anthony: the organizer

Susan B Anthony's parting motto?

Failure is Impossible

When did Roberts call the special legislative session?

For August 9th: After his primary. He didn't want to call it at all. Suffrage would make it considerably harder for a Democrat to win. But Woodrow Wilson asked him to. Both parties in the state wanted him to. The Supreme Court said that states couldn't delay federal amendment processes. He had to go ahead...much to his own political doom.

What did Tennessee do in November 1920?

For the first time since reconstruction, it voted Republican. Governor Albert Roberts lost.

How did William Lloyd Garrison respond?

"After battling so many long years, for the liberties of African slaves, I can take no part in a convention that strikes down the most sacred rights of all women."

What was the suffragist's condescending description of antis?

"Home, heaven, and mother crowd" p117

What did H L Mencken call Harding's speeches?

"Wet sponges" p113

When did Abigail Adams tell John to "remember the ladies"?


When was the first national women's rights conference?

1850 in Worcester,MA organized by Lucy Stone

When did Susan B Anthony enter the cause of women's rights?


When did the two organizations form the NAWSA?


When did Carrie become president of the NAWSA?

1900. She succeeded Susan B Anthony

When were antis efforts to beat ratification back ended?

1922 with a decision written by Louis Brandeis.

When did Native Americans secure the right to vote?

1924, although state laws prohibited voting at the state level in several states until 1957

When did Chinese Americans get the right to vote?


When did Japanese Americans get the right to vote?


When did the number of women voters as a percentage equal men? When did it surpass men?

1960s. 1980s.

When was the ERA finally passed by Congress?


When could a woman obtain a credit card in her own name with a male cosignatory?


How long did suffragists carry on the Silent Sentinel of a Liberty?

2 1/2 years—Jan 2017 until the 19th Amendment passed.

How many nations gave the vote to women before the US ?

20 including Germany .

How many nations had already granted women the right to vote?

20-including Germany!

When did the US Supreme Court overturn Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act?

2013 (Ended the requirement that jurisdictions with a history of racial discrimination seek federal approval before making changes to voting rules

How many nations had female suffrage in 1920?


Why were 36 states needed for ratification?

3/4s of the 48 states

Who are featured in the Tennessee sculpture?

4 Tennessee women: Sue White, Anne Dudley, Abby Milton, Frankie Pierce, and the fifth is Carrie Catt.

How many signatures did the Women's National Loyal Lea guy e gather between 1863 and 1864?

400,000!!! Delivered to Senator Charles Sumner to make the anti slavery argument.

What was the vote on ratification?

49-47. Harry Burn followed his mother's advice and voted for. Then, anti Seth Walker changed his vote in order to take advantage of a rule that allowed him to call a rebote within 72 hours. 50-46. He couldn't peel off any votes during that 72 hours.

How many people signed the Declaration of Sentiments?

68 women and 32 men

What presidents were from Ohio?

8!!! (Or 7; BH was born in Ohio, but considered himself from Indiana) William Henry Harrison, Ulysses S Grant, Rutherford B Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, Warren G Harding

Who was Sue White?

A member of Alice Paul's NWP. From Tennessee. She'd run out of patience for politeness. Her nickname was "Lady Warrior."

What is a common pattern in protest movements?

A schism between the confrontational, militant group and the more conservative voices.

What vote happened first?

A vote to table the 19th Amendment: Tied at 48-48. Banks Turner cast the unexpected voy me to create the tie and keep the 19th alive.

What was the root of the suffrage movement?


Who was governor of Tennessee in 1919?

Albert Roberts who didn't want suffrage because he feared that it would make his re-election more difficult.

Why did the NAWSA and the NWP split?

Alice Paul wanted to abandon the state by state approach for a constitutional amendment and wanted to use more confrontational tactics.

How did suffragists/abolitionists feels about Lincoln? The Emancipation Proclamation?

Ambivalent. They didn't think he moved fast enough. They didn't think the EP went far enough. It didn't end slavery in America, just outlawed it in the rebellious states where it couldn't actually be enforced.

What is a Solon?

An Athenian statesman...Catt used the word as a synonym for statsemanship

Who was yet another famous anti?

Annie Nathan Meyer, feminist, founder of Barnard, thought suffragists were self-righteous.

What groups did women collect into?

Antis and Suffs (National American Woman Suffrage Association, National Woman's Party (militant))

When did the US enter WWI?

April 6, 1917

How did suffragists treat blacks?

As badly as their cause demanded. Anthony and Stanton argued against the 15th amendment, descending into "depths of vile racist rhetoric" (135)

The ironic justice of the summer of 1920?

As women worked for (and won the vote), the functional president of the United States was a woman: Edith Wilson.

When did Catt feel that the arc bent toward success?

At the World's Fair of 1893 when Susan B Anthony was celebrated not mocked. Even Buffalo Bill saluted her.

When did Governor Albert Roberts sign the certification of Tennessee's ratification?

August 24, 2020

When did Sec of State Bainbridge Colby sign the document making the 19th Amendment official?

August 26th. (In the privacy of his own home. Neither Catt nor Paul were present).

How did each party feel about suffrage in 1920?

Both parties were in support of suffrage, as was a majority of the country, but specific industries, that thought they'd lose the woman's vote worked hard against: liquor, railroads

Which party endorsed the 19th Amendment at their convention during the summer of 1919?


Who CB presidential elections had been disputed for a long period of time?

Bush v Gore; Tilden v Hayes (1876)

Who inherited Susan B Anthony's role?

Carrie Chapman Catt

Who were the key players in Tennessee in the summer of 1919?

Carrie Chapman Catt, leader of NAWSA, Sue White, leader of NWP for Tennessee, Josephine Pearson, leader of Tennessee antis

Who was the most formidable anti?

Charlotte Rowe, field secretary of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, a militant,

Why was Harding one of the worst presidents?

Continued his fifteen year affair in the White House, known primarily for Teapot Dome Scandal; dies of a heart attack in year three

Who party led the charge on suffrage?

The Republican Party. They delivered 26 of the 35 first state ratifications. "Many National suffrage leaders considered themselves Republican.m, as that party had championed progressive social and economic reforms."

What was the 19th amendment called?

The Susan B. Anthony amendment

Elaine Weiss

The Woman's Hour

Who were bankrolling anti campaigns in the states?

The liquor industry. They knew that if women got there vote, their lives got harder. Women were pro-temperance.

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