SVOP pt1

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1. Outboard engines. 2. Stern driven engines. 3. Jet drive engines. 4. Straight shaft engine.

4 main propulsion types. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Direction towards stern.


90 degrees to the Starboard/Port side of the vessel.


1. Fuel efficient. 2. Powerful. 3. Have great maneuverability. 4. Low center of gravity.

Advantage of Stern drive engine. 1. 2. 3.

1. Lift shaft from the water. 2. easy maintenance. 3. Removable. 4. Easy maneuverability.

Advantage of an outboard engine.

1. Shallow water. 2. High speed. 3. Very maneuverable.

Advantage of jet drive engine. 1. 2. 3.

1. Speed. 2. maneuverability. 3. Shallow water. 4. maintenance.

Advantage of planning vessel. 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Stability 2. Storage capacity. 3. Fuel efficient.

Advantageof Displacement vessels 1. 2. 3.

1. Full efficient. 2. Simple to repair. 3. Lots of thrust.

Advantages to straight shaft motor. 1. 2. 3.

1. Stability in rougher water. 2. Speed. 3. Cargo capacity.

Advantages with semi displacement vessels. 1. 2. 3.

Towards the stern of the boat.


When boat is moving in the forward direction.


Up in the vessels rigging/ mast (sail boats).


Central area of boat.


In the direction of the back of the boat.


being across the ship from side to side


Measurement of the largest width of a boats hull.


Moving from upper to lower deck.


The deepest area inside of the hull of a boat.


Front of a boat or ship


Lateral Starboard Hand buoy. Past on starboard when returning. FLR or Q

Buoy type? What does it indicate.

1. Poor maneuverability. 2. Deeper water needed to float. 3. Need Moorage. 4. Difficult maintenance.

Disadvantage of Displacement vessels 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Unstable in rough water. 2. Propulsion unit susceptible to damage. 3. Lots of fuel required. 4. Less cargo space.

Disadvantage of Planning vessel.

1. Vulnerable to strikes. 2. Don't have long life like diesel engines. 3. Have computer diagnostics.

Disadvantage of an outboard engine. 1. 2. 3.

1. Maintenance and repair costs. 2. Can not left out of the water. 3. Frequent mechanical issues. 4. debris strikes.

Disadvantage of stern drive engines. 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Debris getting sucked in. 2. Loss of suction in heavier seas. 3. Higher horsepower for equivalent thrust to a prop

Disadvantages of Jet drive engines. 1. 2. 3.

1. More water to operate. 2. Less maneuverable 3. Expensive to do work below waterline. 4. Slow.

Disadvantages of straight shaft motor. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The amount of water a boats hull displaces. (displaced water = weight of boat if floating).


No, all people aboard vessel are passengers.

Does the admission of a ticket define a passenger?

Is the depth of the boat from the waterline to the bottom keel of the boat.


Cushion types object between boat and dock.


Towards the bow of the boat.


the side of the boat from the waterline to the gunwales


The top edge of the side of the boat.


Temporary leaning of boat to port/ starboard side due to winds.


steam dissipates faster.

How do you identify steam to smoke?

The submerged bottom of the boat (including super structures that determine the performance).


The operator should check the source of the steam.

If an engine overheats, it can start spewing grey steam over the cabin. What should the operator do?

The Central longitudinal beam which the hull is built up from


opposite direction from the wind.


The total length of the boat including outboard engines and bow sprites.

Length overall

the leaning to starboard or port side due to uneven weight or poor design


1. Much weaker. 2. Degrades quickly in UV. 3. Rough and easily chafes.

Main disadvantages of polypropylene rope? 1. 2. 3.

1. Bow line 2&3. Spring lines. 4. Stern line. 5. Beast lines.

Name Dock lines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ropes made of real fibers which degrade faster and are weaker then synthetics.

Natural ropes are?

From the center-line of the boat out towards the port and starboard.


rocking from Fore and Aft


Where the vessels hull skim the surface of the water.


Weaker, but UV resistant.

Polyester ropes are?

Left side of boat marked by a red light


On the starboard or port side of a vessel behind the beam (1/4 back)


1. Daily maintenance. 2. Weekly maintenance. 3. Safety equipment list. 4. Start-up procedure. 5. Pre-departure checklist. 6. Refueling procedure. 7. Heavy weather procedure.

Quick reference checklist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Nylon rope. 2. Dacron Rope. 3. Polypropylene 4. Polyester

Rope material type. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Holes in the side of boat decking to allow water to flow overboard.


A type of hull that uses characteristics of both planing and displacement hull to move.

Semi displacement

Slow zone - 400m Kill zone - 200m

Slow and Kill zone for whales.

Right side of boat marked by green


Boats rear.


Quick roll period, Stable boat.

Stiff roll

Long, slow roll period. Compromised stability

Tender roll

Pole or bench in a row boat that runs from side to side.


1. Canadian Coast Guard Notice to Mariners (NOTMAR). 2. Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIP).

Two sources of information of Mariners. 1. 2.

Keep out




Cautionary Buoy


Anchorage Buoy On outer limits of designated anchorage areas.

Type? Meaning?

Bifurcation buoy. Two optional channels, Preferred channel indicated by color and shape on top. FL(2+1)6s with 2 flashes of base color and one flash of the other.

Type? Meaning?

Cardinal East Buoy Safe water to the east. Q(3)10s or VQ(3)5s

Type? Meaning?

Cardinal North Buoy Safe waters located North Q or VQ

Type? Meaning?

Cardinal South Buoy Safe waters located south Q(6)+LF1 15s or VQ(6)+LF1 10s

Type? Meaning?

Cardinal West Buoy Safe water to the West. Q(9)15 Or VQ(9)10s

Type? Meaning?

Fair way buoy Safe water ahead

Type? Meaning?

Isolated danger indicates a danger in the channel that needs to be avoided.

Type? Meaning?

Port Hand beacon Same as Port hand buoy, but fixed.

Type? Meaning?

Port junction day beacon Indicates preferred channel in a fork. If Port is chosen, keep to Left side.

Type? Meaning?

Starboard Hand beacon Same as Starboard Hand beacon, but fixed.

Type? Meaning?

Starboard junction day beacon Indicates preferred channel in a fork. If starboard is chosen, keep to Right side.

Type? Meaning?

When a vessel is not tide to a dock, anchored, or aground.


It is a floating, brightly colored rope that used in lifesaving equipment.

What are Polypropylene rope used for?

1. Carrying out duties and safety guidelines. 2. Letting the master know if they become aware of any issues. 3. Follow masters lawful orders (unless its dangerous).

What are crew members responsible for? 1. 2. 3.

1. Can not hold a knot. 2. Hard to blend together. 3. Do not stand in direct line of pull. 4. Wear easily.

What are disadvantages to synthetic line. 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Knocking/ Squealing belts. 2. Cracks/ leaks in hoses. 3. Low voltage. 4. Rising engine temperature. 5. Black smoke

What are negatives to look out for when observing your boats engine? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ropes made of synthetic fiber that is stronger and lasts longer than natural fibers.

What are synthetic ropes?

1. Displacement. 2.Planning. 3. semi displacement

What are the 3 basic hull types? 1. 2. 3.

1. demonstrating the use and location of Life jackets and PFDs. 2. Location of safety equipment. 3. Effects of movement on vessel stability and passenger safety.

What are the 3 safety briefing requirements that passengers and crew are required to know? 1. 2. 3.

1. Passenger or work boats of less then 5 gross tons. 2. Fishing boats of 15 gross tons. 3. max 10 passengers. 4. Max 25 M from shore.

What are the SVOP licence commend? 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Crew boats 2. Water taxi 3. Fishing charters (sport fishing).

What are types of commercial passenger boats SVOP licences are required for? 1. 2. 3.

1. STOP boat and throttle back on engine. 2. Anchor or secure vessel. 3. Access situation.

What do you do when you experience mechanical trouble? 1. 2. 3.

1. Turn off engine. 2. Secure vessel. 3. Call for a tow.

What if your oil pressure drops? 1. 2. 3.

A loop in a rope used to tie knots, but can be dangerous is they catch you under tension.

What is a "Bright"

A list of duties assigned to a specific crew member in the event of an emergency.

What is a Muster List?

highly active metals that are used to prevent a less active material surface from corroding. Metals in saltwater create charges which cause galvanized corrosion. Metals like zinc protect other metals by corroding first.

What is a sacrificial anode.

The initial volume of the boat before passenger or cargo. (5 gross tons is under 30ft).

What is gross tonnage?

Lateral Port Hand Buoy Pass on Port when returning. FlG or Q

What type of buoy is this?


Which dock line resists fore/Aft movement?


Which dock lines hold boat closest to dock?

A trip plan should be left with a responsible person ashore.

Who should the Captain leave a trip plan and passenger/ crew # with?

25 M is the max reliable range for a VHF radio.

Why are you limited to 25M of shore?

It is very strong and elastic to support heavy weights. It also sinks.

Why is nylon the best anchoring rope?

from either side towards the center line


Control buoy speed limits and no wake zones


the distance from bow to stern that is submerged

waterline length.

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