SWLCAT 1-1 cont

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An improperly sharpened gaff is safer than a gaff that has not been sharpened at all


To help prevent climber cut outs, gaffs must be sharp, properly sized, and properly shaped

Attach snap hook to an appropriate anchor point

What is the first and most critical step when performing a self rescue


Bucket truck rescue systems are designed for a single person load up to (blank)


Shoulder d rings can be used for fall arrest


There are 4 basic steps in a pole top rescue


Bucket truck rescue systems are designed for an exceptional two man descent up to (blank)


If a harness shows signs of minimal fraying, it should be discarded


Climbing gaffs are available in two types, solid and (blank)


Side d rings are not intended for fall arrest


The OSHA fall protection standard does not contain training requirements


The cleat must be present in the WPFR device to work properly


The gaff is properly shaped and sharpened when it begins holding a distance of (blank)


The keeper/gate of snap hook should be positioned so that it is never load bearing

Person using climbing equipment

The one with the responsibility for inspecting, maintaining, and rejecting climbing equipment is the (blank)


Warning lines, used in warning line systems, shall be erected at least (blank) from the roof edge when no mechanical equipment is being used


When using the ox block for rescue, a minimum of (blank) wraps must be used


A fall arrest attachment with a web loop must be attached to a harness with a (blank) or a (blank)

20 years

A pole that is over (blank) old should be supported with a line truck boom or other device in case it is unstable

3:00 and 9:00

If pole was a clock, where should the hardware of the WPFR device be placed

Take strap out of service

If red warning core of WFPR straps is showing, then what should be done


The person responsible for sharpening and properly shaping the climbing gaffs is the manufacturer


Fall arrest anchor points must support a minimum of (blank) per attached worker and be independent of worker support


For fall arrest, anchor point should always be kept (blank) the rear fall arrest attachment


When a pole is raked, it should be climbed on the (blank) side


When descending a pole, longer steps are better than shorter steps

Evaluating the situation

Deciding if rubber gloves are needed for a pole top rescue is part of (blank)

Place the climber on the leg, hold sleeve with hand before lightly jabbing

During a pole cut out test, the proper procedure is to (blank)

8" to 10"

Effective stroke distance when climbing up a pole is (blank)


Hitchhiking method should be used to climb with a WPFR device

Proximity to pole

Inner strap accommodates for (blank)


It is proper procedure to use a training unit on a job


Knots and knotholes are not hazards that contribute to cut out accidents because the gaffs are shaped to deal with them


The point of the gaff should cut the pole surface at a maximum of 2 inches


The stern also d ring is for fall attachment when likely fall distance is not greater than (blank)

Work positioning

The suspension bride is only used for (blank)


The tip of the gaff should have a spike point


There are (blank) acceptable methods of bucket rescue

Visually inspect it

To ensure that a snap hook is fully engaged, a worker should (blank)

A rescue trainer

To practice a pole top rescue, (blank) should be used


When climbing a pole, carrying the hand line on a breakaway hook will help eliminate the hazard of being pulled off the pole by something snagging the hand line

Directly across from the anchor point

Where should a worker exit the bucket once the rescue system has been attached

Middle back near shoulder blades

Where should lanyards be attached on harnesses


While climbing and working on a pole, it is important to keep knees about (blank) away from the pole

Cover or shield the hazard

If a hazard cannot be removed from a pole that is about to be climbed, one should (blank)


If a special rescue rope is used, it will usually be made of (blank) nylon


If accidents are to be reduced on the job, the climber must develop a safety conscious attitude

Discard the harness

If hardware is bent on a harness, then the qualified electrical worker should (blank)


Once a pole top rescue victim is secured, the victims safety strap is cut on the opposite side of desired swing

Cracks, cuts, and or marks

Climber shank and sleeves should be inspected for (blank)

14" to 20"

Climbers are adjustable in lengths from (blank)


If the gaff slides along the wood without digging, then the gaff is either improperly sharpened or the gaff angle is too small


In the rescue block method of bucket rescue, the anchor point should be located (blank) from the lip of the bucket


Of victim of pole top accident is no longer in contact with energized conductors, the rescuer should proceed with the rescue

Primary/fall arrest

The dorsal d ring, pigtail d ring, or web loop are the (blank) for (blank) attachment


To comply with OSHAs requirement that impact force of a fall shall not exceed 1,800 lbs of force, a harness should be used with a deceleration unit


When performing a rescue, the (blank) strap of wood pole fall restriction device should be cut


When performing the cut out test, at what distance should the gaff be pushed into the pole

Call for help

When there is an injured worker on a pole, the first thing that should be done is (blank)

Communicate orally with workers

When using safety monitor program, a competent person has to be close enough to the workers that they can (blank)

As needed

Once a pole top victim is lowered to ground, first aid and or CPR should be administered (blank)


One good climbing practice that will help avoid accidents is to practice taking extra large steps when ascending, climbing, or descending

Before climbing to the rescue position

Planning a pole top rescue should be done (blank)

Connecting device only

Positioning side d rings are intended for attachment of (blank)

Free fall is limited to 2'

Qualified electrical workers are permitted to work out of the secondary lanyard if the (blank)

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