Tarsals & Carpals

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bone sits alongside pisiform on the pinky side

Medial Cuneiform

1st Cuneiform that lines up with Big toe

Proximal Row

1st row of carpal bones

Intermediate Cuneiform

2nd Cuneiform lines up with 2nd toe

Distal Row

2nd row of bones at base of hand

Cuneiforms (3)

3 small bones anterior to Navicular

Lateral Cuneiform

3rd Cuneiform lines up with 3rd toe


A set of seven irregularly shaped bones, situated proximally in the foot, in the ankle area.

Calcaneus (Posterior)


Phalanges (pedal)


scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

What are the bones in the Proximal Row starting from ABCD?

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

What are the bones in the distal row starting from EFGH?

Pisiform, pinky

What is D and which side of the hand is it located?

Cuboid (Anterior)

closest to the pinky toe


distal row, bone below the thumb


eight small bones that make up each wrist anterior to the ulna and radius a

Navicular (Anterior)

fits nicely to the Talus

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