TCA Environmental Science B SEMESTER TWO

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Using coal, steam, and _____, the Fischer-Tropsch Procedure converts coal into a liquid fuel.


Acid rain can fall in an area far away from its source. This can best be explained by the fact that _____.

pollutants from a factory can be carried by the wind to far-off locations.

In what stage of wastewater treatment are large objects such as rags, sticks and garbage removed from influent?

primary treatment

As a result of the industrial revolution _____.

profound social and economic changes occurred

Although wave power does not produce pollution, some people may not want to invest in it because it is _____.

prone to storm damage and limited to particular areas of the ocean

Although wave power does not produce pollution, some people may not want to invest in it because it is:

prone to storm damage and limited to particular areas of the ocean.

Energy from sunlight is _____; if it is harnessed to move a turbine and generate electricity, then it has been converted to _____.

radiant energy; mechanical energy

When a nuclear power accident occurs:

radiation may stick around for a long time and cause cancer.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the coal-to-liquid production of synthetic fuels?

requires more coal mining

The number one cause of environmental noise pollution is _____.

roadway noise

In what stage of wastewater treatment is 90 percent of the oxygen-demanding substances removed from the waste by microbes?

secondary treatment

Match each word to its correct meaning. 1. fuel cell 2. hydrogen fuel 3. hydrogen vehicle

1 a device that converts the energy in fuel directly to electricity and heat 2 hydrogen gas used to fuel motor vehicles 3 a vehicle that runs on hydrogen, either by combusting hydrogen directly or by using a fuel cell to covert the chemical energy in hydrogen to electric energy

Hydrogen fuel requires vast amounts of electricity.


Hydropower uses moving water to do work, such as grinding grains in a mill.


In the future, clean energy sources, such as solar power, may be used to create hydrogen fuel.


Industrial and automobile emissions contribute to acid rain.


Isotopes of uranium are used as nuclear fuel in power plants.


Nuclear fission can be described as a chain reaction.


One of the first steps in harnessing geothermal energy is to drill a well into a geothermal reservoir


Point-source pollution includes sewage treatment plants or an oil tanker that has leaked in a bay.


Primary and secondary air pollutants can co-exist in the atmosphere.


Residential energy use can be reduced by using Energy Star appliances.


Scientists can tell the average temperature of the earth by studying an ice core.


The environment and the economy are linked. If some of our natural resources were no longer available, this would negatively effect our economy.


Zoning laws may designate parcels of land for specific uses, but sometimes the economic benefit of developing wetlands, grasslands or forested areas overrules the protection of such land.


What is the biggest disadvantage of solar electricity, or at least, why is it not used much more than it currently is?

Very costly

The Clean Air Act of 1963 was an improvement over the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 because it _____.

set limits on emissions from factories

Smart growth is a new trend in urban planning that _____.

sets growth boundaries around cities and helps preserve open spaces

When nuclear power is harnessed, it is captured in the form of _____.

steam that turns a turbine

Gas-to-liquid synfuel production can produce diesel, naptha and paraffin. The formation of these products usually involves _____.

the Fischer-Tropsch Process

In the United States, the GPI for most products would be less than the GDP because _____.

the GPI is the sum of the GDP and the environmental benefits, which is a negative value

One reason that people are hesitant to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is _____.

the exact amount and the quality of the crude oil are not known

One reason that people are hesitant to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is:

the exact amount and the quality of the crude oil are not known.

One of the challenges of wind power is _____.

the location of wind farms

A disadvantage of hydroelectric power is _____.

the reservoirs stop the natural flow of a river

One of the challenges of tidal wave energy is:

the start-up costs are expensive.

One of the challenges of tidal wave energy is _____.

the startup costs are expensive

Compared to all other forms of energy, wind power is most similar to tidal wave power because _____.

they work on the premise of a fluid interacting with a turbine

1. non-point source pollution 2. point source pollution 3. water pollution

1 pollution that comes from scattered sources or is diffuse over a large area 2 pollution that comes from a single, identifiable source 3 any chemical, biological, or physical change to water that makes it hazardous to living organisms or makes it otherwise unsuitable for use

Match each word to its correct meaning. 1. air pollution 2. air quality index 3. particulates 4. photochemical smog 5. smog

1 substances in the air that can harm organisms, ecosystems, or buildings 3 particles of dust or fine materials suspended in the air 2 a measure of how polluted the air in a certain area is for a given time 4 forms when certain primary air pollutants combine and react with sunlight to form smog 5 a combination of chemicals including sulfur dioxides, smoke, and fog

1. incineration 2. integrated waste management 3. landfill 4. solid waste

1 the process of disposing of solid waste by burning it 2 a large area of land used for burying solid waste 3 a three-tier framework for dealing with solid waste that places emphasis on reducing the amount of waste generated, recycling waste, and disposing of the waste 4 any unwanted or discarded material that is not liquid or gas

1. offshore turbines 2. tidal barrage 3. tide power 4. wave power

2 a large dam built over an estuary or bay to generate tidal power 3 generated by the movements of tides twice a day in a predictable way 1 turbines that are much like wind turbines but work underwater to generate electricity from the tides 4 power produced by harnessing the energy of ocean surface waves

1. carbon sequestration 2. greenhouse effect 3. greenhouse gas 1 technology used to capture the carbon released from smokestacks and store it in some part of the environment to keep it out of the atmosphere

2 a term used to describe the role that greenhouse gases play in keeping the earth warm 3 carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrogen oxides, and some CFCs that absorb heat and keep it in the earth's atmosphere 1 technology used to capture the carbon released from smokestacks and store it in some part of the environment to keep it out of the atmosphere

1Fish ladders 2.hydroelectric power 3.hydropower

2 electricity generated when moving water is used to turn a turbine 1 structures used to help migrating fish get around the barrier of a dam 3 derived from the energy of moving water

1 Anemometer 2 small wind 3 wind farms 4 wind power 5 wind vane

2 large area of land where many wind turbines are clustered together and used to power a wind power plant 1 instrument that measures wind speed 5 instrument that measures wind direction 2the small-scale use of wind power for individual homes or businesses 4 generation of electricity from the movement of wind turning a turbine conservation efficiency. 3 energy sustainability

2 the ratio of useful work we get out of a given amount of energy 3 the concept that the future generations' access to energy should not be compromised by our present energy use 1 the reduction or elimination of unnecessary waste of energy

Match each word to its correct meaning. 1. active solar heating 2. insolation 3. passive solar heating 4. photovoltaic cells 5. solar energy 6. solar power plant

3 heating spaces or water by orienting a structure to receive the maximum amount of sunlight, involves no use of special mechanical devices 2 a measure of the amount of solar radiation striking a given area 1 uses pumps to circulate and distribute heat energy from the sun 5 energy derived from the radiant energy of sunlight 6 a facility that uses solar energy to generate electricity 4 thin wafers of a semi conductive material that emit electrons when struck by sunlight

1. carcinogen 2. environmental health 3. mutagen 4. pathogen 5. teratogen 6. toxicity 7. toxicology 8. vector 9. vector control

3 a substance that damages the genetic material of a person's DNA 9 minimizing or preventing the amount of contact between humans and disease vectors 1 a substance that causes cancer 4 an organism that spreads diseases 6 a measure of how harmful a given substance is to humans, wildlife, or the ecosystem 2 a branch of study that deals with how factors in the natural and built environment affect human health 8 an organism that transmits a disease-causing pathogen 5 a substance that causes birth defects 7 science that examines how harmful substances in the environment affect human health

1.a substance that gives off hydrogen ions in water 2. precipitation or fog that is acidic in nature 3. rain that has an acidic ph and caused by sulfur and nitrogen pollutants in the air 4 a substance that accepts hydrogen ions in water 5. measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution

3 acid rain 5 pH 2 acid deposition 1 acid 4 base

1. economy 2. full-cost pricing 3. genuine progress indicator

3 an economic indicator that includes the cost of environmental harm in the accounting of a nation's economy 2 involves including the cost of environmental harm in the market costs of goods and services 1 a nation's system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods

1. high level waste 2. low level waste 3. millirems 4. transuranic waste

4 an intermediate level of radioactive waste that comes mostly from the reprocessing of spent fuel rods 1 a type of radioactive waste that is highly radioactive and requires special handling, transporting, and disposal in deep geological repositories 2 a relatively safe form of radioactive waste that poses little environmental harm 3 a unit of measure used to express an amount of radiation exposure

1.primary treatment 2.secondary treatment 3.septic tank 4.sewage 5.tertiary treatment

4 the waste water that comes from human communities 3 an underground tank that collects household waste water and lets solids settle to the bottom and be decomposed by bacteria 2 a chemical process in which wastewater is treated with helpful bacteria to remove more solid wastes 5 a physical and chemical process that continues the removal of nutrients from wastewater 1 a physical process wherein large materials are screened out of wastewater and solid wastes are settled to the bottom

Match each word to its correct meaning. 1. criteria pollutants 2. electrostatic precipitator 3. national ambient air quality standards 4. primary standards 5. secondary standards 6. wet scrubber

5 air pollution standards aimed at protecting the environment and buildings 6 a pollution control technology that uses a fine mist of water vapor to collect particulates 2 a pollution control technology that works by putting a negative charge on particulates as they enter a smokestack and then collecting them on a positively-charged collection plate 1 the six pollutants monitored under the national ambient air quality standards; they are carbon monoxide, ozone, particulates, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead 3 establish maximum levels at which certain pollutants can safely exist in the air 4 air pollution standards aimed at protecting human health

1. bioremediation 2 corrosive 3. hazardous waste 4 ignitable 5. phytoremediation 6. reactive 7.toxic

7 poisonous to living organisms 2 a substance that easily destroys materials or living tissue such as skin 3 any unwanted or discarded material that is harmful to human health or the environment 4 easily catches fire 5 using plants to take up or filter out hazardous waste from soil and water 1 using bacteria to treat hazardous waste and make it less toxic 6 describes a substance that undergoes violent chemical reactions

megalopolis smart growth urban area urban sprawl zoning


Which of the following is a true statement about acids and bases?

A base gives off hydroxide ions.

A climatologist removes an ice core sample from the Antarctic. She finds volcanic ash at the bottom of the core, followed by increasing amounts of dissolved oxygen as she goes to the top of the core sample. Which of the following can be concluded based on this information?

A volcano erupted, followed by a period of increased oxygen in the atmosphere.

The effect that toxins have on a body depends on which of the following?


Advantages of using tidal power include _____.


The effect that toxins have on a body depends on which of the following?


Which of the following demonstrate the environmental advantages of secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater?


Which of the following may one conclude from a map that shows the average pH value of rainfall in the U.S.?

Acid rain is a more serious problem on the East Coast.

What kind of solar energy method is shown in the diagram?

Active solar heating

Where do most phosphates and nitrates in the Chesapeake Bay come from?

Agricultural runoff

Which of the following types of coal requires the most intense pressure in order to form?


Which of the following puts the secondary treatment of wastewater in the correct order?

Bacteria seeded in aeration tank as air is circulated throughout the water- bacteria multiply and eat waste; bacteria settle in clarifier.


Check box to complete review Complete

Which of the following is not considered an aspect of environmental health?

Control of sexually transmitted diseases

A geothermal heat pump can be used to

Cool a house during the summer

"Nuke" is a scientific term.


Because the United States imports about 4 billion barrels of crude every year, at best, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge could provide us with nearly one hundred years worth of oil.


Clean coal, though expensive, creates virtually no environmental impact.


Coal has no advantage over other energy sources except that it is very cheap.


Which of the following is an example of chemical energy?

Energy in an apple that a worm eats.

Geothermal energy consists of

Energy stored in soil,underground rocks and fluids in the earth's mantle

Food and medical procedures can expose people to radiation. Therefore, the effects of radiation from a nuclear power plant are not a reason for concern.


In order to take advantage of wave power, water must always come in direct contact with the blade of a turbine to generate electricity.


In the United States, we use energy more efficiently than in the past, and our total energy consumption is therefore coming down.


One way that radioactive waste is treated is by burying it in repositories. The repositories are found only in states with very low populations.


The best place to build a wind farm is in an area that has high winds for a portion of the year.


Most cancer-causing air pollutants are found outdoors.


One concern that arises from building a dam is that fish are not able to migrate. One way that fish can gain passage to their destinations is by _____.


All nuclear energy results in the rapid release of energy, such as in atomic bombs.


As a result of urban sprawl, an increase of nearby farm land is necessary to provide resources to the growing population.


As a result of urban sprawl, an increase of nearby farm-land is necessary to provide resources to the growing population.


As you increase speed in a car, you most likely have to decrease the volume of your music.


Based on computer models, it is certain that the global temperature will continue to increase indefinitely.


During the tertiary stages of wastewater treatment nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen are added to the water.


Hazardous waste is not biological or biodegradable.


Hazardous waste is only produced by industry, such as factories or office parks.


Hazardous waste is produced only by industry, such as factories or office parks.


Hydroelectric power does not require moving water as dams hold water back.


In terms of environmental economics, the only factions that disagree with each other are environmentalists and economists.


In terms of environmental economics, the only factions that disagree with one another are environmentalists and economists.


It is acceptable for all types of waste to be either burned or buried in the same manner.


Most cancer-causing air pollutants are found outdoors.


Over the past one thousand years, the temperature of the earth has consistently risen, with every year recording a higher temperature than the previous year.


Since most sources of noise pollution are caused by essential machines, it is not possible to decrease the levels of sound.


Some cars are 100 percent efficient at converting energy from gasoline to energy of motion.


The Kyoto Protocol is a universally accepted treaty on global warming.


The earth would be much better off if greenhouse gases did not exist.


The greater the concentration of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, the higher the pH of precipitation.


The levels of carbon dioxide are at the highest that they have ever been in the history of the earth.


The light bulbs in an office building give off tremendous amounts of heat. Bacause heat is a form of energy, this heat could be trapped and used to offset our need for electricity, thus saving energy and money.


The light bulbs in an office building give off tremendous amounts of heat. Since heat is a form of energy, this heat could be trapped and used to offset our need for electricity, thus saving energy and money.


The number of urban areas worldwide has been decreasing due to lack of resources.


Unlike other type of alternative energy geothermal energy cannot be used to create electricity


Uranium can be mined and then immediately used in a nuclear power plant.


When used as an energy source in a nuclear power plant, uranium is burned in a similar way as one would burn wood or coal for energy.


Energy derived from hot rocks and fluids beneath the earth's surface is

Geothermal energy

What is a possible pH of acid rain?

IS NOT 10.5

The atomic bomb resulted from a nuclear _____.


Which of the following is an example of point source pollution?

IS NOT Acid rain

Which of the following is considered a physical environmental hazard?

IS NOT Being attacked in a dark alley

Hydrogen fuel still results in pollution because _____.


Which of the following is NOT a way in which energy use can be reduced?

IS NOT Insulating appliances

Which of the following does NOT characterize sustainable economic growth?

IS NOT Low waste generation

The use of which energy source gave rise to growth of the US transportation industry in the 1800s, resulting in more people being able to migrate to new areas of the country?


Which of the following is not a concern regarding waste?


Which of the following is an example of an emphasis on production quality?

IS NOT Natural resources are very important.

_____ is a type of liquid fuel derived from plant materials.


Which of the following would be the most effective means of controlling current water pollution of US surface waters?

IS NOT Shutting down factories that discharge materials to rivers

Predict what would happen if you applied a contaminant to a karst aquifer.

IS NOT The contaminant would evaporate.

In more rural areas domestic sewage and wastewater is pumped underground in a settling tank and broken down by bacteria. It is then released to the soil. This waste is treated by using _____.

IS NOT a sewage treatment facility

When a nuclear power accident occurs, _____.

IS NOT all of the effects are seen immediately

When coal is mined, it results in significant land destruction. Additionally, the mining of coal can _____.

IS NOT decrease the greenhouse effect

One of the ways that acid rain is harmful is _____.

IS NOT it increases the temperature of small bodies of water.

A pond near a city park is found to be contaminated with both bacteria and excess nitrogen. The bacteria most likely came from _____, and the excess nitrogen most likely came from _____.

IS NOT runoff:sewage

A hybrid car vehicle operates about 20 dB less than a typical gasoline-powered car, resulting in a hundredfold decrease in sound pressure on your ear. Due to this decrease, _____.

IS NOT the government is considering making gasoline-powered cars just as quiet

In nuclear fusion, all of the following are true EXCEPT _____.

IS NOT two isotopes are forced together

Which of the following is an example of primary waste prevention?

Is not A family donates used clothing to a second-hand store.

Which of the following is a disadvantage to the coal-to-liquid production of synthetic fuels?

It requires more coal mining.

Synthetic fuels are usually:


Which of the following items is NOT municipal solid waste?


Which of the following describes the clean coal method of coal washing?

Mixing crushed coal with a liquid to remove mineral impurities.

What causes the movement of electrical current in the circuit within the device shown in the diagram?

Movement of electrons

Which of the following air pollutants causes a reddish-brown haze in the sky?

Nitrogen dioxide

Food is shipped thousands of miles throughout our country using various types of transportation such as trucks, planes, and boats. Food availability would be most affected by a shortage in which of the following energy sources?


Which of the following energy sources is NOT a type of coal or coal-precursor?


Which step completes the pollution process shown? A farmer applies excess fertilizer runoff carries nitrogen to a lake ? lake water becomes oxygen depleted

Phytoplankton grow rapidly in the lake then die and decompose

Which of the following organisms causes malaria?


Which of the following would be the most effective means of controlling current water pollution of United States surface waters?

Reducing storm runoff and erosion.

Canada, Russia and _____ are areas of large oil reserves.

Saudi Arabia

Canada, Russia, and _____ are areas of large oil reserves

Saudi Arabia

Which of the following is an advantage of geothermal energy?

Scarcity of suitable sites

Which of the following substances cannot be a primary air pollutant?


As regulated by the 1990 Clean Air Act, industries that put more acid-forming pollutants into the air are subject to a fine.


By imposing maximums on emissions of various pollutants, air pollution can be reduced.


Coal is plentiful and inexpensive; therefore many countries use it despite its environmental impacts.


Fish ladders and elevators are solutions for migrating fish whose pathway is blocked by dams.


Hydrogen fuel is clean but not cost-effective.


Hydrogen fuel requires vast amounts of electricity.


If major polluters overshoot their maximum allowed levels of emissions, they can purchase pollution rights from other companies.


In the future, clean energy sources, such as solar power, may be used to create hydrogen fuel.


Municipal solid waste is produced by households. It includes paper and food scraps.


Nuclear fission can be described as a chain reaction.


Ocean waves are powerful and constant, two attributes that make wave power efficient enough to be used to generate electricity.


One method of bioremediation is using plants to remove arsenic and radioactive uranium from soils.


One of the negative effects of using the market to control air pollution is that it allows companies to buy their way out of their environmental responsibility.


Paint thinners and dry cleaning solvents are considered sources of air pollution.


Point source pollution includes sewage treatment plants or an oil tanker that has leaked in a bay.


Prior to the development of new extraction methods, bitumen, or oil sands, was not considered part of the world's oil reserves.


Residential energy use can be reduced by using Energy Star appliances.


The Clean Air Act emphasizes that one way to prevent and reduce air pollution is to involve public participation.


The ability to harvest fossil fuels was easier during the Industrial Revolution than before it.


The burning of coal is used to heat water in a coal-burning power plant.


The effect that acid rain has on soil also ends up affecting aquatic life.


The first measure by the U.S. government to examine the effects of air pollution was the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955.


The way that nuclear waste is categorized is different in various countries.


Tidal power can be generated by man without investing a lot of energy into the process.


We measure the loudness of sound in decibels.


Although incineration can break down harmful chemicals, the by-product is hazardous.


According to the second law of thermodynamics, a system never yields as much energy as was put in.


Energy efficiency is based on the laws of thermodynamics; therefore, a loss of energy always occurs when one form is transformed into another.


Full-cost pricing is a controversial idea because it makes consumers pay for environmental impacts up front.


Noise pollution could decrease wildlife populations by driving populations out of areas used for breeding.


Fossil fuels are made by the decay of living things. Because living things are always dying and decaying, why are fossil fuels not a renewable source of energy?

They take millions of years to form.

When hydrogen is burned, it reacts with oxygen and produces _____.


Why are many cells wired together in a typical photovoltaic panel

To Increase the yield of electricity

Why are many cells wired together in a typical photovoltaic panel?

To increase the yield of electricity.

Why is it necessary that the solar concentrators used by solar power plants be able to move throughout the day?

To track the sun as it moves across the sky

Although carbon dioxide emissions are reduced geothermal power plants release odor pollution that smells like rotten eggs.


An advantage of biomass-to-liquid fuel synthesis is that there is no net increase of carbon into the atmosphere.


As a result of hydroelectric power, people, and important landmarks have been displaced.


As a result of urban sprawl, displaced wildlife often end up venturing into populated areas in search of food.


By conserving energy and making energy transformations more efficient, fossil fuel use could be decreased.


Geothermal fluids may come directly in contact with a turbine in a geothermal power plant


Geothermal power can be used for generating electricity heating and cooling


Half of the carbon emitted into the atmosphere goes into the ocean.


An urban area is characterized by _____.

a dense human population

Radon is _____.

a substance that seeps into homes and buildings

Wind power is _____.

all of these

A pond near a city park is found to be contaminated with both bacteria and excess nitrogen. The bacteria most likely came from _____, and the excess nitrogen most likely came from _____.

animal waste; fertilizers

Hazardous waste is _____.

any unwanted or discarded substance that has harmful properties

Hazardous waste may be reactive, meaning it _____.

can undergo violent chemical reactions

Water that is returned to the environment after secondary treatment is known as _____.


In a hydroelectric power plant, the shaft that connects the turbine to the generator has become inoperable. As a result, _____.

electricity will not be created

One of the key changes made in the 1990 Clean Air Act amendment was the _____.

emphasis made of finding cost-effective ways to reduce air pollution

You are charged with securing a site to build a wind farm. As you survey different potential sites, you look for the one that _____.

experiences wind consistently through the year

You are charged with securing a site to build a wind farm. As you survey different potential sites, you look for the one that:

experiences wind consistently through the year.

Some municipalities burn their garbage instead of burying it. There is no environmental impact when burning garbage.


The decay and compression of organic material millions of years ago resulted in extremely fertile soil that helped large rain forests to grow. This describes _____.

fossil fuels

In a windmill, electrical voltage is produced in the _____.


Sulfur dioxide _____.

has an irritating odor and is colorless

Water can be used to create electricity. This type of energy is called _____.

hydroelectric power

Dependence on petroleum in the residential sector may decrease over the next few decades due to _____.

increase in renewable energy sources

One of the advantages of nuclear power over traditional fossil fuels is that nuclear power _____.

is based on uranium, which is plentiful

High-level waste _____.

is very radioactive

One of the reasons that throwing away items is so ingratiated in American culture is because _____.

it is often less expensive to replace something than it is to fix it

If energy efficiency is improved, the cost of energy would decrease and _____.

less electricity would be used

Synthetic fuels are usually _____.


Isotopes of the same element differ in their ____.

mass number

Which of the following air pollutants causes a reddish-brown haze in the sky?

nitrogen dioxide

Synfuels are made from energy sources that are more plentiful than _____.


Compared with all other forms of energy, wind power is most similar to tidal wave power because:

they work on the premise of a fluid interacting with a turbine.

As you and a friend assess the effects of different types of pollution, your friend states that noise pollution is unquestionably the least harmful. You respond that _____.

this is not the case. Theoretically, noise pollution could be so great that it could kill a person

Although incineration can break down harmful chemicals, the byproduct is hazardous.


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