Teacher & training semester 1 study guide

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which of the following would NOT be a personality characteristic for an effective teacher to have?


Exceptional Learners

students that require special educational modifications and, perhaps, other services that align with their abilities and potential

collaborative learning

Learning that takes place when students work in groups to discuss and solve problems together.

a portfolio should include all of the following EXCEPT

a list of your social network friends

certified teacher

a person who has met the state requirements for teacher preparation

gross motor skills

physical skills involving larger muscles of the body, such as the legs, hips, back, and arms.


placing students with special needs who show the ability to keep up with the curriculum in a regular class

A person's portfolio

shows how the person's skills have evolved

which of the following behaviorists is known for identifying the basic principle of operant conditioning?


a child with strong __________ intelligence is likely to think in three dimensions


while children still respect their parents, the first real change in the parent-child relationship occurs

during adolescence

Special education

educational settings that provide adapted programs, extra staff, and specialized equipment or learning environments or materials to help students with special needs to learn

Teacher salaries are consistent and seldom vary


Play is the main occupation of children


prerequisite course

A class that must be completed before entering a program or prior to taking a higher-level course

teaching license

A formal document, issued by a state, verifying that a teacher is qualified to teach at specific grade levels or particular subject areas.

developmental disability

A group of conditions caused by physical, learning, language, or behavior impairments

Developmental Delay

A noticeable lag in a specific aspect of development that is beyond average variations.


A part of the brain that is involved in emotions reactions such as anger

student teaching

A period of acquiring and practicing teaching skills under the supervision and mentor ship of an experienced teacher


A person who studies how people think, feel, and behave


A persons own assessment of them self based on an evaluation of personal abilities, successes, failures, and comments from other people


A step-by-step pattern.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

A written educational plan developed for a specific student with disabilities.

personal portfolio

An organized collection of materials and information that shows how personal knowledge, skills, and attitudes have developed over time.

reciprocal agreements

Arrangements between states that allow teachers certified in one state to teach in another state that is part of this arrangement

Philosophy of teaching statement should

Be kept short

learning diversity

Differences in learning based on learning styles, language and cultural barriers, and physical, mental, social or emotional challenges

multiple intelligences

Howard Gardner's theory that individuals have a broad range of types of intelligence, each to a different degree

Abstract thinking

In-depth thinking about ideas and concepts, such as justice or love.


Modifications to the environment, learning strategies, or materials that are made to help students with particular special needs succeed in the classroom

prefrontal cortex

Part of the brain that regulates emotions and impulse control which is not fully developed until age 20

Cooperate trainer

Person who designs, conducts, and supervises, programs to improve the skills of a company's employees


Person who supports or promotes the interests of others

fine motor skills

Physical skills involving smaller muscles in the body, such as the hands and wrists.


Placing students with special needs into a regular class, using modified class assignments, if they will benefit from the class experience.

technical schools

Post secondary schools that teach the specific skills needed to begin working in a trade

Learning Styles

Preferred methods of absorbing and processing information

executive strategies

Skills used to solve problems, including assessing problems, setting goals, developing a plan to meet goals, and implementing and evaluating solutions.


The ability to think about ones own thinking


The ability to understand that a simple change in the shape of an object does not change its amount


The ability to understand that relationships between two objects can extend to a third object

gray matter

The cells of of the brain that actually make a person think


The links between brain cells that develop when actions are repeated

Differentiated Instruction

Varied modes of instruction to match a students preferred more of learning, disability, or background

philosophy of teaching

a personal statement about your thoughts, views, and values as they relate to teaching

which of the following describes mainstreaming?

a student is included in a classroom with other peers and may have extra learning aids, but receives no treatment as a student with special needs

operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which we learn to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events


all of the actions or processes involving thought and knowledge

Howard Gardner published the theory of multiple intelligences. Which of the following statements is NOT part of his theory?

all types of intelligences have been explored, there are no more to add to his list

Self-contained classroom

an arrangement in which the same teacher and a group of students remain in one classroom for most of the day, with one teacher teaching most or all subjects

which of the following statements is false regarding the physical growth and development of children ages five to seven?

baby teeth fall out at once

the fourth step in becoming a teacher is to

become certified


being able to bounce back after a defeat or setback

the struggle for independence and autonomy of teens

causes many conflicts betweens teens and their parents

helps develop course content in a program of study or specific course

curriculum developer

which of the following is an example of social-emotional developmental?

dealing with increasing independence

While slight variations in development are normal, significant discrepancies may signal a _____.

developmental delay

most school districts divide preteens and young teens into separate schools due to

developmental differences

cooperating teacher

experienced teacher who supervises and mentors a student teacher

when students experience and then reflect on their learning, ________ learning occurs


Piaget believed that children learn through continuous exposure to

experimentation, discovery, first hand experiences

Developmental theories

explanations based on research about why people act and behave the way they do and how they change over time

Most kindergarteners do NOT have difficulty with maintaining self-control.


adult education is limited to General Equivalency Diploma (GED) programs for those who have NOT earned their high school diploma


it has been proven that multitasking, such as listening to music and watching a movie while studying, makes students produce better quality work in much less time


the primary job of the cooperating teacher is to evaluate the student teacher


younger teens use abstract thinking most of the time



focused primarily on one's own concerns

during adolescence, the brain is

full sized, though not fully developed

in the debate of nature versus nurture, nurture refers to environment and nature refers to


the development of abstract thinking allows the adolescent to

grasp concepts such as honor and freedom, consider multiple solutions to problems and their consequences, figure out why things are the way they are

the teen who is more likely to become involved in high risk behaviors may

have low self-esteem, have poor grades and struggle in school, not communicate well with parents

Developing a philosophy of teaching

helps you think seriously about your beliefs and values

which of the following statements about the adolescent brain is true

inactivity wastes windows of opportunity


independence that includes personal responsibility and decision making

A child with strong ____ intelligence would prefer journaling, reflection exercises, self-paced work, and personal projects.


which of these statements about physical growth and development in adolescence is true?

it is marked with rapid increases in height and weight, growth does not always occur in an orderly pattern, hormone shifts trigger sexual development

which type of learner would learn best by physically placing numbers on a map to learn the sequence of Civil War battles?


Experiential Learning

learning that takes place when students actually experience and then reflect on their learning

The role of peer relations change during the teen years in all of the following ways EXCEPT _____.

making friends is based more on appearances than character

which of the following subject areas have the greatest demand for teachers?

math and science

which of the following is a basic principle of human development?

normal growth patterns can be predicted

the steps to gaining teacher certification include all of the following EXCEPT

pledging a fraternity or sorority

according to Kholberg's theory of moral development, when teens make moral decisions based on principles, such as justice and individual conscience, they are at the level of ____________ mortality


most young teens are beginning to enter Kholberg's __________ stage of mortality, in which teens begin to make moral decisions based on universal principles


in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive do young children learn to recognize symbols and learn concepts?


Growth spurts

rapid increases in height and weight, such as those associated with puberty

proficiency test

this measures skill and knowledge in a subject area

which of the following is NOT true of teens' concern about body image?

risk of developing eating disorders decreases

a professional who helps students learn social skills, solve issues, cope with personal crises, and make education and career decisions

school guidance counselor

Every child comes to school with a unique combination of experiences, expectations, and abilities. Therefore, which of the following statements is NOT true?

students must conform to an established educational system

postsecondary programs include

technical schools, community colleges, four-year colleges

during the teen years

teens may question and reject their family's values

risk-taking behavior is common during adolescence for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

teens with high self-esteem are more likely to get involved with risky behaviors


the ability to place objects in order by a characteristic, such as smallest to largest


the courses taught in a school, what is taught in each course, and how the courses are sequenced


the gradual increase in skills and abilities that occurs over a lifetime

cognitive development

the way people change and improve in their ability to think and learn throughout life

Future teachers should study developmental theories because

theories help teachers understand what students are doing and why

which of the following about 10-12 year old children is true?

they are called preadolescents or preteens, they have traits of both children and adolescents, they are capable of more complex thought

which statement is NOT true when discussing the development of self-concept in children ages 10-12?

they focus on their own limitations

concrete thinking

thinking about things that are actually experienced

Job shadowing is a good way to get a firsthand look at a career that you find interesting


Most teachers agree that seeing students develop new knowledge, skills, and confidence can be the most rewarding part of teaching.


Physical Development is very rapid during the first years of life


The ability of a seven-year-old to tell jokes is a sign of cognitive development.


by providing positive feedback, adults can help young teens develop a positive self-concept


career and technical educators instruct and train students to work in a variety of careers


during adolescence, physical growth is faster than any time other infancy


establishment of teens' values begins with the questioning of existing ones


middle childhood is the period of time from the start of school to adolescence


since development is a step-by-step process, it is important to understand the development of children at all ages not just the age you intend to teach


students who are considered gifted and talented and students with special needs are both called exceptional learners


supporting staff in educational organizations is called administration and administrative support


the brain of an adolescent is both physically and functionally different from the brain of a child or an adult


young children are especially open to kinesthetic-tactile learning


teacher education programs

university or college programs that prepare students to become teachers

learning styles are the methods individuals prefer and the way that they learn best. Which of the following is a learning style?

visual, auditory, kinesthetic-tactile

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