Technical Writing Formal Quiz english 365

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2. Secondary research is the process of creating technical information yourself, as opposed to collecting information that other people have discovered or created. a. True b. False

b. False

8. Though many aspects of private life and community life differ from culture to culture, in most developed countries business is conducted more or less in the same way. a. True b. False

b. False

5. Which two terms below are used to describe types of audiences in Chapter 4? a. supplemental b. primary c. secondary d. fundamental e. none of the above

b. primary c. secondary

11. Because state revenues for the year are 40 percent below estimates, the legislature cuts funds proportionately to education but reduces farmers' subsidies by only 20 percent. Which moral standard is violated? A. care B. utility C. justice D. rights

C. Justice

4. According to Chapter 2, saying that a recently fired employee was "offered an alternative career opportunity" would be an example of which of the following? a. lie b. exaggeration c. euphemism d. legalistic construction e. none of the above

c. euphemism

5. Which three of the following features of word-processing software does Chapter 3 discuss as being particularly useful in collaboration? a. thesaurus feature b. spell-checker feature c. revision feature d. comment feature e. highlighting feature f. e-mail integration feature g. HTML conversion feature

c. revision feature d. comment feature e. highlighting feature

4. According to Chapter 1, graphics help the technical writer perform five main functions. One function is to make the document more interesting and appealing to readers. Which of the following is another function listed in Chapter 1? a. to communicate with readers who don't have time to read b. to communicate with readers accustomed to receiving information in a visual medium, such as television or the Web c. to communicate with nonnative speaker

c. to communicate with nonnative speaker

6. Print is a common medium for publishing information. Chapter 5 identifies three other publishing media. What are two of them? a. conference proceedings b. microfilm c. microfiche d. Web sites e. Online discussion boards

d. Web sites e. Online discussion boards

6. Chapter 4 identifies seven categories of cultural variables "on the surface." One category is political. Which of these is NOT a cultural variable? a. economic b. social c. religious d. edifying e. technological

d. edifying

1. Chapter 3 discusses three aspects of conducting meetings, a crucial component of collaboration. One aspect the chapter discusses is setting your team's agenda. What are the other two aspects? a. minimizing scheduling conflicts b. rewarding promptness and discouraging tardiness c. brainstorming d. building friendships with other team members e. none of the above

e. none of the above

7. Chapter 2 lists four ways that you can help to protect your client's or employer's trademark. One is to use the trademark symbol. What are two other methods listed in the chapter?

Don't use it as an adjective or in plural form.

6. Chapter 1 lists eight measures of excellence in technical communication. One is that it is honest; another is that it is accessible. What are three other measures of excellence?

Honesty, clarity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accessibility, conciseness, professional appearance, correctness

8. As used in Chapter 1, what does accessibility mean?

How easy it is to find information.

2. What is one of the advantages of collaboration mentioned in Chapter 3?

It draws on a greater knowledge base.

5. Why would the following passage be inappropriate for a document aimed at a multicultural audience. "The two companies found themselves in the financial equivalent of sudden-death overtime. The first to raise the necessary capital would be the one to survive."

It is a cultural idiom.

6. What does the symbol ® stand for, and what rights does it grant the organization?

Registered trademark, and it grants the ability for the company to only use it and no other company can use it.

3. What is a technical communicator?

Technical writers

6. One stage of conducting an experiment is to establish a hypothesis. What is the next stage?

Testing the hypothesis

5. Chapter 3 discusses three features of word-processing software that are particularly useful in collaboration, What is one of these features?

The comment feature

9. According to Chapter 2, saying that a recently fired employee was "offered an alternative career opportunity" would be an example of a(n)?


1. The standard of utility is concerned with the

positive and negative effects that an action or a policy has on others.

3. A periodical index contains lists of journal and magazine articles classified according to title, subject, and author. a. True b. False

...a. True

1. Chapter 3 defines three patterns of collaboration. One is collaboration based on job specialty. What is one other pattern?

According to technical expertise, stages of writing processes, and sections of the document.

10. If a writer preparing an electrician's manual considers inserting company-designed danger symbols to denote the potential for electrocution, what is the writer's primary concern? A. codes of conduct B. liability law C. copyright law D. whistleblowing

B. liability law

12. A writing team has a long history of successfully collaborating on documents and understanding one another. They can most likely STOP doing which of the following and still produce effective documents? A. using a work schedule form B. meeting face-to-face each week C. evaluating the performance of team members D. choosing a person to lead each project.

B. meeting face-to-face each week

9. As used in Chapter 1, what does correctness mean?

The right grammar, right punctuation, and no errors

4. Fair use does not apply to graphics: you must obtain written permission to use any graphics. TRUE or FALSE


4. Writing addressed to technicians often contains little text. TRUE or FALSE


5. Under the concept of work made for hire, documents written on the job by an employee being paid by the organization are the property of the organization. TRUE or FALSE


7. According to Chapter 3, the differences in behavior between two men or between two women are likely to be fewer and less pronounced than the differences between men and women in general. TRUE or FALSE


7. In general, you should conduct secondary research before you conduct primary research. TRUE or FALSE


4. Chapter 1 lists a variety of examples of technical communication. Name four of them?

User manuals E-mail Websites Business Letters

2. According to Chapter 1, most technical communication has six characteristics. One characteristic is that technical communication helps readers solve problems. Which of the following statements does Chapter 1 also make about the characteristics of technical communication? a. Technical communication reflects an organization's goals and culture. b. Technical communication uses technical vocabulary as often as possible. c. Technical communication strives to both entertain and educate readers. d. Technical communication is most often aimed at a general audience rather than at a particular audience.

a. Technical communication reflects an organization's goals and culture.

2. U.S. companies do not necessarily have the same ethical and legal obligations when they export as when they sell in the United States. a. True b. False

a. True

3. According to Chapter 3, one advantage of collaboration is that it helps acclimate new employees to an organization. a. True b. False

a. True

3. Under the concept of work made for hire, anything written on the job by an employee being paid by the organization is the property of the organization provided that the employee agrees after the document is written to surrender his or her copyright. a. True b. False

a. True

7. To make it easy for readers to find the information they need, many technical documents are made up of small, independent sections. a. True b. False

a. True

8. Chapter 1 identifies correctness as a characteristic of good technical communication. In this context, correctness refers to the proper use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage to accurately convey the intended meaning. a. True b. False

a. True

9. According to Chapter 5, one disadvantage of a questionnaire is that you cannot be sure the respondents are representative. a. True b. False

a. True

12. Which one of the following statements about technical communication is INCORRECT: A. You can expect to write many kinds of technical documents in your job. B. Because of e-mail, organizations do not need to document as much in writing. C. Some organizations restrict the amount and kind of technical documents their employees may write. D. Some technical documents may not include graphics of any kind.

B. Because of e-mail, organizations do not need to document as much in writing.

2. Print is the most common medium for publishing information. However, we identify four other media. List two of them.

Discussion groups and blogs

8. Which of the following situations suggests that a group's collaborative writing process may produce an inferior document? A. The group shares a common goal. B. The group experiences no conflict. C. Group members act as the audience for the document. D. Group members divide up the workload.

. B. The group experiences no conflict.

11. The writer's revision of the original paragraph below demonstrates which one of the following: Original: During our monthly meeting last month, we all came to the conclusion that overtime procedures are inadequate and that new procedures need to be initiated. I discussed this problem with our chief accountant, who was sympathetic and agreed to consider any changes we would like to make to the present procedures. Please bring your suggested changes to this month's departmental meeting scheduled for 2:30 P.M. next Wednesday afternoon.Revision: During last month's meeting, we concluded that our overtime procedures need revision. Our chief accountant has agreed to consider any changes we would like to make to the present procedures. Please bring your suggested changes to this month's departmental meeting scheduled for 2:30 P.M. next Wednesday. A. conciseness B. accuracy C. comprehensiveness D. correctness

A. Conciseness

9. Which of the following statements accurately describes readers of technical documents? A. Technicians are not interested in theoretical explanations, but read technical documents to find out how mechanisms work. B. Because managers tend to be promoted from within a company, writers can expect them to have technical backgrounds. C. General readers tend to search technical documents for factual information, rather than read for pleasure. D. The expert audience is capable of understanding any kind of document.

A. Technicians are not interested in theoretical explanations, but read technical documents to find out how mechanisms work.

9. A project manager is using a word processor to review an electronic file of a document written by a group member and does not understand the meaning of a term used in the document. Which of the following actions should the writer take? A. Use the comment feature to ask "Will the reader understand this term" B. Delete the term using the revision feature. C. Check the change bar for an explanation. D. Use the highlighting feature to call the writer's attention to the term.

A. Use the comment feature to ask "Will the reader understand this term"

14. You are writing the second edition of a computer user manual to be included in software sold to the general public. You want to reuse a portion of the introductory materials but cannot determine who wrote this section or what the contractual conditions were. You know that your company has customarily required that freelance writers sign work-made-for-hire agreements. You should? A. rewrite the introductory materials yourself. B. state in a footnote that the excerpt was written under a work-made-for-hire agreement. C. register the work with the appropriate government agency. D. include a disclaimer when you insert the materials from the first edition

A. rewrite the introductory materials yourself.

12. Your company has completed a user analysis for the manual you are writing that describes a new accounting system. The manual will be given to the 750 employees in the company's accounting department. The audience consists of users who are both experienced and inexperienced in accounting practices; some with MBA degrees, others with only BBA degrees; newly hired and long-term employees; and both accounting managers and bookkeepers. How might you best accommodate your audiences. A. Include different sections for the different audiences. B. Write the manual to the lowest level of audience. C. Write the manual to the highest level of audience. D. Prepare an audience profile sheet.

A.Include different sections for the different audiences.

4. What kind of information is found in a periodical index?

Authors, category, subject, title

5. We list five characteristics to consider when evaluating information found on the Internet. Name two of them.

Authorship and publisher

11. A writer is commenting on a first draft of a technical report written by another group member. Which of the following comments is most appropriate? A. "You've really improved your editing skills, Brian. Your writing would be even better if you used more active voice. Similarly, your report would be even better if you used some bulleted lists to break up some of your longer paragraphs." B. "Section 3 does a great job of making a case for the importance of our usability testing. Perhaps we should also include a graph showing a decrease in customer-service calls since we started testing. We may also want to add a section on user feedback." C. "I'm working on several different projects right now. I've been able to proof the document. However, I leave it to you to check its organization. Also, I feel you didn't sell me on the benefits of usability testing." D. "Use Arial Bold for all headings. Change on-line to online. Delete section 4. Add a map of the site in section 2. Otherwise, you are on the right track. Good work, Kathy."

B. "Section 3 does a great job of making a case for the importance of our usability testing. Perhaps we should also include a graph showing a decrease in customer-service calls since we started testing. We may also want to add a section on user feedback."

10. A team of writers is just beginning a new documentation project. On their last project, the client complained that the completed document kept switching from active to passive voice and that the design of the headings was not visually consistent. Which of the following is the team's best approach for avoiding such problems on the current project? A. Discuss cultural differences. B. Create a style sheet. C. Choose a group leader with strong editing skills. D. Establish clear work procedures.

B. Create a style sheet

6. What is one category of software mentioned in Chapter 3 as being an example of groupware?

Blog, chat room, discussion group

15. This excerpt comes from a report on introducing new technology to company employees. Which of the following suggestions will help the writer improve the excerpt the most: (1) Research conducted for this study dealt primarily with the means to introduce new technology to long-time employees who are resistant to change. (2) In a number of interviews with managers and supervisors, most of these interviewees felt that the reason for employee resistance must first be known before determining how it is possible to introduce new technology. (3) As a result, a survey was conducted to identify the primary reasons for employee resistance. (4) The following list summarizes the main findings for this resistance: failure to see that the benefits of using technology can balance out the cost of learning and implementing it, feeling overwhelmed at the thought of implementing new technology, and initial negative experiences with new technology. (5) Once these issues are addressed, management may be more confident in its attempt to make significant changes in the way the company operates. A. Improve accuracy by changing the misspelling of "management" in sentence 5 to "management." B. Improve the clarity of sentence 2 by leaving out unnecessary words and phrases, like "a number of" and "of these interviewees." C. Improve the accessibility of information by turning the list of three main findings in sentence 4 into a bulleted list. D. Improve the honesty of the passage by stating in sentence 2 exactly how many managers and supervisors were interviewed

C. Improve the accessibility of information by turning the list of three main findings in sentence 4 into a bulleted list.

13. You work for a pharmaceuticals company. During your lunch breaks, you have become acquainted with one of the graphic artists at your company. He has just finished designing a logo for a new product. That logo is now on your company's Web site. He mentions to you one day that he started designing the logo by downloading from the Internet a logo that he found on an automaker's Web site. Then he changed the logo a little. Which of the following statements is true? A. Your company is protected by the fair-use concept because your company and the other company are in different industries. B. Your company is protected by the work-made-for-hire concept. C. Your company has probably violated the automaker's trademark. D. Your company is protected because there is no trademark or registered trademark symbol after the logo on the automaker's Web site

C. Your company has probably violated the automaker's trademark.

1. We advise researchers to look for information that is current. List two other characteristics the chapter says you should look for in information.

Current and accurate

11. Bill is an accountant for Millsaps Systems, which has suffered heavy financial losses the past two business quarters. Despite the company's financial difficulties and belt-tightening mentality, he has found a new accounting software program that he is confident will benefit the company in the long run. Which is the best purpose statement to be included in a memo to management requesting purchase of the software program. A. In this memo, I hope to persuade you to purchase the Accounting Plus II software program. B. This memo describes the new state-of-the-art Accounting Plus II software program, a program we cannot do without. C. I recommend that we purchase new accounting software without delay. D. This memo explains the financial advantages in these difficult economic times of purchasing the Accounting Plus II software program.

D. This memo explains the financial advantages in these difficult economic times of purchasing the Accounting Plus II software program.?

12. Systems Software, Inc., is introducing a new piece of sophisticated graphics software. A recently hired writer has been assigned to write the Getting Started Manual for the product. Being a novice, the writer first decides to page through similar manuals written by other graphics software companies to get ideas about how to write Systems' manual. In doing so, the writer has? A. violated copyright law. B. ignored an express warranty. C. taken advantage of the fair-use concept. D. done nothing ethically wrong.

D. done nothing ethically wrong

13. The study of technical communication will NOT enable you to do which of the following: A. improve your ability to create documents that make information accessible to your readers B. assist you in identifying the kinds of people who will read your documents C. make you a more skilled computer user D. help you write effective documents that minimize the need for communication skills

D. help you write effective documents that minimize the need for communication skills

10. Which of the factors below did the writer of the following memo fail to take into account. TO: University Faculty Advisors FROM: David Gates, Ph.D., Department of Psychology SUBJECT: New course offered—PSYC 499, Self Fulfillment in a Global SocietyEnclosed is a flyer briefly describing PSYC 499. After you read through the flyer, post it in a conspicuous place, e.g., on your door. Or, better yet, make copies and hand it out in your class. The course will explore how our society can maintain a sense of self in these increasingly uncertain times. So tell students in your courses and your advisees about this new timely course. A. reader's attitude toward the writer B. reader's attitude toward the subject C. reader's expectations about the subject D. reader's expectations about the document E. all of the above

E. All of the Above

14. Which of the following persons are involved in creating technical communication: A. a company secretary writing a letter to a customer B. an electrical engineer filling out a standardized form C. a Webmaster revising a company Web page D. a manager preparing an oral presentation E. all of the above

E. all of the above

10. Your research leads you to the following information. Information of this sort, presented in this fashion, is called a summary. Title: ENVIRONMENT: THE THIRD DIMENSION OF THE LAND-USE TRANSPORT INTERACTION Author: WOOLLEY, JE YOUNG, TM Publication Year: 1994 Language: ENGLISH Pages: 223-39 Journal Name: PAPERS OF THE AUSTRALASIAN TRANSPORT RESEARCH FORUM, 1994, VOL 19, Journal Number: NA, Journal Volume: NA Corporate Source: UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE. TRANSPORT RESEARCH CENTRE, PARKVILLE VICTORIA 3052 AUSTRALIA This paper outlines some of the interactions and relationships between traffic/transport systems, land-use, and environmental amenity, leading to a detailed discussion of a PC-based environmental impact assessment system. The system consists of a traffic network model, a vehicle energy and emissions (noise and air) model, a pollutant dispersion model, and a land-use impact model. The vehicle energy and emissions model estimates the energy used and the levels of noise and air pollution generated from traffic streams. These traffic streams are a function of traffic flow, travel conditions, vehicle type, and fuel type. The assessment system will allow the user to predict and assess the environmental impact of road traffic, transport infrastructure, and travel demand management schemes. The system has the ability to detect relative differences in levels of pollution and energy use between alternative schemes, while the schemes are still in the planning stage. Considerable community benefits will result from the use of a method whereby route and facility location decisions can be made with full knowledge of the possible impacts. True False


2. In considering your audience's education, you should focus primarily on the type of academic degree that person has earned. TRUE or FALSE


3. Although many aspects of private life and community life differ from culture to culture, in most developed countries business is conducted more or less the same way. TRUE or FALSE


7. According to my lecture, if you think your document will have a number of readers, you should consider writing a variety of documents addressed to different kinds of readers. TRUE or FALSE


10. One basic purpose of design features is to make a document attractive. What is one other purpose mentioned in Chapter 1?

It is easy to use and understand information. It makes it look neat and professional. It makes a good impression on yourself.

8. An effective code of conduct has three characteristics. One is to "protect the public's interest rather than the interests of the members of the organization or profession." What is one other characteristic of an effective code of conduct?

It is specific and comprehensive and it is enforceable.

7. Chapter 1 cites three reasons for ensuring that technical communication is honest. The first is that it is the right thing to do. What is one other reason?

It is the right thing to do. If you are dishonest, readers can get hurt. If you are dishonest, you and your organization could face serious legal charges.

3. What is one of the disadvantages of collaboration mentioned in Chapter 3?

It takes more time than individual writing.

4. Chapter 3 discusses three aspects of conducting meetings, a crucial component of collaboration. What are two aspects discussed in the chapter?

Listening effectively and setting your team's agenda

1. Chapter 4 explains that one category of your readers is more important than other categories. What terms are used for these two categories?

Primary and secondary audience

3. What is the difference between secondary research and primary research?

Primary is when you conduct research by yourself. Secondary you use findings by others.

6. Chapter 4 suggests that, in addition to education, you should consider five other individual characteristics of readers. What is one other individual characteristic listed in the chapter?

Professional experience, personal preference

1. What two categories of workers are largely responsible for creating technical communication?

Professionals and technical communicators

2. According to Chapter 1, what are two technical documents you will most likely prepare as part of a job search?

Resume and letter of application

8. The lecture lists seven sets of cultural variables that lie "on the surface." Two of these sets of variables are political and economic. Name two more sets.

Social and religious

2. Chapter 2 lists four areas of law relevant to ethical issues in technical communication. One is copyright law. What are two others

The liability law, trademark laws, and the contracted law.

3. Chapter 2 lists four guidelines governing the fair-use exemption, which allows you to use copyrighted material without permission, under certain conditions. One guideline is "the nature and purpose of the copyrighted work." What are two of the other guidelines

The purpose and character of the use, especially whether they use is for profit. The amount of substantiality of the portion of the work used.

2. According to Chapter 3, one way to listen more effectively is to pay attention to the speaker. What are two other ways? a. Listen for main ideas. b. Take notes while the speaker is speaking. c. Don't get emotionally involved with the speaker's ideas. d. Tape-record what the speaker is saying. e. Interrupt if you don't understand what the speaker is saying.

a. Listen for main ideas. c. Don't get emotionally involved with the speaker's ideas.

7. Chapter 2 states that ethicists such as Manuel G. Velasquez (2006) argue that whistle-blowing is justified if three conditions are satisfied. One condition is that there is strong evidence that the organization is doing something that is hurting or will hurt other parties. What are the other two conditions? a. The employee has made a serious but unsuccessful attempt to resolve the problem through internal channels. b. Whistle-blowing is reasonably certain to prevent or stop the wrongdoing. c. The employee has suffered personal harm as a result of the wrongdoing, such as the loss of a promotion, a substantial decrease in salary, or physical injury. d. The wrongdoing is serious enough to warrant the consequences the whistle-blowing will probably have for the employee, his or her family, and any other parties. e. The wrongdoing involves members of a minority group or affects individuals granted specific rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

a. The employee has made a serious but unsuccessful attempt to resolve the problem through internal channels. b. Whistle-blowing is reasonably certain to prevent or stop the wrongdoing.

1. Chapter 5 advises researchers to look for information that is current. What are two other characteristics of information that the chapter says you should look for? a. The information is unbiased. b. The information is easy to read. c. The information is attractively designed. d. The information is comprehensive. e. The information is written by someone you have heard of.

a. The information is unbiased. d. The information is comprehensive.

2. According to Chapter 4, a good way to learn about your readers' preferences is to read documents they have written. a. True b. False

a. True

4. Government publications are not usually listed in the indexes and abstract journals. a. True b. False

a. True

1. Chapter 2 lists four guidelines governing the fair-use exemption that allows you to use copyrighted material without permission under certain conditions. One guideline is the nature and purpose of the copyrighted work. What are two of the other guidelines? a. the effect of the use on the potential market for the copyrighted work b. the amount and substantiality of the portion of the work used c. the degree of difficulty you might encounter if you did seek permission to use the copyrighted work d. whether the copyrighted work was published on the Internet and thus can be considered to be in the public domain e. whether you intended to cause the copyright holder any harm—financial or otherwise—by using the copyrighted material

a. the effect of the use on the potential market for the copyrighted work b. the amount and substantiality of the portion of the work used

9. Chapter 4 suggests that you consider, in addition to education, five other individual characteristics of readers. Which two of the following characteristics does the chapter suggest you consider? a. the reader's professional experience b. the reader's sex c. the reader's temperament d. the reader's job responsibility e. none of the above

a. the reader's professional experience d. the reader's job responsibility

5. Chapter 1 lists six defining characteristics of technical communication. One characteristic is that technical communication addresses particular readers. What are three other characteristics mentioned in the chapter?

addresses particular readers, helps readers solve problems, reflects an organization's goals and culture, is produced collaboratively, uses design to increase readability, consists of words or graphics or both

1. Companies hiring technical professionals such as engineers, scientists, and programmers are so focused on technical abilities that they rarely list communication skills among the requirements for employment. a. True b. False

b. False

3. The following passage would be appropriate for a document aimed at a multicultural audience: The two companies found themselves in the financial equivalent of sudden-death overtime. The first to raise the necessary capital would be the one to survive. a. True b. False

b. False

4. According to Chapter 3, one advantage of collaboration is that it produces a more coherent document. a. True b. False

b. False

4. According to Chapter 4, if you think your document will have a number of readers, you should consider writing a variety of documents addressed to different kinds of readers. a. True b. False

b. False

6. Most technical documents are produced by professional technical communicators working alone. a. True b. False

b. False

6. To conduct a videoconference, all of the participants must use dedicated conference rooms with sophisticated cameras and microphones. a. True b. False

b. False

7. According to Chapter 5, the question "What would be the effect on the balance of trade between the United States and China if China lowered the value of its currency by 10 percent?" is more likely to be a workplace research question than an academic research question. a. True b. False

b. False

7. In considering your audience's education, you should focus primarily on the type of academic degree the person has earned. a. True b. False

b. False

3. Chapter 1 states that effective technical communication is honest. The chapter then presents three reasons that it is important to be honest when communicating. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons listed in Chapter 1? a. It's the right thing to do. b. If readers bring your dishonesty to the attention of your supervisor, your career may be negatively affected. c. Readers can get hurt if you are dishonest. d. You and your organization could face serious legal charges if you are dishonest.

b. If readers bring your dishonesty to the attention of your supervisor, your career may be negatively affected.

1. Which of the following mistakes did McDonald's make when it printed takeout bags decorated with flags from around the world? a. The bags showed a pair of hands holding a flag in a way that some cultures would interpret as an obscene gesture. b. The bags showed a Saudi flag, which depicts holy scripture from the Koran. The Saudis were offended because these bags would be thrown out. c. The writing on the bags was in English, which insulted and offended numerous nonnative speakers. d. all of the above e. none of the above

b. The bags showed a Saudi flag, which depicts Holy Scripture from the Koran. The Saudis were offended because these bags would be thrown out.

8. According to Chapter 5, conducting an experiment involves four stages. One is reporting the data. What are the other three? a. duplicating the experiment b. testing the hypothesis c. establishing a hypothesis d. selecting suitable test subjects e. analyzing the data

b. testing the hypothesis c. establishing a hypothesis e. analyzing the data

5. Chapter 5 suggests that you do two things after conducting an interview. What are they? a. transcribe the audio recording of the interview b. write down the important information c. ask for a follow-up interview d. ask for permission to quote the respondent e. send a brief thank-you note to the respondent

b. write down the important information e. send a brief thank-you note to the respondent

6. Which of the following describes an effective code of conduct, according to Chapter 2? a. It is fair. b. It is publicly distributed. c. It is enforceable. d. It is easy to read. e. all of the above

c. It is enforceable.

5. The standard of utility is concerned with which of the following? a. the relationships we have with other individuals b. how the positive and negative effects of an action or a policy can be distributed fairly among a group c. the positive and negative effects that an action or a policy has, will have, or might have on others d. the basic needs and welfare of individuals e. none of the above

c. the positive and negative effects that an action or a policy has, will have, or might have on others

5. Which of the following is an example of technical communication? a. a memo or an e-mail requesting information or identifying a problem b. a Web site describing a product c. a set of instructions introducing and explaining a new process or procedure d. an oral presentation explaining a new policy to employees e. all of the above

e. all of the above

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