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Peter Ivanovitch

"Feminist" revolutionary, escaped from tsarist government, worships Madame de S, educated and intellectual but also brutish and terrorizes secretary

Juan Cole

"Informed Comment" blogger, history professor at U of Michigan, wrote Engaging the Muslim World -Muslims have highest birthrate: can't afford to have 1/3 the world as an enemy in 2050 -Israel/Palestine issue is 90% of problem in Middle East -Arab Spring was caused by economic crisis, impossible to predict what might come of it


"Most Promising Experiment in History" more human than Gletkin, but believes that despite suffering communism is for greater good, unlimited in what we can do to promote it


"Political bureau"; small, top governing body of most Communist parties

Kenneth Maxwell

"Red Wave in Latin America" - Observed that there is a strong anti-American temperament in Latin America

Norodnaya Volya

"The People's Will"--anarchist group that 1881 assassinated Alexander II -demonstrated that group that acts prematurely will be crushed--Alexander III annihilated

Jacobo Timerman, "Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number"

"The first time in violence is like the first time in love." Tortured liberal newspaper man who was identified as anti-revolutionary was imprisoned and tortured and wrote on that experience The political defeat of terrorism is as important as its military defeat.

The White Revolution

"a step towards modernization," a far-reaching series of reforms in Iran launched in 1963 by the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Muhammad Reza Shah's series of economic and social reforms built especially to strengthen those classes that supported the traditional system and transform Iran into a global power.

Reagan's foreign policy

"peace through strength" support to anti-communist opposition, 1) Anticommunist campaign- Soviet Union is barbaric and you cannot trust them. takes 17 million that was going to sandanistas and solidifies it with right wing leaders and American allies. also provides nicaraguans with some money to overthrow the sandanistas. 2) Arm's Race- gorbachev wanted out of the game. we come with new family of nuclear war heads. 3)SDI- Strategic Defense Initiative- strategically intercept incoming missiles and render them obsolete. 4)

Christopher Columbus

(1451-1506) Sailed for Spain. In 1492, he accidentally landed in the Americas instead of reaching the East Indies.

Fidel Castro

(1926) Use Marxist ideas to topple Barista regime 1959 and create a Cuban exemplar order.

Che Guevara

(1928-1967) Argentinean revolutionary leader; he was an aide to Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution.

Ethiopian War

(1935-1936): wanted more room for Fascism to grow, so invaded Ethiopia, Hitler was the only one to support Mussolini in this

Guerilla Warfare

(1960). Book about/by Che Guevara and lead essay. Also a practice of secretively blending as citizens and hiding warfare.


a document stating the aims and principles of a political party

Salvadorian Civil War

(1979-1992) was a conflict between the military-led government of El Salvador and the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), a coalition or 'umbrella organization' of five left-wing guerrilla groups. A coup on October 15, 1979 led to the killings of anti-coup protesters by the government as well as anti-disorder protesters by the guerillas, and is widely seen as the tipping point towards the civil war.The full-fledged civil war lasted for over twelve years, and saw extreme violence from both sides. It also included the deliberate terrorizing and targeting of civilians by death squads, the recruitment of child soldiers, and other violations of human rights, mostly by the United States backed military.] The United States contributed to the conflict by providing large amounts of military aid to the government of El Salvador during the Carter and Reagan administrations despite significant opposition from the American public.An unknown number of people "disappeared" during the conflict and the UN reports that more than 75,000 were killed.

Kirkpatrick Doctrine

(1981) tried to justify why America supported third world dictatorships with bad human rights records that opposed communism. Domino theory- communist dictatorships we oppose are totalitarian and more stable than the authoritarian non communist ones we support and can easily induce neighboring states to turn communist

Jesus of Nazareth

(1AD-33AD), a teacher and prophet born in bethlehem and active in nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for christianity

Cuban Missile Crisis

(JFK) , , an international crisis in October 1962, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR. When the U.S. discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy demanded their removal and announced a naval blockade of the island; the Soviet leader Khrushchev acceded to the U.S. demands a week later, on condition that US doesn't invade Cuba

Alliance for Progress

(JFK) 1961,, a program in which the United States tried to help Latin American countries overcome poverty and other problems, money used to aid big business and the military, Kennedy's Marshall Plan for Latin America to establish democratic governments, land reform, economic and social planning; US pledges $20 billion contribution; money wasn't used the way it was intended


(Partido Communista de Cuba) the only legal political party in Cuba, founded in 1965

Structural Adjustment Policies

(SAP) Implemented by the IMF and World Bank, these are a series of measures that developing countries have to comply with in order to obtain new loans or a reduction of their previous ones. They are meant to gear these countries' economies towards the "free market." Examples include: austerity measures, currency devaluation, trade liberalization, privatization, etc.


(n.) a general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution


a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force

Nazi party

-1926 only 35,000 votes, 1928 300,000 votes, in 1929 depression combined with WWI loss to lend Hitler advantage -did not emphasize antisemitism but instead failure of government to protect people

Hitler's rise to power

-1933 won election entirely legally -Marriage loan fund: offered incentives like this to encourage a higher brithrate among Germans 1934: executed Ernst Rohn, a potential adversary--absolute power

Muammar Gaddhafi (1942-Oct 20, 2011)

-1959 huge oil reserves discovered in Libya, struggle for control of them -1969 military coup led by Gaddhafi -wanted to modernize Libya and use its oil revenues to make it a competitor -extremely critical of the US, followed Fanon's ides -authoritarian, often assassinated dissidents even in exile

The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo

-1977:begin marching on thursday in the plaza de Mayo with pictures of their children, grandchildren, etc. -are beaten tear-gassed some are even disappeared

Libya-US reconciliation

-1999 Gaddhafi admitted Libya's role in Lockerbie -was dealing with several radical Islamist groups and needed US assistance -Fighting Libyan Islamic Group, Islamic Movement of Martyrs, Movement of Islamic Change, Movement of Libyan Jihad and Al-Qaeda elements -after 9/11 US and Libya became allies

Planned Elections of 1992

-Algeria's FLN government had agreed to hold free elections in 1992 -when became obvious that ISF would win, they suspended the multi-party law

Ismaili(The Assassins)/Wahhabi Tradition/Salafist Movement

-Assassins are an ancient fundamentalist Islamic group founded to protect the Holy Lands during the Crusades -Wahhabi and Salafist are other old Islamic radical groups

Exporting the Iranian Revolution

-Ayatollah was an inspiration to other radicals, especially Shiites -Hezbollah (Lebanon), Party of Islamic Call (Iraq), Islamic Liberation Front (Bahrain), Army of the Guards (Afghanistan), Islamic Jihad (Lebanon)

Balfour Declaration (1917)

-Balfour was England's foreign minister at time -declared Zionism to be a worthy and just cause (mistakenly believed that Palestine wasn't densely populated) -contains neglected provision that rights of native people (Arabs mostly) should be respected

Great Game (Britain vs. Russia)

-Britain and Russia struggled for control of Iran (Persia) throughout 19th century for agricultural and mineral wealth -after tipping point of 1890, oil became the major reason for the struggle -US entered conflict after this occurred, while after WWI Russia dropped out of it due to revolution

Paris Peace Conference (1919)

-Britain was granted Mesopotamia (including Palestine) in breakup of Ottoman Empire -Woodrow Wilson presided (Europe was deeply in debt to US) -Wilson was worried about reports of unrest in Middle East in relation to Balfour project

Great Leap Forward (1958)

-China's attempt to collectivize agriculture, resulted in famine (1958-1962) believed to have killed 25 million

Mao Zedong (1893-1976)

-Chinese Marxist-Leninist -split from Soviet Communists because believed they departed from true Communism, formed Maoism

Bill Clinton and US Foreign Policy

-Clinton in a later interview said Rwanda was the biggest policy failure while he was in office, said he would always feel guilty about it

Romeo Dallaire, Shake Hands with the Devil

-Dallaire was the head of the UN peacekeeping force sent into Rwanda his book is a confessional of his own guilt, a description of the historical background and a critique of the various failures that occurred

Claire Stirling and "Daddy Warbucks"

-During Reagan era, Claire Stirling wrote The Terror Network, which had a whole chapter on Gaddhafi -called him Daddy Warbucks because he financed many anti-US groups, such as the PLO, Black Panthers, and the IRA

Fighting Libyan Islamic Group and Al-Qaeda

-FLIG was the most prominent radical group in Libya -In November of 2007, Ayman al-Zawahiri declared that FLIG and Al-Qaeda were merging, that Gaddhafi was an "enemy of Islam"

Paris Bombings

-France decided they needed to oppose radical Muslims, so made an alliance with the FLN to use French troops in the region -in response Islamic groups bombed Paris subways in 1990s -America also made alliance with FLN after 9/11

French-Algerian War (1954-1962)

-French had colonialized Algeria in the 1830s -tensions between native Algerians (9 million, mostly Arab Muslims) and Europeans (1 million) post WWII -bloody war (on both sides) chronicled in Alastair Horne's A Savage War of Peace

Kofi Annan and UN failures

-Head of UN Peacekeeping Intelligence, Dellaire says they were sent in without any clear idea of what was going on -accuses UN of cowardice for withdrawing, lost faith in organization

Mein Kampf (1925)

-Hitler's autobiography, claims Jewish money runs the world and therefore need to "lance the Jewish boil" for Aryans to progress

Hotel Rwanda and "The Ghosts of Rwanda"

-Hotel Rwanda is a dramatization of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, good introduction though not always right -"The Ghosts of Rwanda" is a Frontline documentary, 1 hour long but good authoritative introduction

Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi

-Khan's son was set on throne as British puppet, had authoritarian government -US and British alliance had powerful interests in Iran-oil and the Cold War

Libya as an Italian colony

-Libya was controlled by Italy between ~1910 and the end of WWII, when Italy lost the war it also lost all its colonies, and an independent monarchy was set up

AQMI attack of Amenas Gas Plant

-Mali has also been locked in civil war, Muslim fundamentalists control northern part of country -in Jan 2013 attacked gas plant in Algeria, took many mostly Western hostages, 23 hostages and 32 terrorists killed when French troops stormed them -Libya also destabilized by violence in Mali

Gillo Pontecorvo

-Marxist neo-realistic moviemaker -neorealism was a European cinematic movement post WWII, anti-Hollywood, favored documentary style -very sympathetic to FLN but created heroic characters on both sides in Battle of Algiers

Terrorism: How the West can Win (1987)

-Netanyahu's first book, considered classic member of literature on terrorism -basically blames Soviets for radical Islamic terrorism -during Reagan administration and exactly according to his views -obviously this argument doesn't work after 1991

Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies can Defeat Domestic and Internationals Terrorists (2001)

-Netanyahu's later book, argues that there are simply evil people who wish to destroy Jewish state, must be defeated at all costs, all other grievances are pretense

Iranian Hostage Crisis

-November 4, 1979 to January 1981 -most traumatizing terrorism act to US to date

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Hizb ut-Tahrir

-Other radical Islamic groups in Central Asia in addition to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, not well known in the US

Ahmed Rashid

-Pakistani journalist who studied at Cambridge -intended to become an academic but found his life's cause when he returned to Pakistan after finishing school -major argument is that the US is ignoring the horrible socio-economic conditions in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and terrorism problems will never be stopped while that continues


-Palestinian Resistance Movement, offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood -founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who was murdered by Israel in 2004 -Israel tries to assassinate Hamas leaders (Ahmed Jabari 2012), Hamas responds with rocket attacks on Israel -rumors that Hamas murdered Yassir Arafat

President Asif Ali Zardari

-President of Pakistan who stepped down recently -"Pakistan's Extremist Democracy": Rashid's term for wanton murders, kidnappings and gang violence -elections coming in Apr-May 2013

1988 Libyan Bombing raid

-Reagan administration and Libya became on such bad terms that Reagan ordered a bombing raid on Libya in April of 1988 -killed one of Gaddhafi's children and wounded another

Catholic Culture in Latin America

-Roman Catholicism came with conquistadors -but Catholics have huge spread in political views, especially true in Latin America

Orientalism (1978)

-Said's best-known book: man of words for idea that discrimination against Arabs and Muslims goes back centuries (Greek-Persian wars) -Arab culture has become associated with what the West is not -disinformation has become ingrained in media

Sunni-Shia split

-Shia is seen as more puritanical than Sunni views -Iran/Persia was only country where Shia was dominant power until US invaded Iraq

Impacts of Rwanda in the Congo

-Tutsi forces pursued the Hutu radicals into the Congo, committed atrocities just like the Hutus (who killed 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus) -believed 5 million killed in the Congo 1996-2002, massacres, rapes, hunger, disease

Edward Said

-Well-known, charismatic spokesperson for Palestinian cause in US; was a professor of literature (then history) at Columbia -born in Palestine, moved to US when Israel was created but is Christian

Arab Spring and desertion of Gaddhafi

-When Arab Spring began in Tunisia in 2010 and spread to Libya in 2011, Obama declared support for the rebels in Speech on the US Mission in Libya Mar 28, 2011 saying needed to support freedom and human rights -Robert Fisk, eminent British journalist, said this was quite false: calculate decision to hopefully maintain US's interests in area: oil, gas and Israel

King-Crane Report (1919)

-Wilson sent Charles Richard Crane and Henry Churchill King to go to the Middle East and recommend action on Jewish homeland -40,000 words strongly against putting Jews in Middle East, predicted long-term violence should that happen, compared to Crusades -conference over by the time Wilson received it, Balfour project went forward, rediscovered years later and shown to be prophetic

Frantz Fanon

-a black psychiatrist trained in France, became involved in the anti-French radical elements during the war as an intellectual -wrote Wretched of the Earth

Iranian "reign of terror"

-after the Ayatollah formed the Islamic Republic of Iran, ruthlessly rooted out anybody who still supported the old Shah or were dissidents against the new government

Rabbi Meir Kahane, Baruch Goldstein, Yigal Amir

-all radical Zionists -Kahane founded Jewish Defense League, which Elen says treats Arabs likes Nazis treated Jews -Goldstein murdered 30 Muslims in a mosque -Amir assassinated Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin in 1995

Amira Haas

-also a columnist for Haaretz -Ranallah: An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land (2003) -lives on the West Bank, has received many awards for her journalism

King-Crane Report

-also documented how Arabs held US in high esteem in 1919, knew they weren't going to get independence but wished mandate would be held by US because they believed (rightly) that Britain and France would exploit them, especially for oil

Tupac Amaru

-another left-wing group in Peru, Castroiste-Marxist-Leninist, less on Maoism and more on oppression of Incas by European "middle-men" in Lima -name is from one of last great Inca chiefs -pulled off most famous terrorist incident in Peru, hostage crisis in Lima explored by Ann Patchet's book Bel Canto

Islam and Revolution

-anthology of the Ayatollah's articles and speeches -Ayatollah was intellectual and religious leader in addition to a political leader -span from 1940s to 1980s

Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)

-attempt to change China's cultural status quo as well as political status quo, often targeted professors -Red Guards: young fanatic Maoists, often students -Laogai prison labor system: documented by Harry Wu in Laogai: The Chinese Gulag and Bitter Winds

Stephane Curtois, The Black Book of Communism

-attempted to explain the influence of Maoism and Communism around the world -Curtois was ex-Maoist -Jean-Louis Margolin's essay on "China" -until books like this were published, not much known about the failures of Communism


-began as a movement around 1900: Jews should have their own homeland -gained influence slowly over next fifteen years, took off during WWI

Arab Spring

-began in 2010 with Tunisia -Makdisi: no way to predict what outcome will be, or what will occur when/if rebel groups are successful

Armed Islamic Group and "Afghans"

-both Algerian groups that sprang up during second civil war -"Afghans" were those who had fought under bin Laden in Afghanistan and returned

David Frum and Richard Perle

-conservative commentators and activists, worked at American Enterprise Institute -wrote An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror (2003) -Middle East is a "fetid swamp" that must be drained and reconfigured in shape of democracy (US really) -whatever cost of regime change, it's worth it since it's the only way to defeat terrorism

Hamid Karzai

-current leader of Afghanistan, controls only what parts the US military controls -what will happen when US troops pull out by end of 2014?

Mohamed Morsi

-current leader of Egypt, ties to Muslim Brotherhood though behaving more moderately -studied at USC: what is his image of the US?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

-current leader of Iran, has reached out to Hugo Chavez and other non-Islamic enemies of the US to form anti-US alliance -claims Zionists are behind all the troubles of Iran and Islam in general

Six Days War

-decisive victory of Israel convinced many lukewarm Muslims to join radical cause, Qutb's followers in particular declared that loss was a sign that Muslims had drifted from true Islam

Fujimori-Timerman debate

-divisive ongoing debate on how best to handle terrorism, Fujimori was president of Peru during this time, argued that military/police strategy works best, shows how Shining Path declined after Guzman's capture -Timerman's point of view is that militant strategy will never succeed without sociopolitical policy to remove grievances, hold up Norodnaya Volya as example

David Grossman

-documented Palestinian refugee camps in Yellow Wind (1987) and Sleeping on a Wire: Conversations with Palestinians in Israel (1992), recently said relations between Israel and Palestine are at lowest point ever

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

-drew from Paul de Lagard, Arthur Moeller, Van der Bruck, Julius Largbelin -son of mining company man -denied admission to art school in Vienna -fought in WWI, awarded Iron Cross

Cultural Revolution (Iran)

-during the 80s -Ayatollah formed the Office of the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Sin -young Revolutionary Guards used to take out any dissidents

Jose Carlos Mariategui

-early left-wing radical in Peru, wrote Seven Interpretive Essays on the Reality in Peru (1928), claimed that Latin America was special case of exploitation since was being specially used by the US

Bernard Lewis

-essentially the Man of Words for the Military Solution School -wrote What Went Wrong: Western Impact and Middle East Response (2001) -perfect timing, came out a few days after 9/11 and became instant hit -claims that Middle East is a zone of defective cultures--Islamic civilizations were great in Dark Ages of Europe but have failed to successfully engage modernity -as long as that's true, Western and Islamic civilizations will never mix

Muslim Brotherhood

-founded in 1928 to preserve Islam from outside cultural forces and outright exploitation -first hint of development of radical Islam

Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949)

-founder of the Muslim Brotherhood -Islam under attack from Zionism and Westernization -began as cultural group, quickly morphed into political and military group, especially in Palestine in 30s in response to Jewish migrations

Jean Kirkpatrick

-from Reagan administration, ambassador to UN, wrote articles on "relative vs. absolute evil"--better to support a flawed ally than to overthrow him and get a despot as an enemy

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

-great Shiite intellectual of radical anti-West Islam -White Revolution is Zionist, US plot to undermine Islam -Westerners will only accept Islam that looks exactly like them -Islam and Revolution is an anthology of his articles -wrote The Governance of High Justice and the Islamic Government

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003)

-had effect of altering Sunni/Shia relations throughout Middle East, pushed Iraq into sphere of Iran's influence


-has been around for thousands of years -basically belief that Jew's economic power is the cause of what is wrong with the world -detailed in volume of Hannah Arendt's Totalitarianism

Rashid Khalidi

-holds Edward Said Professor position at Columbia, basically inherited Said's position as spokesperson for Palestinian cause -not as charismatic, so not as well-known -wrote The Iron Cage: The Palestinian Struggle for Statehood (2006) among other works

The Balfour Project

-in 1919 Jews were 10% of Palestine's population -in 1939 they were 30%--migrations in 20s and 30s as Hitler came to power -Arab resistance turned violent in 30s, Zionist counter-violence began as well

Gamal Abd-al Nasser

-leader of Egypt during the 1950s, was the Man of Words for Gaddhafi -Another secular modernizer, wished Egypt to compete with the US economically

Anwar Sadat

-leader of Egypt who signed Camp David Accords (1978) with Israel -antagonized Muslim Brotherhood who saw this as a betrayal -murdered in 1980s by Al Jihad

Sendero Luminoso (The Shining Path)

-left-wing Maoist group in Peru, started by a young philosophy professor Carlos Abimael Guzman at a provincial university -argued that Peru was perfect for a Maoist revolution since had oppressed poor and racial divide -powerful in 80s and 90s, believed 35,000 killed between radicals and government, declined with capture of Guzman in 1992

Reza Khan

-military strongman who ruled Iran under British influence after WWI (1925-1941) -secular nationalist who wished to modernize the country and gain independence -didn't show enough support for Britain in WWII, Britain and Russia both invaded and deposed him in 1941

Algerian War and modern terrorism

-modern Al Qaeda, PLO and Iraq insurgents all use Algerian War of example of how asymmetrical war can be won -State Department also uses it as a caution

Jean-Paul Sartre

-most famous philosopher of times, was Communist-leaning, wrote preface to Fanon's work and thus ensured it instant bestseller status -calls on the natives of all undeveloped countries to unite in righteous indignation against the Europeans who have "exploited them unto death," violence is the only way to remove the marks of violence left upon them

Arthur Koestler

-not so exemplary personal lif, but was a young idealistic communist who later became disenchanted

Israeli Independece

-occurred on May 14, 1948, led to breakout of Arab-Israeli wars including the 6 Days War in 1967, where Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza Strip -Palestinian refugee camps set up in which people have been living for three generations

US-Arab break (1947-1948)

-occurred when US was first country to legally recognize Israel -Makdisi: at that point already had a powerful Israel lobby but no Arab equivalent -US became Israel's "lawyer, funder and military backer"

Mark Falcoff

-of American Enterprise Institute The Cuban Revolution and the United States: spread of Castroism must be halted, US is right to step in, is helping people in Latin America to have better lives than would otherwise

Ussama Makdisi

-one of preeminent pro-Palestinian intellectuals in the US, nephew of Edward Said, wrote Faith Misplaced: The Broken Promise of US-Arab relations, 1820-2001 (2010), which documents the evolution of the US-Palestine relationship

Noman Benotman

-one of the founders of the Fighting Libyan Islamic Group -later left, several years ago published an article in the US progressive paper The Nation attempting to explain why situation encouraged radicalism -after 1999 oil revenues fell off, unemployment reached 50% -many resented Gaddhafi's attempt to bring in foreign investment, especially from the US

Operation Neptune Spear

-operation that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad -what was he doing there? Pakistani equivalent of West Point -is Pakistan a faithless ally? -fallout in Pakistan has been very negative

President Juvenal Habyarimana's assassination

-plane carrying the Hutu president was shot down on 6 April 1994, which lead first to hate radio campaign against Tutsis and then to radicals deciding to wipe them out forever

Al Jihad

-radical Islamic group founded by Abdul Salam, was first well-publicized radical group after murder of Sadat

The Ratzinger Letter: "Instructions on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation"

-reaction to Liberation Theology in Rome was very negative, future pope wrote this letter saying Christians can have no business with atheist Marxists, wrong to interpret Bible politically -Pope John Paul II was Polish and hated Communism

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

-recent development in America--Muslims are moving here in greater numbers and becoming more successful

Amos Elen

-recently deceased Israeli journalist -wrote A Blood-Dimmed Tide, in which he argues that Israel systematically discriminates against Arabs--Jews get 5x more funding, only one Arab as chair of government committee, etc. -points out racism of radical Zionists

Military/Police Solution School

-resolution of Israeli/Palestine conflict can only be settled through military defeat of radical Palestinian elements

French and Belgian governments

-sent in troops to Rwanda only to rescue the white people living there, did nothing to help Tutsis

World Social Forum

-series of meetings held to discuss alternatives to US's capitalism, Latin American countries were majority involved, Chavez was keynote speaker in 2006: US Empire is a cynical one since won't admit that it's an empire

Archbishop Oscar Romero

-shot by right-wing group/military as he was celebrating Mass in 1980

Islamic Salvation Front

-soon after the French were defeated, splits between FLN's Marxist leaders and Muslim people were revealed -ISF sprung up to demand the institution of a pure Islamic society unmixed with communism

Iran-Iraq War

-started in Sep 1980, lasted for most of a decade -US supported Saddam Hussein's Iraq with money and weapons

The Holocaust

-the Final Solution: once Jews are gone, will have Golden Age -Primo Levi: Survival at Auschwitz, classic primary source


-the party in power in Palestine, a moderate secular movement


-the philosophy of Karl Marx that the economic order determines political and social relationships. Thus, history, the current situation, and the future are determined by the economic struggle

Haganah, Irgon, Stern Gang and King David Hotel bombing

-these were all Zionist radical organizations -in July 1946, Zionists bombed the King David Hotel hoping to speed British departure

Gideon Levy

-writer for liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz -wrote The Punishment of Gaza (2010)

Salman Rushdie

-wrote Satanic Verses (1988) which Muslims thought was irreverant towards Mohammed -Ayatollah declared a fatwah (death sentence) on him -he apologized, said he never meant to offend -in return, Ayatollah said if he became the most pious man in the world it would still be the duty of every Muslim to kill him



Agricultural Reforms


Castro's Leadership Titles


Constitutional reform in Chile


Contrasts among Argentine, Chilean, and Brazilian neoliberal reforms


Domestic Reaction to Austerity


Drug Control Policies (Prohibition, decriminalization, legalization)


Family Background (Castro)


First Law of Agrarian Reform


Ideological in Chile in 1970s


Media ownership in Venezuela


Military Rule in Chile


Neoliberalism's Impact on Democracy


Nicaraguan National Guard




Popular political participation in Chile


Populism in Puerto Rico


Purges (show trials)


Red zones


Relations with USSR


Relationship between drug trafficking and corruption in Colombia


Resurgence of populism in 2000s


Second Law of Agrarian Reform


Ten Million Harvest


The Pink Tide


Transition to democracy in Chile


Venezuela's oil revenue


Área de propriedad social (APS)


Korean War

..., The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.


10 years Solidification of Islamic Power; Conquest-ed roman territories: Syria and Palestine; Jihad; toppled the Sasanian Empire


100-700 AD; 100,000 people in the valley of Mexico, Pyramid of the sun, rapid decline of population due to huge drought( la Nina)


1325; city of 100,00, located on an island in Texcoco lake; largest city in preColombian Americas; populated by Aztecs

Londonderry Massacre

14 Catholics killed by British; caused PIRA membership to skyrocket.

Hernán Cortes

1519 he led soldiers to Tenochtitlan invited in then while cortes Is gone conflict arises-> Cortes returns and people are tense sand don't like Spaniards placed it under siege with help of natives, defeated Aztec empire and began Spanish empire in Mesoamerica.

Siege of Vienna

1529, didn't take over Vienna but successful campaign. the capital of Rome brought 250,00 troops

Joseph Conrad

1857-1924, Polish (also learned French, then English) -horrified by anarchist movment Secret Agent (1907): faulted for being too extreme Under Western Eyes (1911): Response to Crime and Punishment

Francisco Franco

1892-1975; led right wing Spaniards to complete victory over left wing extremists. Led Spanish country until his death. Anti-Basque

Mao Zedong

1893-1976. Chinese military and political leader who led the Communist Party of China to victory against the Kuomintang in the Chinese Civil War. Leader of the People's Republic of China from establishment in 1949 till death in 1976. Heralded as an influential leader who transformed China into world power. Programs led to large unnecessary loss of life and damage to the culture, society, economy, and foreign relations.

Five Monarchs

1894: French president 1897: Premier of Spain 1898: Empress of Austria 1900: Italian King 1901: McKinley 4/5 were Italian anarchists

Boxer Rebellion

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils".

Lord Belfour

1917 British : promised the Jews a place in Palestine where they could have control, which had been previously ruled by Turkey (The Ottoman Empire) who had sided with Germany in WWI,

Terror Famine

1929-1933: Coincided with Five Year Plan, millions starved or were executed during transition to collective agriculture

Spanish Civil War

1936-1939; million Spaniards killed in severe clash of left and right extremists; right wing won

Fidel Castro (1926--)

1950s: Hurricane Fidel triumphed in Cuba over Fulgencio Batista (US-backed strongman), provided capitalist alternative and guerrilla war example for rest of Latin America

The Cuban Revolution

1953-1959 Led by Fidel Castro's July 26th movement , in partnership with Che Guevara who overthrew the dictatorship in 1959 of Fulgencio Batista and allowed Castro to make Cuba a socialist state, which would later be communist in 1965 under his brother Raul. Greatly effected the relationship between Cuba and the United States

Operation Ajax

1958: CIA and M16 operation to keep Mosaddeq out of power, restored Shah to head Johnson: "blowback"--Ajax had unintended consequences, namely causing Iranians to dislike the US ever since

Six Day War

1967, Israeli victory, conquering territories in the Middle East, which resulted in a surge in fundamentalist Islam, as Muslims felt they had lost the six day war as

Jose Porfido Miranda

1971: Marx and the Bible, tried to connect Marx's theory of capitalistic exploitation to Christian imperatives to help all people


a political scandal in the United States which came to light in November 1986, during the Reagan administration, in which senior US figures agreed to facilitate the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo, to secure the release of hostages and to fund Nicaraguan contras., sold weapons to Iran illegal and used money to aid contra Nicaragua


a single deity Ahura Mazda; based upon choosing right and wrong; goodness wins in the end; no reincarnation; Zoroaster(prophet)

Operation Condor

1975 campaign based in Southern South America. The program aimed to eradicate alleged socialist and communist influence and ideas and to control active or potential opposition movements against the participating government. Death tolls resulting are speculated to have reached 60k. The nations involved included Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. The United States participated in a supervisory capacity, with Ecuador and Peru joining later in more peripheral roles. Kissinger complied with Peron fascists groups to support the operation., • Campaign of political repressions involving assassination and intelligence operations officially implemented in 1975 by the right wing dictartorships of the southern cone of south America. • Idea was to eliminate left wing and nationalist influence and ideas an to control active or potential opposition movements against the usually conservative government • Clandestine nature, Leftists were kidnapped and taken away from their families. Many were killed and thrown out of planes Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia

Lufthausa Jet

1977 hi-jacking of plane by Palestinian allies of Baader Meinhof. Plane flown to Mogadishu until 3 leaders were released. German elites liberated hostages. Led to suicide of Baader Meinhof leaders.

Oktoberfest Bombing

1980 terrorist attack in Germany killing 13 and wounding over 200. Perpetrated by Gundolf Kohler


1980s, he was a communist, became president of nicaragua, Leader of the Sandanistas in Nicaragua who took power in the Sandanista Revolution in 1979 after Somoza's coup. Fought for land reform, education, better housing, and he nationalized businesses and banks

Baker Plan

1985 strategy - lend even more money to debt-ridden nations, to buy more time for the countries to improve and be able to pay their debts. failed miserably.

Ruby Ridge Idaho

1992 shootout when federal government goes to arrest extreme right wing, Randall Weaver. His wife and son were shot and killed in the process leading to huge conspiracy theories of government.

Waco, Texas Firestorm

1993; David Koresh was the leader of Branch Davidian Sect, a very offbeat collective group. Clinton Administration made decision to send tanks against compound and unleash a gas attack killing 75 of 84 people.

Oklahoma City Bombing

1995; Timothy McVeigh perpetrated terror bombing on federal Murrah Biilding. Was a veteran in the war and was upset by Waco incident, which convinced him all meaning of America was gone. Killed 167 people and wounded many more

Good Friday Accord

1998 historic agreement in North Ireland peace process signed bteween British and Irish. Negotiated by Senator George Mitchell

Simon Bolivar

1st stage of the Venezuela Republic- disconnected central gov; 2nd Stage- Bolivar's "war of the Death" Second stage of Independence of what?-Bolivar makes new alliances and battle of Boyacá(liberation of Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador,Panama)


3rd successor of Muhammad; Standardized Quran; replaced gov. officials who gained through conquest=strengthened the Caliph


622, Muhammad and his followers migrate from Mecca to Medina (due to threats)(hitchhiking)


661-750; Did not Support the Prophet; ruling clan->super Tribe-> empire; Islam and Arab state which causes problem with taxes; Umayyads death of the dynasty due to Shiites


a system in which indigenous people had to pay taxes in physical labor(Incas)

Suez Canal

A 100-mile waterway built by Great Britain in 1869 that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. The British controlled Egypt and the waterway at that time.

Albert Einstein

A 1900s Austrian physicist who came up with the general theory of relativity and the famous equation, E= mc^2. This theory states that no particle can move faster than light and that there is no absolute motion, space or time. Finally, his most famous equation E= mc^2 says that even a small amount of mass can produce an enormous amount of energy. In said equation, "E" stands for "energy", "m" stands for "mass", and "c^2" stands for "speed of light in a vacuum (in meters per second), squared".

Battle Of Gallipoli

A 1915-1916 battle in which the Ottomans were victorious and drove the Allies back.

Battle Of Somme

A 1916 battle that was intended to be a British "big push", but this ended up being another stalemate and over 1,000,000 were lost.

Battle Of Verdun

A 1916 battle that was intended to be a German offensive, however, it stayed in stalemate and 500,000 were lost.

Cecil Rhodes

A British businessman who once stated that Britain should paint Africa red. (Color of the British.) Eventually, he went to South Africa for diamonds and gold, and became the first President of the Union Of South Africa.

Simon Bolivar

A Creole who was often called "the Liberator". In 1810, he led a revolt in Venezuela, and eleven years later with the help of Jose De San Martin, became president of Gran Columbia.

Baron De Montesquieu

A French baron and philosopher who published the Spirit Of The Laws in 1748. It analyzed world government and stated that a tri-cameral (three-branch) system of government would be perfect, like England had.

Rene Descartes

A French philosopher and mathematician who was famous for inventing the Cartesian coordinate plane, and for publishing "Discourse On Method".

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A French philosopher who published "The Social Contract" in 1762. It stated that humans were born as clean slates, and that a naturally good state was only preserved if popular sovereignity was the form of government used.


A French writer and philosopher who was most famous for spreading the idea of free speech. "I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend your death your right to say it."

French Revolution Of 1830

A July Revolution in France where King Charles X was overthrown and succeeded by Louis Phillipe, also known as "the citizen king".

Agustin De Iturbide

A Mexican Creole who overthrew the Spanish in Mexico and beecame ruler in 1821, albeit for a very short time. Soon after he becacme ruler, he was overthrown by liberals. Most Mexican dictatorships ended up this way, starting with big promises and usually ending up as big military dictatorship with no change in citizens' lives.


A Nicaraguan rebel group that got financial support from the CIA. This group was formed as a response to the overthrowing of Anastazio Somoza Debayle, freedom fighters from Nicaragua who joined a resistance movement against their Communist leaders

Nicholas Copernicus

A Polish scientist who was the first to propose the idea of a heliocentric (sun-centered) universe in the early 1500s.

James Watt

A Scottish engineer who created the steam engine that worked faster and more efficiently than earlier engines, this man continued improving the engine, inventing a new type of governor to control steam pressure and attaching a flywheel.

Adam Smith

A Scottish philosopher turned economist who is often called "The Father Of Capitalism". He came up with the ideas of supply and demand, the "invisible-hand", and "hands-off" business.


A bit like Victor Haldin, used to be an idealist, but changes to become more moderate over time

Revolutionary Tribunal

A court instituted in Paris by the Convention between October 1793 and the Thermidorian Reaction, the Tribunal was one of the main instruments of the Reign of Terror and had many people guillotined.

Napoleon Bonaparte

A famous general, dictator, and emperor of France. During his age, he brought stability to France, and was declared dictator in 1799 and emperor in 1804. He also proved competent on the battlefield, where his unorthodox tactics won many battles and added thousands of square miles to France's area.


A farmer with a small farm

The Directory

A five-man government established by the Constitution Of 1795 and resulted from the reaction against extremism. Unfortunately, this proved to be a weak form of government that was still unable to solve the financial problems and debt of France. The age of Napoleon began when this period ended.


A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition). This form of government was particularly rampant during the time of the reign of Louis XIV and was wanted during the French Revolution.

Direct Rule

A form of imperialistic rule in which all levels of government are controlled directly by the mother country. (Example: France)

Indirect Rule

A form of imperialistic rule in which local rulers are stationed in the colony in order to govern. (Example: British protectorates)

Spheres Of Influence

A form of imperialistic rule in which the mother country gets to claim exclusive economic priveleges from the colony. (Example: United States claiming Latin America)


A group of people who share a common bond, such as language, ethnicity, religion, or other shared attributes.

Guerrilla Warfare

A hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes

Ivan Pavlov

A late 1800s Russian social scientist who discovered the ideas of reflexive conditioning. He performed his experiment with a dog and food stimuli. First, he would ring a bell and present a bowl of food to the dog, and the dog would salivate. Eventually, just the ringing of the bell would make the dog salivate. This proved the reflexive conditioning theory.


A late 1800s artistic style in which artists experimented with small patches of different colors placed side by side with the intention of the creation of shimmering effects.

Louis Pasteur

A late 1800s scientist who proved the germ theory by proving microbes to disease. In doing so, he was also able to invent vaccines for two serious diseases, rabies and anthrax. Finally, he has a process named after him that is most commonly used with milk. This process works by the sterilization of a liquid at a temperature that kills germs, but does not really alter the substance.

John Stuart Mill

A liberal utilitarianist at the time of the Industrial Revolution who supported Capitalism. However, his ideal version says that the government must only intervene if people's civil liberties are in danger. He is very famous for the quote, "All human beings have an equal need of voice."

Carlos Marighella "Minimanual of guerrilla warfare "

A manual published at Giangicomo Fletrinelli's publishing house on how to overthrow authoritarian regimes.

Demand/Supply Drug Control

A method used to eliminate or reduce the potential harm of the drug distributed, a method used to eliminate or reduce the potential harm of the drug distribution, the system of knowledge, understanding, judgments, procedures, skills, controls, and ethics that ensures optimal safety in the distribution and use of medication


A militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon.

Sierra Maestra

A mountain range in southeast Cuba. It is the highest system in Cuba and rich in minerals. Where Castro would flee in the Granma

Liberation theology

A movement within the catholic church to understand christianity from the perspective of the poor and oppressed, with a focus on fighting injustice, Combined Catholic theology and Socialist principles in effort to bring about improved conditions for the poor in Latin America (20th century).

Meiji Restoration

A period of 44 years that would westernize Japan and restore the emperors and samurai to power. For example, capitalism would become their new economic system in 1890. Later, they imperialized all across Asia and, with their modern weapons and technology, became the strongest power in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Charles Darwin

A philosopher who first came up with the idea of "natural selection", described in his work Origin Of Species in 1859. In this work, he reasoned only the most adaptable animals (and humans) would survive in the future. He also came up with the concept of evolution, or creatures evolving from other creatures, such as man from ape. Unfortunately, his concept of evolution did not score well with the Catholic-Christian community.

Schleiffen Plan

A plan designed by Germany to quickly take out the French to avoid a two-front war with both Russia (Eastern Front) and France (Western Front). Unfortunately, the Belgians did not tolerate the Germans going through, and Great Brtitain also declared war.


A policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society


A policy of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev which called for more openness with the nations of West, and a relaxing of restraints on Soviet citizenry.


A political discourse which emphasizes "the people" vs "the elites". Is not characterized by a strong right or left wing movement, but is characterized by a sometimes radical critique of the status quo.


A politically organized territory administered by a sovereign government.

Menelik II

A ruler of Ethiopia who was educated in Europe. Like most from foreign nations educated in Europe, he started a revolt and won against the Italians against the Battle Of Adowa, thus making Ethiopia an independent nation.


A series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings.

Karl Marx

A social philosopher who is very famous as being the "father" of modern communism and socialism. He wrote The Communist Manifesto with Freidrich Engels in 1848. One of his more famous theories is where he explains the social conflict that keeps society going. According to him, Communism has two purposes: to explain "reality" and to prepare workers for the tasks ahead.


A social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against non-whites

Tennis Courth Oath

A solemn oath between the Third Estate and the other two Estates. The Third Estate swore that they would not break away from the other two until a full constitution was written out. Appropriately, this oath took place in a tennis court after the Third Estate discovered they were locked out of their meeting room.

Chilean pluralism

A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing, the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government. The outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation

Bureaucratic Authoritarianism

A state or regime characterized by institutionalized rule under military government with a primary goal of economic development. While military men kept order with varying degrees of harshness and human rights violations, civilian economists and technocrats would direct most other policy—whence the term "bureaucratic authoritarianism.", • Professional bureaucrats, alliances with multinationals • Control of labor, repression • 1960-1980's • Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina • Why? Because of economic stagnation, runaway inflation, civic unrest


A state that coincides with the area settled by a group or people.

Pope John Paul II

A staunch anti-Communist whose election inspired confidence among the largely Catholic Poles and enabled them to take further steps toward liberation from Communist control. argued for action against communist regimes predominately in Chile.

Islamic Republic of Iran

A theocratic Islamic republic in the Middle East in western Asia, created by Khomeini; had a parliamentary regime based on European models, but imposed religious control of legislation and public behavior; elections were held, but were not opened to all; Western styles and culture was opposed; women had to wear modest Islamic garments; universities were temporarily closed; anti-Israeli and anti-American

Thomas Malthus

A theorist during the time of the Industrial Revolution who reasoned that as food increased at a constant mathematical rate, the population increases at a geometric rate. There would also be the problem of overpopulation despite the wars, famines, and disease outbreaks that occur. The aftermath of each of the disasters would mean that there would be enough food to feed everyone, but not for long, since population would increase again.

Freidrich Engels

A theorist who is famous for finding the modern ideas of modern communism and socialism with Karl Marx, with whom he wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848. As classes struggle, he reasoned, the final stage of that struggle is pure communism, which is inevitable.

Jeremy Bentham

A utilitarianist who reasoned that actions should be judged by their utility and result in the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people possible.

Bessemer Process

A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities; created by Henry Bessemer

Louis XVI

A well-meaning yet incompetent, weak monarch who ruled France during the Revolution. Fearful about the rioters that stormed the Bastille, he approved the Constitution Of 1791. Eventually, with the government wasting away under his rule, he was accused of treason and eventually beheaded in 1793.


A writing or painting style in which the author or painter dealt with the realities of everyday life and expressed a keen observation of social settings

Why is Hugo Chavez of Venezuela such a controversial leader (more than one answer may apply)? * A) His mentor is the infamous Fidel Castro of Cuba. * B) He is known for supporting the terrorist groups of other countries. * C) He declares himself the public enemy of the United States, often threatening the country through the media. * D) He is known for the creation of death squads and using them on innocent citizens.

A) His mentor is the infamous Fidel Castro of Cuba. B) He is known for supporting the terrorist groups of other countries. C) He declares himself the public enemy of the United States, often threatening the country through the media.

True or False: The Peruvian government killed 31 people at a wedding in 1983. * A) True. * B) False.

A) True

Impact of Cuban Revolution

A. Castro came to power during the Cold War and sided with the Soviet Union. B. Castro set up a system of trade with Soviet Union for weapons & goods. C. Castro set of a Communist system of govt., taking control of EVERYTHING. D. People who opposed him were killed or sent to prison. E. Many poor people supported Castro, because he improved their health care & education. F. Successful Cubans (business owners, teachers, doctors, etc.) did not like their property being taken from them. G. Hundreds of 1000s of Cubans left the island. Many fled to Florida (where a large Cuban-American population thrives today.)

John Brown

Abolitionist in pre-Civil War that made a lot of violent assaults on slave holders in Kansas area. Most famous for Harper's Ferry. Left legacy that is still sought after.


Acts of violence designed to promote a specific ideology or agenda by creating panic among an enemy population

Violent Anarchism

Advocated violence to overturn government, caused by failed revolution--1820, 1830, 1848

Partitioning Of India

after the War, the Labour government in Britain released India because it was too expensive to maintain.

Free trade agreements in Colombia

agreements that promote commerce among countries by removing barriers to investment, the movement of technology and trade such as quotas and tariffs (eg. the EU, NAFTA, ASEAN)

CIA-Savak alliance

After Ajax, CIA partnered with SAVAK (Iranian secret police) to keep the Shah in power -opposed by left wing groups as well as fundamental Muslims

Great Leap Forward

After the First Five-Year Plan the second step was the Great Lepa Forward. This would mobilize the population and industrialize China quickly. As a part of this in 1958 the vestiges of peoples plots were destroyed. The Great Leap forward, because of bad weather, poor leadership, and soviet withdrawal of aid, ended has a falure and a time of famine.

Peng Dehuai

After the Great Leap Forward there became a split among party leaders on which way to go and pace at which to do it. In the ensuing power struggle the Minister of Defense Peng Dehuai criticized the great leap forward. Mao took this as a threat and demoted him from power. Mao attack on one of these plays launched the Proletarian Cultural Revolution. This lead Mao's people, RedGuard, to enter houses and destroy the four olds-old habits, old culture, old old customs, and old ideas.

Congress of Vienna

After the downfall of Napoleon, this international conference was held to balance the power and maintain peace between the countries of Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, France, and many more. The conference lasted about ten months from 1814 to 1815. Among many important political decisions made, one of the most notable was that France lost all the territory that was acquired by Napoleon during his conquests.

National Liberation Front (FLN)

Algerian group that opposed France in the war, were modernists

Castro, Guevara, & Chavez

All felt that U.S. was setting the world up just to exploit it and such the world into a capitalist system; uses the world as a source of income and profit

Louis XIV

Also called "The Sun King", he ruled from 1643-1715. He was arguably one of the most powerful absolute monarchs of all time. He was most famous for building the palace of Versailles and keeping all of his high-ranking officials there, and for quoting, "I am the state" and "One faith, one law, one king".

Mark Falcoff

American Enterprise Institute. Former UCLA, writes Cuba The Morning After: Confronting Castro's Legacy. Challenges American mindset that LA cause of radical groups with US is cause.

John Simpson and Jana Bennett, "The Disappeared and the Mothers of the Plaza"

American journalists who documented the "dirty war" and reported on the severity of anti-revolutionary measures during the 1970's11,000 people went missing in Argentina

Weather Underground

American version of Red Brigades (left wing radical); student radicals threaten to overtake strong American empire. Used John Brown as example of dedication.

Benign neglect

American's foreign policy towards Latin America, so much more focused on Middle East, meanwhile 80% of area is in poverty and they ID US with the status quo

Joseph Lister

An 1800s surgeon who used carbolic acid as an antiseptic to prevent infection during surgery. This drastically reduced the mortality rate during surgery and encouraged better hygiene, which in turn dropped death and sickness rate overall.

Berlin Conference

An 1884 conference that German chancellor Otto Von Bismarck called to set rules for the partition and division of Africa. All of Europe and even the United States was invited, but Africa was completely neglected.

Sigmund Freud

An Austrian psychologist and neurologist who is commonly referred to as the father of psychoanalysis. He divided the mind into two parts, conscious and unconscious. The conscious mind consists of anything that we can do rationally, such as talk and think. The unconscious mind, on the other hand, consists of feelings and emotions beyond our conscious mind. He also coined the three stages of development as id, ego, and superego. The id exists when we cannot get anything we want for ourselves (infancy), the ego exists when we are better developed (early childhood), and the superego exists when we are supposed to be fully morally developed (late childhood).

Thomas Hobbes

An English Englightenment philosopher who published "Leviathan" in the middle 1600s. He stated that citizens have an unwritten social contract with their ruler and that your only right is your life.

Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952)

An English Zionist scientist, during WWI he came up with many patents useful to England during the war, ardently supported England but asked for English declaration in favor of Zionism in return

John Locke

An English philosopher who "succeeded" Hobbes and published "Two Treatisies Of Government" in 1690. Like Hobbes, he agreed that citizens had an unwritten social contract with their ruler, but citizens also had the rights of life, liberty, property, and the right to overthrow if the ruler didn't live up to his expectations.

Francis Bacon

An English philosopher, politician, and scientist who is often credited with inventing the Scientific Method.

Isaac Newton

An English scientist who is most famous for inventing calculus, "discovering" gravity, and contributing his Three Laws Of Motion to physics.

David Ricardo

An Industrial Revolution theorist who coined "The Iron Law Of Wages". It stated that as population grows, wages will remain low, resulting in higher unemployment.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khameni

An Iranian religious leader and politician, and leader of the Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Following the revolution and a national referendum, Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leader—a position created in the constitution as the highest ranking political and religious authority of the nation—until his death.

Galileo Galilei

An Italian scientist and astronomer who discovered the moons of Jupiter, designed the telescope, and further proved Copernicus's theory in the middle 1500s.

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Publishing House

An argentinian publishing house which encouraged anti-captalist writers from around the world to publish works.


An assembly made up of the Three Estates that had not been called upon since 1614. Summoned by Louis XVI in 1789, the meeting's purpose was to get the first two estates to start paying taxes. The Third Estate wanted a written Constitution.


An economic policy dating back from 1500-1700 under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought.


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought; tightly controlled market


An economic system based on private property and free enterprise, founded by Adam Smith. The only other economic system at the time of its founding was mercantilism.

Columbian Exchange

An exchange of goods, ideas, slaves,diseases and skills from the Old World (Europe, Asia and Africa) to the New World (North and South America) and vice versa.

Global Warming

An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes)


An instrument of execution that consists of a heavy blade that is dropped to behead the victim.


An intellectual movement concentrated in France during the 1700's that developed rational laws to describe social behavior and applied their findings in support of human rights and liberal economic theories. Ideas eventually diffused to the rest of the world.

OPEC (oil crisis)

An international oil cartel originally formed in 1960. Represents the majority of all oil produced in the world. Attempts to limit production to raise prices. It's long name is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.


An undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of air, water, soil, or food that can adversely affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.


An unexpected event that throws a plan into disorder; an interruption that prevents a system or process from continuing as usual or as expected

Bay of Pigs

An unsuccessful invasion of Cuba in 1961, which was sponsored by the United States. Its purpose was to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Sandinista Revolution

Another example of how communism can spread in Latin America. Based in Nicaragua, it began in 1970 with a coup. The Simosa family had been in charge of the country for a number of years, and the Sandinista rebels did not want them in power because they were backed by the U.S. (rigged elections). After a coup, they fought for many years to get rid of them, and were finally in charge of the country for four years. However, in 1974, the U.S. sent in people trained at the SOA (Contras) to get rid of the Sandinistas, pushing them out of the country and into Mexico. Said that the FMLN was inspired by the Sandinistas.

Pierre Joseph Proudhon

Another pacifist anarchist, wrote General Theory of Revolution and What is Property?

Madame de S

Another revolutionary, hides in the shadows but house and herself are described in decaying terms

Climate Change

Any significant change in measures of climate, such as temperature, precipitation, or wind, lasting for an extended period of a decade or longer.


Arabian commercial center; dominated by the Quraysh (merchant tribe); the home of Muhammad and the future center of Islam.

John Simpson and Jana Bennet

Argentina Government state-run counter-terror attacks on people to stop Guerrilla warfare and revolution. Death Squads. Door-less flights. The Disappeared and the Mothers of the Plaza: journalistic account of sexual abuse, crucification, electric prods 11,000.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967)

Argentine Marxist Revolutionary Key player in overthrowing Batista Brought Soviet Missles to Cuba Wanted to overturn the capitalist exploitation of Latin America Wrote "Motorcycle Diaries"Traveled through Latin America on a motorcycle and documented all the cases of exploitation "Guerrilla Warfare" (1960)

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Argentine revolutionary; aided Fidel Castro in overthrow of Fulgencio Batista; died while directing guerrilla movement in Bolivia (1928-1967). Only interest US in any LA country is profits of it's main export companies. To overcome degradation US has to be defeated.

Che Guevara

Argentinian Marxist revolutionary; Wrote Guerilla Warfare attempting to lay out the principles of his critique of American capitalism (which he saw as controlling power of the world). He thought that terrorism can be effective sometimes, and that if things are bad then violence can be used.

Peoples Revolutionary Army

Argentinian communist group who adopted Maoist principles. Adopted guerrilla warfare after Che Guevara the leader of the (ERP) fought alongside Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution. They used government kidnappings and assassinations to procure millions in ransom and secure urban and rural footholds. In 1973the Argentinian government continued with the"Dirty war" assassinating all who were or suspected of being left wing terrorist or supporters.

People's Revolutionary Army and Monteoneros

Argentinian response to Castro-ite revolution in Cuba. 1976: Juan Peron's death sparks economic depression, inflation 800%, and military takeover. Left-wing group of followers.

Cuban Revolution

Armed revolt that led to the overthrow of dictator Fulgencio Batista of Cuba on January 1, 1959 by the 26th of July Movement led by Fidel Castro. Also refers to the ongoing implementation of social and economic programs by the new government.

Easter Rising 1916

Arrival of Irish Republican Army is rise against the British. Guerilla warfare used and Irish free state of 22 southern countries is created.

Iran leaders

As a result of Treaty of Versailles, Reza Khan became the Iranian leader and founded the Pahlavi Dynasty (became the region's ruling dynasty). His son (Mohammed Reza) became the Shah of Iran and was very pro-US

Gavrilo Prinzap and the Black Hand

Assassinated Archduke of Austria and his wife, started WWI

Violence in El Salvador

Attempt to unite Christian and Communist left-wings caused crackdown from military 1980-1992: 75,000 killed

Aznar Nasifi

Author of "Reading Lolita in Teheran" American Educated, was forced to flee Iran after the Ayatollah came into power as she lost many rights and felt a shift twoards the past

Mark Danner

Author of "The Massacre at El Mozote" -follows sociopolitical context model, Reagan in particular was firm in backing oppressive governments and even training their military in the US

Carlos Marighella

Author of Minimanual that shows how to have a successful prosecution of revolution against capitalist establishments.

Carlos Marighella

Author of Minimanual that shows how to have a successful prosecution of revolution against capitalist establishments. Applies Marxist/Communist ideas to LA scene (backwards countries, too).

Salman Rashide

Author of Satanic Verses (1988) Satire making fun of Islam as being superstitious and mocking the prophet Mohammed.

Dillip Hiro

Author of the The Holy Wars: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism, claiming 1928 at the treaty of Servi in which the ottoman empire was divided up between the allies of WWI, and the influx of immigrants as the source of radical Islam

Fulgencio Batista

Authoritarian ruler of Cuba until overthrown by Castro. America failed to correctly support him.

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

Authors of The Israel Lobby (2007) Where they decribe a pro-Israel comittee that directs American foreign policy

Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer

Authors of The Israel Lobby, article and later book claiming that Israel's "lobby" has a huge influence over American foreign policy, up to and including veto power

Before the 1960s, Venezuela's government revolved around a dictatorship. Did the majority of the citizens accept the change to democracy? * A)No, the government was immediately overthrown by the Venezuelan Communist Party. * B)Yes support remained in the government, although initially some workers rioted with the terrorist groups after the Emergency Plan was cut. * C)Yes, there were no terrorist groups whatsoever and the change came easily. * D)No, the government was never a democracy but instead was loyal to the Communist Party.

B)Yes support remained in the government, although initially some workers rioted with the terrorist groups after the Emergency Plan was cut.

What does the Colombian paramilitary group "ELN" stand for in English? A. Exiled Liberation Navy B. National Liberation Force C. National Liberation Army D. Extraordinarily Large Nats

B. National Liberation Force

Propaganda of the Deed

Bakunin: status quo doesn't go quietly, need to use every route possible to take it down


Basque Fatherland & Liberty; domestic terror threat to Spain driven by nationalism for Basque people

Battle of Milvian Bridge

Battle between Roman emperors Constantine and Maxentius in 312 (Constantine won); Constantine had a vision that God promised if they symbol on their shields.

Sykes-Picot Agreement (1917)

Before WWI was even over, British and French came to agreement that French would get Syria and British would get Mesopotamia/Palestine when Ottoman Empire fell -meanwhile, Arabs fighting for Britain under TE Lawrence were told they would receive independence

Stalin's Purges

Began in 1934, purging of those who deviated from Party line, replaced cadres in military, police, Party, etc.

Political Solution School

Belief that conflict between Israel and Palestine can't be resolved without policy changes to reduce underlying causes -especially point to refugee camps and radical Zionists as issues

Wilbur & Orville Wright

Bicycle salesmen turned tranportation revolutionaries, inventors and testers of the airplane in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Piazza Fontana

Bombing by right wing terrorists in Italy occurring at bank, killing 15. First of series of bombings.


Book written by Edward Said that made the argument that in American world, Palestinians are the "others". He said that a series of stereotypes about Arab culture (Palestinians) crowd the American mind; Orientalism was the general term to characterize the way that Western people think about non-Western cultures

Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number

Book written by Jacobo Timerman about experiences in the Argentinian prison where the regime practices terrorism. "For some natures, the first time in violence is like the first time in love." There are all sorts of reasons why people and governments turn to fanaticism and violence (Hoffer-like view). Says there are two ways to overcome terrorism: military and intelligence

The Disappeared & The Mothers of the Plaza

Book written by John Simpson and Jana Bennett than depicted teh reign of state terror against a domestic population in Argentina.

Massacre at El Mozote

Book written by Mark Danner about the Atlacatl Battalion and the government's kill the seed mentality.

Eduardo Geleano "The Open Veins of Latin America" (1970) "Memory of Fire"(1986)

Books explaining how Latin America is exploited by capitalist countries since colonization, it has been a mere tool in making money

Paolo Freire

Brazilian educator who wrote Pedagogy of the Oppressed, arguing that poverty is the major cause of all problems and until the equilibrium of wealth is fixed, the problems will remain.

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Britain and France had an agreement (prior to Lawrence's offer to Arabs for independence) that they would split Iraqi land amongst themselves; leaded to Arab sense of betrayal and exploitation

Lord George Curzon

British Foreign Secretary at time of Versailles who said treaty would be a complete blunder; where will the Palestinians live? The problem won't solve itself.

Balfour Declaration

British government published this declaration saying that "It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which shall prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." Rights weren't honored, and from that point on, Middle East had many problems

T.E. Lawrence

British military officer involved with telling Arabs that if they helped fight against Turkey (ally of Germany), then Arabs would get independence. Wrote Seven Pillars of Wisdom about memoirs of his time in the Middle East

Pinochet's human rights trial

By the time of his death, Pinochet had been implicated in over 300 criminal charges for numerous human rights violations, including the Caravan of Death case (case closed in July 2002 by the Supreme Court of Chile, but re-opened in 2007 following new medical expertises), Carlos Prats's assassination (case closed on 1 April 2005), Operation Condor (case closed on 17 June 2005), Operation Colombo, Villa Grimaldi case, Carmelo Soria case, Calle Conferencia case, Antonio Llidó case, Eugenio Berrios case, tax evasion and passport forgery.

Which of the following Uruguayan "Categories" were not allowed to have any jobs? A) Category A. B) Category B. C) Category C. D) They were all allowed to work.

C) Category C

In Nicaragua, the Sandanistas were known for... * A)The creation of death squads and mass civilian causalities. * B)Peaceful protests and working directly with the Somoza government. * C)Creating an organized guerrilla group to take down the oppressive Somoza government, even using a pirate radio station to direct orders across the nation. * D)Joining the United States in fighting the Communists.

C) Creating an organized guerrilla group to take down the oppressive Somoza government, even using a pirate radio station to direct orders across the nation.

Which of the following was not one of the Mexican terrorist groups that was discussed? * A) The Zapatista National Liberation Army * B) The Revolutionary Army of the Insurgent People * C) Villista Revolutionary Army of the People * D) The Popular Revolution Army

C) Villista Revolutionary Army of the People

Operation Ajax

CIA staged coup in Iran to get rid of Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddegh and replace him with Fazlollah Zahedi. Caused alot of controversy that U.S. is overstepping their boundary

Cabildo Abierto

Cabildo= town council, Abierto= open; theses councils were put in place because the Viceroyalties Couldn't hold their own vs. the British (LA) convened by more radical members decide for independence movement

Pol Plot

Cambodian Communist political leader whose Khmer Rouge movement overthrew the Cambodian government in 1975. Under his regime executions and famine killed an estimated three million people. He fled the capital in 1979 when Vietnamese forces overthrew his government. Millions killed for suspicion of anti-Maoist activity.

Ratzinger Letter

Cardinal Ratzinger (under Pope John Paul II) wrote a famous critique of Theology of Liberation that said Christianity is sufficient unto itself. He said there is already justice in the church and that Christ doesn't need Marx.


Castro and Che invade Cuba on this yacht. Batista's men know he is coming, so they attack. Castro and Che flee to the Sierra Maestra.

Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967)

Castro's second-hand from Argentina -was middle class, developed ideology later in life -killed in Bolivia while attempting to expand Communism there -"one two three many Vietnams"

Sergei Nechayev

Catechism of a Revolutionist (1869) --must not be frightened of the label of terrorist

French Reign of Terror

Causes: Gov meltdown, harvest of 1788, lost war of 1700s, Enlightenment Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen 1793: Execution of Louis XIV Robespierre and man of words Rosseau: General Will Theory

Psychological Model

Certain types of people are drawn to terrorism: the True Believer model

Cheka and Red Terror (1918-1922)

Cheka: Lenin's secret police 8 million executed, 5 million starved

Collective memory in Chile

Chile's collective memory has been brutalized by state-implemented terrorism. This historical process has resulted in, among other things, a "torn collective memory." The history and memory of the period of so-called popular power (1970—1973) continue to be largely unknown. Oral history allows us to begin a slow process of historical reconstruction as well as to reflect on the construction of militant memories.

The Great Leap Forward

China's second five-year plan under the leadership of the impatient Mao, it aimed to speen up economic development while simultaneously developing a completely socialitst society. This plan failed and more than 20 million people starved between 1958 and 1960.


Christian boys forced in the service of the Sultan and made into one of the finest military at the times


City in western Arabia to which the Prophet Muhammad and his followers emigrated in 622 to escape persecution in Mecca.


Cole: Troubling trend in US and Europe for entrenched fear of all of Islam, as long as this is forced together with Islam's tarnished image of the West there will be bloodshed

Plan Colombia

Colombia was the center for the cocaine trade in the 80's so the US wanted to eradicate the drug at the source: Colombia. They provided assistance to Colombia to stop the drugs, and they successfully shut down the trade in the Caribbean and Miami. This was seen as a victory, but it had unintended consequences. Drug traffickers are smart- they found away to get around this

Camilo Torres

Columbian, most prominent of Liberation priests, wrote "Revolution Christian Imperative": must seek justice for the ppor, which requires revolution, killed in firefight at 37 and became a martyr of movement

Backyard Furnaces

Communist leaders wanted to industrialize China quickly and wanted to do this by diverting peasants from the countryside an oredrring them to make steel backyard furnaces. People would get all the steel things they could such as, nails and rusty cogs, to put in these furnaces to produce steel. This only amounted to what people call cattle droppngs. The project to become an industrial super power was a major failure. Because of this,agriculture was neglected and peasants became very exhaused.

Juan Peron

Conservative President of Argentina; Fascist ideologist who was a human symbol of Latin American military strongmen.

Chalmers Johnson

Conservative professor at Berkley who became critical of government he had previously served. Wrote Blowback about unintended consequnces of defenctive and destructive policies. Had 4 books in series.

Mark Falcoff

Conservative, right wing expert on Latin America that said the problem there is not fundamentally economic, but rather the terrorist culture of Latin America itself.

Chaim Weizmann

Convinced the United States to recognize Israel, First President of Israel 1949

Somoza Dynasty

Corrupt leaders in Nicaragua supported by the US, father and sons served as president of Nicaragua, lots of discontentment due to the extent of their power, owned 23% of all land, Regime embezzles international aid to rebuild after earthquake.. Sandanistas capitalize to gather support of ppl

José Porfirio Miranda, Marx and the Bible (1971)

Critical of individual interpretations of the bible which are fostered in the Western tradition,

Mariel Exodus

Cuba opens borders for emigrants, resulting in the exit of over 100,000 people. Largely derived from the housing crisis.


Cuban dictator overthrown by Fidel Castro. Originally a sergeant in the military. Very corrupt leader with mobsteres during his reign --he was anti-communist, so the US supported him

Jose Marti

Cuban poet and journalist who organized a guerilla revolution against Spain in 1895- "Cuba Libre" free Cuba was his battle cry-and sought US support and intervention.

Fidel Castro

Cuban revolutionary , leftist, anti-imperialist, created a socialist state with Marxist-Leninist principles, Kennedy and Eisenhower tried embargo, invasion and counter revolutionary techniques to remove him due to the revolutionary nature of his success and his alliance with the Soviet Union Accused of multiple human rights abuses and the causation of the exodus of over one million Cubans to the United States

Benjamin Netanyahu

Current Prime Minister of Israel, graduate of MIT -received 29 standing ovations during recent address of Congress -Ron Paul is only major political figure who criticizes the US/Israeli connection

Which country brought the first death squads to Latin America? * A) Venezuela * B) Peru * C) Argentina * D) Guatemala

D) Guatemala

Karl Marx

Das Kapital (1867) Dialectal Materialism: economics drive politics, exploitation of poor will drive revolution Dictatorship of the Proletariat: in order to have political democracy, need to have economic democracy

1st Agricultural Revolution

Dating back 10,000 years, this was the first known use of plant domestication and animal domestication.

Fatwa (1989)

Death decree by Ayatollah against Rushdie, in which he tells all fearless Muslims to execute Rushdie and the publishers in order to send a message, he says whoever is killed in doing so will be canonized, later offers millions of dollars. Rushdie apologized to the Muslim world, claiming satire not malicious intent

"Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation" (The Ratzinger Letter)

Debunks the Marxist addition to Christian principles in order to right social wrongs by calling out the anti-religios themes in Marxism and arguing you cannot embrace just some parts of marxism just as you cannot embrace only some parts of Christianity to be a true believer.

Lockerbie Explosion

Dec 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killed 200 passengers and 11 on the ground -immediately expected that this was Libyan retribution for bombing raids -After that Libya was top on US's list of countries with rampant terrorism

UN response and withdrawal

Dellarie and force of Ghanian and Belgian troops sent in, immediately requested more arms but weren't granted, dozen Belgian soldiers were murdered and UN ordered them to withdraw -Dellaire talks of his immende guilt over this, later became an alcoholic and depressed

Juan Cole : Demographic Theme

Demographic theme: the birthrate is important, by 2050 1/3 of the world's entire population will be made up by Muslims, Muslim women stay home, they have large families: it would be unwise for the United States to be perpetually at war with 1/3 of the world's population

First Five-Year Plan

Designed after a simlar plan of the Soviet Union, this was to last from 1953-1957 and heavy industries such as steel, coal, and electric power were to develop. This would stimlate other areas of the economy other than farming. The original plan of rural workers shifting to work in facotries was a fail however the plan in general succeeded.

Third Way

an approach to governance advocated primarily by many European leaders who, while recognizing few alternatives to liberal capitalism, seek to soften the cruel social impact of free-market individualism by progressively allowing government intervention to preserve social justice and the rights of individuals to freedom from fear of the deprivations caused by disruptions in the global economy, the new and more central left-wing parties of the 1990's; most notably the New Labour Party

American History X

Directed by Tony Kaye; Cam Alexander = man of ideas, Derek Vineyard = man of action; anti-Immigration, anti-blacks, and anti-Jews.



Putting-out system

Domestic Industry; manufacturing in Peasant cottages & the rise of family enterprise; compared to Obrajes.


another word for Inca empire; four provinces; road system; imperial military expansion; centered at Cusco; pure organization( tech advantage);polythesitic & temple of the sun;3 field system:taxes pais in labor, mit'as roads and inn(miliary supplies,forced relocation


apart of the Maya social structure; ruler-> council leader-> Cah(clan)->kinship group -> slaves

Enclosure Movement

During the Industrial Revolution, it was the consolidation of many small farms into one large farm, which created a labor force as many people lost their homes.


Each commune had about 30 cooperatives 5,000 households, 25,000 people each. Commune officials decided on what to farm and manufacture, collected taxes, operated public kitchens and mess halls, and ran childcare centers, banks, and schools. By 1958 the entire countryside had been transformed into communes.

Paul Freiere

Education for Critical Consciousness and Pedagogy of the Oppressed: claims that education in LA encourages people to accept poverty, need to convince them to rise up instead

Sayyid Qutb

Egyptian, second only to al-Banna in renown, brother was one of bin Laden's teachers -Milestones: major book -spent time in Colorado during 1940s, thought US was decadent -executed by Egyptian government during 1960s, became a martyr

War on Drugs

as there was a dramatic increase in drug use, and demand for illegal drugs, especially "crack" cocaine, political figures of both parties spoke heatedly about the need for a "war on drugs", but government efforts to stop drug imports and reduce demand had little effect., a political maneuver used originally by Pres. Nixon and then Pres.Reagan and finally Pres. Clinton. War on Drugs was a CHOICE. Fair Sentencing Act- attempt to reduce sentences related to crack possession and sales

Theology of Liberation

El Salvador movement; Christian theology which understands the teachings of Jesus Christ in terms of a liberation from unjust political, economic, or social problems.

Miguel Hidalgo

Enlightment speaker ;Created conspiracies and Confusion in New Spain. He was sent to a small tow in the middle nowhere, Dolores, to be kept "quiet"; Rumors of his arrest reached him before the soldiers and led an Angry Mob in Revolt.

The Shining Path

attempt to bring communism to Peru, started guerilla warfare with government, gained support from peasants, died out in after capture of Guzman in 1992, influenced many miltant groups in Colombia etc, saw all existing socialist states as weak, attempted to lead the way in the World's communist nations

True Believer

Eric Hoffer: a certain type of person drawn to mass movements, because inadequacies in their personal life cause them to blame the establishment for their problems

Samuel Slater

Established the first factory in the US in 1790, located in Rhode Island.

Eduard Bernstein

Evolutionary Socialism (1899): reform movement, don't need violence to have socialism because it will evolve naturally

Mao Zedong

Expanded Marxist ideas to backwards countries (China, Cambodia, etc); Pushed for idea that wherever there is systemic poverty and malnutrition, a communist revolution can occur. Exploitation of non-whites rules the world.

Louis Perez "The Winds of Change"

Explained how hurricanes effect the Cuban political, social and economic environement. Analyzes how Cubans form stroung identity groups in uniting against forces beyond their control.

William Robinson, "Latin America and the Global Capitalist System" (2011)

Explained the history of exploitation of Latin America by the Capitalist System beginning in the 1970's, analyzes how present day world powers grapple with Latin America for their own interests

Squad 47

FBI appointed special squad to lead counterattack against Weather Underground


Family space is a house were wives and children live (hundreds of people would be here) the wives were usually the daughters of rich political figures

Wretched of the Earth (1961)

Fanon's book, key secular argument against imperialism, focuses on Algeria but became rallying cry for other colonized states -claims that Europeans first brought terror to the third world, they will "reap the whirlwind" because decolonization is always a violent process -calls the US a "super-Europe" and a monster, growing the "inhumanity of Europe...to appalling dimensions

William Godwin

Father of Pacifist Anarchism, wrote Enquiry Concering Political Justice (1793)


Feathered Serpent:god was a symbol of rebirth in Society (good god); when Cortez shows the Toltec think him with the Quetzaloatl


First product of the Industrial Revolution to be mechanized in order to be made, resulting in many inventions such as the Spinning Jenny and a decrease in the price of cloth.

Gaddhafi murdered Oct 28, 2011

Fisk: "a dark start to the new Libya"

Joseph Stalin (1879-1953)

Five-Year-Plan to industrialize Russia, thousands of peasant revolts,

Declaration Of The Rights of Man

Formed and approved by the French National Assembly in August of 1789, this was the solemn declaration that officially stated all the natural and sacred rights of man. The prior corruption and calamity caused due to the old government was believed to have been primarily caused through the neglect of these rights.

Gundolf Kohler

Former leader of right wing radical group; thought whites were losing power in world so he perpetrated Oktoberfest Bombing. He wasn't associated with any groups at the time.

Social Darwinism

Formulated by Herbert Spencer, but coined by Charles Darwin; it stated that the most elite social classes possessed biological superiority, so they would naturally have an advantage in social existence (survival of the fittest).

Father Roy Burgeois

Founded School of the Americas Watch: left-wing politician and defrocked for his statements in favor of ordaining women -attempts to get people to realize there is truth to claims that US has been exploiting Latin America -now called Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation

Muslim Brotherhood

Founded by Hassan al-Banna; largest Islamic political group who started ideas of strengthening Muslim beliefs - no modernization!

Renato Cucio

Founder of Red Brigades

Theodor Herzi

Founder of Zionism , a secular leaning jew Dreyfus Trial: a French military captain with a jewish background was accused of treason in the 1890's and was met with a wave of anti-Semitism Herzl decided there needed to be a Jewish Majority in a country, in response to the amount of hatred he saw towards the Jews

Mustafa Kemal Attaturk

Founding father of modern Turkey; says after WWI Turkey lost Ottoman Empire and needed to modernize (westernize) Turkey to the extent that they can compete with the West

Dreyfus Trial

French Jewish officer was accused of betraying the French government to Germany, great example of Anti-Semitism in late 19th century--court knowingly framed Dreyfus though another man was responsible

State terrorism against a domestic population

French Reign of Terror Stalin's Terror Fascist Italy Nazi Holocaust

Albert Camus

French existentialist philosopher born in Algeria of European parents -maintained passionate interest in the country -attempted to find an avenue of compromise to resolve French-Algerian dispute, but ended up hated by both factions

General Raoul Salan

French military officer, during French-Algerian War formed the Organization of the Secret Army, a French radical group

Denis Diderot

French philosopher who was a leading figure of the Enlightenment in France and is most famous for publishing, "The Encyclopedia".

Human Rights

Fundamental freedoms

Latin American Liberation Theology Key Terms

GUTIERREZ • A Preferential Option for the Poor • Irruption of the Poor • Theology as the Second Act/"Critical Reflection on the Historical Praxis of Liberation" • Base Ecclesial Communities • Structural/Social Sin • The Kingdom of God within and Beyond History GEBARA • The Face of Transcendence • Resurrection from the Individual to the Collective

Baader Meinhof

Gang launched in 1970's in Germany; Organized armed restistance against the exploitation of people all over the world (anti-imperialism). Objectives were to thwart American military in Germany and assist Palestinians.

1976 Military coup in Argentina

Gen. Jorge Rafael became president, PRA and Montoneros attempted to assassinate him, military crackdown and death squads

Reasons Why Latin America Couldn't Unify

Geographic barriers (such as the Andes Mountains and Amazon River) and the lack of a social revolution (common people changed one set of masters for another).

Johannes Kepler

German astronomer who first stated laws of eliptical planetary motion around the sun in the early 1600s.

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire.


Gift System; people who didn't fight in battles but were getting the gifts as a political tie to the of Spanish; giving away some of their power they don't like it

Massimo Dantona

Government economist killed by Red Brigades during resurgence

Nationalization of Industries

Government takes over your company, manages it and takes the profit

Allied Powers

Great Britain, France, United States, Russia, Italy, and many others.

Suleiman the Magnificent

Greatest leader of the Ottoman Empire: led the Ottomans into a golden age in 1520-1566. He was a brilliant war general (early experience) and took the Ottomans on to conquer areas of eastern Europe and a much larger portion of the middle east; improved their government substantially and assumed the role of absolute power.,

Paulo Freiere "Education for Critical Consciousness and Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

Grounded in Marxist philosophy Paulo makes a distinction between the colonized and the colonizers and the oppressive and oppressed. He argues that the oppressed and colonized may be afraid of the freedoms that social action may have because it requires a constant fight. He distinguishes between classes and names informed action as the balance between theory and practice. praxis


Group in Argentina who wanted to emulate what Castro had done in Cuba; wanted to establish a left wing socialist/communist society and expel American exploiters. Also known as People's Revolutionary Army


Group that grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood that was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin; Force that promises change to Palestinian people; won't recognize Israel at all; took over political control of Gaza in 2006


Guerilla war fighters in Peru; 35,000 Peruvians died in this civil war

Guerrilla Warfare (1960)

Guevara's how-to on winning a war against capitalist-backed governments -can't be afraid of terrorist label, works particularly well when assassinate well-known perpetrator of oppression

Marx, Lenin, Mariategui, and Mao Zedong

Guzman said that Peruvians can learn from these four influential figures

Ernst Nolte

Historian who understood Fascism. Thesis Three Faces of Fascism. Wherever there is a powerful left-wing movement there is extreme right response. Italy and Germany are 2 dominant 20th century fascist power examples.

Abject Poor

Hoffer: Abject poor are less likely to be involved in mass movements due to the fact that their main concern is daily survival


Hoffer: Someone prone to become a true believer due to inability to be successful in the establishment: bored, failed creative, criminal etc.


Hoffer: Specifically the leader of a mass movement who uses the ideology of the man of words to convince true believers to overthrow the status quo

New Poor

Hoffer: The new poor, in comparison to the abject poor, are more likely to be drawn to mass movements due to the fact that they can still remember their old life and resent the change


Hoffer: the ideology of a mass movement that promotes faith above reason, allowing the movement to deny the hard facts

Man of Words

Hoffer: the leader necessary to begin a mass movement. Disenfranchises the government through eloquent speech and provides a vision of a better world which becomes the ideology of the mass movement

Man of Action

Hoffer: the leader of a mass movement whose task is to enact the new world of the ideology of the mass movement. Practical; steers the movement away from violence into the nonactive phase


Holy war against the infidels, die fighting for Islam you can go to heaven

2006 Preface to A Savage War for Peace

Horne compares Algerian situation to Iraq and Afghanistan -torture only yields short-term gain and two major consequences -moral damage to people carrying out the torture -strategic failure: for every terrorist killed, there are 20 or 30 more

Cultural Revolution

Idea to indoctornate young men to serve the state early (Red Guards); reorders the constitutions of society to bring about communist order.


Ideals associated with Greek civilization merging with surrounding cultures; unified during the conquest of Phillip II of Macedon

MS 13

Immigrants from El Salvador to LA, The Mara Salvatrucha gang is commonly known as ___________., Presence in over 33 states and distinguished by tattoo markings on face and body Youth who were the product of El Salvador's Civil War who migrated to the U.S. had received military training In the U.S., they banned together for protection Engages in some of the most extreme forms of terror and violence of any gang, including: Machine-gun killings Home invasion robberies Machete attacks

Chicago Boys

Implemented by Pinochet regime in 1973. Radically changed economy, moved towards realistic exchange rates, returned land holdings. Banned liberties, unions, outlawed some parties, Universities purged. 1k-3k killed, nickname given to the neo-liberal economists of Chile who got positions in the government to restore the economy after the coup de tat, came from the catholic university of Chile and others for the university of Chicago and dreamed the central bank to be independent of the government who later Pinochet was able to do, free-market policies; a lot of the great economic success had to do with post-1930 investments in industrialized sectors; technocrats, gremialistas influenced by the monetarist school of economics at U of Chicago, taught by Milton Friedman; learned the principle that market forces and careful control of the money supply were keys to sound economic policy, the dream of a free-market model; advocated "shock treatment" and deep spending cuts to take action against inflation; Pinochet admired their "revolutionary" aims, which could potentially distinguish his rule in history; led to the "economic miracle" of Chile: low inflation, growth, new exports and imports; though this "miracle" was partly an illusion according to "Nation of Enemies", b/c it could not be sustained: the boom relied on foreign loans; high interest rates and speculation made it susceptible to world market downturns; increasing debt, distorted currency due to a rate fixed by de Castro (accused of "excessive inflexibility"); imports surged and exports fell, copper prices fell, oil rose--led to huge shrinkage of Chile's economy

World Social Forum

In 2006, there was an overall feeling that U.S. foreign/economic policy are responsible for the deterioration of economic life in backwards nations. Chavez referred to President George W. Bush as Mr. Danger (terrorist)

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Publishing House

In Europe/LA left-wing Italian gains fame in 1960's and 70's as proponent. (Red Brigade and Left Rev. of Italy). Multi-millionaire publishing company to promote anti-capitalist revolution. Killed himself accidentally in explosive terrorist attack.

Recognition of Palestine in the UN

In November 2012, Palestine was granted observer status in UN, and US was one of only 9 countries to oppose it

Military juntas in Central America

In the past, military juntas have justified their rule as a way of bringing political stability for the nation or rescuing it from the threat of "dangerous ideologies". For example, in Latin America, the threat of communism was often used. Military regimes tend to portray themselves as non-partisan, as a "neutral" party that can provide interim leadership in times of turmoil, and also tend to portray civilian politicians as corrupt and ineffective. One of the almost universal characteristics of a military government is the institution of martial law or a permanent state of emergency.

Cuban foreign policy

In the post-Cold War environment Cuban support for guerrilla warfare in Latin America has largely subsided, though the Cuban government continued to provide political assistance and support for left leaning groups and parties in the developing Western Hemisphere. Cuba today works with a growing bloc of Latin American politicians opposed to the "Washington consensus", the American-led doctrine that free trade, open markets, and privatization will lift poor third world countries out of economic stagnation. The Cuban government have condemned neoliberalism as a destructive force in the developing world, creating an alliance with Presidents Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia in opposing such policies

Manco Inca

Indigenous resistance with the Tupac Amaru against spanish; Siege of Cusco(owned by the Spanish);puppet ruler

Traditional Catholic Culture in Latin America

Introduced to the indigenous populations of Latin America by the Spanish in an attempt to urbanize, and create a replica of the Spanish model. In the 19th and 20th centuries liberal governments have struggled to check religious authority and this has sometimes led to violence within governments. In the 21st century, through the Liberation Theology, there has been a rise in Christianity being used in revolutionary ideals.

Samuel Morse

Inventor of Morse code and the telegraph, the first message on which was, "what hath God wrought?", sent in 1844. By 1866, long-distance communication was possible via telegraph and a trans-Atlantic telegraph line.

Charles Townshead

Inventor of crop rotation method.

Louis Daguerre

Inventor of modern photography in 1839.

Eli Whitney

Inventor of the cotton gin and the first to implement the idea of interchangeable parts.

James Watt

Inventor of the modern steam engine.

Gugliemo Marconi

Inventor of the radio in 1895, and receiver of the first trans-Atlantic signal in 1901.

Jethro Tull

Inventor of the seed drill.

Alexander Graham Bell

Inventor of the telephone in 1876.


Irish Republican paramilitary group who wanted to remove Northern Ireland from UK and bring united Ireland by form of arms and political persuasion.


Islam Community breaking tribal affiliations & unifying political and religious leadership

Al Qaeda

Islamic terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden. They are responsible for numerous terrorist attacks, including the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

Yigal Amir

Israeli right wing who detmerined to murder Yitzhak Rabin because of Rabin's attempts to reach an agreement with Palestinians; A True Believer

Sepoy Rebellion

It all started in 1857 in India with the rumor that rifle cartridges were greased with pig and cow fat. That offended Muslims and Hindus respectively, thus leading to a revolt. It was stopped in 1859, and India was put under direct British rule.

Politics of Coca in Bolivia

It was in El Chapare that Evo joined a cocalero trade union of local coca growers, first getting involved in political activism. The local union syndicate had been responsible for building not only several roads and the local school. With high levels of government corruption and involvement in illegal cocaine trafficking, the new president's administration was marked by human rights abuses


Italian communist who was murdered by government in 1924, one of many examples of ruthless Fascism putting dissenters down

Red Brigades

Italian left wing extremist group. Famous for Aldo Moro case.

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Italian millionaire communist who invested entire fortune in his Publishing House Published Carlos Marighelli's Minimanual: how-to of left-wing policies adapted to Latin America

Aldo Moro

Italian political figure of Cold War. Kidnapped & killed by Red Brigades.

Ordine Nuevo

Italian right wing extremist group founded by Pino Rauti

Peace not Apartheid

Jimmy Carter's book (published soon after The Israel Lobby) which claims that US's support of Israel's anti-Palestinian policies is source of US's issues in Middle East, even putting US citizens in danger

The Disappeared and the Mothers of the Plaza

John Simpson and Jana Bennett: account of death squads, doorless flights (push people out of airplanes, sometimes in crates), torture and sexual abuse, 11,000 killed between 1976-1983 Mothers of the Plaza were women who gathered in huge protests against the disappearance of family members

Túpac Amaru II

Jose Gabriel;Became Chief over his Cousin; made $ through Transportation; economic decline after 1776; HE was a member of Incan aristocracy who led a rebellion against Spanish authorities in Peru in 1780-1781. He was captured and executed with his wife and other members of his family.

Coca union

Juan Evo Morales Ayma, popularly known as Evo, is a Bolivian politician and activist, serving as President of Bolivia, a position that he has held since 2006. He is also the leader of both the Movement for Socialism party (MAS) and the Cocalero trade union. he was known for leading the resistance against the U.S. government's attempts to eradicate coca crops grown to produce cocaine as a part of their wider "War on Drugs". His activism led him into the political arena. He eventually became the leader of the MAS, through which he got involved in social protests like the gas conflict and the Cochabamba protests of 2000. The MAS aimed at giving more power to the country's indigenous and poor communities by means of land reforms and redistribution of gas wealth, and gradually increased its electoral support.


July 26, 1953--student reform movement attacks army barracks-->FAIL--castro imprsioned--gives "history will absolve me"

Assassination of President Mohammed Boudiaf

June 1992: after elections shut down, the FLN's president was murdered by radical Islamists -plunged Algeria into another civil war

Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco

Killed by ETA during bombing 2 years prior to Franco's death.

João VI of Portugal

King of Portugal and Brazil; Portuguese's begin to start a resistance against the king; Economic Chaos Because the economies are separated but king is from Portugal and aren't benefitting from Brazil; Portugal Demand Joao's return so he made his son king of Brazil.

Henry Ford

Known as the father of mass production, he was the first to use the assembly line to produce his cars, thus dropping the price but still maintaining quality and rate of production.

Reasons Why 1848 Revolutions Failed

Lack of a unified struggle, lack of support from the masses, and the rulers' use of military.

William Robinson

Latin America and the Global Capitalist System (2011). Marxist man thinking globalization caused the rich a golden age/poor are angry at US. Immigration, drug trafficking, financial meltdown caused by agribusiness expansion.

Camille Torres

Latin American activist (priest) who joined a left wing organization and fought against the forces of oppression by trying to overthrow the status quo of Columbia. He wrote Revolution: Christian Imperative about how you must spend your life trying to fight the forces that bring humanity down (poverty).

Red Wave

Latin American movement towards the left in recent times (aka pink tide) -major figure was Hugo Chavez Kenneth Maxwell (historian)


Leader of Panama in 70s and 80s who was able to stay in pwr because of the Us's influence, used his country's links to facilitate drug trafficking and was later convicted in US cts and imprisoned in FL, Panama's dictator who was ordered overthrown by American troops in Dec. 1989, Terrorized the people of Panama but also smuggled illegal drugs into the U.S.

Hugo Chavez

Leader of Venezuela, died last march. In 2006 says US is the leading terrorist group in the world. World Social Forum (left-wing party)

Hugo Chavez

Leader of Venezuela; very anti-United States and an extreme left winger

President Jorge Rafael Vidella

Leader of the 1976 military takeover. Given sect of economic and political circumstances...leaders may be executed for the greater good. Wanted to take out renowned for oppressing the people.

Carlos Abimael Guzman ("Gonzalo")

Leader of the Shining Path movement, he turned guerilla warfare against the government, military and police. Accused of dispensing violence against the population, the U.S considers him a terrorist.

Dohrn, Flanagan, & Rudd

Leaders of the Weather Underground.

Francisco Pizarro

Learned from Cortes. A Spanish conquistador who went to the Incas and slaughter the 500 ceremonial troops with Spanish horses in the center of Tawantinsuyu. Took emperor prisoner, asked to fill room with gold and silver and then killed him and took over the Inca empire.

Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN)

Led la matsana 1972-1999 ATtacked majorts, judges, Us miliatry personel Guerilla group, El Salvadorian revolutionaries who wanted to imitate Sandinista success.

Hugo Chavez

Left Wing President of Venezuela, founder of the Venezulean Peoples Liberation Army ( a secret military sect within the leftist-military revolutionaries

Jacobo Timerman

Left wing newspaper editor who was Jewish; Vidella government was very anti-Jewish so this person came under suspicion of being a terrorist; thought that in order to defeat terrorism, it is imperative to root out political/social/economic problems.

Father Roy Bourgeois

Liberal, left-wing expert on Latin America; says that U.S. plays an evil role in the tragic situation of Latin America in economically exploiting the huge populations

Father Roy Bourgeois

Liberal, left-wing expert on Latin America; says that US plays an evil role in the tragic situation of LA in economically exploiting the huge populations. Former Roman Catholic Priest (lamen female priesthood). LA revolution v. US inevitably occur.


Literally "without knee-breeches" in French, these were the citizens of France who were the extreme radicals, and wanted the new constitution's reforms to affect every citizen in France.

Coup d'Etat

Literally, "stroke of state" in French, this is a violent overthrow of the state. This is what made Napoleon a dictator.

Louis XIV Impact

Louis XIV, after his long rule, left the economy in shambles because of his construction of Versailles. However, he made France among the strongest countries in Europe with many favorable alliances (formed to created a balance of power).

El Mozote

MASSACRE TOOK PLACE BY SALVADORAN ARMY, WHICH HAD BEEN TRAINED IN ANTI-GUERILLA WARFARE BY U.S. MILITARY, 1981 , -US backed slaughter in El Salvador -guerilla movement against right wing military gov. broke out after anti-right wing leader killed -US gave aid even though gov. continued bloody repression -climax was el mozote where US backed and led forces slaughtered protesting salvadorans


Mack- (verb) To hit on, flirt with, or seduce a female by using verbal or sometimes physical means of persuasion.


Made a deal with the Shiites to overthrow the Umayyad; center of Culture w/ Bagdad library (greek works housed); revived Sharia Law & me Islamic state


Main character of Under Western Eyes, withdrawn, intelligent, undergoes mental trauma through Haldin episode, despises anarchists but resents tsarist government

Sayyid Qutb

Major Egyptian radical fundamentalist who was a critic of US; wrote book called "Milestones" saying that U.S. is showing themselves as the role model for humanity and it itself is sunk; Says that U.S. is so lost spiritually, there is no hope for America. Wants to protect Islam from American ways.

Ayatollah Khomeini

Major figure in Shia tradition; Leader of Iran; Wrote "Islam and Revolution" to help the world understand the world view of Islam; Said no to westernization; Very opposed to the Shah and U.S. so he was exiled to Paris

Ramdane Abane

Man of Words for the FLN, Marxist philosopher, encouraged a blend of socialism and Islam

Sayyid Maududi (1903-1979)

Man of words for anti-US Islamic point of view, journalist, philosopher and politician, first in British India and later in Pakistan, founded the Islamic Revivalist Party

Sayyid Qutb

Man of words for radical Islam, brought Hassan al-Banna's ideas out of Egypt, themes of Western Exploitation and zionisms as the enemies of Islam, horrified by the materialist and consumerist western world. Claims all good Muslims should work to end the already morally hollow nation that is the United StatesJ

Drug trafficking in Honduras

Manufacturing, distributing, dispending, importing, and exporting (or possession with intent to do the same) a controlled substance or a counterfeit substance

Great Leap Forward

Mao's approach to modernize China; led to greatest famine in world history (millions indirectly killed)

Jean-Louis Margolin

Maoist who wrote the Black Book of Communism; in this book, he had a long essay on China saying that Chinese government is worse than Stalin; no archival records of Chinese terrorism; Chinese Communism was an example of state terror vs a foreign/domestic population

Madrid Bombings

March 2004; Al Qaeda bombs trains in Madrid right before elections, killing hundreds of people.

Revolution in El Salvador

Marxist led, guerrilla warfare; Jose Duarte was elected president; the war led to 75,000 deaths and stopped in 1992., • Revolutionary movement dates back to early 1900s, as does repression • Large groups of people (losers of progression) not happy, large demands- repression

Military Rule of El Salvador

Maximiliano Hernández Martínez led the Miliatry state of El Salvador after the 1932 La Mantza, his dictatorship was held responsible but he was admired by the wealthy elite for bringing some stability during times of such great social unrest.

Guerilla Warfare

Means little war in Spanish, used when a small group of combatants usually armed civillians use military strategies against the larger military force, examples include raids , ambushes and are highly mobile . Used in the Cuban Revolution

Innovations Of World War I

Mechanization-machine gun, poison gas (and chemical warfare), flame-thrower, tanks, airplanes, submarines (U-boats) trench warfare, conscription, and propaganda.

Versaille Peace Conference (1919)

Meeting after WWI Allied powers distributed the fallen empires Great Britain had control of Mesopatamia (Iraq, Palestine)French had control of Syria Meanwhile, Arabian anger mounted, they were promised independence and instead got new masters

The Urban Guerilla Concept

Meinhoff's essay explaining that Baader Meinhof gang had standard left wing target. The world promoted obscene wealth of tiny population in U.S., Japan, and Western Europe, with everyone else as their slaves


Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasia Somoza in 1979 and attempted to install a socialist economy. The United States financed armed opposition by the Contras. They lost national elections in 1990. Demonstrated how the support of the public (women and students) can fuel and support a revolution.


Military dictator who rules Chile with an iron fist for 20 years and is backed fully by US because he opposes communism, became a brutal leader of Chile in 1973 and was accused of crimes against humanity by the Spanish government, overthrew Salvador Allende of Chile accused him of leading Chile towards communism Sept. 11, 1973 General Pinochet led a military coup over a million people disappeared 1989 Patricio Aylwin wins election Pinochet Commander of army 1998 Pinochet appoints himself senator for life


Mine in central Peru; Mercury Mining; (Patio sys- gov. controlled amt. of mercury used to purify silver to control taxes); worked 1 week on 2 weeks off; mortality rate increased a lot.

Abu Bakr

Muhammad's farther in law (led prayers). Regarded by Sunni's as the 1st caliph and rightful succesor. The Shi'ah regard him as a traitor of Muhammad. Known as best interpretter of dreams following Muhammad's death.


Mujahideen want to take down U.S. through this country.

Sheikh al-Islam

Muslim law that only applies to Muslims????


Muslim who only believe Ali the first successor of Mohammed; believe the 12th imam with come back and restore justice; solidify doctrines during the Abbasid Period

James Lee Dozier

NATO officer kidnapped by Red Brigades

Peninsular War and Goya

Napoleon invades Spain (1808-1813) Spanish fought guerrilla war against Napoleon Goya was painter to the king, member of Enlightenment, became deaf and afterwards worked more widely 3 May 1808: Famous painting of Christlike peasant Disasters of War:etchings mostly depicting executions, often with French "off-camera," almost cinematic in staging, counterviolence and women soldiers

Roots Of Imperialism

Nationalism, self-sufficiency, new markets, outlets for (over)population, and religious motives.

Ernst Nolte "Three Faces of Fascism"

Nolte argued that fascism functioned at three levels: in the world of politics as a form of opposition to Marxism , at the sociological level in opposition to bourgeois values, and in the "metapolitical" world as "resistance to transcendence

David Grossman

Novelist who wrote Sleeping on a Wire about what life is like in Palestinian refugee camps; Says high unemployment results in dysfunction; Thought bin Laden was the most radical person; refers to I-It relationship of Middle East between Arabs and Jews where people need to deal with eachother as equals.

Prairie Fire

One of Weather Underground's publications against imperialism and said their intention is to disrupt the empire. FBI quickly ended group after this.

Oliver North

One of the chief figures in the Iran-Contra scandal was Marine Colonel Oliver North, an aide to the NSC. He admitted to covering up their actions, including shredding documents to destroy evidence. IMP. Although Reagan did approve the sale of arms to Iran he was not aware of the diversion of money to the contras. This still tainted his second term in office., Member of the US National Security Council during the Iran-Contra Affair; key player in diverting money from the sale of weapons to the Nicarguan contras; never convicted of any wrong doing.


One of the four main causes of World War I; many defenses were formed and tangled with each other prior to the war. Now, the irritation and confusion was set; it just needed sommething to set it off.


One of the four main causes of World War I; this idea glorified arms and reasoned that force was the only way to solve problems. Social Darwinism managed to weave its way in here too (example: British & German navy arms race).


One of the four main causes of World War I; this was the desire and competition across European countries to dominate other countries' affairs.


One of the four main causes of World War I; this was the desire to unite a nation under a single government.

2nd Agricultural Revolution

One of the many origins of the Industrial Revolution, with many improved methods of farming. These methods included crop rotation and the seed drill.

Shining Path (Sendero Luminozo)

One of the most famous left wing terrorist groups in Latin America during late 1900's. Constant struggle against the Peruvian government; founded by Carlos Guzman ("Gonzalo") where he tried to emulate Casto's revolution.

Global Plunder

One of three major themes in Khameni's Islam and Revolution. "Great Satan" The world is out to steal and exploit our natural resources and culture.

Gods Law

One of three major themes in Khameni's Islam and Revolution. The Quran is a guide for spiritual and political leaders

Islamic Morality

One of three major themes in Khameni's Islam and Revolution. The United States is trying to exploit our morality in favor of creating a an American Islam, to put us beneath them.

Italian Fascism

Only original ideology of 20th century


Operative in some arab countries based on the muslim religion and especially the holy book of islam

Tupac Amaru

Organization that was based fundamentally on Castro/Marxist ideas; tried to connect with Peruvian natives (exploitation, resentment, etc). Leader of Tupac Aramu Nestor Cerpa was killed - following his death, the group went into decline

Belgian Revolution Of 1830

Originally, Belgium and the Netherlands were united under the Congress Of Vienna, but with different economic interests, languages, and religions, both of them eventually became independent nations.

French Revolution Of 1848

Overthrew the French monarchy established in 1830 and briefly established the 2nd French Republic. Unfortunately, more riots erupted (but they were quickly stoopped by the military) and Louis Napoleon was elected as an empreror. This was the origin of many other future revolutions in Austria, Germany, and Italy.

Sayyid Mawdudi

Pakistani militant who founded Jamal Islam (radical Pakistan group); deeply influenced by Hassan al-banna and Muslim Brotherhood

Treaty of Sevres (1920)

Part of Paris peace treaty that carried out the Sykes-Picot Agreement, did not honor promises of independence, Britain and France would be backed financially by US

Treaty of Sevra

Part of Treaty of Versailles that dealt with MIddle East issues

State terrorism against a foreign population

Peninsular War Nazis Fascist Italy in Ethiopia

Henry Bessemer

Perfector of the modern steam engine and implementor of the process named after him, in which cold air is blown over metal to burn off impurities. In this way, this man inadvertently invented stainless steel.

The "Troubles"

Period of ethno-political conflict in Northern Ireland which spilled over into England, southern Ireland, and mainland Europe. Ended with Good Friday Accord

Great Game

Persia has been the target for European imperialists (Russia & Great Britain)

Jose Mariategui

Peruvian communist; Wrote The Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality about the society being built exclusively for rich white people. "Marixst Leninism will open the shining path to revolution." Books were used as an attempt to adapt Marxist-Leninist theories to Latin American policies

Gustavo Gutierrez

Peruvian theologian who wrote A Theology of Liberation arguing that the problem of poverty is the fundamental social economic problem of the world and that Christians are obliged to confront this problem.


Pilgrims to saljuks(roads weren't protected); war saljuks 7 Fatimah led to destruction of church of holy sepulcher; Pope Urban II declares crusade in 1095; kingdom of Jerusalem.

Agustin de Iturbide

Plan of Iguala, 1820: independence plan for Mexico that included three promises (written by Iturbide): 1) Iturbide was to be emperor, 2) the Roman Catholic Church would remain official church of mexico, 3) Equal rights for all mexicans

Zionist Project

Plan to make Palestine a national home for the Jews


Plans for how the organization will do what it's in business to do, how it will compete successfully, and how it will attract its customers in order to achieve its goals


Plantation system: staggered fields harvest times so slaves would wok year round; Crop & Drop used to collect the stocks->squeezed-> boiled; #salvelife (LA)

1 Way to Deal with Terrorism

Political defeat of terrorism is as important as military defeat. Proactively fix social and economic problems that spur the growth of terrorist groups. Provide basic human needs and radical groups won't catch.


Political party in Chile Coalition of center-leftists Presidential candidates under banner won every election Pinera a conservative finally broke it in 2010, Concentration of Political Parties - made up of 17 different political parties against Pinochet. They elected once candidate to represent them in the Presidential election of 1989 - Patricio Aylwin who wins the election. Concertación continues to bring a single candidate for presidency for a while. Concertación made up of primarily moderate socialists or those who advocated a "go-slow" approach in the Allende years. They were interested in negotiating a controlled transition with conservative politicians. After Aylwin, were able to elect 3 more presidential candidates, including Michelle Bachelet - all known for being Moderate.

The Disappeared

Political prisoners. People that were kidnapped and tortured. Mothers in white that protested to find the wherabouts of the people. back unionists The dirty war and the disappeared -Seven year campaign: Kidnapping and killing of civilians, some 20,000 disappeared! -targets: al those accused of being "guerrillas" or "subversives": trade unionists, student activists, leftists, journalists, human rights activists -MAjority of victims were not guerrillas nor even members of opposition organizations -340 detention centers interrogation/torture of all captured. -international support as voice of conscience.


Politicized violence

Invasion of Panama 1989

President Bush ordered United States troops into Panama to capture Manuel Noriega to face drug charges, he was sentenced to 40 years in prison

Jorge Rafael Vidella

President of Argentina following Peron; ordered the government to take out Montoneros group and everyone who supported that radical group; used similar justification as Robespierre

Hosni Muzbarak

President of Egypt from 1981-2011after Anwar Sadat was killed for "getting into bed with the Israelis." Muuzbarak's anti-Islam policies made him the source of death threats, he stepped down during the Arab Spring handing control to the military .

Albert Fujimori

President of Peru who helped lead to the capture of Guzman and his imprisonment; Guzman's arrect gave rise to the debate that capturing the leader, kills the group.


President or Leader of Bolivia. Has joined Hugo Chavez's campaign. Many disagree with the return to socialism, and his support for recreational coca use. (Bad), President of Bolivia, socialist, has focused on implementing leftist policies including a new constitution, land reforms, nationalizing various key industries and opposing the US and corporate involvement in the country's politics. Ally of Chavez and Castro. Anti-neoliberalism


President or Leader of Venezuela who considers the United States as an "evil" place. Has been controversial in his return to socialism and his relationship with Castro, Hussein, and Quaddafi.(Bad), Venezuelan dictator tried to take over the country in a failed coup, but once he came to power in 2000, he sought to use country's vast oil reserves to fund his socialist revolution

Benjamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister of Israel; wrote "Fighting Terrorism" and argued that terrorism is a pathology made possible by sovereign states and that Islamic Radicals can only be beaten with military force against them.

Marquis of Pombal

Prime Minister of Portugal; strengthened royal authority in Brazil, expelled the Jesuits, enacted fiscal reforms, and established monopoly companies to stimulate the colonial economy (tried to hang on the Brazil)

Failure of American Journalism

Print coverage showed the North American Free Trade Agreement favorably in Latin America neglecting the negative impacts

Gulag Archipelago

Prison camps founded by Stalin to hold protesters and political prisoners

Jacabo Timerman

Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number -primary account of torture in Argentina -claims some people are drawn to violence of torture: "first time in violence is like first time in love" -torture creates environment of barbarism that erodes character -political defeat of violence is as important as military defeat

Jacobo Timerman

Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number: personal experience with terror. Jewish newspaper editor expressed sympathy for left-wing critique of the status quo then imprisoned/tortured. "The first time in violence is like the first time in love."

Fulgencio Batista

Pro American figure who was overthrown as leader of Cuba by Fidel Castro.

Thomas Edison

Probably the greatest American inventor of all time, he had more than 1000 US patents. Three important inventions of his include the phonograph, the kinetoscope, and the incandescent lightbulb.

Isabel (Ysabel) I of Castile

Queen of Spain; Beats Arigon (nobility) for queenship b/c mpre experienced; only 16 when becomes queen; End Muslim existence in Europe; funded and supported Christopher Columbus and the exploration of the New world


Qutb: "pagan disregard"--state of faithlessness he saw in America, considered an abnormally material society, thought cultures like this eroded "like acid" foundations of faith

Benno Ohnesorg

Radical student murdered by police during political demonstration. Baader Meinhof came out of background formed by radical student movement.

Basket Case

Rashid's term for Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Central Asian countries -these countries have never been successful economically, do not function, people are subject to 80% unemployment and worse, hopelessness and despair are the quintessential breeding grounds for terrorism


Rebel leader of Nicaragua until the 1930s when he was assasinated in a coup which put Somoza in power. He fought for land reform and basic civil rights., anti yanqui Revolutionary. Led rebellion against U.S. military ocupation of Nicaragua that lasted between 1927 and 1933. Called a bandit by the U.S, but was seen as a hero throughout many parts of Latin America. Symbol of resistance to U.S. domination. Assasinated 1934 by Somoza. Sandista National Liberation Front

Georges Sorel

Reflections on Violence (1908): revolutionary socialism, revolution won't occur without violence

Chalmers Johnson

Republican professor who wrote "Blowback Trilogy" that identified Operation Ajax as a defining moemnt in U.S. policy that we can change regimes we don't like; appalled at what U.S. was doing

Pacifist Anarchism

Response to strengthening of state after Napoleonic Wars, claims large governments are corrupt but advocates non-violent protest and teaching

Avishai Margalit

Retired professor of Hebrew University, now at Princeton and frequently writes for New York Review of Books -problems are exacerbated by US and Israeli policy, 50-60% unemployment, 40-yr refugee camps, etc.

Tiananmen Square

Revolt in china and the government started killing people


Revolutionary group in Mexico who favor replacing the current Mexican government with a new government., Guerilla movement named in honor of Emiliano Zapata; originated in 1994 in Mexico's southern state of Chiapas; government responded with a combination of repression and negotiation

Murder in 1980 of Archbishop Oscar Romero

Romero was named a champion of democracy and helped the poor differentiating himself from the wealthy catholics who were privy to clerical attention. He urged the Carter administration not to send any more aid to the new revolutionary government which was later overthrown by FLMN. He was killed by a right wing death squad

Hutus and Tutsis

Rwanda is mostly composed of these two tribes, Tutsis traditionally held power but Hutus had gained power in recent years

Hosni Mubarak

Sadat's successor in Egypt, received billions of dollars annually from US, government fell during Arab Spring

"Impossible Histories"

Said's review of Bernard Lewis' book; they were violently opposed to one another -"Islams," not Islam: many different facets of religion -way to defeat terrorists is to appeal to moderate Muslims and ally with them to isolate radical elements -opposes argument of Samuel Huntington in A Clash of Civilizations (that Western and Islamic culture are inherently opposed)

Farabundo Marti

Salvadorian Revolutionary who was integral in 1932 El Salvador Peasant Massacre , founder of the Communist Party of Central America, who helped the El Salvadorian poor through Marxist, Leninist ideology, he was exiled before the Presidential election in 1931 for the government feared his popularity he led an uprising of indigenous guerrilla warfare and 30,000 people were killed. He is a maurder for the Left in El Salvador today and the FMNL or Farabundo Liberation Party is one of two parties in El Salvador.

Father Roy Bourgeois, School of the Americas Watch

School of the Americas Watch is an advocacy organization founded by former Maryknoll Father Roy Bourgeois and a small group of supporters in 1990 to protest the training of mainly Latin American military officers, by the United States Department of Defense, at the School of the Americas (SOA). A grassroots movement that sees human rights abuses by graduates as the responsibility of the school.


Sea Traders; introduced alphabetic writing; broke Hittite and Egyptian Empires

Libya's descent into chaos, 2012-2013

Sep 2012: Murder of US ambassador Christopher Stevens -Violence in Mali destabilizing Libya further -Jan 2013: businessmen, diplomats, oil workers flee the country, on Jan 12 assassination attempt on Italian consul as they departed -British gov. ordered all citizens to leave -kidnappings and criminality rampant, Gaddhafi weapons in the hands of radical Muslim groups -Derna on coast completely under the control of Al Qaeda: The Al Qaeda Republic of Derna

Iran Iraq War

September of 1980, Fought between Sadam Hussein's gov in Iraq and the gov of Ayatollah in Iran The United States supported Iraq, Sudam was not a fundamentalist Revolutionary Guards and Continued terror after the hostage crisis Cultural revolution (Islamization v. Westernization) Complete Islamization of Iranian Society Office of the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Sin Islamic Religious Police


Series of Poems; composed of Muhammad prophetic visions


Settlement of 5 northern countries in Ireland still under British rule.

White Revolution (1963)

Shah tried to speed up modernization of Iran, sent thousands of young Iranians to college in US and Europe to become engineers, professors, etc. -caused a surge in support for fundamentalist Islam

Islamic Republic of Iran (1979)

Shah's government fell in 1979, Spring of Freedom declared, but Ayatollah set up authoritarian government that same year


Slave Amries- too big on an empire so use slaves to fight & slaves are generals. Takeover Egypt & Syria

Somalia and Operation Restore Hope

Somalia has been violent for decades, in Oct 1993 US troops were sent in to arrest warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid, instead 13 soldiers were killed in Battle of Mogadishu and US withdrew in confusion -this made US and UN very gun-shy when tensions erupted in Rwanda a few months later


Son in law of Muhammad( married his daughter) candidate against Abu Bakr to succeed Muhammad; more radical

Pedro I of Brazil

Son of the Joao became the King of Brazil in hopes of taking over both countries when his dad died

Jose de San Martin

South American general and statesman who was a key leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile along with Simon Bolivar.

José de San Martin

South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; 1810 who was responsible for defeating Spanish forces in the south

Missile Crisis

Standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union in which the Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba if the United States promised not to invade the island.

Mikhail Bakunin

Statism and Anarchy (1873) major political impact of violent anarchism, hated Marx--dictatorship of proletariat was ridiculous

Liberation Theology

Stemming in Roman Catholicism, A practice using the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to liberation from the unjust economic, social and political injustices. Detracted from by the vatican and other countries referring to it as "Christianized Marxism" It urges all Christians to take a stand against injustice with an emphasis on fighting poverty, which is caused by sinful social structures

Carter's foreign policy

Support of human rights abroad. He cut off aid to Argentina and Chile for human rights violations and turned the Panama Canal over to Panama.

Dietrich Bonhoffer

Supporter of General's Plot, wrote Ethics in which he explained why as a Lutheran minister he could support murdering someone who rose to power legally: when law of state is in conflict with needs and well-being of its people, there is a requirement to act

Hanns Martin Schleyer

Symbol of German capitalism; President of Employer's Association in Germany. Kidnapped by Baader Meinhof and threatened to be killed if Germany didn't release their leaders(inspired Red Brigades). Killed after Baader Meinhof leaders' suicides.

Quinto (Royal Fifth)

Tax; any precious metal from the ground miners had to pay the gov. 25% of it.

Iron Curtain

Term coined by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to describe the political division of Europe between free (W. Europe) and represed (Eastern Europe) during the cold war

Conspiracy Model

Terrorism is propitiated by specific people--considers violence as a factor independent of context

Political-Historical Model

Terrorism occurs in context of economics, sociology, and specific personalities of its time

2nd Way to Deal with Terrorism

Terrorists cause Terrorism and we have to simply kill the Terrorists to stop Terror.

Military take over of 1976

The 1976 Argentine coup was a right-wing coup d'état that overthrew Isabel Perón on 24 March 1976, in Argentina. In her place, a military junta was installed, which was headed by General Jorge Rafael Videla, Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera and Brigadier-General Orlando Ramón Agosti. The junta took the official name of "National Reorganization Process," and remained in power until 1983. Although political repression (the so-called "Dirty War") began long before the coup, it was heavily extended after the event and resulted in the "disappearances" of between around 9.300 and 30.000 persons, depending on sources. While the coup had been planned since October 1975, the United States Department of State learned of the preparations just two months before.

Boland Amendments

The Boland Amendments were the three U.S. legislative amendments between 1982 and 1984, aimed at limiting U.S. government assistance to the Contras in Nicaragua. Due to the restrictions from the Boland Amendments President Regan allowed funding to be gathered through the sale arms to Iran in order to supply the Contras. The amendments are another example of Congress attempting to limit executive power., President can not send arms troops, money or advisors to Nicaragua, if they do, they be held on contempt of Congress.

The Arias Plan

The Central American Peace Agreement, variously referred to as "Esquipulas II" or the "Arias Plan", initially required the implementation of certain conditions by November 5, 1987. The conditions included establishing decrees of amnesty in those countries involved in insurgent conflicts, initiating dialogue between governments and unarmed political opposition groups (or groups that had availed themselves of amnesty), undertaking efforts to negotiate cease-fires between governments and insurgent groups, ceasing to allow outside aid to insurgent forces, denying the use of each country's national territory to "groups trying to destabilize the governments of the countries of Central America", and ensuring conditions conducive to the development of a "pluralistic and participatory democratic process" in all of the signatory states.

Commodore Matthew Perry

The Commodore of the U.S. Navy who compelled the opening of Japan to the West (and sparking the wants of other nations as well) in 1853.

Max Stirner

The Ego and His Own (1845) violent anarchist work, intellectual impact

Which one of the following is NOT TRUE about Argentina's response to terrorism? a. the armed forces took over the government after president Peron's death. b. the military regime responded to terrorists justly and patiently c. Argentina's response was characterized by countless "disappearances" d. people suspected of terrorism could have been thrown off a plane as punishment

b. the military regime responded to terrorists justly and patiently

The Cultural Revolution

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, commonly known as the Cultural Revolution, was a social-political movement that took place in the People's Republic of China from 1966. Set into motion by Mao Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of China, its stated goal was to enforce communism in the country by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society, and to impose Maoist orthodoxy within the Party. The Revolution marked the return of Mao Zedong to a position of power after the failed Great Leap Forward. The movement paralyzed China politically and significantly affected the country economically and socially.


The Montoneros formed around 1970 out of a confluence of Roman Catholic groups, university students in social sciences, and leftist supporters of Juan Domingo Perón. "The Montoneros took their name from the pejorative term used by the 19th-century elite to discredit the mounted followers of the popular caudillos." Montonera referred to the raiding parties composed by indigenous peoples in Argentina, and the spear in the Montoneros seal refers to this inspiration.[ Their best-known leader was Mario Firmenich. The Montoneros hoped that Perón would return from exile in Francoist Spain and transform Argentina into a "Socialist Fatherland".

Malvinas War/ Falkland Islands

between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the disputed Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, argentina invaded and surrendered after 74 days, the conflict resulted after a diplomatic confrontation over the sovereignty of islands


big rivalry with Egypt and developed iron; destroyed by pheonicians

Ayman al-Zawahiri

bin Laden's right hand man, Egyptian, doctor, has led Al Qaeda ever since bin Laden's death -declared Nov '12 that new strategy for radical Islam should be to kidnap Westerners in order to get their fighters back

Eduardo Galeano

The Open Veins of Latin America (1971). Classic left-wing writer says from Chris Columbus (1492) to now indigenous people of LA exploited and genocide.

Eduardo Galeano

The Open Veins of Latin America (1971): Left-wing writer claiming status quo is such to allow rich to exploit the poor -US has been exploiting Latin America since Monroe Doctrine and probably earlier

Pol-Pot Regime and the Khmer Rouge

The Pol-Pot Regime (1928-1978) and especially the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979) tried to covert Cambodia to Maoism, killed about 1/4 of the population, documented by Ben Kiernan

Kenneth Maxwell

The Red Wave In Latin America (2006) In Latin America economic decline thought to be neglect of US as cause. Bad Clinton-era politics cause left-wing favoritism and anger.

White Revolution

The Shah led, with American approval, the White Revolution as at attempt to westernize an Islamic country.

Attitude of Neglect by the United States

The United States instead of funding Latin American business instead invested in trade relations, thinking that each continent, (The U.S vs. Latin America) should be guided by their own intrests.

Reciprocal Measures

The anti-revolutionary measures the government of Peru took to hush leftist revolutionary groups.

Grand Army

The army that Napoleon assembled to invade Russia, and the largest army ever assembled in European history. Consisting of more than half a million men from all throughout the Napoleonic Empire, this army was used in an attempt to invade Russia.

Russian Campaign

The attempt by Napoleon to invade Russia. More than half a million men were assembled by Napoleon to supplement this campaign in 1812. During this campaign, the Grand Army invaded Russia, so the Russians burned everything in sight and gave no battle, knowing that Napoleon's soldiers were superior. Napoleon's flanks were gradually weakened by both the physical features of Russia and some Russian soldiers, and France was eventually forced to retreat.


The belief that jews should have their own homeland , where they are the majority and are free from ant-Semitic discrimination Became an international movement Jews that were convinced that there were no safe places for Jews in normal society

Continental System

The blockade on the British commerce and trade devised by the French in 1806, who wanted to see the British fall through destruction of trade. Unfortunately, British had a superior navy, and this system failed.

Berlin Blockade

The blockade was a Soviet attempt to starve out the allies in Berlin in order to gain supremacy. The blockade was a high point in the Cold War, and it led to the Berlin Airlift.

National Assembly

The body that consisted of mostly French commoners during the French Revolution, although a few clergymen were present as well. The entire Assembly represented about 95 percent of France. Their formation in 1789 marked the start of the French Revolution.

march to Quito 2012

The capital of Ecuador the March for life


The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.

Hundred Days

The days in which Napoleon invaded France from March to July 1815. They started when he invaded Paris with about one hundred thousand men, and ended when, a few months later, suffered his final defeat at the Battle Of Waterloo.


The dominant part of the Core-Periphery model, the economically developed states and countries.


The domination by a powerful nation over the political, economic, and cultural affairs of another country or region.

Scientific Revolution

The era of scientific thought in Europe from 1600-1800 during which careful observation of the natural world was made, and accepted beliefs were questioned.

Second Estate

The estate that consisted of aristocrats, nobles, and high-positioned government officials. They paid little taxes if at all and were as wealthy as the First Estate. They made up 2% of the French population.

First Estate

The estate that consisted of high-positioned clergymen, such as cardinals and archbishops. They paid no taxes and were very wealthy. Although they only made up 1% of the French population, they owned 10% of the land.

Third Estate

The estate that consisted of the middle class, working class, artisans, and the general population of France. They were taxed far beyond their means and most of them were cast into wretched poverty. They made up 97% of the French population.

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, slaves, and technologies between the Americas, Europe, and Africa and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

Thomas More

The first person to come up with the concept of socialism. In his 1516 work Utopia, he talked about in an ideal society, people would cease to act selfishly.


The first rung on the social ladder in China; these people governed China.

Alessandro Volta

The first to harness electricity and inventor of the battery in 1800. A unit of electromotive force is named after his last name.


The fourth and lowest rung on the social ladder in China, these people sold and traded goods. Often, they were called "parasites" or the "necessary evil".

Assassination At Sarajevo

The fuse that started World War I; when Gavrilo Princip of the Black Hand terrorist organization assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914.

Maximilien Robespiere

The head of the Committee Of Public Safety during the Reign Of Terror.

Debt Trap

The inability of third world countries to pay back their loans to northern creditors

Toussaint Louverture

The leader of a Hatian slave revolt that led to Haiti's independence in 1804, making it the first independent country in Latin America.


The lesser part of the Core-Periphery model, the developing states that have little or no influence.


The middle part of the Core-Periphery model that keeps the world from being polarized into two extremes.

Robert Owen

The most influential socialist of the Industrial Revolution. He was most famous for pushing work reforms and establishing a Utopian ideal village in New Lanark, Scotland.


The name given to the middle-class during the French Revolution.

Ancient Regime

The political, economic, and social system of France before the Revolution.

Marie Antoinette

The queen of Louis XVI who was originally Austrian. She was disliked by the people of France because of her extravagance and for her being Austrian. Like her husband, she was accused of treason and beheaded in 1793.

French Revolution

The revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.

Qing Dynasty

The ruling power of China from 1644-1911. It started when the Manchu empire captured Beijing and adopted Chinese ways. After 100 years of peace, the population grew and the army and government services eventually collapsed.


The second rung on the social ladder in China; these people produced food and paid many taxes.


The supreme and absolute authority within territorial boundaries; final authority rests with legitimate rulers of independent states.


The term given to zones in northern Mexico with factories supplying manufactured goods to the U.S. market. The low-wage workers in the primarily foreign-owned factories assemble imported components and/or raw materials and then export finished goods.


The theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism developed in China by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), which states that a continuous revolution is necessary if the leaders of a communist state are to keep in touch with the people.


The third rung on the social ladder in China; these people created objects and tools.

Storming Of The Bastille

The violent rampage brought on by the large mob made up of citizens of Paris, when the tore apart the Bastille. Searching for weapons and ammunition, citizens stormed the prison, taking anything they could find. Its legacy lasts even today, where July 14 in France is known as Bastille Day.

Purpose For Berlin Wall

The wall was put up to separate the communist and the Democratic parts of Germany

Opium Wars

The wars that ravaged China from 1839-1842 dealing with the trade of opium to China. Britain won, and they received Hong Kong and 5 additional sea ports.

Ozone Depletion

Thinning of Earth's ozone layer caused by CFC's leaking into the air and reacting chemically with the ozone, breaking the ozone molocules apart


This is the idea that people cannot revise the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninsm. This such as Deng Xiaoping who promoted the idea that pesants who work hard and produce more crops should benefit.

Lushan Plenum

This was a meeting about the failures of the great leap forward. In this meeting Peng Dehuai bashed Mao Zedong for poor leadership. Peng was later stripped of his roll in the CCP due to this.

Factory System

This was really the only other option of work at the time of the Industrial Revolution besides the domestic system, or working from home. It was very unsafe to work with this system, as no insurance was provided. Pay was low, and conditions were horrible. Workers were often treated with cruelty by their superiors, and the superiors could get away with whatever cruel act they instigated upon the workers. Even children were forced to work, and however cruel things got, the workers could not protest or strike.

Reign Of Terror

This was the "reign" in which The Committee Of Public Safety was in power, from 1793 to 1794. In the course of about a year, hundreds of thousands of victims lost their lives to the guillotine because they were accused of opposing the French Revolution. Maximillian Robespierre was the leader of the Committee Of Public Safety at the time, and he was the one who ordered most, if not all, of the atrocious executions. This reign finally came to an end in 1794 when, ironically, Robespierre was beheaded himself.

Mass Production

To identically and quickly produce the same good multiple times. Its three components are division of labor, assembly line, and interchangeable parts.

Ayman al Zawhiri

Took over after Bin Laden, in opposition to Hosni Muzbarak As the Mubarak government collapsed, they voted for a Muslim Brotherhood candidate, once Morsi became president which featured Sharia Law, even for secular Egyptians The reactions against Morsi, by Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (July 2013) who is now the head of the Egyptian government The muslim brotherhood is now underground with 1,000 muslim


Total control of production or sale of a group or service.

Los Zetas

Trained by American Govt. to fight drug killers. Now they use military tactics to be ruthless killers, One of the most powerful drug cartels in Mexico. Besides drug trafficking, they also engage in assassinations, extortions, kidnappings, and other criminal activities. Formed in 1999 as the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, broke off in 2010 and formed own criminal organization. Eriberto Lascaro is head of Los Zetas., One of the most powerful drug cartels in Mexico; major influence stretches across the entire East Gulf Coast of the country and into the mainland

Chrisopher Lasch

Tried to answer why the status quo is unchanging regardless of party in office. Said differences between party is rhetorical in how they present themselves. Wrote Culture of Narcissism to explain extreme tenacity of American status quo.

People's Revolutionary Army and Montoneros

Two left-wing revolutionary groups in Argentina -had "built-in" audience due to economic collapse and unemployment of lots of university-educated people, Guevara's connection

Gulf War of 1991

US successfully kept Kuwait out of Saddam Hussein's hands, but had effect of stirring up Muslim radicals--hated that US soldiers were in Saudi Arabia, home of Mecca

Fidel Castro

Very influential in Cuba; one of the primary leaders of the Cuban Revolution; strong Communist who idolized Marx

Treaty of Versailles

Very influential peace treaty signed in 1919 that led to Arabs arguing that the should be given "self determination", just as Wilson had said applied to U.S.

Napoleonic Code

Very similar to the Declaration Of The Rights Of Man, this code was established by Napoleon Bonaparte, hence its name. It was first established in the very early 1800s, and it stated that all male citizens are equal in the eyes of the French law.

Archbishop Oscar Romero

Very sympathetic towards Theology of Liberation and was a famous victim of the right wing death squad terrorist group (killed during mass)

Grounp/Individual Terrorism against the State

Violent Anarchism (Under Western Eyes) Five Monarchs Banhoffer

El Salvador Civil War

War erupted between extreme left and right; showed all that was dysfunctional and instable in El Salvador

Benito Mussolini

Was a Marxist, decided that blood mattered more than economics, founded nationalistic Fascism, whose goal is to provide for state, founded in 1919 and takes power in 1922 after civil war

Vatican II (1962-1965)

Was a council which discussed the relationship between Roman Catholicism and the modern world. It was unique in that it did not offer any new dogmas or decrees only placed Roman Catholicism in a modern prespective. A response to the growing feeling biblical literalism and Jesus Christ as a modern figure, it sought to increase and renew the modern mans enthusiasm in the Roman CPaulo Freiere, Education for Critical Consciousness and Pedagogy of the Oppressedatholic teachings.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

What is to be Done? (1904): revolution is only form of advancement -led revolution of Russia--adapted to agrarian economy State and Revolution (1917): how-to of violent revolution


When the communists gained power they soon began to try to improve the lives of the peasants. They tried to do this by bringing families together to try try to pool together production. They still received income based on "type of work" and "family size," but each families income would go up.This caused a rise in incomes and peasant life became better.

Three Faces of Fascism

Wherever there is a strong left wing movement, there will always be a movement from the radical right.

Alegria de Pio

Who: Fidel Castro and his rebel

King-Crane Report

Wilson sent team of experts, led by two university leaders, to Middle East to determine what the situation was. They concluded that Arabs need their independence and shouldn't be controlled. Feared what the future would be like if the Zionist Project went forward.

Louis Perez

Winds of Change in Latin America (2001). Fidel Castro had the model revolution for left-wing in Argentina, El Salvador, and Peru. American ignorance of Castroism.

Celia Sanchez

Woman leader int he M-26. Became Castro's Chief of Staff after he took power.

Self Determination of Peoples

Woodrow Wilson in the 14 pts. Peoples in a given culture, in a given language group have to have the right of political independence Arabs asking why did we not receive self determination? All the controlling European countries in the middle east were funded by American banking money, with Israel as our gateway there Jewish Population of Palestine 1919, 10% Jewish migration 1920's and 1930's , 30% Palestine Resistance 1930's Aggravated by the change of control in their homelands, the palestinian violence and terrorism became more and more of a problem With jewish counter-violence,

Bologna Train Station

Worst of Italian series of bombings by right wing terrorists that killed almost 100 people.

Dilip Hiro

Wrote "The Holy Wars" which provded an excellent background history for Islamic religion; said Arabs felt great disappointment post WWI and many terrorst groups go back to events that occurred post WWI era.

Bernard Lewis

Wrote "What Went Wrong", including 9/11 attacks, attempting to answer what happened in Muslim World to produce a culture that could inspire such violence. Argued that anyone that knows about the history of Islam must be impressed with the cultural greatness of that part of the world.

Evan Kohlman

Wrote Al Qaeda's Jihad in Europe

Amos Elon

Wrote Blood-Dimmed Tide showing the unfair treatment of Palestinians compared to Jews; Palestinians are being treated as inferior and we need to treat them equal if we want them to accept status quo. Wrote about murder of Yitzhak Rabin by Yigal Amir; Problems of terrorism aren't simply military/police.

Richard Brown

Wrote Historical Patterns of Violence in America as explanation for what is going on with all of the violence. Four themes: American Revolution, Civil War, Indian Wars, & Vigilantism.

Margaret Macmillan

Wrote Paris 1919 about how that treaty changed the world in a bad way

Julius Evola

Wrote Revolt Against the Modern World

George Habib Antonius

Wrote The Arab Awakening (1938), considered the father of Palestinian intellectual consciousness opposed to Zionism

Robert Clark

Wrote The Basque Insurgents: ETA 1952-1980 and gave historical background of ETA.

Garry Wills

Wrote The New Revolutionaries explaining the culture of resentment taking hold in America in 1990's. Something new began to manifest itself in 1990's after American's old enemy (Soviet Union) was no longer. The new enemy became the federal government due to resentment over income tax, failure of judicial system, failed education system, attacks on religion on mainstream culture, and attacks on gun rights.

Gary Brennan

Wrote The Spanish Labyrinth as foundation text for history of Spanish terrorism

David Frum & Richard Perle

Wrote book "An End to Evil" about how to win the war on terror; says the only way to win the war is regime change in the Middle East. Discussed various theories of why U.S. went into Iraq: Israel, oil, defense industry, etc.

Edward Said

Wrote book called "Orientalism" arguing that the problem with Westerners who study Islam is that they only understand the parts of Islam that affect Westerners. Provided the rebuttal to Lewis' "What Went Wrong"

Peter Merkl

Wrote essay "Rollerball or Neo-Nazi Violence?" on radical right in Germany. Argues it is difficult to know how much of right wing violence has neo-Nazi or neo-Fascist origin. Says there doesn't have to be ideological or religion based inspiration for violence.

Howard Temperly

Wrote essay Violence in the Mining Frontier: U.S. & Canada. Recognizes that U.S. has strong anti-government tradition and this has prduced climate in which law and order created casualties.

Stefan Aust

Wrote the book Baader-Meinhof as the inside story of the Red Army Faction. He gave historical background of most important left wing terrorist group in post WWII Germany. Doesn't give much information about men of ideas. Aust had been a big part of left wing culture in Germany

Padraig O'Malley

Wrote the book Biting at the Grave about background of Ireland. Gave basic idea of the main players: Catholic Irish, Protestant Irish, and Britain. Said all were guilty in ongoing tragedy

William Ayers

Wrote the book Fugitive Days about why we have such left wing turmoil in U.S. Two reasons were Civil War issues and Vietnam War.

Katherine Gregory

Wrote the book The Provisional Irish Republican Army and says that PIRA has agreed to try & negotiate issues still existing between Catholics/Protestants in Ireland. Notes there are still 2 splinter groups - Real IRA (RIRA) and Continuity IRA.

William Appleman Williams

Wrote the book The Tragedy of American Diplomacy that asks where American empire began? We were destined from beginning to extend the sphere, which is why we cleaed out the Indians. Read cause of Civil War was establishing imperial supremacy of federal government over states

William Pierce

Wrote the book The Turner Diaries saying that Americans have lost their government and te only way to retrieve it is through violence and terrorism. (Man of ideas)

Raul Castro

Younger brother of Fidel Castro who also took place in the Cuban Revolution and is now the current President of Cuba.

Latin American Liberation Theology: The Face of Transcendence

[Gebara] relationality resurrecting individual to collective takes concept of transcendence (Barthian God totally separate) sounds immanent, connects us to each other and God God's face is embodied in collective

Latin American Liberation Theology: Resurrection from the Individual to the Collective

[Gebara] resurrection not just in christ as spiritual event in history but something men and women can practice and evoke together people working together to create resurrection among each other claiming power within self and in world

Latin American Liberation Theology: Theology as the Second Act/"Critical Reflection on the Historical Praxis of Liberation"

[Gutierrez] "Critical reaction on the historical praxis of liberation" also phrased as "orthopraxis over orthodoxy" lived practice should come first reasoning about it should come 2nd theology must follow experience theology develops as response of movement big in asian or Latin American liberation theologies example of - Cone reacting to black power and creating black liberation theology orthopraxis precedes orthodoxy (theological justification for why someone should do something; right reasoning or belief about God, heady questions)

Latin American Liberation Theology: A Preferential Option for the Poor

[Gutierrez] in Latin America, there is a political context where class more important than race context liberation theology with marxist approach = on the side of the poor and poor one of first concept can be used for other marginalized groups such as black people, women, LGBTQI people, etc.

Latin American Liberation Theology: Structural/Social Sin

[Gutierrez] keystone to latin american liberation theology which has a deep engagement with marxist theory used marx to critique economic parts of system as well as the social structures that keep poor poor and work to oppress these are identified as sinful structures sin not something I do as individual, but taken up in institutions within structural and social environment

Latin American Liberation Theology: Irruption of the Poor

[Gutierrez] there are a lot of poor and they were being ignored by 2nd vatican by focusing on what was happening in their latin american context, the poor move from margins to center of conversation active version of PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR and related to BASE COMMUNITIES OF POOR

Latin American Liberation Theology: The Kingdom of God within and Beyond History

[Gutierrez] - Eschatology "here and not yet kingdom" historical actions of liberation grounded in that which is beyond us

Latin American Liberation Theology: Base Ecclesial Communities

[Gutierrez]1 of 7 themes for his Latin American Liberation Theology: Ecclesiological Innovations - The mission of the Church is struggling with the oppressed for liberation - "Liberating evangelization" - intentional christian community of poor come together, start working in large groups, and living out praxis community becomes checks and balances for each other self - correcting relatable God in community and in relationship with each other catholic community of largely impoverished doing this work after vatican 2, these communities were working out connection between God and poor


"Correct brutality" believes absolutely in Communism, judges Rubashov as he's "fallen" from his faith

What culture inhabits do the majority of terrorists in the tri-sate boarder of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay? a. Latinos b. Israeli's c. Islamic d. Buddhists

c. Islamic

Gustavo Gutiérrez, A Theology of Liberation

carries out a biblical analysis of poverty. In this work he distinguishes two kinds of poverty: a scandalous state and a spiritual infancy. Gutiérrez observes that while the first is abhorred by God, the second is valued. However, for Gutiérrez these two states of poverty live together side-by-side in the faith of the believers of Latin America. On the one hand there is a hunger for God, and on the other hunger for bread: "I desire that the hunger for God may remain, that the hunger for bread may be satisfied... Hunger for God, yes; hunger for bread, no."

Ernst Nolte

claim that rise of left-wing extremist groups will inevitably cause response of right-wing groups


clan group, Groups of Aztec families that usually have something unique ( worshipped same temple, same work, close family ties)->above slaves and merchants


complete ban on certain products coming in or leaving the country; usually for political reasons

Political Economy

concerned with organization and administration of a state and the relationships with other states

Mono-dependent agriculturally-based economies

country with one export, soulfully based on agriculture


current leader of Ecuador, economist and politician who is president of Ecuador. increased agricultural subsidies and dramatically raised spending on social programs, most notably health care and education. His government also seized companies owned by members of a powerful family implicated in a banking scandal in the 1990s. Vowed to carry out an "economic revolution" putting Ecuadorans before debt payment and oil profits. Correa caused elements of the military and national police staged protests in response to cuts to benefits for public servants.


extended kinship group in early Andean Civilization; trade w/ one another along highland region of Andes mountain.

World Social Forum "Another World is Possible"

founded in 2011 in brazil an anti-globalization, open forum of international activists which discuss alternatives to solutions. Anti neoliberal

1984 Nicaraguan elections

general election was held in Nicaragua on November 4, 1984, to elect a president and parliament. Approximately 1.2 million Nicaraguans voted,[1] representing a 75% turnout, with 94% of eligible voters registered.[2] Impartial observers from international groupings such as the European Economic Community, religious groups sent to monitor the election, and observers from democratic nations such as Canada and the Republic of Ireland concluded that the elections were completely free and fair,[3][4] although some have argued that only the general election of 1990 marked Nicaragua's transition to democracy.


has thought of as a different section of Judaism, common state declared religion

1972 Nicaraguan earthquake

he Nicaraguan government appealed for aid, and the government accepted aid from countries like the United States and Mexico and some 25 other countries worth millions of dollars. Despite this and the magnitude of the devastation, the aid was not distributed well and the ruling Liberal-Conservative Junta, led by President Anastasio Somoza Debayle, was the target of criticism and was accused of stockpiling foreign aid which never reached the victims of the earthquake. It was later revealed that Somoza and his cronies had indeed plundered much of the foreign aid in order to enrich themselves at the expense of the people and of those businessmen who didn't support Somoza. Opposition to the regime, which had begun to surface before the earthquake, increased quickly among the lower classes and even among members of the upper and middle classes fed up with Somoza's corruption. This grew into a revolt that became the Nicaraguan Revolution, in which Somoza was overthrown in 1979.

Corruption in Brazil

he fact the trial is even advancing to such a phase — taking aim at congressmen, members of the governing party and senior officials who worked directly under one of the most popular presidents — points to a rare breakthrough in political accountability and a crucial streak of independence in the legal system.


idealist student revolutionary, sympathetic and eloquent, professes Utopian views of anarchist movement

Albert Enstein's New York Times letter

in Dec of 1948, Einstein wrote that radical Zionist groups were little different from Nazi and Fascist parties


is a Brazilian politician. He was a founding member of the Workers' Party. Lula achieved victory in the 2002 election, and was inaugurated as President on 1 January 2003., brazil's president, conservative economic policies

Washington Consensus

label used to refer to the following principles of free trade: 1) that free trade raises the well-being of all countries by inducing them to devote their resources to the production of goods that they produce most efficiently, and 2) that competition through trade raises a country's long-term economic growth rates by expanding access to global technologies and promoting innovation, The term Washington Consensus was coined in 1989 by the economist John Williamson to describe a set of ten relatively specific economic policy prescriptions that he considered constituted the "standard" reform package promoted for developing countries by Washington, D.C.-based institutions, such as the IMF World Bank, and the US Treasury Department. These economic reforms, popular from the late 1970's to mid 1990's, are generally described as a form of economic liberalism, which seeks to emphasize the efficiency of private enterprise, liberalized trade, and the open of markets. The adoption of these policies was often a precondition to receiving aid from the World Bank and IMF. The Washington Consensus has largely now been invalidated as developing countries that have avoided its rigid framework have seen their economies outgrow those that followed it closely. An example of this is the Bolivian case.

Pol Pot Regime

leader of Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmer Rouge; one of the leading state terrorists in modern history; admirer of Mao who wanted to bring that model to Cambodia and overturn exploitative status quo. 1.7-2.5 million Cambodians murdered by regime (26% of population!) Pol Pot thought that his killings were preventing worse things from happening in the future.

Changiz Khan

leader of Mongolian Invasion; utilized psychological warafe; used intimidation with how cruel they ar

Theodore Herzl (1860-1904)

major figure in creation of Zionism, Jewish secular journalist who covered the Dreyfus Trial and decided since European Gentiles wish Jews gone, they need their own space


mandate is unprecedented among UN or other international efforts to promote accountability and strengthen the rule of law. It has many of the attributes of an international prosecutor, but it operates under Guatemalan law, in the Guatemalan courts, and it follows Guatemalan criminal procedure. CICIG carries out independent investigations into the activities of illegal security groups and clandestine security structures, which are defined as groups that: commit illegal acts that affect the Guatemalan people's enjoyment and exercise of their fundamental human rights, and have direct or indirect links to state agents or the ability to block judicial actions related to their illegal activities.

Neoliberal reforms

many policies leading to a free economy / less regulation, more competition, restructuring, decentralizing, fewer trade barriers, balancing budget, less government spending


merchant, prophet/ creator Islam, concerns:greed of city, can't help poor people; Jabal al-Nourr=mts .to meditate and talked to Phophet Gabriel


monotheism; God over all thing in material universe and physical laws

Mohammed Mosaddeq

nationalist politician who was opposed to the Shah, wanted Iran's wealth from oil to stay in Iran (ie independence) -came very close to ascending to power

Juan Cole : Geopolitical Theme

oGeopolitical Theme : in Indonesia, in the year 2000 75% of the people were favorably disposed towards the US, now only 15% in 2009. Turkey, the most secular, in 2000 had a 56% favor to the US , in Dec 2009, only 9% What went wrong? Cole says Palestinian problem : the exploitation of the Palestinians, heart of the problem

Kenneth Maxwell : The Red Wave of Latin American

observed there is a strong anti-American temperment in Latin American

Flower War

once they have conquered they don't take over but make a list of stuff they want from them each year;tribute- Aztec boys have a mock war with captives to become men


pagan disregard for Muslim laws


people of Custom; Sunnis are Muslims that believe in the legitimacy of the early caliphs(the first 4 descendants of Muhammad.)

The Dirty War

period of state terrorism in Argentina during the 1970s, victims of the violence included several thousand left-wing activists and militants, including trade unionists, students, journalists, Marxists, Peronist guerrillas and alleged sympathizers, some 10,000 of the disappeared were guerrillas of the Montoneros (MPM), and the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP) there is an official estimate of 22,000 killed or "disappeared" between 1975 and mid-1978, trade unionists were targeted for assassination by guerrillas as early as 1969

General's Plot of 1944

plan to kill Hitler after Battle of Stalingrad (1943), thought would improve negotiation with Allies for German survival -placed a bomb in Hitler's bunker but didn't kill him


policy that did not favor either the United States or the Soviet Union during the cold war


political sys. the gov. derived of reciprocal relationship between powerful people(agreements between local lords and dukes which are all under control of the king); most basic result of breakdown of structured gov.

Debt crisis

poor countries owe billions in loan repayments to banks and wealthy nations, and paying interest on these loans takes money from social programs that could eliminate poverty., The massive accumulation of loans taken out by third world countries and owed to northern banks and governments from the 1970s onward


powerful Muslim ruler in Egypt; defeated crusades ; Sunni; made truce w/ crusaders but broken later; Nur al-din needed to help beat out crusaders; envious of Nur al-dins power


psychological warfare; Mongolian warfare (new technology); invasion of Iran (1219), Anatolia & Palestine (1242), Bagdad(1253 burned the library); death of Caliph; Converted to Islam; brought trade up; ruined agriculture & local industries during invasions; opening of west

Austerity Measures

reduced government spending. World governments are being told by international organizations, such as the IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and other lenders, that they must reduce deficit spending. Generally, austerity measures result in less government support for health, education, and infrastructure, and therefore have important domestic and social implications.


refers to Aztec Empire; enter the valley of Mexico in 1253; where Tenochtitlan starts accumulating land

Catholicism (Christianity)

refers to christians and churches that adhere to Christian doctrines and practices, which are regarded as Catholic.

Charles III of Spain

reform In the new world; Admin reform-end bought office positions & corruption at local levels; Fiscal reform-Taxes for men and women now, mining Taxes from 25% to 10%, end to tax farming, Repartimiento, & extended royal monopolies; Commercial reform- reinvigorated mines & ended Fleets; Religious Reform-expelled all Jesuits; Defense reforms-spent all new $ on army

Ferdinand VII of Spain

refused to sign and implement a constitutional Monarchy & the Juntas (Creole political committees which claimed the right to govern different regions of Latin America); doesn't respect the change; forced to sign the constitution to have soldiers to go to America


relationship between those who farm & nobility; Medieval Economic system linking the nobles and the peasants on their land.(for safety and nobility)


religious ruling base on previous presentences; Quan best way justify-sunnah(customs), Hadith(story about how prophet made decisions0, Qi'yas logical argument based on Quran.

Human rights violations

rights considered to by most societies to belong automatically to all people, including the rights to justice, freedom, and equality. If these rights are taken away, such as death, then it is considered a violation.


rise of human sacrifice 950-1224; located in Tula; Quetzlcoatl-symbol of rebirth in society & Tezcatlipoca- God of War lived on Earth

Merida Initiative

security cooperation between the United States and the government of Mexico and the countries of Central America, with the aim of combating the threats of drug trafficking, transnational crime and money laundering. The assistance includes training, equipment and intelligence. Often compared to 'Plan Colombia', the initiative is criticized for the continued support of combating the supply of drugs rather than focusing on prevention, treatment and education programs to curb demand. Efforts fail because they ignore the root cause of the problem: U.S. demand. The Mexican military is "becoming too powerful in the face of state weakness. Calderón's use of the army in fighting drug cartels has been questioned by rights groups. Human rights activists criticize the Initiative's lack of institution building and the existence of coerced confessions, often through the use of torture.


settled in Mesopotamia; irrigation canals; wheeled carts; sail boats, number system; writing(cuneiform), architecture; bronze; crushed akkadians

Fleet system

slow transport; a lot of ships sunk due to hurricanes; designed to control trade but created illegal trade w/ spanish


socialist who won in Chile after a democratic revolution took place, The socialist president of Chile who was overthrown by the military in 1973 was:, Chilean who is generally considered the first democratically elected Marxist to become president of country in Latin America. Adopted the policy of nationalization of industries and collectivization. Opposed by the Nixon administration as well as by militant leftists. Lost power to Pinochet during a coup on September 11, 1973.

Oscar Romero

spoke out against the tyranny and the killing carried out by the corrupt military leadership in El Salvador, A bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in El Salvador killed in 1980. He was considered a patron saint to some of America for his democratic principles.

Liberation Theology

started in 1960s after 2nd Vatican Council by Gustavo Gutierrez: A Theology of Liberation, Catholic church has made huge mistake in aligning with existing power structures, need to be on side of poor


stories about the prophet where he made decisions about something refereeing to how to live properly following Islamic rules


style or trait considered a characteristic of the peoples and culture of Asia


sultan small council, where the sultan was rarely there

Human Rights Certification

the Colombian Government and Armed Forces are meeting statutory criteria related to human rights and paramilitary groups. This determination and certification, which is pursuant to Section 7046(b) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2009, permits the full balance of FY 2009 funds designated for assistance to the Colombian Armed Forces to be obligated.


the act of tearing out by the roots, or eliminating as if tearing out by the roots


the king of the Incans when hey were invaded by the Spanish and he was taken captive- he had to fill room 2 parts full with silver, 1 part full of gold; orders his brothers death so he can't take his power(Huascar); killed later for "wrong doing"/ Spanish tying up loose ends


the largest silver mine at the time; in the Andes mountains

26th of July Movement

the revolutionary organization led by Fidel to overthrow Batista (the date was the invasion of the Moncada Barraks)

Drug trafficking in Guatemala

the unauthorized manufacture or distribution of any controlled substance or the possession of such a substance with the intention of manufacturing or distributing it illegally

Twelvers (Shiites)

they believe the 12th imam would return and restore justice

"History Will Absolve Me"

this was a speech written by Castro where he states why he revolted and what needs to be fixed. peasants aren't able to provide for themselves because they have to work on farms, Cuba needs own industries, rent should be lowered, educ. is bad,the law only represents the rich and is unfair to the poor. Castro only wants to make what he did justifiable by helping the Cuban people.

Camilo Torres (1929-1966), "Revolution Christian Imperative"

tried to reconcile revolutionary Marxism and Christianity


truth is knowable, nature is comprehensible, and man I capable; reason should guide all human endeavors; Isaac Newton, John Locke(social contract), Adam Smith(Macroeconomics, invisible hand)

Grand Vizir (Ottoman)

usually a slave (works his way up to power) running the day to day government

Contra War

war began as a series of rebellions against the Sandinista government. All the armies that participated in the war did not work together and did not help their common goal of removing the Sandinistas from power

Battle of Hattin

when Crusaders broke Truce (1187); crusaders were destroyed-> King taken Hostage; recaptured Jerusalem; Saladin victor led to take of Nur al-din and form Saladin's Power


where the believers lived (Muslim) and had to live here to gain the benefits of conquest and tax


work house like a sweat shop and textile manufacturing; Rural Obrajes-seasonal outfitter; Urban Obrajes-people were obligated


you have to give up a son to work for the ottoman empire and creates dedication to dynasty

Latin American Liberation Theologians

ß Gustavo Gutierrez ß James Cone ß Ivone Gebara

Gustavo Gutierrez Key Terms

• A Preferential Option for the Poor • Irruption of the Poor • Theology as the Second Act/"Critical Reflection on the Historical Praxis of Liberation" • Base Ecclesial Communities • Structural/Social Sin • The Kingdom of God within and Beyond History

Ivone Gebara Key Terms

• The Face of Transcendence • Resurrection from the Individual to the Collective

Mexican Drug Cartels

• Tijuana cartel, • Sinaloa-Sonora cartel,• Juarez Cartel, • the gulf cartel • Drug lord Felix Gallardo created the four sectors after being arrested and hearing that his lieutenants were vying for control of the drug business, he put his lieutenants in charge of their own sector o Today they move at least 70 percent of all the drugs that enter the United States"

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