TEST 2 (Chpts. 4-7)

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The people on Coral Island buy only juice and cloth. The CPI basket contains the quantities bought in 2013. The average household spent ​$30 on juice and ​$24 on cloth in 2013 when the price of juice was ​$2 a bottle and the price of cloth was ​$4 a yard. In​ 2014, juice is ​$4 a bottle and cloth is ​$8 a yard. Calculate the CPI basket and the percentage of the​ household's budget spent on juice in 2013.

-The CPI basket is 15 bottles of juice and 6 yards of cloth. -The percentage of the household's budget spent on juice in 2013 is 55.5 percent.

-Real GDP is the value of the​ _____ goods and services produced in a given year expressed in terms of the prices in​ _____ year. -Nominal GDP is the value of the​ _____ goods and services produced in a given year expressed in terms of the prices of ​ _____ year.

-final; a​ base; ​-final; that same

https://imgur.com/0K1Kxh6 1) What was the growth rate of real GDP in Atlantis in 2017​? 2) What was the growth rate of real GDP per person in Atlantis in 2017​?

1) The growth rate of real GDP in Atlantis in 2017 is 8 percent. 2) The growth rate of real GDP per person in Atlantis in 2017 was 7 percent.

Which of these will cause the quantity of goods and services that can be produced by one worker, or in one hour of work, to increase?

A technological change

Choose the correct statement. A. If there is a shortage of​ labor, the real wage rate rises to eliminate the shortage. B. The demand for labor is the relationship between the quantity of labor demanded and the money wage rate. C. The real wage rate is the number of dollars that an hour of labor earns D. The real wage rate is the money wage rate multiplied by the price level.

A. If there is a shortage of​ labor, the real wage rate rises to eliminate the shortage.

Choose the correct statement. A. Most economists believe that the​ Ricardo-Barro effect holds in the loanable funds market. B. According to the​ Ricardo-Barro effect, rational taxpayers know that a budget deficit today means that future taxes will be higher and future disposable incomes will be smaller. C. According to the​ Ricardo-Barro effect, a budget deficit raises the real interest rate. D. According to the​ Ricardo-Barro effect, a government budget deficit leads to the​ crowding-out effect.

According to the​ Ricardo-Barro effect, rational taxpayers know that a budget deficit today means that future taxes will be higher and future disposable incomes will be smaller.

https://imgur.com/lDrxmWr According to the graph, at what point does the economy begin a period of recession?

After the peak

Choose the correct statement. A. The largest contribution to labor productivity growth comes from human capital. B. Growth in average hours per work increase labor productivity. C. The fundamental source of labor productivity growth is physical capital. D. Most technologies are embodied in physical capital.

D. Most technologies are embodied in physical capital.

Choose the correct statement. A. Real GDP must increase every year. nothing B. Real GDP is just a more precise name for GDP. nothing C. We measure the change in production by comparing nominal GDP in one year with nominal GDP in another year. D. To isolate the increase in production from the rise in prices comma we distinguish between real GDP and nominal GDP.

D. To isolate the increase in production from the rise in prices comma we distinguish between real GDP and nominal GDP.

Which of these factors can cause the natural rate of unemployment to change?

Demographic changes

Which of these factors inhibit economic growth?

Discouraging international trade

If real GDP is​ $1,000,000, exports are​ $200,000, imports are​ $300,000, and aggregate labor hours are​ 100,000, labor productivity is​ _____.

$10 per hour

During a​ year, a​ firm's net investment is ​$3,200 and depreciation is ​$800. The​ firm's gross investment is​ ______.


If the CPI was 207 in 2007 and 225 in 2011, what pay raise would someone who earned $50,000 in income in 2007 have to receive in order to keep her purchasing power constant in 2011?


The U.S. GDP per person in 2016 was approximately __________.


The real wage rate is​ $_____ when the money wage rate is​ $2,000 and the price level is​ $25.


CPI​ = ______.

(Cost of CPI basket at​ current-period prices divided by Cost of CPI basket at​ base-period ​prices) times 100

Suppose the CPI in 2008 was 215.3 and the CPI in 2009 was 214.6, what was the inflation rate between 2008 and 2009?

-0.3 percent

If the inflation rate is 6 percent and the nominal rate of interest is 4 percent, then the real interest rate is __________.

-2 percent

During the past decade, a nation's average annual rate of population growth was 4 percent, and its average annual real GDP growth rate was 1 percent. Thus, the average annual rate of growth in per capita real GDP was __________.

-3.0 percent

In 2017​, a​ country's exports were ​$2,260 billion and imports were ​$2,757 billion. The value of net exports in 2017 was ________ billion dollars.


https://imgur.com/nLCMduR The table provides information about the nominal interest rate and the CPI inflation rate in the United States for the past five months. -What was the real interest rate in August 2018? -Did the real interest rate increase or decrease between April and August?

-In August 2018​, the real interest rate was 1.2 percent. -Between April 2018 and August 2018​, the real interest rate decreased.

The real interest rate is:

The nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate.

What is the present value of ​$500​, three years in the future if the interest rate is 1 ​percent?

The present value of ​$500​, three years in the future if the interest rate is 1 percent is ​$485.30.

When the economy is at full employment, which types of unemployment remain?

Frictional and structural

Joe has a term deposit that pays 8 percent a year and its value after two years will be ​$5,000. What is the present value of​ Joe's term​ deposit?

The present value of​ Joe's term deposit is ​$4,286.69.

Which of the following is included in the economist's definition of investment?

The purchase of new machines, factories, or houses

https://imgur.com/Yuf0dck The figure shows the circular flow model. During 2014​, flow A was ​$13.3 trillion​, flow B was ​$9 trillion​, flow D was ​$3 trillion​, and flow E was negative $ 0.7 trillion. Calculate GDP and government expenditure.

GDP is ​$13.3 trillion. Government expenditure is ​$2 trillion.

1) When the unemployment rate is greater than the natural unemployment​ rate, the output gap is​ _______. 2) When the unemployment rate is less than the natural unemployment​ rate, the output gap is​ _______.

HW5 Q8...lol idk 1) Negative; Positive 2)

Lori is a student who teaches golf on Saturdays. In a year she earns ​$35 comma 000 after paying her taxes. At the beginning of 2017​, Lori owned ​$2 comma 000 worth of​ books, DVDs, and golf clubs and she had ​$3 comma 000 in a savings account at the bank. During 2017​, the interest on her savings account was ​$120 and she spent a total of ​$25 comma 000 on consumption goods and services. There was no change in the market values of her​ books, DVDs, and golf clubs. How much did Lori save in 2017​? What was her wealth at the end of 2017​?

HW7 Q2 (idk this)

https://imgur.com/VzRWZ0j In which year did the standard of living increase and in which year did the standard of living​ decrease? Explain

The standard of living increased in​ 2007 because real GDP per person​ increased; The standard of living decreased in​ 2008 and 2009 because real GDP per person decreased

If the government begins running a budget surplus, what impact will the surplus have on the loanable funds market?

The supply of loanable funds will increase.

How would a reduction in income tax rates affect the loanable funds market?

The supply of loanable funds would increase.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries makes the wings of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner in Japan. Toyota assembles cars for the U.S. market in Kentucky. -Choose the correct statement about the cars assembled by Toyota in Kentucky.

Household expenditure on the cars is part of U.S. consumption expenditure and expenditure made by Toyota on building the assembly plant in Kentucky is recorded as U.S. investment.

Which of these groups is included in the labor force?

The unemployed

Which of these determines the supply of loanable funds?

The willingness of households and governments to save

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries makes the wings of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner in Japan. Toyota assembles cars for the U.S. market in Kentucky. -Choose the correct statement about the wings of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

The wings appear as imports in U.S. GDP.

Which of these are included in the labor force?

Those who are employed and those who are unemployed

Tom took out a ​$4,000 loan to buy a boat at an interest rate of 4 percent a year. He plans to repay the loan after 2 years. How much will he have to​ pay?

Tom will have to pay ​$4326.

What is the impact of unanticipated inflation?

Unanticipated inflation creates arbitrary redistributions of income.

Which one of these groups is most hurt by unanticipated inflation?

Wealthy people who hold cash in their wall safes

Of the eight categories in the CPI market basket, which three categories make up more than 70% of the basket?

Housing, transportation, and food

Which of these terms refers to the accumulated knowledge and skills workers acquire from education and training, or with life experiences?

Human capital

Which of these factors does not contribute to economic growth?

Nationalization of foreign investments

The process by which competition for profits leads to technological progress and perpetual economic growth best fits which growth theory?

New growth theory

https://imgur.com/GfOm7mI What is nominal GDP in 2016 and in​ 2017?

Nominal GDP in 2016 is ​$36. Nominal GDP in 2017 is ​$39.

The core inflation rate is the annual percentage change in the​ _____ price index​ _____ the prices of food and energy.

PCE; excluding

The role of technological progress in determining economic growth can be described by which statement?

Per capita output will rise when we discover new and more effective uses of capital and labor.

Which of these government policies can help economic growth?

Promoting higher rates of saving

Which measure of GDP represents changes in the quantity of goods and services produced in the economy, holding prices constant?

Real GDP

https://imgur.com/Y8TUIey An economy produces only digital​ cameras, chocolate​ bars, and watches. The table gives the quantities produced and prices in 2015 and 2016. The reference base year is 2015. -What is real GDP in 2016 in terms of the reference​ base-year prices?

Real GDP in 2016 in terms of reference​ base-year prices is ​$48.

Which phase of the business cycle is characterized by decreasing levels of real GDP?


Which of these will ensure that an economy experiences labor productivity growth?

Technological change

Which of these factors contributes to economic growth?

Technological progress

The people on Coral Island buy only juice and cloth. The CPI basket contains the quantities bought in 2013​ (the reference base​ year). The average household spent ​$60 on juice and ​$30 on cloth in 2013 when the price of juice was ​$2 a bottle and the price of cloth was ​$5 a yard. In​ 2014, juice is ​$4 a bottle and cloth is ​$6 a yard. Calculate the CPI and the inflation rate in 2014.

The CPI in 2014 is 6.

How can the change in U.S. wealth differ from U.S.​ saving?

The change in wealth includes changes in the prices of assets owned and saving excludes these items.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries makes the wings of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner in Japan. Toyota assembles cars for the U.S. market in Kentucky. -Explain where these activities appear in​ Japan's National Income and Product Accounts.

When the wings are sent to the United​ States, their value appears as Japanese exports in calculating​ Japan's GDP.

Choose the correct statement. A. The CPI calculation assumes that everyone shops at discount stores and no one shops at convenience stores. B. When the quality of a good improves over​ time, the CPI does not include the portion of the price rise attributable to the higher quality in its calculation. C. The commodity substitution bias injects an upward bias into the CPI. D. Changes in relative prices lead consumers to change the items they​ buy, and the CPI reflects this substitution.

The commodity substitution bias injects an upward bias into the CPI.

If technological change increases the profitability of new investment to firms, which of these will occur?

The demand for loanable funds will increase.

Tens of thousands of young illegal immigrants applied to a program that could allow them to remain in the United States and work legally.​ "So many opportunities are going to open up​ now," said one Mexican​ student, who boasts a 3.95 GPA and hopes to study law. -With 2 million illegal immigrants eligible to apply to the youth​ program, how might U.S. real GDP change in the coming​ years? Explain why.

With 2 million illegal immigrants eligible to apply to the youth​ program, U.S. real GDP will​ increase if unreported income previously earned by these immigrants becomes reported income.

A sustained decrease in the average level of prices in the economy is __________.

called deflation

An increase in the real interest rate will:

cause a movement along the demand curve for loanable funds

The four price indexes that are alternatives to the CPI are​ ______.

chained​ CPI, personal consumption expenditure​ deflator, GDP​ deflator, and core PCE

The natural unemployment rate​ _______.

changes as frictions and structural change occur in the economy

A decline in investment spending as a result of an increase in government spending and borrowing is known as:

crowding out

If increases in government budget deficits cause investment spending to fall it is known as __________.

crowding out

Real GDP growth rate​ = [(Real GDP in​ ______ yearminusReal GDP in​ ______ ​year) divided by Real GDP in​ ______ year ​] times 100.

current; previous; previous

At full employment, __________.

cyclical unemployment is zero

Depreciation is the​ _____ in the value of​ _____ that results from its use and from obsolescence.

decrease; capital

The decline in capital's value over a period of time is known as __________.


In measuring changes in the standard of living of a country, economists rely heavily on comparisons over time of real GDP per person because:

despite its well-known flaws, it is the best means we have of comparing the performance of an economy over time

If the minimum wage is set above the market-determined equilibrium wage, the natural unemployment rate will be __________.

higher than it would be without a minimum wage

A mortgage is a legal contract that gives ownership of a​ _____ to the​ _____ in the event that the​ _____ fails to meet the agreed loan payments​ (repayments and​ interest).

home; lender; borrower

The flow of funds from __________ into the financial system makes it possible for government and firms to borrow.


The aggregate production function is the relationship that tells us​ ______, when all other influences on production remain the same.

how real GDP changes as the quantity of labor changes

The graph shows the loanable funds market. During the​ 1990s, the invention and use of​ fiber-optic technologies required billions of dollars to be spent laying new cables under the oceans and launching communications satellites. -Draw a curve that shows the effect of this event. Label it. -Draw a point to show the new equilibrium quantity of loanable funds and real interest rate.


Suppose that the United States cracks down on illegal immigrants and returns millions of workers to their home countries. -Draw a labor supply curve and a labor demand curve for Mexico. Label the curves LS0 and LD0. -Draw a point at the equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 1. -Now suppose the United States returns millions of illegal immigrant workers to their home countries. -Draw a curve that shows the effect of this return of workers in Mexico. Label it. -Draw a point at the new equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 2.


The graph shows demand for loanable funds curve. Suppose the real interest rate rises. Draw either an arrow along the demand curve showing the direction of change or a new demand curve.


Suppose that the United States cracks down on illegal immigrants and returns millions of workers to their home countries. -Draw a labor supply curve and a labor demand curve for the United States. Label the curves LS0 and LD0. -Draw a point at the equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 1. -Now suppose the United States returns millions of illegal immigrant workers to their home countries. -Draw and label a curve that shows the effect of this return of workers. -Draw a point at the new equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 2.


-Draw a labor supply curve and a labor demand curve. Label them LS0 and LD0. -Draw a point the equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 1. -Draw and label a curve that shows the effect of an increase in labor productivity. -Draw a point at the new equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 2.


The left graph shows an​ economy's labor market. Draw a point that shows equilibrium in the labor market. The right graph shows the​ economy's production function. Draw a point on the production function that shows potential GDP in this economy.


The graph shows the production function of an economy. ​Currently, the​ full-employment quantity of labor is 200 billion hours a year. Population increases and the new​ full-employment quantity of labor is 300 billion hours. -Draw an arrow that shows the effect of this increase in population. -Draw a point at the new value of​ full-employment and potential GDP. Label it B.


The fundamental source of labor productivity growth is​ ______.

human capital

Unanticipated deflation __________.

hurts borrowers

A federal government budget deficit will __________.

increase the demand for loanable funds and increase the equilibrium interest rate

A government budget deficit​ _______ loanable funds

increases the demand for

A government budget surplus​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the supply of

An increase in the population​ ______ the equilibrium quantity of​ labor, ______ and potential GDP.

increases; increases

An increase in labor productivity​ ______ the real wage rate and​ ______ the equilibrium quantity of labor.

increases; increases;

The only way that the standard of living of the average person in a country can increase is by:

increasing production faster than population growth

A sustained increase in the overall level of prices is known as:


People are more likely to accept a real wage cut that arises from an increase in the price level than a cut in their nominal wage rate because​ ______.

inflation decreases the real wage rate gradually and a cut in the nominal wage decreases the real wage rate suddenly

If the inflation rate is low, steady, and anticipated, __________.

inflation may not be a major problem

The percentage rate of change in the price level is the definition of the:

inflation rate

The firm that printed your textbook bought the paper from XYZ Paper Mills. -This purchase of paper​ ______ part of GDP because the paper is​ ______ good.

is​ not; an intermediate

The growth rate of GDP in current prices does not provide information about how quickly the economy is really growing because ​ _______.

it combines price growth and production​ growth, and price growth does not represent growth in the economy

If inflation is anticipated, __________.

it costs less to society than if unanticipated

The key proposition of new growth theory that makes growth persist is that​ ______ is not subject to diminishing returns.

knowledge capital

The unemployment rate is the percentage of the people in the​ _____ who are unemployed.

labor force

The ratio of the labor force to the adult population is known as the:

labor force participation rate

Net worth is the total market value of what a financial institution has​ _____ minus the market value of what it has​ _____.

lent; borrowed

If the government is attempting to spur investment spending it should adopt policies that are designed to:

lower interest rates

The __________ the interest rate, the more investment projects firms can profitably undertake, and the __________ the quantity of loanable funds they will demand.

lower, greater

The unemployment rate in the United States is usually __________ than the unemployment rates in most European countries, partly because the United States has __________ generous benefits for the unemployed.

lower, less

An increase in the population​ _______ the real wage rate.


Inflation​ ______ the real wage​ rate, everything else remaining the same because​ _______.

lowers; the real wage rate is calculated as​ (Nominal wage rate divided by ​CPI) times 100

A government budget surplus​ _______ the real interest​ rate, decreases​ ______.

lowers; private​ saving, and increases investment

In calculating the CPI, the __________.

market basket does not include large equipment purchased by firms

Gross domestic product (GDP) is best defined as the __________.

market value of the final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period

The GDP is a measure of the __________.

market value of the final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period

The CPI is a​ _______.

measure of the average of the prices paid by urban consumers for a fixed basket of consumer goods and services

The consumer price index __________.

measures the average of prices paid by urban consumers for a fixed basket of consumer goods and services

When the economy goes into​ recession, the output gap is​ _______.


The stated rate of interest on a loan is the __________.

nominal interest rate

Saving is the amount of income that is​ _____ in net taxes or spent on​ _____ goods and services.

not​ paid; consumption

The labor force is the number of people employed plus the​ _____.

number unemployed

The chained CPI​ ______.

overcomes the sources of bias in the CPI by incorporating substitutions and using current and previous period quantities

Many economists believe the CPI __________ inflation because it fails to consider quality improvements in products.


Wealth is the value of all the things that people​ _____.


A stock is a certificate of​ _____ and claim to the​ _____ that a firm makes.

ownership; profits

The firm that printed your textbook bought the paper from XYZ Paper Mills. -The value of the paper is counted in GDP as​ ______.

part of the value of the textbook

According to new growth​ theory, the growth of real GDP per person​ _______.

persists indefinitely

Once the preconditions for growth are in​ place, the influences on the pace of labour productivity growth are​ _______.

physical capital​ growth, human capital​ growth, and technological advances

Aggregate expenditure in the United States is equal to consumption expenditure plus investment​ ______.

plus government expenditure plus net exports

The output gap is the difference between __________.

potential GDP and actual GDP

Net present value is the​ _______.

present value of all the future flows of money that arise from a financial decision minus the initial cost of the decision

The sum of​ _____ is called national saving.

private saving and government saving

Americans work longer hours than those in most other rich nations. Americans also produce more per person during the​ year, but only part of the U.S. productivity growth can be explained by the longer hours Americans work. Americans also create more wealth per hour of work. U.S. employees worked an average of​ 1,804 hours in​ 2006, compared to​ 1,564.4 for the​ French, but far less than the​ 2,200 hours that Asians worked. But the Asian countries the average labor productivity is lower. -Workers in developing Asian economies who work more hours than Americans are not the​ world's most productive workers because​ ______.

productivity depends on how much real GDP each hour of labor can produce

When the real interest rate rises​, the​ ______ because the​ ______ is the opportunity cost of loanable funds.

quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases​; real interest rate

The federal government deficit and mounting debt​ _______.

raise the real interest​ rate, decrease​ investment, and slow economic growth

A government budget deficit​ _______ the real interest​ rate, increases​ ______.

raises; private​ saving, and decreases investment

The output gap is the gap between​ _______.

real GDP and potential GDP

The GDP per person is computed by dividing a country's:

real GDP by its population

Because the focus of long-run economic growth is on the standard of living of the average person, we measure the standard of living in terms of:

real GDP per capita

By measuring​ ______, we can see that the economy of Singapore has caught up to and surpassed the economy of the United​ States, but that the economy of Mexico has not.

real GDP per person

Neoclassical growth theory is the proposition that​ _____ grows because technological change induces saving and investment that make​ _____ grow.

real GDP per​ person; capital per hour of labor

Classical growth theory is the view that the growth of​ _____ is temporary and that when it rises above the subsistence​ level, a population explosion​ _____.

real GDP per​ person; eventually brings it back to the subsistence level

New growth theory holds that​ _____ grows because of the choices people make in the pursuit of profit and that growth will​ _____.

real GDP per​ person; persist indefinitely

The ​crowding-out effect is the tendency for a government budget deficit to raise the​ _____ and​ _____ investment.

real interest​ rate; decrease

The aggregate production function is a relationship that tells us how​ _____ changes as the quantity of​ _____ changes when all other influences on production remain the same.

real​ GDP; labor

The history of hyperinflations includes __________.

recent events. Hyperinflations have occurred in recent times as well as the pas

The risk that a​ borrower, also known as a​ creditor, might not​ _____ is called credit risk or default risk.

repay a loan

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds increases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

rises, falls, or remains the​ same; increases

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds decreases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

rises; increases,​ decreases, or remains the same

The defining characteristic of long-run economic growth is:

rising productivity

The supply of loanable funds is determined by the​ _________. The supply of loanable funds changes when​ _______.

saving decisions of​ households, which are influenced by the real interest​ rate, disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, and default​ risk; disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, or default risk change

What is the​ Ricardo-Barro effect and how does it modify the​ crowding-out effect? -According to the​ Ricardo-Barro effect, when a government budget deficit occurs​ today, ______.

saving​ increases, the supply of loanable funds​ increases, and the real interest rate does not change

Unemployment arising from a persistent mismatch between the skills and characteristics of workers and job requirements is called __________.

structural unemployment

Real GDP is calculated by​ _______.

summing together the value of the​ year's production using the prices of the reference base year

State the financial decision​ rule: If the net present value is positive​ _______ and if the net present value is negative​ _______.

take the​ action; do not take the action

According to neoclassical growth​ theory, the growth of real GDP per person stops when​ _______.

technology stops advancing

If Americans still worked sixty hour weeks, as they did in 1890, __________.

the GDP would be much higher than it is but the well-being of the typical person would not necessarily be higher

The factors that might make the natural unemployment rate change include​ _______.

the age distribution of the​ population, the scale of structural​ change, the real wage​ rate, and unemployment benefits

In the long run, the amount of investment a firm can make is dependent on:

the amount of household savings

The cycle of short-term ups and downs in the economy is called:

the business cycle

Net taxes are taxes paid to the government minus​ _____.

the cash transfers received from governments

Economic growth is​ _______.

the expansion of production possibilities

The four main ways in which the CPI is an​ upward-biased measure of the price level are through​ _______.

the new goods​ bias, the quality change​ bias, the commodity substitution​ bias, and the outlet substitution bias

The demand for loanable funds is the relationship between​ _____ demanded and the​ _____ when all other influences on borrowing plans remain the same.

the quantity of loanable​ funds; real interest rate

The supply of loanable funds is the relationship between​ _____ supplied and the​ _____ when all other influences on lending plans remain the same.

the quantity of loanable​ funds; real interest rate

The two broad sources of potential GDP growth are growth of​ ______ and growth of​ ______.

the supply of​ labor; labor productivity

The point where economic activity bottoms out in a full business cycle is known as:

the trough

The amount by which​ _____ is called net investment.

the value of capital increases

Real GDP is __________.

the value of final goods and services produced in a given year when valued at the prices of a reference base year

The unemployment rate is never​ zero, even at full employment because​ _______.

there are always new workers entering the labor market to search for​ work, workers leaving one job to search for another​ job, and workers who have been laid off and are searching for another job

According to theory regarding labor productivity growth, workers will be more productive if __________.

they have more human capital

Potential GDP is determined by​ ______.

the​ full-employment quantity of labor

If the consumer price index was 73 in 1979 and 225 in 2011, then prices in 2011 were on average:

three times as high as 1979

The natural rate of unemployment is the __________.

unemployment rate an economy will experience when real GDP equals potential GDP

The net present value is the​ _______ flows of money from a financial decision minus​ _____ .

value today of all​ future; the initial cost of the decision

According to new growth​ theory, ______.

growth can persist indefinitely

A firm that pays an efficiency wage is paying a wage that is __________ the current market wage.

higher than

Which of these persons is officially unemployed?

A non-working individual who has looked for a job in the past week

Which of these is not a shortcoming of GDP as a measure of standard of living?

It only counts final goods and services and not intermediate goods.

What is the relationship between investment and real interest rates, all other things being equal?

Lower interest rates stimulate investment.

The Current Population Survey reported the following situations in July​ 2017: -Sarah works 10 hours a week at​ McDonald's. She is available to work more hours but​ hasn't looked for extra work. -Kevin spent the first six months of 2017 actively searching for a job but he​ didn't get hired. He believes there are no​ jobs, so he has given up looking. 1) How will the unemployment rate change if Sarah quits and starts to search for a​ full-time job? 2How will the labor force participation rate change if Kevin starts creating football apps in his garage and they turn out to be very​ popular?

1) The unemployment rate will​ rise if Sarah quits and starts to search for a​ full-time job. 2) The labor force participation will​ rise if Kevin starts creating football apps in his garage and they turn out to be very popular.

https://imgur.com/nybLexj 1) Calculate U.S. GDP in 2018. 2) I calculated real GDP by summing the components of aggregate​ _____, so I used the​ _____ approach.

1) U.S. GDP in 2018 is ​$ 20412 billion. 2) expenditure; expenditure

1) The quantity of labor demanded is the number of labor hours​ _______ during a given period. 2) The quantity of labor supplied is the number of labor hours​ _______ during a given period.

1) hired by all the firms in the​ economy 2) that all the households in the economy plan to work

1) The inflation rate is the percentage change in the​ _____ from one year to the next. 2)Deflation is a situation in which the​ _____ is​ _____ and the inflation rate is​ _____.

1) price​ level 2) price​ level; falling; negative

1) The demand for labor is the relationship between the quantity of labor demanded and the​ ______. 2) The supply of labor is the relationship between the quantity of labor supplied and the​ ______.

1) real wage​ rate 2) real wage rate

https://imgur.com/J2lF5rJ The table shows items of income and expenditure in the United States in 2014. 1)Calculate GDP. 2)There is sufficient information given in the table to calculate GDP using the _______ approach. 3) What items would you need in addition to the items given in the table to complete your calculation of GDP using the income​ approach?

1)GDP in the United States in 2014 equals $17044 billion. 2)There is sufficient information given in the table to calculate GDP using the expenditure approach. 3) indirect taxes less subsidies

If a country's real GDP is growing at a rate of 5 percent per year, how long will it take for the real GDP to double?

14 years

If the cost of a market basket of goods in 1992, the base year, is $200, and the cost of the same market basket is $300 in 2008, what is the CPI in 2008?


Hyperinflation is an inflation rate of​ _____ or higher that grinds the economy to a halt and causes a society to collapse.

50 percent a month

-If the annual interest paid on a​ $500 loan is​ $25, the nominal interest rate is​ _____ percent per year. -If the nominal interest rate is 5 percent per year and the inflation rate is 2 percent a​ year, the real interest rate is​ _____ per year.

5; 3

According to the rule of 70, if a nation's per capita real GDP doubled during the past 10 years, then its average annual rate of economic growth over that period was approximately __________.

7 percent

Which of these is a financial institution?

A commercial bank

What is the relationship between real interest rates and investment, other things being equal?

A negative relationship

Which of the following goods and services would be excluded from personal consumption expenditures in the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) statistics?

A new house

Choose the correct equation. A.Net investment - Gross investment​ = Depreciation B.Net investment + Depreciation equals Gross investment C.Net investment - Depreciation ​= Gross investment D.Net investment​ = Gross investment​ + Depreciation

B.Net investment + Depreciation equals Gross investment

Which of these are financial instruments that represent promises to repay a fixed amount of funds?


How does the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce measure GDP?

By adding the value in dollar terms of all the final goods and services produced domestically.

The IMF projects that​ China's real GDP per person will be​ 57,163 yuan in 2017 and​ 60,334 yuan in 2018 and that​ India's real GDP per person will be​ 98,028 rupees in 2017 and​ 104,191 rupees in 2018. By maintaining their current growth​ rates, which country will be first to double its standard of living and when will that​ happen?

By maintaining their current growth​ rates, India will be the first to double its standard of​ living, and that will occur in​ 11.1 yrs.

Who in the following statements is a discouraged worker​ A. Ned is available to work and has been sending job applications whenever he sees any suitable opportunity. B. Rachel does not find her current job profile interesting and is looking for alternate opportunities. C. Dan is available to work but has not looked for a job in the past eight weeks because of repeated applications but no single offer. D. Nick is changing his job because he has had differences with his​ co-workers in his current company.

C. Dan is available to work but has not looked for a job in the past eight weeks because of repeated applications but no single offer.

Americans work longer hours than those in most other rich nations. Americans also produce more per person during the​ year, but only part of the U.S. productivity growth can be explained by the longer hours Americans work. Americans also create more wealth per hour of work. U.S. employees worked an average of​ 1,804 hours in​ 2006, compared to​ 1,564.4 for the​ French, but far less than the​ 2,200 hours that Asians worked. But the Asian countries the average labor productivity is lower. -Identify and correct a confusion between levels and growth rates of productivity in the news clip.

Changing the number of hours employed changes the level of​ productivity, but it does not change the growth of productivity.

Which is the largest component of GDP?


Which of these statements about interest rates and inflation is true?

If there is zero inflation, the nominal interest rate is equal to the real interest rate.

In 2018​ Brazil's real GDP is growing at 1.7 percent a year and its population is growing at 0.7 percent a year. If these growth rates​ continue, in what year will​ Brazil's real GDP per person be twice what it is in​ 2018?

If these growth rates​ continue, Brazil's real GDP per person will be twice what it is in 2018 in​ 2088.

Which of these government policies can help economic growth?

Improving the quality of education

Government policies can help to reduce the levels of frictional and structural unemployment, but they can also help to increase them. Which of these policies can cause an increase in the levels of frictional and structural unemployment?

Increasing the minimum wage

Which of the following are not counted as final goods and used in the GDP calculation?

Intermediate goods

Which of these is most likely to increase productivity?

Investments in research and development

https://imgur.com/ZaYHgWO What was the unemployment rate in August 2018?

In​, August comma 2018​, the unemployment rate in the United States was 3.9 percent.

A share of stock is __________.

a certificate of ownership and claim to the firm's profits

Suppose you are available for work but have not looked for a job for at least the last four weeks because you believe that no jobs are available. You would then be counted as __________.

a discouraged worker

The effect of the United States returning millions of workers to their countries of origin is​ _____ the U.S. PF and​ _____ in potential GDP.

a movement down​ along; a decrease

The effect of the United States returning millions of workers to their home countries is​ _____ Mexico's production function and​ _____ in potential GDP.

a movement up​ along; an increase

According to classical growth​ theory, the growth of real GDP per person stops when​ _______.

a population explosion eventually occurs and real GDP per person returns to the subsistence level

An increase in labor productivity results in​ ______.

an increase in the demand for labor

The growth rate is the​ _____ of a variable​ - the change in the level expressed as a percentage of the initial level.

annual percentage change

Labor market equilibrium occurs​ _______.

at the real wage rate at which the quantity of labor demanded equals the quantity of labor supplied

The price level is the​ _____.

average level of prices

https://imgur.com/csRllpC According to the graph, which period of time is the economy generally considered to be in an expansion phase of the business cycle?

between points A and C.

The total amount spent​ _____ is called gross investment.

both buying new capital and replacing depreciated capital

As the value of a country's real GDP increases, the country is likely to:

devote more resources to pollution reduction

In new growth theory​ ______.

discoveries result from choices

The best measure of the income households actually have available to spend is:

disposable personal income

Real GDP per person is real GDP​ _____.

divided by the population

The Rule of 70 is the number of years it takes for the level of any variable to double. It is approximately 70​ _____ by the annual percentage​ _____.

divided; growth rate of the variable

Real GDP​ ______.

does not include a measure of household production or underground economic activity

An increase in labor productivity increases potential GDP because​ ______.

employment increases and a given amount of employment produces more real GDP

Economic growth is the​ _____.

expansion of production possibilities

A typical business cycle can be described by the sequence​ ______.

expansion, peak,​ recession, trough

Net exports of goods and services is the value of​ _____ of goods and services​ _____ the value of​ _____ of goods and services.

exports; minus; imports

The loanable funds market is the aggregate of all the individual​ _____ markets.


A financial institution is a firm that operates on both sides of the markets for​ _____: It​ _____ in one market and​ _____ in another.

financial​ capital; borrows; lends

GDP equals aggregate income and also equals aggregate expenditure because​ _______

firms pay out as incomes​ (aggregate income) everything they receive from the sale of their output​ (aggregate expenditure)

The consumer price index is an index computed using prices of a __________.

fixed basket of goods and services purchased by the typical consumer

The short-term unemployment that arises from workers, in the process of changing jobs, is called __________.

frictional unemployment

The unemployment that occurs with the normal workings of the economy, such as workers taking time to search for suitable jobs and firms taking time to search for qualified employees, is called:

frictional unemployment

The "normal or natural" underlying level of unemployment in the economy is the __________.

full employment rate of unemployment

The financial capital markets exist in order to __________.

funnel household savings to firms

The​ _______, the greater is the amount that a household decides to save.

greater a​ household's disposable income and the smaller a​ household's expected future income

Question Facts -An Apple iPod sells in the United States for​ $299. -A Japanese​ firm, Toshiba, makes the hard disk and display​ screen, which cost​ $93. -Other components produced in South Korea cost​ $25. -Other components produced in the United States cost​ $21. -The iPod is assembled in China at a cost of​ $5. -The costs and profits of​ retailers, advertisers, and transportation firms in the United States are​ $75. Calculate: 1) Profit on iPod 2)US Exports, Imports, and Consumption Expenditure 3)Japan exports 4) SK exports 5) China Imports and Exports 6) iPod's contribution to world GDP

​-Apple's profit on an iPod is ​$80. -These transactions are recorded in the national income and product accounts as​ follows: -The United States has exports of ​$21​, imports of ​$144​, and consumption expenditure of ​$299. -Japan has exports of ​$93. -South Korea has exports of ​$25. -China has imports of ​$139 and exports of ​$144. -An iPod makes a contribution of ​$299 to world GDP.

On January​ 1, 2017 ​Terry's Towing Service owned 8 tow trucks valued at ​$720,000. During 2017​, ​Terry's bought 10 new trucks for a total of ​$1,000,000. At the end of 2017​, the market value of all the​ firm's trucks was ​$1,432,000. -What was​ Terry's gross​ investment? -Calculate​ Terry's depreciation, and net investment.

​Terry's gross investment was ​$1,000,000. ​Terry's depreciation was ​$288,000. ​Terry's net investment was $712,000 dollars.

A marginally attached worker is a person who does not have a​ job, is​ _____ and​ _____ to​ work, has​ _____ specific efforts to find a job within the previous​ _____ weeks, but has looked for work sometime in the recent past.

​available; willing; not​ made; four

The Consumer Price Index is a measure of the​ _____ of the prices paid by​ _____ consumers for a fixed market basket of consumption goods and services.

​average; urban

Net exports of goods and services is the value of​ _____ of goods and services​ _____ the value of​ _____ of goods and services.

​exports; minus; imports

The preconditions for labor productivity growth are​ ______.

​firms, markets, property​ rights, and money

An increase in labor productivity​ _______ potential GDP and​ ______ potential GDP per hour of labor.

​increases; increases

The ​working-age population is the total number of​ _____ aged​ _____ years and over who are not in​ jail, hospital, or some other form of institutional care or in the U.S. Armed Forces.

​people; 16

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the​ _____ who are members of the labor force.

​working-age population

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