Test 2 for Texas Government

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How are party officials are chosen at the county level?

Is elected by the voters countywide in the the primary and, if required, the runoff primary .

What is a general election, when it is held, how a candidate wins it?

It is a interparty competition. It is held on the same day, first Tuesday after Monday in November of even numbered years. In Texas, primaries are decided by majority vote and general elections are decided by plurality vote (One where they do not need a majority vote to win. Anyone who has a higher vote but not 50% will win the election).

Name the first Texas Republican who won a state-wide election since the Civil War?

John tower

Which technique is most frequently used by interest group?

Lobbying, to sponsor cases

What is iron-triangle?

Long-standing alliances among interest groups, legislators, and agency staff held together by mutual self-interest that act as subsystems in the legislative and administrative decision-making process.

Who are the allies of the Texas Democratic Party?

Many miniorites such as Hispanic and black

Who is the chair of Texas Republican Party

Matt Renolde

Texas League of Women Voters is an example of what kind of interest group?

Mixed group

How does a candidate win the primary election in Texas?

Must have a majority vote (50% +1) or a plurality vote

Name the two federal court cases that forced the Texas Legislature to introduce SB5?

NAACP vs Steen 2016 and Veasey vs Abbott 2018

Who do Texas voters nominate in their respective primary elections Presidential Primaries?

Partisan Primaries

Who tends to vote more frequently?

People who are older, whom have high education and good income

when Republicans have had majority the House Chamber of the Texas Legislature?

Republicans got control of the house in 2003. They got control of the Senate in 1995.

Which groups are allied with the Republican Party?

Rich,conservative white men

What are the provisions of SB5 passed by the Texas Legislature in 2018?

Section 5, which was introduced, states that the states who are under the black list base on section 4, when the election laws were changed, they can not automatically enforce them by themselves, they must implement them with the permission from the federal goverment. Certain other high figures they can get permission from are: 1.)Attorny generals 2.)Civil Rights Divisons 3.)Panel of 3 federal D.C. judges This what preclearance is. Preclearance: Any administrative or legislative change to the rules governing elections in covered states must be submitted for preapproval to either the U.S. Department of Justice or the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

How are party officials are chosen at the state level?

Selected by the state convention, held in June of the even-numbered years.

Which Supreme Court case allows Texas to use state-issued photo IDs in it elections?

Senate bill 14 (shelby court vs holder case 2013)

Why did the Texas Democratic Party lose control of politics in the early 1990s?

Since Reagan became the President in 1981 most conservative left the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans. Also, Texas religious fundamentalists opposed the position of the Democratic Party on issues such as abortion and prayer in public school.

Name an example of ideological party?

Socialist, Communist

At what level, local, state, or national, American political parties are unified?

State and local

Who chooses the 64 members of each party's State Executive Committee in Texas?

State convention

What are the functions of delegates who attend each party's State Party Convention during the Presidential Election year?

State delegates go to the national convention to vote to confirm their choice of candidates. But if no candidate gets the majority of a party's delegates during the primaries and caucuses, convention delegates choose the nominee. This happens through additional rounds of voting.

At which level of party convention, delegates finalize and adopt State Party Platform?

State party convention

Which state led the nation in terms of ex-legislators registered as lobbyists?


In what reasons election year, the use of early voting and voting by mail was the highest?

Texas governor wanted voters to vote early so they can get a better chance to vote. It start 2 percent to 3 percent were aware of voting in 2020

WHich Constitutional Amendments deal with the expanding the rights of individuals to vote?

The 15th and 17th Amendment

Identify the Amendments that gave women the right to vote?

The 19th amendment


The philosophy that ideas should be judged on the basis of their practical results rather than the purity of their principles.

Why do interest group exist?

To gain control of government by winning election and influence public policy. They focus on specific issues, accountable to their members, and represent genuine interest

Who realign themselves behind the Republican Party?


What is Rank Choice voting?

also known as instant runoff voting (IRV) — improves fairness in elections by allowing voters to rank candidates in order of preference. RCV is straightforward: Voters have the option to rank candidates in order of preference: first, second, third and so forth. Votes that do not help voters' top choices win count for their next choice. It works in all types of elections and supports more representative outcomes.

How are party officials are chosen at the precinct level?

is selected by voters participating in the primary and, if required, the runoff primary.

Name the Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate of 2020 Presidential Election?

jo jorgensen

Name the interest group that sponsored the case of Johnson v. Dallas, Texas?

1984 American civil liberty union (ACLU)

Why do Third Parties fail to win an election?

- History • Two-Party System • Democratic Party (1832) v. Republican Party (1860) - State Laws • Discriminates against Third Parties - Independent and Third Party Candidates for President: - For any party that received at least 5% of the vote for any statewide office in the previous general election or - Signatures equal to 1% of the total gubernatorial vote are needed, which about is 47,183 signatures - Lack of Financial Resources - System of Election - Winner-take-all - psychology of wasted vote syndrome.

If Third Parties fail to win an election then why they exist?

-Represent social and economic interests not voiced by the two major parties -Rejuvenation of the two major parties: Potential influence in pushing two parties to address their issue(s), if they are taken seriously by voters and media -Play the role of spoiler -Some form third parties to Satisfying their ego

Lack of Discipline

-There is more party loyalty among European voters than amoung U.S. voters -Voters are not party members but party supporters

Why people fail to vote?

1) Negative attitudes about politics has increased in the past decades. Increased cynicism, distrust , and alienation 2) The lifestyle change theory argues that life is simply busier than in the past. "I don't have enough time" or "I am too busy." 3) Campaigns have become much longer a more negative, leading to voters burnout 4. Consumerism, individualism and privatism undermine value of collective institutions, including democracy. 5. Constant attack on the "affirmative state" undermines people's identification with government and belief in politics 6. High levels of inequality erode the sense of community and the sense of civic obligation. 7. The role of money in politics makes many people feel cynical about participation: corruption breeds cynicism and cynicism breeds apathy 8. the Electoral College 9. gerrymandered congressional districts

What means did the federal government used to bring about universal suffrage?

1.) Constutional amendments 2.)Supreme Court decisions 3.)Congressional action

What are the reasons for low voter-turnout in Texas?

1.) Legal constraints 2.) Demographic factors 3.) Political structure 4.)Party competition 5.) political culture

What are examples of temporary party organization?

1.) Precinct Convention 2.) County or Senatorial District Conventions 3.) State Convention

What are the characteristics of American political parties?

1.) Two-party system and multiparty system (European) 2.) Pragmatism and ideological (Europe) 3.) Decentralization 4.) Lack of discipline

What are examples of inside strategies used by interest groups?

1.) meeting with lawmakers 2.) drafting legislation 3.) providing research and testimony 4.) taking the government to court

How much can an individual contribute to federal candidates per election?


how many Republicans in the Texas State Senate

18 republicans and and 13 democrates

How many Republicans are part of Texas 36 congressional delegation

25 Republicans and 13 democrates

Where does one find political parties?

3 places which are... Party organization, elected party organization, citizens who identify with the party

What is a political party?

A coalition of like-minded voters who share common beliefs and organized for the purpose of implementing their shared beliefs as public policy by winning election.

What are interest groups

A political organization made up of like-minded individuals come together to influence public policies

Two-Party System

A political system characterized by two dominant parties competing for political offices. In such systems, minor or third parties have little chance of winning.

How does a voter decide how to cast his/her vote in an election?

A voter and candidates participate using different ballots for each party.

What are the reasons why the Democratic Party remained the dominant party in Texas from the Civil War to the 1980s?

A.) Slavery - Republican Party's early opposition to slavery B.) Civil War - Republican President Lincoln's role in defeating Confederacy during Civil War C.) Reconstruction - Harsh policies pursued by Republicans during Reconstruction D.) The Great Depression - Republican Herbert Hoover was the president during the Great Depression of 1929

Who is the chair of Texas Democratic Party?

Alberto hinojosa

Which ideology is embraced by the Republican Party and which by the Democratic Party?

Democrats tend to be liberal and Republicans tend to be conservative


Exercise of power at the state and local levels of government in addition to the national level.

Which Supreme Court case declared grandfather clause unconstitutional?

Guinn vs U.S., 1915

When is each party's Precinct Convention held?

Held the same day as the primary. Evening of party primary at the site of each party's primary voting in each precinct. One delegate for the party's nominee for governor in the last general election.

Name the first Republican presidential nominee who won the popular vote when the Democratic Party was the dominant party in Texas?

Herbert hoover

What is Amicus Curiae brief?

When cases are appeal in the appeal court. The way they do this appeal is writing. There's a regular brief,where partys are directly invovled, and amicus curie brief is an interest group that is not directly invovled in a case but still at stake. An example of this is Harris vs forklift system 1993. A case speaking out about Sexual harassment

Name the parties that occasionally challenged the Texas Democratic Party in the nineteenth century?

Whig Part and Know-Nothing or American Party

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