Test 2 - GEOG

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Stark uneven regional development, measured by GDP per person of a given country's poorest and richest regions as a percentage of that country's national average, have been observed in all but which of the following places? Question 11 options: 1) USA 2) China 3) France 4) Japan 5) All of these countries exhibit uneven regional development levels 6) None of these countries exhibit uneven regional development levels


Globalization and the rise of the tertiary sector's power re-shape economic geographies and have often profound social implications. Question 15 options: 1) True 2) False


How is national identity created, maintained, and reproduced? Question 6 options: 1) Through language 2) Through stories 3) Through symbols 4) Through social change


If most people in a given economy are employed in agriculture, for example, then the Rostow model would likely categorize that economy as being in: Question 19 options: 1) Stage 1 - Traditional society 2) Stage 2 - Pre-takeoff stage 3) Stage 3 - Takeoff stage 4) Stage 4 - Drive to maturity 5) Stage 5 - High mass consumption


With what group is an emphasis on productive space most associated? 1) Hunter-gatherers 2) Agriculturalists 3) Urbanists 4) Industrialists 5) Urban-Industrialists


A key factor in understanding global shifts, which is also embodied in people at the bodily scale is best described as: Question 16 options: 1) Capital 2) The State 3) Labor 4) NGO's 5) Consumers 6) None of these is a satisfactory description


As economies grow and mature, which sectors tend to be the most important to employment? Question 11 options: 1) Primary and secondary 2) Primary and tertiary 3) Secondary and tertiary 4) All are equally important


Consumer spending in the United States is now responsible for how much of all economic activity? Question 3 options: 1) one-quarter 2) one half 3) two-thirds 4) four-fifths


For societies that view space as productive, what is land? 1) a vehicle to wealth 2) a commodity 3) both a vehicle to wealth and a commodity 4) neither a vehicle to wealth nor a commodity


In which nation-state would we expect to find 79% of the labor force working in services (and not agriculture or manufacturing), according to the CIA World Factbook (as cited in our textbook)? Question 14 options: 1) Cameroon 2) Brazil 3) USA 4) None of these countries; it's higher than that in all of them 5) None of these countries; it's lower than that in all of them


Large-scale manufacturing of goods as a major component of an economy is associated with which of the following? Question 7 options: 1) Craft industries that have existed for centuries 2) Glassmaking in Venice in the fourteenth century 3) Industrial Revolution 4) Since 1965


London's Docklands, Baltimore's Inner Harbor, and Sydney's Inner Harbor, all located upstream, became abandoned due to what? Question 19 options: 1) Air transport 2) Railway growth 3) Modern container ships 4) None of the above


Rapid industrialization and the expansion of a given economy's secondary sector would be associated with which stage of the Rostow model? Question 20 options: 1) Stage 1 - Traditional society 2) Stage 2 - Pre-takeoff stage 3) Stage 3 - Takeoff stage 4) Stage 4 - Drive to maturity 5) Stage 5 - High mass consumption


Recent history has seen the ___ of corporations, particularly in the secondary sector, because corporate interests don't necessarily parallel with their home country's interests. Question 7 options: 1) Territorialization 2) Reterritorialization 3) Deterritorialization


Regarding production in the primary sector, which of the following is true? Question 4 options: 1) Local geographic factors influence what can be produced 2) Global markets shape local production 3) Both of these statements are true 4) None of these statements are true


Sectors of economic activity are frequently identified as primary, secondary, or tertiary. Another word for tertiary in this case is ___. Question 2 options: 1) industrial 2) agricultural 3) third 4) economic


The Hadza can be described as :1) a New York City subdivision with exceptionally high rental prices 2) a Kansas City barbecue and blues joint 3) a group of hunter-gatherers who are indigenous to Tanzania 4) a group of hunter-gatherers who are indigenous to the southwestern United States, near Flagstaff


The Huichol Indians in the mountainous area of western Mexico see their local mountains as portals to understanding the infinite and the birthplace of the sun. What is this an example of? 1) Urban space 2) Managed space 3) Sacred space 4) Productive space


The Na-Dene, Algic, Penutian, Hokan, Uto-Aztecan, Siouan, Salishan, Wakashan, Chimakuan, and Kuyenai were given as examples of language families in what geographic region? Question 18 options: 1) the early Roman Empire 2) East Asia 3) The Pacific Northwest 4) the Balkans


The bulk of foreign investment occurs between what countries? Question 10 options: 1) Rich to poor 2) Poor to rich 3) Rich to rich 4) Rich to middle


The drastic rise in consumer spending (as a % of GDP) in the USA started when? Question 5 options: 1) In 1776 2) Just after the Civil War 3) In the late '60s and early 70's 4) During the 1990s 5) Earlier this morning


The tertiary sector is best characterized by which set of economic activities? Question 18 options: 1) Manufacturing, construction, and raw material processing. 2) Agriculture, forestry, mining, and fishing. 3) Retail, services, and finances. 4) Oil production, banking, and outsourcing.


Wall Street's financial services are an iconic example of the ___ sector. Question 20 options: 1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Tertiary 4) None of the above


We can expect that environmental degradation will ___ and then ___ as per capita incomes increase, according to the Kuznets curve. 1) remain unchanged; remain unchanged 2) decrease; decrease 3) increase; decrease 4) decrease; increase


We observe regional variations in language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. However, speakers across the regions can generally understand one another. These regional variations are called: Question 6 options: 1) Language families 2) Languages 3) Dialects


What author is famously associated with 'the world is flat'? Question 1 options: 1) Milton Friedman 2) Martin Van Buren 3) Thomas Friedman 4) Thomas Aquinas


What invention from approximately 1280 allowed sailors to travel across wider oceans? Question 11 options: 1) Maps 2) Sextant 3) Compass 4) A timepiece to measure longitude


What percentage of the world's languages is estimated to disappear in this century? Question 2 options: 1) 5 2) 25 3) 50 4) 95


When did the third wave of globalization emerge? Question 1 options: 1) After 1950 2) After 1960 3) After 1970 4) After 1980


Which country's capital was moved to the coast in 1703 to be more open to foreign influences and international trade? Question 13 options: 1) England 2) Portugal 3) Russia 4) India


Which of the following is not one of the three types of economic regions in the United States? Question 10 options: 1) The brain hubs of a well-educated labor force 2) Dying manufacturing hubs of deindustrializing cities 3) Protectionism which allows local firms to grow 4) City regions in the middle that could go either way


Which of the following was not listed as a trait of consumer-based societies? Question 4 options: 1) Desire (not need) drives consumption 2) Consumption is a sign of social status 3) Access to credit is limited in order to minimize financial strain on individuals 4) Sites of consumption are plentiful and prominent


Why, according to our classroom discussion, do people care so much about space and how places are (or are not) used? 1) because environments impact people (and societies) 2) because people (and societies) impact environmets 3) for both of the above reasons 4) for none of these reasons


he "reterritorialization of culture" refers to which of the following? Question 5 options: 1) The connection between culture and specific places 2) What happens when cultures are lifted from particular places. 3) Cultural practices are transplanted and transformed. 4) All of the above 5) None of the above


According to the CIA World Factbook (as cited in our textbook), we can reasonably expect GDP per capita of $2,300, $12,000, and $49,800, respectively, to be matched with which nation-states? Question 17 options: 1) USA, Brazil, and Cameroon 2) Brazil, USA, and Cameroon 3) Cameroon, USA, and Brazil 4) Cameroon, Brazil, and USA


All of the following are key assumptions in the Rostow model's historical sequence of the world economy except: Question 13 options: 1) All countries can achieve economic growth by encouraging private investments and ensuring returns for investors, such as in the USA 2) All countries are on the same linear continuum; all countries develop over time 3) All countries are either developed, developing, or un(der-)developed 4) Geography is the key to a country's economic well-being


Approximately how many international tourist visits are there each year worldwide? Question 3 options: 1) Fifty million 2) Two hundred million 3) Eight hundred million 4) One billion


Commitments to productive land have intensified in Colombia over the past 500 years, as they have in much of the world. Which of the following processes has witnessed the most drastic reduction in practice, according to our textbook? 1) Permanent agriculture 2) Grazing on cleared lands 3) Grazing on natural grasslands 4) Nomadic hunting/gathering on savannas


During a Global Shift, what happens? Question 4 options: 1) Industrial employment shifts from cities in the developed world to cities of the developing world 2) Improved global transportation infrastructure facilitates global trade 3) Industries seek out large supplies of cheap labor 4) All of these occur during a Global Shift 5) None of these occur during a Global Shift


From where did the Micmac tribe we discussed (in relation to sacred space) originate? 1) Tanzania 2) Australia 3) Kansas, USA 4) the Gaspe Peninsula in modern Quebec


New World populations ranged between 54 million to 112 million before the Columbian Encounter of 1492. What was the population by 1650? Question 12 options: 1) 120 million 2) 75 million 3) 35 million 4) 5 million


Regarding the economic history of China and other major powers, which nation-state experienced a meteoric rise in status, starting in the late 18th century? Question 8 options: 1) India 2) China 3) Russia 4) USA


The IMF, World Bank, and WTO are examples of institutions that can be extremely powerful. These are examples of: Question 7 options: 1) Capital 2) The State 3) Labor 4) NGO's 5) Consumers 6) None of these is a satisfactory description


The fourth Kondratieff (industrial) cycle is associated with? Question 5 options: 1) Automobile manufacturing 2) Textile manufacturing 3) Steelworks 4) High-tech industries


We discussed "A Plan of a Navigable Canal" from 1776 in our class. The plan involved what country? Question 7 options: 1) The United States of America 2) Egypt 3) Panama 4) England


What has been nicknamed the "highway to India?" Question 15 options: 1) The Panama Canal 2) The maritime path around the Horn of Africa 3) The overland route 4) The Suez Canal


What is a remittance? Question 3 options: 1) An important commodity that attracts a lot of capital from overseas. 2) Increased capital mobility that attracts investment but may lead to rapid and destabilizing capital flows. 3) The level of foreign direct investment that is highly variable at the aggregate and national level. 4) Form of capital that migrants send back to their home country.


What is the Lucas Paradox, used to describe international investment patterns? Question 8 options: 1) A form of development investment rather than diversified investment. 2) More investment goes to capital poor rather than capital rich. 3) Capital flows to the places that need it. 4) The places that most need foreign investment may be getting less of it.


What is the chronological order of the four major cycles of manufacturing as noted by Kondratieff? Question 3 options: 1) Textiles, mass production, steel, and high tech. 2) Mass production, high tech, textiles, steel. 3) Steel, textiles, mass production, and high tech. 4) Textiles, steel, mass production, and high tech.


What is true regarding space-time convergence? Question 14 options: 1) It is the collapse of the time it takes to cover distance. 2) Intensifying economic interactions reduce transport costs for goods, services, and people. 3) Places are effectively pulled closer together in both time and cost terms. 4) All of the above are true statements regarding space-time convergence 5) None of the above are true statements regarding space-time convergence


What makes global shift possible? 1) Global transport networks that reduce the cost of transporting goods around the world. 2) The development of routine manufacturing processes that allow manufacturing to become established in areas of unskilled labor. 3) The territorialization of corporations. 4) A and B


What percentage of world trade was 'containerized' by the late 1990s? Question 18 options: 1) roughly 10% 2) roughly 33% 3) roughly 49% 4) roughly 90%


What religion spread along the trade route of the Silk Road? Question 16 options: 1) Jainism 2) Hinduism 3) Sikhism 4) Buddhism


Which hearth is incorrectly paired with a world religion below? Question 8 options: 1) historical Palestine is the hearth of Christianity 2) Northeastern India and southern Nepal is the hearth of Buddhism 3) Western Saudi Arabia is the hearth of Islam 4) Belize is the hearth of Islam


Which of the following are elements of a global land grab? Question 6 options: 1) Marginalized peasants 2) Rich landowners 3) A growing market for food exports and biofuels 4) All of the above


Which of the following definitions of 'culture' is proposed and used in this class? Question 9 options: 1) a particular way of life (e.g., an economic practice) 2) classical standards (e.g., opera as 'high culture') 3) group characteristics (e.g., southern culture) 4) Culture is a term with multiple definitions/uses in our class; all of the above are proposed and used


Which of the following is not a push force in migration? Question 2 options: 1) Limited economic opportunities 2) Social unrest 3) Political instability 4) Presence of friends and family


Which of the following was NOT true regarding sacred space for pre-modern societies? 1) Territory was a fundamental source of meaning and identity. 2) Human-nature relations were filled with spiritual meaning. 3) The cosmologies of such groups are rooted in an animistic conception of the world. 4) The environment was perceived primarily as a commodifiable resource.


Domestic consumer demand as a major economic engine and a service sector that dominates employment would be associated with which stage of the Rostow model for a given economy? Question 7 options: 1) Stage 1 - Traditional society 2) Stage 2 - Pre-takeoff stage 3) Stage 3 - Takeoff stage 4) Stage 4 - Drive to maturity 5) Stage 5 - High mass consumption


Levels of migration between places are shaped by: Question 17 options: 1) push factors such as violence and poverty 2) pull factors such as job opportunities and family ties 3) regulatory regimes governing entry in 'closed' societies 4) regulatory regimes governing entry in 'open' societies 5) All of the above shape levels of migration between places 6) None of the above shape levels of migration between places


Regionalized economic growth comes from which of the following? Question 9 options: 1) The 'pull' of resources (e.g., energy, transportation) 2) The concentration of specialized firms and labor 3) The establishment of ancillary industries (e.g., car tires) attracted to core industries (e.g., auto manufacturing) 4) The spillover of innovations and ideas from firm to firm 5) All of these generate regionalized economic growth


Which of the following entities is of increasing importance in the context of mass consumption: Question 18 options: 1) Capital 2) The State 3) Labor 4) NGO's 5) Consumers 6) None of these is a satisfactory description


According to World Systems Theory, as discussed in our class, countries are in a spatially connected system, not just on a temporal continuum. Question 4 options: 1) True 2) False


According to our textbook's author, "There are different levels in the flows of globalization that lead to different geographies of globalization." Question 9 options: 1) True 2) False


Advertising and marketing are good examples of cultural industries because they don't just reflect our tastes, sometimes they shape (or invent) them. Question 5 options: 1) True 2) False


All three sectors of the economy are built upon commodification. Question 8 options: 1) True 2) False


Although its pace has increased, globalization is long established as a continuing process of the human occupancy of the Earth. Question 4 options: 1) True 2) False


By the year 2000, there were 142 million vehicles registered in the USA, and there were more than 3.3 million miles of surfaced roads. Question 6 options: 1) True 2) False


China can be said to be 'moving up' the manufacturing chain, from textiles to high-tech machinery. This trend has been accompanied by which trend in urbanization? Question 17 options: 1) China's population was 13.3% urban in 1953; it was 53.73% in 2013 2) China's population was 53.73% urban in 1953; it was 13.3% in 2013


Christianity spread along the trade routes of the Roman Empire into Europe after who was converted? Question 15 options: 1) Constantine 2) Marcus Aurelius 3) Romulus Augustus 4) Hadrian


Conflicts over how (or if) the San Francisco Peaks should be used are common. 1) True 2) False


Economic resources originate from land management strategies. Question 5 options: 1) True 2) False


If we have a small, local system in which two distinct places are spatially interdependent and a factory is opened in one of those places, then we would make which of the following observations? Question 10 options: 1) Capital investment has occurred in (and, quite likely, around) the factory site; if the factory is successful then we can anticipate a manufacturing-driven urban economy to develop near that site. 2) Capital disinvestment has occurred in (and, quite likely, around) the factory site; if the factory is successful then we still cannot anticipate a manufacturing-driven urban economy to develop near that site.


In the core-periphery model, which of the following countries appears to be developing from the periphery towards the core? Question 2 options: 1) Brazil 2) United Kingdom 3) Cameroon 4) United States


Managed space is primarily associated with: 1) urbanization and industrialization 2) the sacred spaces of hunter-gatherer societies 3) natural spaces to be revered and respected 4) agriculturalist sacrifice(s)


Mature economies are shifting from manufacturing to services. Question 1 options: 1) True 2) False


One economic sector is more dependent upon physical/natural inputs and the physical geography of its location(s). Which is it? Question 9 options: 1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Tertiary 4) Each sector is equally dependent upon these features


Our textbook argues that the widespread global diffusion of flows of people and ideas has broken the simple, unproblematic connection between culture and place. Question 7 options: 1) True 2) False


People who derive their individual and collective sustenance from the flora and fauna that the region produces naturally are called what? 1) Hunter-gathers 2) Urbanists 3) Agriculturists 4) Industrialists


Regarding the economic history of China and other major powers, which two nation-states experienced a tremendous decline in status, starting in the late 18th century? Question 15 options: 1) India and China 2) Russia and Spain 3) USA and UK 4) France and Germany


Sacred space, productive space, and managed space are distinct, but overlapping, conceptions of human-environment relationships. 1) True 2) False


Since the mid- to late-1990s, the share of the U.S. population that is foreign-born has returned to historically (1860-1930) common levels, generally above 10% of the total population. However, the total number of foreign-born immigrants to the U.S.A. has grown markedly since the 1970s, with nearly 40 million foreign-born residents in 2009. Question 7 options: 1) True 2) False


Social relationships that unite physical elements (e.g., resources or factories) and financial assets is best described as: Question 6 options: 1) Capital 2) The State 3) Labor 4) NGO's 5) Consumers 6) None of these is a satisfactory description


Some care should be taken with the conceptual division of economic activities (into primary, secondary, and tertiary) because there is considerable overlap and interaction between the sectors in practice. 1) True 2) False


The "territorialization of culture" refers to which of the following? Question 1 options: 1) The connection between culture and specific places 2) What happens when cultures are lifted from particular places. 3) Cultural practices are transplanted and transformed. 4) All of the above 5) None of the above


The Kuznets curve suggests that environmental degradation is: 1) to be expected to a certain point, and then should diminish as per capita incomes rise 2) to be expected to a certain point, and then should increase as per capita incomes rise 3) inconsequential to a certain point, and then should increase as per capita incomes rise 4) inconsequential to a certain point, and then should diminish as per capita incomes rise


The San Francisco Peaks are used as a ski resort, which is managed by the U.S. Forest Service. 1) True 2) False


The San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, AZ, are sacred to at least 13 Native American societies. 1) True 2) False


The earliest cargo of long distance maritime global trade carried what type of goods? Question 20 options: 1) Luxury items 2) Wheat 3) Bulk clothing 4) Coal


The major economic sectors have developed over time and have their own particular geographies. 1) True 2) False


The order of the sectors of the economy can be described as reflecting 1) the historical evolution of their development. 2) the modern importance to the national GDP figures. 3) the importance to modern financial sectors. 4) the inverse relationship to the natural environment.


The second wave of globalization centered on one particular city. It was: Question 16 options: 1) London 2) Dubai 3) New York 4) Paris


The second wave of the Kondratieff (industrial) cycle is associated with which of the following cities? 1) Pittsburgh 2) Manchester 3) Detroit 4) Silicon Valley


The secondary sector is best characterized by which set of economic activities? Question 8 options: 1) Manufacturing, construction, and raw material processing. 2) Agriculture, forestry, mining and fishing. 3) Retail, services, and finances. 4) Oil production, banking, and outsourcing.


The tertiary sector's development occurred alongside an increase in female employment and a more polarized job market. Question 16 options: 1) True 2) False


This type of architecture uses local building materials and is generally well-suited to local weather and topography. Question 10 options: 1) vernacular architecture 2) transnational architecture 3) modernist architecture


Throughout the southeastern United States a majority of the total number of adherents across all church bodies is reportedly: Question 11 options: 1) Baptist 2) Catholic 3) Lutheran 4) Methodist


Global business practices that are adjusted to local culture and conditions result in a process called: Question 4 options: 1) Localization 2) Glocalization 3) Globalization


What are one of the consequences of a global shift in manufacturing? Question 4 options: 1) A female working class emerged as young women filled many of the new jobs in maquiladoras along the U.S./Mexican border. 2) Production remains high among skilled and higher-paid labor in traditional manufacturing regions. 3) Little manufacturing history prevents growth in newly industrializing regions of the world. 4) Economic and political strength is static among the organized working class of the United States and Europe.


What canal connected Buffalo to Albany and connected the Great Lakes with New York City? Question 2 options: 1) Erie Canal 2) Black River Canal 3) Portage Lake Canal 4) Junction Canal


What does it mean to say the world is flat? Question 2 options: 1) The cultural, economic, and distance barriers between peoples are smoothed away. 2) Economic prosperity is brought equally to everyone. 3) The cultural impacts bring a sense of "sameness." 4) Production chains connect all countries.


What effectively disrupted globalization, particularly between its second and third waves? Question 17 options: 1) the World Wars 2) the US Civil War 3) the Crusades 4) the Korean War


What has made mass tourism possible? Question 19 options: 1) Space-time convergence 2) Increased wealth 3) Five day work week 4) Longevity


Which of the following countries exports the most capital in remittances? Question 3 options: 1) United States 2) Saudi Arabia 3) United Kingdom 4) Norway


Which of the following would generally be true in a consumer-based society? Question 6 options: 1) Most of the profit in a commodity's purchase price will be retained by a retailer (e.g., a super market), relative to other economic actors who bring the good or service to market. 2) Most of the profit in a commodity's purchase price will be retained by a producer (e.g., a farmer), relative to other economic actors who bring the good or service to market.


World Systems Theory suggests that raw materials will be sent to this economic region, where we can anticipate the production of manufactured goods, and the eventual export of many of those manufactures: Question 5 options: 1) The Core 2) The Periphery


You would find the Great Mosque of Mecca in which city? Question 14 options: 1) Mecca 2) Jerusalem 3) Kusingagara 4) Montreal


Globalization means that there is no longer any uneven development across the surface of the globe, and there are no longer marked disparities in living standards and quality of life. Question 1 options: 1) True 2) False


Economic patterns have been observed as only varying across geographic space; geographic patterns do not change over time. Question 2 options: 1) True; the world economy is not dynamic and ever-changing 2) False; the world economy is dynamic and ever-changing


For centuries what was the easiest way to move people and goods a long distance? Question 7 options: 1) By cart 2) Ships 3) By horse 4) On foot


"Thick markets" is a term used to describe: Question 9 options: 1) Less efficient economies of scale 2) More efficient economies of scale


A society shifts from local-scale hunting and subsistence farming to the development of urban centers surrounded by agriculturally-productive lands. We can likely interpret this shift from the idea of land as ___ to land as ___ for this society. 1) A commodity; a source of meaning and identity 2) A source of meaning and identity; a commodity 3) free; privatizated 4) A vehicle/sacred


According to the Kuznets curve, as incomes___, more people place priority on environmental quality after a turning point. 1) decrease 2) increase 3) remain stable 4) fluctuate


Almost ________ of the world's container ships are currently too large to pass through the Panama Canal. Question 10 options: 1) One-quarter 2) One-third 3) One-half 4) Two-thirds


Annual immigration into the United States consisted primarily of people emigrating from Asia and Latin America during the 19th century, whereas Northern and Western European immigrants make up the majority of US immigrants today. Question 1 options: 1) True 2) False


Culture is a 'thing' that we study in a place, like it's weather and climate data. Question 3 options: 1) True 2) False


Economic disparities-hallmarks of uneven development-are evident at the regional, or sub-national scale. Which of these descriptions more accurately reflects trends in these disparities in contemporary China? Question 8 options: 1) The fastest-growing inland regions, where the bulk of export-oriented manufacturing takes place, are wealthier than the coastal regions with less manufacturing activity. 2) The fastest-growing coastal regions, where the bulk of export-oriented manufacturing takes place, are wealthier than the inland regions with less manufacturing activity.


Economic globalization is about creating flat surfaces and eliminating heirarchies, according to our textbook's author. Question 9 options: 1) True 2) False


Our textbook's author argues all except for which of the following about culture: Question 12 options: 1) The word traces back to agriculturally-oriented societies and practices 2) Culture is an a priori set of characteristics, something pre-given in theoretical terms 3) Culture is produced and cultivated as a response to specific circumstances 4) Culture is in a continual process of being made than most people imagine


Prior to space-time convergence and globalization there were: Question 13 options: 1) far fewer languages in use around the world 2) many more languages spread widely around the Earth


Rostow's model clearly identifies the reason that the oldest civilizations on planet Earth are simply the wealthiest, because it is all about time. Cultures that promote innovation and openness appear to experience no economic benefits, whatsoever. Question 3 options: 1) True 2) False


The "deterritorialization of culture" refers to which of the following? Question 20 options: 1) The connection between culture and specific places 2) What happens when cultures are lifted from particular places. 3) Cultural practices are transplanted and transformed. 4) All of the above 5) None of the above


The San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, AZ, are exclusively considered to be a managed space. 1) True 2) False


The change from sacred space to productive space brought annual cycles of festivals and ritual, especially at planting and harvesting times. What did agriculturalists stress in their belief system that hunter-gatherers did not? 1) Animal spirits 2) Sacrifice 3) Christianity 4) None of these practices or processes


The collection of governing institutions and agencies with political jurisdiction in/over a place is best described as: Question 1 options: 1) Capital 2) The State 3) Labor 4) NGO's 5) Consumers 6) None of these is a satisfactory description


The first Kondratieff cycle (1787 to 1845) is associated with textile manufacturing; this cycle saw its first full flowering where? Question 9 options: 1) Germany 2) England 3) United States 4) Italy


The geographic scale at which an economic interaction occurs has no impact on that interaction. Question 12 options: 1) True 2) False


The index of commodity concentration suggests that the least diverse export bases are located in North America, Western Europe, East Asia, and Oceania. Question 19 options: 1) True 2) False


The primary sector is best characterized by which set of economic activities? Question 10 options: 1) Manufacturing, construction, and raw material processing. 2) Agriculture, forestry, mining, and fishing. 3) Retail, services, and finances. 4) Oil production, banking, and outsourcing.


The religious organization of space is evident in all but which of the following, as we discussed them in class? Question 10 options: 1) Houses of worship located in prominent sites 2) Postmodern corporate headquarters located near town halls 3) Denominational divisions (wards, parishes, etc.) 4) Gendered divisions of space, public vs. private


What economic region, located along the southeastern San Francisco Bay, is famously associated with the tertiary sector of the economy? Question 10 options: 1) the San Joaquin Valley 2) Silicon Valley 3) the San Francisco Peaks 4) The Snowbowl


What language has become the lingua franca of global interaction? Question 9 options: 1) Spanish 2) English 3) French 4) Chinese


What percentage of people now reside in a country outside their country of birth? Question 4 options: 1) 0% 2) 3% 3) 30% 4) 93%


What was the geographic impact of the Suez Canal (which opened in 1869)? 1) It doubled the traveling time between Britain and India, which diminished the trading relationship (in cotton) between the UK and India. 2) It halved the traveling time between Britain and India, which intensified the trading relationship (in cotton) between the UK and India


What was the impact of Manchester's industrialization on its population? Question 6 options: 1) It decreased from 270,901 people in 1774 to 41,032 people in 1831 because people wanted to move into the clean air and peaceful countryside 2) It increased from 41,032 people in 1774 to 270,901 people in 1831 because people wanted to earn higher wages in the urban-industrial 'shock city'


What was the most important industry from the 1500s until the 1800s in propelling the space-time convergence? Question 5 options: 1) Slavery 2) Transportation 3) Manufacturing 4) Gold and silver


When did the railroad eclipse the canal system, in terms of shipped tons, in the United States? Question 8 options: 1) between 1770-1780 2) between 1840-1850 3) between 1900-1910 4) between 1960-1970


Which of the following arguments does our textbook's author find more convincing? Question 5 options: 1) The economic geography of the world economy is entirely flat-there is no variation in it. 2) The economic geography of the world economy is more varied than flat. 3) The economic geography of the world economy is more flat than varied. 4) The economic geography of the world economy is entirely varied-there is no flatness in it.


Who wrote the following statement in 1829? "As you may well know, Mr. President, "railroad" carriages are pulled at the enormous speed of 15 miles per hour by "engines," which in addition to endangering life and limb of passengers, roar and snort their way through the countryside, setting fire to the crops, scaring the livestock and frightening women and children. The Almighty certainly never intended that people should travel at such breakneck speed." Question 6 options: 1) Andrew Jackson 2) Martin Van Buren 3) The Duke of Bridgewater 4) Peter the Great


Why have American cultural products been so successful in achieving global market penetration? Question 8 options: 1) all products made in the United States are superior 2) U.S. cultural products have to be smoothed out in order to succeed, priming them for global dispersal. 3) This is a symptom of Homogenization 4) This is a symptom of perfect globalization-a flat world


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