test 2 injury prevention

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Number of vertebrae


Boxer fracture

4th and 5th metacarpal

The coracoaromial arch is formed by

Acromion process and the coracoacromial ligament

Ligament that surrounds the neck of the radius and holds the radial head in its correct position at the elbow

Annular ligament

outer ring of the intervertebral disk

Annulus Fibrosis

Most common direction of a glenohumeral dislocation


Correct name for an extensor tendon slip rupture

Boutonniere deformity

Brachial Plexus

C5 through T1

Bennett fracture

Distal end of the 1st metacarpal

Associated with Jersey Finger

Distal flexor tendon rupture

Location of the Colles fracture

Distal radius

Symptom of a sprained rib cage


Muscle tendon involved with de Quervain disease

Extensor pollicis brevis

forearm is cold and clammy

Forearms blood supply is compromised

2 joints of the shoulder region

Glenohumeral Acromoclariclor Sternoclavicular

Blood in the thoracic space


provides dynamic stability to the glenohumeral joint

Infraspinatus muscle

Having an excessive amount of curvature in the thoracic spine is known as


most common injured intervertebral disk

L4 L5

Location of sondylolisthesis

L5 S1

Little league elbow involves

Lateral humeral epicondyle

Most commonly dislocated bone of the wrist


Finger injury that involves a traumatic avulsion of the tendon of the extensor digitorum muscle

Mallet finger

Nerve invloed in carpal tunnel syndrome


Spondylosis involves a bony defect on which vertebra

Neural Arch

Collapsed lung


Damage to the superior labrum as well as the attachment of the long head of the biceps tendon


Most commonly fractured bone of the wrist


Most commonly injured tendon of the shoulder


Wrist ganglion results from

Synovail Herniation

Muscles of the rotator cuff

Teres Minor Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Subscapularis

Gamekeepers thumb involves

Ulnar collateral ligament

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