test 2: Nutrition Lipids, CHO and Lipids

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What are the main functions of cholesterol?

1. Building block for bile acids 2. Helps form hormones 3. Provide structure to cells

What statements are true about sterols?

1. They contain a multi-ring structure 2. Cholesterol is a common example 3. They can be produced by the body

What are the major functions of fatty acids and triglycerides in the body?

1. To insulate and protect the body 2. To provide energy 3. To aid in transport of fat soluble vitamins

Compared to margarine, butter is...

1. higher in saturated fat 2. higher in cholesterol

US average fiber intake

12g/d dri 25-38 g/d from DG plant intake

The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that at least ...% of total calories come from essential fatty acids.



A non-nutritive sweetener identified as a carcinogen.


A tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest

How do you convert a liquid oil to a solid fat at room temperature?

Add hydrogens to the the liquid fat (hydrogenation)


Alternative sweetener derived from South American shrub; 100 to 300 times sweeter than sucrose.

hyperglycemia (diabetes)

An excess amount of sugar in the blood. Too little insulin makes cells unable to absorb glucose. Cell switch from normal metabolism to abnormal metabolism. It begins to breakdown fat. It begins to create Ketone in the body. Ketone is very acidic. And patient will have a fruity smell to their breath. juvenile and adult onset type 1 and 2

Why are the chemical structures of trans and saturated fatty acid similar?

Both contain a straight molecular structure

How may one detect whether or not hidden facts are in a food product?

Check the list of ingredients

Waxy lipid found in all body cells


Causes the carbon chain to bend

Cis fatty acid

Lipids are a diverse group of chemical compounds. Which of the following properties do all types of lipids have in common?

Do not readily dissolve in water

contributes to cholesterol removal from cells and excretion from the body


In terms of HDL and LDL levels, risk for development of cardiovascular disease increases when...levels are low and...levels are high in the bloodstream.


What does it mean when a fatty acid is considered essential?

It must be supplied by the diet in order to maintain health

carries cholesterol made by the liver and from other sources to cells


Name the class of nutrients that consists of triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols.


Decrease blood clotting and inflammation


Essential fatty acids; alpha-linolenic acid


Increase blood clotting and inflammation


Nonessential fatty acid


....is a cholesterol-rich substance deposited in the blood vessels.



Proteins that speed up chemical reactions catalysts specificity lock and key model amylase only works on starch

cerebrovascular disease

a disease of the blood vessels of the brain, stroke

A long-chain fatty acid is defined as...

a fatty acid that contains 12 or more carbons in length

glycemic index

a method of classifying foods according to their potential for raising blood glucose

Which fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids?

alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid

The main sources of saturated fat in American diets are...

animal fats

amino acids include

arginine and histdine

Primarily, fatty acids are transported through the bloodstream...

as part of lipoproteins

coronary artery disease

atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that reduces the blood supply to the heart muscle

true or false: Conversion of glycogen to glucose is

augmented by mobilization of stored body fat

LDL cholesterol

bad. low density lipoprotein. low protein, high fat atherosclerotic

fiber ____ the gut



branched, very digestable for humans

fish oils in the diet...

can be rich in source of EPA and DHA

The leading cause of death among North American adults is

cardiovascular disease

insoluble fibers

cellulose, hemicellulose soften stool, prevents consitpation

types of fiber in diet

cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, ligin, gums, mucilages

types of fiber

cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins, gums, mucilages, and a few nonpolysaccharides such as lignin

Animals (glycogen)

chemically similar to plant starch, but more branched storage form of glucose in animals, made in well fed state not much glycogen in diet (barely in flesh food)

No more than 2mg of cholesterol per serving

cholesterol free

Carries dietary fat from the small intestine to cell


the primary transporter of trigycerides of dietary origin is the


removed from circulation by the liver and recycled to make other lipoproteins and bile acids

chylomicron remnant

fiber is partially fermented by

colonic bacteria

fat is used in the body for

cushion internal organs from physical shock to provide energy for exercising muscle to act as storage depot for excess calories

The AHA recommends using plant oils rather than animal fats in food preparation to...

decrease saturated fat intake

People who have impaired fat absorption may be at risk for...

deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins

Pressure in the arterial blood vessels when the heart is between beats

diastolic blood pressure

the great variety of proteins found in the body occurs because

different amino acids can be hooked together in a huge number of different combinations

Formed from the breakdown of triglycerides, a...consists of two fatty acids bound to a glycerol backbone.


soluble fiber

dissolves in water

____ is a buldging of the intestinal wall that can be avoided by a diet adequate in fiber


unsaturation refers to the number of ____ in fatty acid

double bonds

Examples of food sources that contain cholesterol

eggs, ice cream, and chicken

A major function of phospholipids in foods is to act as an...


bile is an

emulsifyer of fats; breaks down large molecule of fats into smaller ones

Functions of fat in the body

energy fuel, energy stores, emergency reserve, padding, insulation, cell membranes, raw materials


enzyme that produces prostaglandins from arachidonic acids

true or false: cells of non growing adults do not require amino acids for protein sythesis


true or false: fatty acids taken up by adipose tissue are stored as glycerol


What are the products of fat digestion in the small intestine?

fatty acids and monoglycerides

trans fatty acids

fatty acids with hydrogens on opposite sides of the double bond, banned in us scities

fasted state: ocidation to atp fed state:

fed state: stored as glycogen, fat

____ is indigestable by human enzymes


Absorbed by cells within the vicinity and reform into triglyceride for storage or use

free fatty acid


from sugar but chlorinate, heat stable

agave nectar

from the agave tree, not calorie free, contains more calories from sugar but also sweeter than sugar.

cells use _____ only (mono, di and poly sacchrides


liver convers fructose and galactose to


circulates back to the liver


Starch is the stored carbohydrate in plants, while ________ is the stored carbohydrate in animals.


spontaneous hypoglycemia

glycogen are depleted the ability to maintain blood sugar is diminished (btwen meals or when food has not been consumed) rare, serious, caused by pancreatic tumor

HDL cholesterol

good. high density lipoprotein. high protein, low fat atherosclerosis

starch in plants is used for


starched is stored in plants for



hardening of the arteries

high levels of ___ are associated with low risk for heart attack

high density lipoprotein

....is the process of adding hydrogens to unsaturated fats, which makes a liquid fat more solid at room temperature.


The phosphate heads of the phospholipids are..., whereas the fatty acid portions of the phospholipids are...

hydrophilic and hydrophobic

Fats are hydrophobic or hydrophilic?


lactose intolerance

impaired ability to digest lactose due to reduced amounts of the enzyme lactase

crude fiber

in proximate analysis, the insoluble carbohydrates remaining in a feed after boiling in acid and alkali used in pet foods

metabolic sydrome

includes weight gain (especially abdominal area), dyslipidemia, increased blood glucose, and insulin resistance increases risk for diabetes, certain cancers, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease

micelle formation facilitates lipid digestion by

increasing the surface area on which digestive enzymes work

classifications of fiber

insoluable and soluable

fructose _____ is/is not healthier than sugar

is not

...is a common example of a phospholipid.


individual fatty acids can differ in

length and number of double bonds

the essential amino acids include

leucine, valine, and threonine

The enzyme...plays an important role in fat digestion.


The gastric...enzyme released in the stomach acts primarily on trigylcerides that have fatty acids with short-chain lengths.


fat digestion is

lipase enzymes cleave free fatty acids off of trigycerides

What enzyme breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the bloodstream?

lipoprotein lipase

Foods high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are typically...at room temperature.


reformed into a triglyceride in the intestinal absorptive cell and travels through the lymphatic system

long-chain fatty acid

The majority of fatty acids consumed in the diet are...

long-chain fatty acids


low blood sugar, common, mild

No more than 20mg of cholesterol and no more than 2 g of saturated fat per serving

low cholesterol

sources of concentrated sugars

low nutrient density, whole foods, partition or refined foods (honey, beets, sugar cane, brown sugar)

Some margarine spreads that contain plant sterols may...

lower blood cholesterol

Formed from the breakdown of triglycerides, a...consists of one fatty acid bound to a glycerol backbone.


Types of simple carbohydrates

monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose) disaccarides (sucrose-glucose+fructose, lactose-glucose+galactose, maltose-glucose+glucose)

One carbon-carbon double bond

monounsaturated fatty acid

Stick margarine has...trans fatty acids than tub margarine


CHO digestion

mouth (salivary amylase---dextrins) stomach inactive in CHO digestion, small intestine (pancreatic amylase) enterocutes, hepatic portal-- liver

What is the main function of antioxidants?

neutralize free radicals

Reduced triglycerides, reduced blood clotting, and reduced pain from rheumatoid arthritis are benefits associated with intake of...

omega-3 fatty acids

Essential fatty acids; linolenic acid


sugar alcohols are used in chewing gum because

oral microflora cannot metabolize them

Plant fiber cannot be used as a glucose source by humans because..

out gut lacks enzymes capable of hydrolyzing fiber

In a chemical reaction, when a compound loses an electron, that compound has been...


Soluble Fiber

pectins, hemicellulose lower blood cholestrol and slow glucose absorbtion

Coronary vascular disease

people with serum cholestrol above 240 mg/dl have a high risk for CVD

A...is a type of lipid that contain a glycerol backbone, two fatty acids, and a phosphorous group.


forms lipid bilayer of cell membrane


cholesterol containing deposits in blood vessels that constrict blood flow are



polysacchrides, not branched, indigestable, partially fermented by colon

Two or more carbon-carbon double bonds

polyunsaturated fatty acid

protein is used in the body for

production of antibodies growth of a fetus repair of injury maintenance of proper acidity and blood

turn over process

protein turnover involves constant synthesis and degradation of tissue protein

Contains 25% less cholesterol than the reference food and no more than 2 g saturated fat per serving

reduced cholesterol


regulatory molecules that can be synthesized from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, long chain PUFA, blood pressure, blood clotting, muscle contraction, lungs, immune system

us intake of dietary fat required vs consumed

require 3% consume 35-45%

the enzyme that produces dextrin from starch is

salivary amylase

High dietary consumption of...increases risk of cardiovascular disease.

saturated and trans fat

Compared to plant oils, animal sources of fat are typically higher in

saturated fat and cholesterol

Travel as a water-soluble molecule through the portal vein to the liver

short and medium-chain fatty acids

Types of Carbohydrates

simple and complex


slows absorbtion, which benefits diabetes

Most foods containing saturated fatty acids are...at room temperature


plant foods are made of ____ fiber

soluble and insoluble

increase consumption of ____ fiber

soluble, fiber binds cholestrol youve eaten

Properties of fiber

soluble; delay stomach emptying insoluble; prevents constipation

sugar alcohols

sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol sweet to human tongue, mouth bacteria cannot metabolize

What are some good food sources of phospholipids?

soy beans, peanuts, and organ meats

complex carbohydrates

starches found in grains, potatoes, and vegetables polysacchrides

A compounds containing a multi-ring structure and a hydroxyl group is a...


protein digestion

stomach acid denatures dietary proteins, which promote protein digestion

What is the function of an emulsifier?

suspends fats in water

Pressure in the arterial blood vessels associated with pumping of the blood from the heart

systolic blood pressure

insoluble fibers

the tough, fibrous structures of fruits, vegetables, and grains; indigestible food components that do not dissolve in water, celery, softens stool prevents constipation

Dietary fats and oils are classified as saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated based on...

the type of fatty acid present in greatest concentration

Fat digestion is rapid and thorough in the small intestine under what "right" circumstances?

1. Bile from the gallbladder is present 2. Lipase breaks triglycerides down to monoglycerides

The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution range set by the Food and Nutrition Board for lipids is ..% to ...% of kilocalories.


Contains no carbon-carbon double bonds

Saturated fatty acids

Compared to regular margarine, reduced-fat margarine contributes less fat and total calories to the diet because..

Some of the fat has been replaced by water

What class of lipids may serve as precursors for hormone synthesis?


...fats produced during the hydrogenation process closely reassemble the structure of...fats due to the altered chemical structure that results during the process.

Trans Saturated

Allows the carbon chain to remain straighter

Trans fatty acid

carries lipids made and taken up by the liver to cells


Which of the following lipoproteins arise from the liver?


Tryglycerides cosist of

three fatty acids, gycerol

To protect cardiovascular health, the Food and Nutrition Board recommends limiting intake of saturated and...fatty acids.


The AHA recommends that Americans should limit daily...intake to no more than 1% of total calories.

trans fat

major form of lipid in food and in the body


Due to their high energy density...are the ideal form of energy storage for the body.


what makes up 95% of the lipids in the diet


true or false: non growing, healthy male adults do not require amino acids


true or false: pregnant woman require amino acids in their diets


true or false: rapidly growing babies must have amino acids in their diets


What are some food sources of EPA and DHA?

tuna, salmon, and sardines

An omega-3 fatty acid is....


sources of dilute sugars

vegetables, fruit, cereals

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