Test 3 - Old Testament Prophets

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Malachi 2:16

"'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord."

Daniel's _______ in chapter 9 offers a chronological countdown (some ____ years) down to the time of _______.

"70 Weeks" prophecy 490 the Messiah

Habakkuk is mentioned in _______, the legendary Greek addition to _______.

"Bel and the Dragon" Daniel

Haggai advised the Jews to:

"Consider your ways!" (1:5, 7)

Meaning of Jonah's name


Nahum the _______


Meaning of Daniel's name

"God is (my) judge"

Meaning of Ezekiel's name

"God strengthens"

Micah 6:8

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Meaning of Zephaniah's name

"Jehovah has hidden"

Meaning of Joel's name

"Jehovah is God"

Meaning of Zechariah's name

"Jehovah remembers"

Meaning of Isaiah's name

"Jehovah saves"

Meaning of Jeremiah's name

"Jehovah throws"

Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."

Amos 4:12

"Prepare to meet your God, O Israel."

Meaning of Obadiah's name

"Servant of Jehovah"

What does Haggai predict about the new temple in 2:9?

"The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former"

Major theme of Malachi

"Will a man rob God?" (3:8)

Meaning of Amos' name

"burden bearer"

Meaning of Nahum's name


Amos is criticized as a ________, but also extends the offer of ________ and points to the future hope through ________.

"dark book" repentance Israel's Messiah (Amos 9:11-12, cf. Acts 15:16-17)

Meaning of Habakkuk's name


Meaning of Haggai's name


Meaning of Malachi's name

"my messenger"

Malachi foretells what two future messengers?

"my messenger" (Elijah/John the Baptist) "the Messenger of the Covenant" (Jesus)

Meaning of Hosea's name


Ezekiel is frequently addressed by God as _________.

"son of man"

Jeremiah is known as the _________ because...

"the weeping prophet" he was so heartbroken over the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem.

Ezekiel was a _________ who _________.

"watchman" warned the people of the dangers of rebellion

Meaning of Micah's name

"who is like Jehovah?"

Chapters in Obadiah

1 (21 verses)

Chapters in Daniel


Chapters in Hosea


Chapters in Zechariah


Chapters in Haggai


Chapters in Habakkuk


Chapters in Joel


Chapters in Nahum


Chapters in Zephaniah


Ezekiel was called when he was ___ years old. He saw a vision of _________.

30 God's awesome throne-chariot

Chapters in Jonah


Chapters in Malachi


Dating of Malachi


Isaiah chapters ____ prophesied the coming of _________ who would conquer _________ in ____ B.C.

44 and 45 the Persian King Cyrus Babylon 539

Chapters in Ezekiel


The phrase "the day of the Lord" appears ___ times in Joel.


The new temple was finished in _____ B.C.


Chapters in Jeremiah


Dating of Haggai


Dating of Zechariah


Dating of Daniel


Dating of Jeremiah


Dating of Ezekiel


Isaiah's call is recorded in chapter __. His response was, _________.

6 "Here am I, send me!"

Daniel and his friends were taken captive in ____ B.C. and became servants and officials of _______.

605 King Nebuchadnezzar

Dating of Habakkuk


Dating of Nahum


Dating of Zephaniah


Chapters in Isaiah


Chapters in Micah


Dating of Isaiah


Dating of Hosea


Dating of Micah


Dating of Amos

760 or 753 (need to know both dates)

Dating of Jonah


Dating of Joel


Dating of Obadiah


Chapters in Amos


Amos often refers to the threat of _______ as a judgment by God, but he never _________.

Assyrian invasion mentions Assyria by name

Habakkuk foretells Judah's punishment by the _______, as well as the subsequent punishment of _______ itself.

Babylonians (Chaldeans) Babylon

Micah 5:2 foretells _________.

Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah

Jonah's experience in the belly of the great fish was a "type" of _____________.

Christ's death, burial, and resurrection (Matt. 12:39-41)

The prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 is fulfilled on ___________.

Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) "In the latter days I will pour out my Spirit..."

In Obadiah, God pronounces judgment upon _____ because of of her ____________.

Edom hatred toward God's people

Theme of Habakkuk

God's justice in tolerating evil, and in using the Chaldeans to punish Judah

Major theme of Hosea

God's love for "backsliders"

Major theme of Jonah

God's universal love for all nations

Hosea's wife _____ was a _________, symbolizing ____________.

Gomer "woman of harlotry" Israel's unfaithfulness to God

"The just shall live by faith."

Habakkuk 2:4 (quoted in Romans 1:7, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38)

Zechariah worked with _________ to encourage _________.

Haggai the rebuilding of the temple

Unlike _________, Micah was from _________, but both prophesied to _________.

Isaiah the country Judah (Southern Kingdom)

According to 2 Kings 14:25, Jonah prophesied during the days of ________.

Jeroboam II (793-753 B.C.)

Hosea's children's names and their meanings

Jezreel ("God scatters/sows") Lo-Ruhamah ("no mercy") Lo-Ammi ("not my people")

Nahum is a sequel to _______.


Zephaniah is said to have prophesied in the days of _______ (1:1), and helped to _________.

Josiah scare the people into repentance

The existence of _______, mentioned in Daniel 5, has been verified by archaeology as the crown prince of _______, the son of _______, who ruled during _______.

King Balshazzar Babylon Nabonidus his father's absence from Babylon

Zephaniah must have been written before _________ in ____ B.C. and _________ in ____ B.C.

King Josiah's reforms, 621 the fall of Nineveh, 612

Jeremiah also wrote _________, a poetic book describing _________.

Lamentations the horrors of Jerusalem's destruction 587 B.C.

How do you spell the name of the city against which Jonah prophesied?


Hosea prophesied to the _______ Kingdom.

Northern (Israel)

Micah predicted the doom of _________ and _________.

Samaria (1:6) Jerusalem (3:12)

God's future judgment described in Joel will occur in what location?

The "Valley of Jehoshaphat"

Theme of Zephaniah

The Day of the Lord

Nahum 1:5

The beautiful feet of the messenger of "good news"

Theme of Nahum

The fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C.

Nahum mentions the fall of _______, so it must have been written after ____ B.C.

Thebes in Egypt 663

Haggai teamed with _________ to challenge _________ to _________.

Zechariah the Jews finish rebuilding the temple

The promise of _________ in Jeremiah 31 is described in Hebrews 8 as being fulfilled _________.

a "new covenant" by the NT church

Israel is described as ________, fluttering back and forth between _____ and ______, but never to God.

a "silly dove" Egypt and Assyria

The book of Habakkuk is written in the form of _______.

a dialogue between Habakkuk and God

Jonah was the only prophet who preached exclusively to ___________.

a foreign people (Gentiles)

Critics of Isaiah argue for _________.

a later author of chapters 40-66 (known as "Deutero-Isaiah" or "Second Isaiah")

Ezekiel ends (chapters 40-48) with _________, a symbol of _________.

a lengthy description of the "Restoration Temple" the future glory of God's people

Jeremiah was called to the prophetic ministry when he was _________.

a young man

The background of Zephaniah was a time of _________, which might be a result of _________.This is the same tone expressed in _________.

alarm for Judah the Scythian invasion of Judah from the north (627 B.C.) Jeremiah 4

Jonah is a _______________, and not a book of prophecies.

biographical narrative

Haggai promised that God would _______ if they trusted and obeyed Him by _________ (2:11-19).

bless Israel materially rebuilding the temple

"Yet 40 days, and Nineveh will be destroyed" (Jonah 3:4) was an example of a ___________.

conditional prophecy

Daniel prophesied of God's _______. He saw a vision of what four great empires?

control over world events Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (Dan. 2, 7)

Jeremiah 36 tells how the first edition of the book was _________.

destroyed by King Jehoiakim

Joel's symbol of a ________ is used to describe God's judgment.

locust plague

Jeremiah was written _________ and was completed by ____ B.C.

over a long period of time 560

Malachi 2:4-9 says that Israel had _________.

perverted God's "covenant with Levi"

If the ____________ mentioned by Obadiah was at the the hands of the Babylonians, then the book would date from the ____ century.

plundering of Jerusalem 6th (500's B.C.)

"The most _______ book of the Bible" (J. Barton Payne).


Zechariah predicts a future _________ in 6:12-13.


"I am not a _______, nor the son of a _______" (Amos 7:14).

prophet prophet

Habakkuk 3 is written as a _________, while the rest of the book is _________.

psalm or hymn (it has liturgical notations [e.g. Selah] like the Psalms) prose

Micah 1:10-16 contains a series of _________ which describe _________.

puns the advance of the Assyrian army

Jewish tradition states that Isaiah was _________ by _________.

sawed in half the wicked King Manasseh

What title for God occurs more than 25 times in Isaiah?

the "Holy One of Israel"

Isaiah 53 is the _________, a prediction of _________.

the "Suffering Servant" poem the crucifixion of Christ

Ezekiel has been called _________ because of his many _________.

the "audio-visual" man "action prophecies"

Amos was a prophet from ______ who prophesied to _______.

the South (Judah) the North (Israel)

Paul applied the names of Hosea's children to _________________.

the conversion of the Gentiles (Romans 9:25-26)

The episode of _______ in Daniel 3 and _______ in Daniel 6 are examples of God's faithfulness.

the fiery furnace the lion's den

Zephaniah was a descendant of _______.

the good King Hezekiah

Ezekiel saw a vision of _________ in chapter 37, symbolizing _________.

the valley of "dry bones" Israel's defeat and later restoration

Isaiah 7:14 predicts _________.

the virgin birth of Jesus

Habakkuk is a book of _______


Zechariah predicts the _________ in 9:9-10.

triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem ("humble and riding on a donkey....")

Zephaniah proclaimed the doctrine of God's _________.

universal judgment

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