Test 4 A&P2

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female development is due to ___ of male hormones


homologous chromosomes separate and migrate to opposite poles of the cell

anaphase I

centromeres divide; sister chromatids migrate to opposite poles of cell. Each chromatid now constitutes a single-stranded chromosome.

anaphase II

Rise in FSH and LH secretion after age 50 produces male climacteric (___) -mood changes, hot flashes, and "illusions of suffocations"


trace of fluids to semen -lubricating fluid and neutralizes low pH of urethra (from urine) and vagina, protecting the sperm

bulbourethral glands

may cause urethral discharge and testicular pain


___ carry the genetic info to produce the traits of an individual -22 pair of autosomes -1 pair of sex chromosomes


phallus turns into __, urogenital folds develop into __ ___, and labioscrotal folds into the __ ___

clitoris; labia minora; labia majora

STDs have an incubation period in which the pathogen multiplies with no symptoms and a __ period in which the disease can be transmitted to others -symptomless carrier do exist


testicular thermoregulation is necessary since sperm are not produced at ___ body temperature


The penis consists of 3 cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue -paired ___ ___ ~diverge like arms of a Y ~each crus attaches to a pubic arch and is covered with ischiacavernosus muscle -single __ ___ along ventral side of penis ~encloses penile urethra ~ends as a dilated bulb ensheathed by bulbospongiosus muscle

corpus cavernosum

pulls testes closer to body (thermoregulation)

cremaster muscle

contracts to reduce surface area of scrotum and lifts scrotum closer to body

dartos muscle

describes any cell with 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) of chromosomes (somatic cells) -referred to as diploid (2n)


muscular tube passing up from scrotum via the spermatic cord, through inguinal canal to posterior surface of bladder

ductus deferens

chromatin condenses to form visible chromosomes; each chromosome has 2 chromatids joined by a centromere

early prophase I

12 small ciliated ducts that transport sperm from rete testis to the epididymus

efferent ductules

over 90% of impotent men remain able to __


formed from ductus deferens and seminal vesicle -passes through prostate to empty into urethra

ejaculatory duct

collects sperm


site of sperm maturation and storage (fertile for 60 days)


20% of those in their 60s and 50% of those in their 80s will experience this

erectile disfunction (impotence)

Produce & deliver gametes, provide nutrition & room for fetal development, and to give birth & nourish the infant

female reproductive system

uniting the sperm (1n) and egg (1n) during ___, restores the diploid number (2n) of chromosomes to the fertilized egg now called a ___

fertilization; zygote

outcome of meiosis I

genetic variation

most common STD in US (blisters and pain)

genital herpes

warts on perineal region, cervix, anus

genital warts

gonads begin to develop at 6 weeks as __ __ -near the primitive kidneys (mesonephros)

gonadal ridges

bacterial STDs include chlamydia, ____, and syphilis


pain and pus discharge; may result in sterility from pelvic inflammatory disease


describes cells containing half the number of chromosomes or 23 unpaired chromosomes (sex cells) -in males, the sperm is this -in females, the egg is this -1n


outcome of meiosis II

haploid cells (gametes)

inflammatory liver disease

hepatitis B and C

transmission of genetic characteristics from parent to offspring


female develops due to absence of __


Shortens and guides the testes to the scrotum -Passes through abdominal wall via the ___canal -Accompanied by testicular nerve, artery and vein


Half of the penis is an ___ root and half is the externally visible __ and glans -external part is 4 in. long when flaccid -skin over shaft is loosely attached allowing for expansion ~extends over glans as prepuce or foreskin

internal; shaft

LH stimulates __ cells to produce testosterone


major portions of fallopian tubes -near uterus forms a narrow __ -middle portion is body ___ -flared distally into ___ with fimbriae

isthmus; ampulla; infundibulum

chart of the 46 human chromosomes laid out in order by size


during adulthood, testosterone sustains ____, spermatogenesis and reproductive tract


Location outside the pelvic cavity is essential for ___ temperatures needed for sperm production


2 sets of ducts: mesonephric ducts and paramesonephric ducts -mesonephric ducts develop into reproductive systems of ____ (paramesonephric degenerates) -paramesonephric ducts develop into reproductive systems of ___ (mesonephric degenerates)

males; females

produces 4 gametes each with 1/2 the chromosomes of the original germs cell -a reduction process -necessity to keep chromosome number constant from generation to generation


absence of testosterone and mullerian-inhibiting factor causes degeneration of ____ duct


ovaries are anchored to broad ligament by ___


tetrads align on equatorial plane of cell with centromeres attached to spindle fibers

metaphase I

chromosomes align on equatorial plane

metaphase II

homologous chromosomes form pairs called tetrads. Chromatids often break and exchange segments (crossing-over). Centrioles produce spindle fibers. Nuclear envelope disintegrates.

mid-to-late prophase I

produces two genetically identical daughter cells (occurs in tissue repair and embryonic growth)


__ chromosome from each chromosome pair is inherited from each parent


__ pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y) -a female has a homologous pair of X chromosomes (XX) -a male has one X and one Y (XY)


ovaries are attached to uterus by __ ___

ovarian ligament

__ produce eggs and female hormones


almond-shaped organ, 3 cm X 1.5 cm X 1 cm


each egg develops in its own fluid-filled follicle and is released by __, bursting of the follicle


testicular arteries and veins -countercurrent heat exchanger cools arterial blood entering the testis

pampiniform plexus

____ duct develops into uterine tubes, uterus and vagina


___ is external serosa layer of the uterine wall


organs that produce gametes (testes or ovaries)

primary sex organs (gonads)

nuclear envelopes disintegrate again; chromosomes still consist of two chromatids. New mitotic spindle forms.

prophase II

produces 30% of semen -contributes Ca2+, clotting enzymes, and protease ~clotting enzyme converts proseminogelin into seminogelin that sticks semen to the walls of the vagina ~protease re-liquifies the semen

prostate gland

first few years of adolescence between the onset of gonadotropin secretion until the individual attains the ability to reproduce sexually -first period, first ejaculation of viable sperm


spermatogenesis involves three principle events 1) ____ of large germ cells into small, mobile sperm cells with flagella 2)____ of chromosome number by one-half (1n) in each sperm cell (unites with egg to return to 2n) 3) ____ of genes so new combos exist in the sperm that are different from the parents -ensures genetic variation in the offspring -four sperm cells produced from one germ cell by meiosis

remodeling; reduction; shuffling

one property of a living thing is r____


From the seminiferous tubules, sperm will drain to the ___ ___

rete testis

features that develop at puberty that further distinguish sexes (attracting a mate) -pubic, axillary and facial hair, scent glands, body morphology and low-pitched voices in males

secondary sex characteristics

essential for reproduction -male: ducts, glands, penis that deliver the sperm cells -female: vagina, uterus, ovaries, uterine tubes that receive the sperm and nourish the developing fetus

secondary sex organs

produces 60% of semen -contributes fructose, other carbohydrates, prostoglandins, and proseminogelin

seminal vesicles

meiosis occurs in __ __

seminiferous tubules

means each offspring has 2 parents and receives genetic material from both -provides genetic diversity and is considered the foundation for the survival and evolution of species

sexual reproduction

sex of the child is determined by the type of ___ that fertilizes the mother's egg


Testosterone stimulates ____ and enlargement of __ sexual organs -penis, testes, scrotum, glands, ducts and muscle mass enlarge -hair, scent and sebaceous glands develop -stimulates erythropoiesis and libido

spermatogenesis; secondary

Spermatogenesis involves changes that transforms spermatids into ___ -growth of acrosome and flagellum -discarding excess cytoplasm


spermiogenesis is transformation of spermatids into ___ -develops tail and discards cytoplasm to become lighter


ovaries are attached to pelvic wall by ___ ___ -contains ovarian artery, vein, lymphatics and nerves

suspensory ligament

FSH stimulates __ cells to secrete androgen-binding protein that binds testosterone>stays in seminiferous tubule and stimulates spermatogenesis


Tunica albuginea -form septa that divide the organ into lobules containing seminiferous tubules ~each tubule is lined with germinal epithelium composed of germ cells (spermatogonia) that produce sperm -____ (nurse) cells promote sperm cell development ~blood-testis barrier is formed by tight junctions between sustentacular cells--separating sperm from immune system (so aren't attacked by immune system) ~produce androgen-binding protein that enhances the actions of testosterone -____ (leydig) cells located in between the seminiferous tubules ~produce and secrete testosterone

sustentacular; interstitial

hard lesions (chancres) at site of infection -disappearance of chancres ends first stage -second stage is widespread pink rash, lesion in mouth -neurosyphilis is third stage with cardiovascular damage and brain lesions


new nuclear envelopes form around chromosomes; cell undergoes cytoplasmic division (cytokinesis). Each cell Is now haploid

telophase I

new nuclear envelopes form around chromosomes; chromosomes uncoil and become less visible; cytoplasm divides

telophase II

testes secrete substantial amounts of testosterone in first __ (3 months) of fetal development in levels about as high as they are in midpubertdy -after the first trimester, testes are dormant until puberty


The testes are covered by __ __- a saclike extension of the peritoneum -next layer is called the __ ___ (white fibrous capsule)

tunica vaginalis; tunica albuginea

each human has __ pairs of chromosomes -the pair are called homologous chromosomes


Viral STDs include herpes, genital ___, and hepatitis B and C


Testosterone secretion declines to ___ of its peak by age ___

1/5; 80

__ pairs called autosomes -each pair has same overall appearance and carries the same kind of genes


Descent of testes begins in 6-10 weeks and is finished by ___ ____% of boys born with an undescended testes (cryptorchidism)

28; 3

final product of meiosis is ___ haploid cells with single-stranded chromosomes


peak testosterone secretion at __ mg/day at age __

7; 20

male and female are indistinguishable for the first __ to __ weeks of development

8; 10

spermatogonia produces 2 kinds of daughter cells -type ___ remain outside blood-testis barrier (BTB) and produce more daughter cells until death -type B differentiate into ___ ____ ~cells must pass through BTB to move inward toward lumen with new tight junctions form behind these cells ~meiosis I results in 2 equal-sized, haploid, secondary spermatocytes ~meiosis II divides each secondary spermatocyte into 2 spermatids for a total of 4 spermatids

A; primary spermatocytes

Low ___ of testicular artery results in poor O2 supply -sperm develop very large ____ helping them survive the hypoxic environment of the female reproductive tract

BP; mitochondria

stimulation of gonadotrope cells in anterior pituitary causes secretion of __ and __


10 cm long, muscular tube lined with ciliated cells

Fallopian tubes (oviducts)

at puberty, a surge of hypothalamic ___ stimulates anterior pituitary to release gonadotropins (FSH and LH) -10-12 in most Boys and 8-10 in most girls


mature hypothalamus produces ___


Shortens and guides the testes to the scrotum


anchors gonad to floor of abdominopelvic cavity


sex-determing region of Y chromosome -codes for testes-determining factor>testis development -testes secrete ~secrete testosterone ~mullerian-inhibiting factor (AMH): determine which ducts degenerate (paramesonephric duct)

SRY gene

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