TEST Chapter 17

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The expanded portion of the terminal esophagus is called the:

cardiac antrum

The vermiform appendix of the colon is attached to the:


The widest portion of the small bowel:


One of the most important technical considerations in gastrointestinal radiography is:

elimination of motion

What is the degree of body rotation for the PA oblique projection of the esophagus?

35-40 degrees

The stomach will be composed of how many layers?


The wall of the colon is composed of how many layers?


The wall of the small intestine is composed of how many coats?


How much is the body rotated for the PA oblique projection of the stomach and duodenum?


What is the length of the large intestines?

5 feet

Food and fluid should be withheld for how many hours before a stomach examination?


Which of the following best describes the administration of barium for an esophagram being performed for esophageal varices?

exhale, swallow the barium, hold breath out

The patient "prep" for a morning stomach examination is:

fluid and food withheld after midnight.

Which drug may be given to the patient before a double contrast examination of the stomach to relax the GI tract?


For which body habits is the stomach almost horizontal?


The opening between the large intestine and small intestines is called the:

ileocecal valve

The most distal portion of the small intestine.


What is the recommended general body position for a radiographic series of the esophagus?


Which of the following are the essential projections for an esophagus series? 1.) AP or PA 2.) lateral 3.) PA oblique


Which of the following can be used to record the fluoroscopic image? 1.) TV 2.) cine 3.) video recorders


31. Which of the following contrast mediums are used for examinations of the gastrointestinal tract? 1.) air 2.) barium sulfate 3.) water-soluble iodinated solution


Which of the following are included as components of the alimentary canal? 1. anus 2. colon 3. esophagus


Which of the following are components of the alimentary canal? 1. mouth and pharynx 2. stomach and intestine 3.liver and pancreas


Which of the following are advantages of using the recumbent position for radiographs of the esophagus? 1.) varices are better filled 2.) easier to swallow barium 3.) more complete contrast filling, especially proximal part


What is the length of the average adult small intestines?

22 feet

How long does it take barium to go through the alimentary canal and reach the rectum?

24 hours

small intestine is divided into how many distinct portions?


How much lower should the IR be positioned when the upright position is used for projections of the stomach?

3-6 inches

How long is the entire alimentary canal?

30 feet

For which projection of the stomach would a positioning sponge be used?

AP Pblique

At which level is the IR centered for a PA projection of the stomach and duodenum?


What is the recommended oblique projection and position for the best demonstration of the esophagus?


The muscle controlling the opening between the stomach and the duodenum is termed the:

Pyloric Sphincter

for which body habitus is the stomach nearly vertical


The most common contrast medium used for radiologic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract is:

barium sulfate

The jejunum and ileum are attached to the posterior wall of the abdomen by:


Which of the following planes is centered to the grid for the lateral projection of the esophagus?

midcoronal plane

A PA projection of the stomach and duodenum is often performed using a 35- × 43-cm IR. Which of the following describes the plane that is centered to the grid for this projection?

midsagital plane.

The contraction waves by which the digestive tube moves its contents towards the rectum are called:


What is the respiration phase for all radiographic exposures of the stomach and intestines?

suspended respiration

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