Test: Chapter 5

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Threaded conduits or fittings installed in hazardous (classified) locations shall be made wrench tight to ____________.

a and b - prevent sparking when a fault current flows through conduit system - ensure the explosion proof integrity of the conduit system where applicable

Flexible cords for pendants installed above Class I locations in a commercial garage shall be ____________.

a and b - suitable for the type of service - listed for hard usage

Boxes and fitting shall be ____________ where installed in a Class III location.


Where LFMC is used in a Class III location as permitted in 503.10 it shall ____________.

include an equipment bonding jumper of the wire type in accordance with 250.102

In Class I, Division 1 locations, all apparatus and equipment of signaling, alarm, remote-control, and communications systems ____________ shall be identified for Class I, Division 1 locations.

regardless of voltage

Type PVC conduit, Type RTRC conduit, and Type HDPE conduit shall be permitted in Class I, Division 1 underground locations where encased in a concrete envelope a minimum of _________ in. thick and provided with not less than _________ in. of cover measured from the top of the conduit to grade

2, 24

Mobile home service equipment shall be located adjacent to the mobile home, located in sight from but not more than ____________ ft from the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves.


The disconnecting means for a shore power connection shall be not more than __________ in. from the receptacle it controls.


Motors, generators, or other rotating electrical machinery identified for Class I, Division 2 locations can be used in Class I, Division 1 locations. True or False?


In mobile and manufactured homes, all 120V branch circuits that supply 15A and 20A outlets shall have ____________ protection in accordance with 210.12.


All 15A and 20A, 125V, single-phase receptacles installed ____________ of agricultural buildings shall be GFCI protected.

Any of these - in areas having an equipotential plane - outdoors - in dirt confinement areas for livestock

Each motor fuel dispensing device shall be provided with a means to remove all external voltage sources, including power, communications, data, video circuits, and feedback, during periods of maintenance and service of the fuel dispensing equipment. True or False?


Enclosures and fittings installed in areas of agricultural buildings where excessive dust may be present shall be designed to minimize the entrance of dust and shall have no openings through which dust can enter the enclosure. True or False?


Equipment enclosures on piers shall be located so as not to interfere with mooring lines. True or False?


Equipotential plane shall be installed in outdoor concrete slabs where metallic equipment is located that may become energized and is accessible to livestock, other than poultry. true or false?


It is frequently possible to locate much of the equipment in less hazardous or unclassified locations and thus reduce the amount of special equipment required. True or False?


MI cable terminated with fittings listed for the location is allowed in Class I, Division 1 locations. True or False?


Metal faceplates for switches and receptacles can be connected to the equipment grounding conductor by means of a metal mounting screw(s) securing the faceplate to a grounded outlet box or grounded wiring device in patient care spaces. True or False?


Types NM, NMC, and SE cables can be used for branch circuits for temporary installations without height limitation and without concealment. True or False?


When installing shield cables and twisted-pair cables in conduit in a Class I, Division 1 hazardous (classified) location, the removal of shielding material or the separation of the twisted pairs of shielded cables and twisted pair cables isn't required within the conduit seal fitting. True or False?


Raceways permitted as a wiring method in Class II, Division 2 locations include ____________.

a and b - RMC and IMC - EMT

Article 514 applies to ____________ and fleet vehicles motor fuel dispensing facilities.

a and b - motor fuel dispensing facilities - marine/motor fuel dispensing facilities

Type NM cable shall be permitted in agricultural buildings. true or false?


Article 503 covers the requirements for electrical and electronic equipment and wiring in Class III locations where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to ignitible ____________.


The sealing fitting or listed explosionproof reducer at the seal for motor fuel dispensers shall be the ____________ fitting after the conduit emerges from the earth or concrete.


In commercial garages, GFCI protection for personnel shall be provided on all 15A and 20A, 125V receptacles installed where ____________ is(are) to be used.

any of these - electrical diagnostic equipment - electrical hand tools - portable lighting equipment

Temporary wiring methods shall be acceptable only if __________, based on the conditions of use and any special requirements of the temporary installation.


All __________, 125V receptacle outlets that are not part of the permanent wiring of the building or structure and are used by personnel for temporary power shall be GFCI protected.

all of these - 15A - 20A - 30A

Which of the following wiring methods are permitted in an assembly occupancy of fire-rated construction?

all of these - Metal raceways - Type MC cable - Type AC cable

An equipotential plane is an area where wire mesh or other conductive elements are embedded in or placed under concrete, and bonded to ____________.

all of these - all metal structures - fixed nonelectrical equipment that may become energized - the electrical grounding system

Electrical connections in marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities, shall be located __________ unless the conductor splices for floating piers and contained within sealed wire connector systems listed and identified for submission.

all of these - at least 12 in. above the deck of a floating pier - at least 12 in. above the deck of a fixed pier - not below the electrical datum plane of a fixed pier

Flexible cords and flexible cables used for temporary wiring shall __________.

all of these - be protected from accidental damage - be protected where passing through doorways - avoid sharp corners and projections

Raceways permitted in a Class III, Division 1 location include ____________.

any of these - RMC and IMC - Type MC cable with listed termination fittings - electrical metallic tubing

For temporary power outlets existing or installed as permanent wiring, GFCI protection can be incorporated into a listed __________.

any of these - circuit breaker - receptacle - cord set

Where flexibility is required, the following wiring methods are permitted in a Class II, Division 2 location ____________.

any of these - dust tight flexible connectors - liquid flexible metal conduit with listed fittings - flexible cords listed for extra-hard usage with listed dust tight cord connectors

Class II locations are those that are hazardous because of the presence of ____________.

combustible dust

Electrical equipment and wiring methods in or on portable structures for carnival or circuses shall have mechanical protection where subject to ____________.

physical damage

In marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities, the NEC requires a(n) __________ disconnecting means, which allows individual boats to be isolated from their supply connection.

readily accessible

The devices or disconnects for attended self-service motor fuel dispensing facilities shall be ____________ to the attendant.

readily accessible

Where an equipment grounding conductor is installed underground within an agricultural building, it shall be ____________.


Where livestock is housed, any portion of an underground equipment grounding conductor run to the building or structure shall be ____________.


The continuity of the equipment grounding conductors at carnivals, circuses, fairs, and similar events shall be verified each time that portable electrical equipment is connected. true or false?


Type NM, NMC, and SE cables can be used for feeder temporary installations without height limitation and without concealment. true or false


Raceways permitted as a wiring method in Class II, Division 1 locations include ____________.

threaded RMC and steel IMC

An equipotential plane shall be installed in all concrete floor confinement areas of livestock buildings, and all outdoor confinement areas with a concrete slab that contains metallic equipment accessible to livestock and that may become energized. true or false?


Electrical equipment enclosures on piers above deck level at marinas shall be securely and substantially supported by structural members, independent of any raceway connected to them. true or false?


Except as specifically modified by Article 590, all other Code requirements for permanent wiring apply to temporary wiring installations. true or false?


A sealing fitting shall not be required if a metal conduit passes completely through a Class I, Division 2 location if there termination points of the unbroken conduit are located in unclassified locations and it has no fittings less than ____________ in. of either side of the boundary of the hazardous (classified) location.


In Class I, Divison 1 locations, conduit seals shall be installed within ____________ in. from the enclosure or as required by the enclosure marking.


In major repair garages where lighter-than-air gaseous fueled vehicles, such as vehicles fueled by natural gas or hydrogen, are repaired or stored, the area within ____________ in. of the ceiling in classified as Class I, Division 2 unless otherwise noted.


The cross-sectional area of the conductors or optical fiber tubes permitted in a sealing fitting shall not exceed ____________ percent of the cords-sectional area of RMC of the same trade size.


Article ____________ contains the wiring requirements for service and repair operations in connection with self-propelled vehicles in which volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases are used for fuel or power.


In Class I, Division 1 locations, transformers, impedance coils, and resistors, along with any switching mechanism associated with them, shall be provided with enclosures identified for ____________.

Class I, Division 1 locations

In Class II, Division 1 locations, control transformers, solenoids, impedance coils, resistors, and any overcorrect devices or switching mechanisms associated with them, shall have enclosures identified for ____________.

Class II, Division 1 locations

In major repair garages where ventilation is not provided, any pit or depression below floor level shall be a Class I, ____________ location.

Division 1

Battery chargers and the batteries being charged can be located in any area of a commercial garage. True or False?


Circuit breakers in Class I, Division 2 locations that are not hermetically sealed or oil-immersed shall be in stalled in a Class I, Division 1 enclosure. True or False?


In Class I, Division 2 locations, where metallic conduit doesn't provide sufficient corrosion resistance, reinforced thermosetting resin conduit with the suffix "-XW" and Schedule 80 PVS conduit can be used, but only in industrial establishments where maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation. True or False?


In Class II locations, a permitted method of bonding is the use of bonding jumpers with proper fittings. True or False


In a Class I, Division 2 location, switches and circuit breakers shall be installed in explosion proof enclosures meeting the requirements for Class I, Division 1 locations. True or False?


Totally enclosed motors of the types specified in 501.125(A)(2) or (A)(3) shall have a device to de-energize the motor or provide an alarm if there is any increase in temperature of the motor beyond designed limits when operating in Class I, Division 1 locations. True or False?


Transformers and capacitors installed in Class I, Division 1 locations containing a liquid that will burn shall be installed in vaults. True or False?


Transformers and capacitors installed in Class I, Division 1 locations that do not contain flammable liquids shall not be required to be installed in vaults if they are identified for Class I locations. True or False?


When necessary to employ flexible connections in a Class I, Division 1 location, such as at motor terminals, flexible fittings listed for the location or flexible cord in accordance with 501.140, are permitted if terminated with cord connectors listed for the location. True or False?


When provisions for flexibility are necessary in Class I, Division 2 locations, FMC with listed fittings can be used. True or False?


Underground wiring in a commercial garage, shall be installed in ____________.

a or b - threaded rigid metal conduit - intermediate metal conduit

In Class I, Division 1 or Division 2 locations where the boxes, fittings, or enclosures are required to be explosionproof, if a flexible cord is used it shall terminate with a cord connector or attachment plug listed for the location, or a listed cord connector installed with a seal that is listed for the location. In Division 2 locations where explosionproof equipment is not required, the cord shall terminate ____________.

a or b - with a listed cord connector - with a listed attachment plug

Flexible cords in Class I hazardous (classified) locations shall ____________.

all of these - be listed as extra-hard usage - contain an equipment grounding conductor - be supported by clamps or other suitable means to avoid tension on terminals

In Class III locations, flexible cords shall ____________.

all of these - be listed as extra-hard usage - contain an equipment grounding conductor - terminate with a listed dust tight cord connector

Acceptable protection techniques for electrical and electronic equipment in hazardous (classified) locations includes ____________ equipment.

all of these - explosionproof -dust-ignitionproof - dusttight

Hazardous (classified) locations shall be classified depending on the properties of the ____________ that could be present, and the likelihood that a flammable or combustible concentration or quantity is present.

all of these - flammable liquid-produced vapors - flammable gases - combustible dusts

In Class II, Division 2 locations, enclosures for fuses, switches, circuit breakers, and motor controllers, including pushbuttons, relays, and similar devices shall be ____________.

dust tight or otherwise identified for the location

Luminaires for fixed lighting in Class II, Division 2 locations shall be equipped with enclosures that are ____________ or otherwise identified for the location.


Signaling, alarm, remote-control, and communications system circuits containing contacts installed in Class II, Division 2 locations shall be in enclosures that are ____________ or otherwise identified for the location.


In Class III locations, receptacles and attachment plugs shall be of the grounding type, shall be designed so as to minimize the accumulation or the entry of ____________, and shall prevent the escape of sparks or molten particles.


For Class I locations where 501.140(A)(5) is applied, flexible cords shall be ____________ from the power source to the temporary portable assembly and from the temporary portable assembly to the utilization equipment.

of continuous length

Luminaires in Class III locations exposed to physical damage shall be protected by a(n) ____________ guard.


Class III, Division ____________ locations include areas where easily ignitible fibers/flyings are handled, manufactured, or used.


In a Class III location, pendant luminaires suspended by stems longer than ____________ ft shall be provided with a fitting or flexible connector identified for the location, or shall be provided with effective bracing.


Overhead wiring outside of tents and concession areas of carnivals and circuses which are accessible to pedestrians shall maintain a vehicle clearance of ____________ ft above finished grade, sidewalks, or from platforms, projections, or surfaces from which the wiring might be reached.


Mobile home and manufactured home feeder circuit conductors shall have a capacity not less than ___________.


A permanently mounted luminaire in a commercial garage, located over lanes on which vehicles are commonly driven, shall be located not less than ____________ ft above floor level.


The mobile home park secondary electrical distribution system to mobile home lots shall be ____________.

120/240V, single-phase

Portable carnival or circus structures shall be maintained not less than ____________ ft in any direction from overhead conductors operating at 600 volts or less.


GFCI protection is required for 15A, 20A, and 30A, 125V and 125V/250V receptacles that are part of a portable generator used for temporary wiring rated not greater than __________.

15 kW

In commercial garages, Type PVC conduit, Type RTRX conduit, and Type HDPE conduit shall be permitted where buried under not less than ____________ ft of cover.


A Class III, Division ____________ location is where easily ignitible fibers/flyings are stored or handled but not manufactured.


An outdoor disconnecting means for a mobile home shall be installed so the bottom of the enclosure is not less than ____________ ft above the finished grade or working platform.


At marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities, the electrical datum plane, in land areas subject to tidal fluctuation, is a horizontal plane __________ ft above the highest high tide under normal circumstances.


In assembly occupancies of fire-rated construction, nonmetallic raceways encased in not less than ____________ in. of concrete shall be permitted.


Emergency shutoff devices or disconnects for fuel dispensing systems shall be installed in approved locations but not less than ____________ ft or more than ____________ ft from the fuel dispensing devices that they serve.

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A limits care facility is a building or portion thereof used on a(n) ____________ basis for the housing of four or more persons who are incapable of self-preservation because of age; physical limitation due to accident or illness; or mental limitations, mental illness, or chemical dependency.


What's the park electrical wiring system load, after applying the demand factors, for a mobile home park having six mobile homes?

27,840 VA

The "Basic Care (Category ____________) Space" of a patient care space in a health care facility is a space in which failure of equipment or a system is not likely to cause injury to the patients, staff, or visitors but can cause patient discomfort.


The overcurrent protective devices that supply marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities shall have ground-fault protection not exceeding __________.

30 mA

Receptacles that provide shore power for boats shall be rated not less than __________.


The minimum thickness of sealing compound in Class I locations shall not be less than the trade size of the conduit or sealing fitting and, in no case, shall the thickness of the compound be less than ____________ in.


The demand factor for marina load calculations of 45 shore power receptacles is __________ percent.


Each portable structure at a carnival, circus, or fair shall be provided with a means to disconnect it from all ungrounded conductors within sight of and within ____________ ft of the operator's station.


In patient care spaces, luminaries more than ____________ ft above the floor and switches located outside of the patient care vicinity shall be permitted to be connected to an equipment grounding return path complying with 517.13(A) or (B).

7 1/2

All cables installed in agricultural buildings shall be secured within ____________ in. of each cabinet, box, or fitting.


The equipotential plane in an agricultural building shall be connected to the electrical grounding system with a solid copper, insulated, covered, or bare conductor and not smaller than ____________ AWG.


When sealing fittings are required for Class I locations, they shall comply with which of the following rule(s)?

All of these - They shall be listed for Class I locations and shall be accessible - The minimum thickness of the sealing compound shall not be less than the trade size of the sealing fitting and, in no case, shall the thickness of the compound be less than 5/8 in. - Splices and taps shall not be made in the conduit seal

The equipment grounding conductor at a marina is required to be an insulated copper conductor for all circuits. True or False?


When installed indoors for carnivals, circuses, and fairs, flexible cords and flexible cables shall be listed for wet locations and shall be sunlight resistant. True or False?


A receptacle outlet for mobile and manufactured home heat tape that is used to protect cold water inlet piping shall be ____________ protected and it shall be connected to an interior branch circuit other than a small-appliance branch circuit where all of the outlets of the circuit are on the load side of the GFCI.


Listed cord sets or adapters that incorporate listed GFCI protection can be used to meet the GFCI requirement with portable generators manufactured prior to __________.

January 1, 2011

Luminaires installed in Class I, Division 1 locations shall be identified as a complete assembly for the Class I, Division 1 location and shall be clearly marked to indicate the ____________ for which it is identified.

Maximum wattage of lamps

Type __________ cable shall be permitted to be installed in a branch circuit raceway in a temporary underground installation.


Type __________ cable shall be permitted to be installed in a feeder raceway in a temporary underground installation.


The patient care space of health care facility known as a "____________ Space" is a space in which failure of equipment or a system is not likely to have a physical impact on patient care.

Support (Category 4)

All branch circuits serving patient care spaces shall be provided with an effective ground-fault current path by installation in a metal raceway system, or a cable having a metallic armor or sheath assembly. The metal raceway system, metallic cable armor, or sheath assembly shall itself qualify as an equipment grounding conductor in accordance with 250.118. True or False?


An optical fiber cable, with or without current-carrying conductors (composite optical fiber cable), shall be installed to address the associated fires hazard and sealed to address the associated explosion hazard in accordance with Articles 500, 501, 502, or 503. True or False?


For carnivals and fairs, receptacles of the locking type not accessible from grade level that only facilitate quick disconnecting and reconnecting of electrical equipment shall not be required to be provided with GFCI protection. True or False?


For the purpose of the Code and unless otherwise indicated, the term "mobile home" includes manufactured homes and excludes park trailers defined in Article 552.4. True or False?


Fuel dispensing systems shall be provided with one or more clearly identified emergency shutoff device(s) or electrical disconnects installed in approved locations and shall disconnect power to all remote pumps serving the dispensing devices; associated power, control, and signal circuits; and to all other electrical equipment in the hazardous (classified) locations surrounding the fuel dispensing devices. True or False?


GFCI protection for personnel shall be provided at carnivals circuses, and fairs for all 15A and 20A, 125V nonblocking-type receptacles that are readily accessible to the general public. True or False?


GFCI protection is required for 15A, 20A, and 30A, 125V receptacle outlets that are installed or existing as part of the permanent wiring of the building/structure when used during construction or remodeling. Listed cord sets or adapters that incorporate listed GFCI protection for portable use can be used to meet this requirement. True or False?


In Class I locations, the locknut-wishing and double-locknut types of contacts shall not be depended on for bonding purposes. True or False?


Parking garages used for parking or storage can be considered as an unclassified location. True or False?


Service equipment shall be securely fastened to a solid backing and be installed so as to be protected from the weather, unless of weatherproof construction. True or False?


The removal of shielding material or the separation of the twisted pairs of shielded cables and twisted pair cables isn't required within the conduit seal fitting in a Class I, Division 2 hazardous (classified) location provided the termination is by an approved means to minimize the entrance of gases or vapors and prevent flame propagation. True or False?


The term mobile home includes manufactured homes, unless otherwise indicated. True or False?


Wiring for an amusement ride, attraction, tent, or similar structure at a carnival, circus, or fair shall not be supported by any other ride or structure unless specifically designed for the purpose. True or False?


Wiring for lighting located inside tents and concession areas at carnivals, circuses, and fairs, where subject to physical damage shall be provided with mechanical protection. true or false?


Wiring methods permitted in Class I, Division 1 locations are permitted in Class I, Division 2 locations. True or False?


Wiring methods used in health care locations shall comply with the NEC Chapter 1 through 4 provisions, except as modified by Article 517. True or False?


[Category 1] spaces in health care facilities, formerly known as basic care spaces, are typically where patients are intended to be subjected to invasive procedures and connected to line-operated, patient care-related appliances. True or False?


[Category 4] spaces in health care facilities were formerly known as support rooms [(spaces)]. True or False?


____________ for fuel dispensing systems shall disconnect power to all dispensing devices; to all remote pumps serving the dispensing devices; to all associated power, control, and signal circuits; and to all other electrical equipment in the hazardous (classified) locations surrounding the fuel dispensing devices.

a or b - Emergency shutoff devices - Electrical disconnects

Vegetation shall not be used to support overhead conductor spans of __________ for temporary installations.

a or b - branch circuits - feeders

A __________ shall be used to serve as the required shore power receptacle disconnecting means, and it shall be identified as to which receptacle it controls.

a or b - circuit breaker - switch

For temporary installations, a box, conduit body, or other enclosure, with a cover installed, shall be required for all splices except where the circuit conductors being spliced are all from nonmetallic multi-conductor __________ assemblies, provided that the equipment grounding continuity is maintained with our without the box.

a or b - cord - cable

A listed seal for motor fuel dispensers shall be provided in each conduit run ____________.

a or b - entering a dispenser - leaving a dispenser

The "patient care space" is any space within a health care facility where patients are intended to be ____________.

a or b - examined - treated

Service equipment for floating docks or marinas shall be located __________ the floating structure.

adjacent to

Permanent safety signs shall be installed to give notice of electrical shock hazard risks to persons using or swimming near a boat dock or marina and shall __________.

all of these - comply with 110.21(B)(1) and be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment - be clearly visible from all approaches to a marina or boatyard facility - state "WARNING--POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD--ELECTRICAL CURRENTS MAY BE PRESENT IN THE WATER."

A "Medical Office (dental office)" is a building or part thereof in which ____________.

all of these - examinations for minor treatments or procedures are performed under the continuous supervision of a medical or dental professional - only sedation or local anesthesia is involved and treatment or procedures do not render the patient incapable of self-preservation under emergency conditions - overnight stays for patients or 24-hour operation are not provided

Luminaires used in agricultural buildings shall ____________.

all of these - minimize the entrance of dust, foreign matter, moisture, and corrosive material - be protected by a suitable guard if exposed to physical damage - be listed for use in wet locations when exposed to water

Agricultural buildings where corrosive atmospheres exist include areas where the following conditions exist ____________.

all of these - poultry and animal excrement - corrosive particles which may combine with water - areas of periodic washing with water and cleansing agents

Examples of assembly occupancies include ____________.

all of these - restaurants - conference rooms - pool rooms

Temporary electrical power and lighting shall be permitted during emergencies and for __________.

all of these - tests - experiments - developmental work

Equipment shall be identified not only for the class of hazardous (classified) location, but also for the explosive, combustible, or ignitible properties of the specific ____________ present.

any of these - gas or vapor - dust - fibers/flyings

[Category 2] spaces in health care facilities were formerly known as general care rooms [(spaces)] and include such spaces as ____________.

any of these - inpatient bedrooms - dialysis rooms - in vitro fertilization rooms and procedural rooms

The requirements of Article 517 apply to buildings or portions of buildings, or mobile enclosures in which human media, dental, ____________, or surgical care are provided.

any of these - psychiatric - nursing - obstetrical

For temporary installations, cable assemblies, flexible cords, and flexible cables shall be supported by __________ or similar fittings so as not to damage the wiring.

any of these - staples - cable ties - straps

Underground wiring to motor fuel dispensers shall be installed in ____________.

any of these - threaded rigid metal conduit - threaded steel IMC - PVC conduit, Type RTRC conduit, and HDPE conduit when buried under not less than 2 ft of cover

Where ____________ may be present in an agricultural building, enclosures and fittings shall have corrosion-resistance properties suitable for the conditions.

any of these - wet dust or excessive moisture - corrosive gases or vapors - other corrosive conditions

[Category 3] spaces in health care facilities, formerly known as basic care rooms [(spaces)], are typically where ____________ medical or dental care, treatment, or examinations are performed.


A patient ____________ is the location of an inpatient sleeping bed, or the bed or procedure table of a critical care space.

bed location

Locations where flammable liquids have a flash point ____________, such as gasoline, will not be handled can be unclassified.

below 100 degree F

GFCI protections is not permitted at carnivals, circuses, and fairs for ____________.

egress lighting

Each general care (Category 2) space patient bed location shall be provided with a minimum of ____________ receptacle(s), which can be single, duplex, quadruplex, or any combination of these.


At circuses and carnivals, all equipment to be grounded shall be connected to a(n) ____________ conductor of a type recognized by 250.118.

equipment grounding

The ____________ conductor of the circuit supplying metal parts or portable structures at a carnival, circus, or fair can serve as the required bonding means.

equipment grounding

In Class II, Division 1 locations, receptacles shall be part of the premises wiring and attachment plugs shall be of the type that provides for connection to the ____________ of the flexible cord.

equipment grounding conductor

In Class I hazardous (classified) locations, sealing compound shall be used in Type MI cable termination fittings to ____________.

exclude moisture and other fluids from the cable insulation

A hospital is a building or portion thereof used for the medical, psychiatric, obstetrical, or surgical care, on a 24-hour basis of ____________ or more inpatients.


A nursing home is a building or portion of a building used for the housing and nursing care on a 24-hour basis, of ____________ or more persons who, because of mental or physical incapacity, might be unable to provide for their own needs and safety without the assistance of another person.


The ____________ of the health care facility designates patient care space in accordance with the type of patient care anticipated.

governing body

In health care facilities, care should be taken in specifying a system containing isolated ground receptacles, because the grounding impedance is controlled only by the ____________ wires and does not benefit from any conduit or building structure in parallel with the grounding path.


Temporary electrical power and lighting installations shall be permitted for a period not to exceed 90 days for __________ decorative lighting and similar purposes.


Article 517 applies to electrical construction and installation criteria in health care facilities that provide services to ____________.

human beings

In Class I, Division 1 locations, all utilization equipment shall be ____________ for use in a Class I, Division 1 location.


In health care facilities, the equipment grounding conductor connected to the grounding terminals of isolated ground receptacles in patient care spaces shall be clearly ____________ along the equipment grounding conductor's entire length by green insulation with one or more yellow stripes.


In Class II, Divison 1 locations, switches, circuit breakers, motor controllers, and fuses, including push buttons, relays, and similar devices shall be provided with enclosures that are ____________.

identified for the location

Disconnecting means shall be provided to __________ each boat from its supply connection(s). The disconnecting means shall consist of a circuit breaker, switch, or both, and shall identify which receptacle it controls.


In health care facilities, ____________ ground receptacle(s) installed in patient care spaces outside of a patient care vicinity(s) shall comply with 517.16(B)(1) and (2).


Where shore power accommodations provide two receptacles specifically for an individual boat slip, and these receptacles have different voltages, only the receptacle with the __________ shall be required to be calculated.

larger kW demand

The person or persons who have the overall ____________ responsibility for the operation of a health care facility is known as the "Governing Body."


Cord connectors for carnivals, circuses, and fairs can be laid on the ground when the connectors are ____________ for a wet location.


Electrical service equipment at carnivals and circuses shall not be accessible to unqualified persons, unless ____________.


For temporary installations, lamps shall be protected from accidental contact by a suitable __________ or by the use of a lampholder with a guard.


The "Critical Care (Category 1) Space" of patient care spaces in health care facilities are spaces in which failure of equipment or a system is likely to cause ____________ injury or death to patients, staff or visitors.


A ____________ is a structure transportable in one or more sections that is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation, whether or not connected to the utilities, and includes plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein.

manufactured or mobile home

A __________ is an enclosed assembly that can include receptacles, circuit breakers, fused switches, fuses, watt-hour meter(s), panelboards and monitoring means approved for marine use.

marine power outlet

Luminaires installed in Class II, Division 1 locations shall be identified for the location and shall be clearly marked to indicate the ____________.

maximum wattage and type of lamps for which they are designed

The individual responsible for starting, stopping, and controlling an amusement ride or supervising a concession is known as the "____________"


In health care facilities, isolated ground receptacles are typically installed where a reduction of electrical noise (electromagnetic interference) is necessary, and ____________ grounding paths are to be avoided.


Temporary wiring shall be __________ immediately upon completion of construction or purpose for which the wiring was installed.


Receptacles on construction sites shall not be installed on the __________ as temporary lighting.

same branch circuit

Pendant luminaires in a Class I, Division 1 location shall be suspended by and supplied through threaded rigid metal conduit stems or threaded steel intermediate conduit stems, and threaded joints shall be provided with ____________ or other effective means to prevent loosening.


Pendant luminaires installed in Class II, Division 1 locations shall be suspended by threaded RMC or steel IMC conduit stems, by chains with approved fittings, or by other approved means, Stems shall be provided with ____________ or other effective means to prevent loosening.


In health care facilities, the grounding terminals of isolated ground receptacles installed in branch circuits for patient care ____________ shall be connected to an insulated equipment grounding conductor in accordance with 250.146(D) in addition to the equipment grounding conductor path required in 517.13(A).


In marinas, boatyards, and commercial and noncommercial docking facilities, the bottom of enclosures for transformers shall not be located below __________.

the electrical datum plane

Feeders for temporary installations can cable assemblies or multi-conductor cords or cables identified for hard usage or extra-hard usage. true or false?


In agricultural building locations where surfaces are periodically washed or sprayed with water, boxes, conduit bodies, and fittings shall be listed for use in wet locations. true or false?


Multiwire branch circuits for temporary wiring shall be provided with a means to disconnect simultaneously all __________ conductors where the branch circuit originates.


A sealing fitting shall be permitted to be installed within ____________ of either side of the boundary where a conduit leaves a Class I, Division 1 location.

10 ft

In Class I, Division 1 locations, seals for cables entering enclosures shall be installed within ____________ in. of the enclosure or as required by the enclosure marking.


In commercial garages, where Type PVC conduit, Type RTRC conduit, or Type HDPE conduit is used underground, threaded rigid metal conduit or threaded steel intermediate metal conduit shall be used for the last ____________ ft of the underground run to emergence or to the point of connection to the above ground raceway, and an equipment grounding conductor shall be included to provide electrical continuity of the raceway system and for grounding of concurrent-carrying metal parts.


In industrial establishments with restricted public access where only qualified persons will service the installation, MC-HL cable is allowed to be used in a Class I, Division 1 location if it ____________, and terminated with fittings listed for the application. Such cable shall comply with Part II of Article 330.

All of these - is listed for use in Class I, Zone 1, or Division 1 locations - has a gas/vaportight continuous corrugated metallic sheath. an overall jacket of suitable polymeric material - has a separate equipment grounding conductor(s) in accordance with 250.122

Locations in which combustible dust is in the air under normal operating conditions in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitible mixture are classified as ____________.

Class II, Division 1

Seals in Class II hazardous (classified) locations shall be explosionproof. True or False?


Type NM cable can be installed above a Class I location in a commercial garage. True or False?


Boxes, box assemblies, or fittings used to support luminaries in Class I, Division 1 locations shall be identified for Class I locations. True or False?


In industrial establishments with restricted public access, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation, Type ITC-HL cable is allowed to be used in a Class I, Division 1 location if it ____________ and installed in accordance with the provisions of Article 727.

all of these - is listed for use in Class I, Zone 1, or Division 1 locations - has a gas/vaportight continuous corrugated metallic sheath and an overall jacket of suitable polymeric material - is terminated with fittings listed for the application

General-purpose enclosures and fittings are permitted in Class I, Division 2 locations unless the enclosure contained make-and-break contact for ____________ as required by 501.105(B)(1), 501.115(B)(1), 501.150(B)(1).

all of these - meters, instruments, and relays - circuit breakers or motor controllers - signaling, alarm, remote-control, and communication systems

When determining a Class I, Division 2 location, the ____________ is a factor that should be considered in determining the classification and extent of the location.

all of these - quantity of flammable material that might escape in case of an accident - adequacy of ventilating equipment - record of the industry or business with respect to explosions or fires

Luminaires for fixed lighting in Class III locations shall have enclosures for lamps and lamp holders that are designed to prevent the escape of ____________.

all of these - sparks - burning material - hot metal

Wiring methods and materials permitted in Class I, Division 1 locations include ____________.

all of these - threaded rigid metal or threaded steel IMC - flexible fittings listed for Class I, Division 1 locations - boxes approved for Class I, Division 1 locations

In Class III locations, ____________ used as, or in conjunction with, control equipment for motors, generators, and appliances shall be provided with dusttight enclosures complying with the temperature limitations in 503.5.

all of these - transformers - impedance coils -resistors

In Class II locations, dust shall be prevented from entering the required dust-ignitionproofr enclosure through a raceway by which of the following methods?

any of these - A permanent and effective seal - A horizontal raceway not less than 10 ft long - A vertical raceway that extends downward for not less than 5 ft

In Class I, Division 1 locations, seals shall not be required for conduit entering and enclosure if the switch, circuit breaker, fuse, relay, or resistor is ____________.

any of these - enclosed within a chamber hermetically sealed against the entrance of gases or vapors - immersed in oil in accordance with 501.115(B)(1)(2) - enclosed within an enclosure, identified for the location, and marked "Leads Factory Sealed," or "Factory Sealed," "Seal not Required," or equivalent

Suitability of identified equipment for use in a hazardous (classified) location shall be determines by ____________.

any of these - equipment listing or labeling - evidence of equipment evaluation from a qualified testing laboratory or inspection agency concerned with production evaluation - evidence acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction such as a manufacturer's self-evaluation or an owner's engineering judgement

When necessary to employ flexible connections in a Class I, Division 1 location, such as at motor terminals, ____________ shall be permitted.

any of these - flexible fittings listed for the location - flexible cord in accordance with the provisions of 501.140, terminated with cord connectors listed for the location - listed Type TC-ER-HL in industrial establishments with restricted public access, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation, and other specified conditions are met

Article 501 covers the requirements for electrical and electronic equipment and wiring for all voltages in Class I locations where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to flammable ____________.

any of these - gases - vapors - liquids

In Class III locations, motors, generators, and other rotating machinery shall be totally enclosed ____________.

any of these - nonventilated - pipe ventilated - fan cooled

The area used for ____________ of alcohol-based windshield washer fluid in repair garages shall be unclassified.

any of these - storage - handling - dispensing into motor vehicles

Equipment used in hazardous (classified) locations with metric threaded entries shall be installed using ____________.

b or c - listed conduit fittings - listed cable fittings

Fixed electrical equipment installed in spaces above a Class I location in a commercial garage shall be ____________.

b or c - located above the level of any defined Class I location - identified for the location

Flexible cords used in Class II, Division 1 or 2 locations shall ____________, except as permitted for pendant luminaires.

be listed for extra-hard usage

In Class I locations, attachment plugs shall be of the type providing for ____________ a permitted flexible cord and shall be identified for the location.

connection to the equipment grounding conductor of

All areas designated as hazardous (classified) locations shall be properly ____________ and shall be available to those authorized to design, install, inspect, maintain, or operate electrical equipment at these locations.


A building or portions of a building where engine overhauls, painting, body and fender work, and repairs that require ____________ of the motor vehicle fuel tank are performed defines the term "Major Repair Garage."


Class III locations are those that are hazardous because of the presence of ____________.

easily ignitible fibers or materials producing combustible flyings

Luminaires for fixed lighting installed in Class II, Division 2 locations shall be protected from physical damage by a suitable ____________.

guard or by location

Luminaires installed in Class I, Division 1 locations shall be protected from physical damage by a suitable ____________.

guard or by location

Luminaires installed in Class I, Division 2 locations shall be protected from physical damage by a suitable ____________.

guard or by location

Luminaires installed in Class II, Division 1 locations shall be protected from physical damage by a suitable ____________.

guard or by location

Where Class I liquids or gaseous fuels will not be transferred in a minor repair garage, such location is considered to be a(n) ____________ location, provided the entire floor area has mechanical ventilation providing a minimum of four air changes per hour or one cubic foot per minutes of exchanged air for each square foot of floor area.


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