TestOut 6.1-6.5 Review

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Give an example

(Use a light blue)Dark blue fill color.

Title Slide Layout

- A prominent title placeholder and a subtitle placeholder

Background transparency

- A setting that can be applied to a picture or color on a slide background, adjusting the difference between its darkest and lightest areas

Slide Show

- A visual supplement for a verbal presentation that is shown to an audience using a projector.

Slide Layout

- Formatting, positioning, and placeholder boxes


- Pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides


- Single page of a presentation

Slide Master

- The top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the themes and slide layouts of a presentation


- a preformatted set of sample slides that can speed up the creation of a presentation.

Theme Variant

- alterations that can be applied to a theme. Variant options allow you to change color, fonts, effects, and background styles for each theme.

Transparency x

- alterations that can be applied to a theme. Variant options allow you to change color, fonts, effects, and background styles for each theme.

Explain how to add slide numbering

. Insert tab, text group, and click slide number, and tick the slide number box and click apply to all.

List 2 examples of recommendations given for using slide and size background to design slides

. Make sure your slide is sized to fit the screen that you're using to present. Make sure the content is readable.

How many types of content can be placed inside a content placeholder?


What does the format background button do

? Opens the format background pane where you can modify the background of one or more slides in your presentation.


A box with a dotted line that is added to a powerpoint slide or slide layout to mark where an object or text will go


A coordinated group of color styles, effects, and fonts that are applied to the slide master and layouts to give them a consistent and professional look.

Slide Footer-

A placeholder positioned at the bottom of every slide that can hold information such as the date or the slide number

Two Content Layout-

A title placeholder and two content placeholders. A picture , video, table, chart, SmartArt, or text can be insert into each of the content placeholders

Slide Master View-

A view that allows you to edit the slide master with its associated slide layouts

What are the 4 slide master uses listed?

Add a custom logo to every slide without having to duplicate slides, maintain design consistency between slides in a presentation, change the font or paragraph settings of many slides at once, use more than one theme in a presentation.

What does justify alignment do?

Aligns text with the left and right sides

What feature can be used if you feel like a slide's color is too bright?

Background transparency

List 6 formatting options that can be found in the paragraph group.

Bullets, numbering, decrease or increase indent, line and paragraph, alignment, align text

What categories do templates come in?

Business, calendars, charts, diagrams, and education

How can we add the image to all of the slides in our slideshow?

Click Apply to All

What are the steps to format text in multiple columns?

Click the border, select format shape, click text options, text box, then columns

How do you hide a section?

Click the section heading and select all of the slides and then right-click on one to hide them.

How do you open the slide master?

Click the view tab, in the master views group, click slide master

List 1 recommendation given for inserting new slide masters and layouts.

If your presentation includes several sections, you may want to use more than one slide master. THis allows sections to be clearly defined by a completely different visual appearance.

On which tab can shapes, text boxes, headers and footers be located?

Insert tab

How many slides do you need to help you get your point across?

It all depends on what the information is and how much of it there is.

What is a reason you may want to add the same image to all slides?

It could be a logo or watermark

Title and Content Layout-

Layout contains a title placeholder and a content placeholder. A picture, video, table chart, SmartArt, or text

What does having a slideshow divided into sections do?

Makes it easy to customize the presentation for different audiences.

What is PowerPoint?

Microsoft Office's application for creating slide shows.

What are the steps to adding an image to a slide's background?

Open the format background pane and click the picture or texture fill option.

What 3 ways did the video show for how to import and reuse content from other sources for your slideshow?

Reuse slide, open feature, import from word

How do you duplicate a slide you've already made?

Right-click on the slide and click duplicate slide.

How do you hide a single slide?

Select the slide, right-click, and click hide slide.

What are the steps to change a slide background's color?

Select the title slide, open the design tab and click the format background button. Then go to the solid fill option. Choose from the selection of colors.

What is one of the most important things to remember when setting a slide's background color? x

Select the title slide, open the design tab and click the format background button. Then go to the solid fill option. Choose from the selection of colors.

What is a presentation theme?

Sets of design components that include background color and pattern, font styles, and placeholder layouts

Slide Master Layout-

Slide templates beneath the slide master that contain placeholder boxes for slide objects, such as titles, graphics, or text.

What background fill options are available in the format background pane?

Solid, gradient, picture, texture, and pattern fills.

What specific types of formatting does "clear all formatting" remove?

Spacing, fonts, italics

What text options does the "Format Shape Pane" have?

Text box margins, vertical alignment, and autofit settings

What are 3 general tips to keep in mind when formatting text in a PowerPoint presentation?

The way you format has an effect on your audience, take advantage of shrink text overflow, use bullet points

What are the quickest and easiest methods for making PowerPoints dynamic and memorable?

Themes and templates

What are the 3 reasons given that you may need to use a slideshow?

They help the audience understand your information, they can prioritize vital information, and its one of the best ways to show images and other media to a large audience.

Slide Layouts-

slide templates that include title and subtitle, title only, title and text (bullets)

Why is the slide master such an important feature in PowerPoint? I

t's the hierarchy of slides that stores information about the themes and slide layouts of the presentation.

Slide Background-

the area behind the content of a slide. It often includes fill color, pattern, transparent image, or company logo.

Slide Size-

the height and width of a PowerPoint slide. The slide size can be customized to accommodate the size of the display being used for the presentation.

On which tab can most font and paragraph changes be made?

Home tab

What can you use handout master and notes master to do?

You can change the formatting of printed handouts and speaker notes pages


a coordinated group of color styles, effects, and fonts that are applied to a presentation to give it a consistent and professional look.

What tabs can most of the slide design tools be found on?

Design tab

Which tab has options for making more advanced font and paragraph changes?

Dialog boxes

What are 3 AutoFit options?

Do not autofit, shrink text on overflow, resize shape to fit text.

What skills learned in other Office applications can you use in PowerPoint?

File, save, save as, and new

What are the steps to insert a slide of a different layout?

Find the new slide button in the Home tab and click the bottom half of the button where you can choose any layout that you want.

Name 3 changes made to text formatting in the video.

Font, color, alignment

Explain the steps to display footer content.

Go to the Insert Tab, text group, and click on the three choices.

What are the steps for adding an image to all slides?

Go to the insert tab, the images group, and click the pictures button. Because it was placed on the top slide, it was added to every slide

Where are templates located in PowerPoint?

The backstage view of the PowerPoint

What are the 3 basic design principles mentioned in the video?

The three basic design principles are simplicity, consistency, and relevance.

List and explain 3 slide master features-

Title and Content layout- The title and content slide layout contains a title placeholder and a content placeholder by default. TItle slide layout- the title slide layout contains a prominent title placeholder and a subtitle placeholder, this layout cannot be deleted. Insert placeholder- inserts a content, text , picture, chart, table, smartart, video or online pictures

What does the video say is one of PowerPoint's main functions?

To show pictures.

List 3 characteristics of poorly designed presentations.

Too much text, inconsistent use of colors, fonts, and other design elements, unreadable font.

What does the video say is PowerPoint's most fun function?

Transitioning between slides.

What is a tip to keep in mind when modifying fonts?

Use a legible and readable font

List 2 examples of recommendations given for using themes to design slides.

Use a theme to ensure design consistency throughout your presentation. Try building your own theme from scratch. Experiment with theme variants

What is a tip to keep in mind when selecting slide style and layout of text?

Use bullet points instead of paragraphs

How can a slideshow help enhance your presentation?

Use bullet points, 5/5/5, readable colors and fonts

What are the steps used to add a Theme to a PowerPoint presentation?

Use the design tab and click the down arrow in the themes groups

When designing PowerPoint slides, what 3 general tips should you keep in mind?

Use themes to quickly format the design of your presentation, match the size of your slides to the screen that you're presenting on, and don't choose a background color, pattern, or image that will make objects hard to see.

When editing the Slide Master and Layouts, what 3 general tips should you keep in mind?

Using more than one slide master can more effectively separate different sections of a presentation. You can create your own custom slide layout within the slide master view, which will save the layout for later use. Theme styles are virtually unlimited. Explore the variants menu to view all of your options.

What is the easiest way to create a new slide?

Using the navigation pane.

List 1 recommendation given for applying a theme to a Slide Master.

Using themes is always a good decision. Applying a theme ensures solid continuity and adds visual stimulation to a presentation.

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