Texas Government test 2

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Do all bills that get referred eventually become laws?


Do the House and the Senate use the same sort of calendaring system?

Less diverse

Does Texas have a more or less diverse legislature than the U.S. Congress? than other state legislatures?

More than 275 boards & agencies.

Does the governor get to appoint many people to boards and commissions? Who has to approve these appointments?

Four year term (no term limits)

How are these single elected officials chosen? How long is their term in office? Are they limited in the number of terms they may serve?

Introduced in first chamber, referral, committee, floor, introduction again in other chamber, referral, committee, floor, conference committee, house and senate vote, Governor, signs it to become law or veto's it (legislature override (2/3 vote), or does nothing (after 10 days becomes law)

How does a bill become a law in the Texas?

6 year terms

How long do most gubernatorial appointees on boards and commissions serve?

4 year terms, then re-election. No term limit.

How long is the Governor's term? Is the governor term limited?

3 members and 6 year term chosen by statewide election

How many members are on the Texas Railroad Commission? How are they chosen? How long is their term in office?

15 members elected by statewide election. 4 year term and they review & adopt textbooks. Set curriculum and review textbooks.

How many members are on the Texas State Board of Education? How are they chosen? How long is their term in office?

$7200/year and $221/day

How much do state legislators get paid?

The Legislature of the State of Texas, operating under the biennial system, convenes its regular sessions at noon on the second Tuesday in January of odd-numbered years. The maximum duration of a regular session is 140 days.

How often does the Texas legislature come into session and for how long each time? Is this typical in most states or is Texas different than most other states in this regard?

Governor appoints people who contributed to their campaign

How representative have gubernatorial appoints to these positions generally been?

education level depends because their isn't any education requirements to be in Texas Congress

How well educated are Texas legislators?

to do service

If the Texas governor is not very powerful, why do people want to be governor?

Through plural executive which dividing up executive power among several independently elected officials.

In what ways does the current (1876) constitution limit the powers of the governor?

The Texas legislature is a bicameral system. Bicameral means that there are two chambers that vote on bills and resolutions; the House and the Senate. Before a new law can be created it must pass through both chambers.

Is the Texas Legislature bicameral (what does bicameral mean)?

Bill sponsor (floor manager) 20 minutes first & last part. Two ten minute sessions. Other house members get one 10 minute talking session.

On the House floor, who gets to speak and for how long?

As long as they want

On the Senate floor, who gets to speak and for how long?

Article 3

What Article of the Texas Constitution discusses the Texas Legislature?

Payed $150,000

What Texas Governors generally looked like?

-Standing Committees which deal with issues of permanent legislative concern. -Conference committees where a bill has to go to become law and is where both houses must approve identical versions. -Select committees which deals with temporary issues, investigation. -Joint committees which are set up to conduct business between the houses and to help focus public attention on major issues.

What are the different kinds of committees used in the Texas legislature? How are they different?

The Texas Constitution divides state government into three separate but equal branches: the executive branch, headed by the governor; the judicial branch, which consists of the Texas Supreme Court and all state courts; and the legislative branch, headed by the Texas Legislature, which includes the 150 members of the house of representatives and the 31 members of the state senate.

What are the different types of legislatures? Which does Texas have?

At least 30 years old, U.S. Citizen, Texas resident for at least 5 years.

What are the formal qualifications for Texas Governor?

Within 10 days... 1. Sign bill into law. 2. Veto bill (can be overrided by 2/3 vote) 3. Do nothing (bill dies or passes by default).

What are the governor's options when he receives a bill from the Legislature?

Enforce agricultural laws and services to farmers & ranchers

What are the main duties of the Agricultural Commissioner?

Represents the State in legal actions and issues advisory opinions.

What are the main duties of the Attorney General?

Runs five health & welfare agencies

What are the main duties of the Commissioner of Health and Human Services?

Regulates insurance industry, educates public, licenses agents, investigates complaints

What are the main duties of the Commissioner of Insurance?

State's chief accounting officer and Tax collector.

What are the main duties of the Comptroller of Public Accounts?

Manage state owned land, oil, gas, & sulfur leases.

What are the main duties of the Land Commissioner?

Administers elections, issues permits for businesses, processes extradition requests

What are the main duties of the Secretary of State?

President of Senate, stand-in Governor (when governor can't fulfill his duty). Tie-breaking vote

What are the main duties of the lieutenant governor?

Top military official and Army & Air national guard Texas state guard

What are the main responsibilities of the Adjutant General?

A member of the house must be a citizen of the United States, must be a qualified elector of the state, and must be at least 21 years old. A senator must be at least 26 years of age, a resident of Texas for five years prior to election and a resident of the district from which elected one year prior to election.

What are the qualifications to serve in the Texas House of Representatives? the Texas Senate?

3 stages: Public hearings held, Bill goes through "mark-up", and committee then votes.

What are the three major stages of committee consideration? What happens in each?

31-member Senate and a 150-member House of Representatives

What are the two chambers of the Texas Legislature called? How many members does each have?

Propose budgets to legislature, Veto power (subject to 2/3 override)

What budgetary powers does the Texas Governor have?

A representative or senator gets an idea for a bill by listening to the people he or she represents and then working to solve their problem.

What does it mean to "introduce" a bill into the Texas Legislature?

the committee takes action on the bill

What does it mean to refer a bill? Who does the referring and to where is it referred?

Appoints secretary of state, commissioner of insurance, commissioner of health and human services,

What executive officers does the governor appoint? Who has to approve these appointments?

Appoint some state officials, but limited

What executive power does the Texas Governor have?

After 10 days becomes a law. Some governors do this so the bill doesn't have their name on it to avoid consequences if it hurts the economy and state.

What happens if the governor neither signs no vetoes a bill?

If the governor vetoes the bill and the legislature is still in session, the bill is returned to the house in which it originated with an explanation of the governor's objections. A two-thirds majority in each house is required to override the veto.

What happens if the governor vetoes a bill after the legislative sessions has ended?

It will not become a bill unless legislator does a 2/3 override vote

What happens if the governor vetoes a bill? Is it for sure not going to be a law?

Conference committee is a committee who has both chambers that must pass identical bill. Merge 2 bills into one.

What is a conference committee? What is its job?

Talk for long periods of time so nothing can happen. Can only talk about things that are related to the bill.

What is a filibuster? What is its purpose? In which chamber of the Texas Legislature can it occur?

is a period when the body convenes outside of the normal legislative session. No longer than 30 days

What is a special session, how long is a special session, and who calls a special session?

House speaker and is voted on by members of the house.

What is the leader in the Texas House of Representatives called? Who chooses the person to fill this position?

Lieutenant Governor and is appointed by the governor

What is the leader in the Texas Senate called? Who chooses the person to fill this position?

Regulates oil & gas industry

What is the main responsibility of the Texas Railroad Commission?

Executive powers divided among several independently elected officials.

What is the plural executive?

Most important to Least important

What is the purpose of the legislative calendar?

Senators are elected every two years for four-year terms with no term limits. House of reps are elected every two years and serve two-year terms and have no term limit.

What is the term of office for each chamber and how often do the members of each chamber come up for election? Are they term limited?

Fill vacancies on courts (subject to 2/3 approval of legislation), grant clemency (pardon power, sentence reduction) (based on recommendation from board of pardons and paroles),

What judicial powers does the Governor have?

Give "State of the State" address, identify "emergency items", call special legislative sessions, general veto, and line-item veto.

What legislative powers does the Governor have?

Commander in Chief of state military units

What military powers does the Governor have?


What percentage of the House members must vote in favor of a bill for it to pass?

establishes all special and standing committees, appoints all chairpersons and members, and assigns all Senate legislation to the committee of his choice

What powers does the Lieutenant Governor have?

maintains order during floor debate, recognizing legislators who wish to speak and ruling on procedural matters. The constitution also requires the speaker to sign all bills and joint resolutions passed by the legislature.

What powers does the speaker of the house have?

Article IV

Which Article of the Texas Constitution discusses the Governor?

Republicans have majority in the house and senate. Majority control is important because everything is voted on and both parties have different beliefs and sides of things.

Which party has majority control in the Texas House? Texas Senate? Why does having majority control matter?

House members and senators can introduce bills on any subject during the first 60 calendar days of a regular session.

Who can introduce a bill into the Texas Legislature?

Rick Perry

Who is the longest serving governor in Texas history?

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